Anti-routine rebirth

Chapter 68 He is real, I cry to death

Chapter 68 He is real, I cry to death

Word spread quickly after the meeting ended.

The eyes in the galaxy are focused again.

Yao Gongzi and Ba Yushu became famous overnight and became the stars of the galaxy.

No one thought that in the star battle between Huoganxing and Hydra, it was not the Heavenly Snake Emperor and Huoganxing Ten Kings fighting for the C position, but Yao Gongzi and Ba Yushu who turned out to steal the limelight.

Although Yao Gongzi and Ba Yushu were not known as unknown people before, their previous reputations would definitely not be able to carry such a heavy responsibility.

There must be a conspiracy behind this.

With the excavation of those who are interested, the conspiracy behind this is also revealed to the world.

"It's the suggestion of Hydra."

"Young Snake, this is a certain medicine."

"Although Mr. Yao is a master of star studies and has cultivated the heaven-level star skills to be righteous, he doesn't know anything about leading an army in battle. Isn't Huo Ganxing doomed?"

"King Yue didn't want to agree, but he was caught by the Sky Snake, and the Sky Snake gave him too much bargaining chips."

"There is no way. At the time when the Huoganxing war was raging, there were disagreements within the Daoist sect on whether to go down the mountain. The Seven-Star Allied Forces did not commit any crimes against the Huoganxing Daoist Qiu. Once the Daoist sect ends, it is tantamount to taking the initiative to be in danger. The ten kings promised the Daoist sect However, those Taoist disciples will definitely be brought back to the mountain. As a result, the entire army of Taoist disciples was wiped out in the Star Gate battle. Since then, the Taoist priests have never gone down the mountain. Now that there is a chance to rescue the Yuanying of King Pure Light, the ten kings There is no way to refuse."

"The King of Pure Light, the Daoist of the Chunyang lineage. When the Taoist priests went down the mountain, the Chunyang lineage sent the most Taoist soldiers. This is a life debt, and the ten kings must pay it back. But the Heavenly Snake Emperor is willing to let the Chunyang lineage Take out the Nascent Soul Dao Fruit, the Pure Yang Nascent Soul Dao Fruit is a great tonic. If the Heavenly Snake Emperor absorbs the Pure Yang Nascent Soul Dao Fruit, not to mention his strength will be improved, but it should be easy to recover from injuries. How can he be willing to do so? Big blood?"

"It must be the handwriting of the Ophiuchus. No one in the Sky Snake is qualified to make the Sky Snake Emperor bleed so much. If I were the Sky Snake Emperor, I would just kill the five kings of Huoganxing by myself after I regained my strength. Is it so troublesome?"

"The Heavenly Snake Emperor thinks, you know he doesn't have that ability, right? Let alone killing the five kings of Huoganxing, the Heavenly Snake Emperor may not be the opponent of King Equality even in one-on-one. Almost killed the Heavenly Snake Emperor."

"That's true. The Heavenly Snake Emperor is really a disgrace to the Star Emperor. He has lowered the gold content of the Star Emperor by himself. I heard that at the annual galaxy conference this year, many Star Emperors are planning to trouble the Heavenly Snake Emperor."

"Your news is out of date. The latest news is that the Heavenly Snake Emperor has confirmed that he will not participate in the annual galaxy conference."

"Tsk tsk, it seems that the Heavenly Snake Emperor was really scared by King Equality."

"What's the matter with Master Yao?"

"It should be the opponent picked by Bayushu, a new star who has risen to fame, but who knows nothing about leading the war. Bayushu has a vicious vision. Although the price paid by the Sky Snake is high, it is precisely because of this that they are bound to win , and the odds of victory are within our grasp.”

"The Zodiac has gambled on this battle, who do you bet on?"

"Of course it is the Snake constellation. After all, Ba Yushu is the son of King Baqi. He has learned to command troops and fight with King Baqi since he was a child. He is sure to win."

"All the net worth, press eight jade trees."

"Ophiuchus gave Huoganxing ten kings two cups of poisoned wine. No matter which one they choose, they will definitely lose. Or Ophiuchus is better, let's go, let's go to suppress the eight jade trees together."

"Is it impossible to be upset?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, unless Bayushu is a fool."


Li Qingrang was also on the phone with Li Feng and Liu Li.

His parents are also asking him about it.

Liu Li: "Son, what's the matter? That Ba Yushu has conflicts with you? Why did you go crazy and pick you as an opponent?"

Li Qingrang: "Mom, he's a fool, just leave him alone."

Liu Li: "Are you sure he is a fool?"

Li Qingrang: "Sure, Mom, I will open an extraterrestrial account for you, and you can use all the money in our family to beat me to win. Then, you and Dad will not have to work for the rest of your life, and will travel around in the galaxy Just do it."

Li Qingrang has already seen that the odds for him to win the gamble offered by the Zodiac Palace are ridiculously high.

Bayushu is a really good brother.

Much stronger than Ye Hao and Shangguan Hongqing.

Li Qingrang had a hunch, no, it wasn't a hunch, Li Qingrang was very sure that this wave of Bayushu would give him a big one.

Compared with Ba Yushu, Ye Hao and Shangguan Hongqing are nothing.

Simply not worth mentioning.

His parents' wish to travel to the whole world and even the entire galaxy in the future, Bayushu must have reserved the venue.

Traveling in first class plus seven-star hotels, there is still room left.

This may be the filial piety of a good brother to his parents.

Liu Li: "Then I will mortgage our house as well."

"Mortgage, it must be mortgaged." Li Qing said: "Mom, don't hesitate, stud is king, and there are not many opportunities to get rich overnight."

It is very difficult to have a good brother like Bayushu after this incident.

Every time Li Qingrang thought of this, his heart ached.

I really can't bear to pit this good brother.

Having said that, Li Qingrang felt that he didn't cheat Ba Yushu.

It was all initiated by Bayushu himself.

He didn't expect that Bayushu could reach this level.

What a treasure boy.

Boy is he.

Treasure to me.

Simply perfect.

Although Liu Li was still very worried about her son, seeing how confident he was, she stopped talking too much.

At this time Li Feng grabbed the phone.

"Qing Rang, do you and I need to hide?" Li Feng asked: "The Sky Snake will not take us away and use it to threaten you?"

Li Qingrang smiled: "Dad, don't worry, everyone in the snake constellation thinks they are sure to win, and they can't afford to lose that person. I guess they will not only not harm you, they will even arrange someone to protect you, lest you What happened, which made me unable to be Bayushu's opponent. A group of idiots in the Sky Snake Zodiac believed in Bayushu's nonsense, and they are dead this time."

Li Feng was still a little worried: "Qing Rang, are you really sure of victory? Mr. Yao's status is indeed powerful, but fighting with the leader is not a system, so don't be careless."

Regarding Li Qing Rang Yao's identity, Li Feng and Liu Li were shocked for a minute after learning about it, and then returned to normal.

They feel very reasonable.

Because Li Qingrang often cooks medicinal meals for them.

And although they are already very old, they have not been sick for almost ten years.

The body is even more healthy.

Even Li Feng, who is almost 50 years old, can often fight overnight until dawn.

Li Feng's family knew about his family affairs, before Li Qing was born, he was not so aggressive.

Li Feng knows in his heart whether he is stronger or his son is stronger.

In the end, whether the son is stronger or the husband is stronger, Liu Li knows more in her heart

They said that their son knew medical skills, and they didn't doubt it at all.

There has even been speculation.

Master Yao's identity only confirmed their guess.

Not surprisingly.

But medicine and war are, after all, two different things.

Li Feng is still worried about the pro-son filter.

In this regard, Li Qingrang chose to tell the truth.

He has always been a good boy and never lied to his parents.

"Dad, don't worry, I will definitely win. That idiot Ba Yushu, all his plans are under my control. This idiot thought he was on the second layer, and didn't know that I was in the atmosphere. I knew he was stupid, but I didn't expect him to It’s so insane to be able to give away people’s heads.”

Li Qingrang deliberately pretended not to know... cross it out, Li Qingrang didn't know that his conversation with his parents was being monitored.

Brother Tan Cheng.

Tang Yingjie sent the call records of Li Qingrang and Li Feng and Liu Li that he had monitored to Bayushu.

Then Tang Yingjie asked with some trepidation: "My lord, I don't think Li Qingrang's confidence seems to be fake, you still have to be careful."

After listening to the recording of the call between Li Qingrang and his parents, Bayushu laughed even more happily.

"All plans are under his control."

"I'm on the second floor, he's on the atmosphere."

"I'm insane as I give away people's heads."

"Fine, great."

"He is right, he must send someone to protect his parents. Remember, anyone who finds that he wants to do harm to Li Feng and Liu Li will be killed. They will never allow any problems with their safety, so as not to affect Li Qingrang's leadership. Shence Army, or give Huoganxing someone else a chance to replace Li Qingrang."

Tang Yingjie was in a daze: "My lord, I don't understand."

"You don't need to understand, just do it." Ba Yushu ended the call directly.

Then he respectfully said to the Heavenly Snake Emperor's clone behind him: "Your Majesty, Li Qingrang has completely believed in his identity as a reborn person, and he has implanted all the information about my formation in his brain. He thinks he knows me well , so I can be one step ahead of me every time, and completely defeat me with the advantage of being reborn. What I have to do is to encourage Li Qingrang's thinking. Qingrang has established prestige in the army and Huoganxing. For this reason, our Serpentis will suffer a lot, and I will also become the laughing stock of the galaxy, but it is all worth it."

Speaking of this, Bayushu's self-confidence is beyond words: "When Li Qingrang beats me many times and gains the upper hand, and is recognized by the world as a god of soldiers and has the appearance of a famous general, his judgment will no longer be doubted, and his self-confidence will also be Reach the peak. At that time, it will be our chance to succeed in the first battle of the Serpent. It doesn't matter how many times we lose before, as long as we win the last battle, then we will be the last laughing winners.

"So, please rest assured, Your Majesty. During this period of time, I will let Li Qing make the spring breeze happy, and everything will go smoothly. I will help him become famous in the galaxy, and even become a young man who surpassed the ten kings of Huoganxing. Please bear with me for a while. During this time Retreat to practice. The contempt and ridicule in the galaxy, let me bear it."

The Sky Snake Emperor avatar looked at the young man who was planning a strategy in front of him with complicated eyes.

"Since ancient times, heroes have given birth to teenagers."

Ba Yushu smiled and said: "Your Majesty is absurd, and I would like to thank you for your success. Your Majesty, your strength is the foundation of the Serpentis. This time, Yushu recommends that you close the door and stop worrying about external disputes. Take care of yourself thoroughly. When you successfully leave the customs, you will find that Qinzhou is already the territory of the snake constellation."

"Okay, the Sky Snake will be handed over to you father and son." The Sky Snake Emperor nodded.

Ba Yushu was full of confidence: "Your Majesty treats me like a gentleman of the country, and I will repay him as a soldier of the country."


Soon, Li Qingrang received a call from Jiaoyang.

Jiao Yang's tone was very strange: "Reliable information, under the persuasion of Ba Yushu, the Heavenly Snake Emperor is in seclusion. He will not leave the seclusion until his injuries are fully healed."

Closed to death means that you won't get out easily, even if you are beaten to the door by the enemy.

Because once you leave the customs halfway, the injury may worsen, and the effect of retreating and healing will fall short.

Li Qingrang was startled again: "Retreat? It will take at least a month. He has so much confidence in Bayushu?"

Jiao Yang: "I didn't expect that Ba Yushu could do this to this extent... Besides, it seems that Ba Yushu even sent someone to protect your parents."

Li Qingrang was completely moved: "He really...why is there such a good person...I really cried to death."

(End of this chapter)

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