Anti-routine rebirth

Chapter 70 Wei Sheng's Inheritance of Cultivation Techniques

Chapter 70 Wei Sheng's Inheritance of Cultivation Techniques

"Little brother, are you up yet?"

After receiving a call from Qin Shence to remind him, Li Qingrang, who was sitting cross-legged, opened his eyes. What floated in front of him was the Wenqu star fragments proposed by his good brother Ba Yushu and contributed by Ophiuchus.

Bayushu is a really good brother.

I was afraid that he would not agree, and Yue Wang would not agree, so the benefits were given in advance.

Pure Light's Nascent Soul has been sent to the mountain, and the Wenqu star fragments have also arrived in Li Qingrang's hands.

Yao Wang's head is probably already on the way.

What can Li Qingrang say?
As a manly man, he didn't want to be preyed upon.

But the good brother really gave too much.

With the endorsement of Ophiuchus, Ba Yushu is obviously not afraid of the ten kings' repentance.

Of course, Li Qingrang didn't want to regret it either.

On the contrary, he was a little impatient.

After obtaining the Wenqu star fragments, Li Qingrang began to refine them.

get up?

Li Qingrang didn't sleep.

Just as the Heavenly Snake Emperor's injuries were not fully healed, Li Qingrang's injuries were not fully healed either.

And this large piece of Wenqu star fragments is very good for Li Qingrang's healing.

Ba Yushu only thought that the fragments of Wenqu stars could help Master Yao, who cultivated grandeur and righteousness, improve his cultivation.

He didn't know that this thing was also useful for King Equality.

Don't talk about him, Ophiuchus doesn't know either.

Although it is no secret that King Equality has received Zhou Sheng's inheritance, Zhou Sheng became a peerless powerhouse only after he abandoned medicine and became Confucianism.

But after Zhou Sheng walked out of Huogan Planet and entered the galaxy, he integrated the cultivation system and essence of alien civilizations, and deduced her original way of equality a step further, which has gone beyond the original scope of Confucianism.

After all, the Confucian sage who created the Confucian cultivation system did not leave this planet.After Zhou Sheng stepped out of the planet, he needed to forge ahead by himself.

So Zhou Sheng basically gave up Confucianism and changed to star skills.

In Zhou Sheng's self-deprecating words, from abandoning medicine to Confucianism, to abandoning Confucianism to practice star skills, she can be regarded as a slave of the three surnames in the practice, completely changing with the environment.

But that's totally understandable.

According to the current general cultivation system in the galaxy, the average level of the saints before leaving Huoganxing is actually the level of the king, which is similar to the level of their ten kings before Li Qingrang.Only occasionally a few people who are particularly amazing and stunning can cultivate the strength of a star emperor on Huoganxing, such as the No. 1 in the millennium, Mr. Lu Yuanhao.

The metamorphosis of Wei Sheng is beyond the scope of the discussion, he is someone who can change the environment of the world.

The achievements of the predecessors are naturally great, but there is no need to blindly emphasize the past and underestimate the present. For 500 years, the civilization of Huoganxing has not been cut off, and the saints have left many more powerful inheritances.Li Qing asked them to stand on the shoulders of giants to cultivate, so it is natural for them to be stronger than their predecessors at the same age.

The real strength of the saints is their ability to adapt and learn. After leaving Huoganxing, they quickly adapted to the rules in the galaxy, and their cultivation level ushered in another explosion in a short period of time.

Facts have proved that the saints have been staying at the level of kings before, not because they can only be kings, but because they are restricted by the environment and skills of the local planet.

At that time, Huoganxing's test paper was only 100 points, and they worked hard to achieve 99 points, even if they scored 100 points, it would be difficult to improve.

But after leaving this planet, the test paper expanded to 1000 points, and they quickly caught up, and soon reached the level of 999 points or even 1000 points.

And some of the original cultivation systems were naturally eliminated.

The same is true of Zhou Sheng.

Zhou Sheng in the later period has completely transcended the concept of Confucianism.

The way of equality was deduced by Zhou Sheng as a kung fu method that surpassed the sky-level star skills.

Zhou Sheng also changed from a simple Confucian saint to a real strong man.

No one regards Zhou Sheng's way of equality as a Confucian practice anymore, and practicing the way of equality doesn't need to rely on awe-inspiring righteousness anymore.

This is not a secret, so although King Pingping was regarded as a disciple of Zhou Sheng before, he was not regarded as a successor of Confucianism.

The sky-level star skills cultivated by Mr. Yao are righteous, and he is the heir of the orthodox Confucianism.

But Ophiuchus doesn't know that Master Yao and King Pingping are one person.

What's more, the awe-inspiring righteousness that has been lost is almost the best in the world in terms of healing.

Of course, the premise is that you have to be upright, otherwise you will not understand the mystery of it, and you will not be able to enter it.

Coincidentally, Li Qing let me understand.

Therefore, after Li Qingrang got this Wenqu star fragment, he immediately started refining it.

The fragment now appears to be the size of a football.

But in fact, this is just an appearance.

As long as Li Qingrang's consciousness goes deep into it, he can immediately feel that the space inside the fragment is close to the size of the entire Qinzhou.

It's just that Qinzhou is a piece of paradise, where hundreds of millions of people live and work in peace and contentment.

And the huge space inside this Wenqu star fragment has become a piece of wasteland.

The environment in it is completely unsuitable for the survival of creatures.

Not even good for storage.

At the moment when the awe-inspiring righteousness has been lost, although this Wenqu star fragment is still known as a treasure, it is indeed priceless.

This is also the biggest reason why Ophiuchus is willing to show it.

As for whether this will capitalize on the enemy?

Ophiuchus doesn't care at all.

The inheritance of Confucianism Cultivators is very powerful in the eyes of ordinary people, but it is also the same in the eyes of overlords like the Zodiac.

At the beginning, those Confucian disciples who did not change their families established Wenquxing, but when Wenquxing was the most powerful, it was not worth mentioning in front of the twelve signs of the zodiac.

Not to mention that it has been destroyed now.

As the overlord of the zodiac, Ophiuchus naturally has no fear of Confucian disciples.

Therefore, Li Qingrang took a big bargain.

His cultivation base is recovering rapidly, and his injury is also improving at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Li Qing offered to taste it.

I always feel that I may recover earlier than the Heavenly Snake Emperor.

The Heavenly Snake Emperor is indeed the shame of the Star Emperor.

Fighting is not your opponent, and healing is slower than yourself.

rubbish one.

Hit him next time we meet.

Li Qingrang completed the crushing of the Heavenly Snake Emperor on the psychological level.

Then he got through to Qin Shence's call.

"Senior Sister, didn't you go to pay off your merits?"

Qin Shence has been stripped of his position as the military leader of Shence.

The ten kings were clearly rewarded and punished. Although the facts proved that Qin Shence's stance was correct, she did not carry out the military order given to her by King Yue after all.

The military system does not listen to reasons.

Just look at the results.

Therefore, Qin Shence accepted the punishment readily.

In fact, Qin Shence was not sad because of accepting the punishment. She was already very happy to see the ten kings return and her innocence cleared.

Although she just died her father and elder brother.

But people always have to look forward.

Now, she's looking ahead.

"Second brother asked me to be your coach, teach you the method of commanding troops, help you practice "Unity of All People", and help you control the Shence Army smoothly. Of course, now I am wearing a sinful body, so on the bright side, you can Call me Secretary Qin or Assistant Qin."

Li Qingrang smiled: "Little secretary, Senior Sister, I can let you, the secretary, do whatever I need."

Qin Shence directly punctured Li Qingrang's fantasy: "You can't beat me, so cherish life."

Li Qing couldn't accept it: "I couldn't beat it at first, but now Bayushu is desperately sending me resources, and I'm about to starve."

This cultivation speed... is much faster than before his rebirth.

The reborn are the bullies.

Qin Shence said calmly: "Junior Brother, Senior Sister, I have a very good impression of you. If what you do disappoints me, I might cry for you every minute, and then I can't control myself. "

Li Qingrang: "..."

Well, you're going to cry and be damned.

"Have you woken up yet? I'll be at your place soon." Qin Shence said.

"You can come directly to the training room." Li Qing said: "I just finished training."

Qin Shence looked at the time, and then a gleam bloomed in the depths of his eyes.

It's only 6 o'clock in the morning.

She got up very early.

But the younger brother has already started to practice.

As expected of his junior brother.

This hardworking quality gave her a little more confidence in her junior brother.

Three minutes later, Qin Shence opened the practice room.

He saw Li Qingrang, who was drenched in sweat and pale.

It was as if a war had just been fought.

This slovenly appearance not only did not disappoint Qin Shence, but Qin Shence's eyes became more and more approving.

Cultivation is very painful.

Everybody knows.

Obviously, the junior brother has not been soft on himself in the aspect of self-torture practice.


have a future.

"Junior brother, when did you start practicing?"

Li Qingrang said casually: "I haven't slept much since I came to Chang'an City."

Qin Shence was startled: "Then can your body bear it? The process of cultivation is equivalent to being reborn all the time. If the cultivation time is too long, it is easy to cause problems. It doesn't mean that the harder you work, the better, or you have to work and rest. combine."

Li Qingrang explained: "I'm okay, I couldn't bear it at first, but now my body strength has increased, and my endurance has also increased. Of course, senior sister, don't learn from me. My understanding of body functions is far beyond ordinary Star Warrior, my cultivation method is not suitable for other people. After all, I can answer a page, but you can't."

As the inventor of "Ying Yiye", Li Qingrang felt that although he might not be as strong as Bawang, in terms of cultivation, Bawang was definitely not as strong as him.

After all, his research on body functions and cultivation is far superior to that of Overlord.

As an astronomer in medicine and astrology, Li Qingrang knows more about cultivation than a mere star fighter.

And he knows how to better maintain and restore his body than a simple star warrior.

This is an advantage that ordinary star warriors do not have at all.

And this advantage cannot be replicated.

Because every individual is different.

Everyone has a different constitution and tolerance for pain.

Li Qingrang knows himself well, but others are not him.

He can't spread his cultivation method to other people, and others will only get twice the result with half the effort if they blindly learn from him.

This is also one of the reasons why Li Qingrang's cultivation speed is much faster than others.

Li Qing walked on two legs, while doing research, while using his own research to assist his own cultivation, he was naturally stronger than other star warriors who devoted themselves to cultivation.

This is methodological.

Others want to follow suit, but astronomy is harder than advanced mathematics, and drug astrology is even more difficult.

Not everyone has Li Qingrang's learning ability, and not everyone has a medical saint like Li Qingrang as a teacher.

What's more, not everyone is reborn.

Therefore, Li Qingrang has a great advantage, and in the foreseeable future, the advantage will become bigger and bigger.

When Qin Shence thought of the identity of Mr. Li Qingrang Yao, he was a little dazed.

"Sure enough, star fighters and astronomers are the most complementary. No wonder many masters of star studies are not strong, but even kings and star emperors have to be polite to them. Knowledge is priceless." Qin Shence said with emotion.

Li Qingrang nodded, and said: "Watching star warriors practice is just a fun thing to do. If you really want to learn skills, you have to watch astrologers. The teachers and professors in major star academies are basically all astrologers. What are you waiting for?" If I have time, I will tailor a training plan for you, Senior Sister."

Qin Shence was overjoyed, hugged Li Qingrang and kissed him.

"Junior Brother, you are amazing."

Generally speaking, star scientists have a higher status than star warriors.

Because the stronger the star fighters, the more often they spend a lot of money to ask star experts to tailor their training plans.

Regardless of the general strength of astronomers compared to star warriors, but star warriors practice more based on talent, they know what it is but don't know why.

Theoretical knowledge is still strong for astronomers.

Although this world has extraordinary power, even a powerless star scientist can be compared with a powerful star warrior in the eyes of ordinary people.

As for the top astronomers, even if their own strength is only in the Xinghe period, they can still be the teacher of the king and powerhouse, and they can even make a practice plan for the star emperor, and the star emperor will be grateful.

This is the power of knowledge.

When you master knowledge, you have mastered power, whether it is direct or indirect.

Naturally, Qin Shence had asked an astrologer to make a personal practice plan for her.

But an astrologer at the level of Mr. Yao has a price but no market. Her previous level is not enough to ask Mr. Yao to help.

After all, as we all know, Mr. Yao can be said to be the exclusive astrologer of King Equality.

Qin Shence also thought of this.

"Junior brother, you are the one who made the training plan for King Equality for her, right?"

Li Qingrang nodded.

That's right.

Qin Shence was a little excited: "Junior Brother, I'm afraid I won't be able to afford your appearance fee."

This is the truth.

Why is Mr. Yao's status so high?

Why did Mr. Yao stand up and say that he took over the situation? The former ten kings and even the people of the world took it for granted.

In fact, it has nothing to do with Bai Zi who claims to be the king of chess.

The real reason is that Mr. Yao is basically the cultivator behind the ten kings.

Some of the training plans of the ten kings were formulated by Mr. Yao, and some were adjusted by Mr. Yao.

The rise of the ten kings is supported by professionals, and Mr. Yao is a professional.

People in the world always respect knowledge and profession, and the Ten Kings are no exception.

No one would regard Mr. Yao as a subordinate of the ten kings. An expert like Mr. Yao is more like a guest in the eyes of the world.

King Equality and King Yama rely on Mr. Yao's technical support to hide their identities.

The training plan of the Ten Kings was also professional advice provided by Mr. Yao.

This kind of professional, even if Mr. Yao has no talent in cultivation, he must be a star scholar respected by everyone in the world.

Qin Shence's level was not low before, and she was the leader of the army, but Mr. Yao was so skilled that she really couldn't invite him before.

In fact, please don't move now.

Because Mr. Yao's appearance fee is priceless, and Mr. Yao is not short of money.

It is very time-consuming and energy-consuming to help others tailor-made a practice plan.

So the more you learn from everyone, the less shots you make.

There is no doubt that Mr. Yao, who has cultivated a brand like the Ten Kings, is a top astronomy master.

For Mr. Yao's appearance fee, Qin Shence felt that selling himself might not be enough.

Li Qingrang said casually: "It's okay, who told you to be my senior sister? I will open a back door for you and make one for you for free."

The sky-level star technique "Tears of Sword" cultivated by the senior sister is at the peak of the starry sky stage, and she has a good relationship with herself.

Among the ten kings' old divisions, Qin Shence can be said to be one of the members of the first backup echelon of the king, and he can even be removed.

Although Chen Yu got Fairy Shangguan's Star Emperor Clone Star General card, Chen Yu's own cultivation has only reached the Xinghai Stage.

Qin Shence is far closer to becoming a king than Chen Yu.

Li Qingrang naturally hoped that Qin Shence would seize the time to become king.

So open a back door and open a back door.

Do good every day.

Qin Shence was convinced: "Junior brother, you are indeed a person who cultivates righteousness and righteousness, and you have the style of an ancient gentleman. I was thinking just now that if you use the training plan tailored for me to subtly rule me, I am afraid I will accept it." , after all, it is really too precious, even if it is reported that he died, people will only think that I took advantage of it."

Li Qingrang: "...Sister, can I take back the word "free?"

Qin Shence smiled: "Junior Brother, I know you are joking. How could Mr. Yao use obscene means like unspoken rules?"

Li Qingrang shut himself up.

I was really too pure.

When I made tailor-made orders for Yan Luo and the others, I forgot to mention the conditions.

It feels like a billion is missed.

Qin Shence was in high spirits. After all, she really made a billion yuan, so it's hard not to be unhappy.

"Okay, junior brother, don't be depressed. Senior sister doesn't want your cultivation plan for nothing. This time, senior sister will definitely teach you everything. Shence army, plus I personally teach you to practice "All people are one heart", it is also invaluable Yes, it’s not lower than your one shot price.” Qin Sheance said: “Junior Brother, don’t underestimate the skill of "Unity of All People", although when you first started practicing, the rank of "Unity of All People" was only low-level, but as long as you can If you continue to practice, the rank of the skill "All One Heart" can surpass the heavenly rank. Now, Senior Sister, I have cultivated to the earthly rank, so I can take charge of the Divine Strategy Army and have made great achievements in battle. I will use the shortest time, Let you quickly become "One Heart of All People"."

Most of the star techniques are divided into four grades: Tiandi Xuanhuang.

The Heaven Rank Kung Fu is the highest, and the Yellow Rank Kung Fu is the lowest.

But it is good for most people to practice the Huang-rank exercises.

The higher the level of practice, the higher the requirements for the practitioner.

Moreover, under the Huang Rank Kung Fu, there are ranks [-] to [-] which are not popular.

Li Feng and Liu Li cook with the most superficial first-order knife skills.

Free teaching of compulsory education.

"All One Heart" is a very special star technique.

The lower limit of this skill is very low. Just as Qin Sheance said, "All One Mind" in its infancy is actually just an ordinary, low-level skill.

But the upper limit of this technique is very high, immeasurably high, it can be compared to Li Qingrang's practice of "all beings are equal" and "fox talk".

The particularity of this exercise is also that it is a compulsory method for the army.

Universal throughout the galaxy.

One of the necessary conditions for becoming a famous general is to practice the "All One Heart" exercise at least to the level of the earth-level exercise.

Qin Shence simply used a "cleaning" star technique to refresh his junior, then took the initiative to sit opposite Li Qingrang, and began to teach some information that she thought Li Qingrang didn't understand:

"Junior brother, you may have heard of the star skill "All One Heart" before, but you certainly haven't studied it in depth, so let me explain the importance of this star skill to you, senior sister.

"As we all know, when the great power is attributed to itself, the term 'many people and powerful force' is no longer absolute, and the importance of ordinary people is infinitely reduced, including the military system, and the importance is also infinitely reduced.

"Theoretically speaking, the star emperor can destroy the star by himself, so that ordinary people can't resist at all. Unity is strength, this sentence is just a joke in front of the super strong.

"This kind of world is actually very hopeless, and this kind of situation also makes ordinary people and even many countries unable to struggle, and can only tremble under the coercion of the strong.

"So, the galaxy 500 years ago was far more cruel than it is now. At that time, ordinary people didn't even have the chance to struggle and resist, let alone human rights.

"Among the saints of the Red Tide, there are also many giants in the army. When they walked out of Huoganxing and faced the cruelty of the galaxy's weak and strong, many people could not accept it, and even despaired, because the army of Daqian was powerless to resist those star emperors at that time. And higher-level powerhouses. Although the Dagan army at that time also had military formation methods and martial arts practice, they could not match the strength of those powerhouses in the galaxy.

"Under such circumstances, the fate of Dagan is bleak, and the people of Dagan can only pin their hopes on a few strong men who will emerge from Dagan, but there is no doubt that such a country is precarious.

"The saints are worried about the fate of Dagan, but they have no power to change this situation. Therefore, many of the saints jointly petitioned and asked Wei Sheng, the leader, to take action, hoping that Wei Sheng would be merciful and change this cruel situation. The status quo brings hope to Dagan and ordinary people in the entire galaxy.

"Thus, Wei Sheng created the exercise "All People One Mind".

"All the star techniques in the galaxy were basically used to fight alone and practice alone, but "All One Heart" is different. This is a technique that is more suitable for group practice. This is what Wei Sheng brought to ordinary people. and the hope of ordinary nations.

"Practicing the star technique "All People One Heart" is completely different from practicing other star skills. "All People One Heart" is just like its name. As long as everyone can work together, Wei Sheng will use his supreme wisdom and ability to Unity is strength turned into reality.

"Ordinary people can turn themselves into star fighters by practicing "All in One Mind". The barriers to entry for this exercise are extremely low, and even ordinary people with poor talent and aptitude can practice successfully after a long time. And in controlling and uniting people's hearts Those who are particularly gifted in areas such as uniting the masses, etc., practice "Unity of All People" even more rapidly. With the progress of their practice, they can not only improve their own strength, but also use other people's strength for their own use.

"Ordinary people who practice "All in One Heart" can cultivate the strength of one person. With the difference in talent and hard work, someone can cultivate the power of ten people and control ten people who practice "All in one heart". Going further, someone can practice Use the power of a hundred people to control a hundred people who practice "All people are one heart". By analogy, when someone can cultivate the power of ten thousand people and control all people with one heart for his own use, he is recognized as a unparalleled star. Such a person, in the In charge of thousands of troops on the battlefield, united as one, 1 ordinary star warriors are commanded by such a unparalleled star general, and they can rival the king and powerhouse and even the star emperor.

"Overlord, King Xiao Ming, and even my second brother are all such unparalleled famous generals. Their command has exceeded ten thousand, and they have cultivated the skill of "All People One Heart" to the heavenly level, and they have gathered the strength of an elite army of ten thousand people. Wherever the soldiers point, they are invincible!"

"Before Wei Sheng created the art of "All One Heart", there were only two schools in the galaxy, star warriors and astronomers. But after Wei Sheng created "All One Heart", there was a third school in the galaxy - famous generals the road!
"Wei Sheng only left one practice method. Since then, there has been a school in the galaxy. The strong dare not bully the weak. The army has regained the glory of An Bang Ningguo, and most ordinary people can be recognized by their country. Protection, order returns to the galaxy, and most people can live in peace."

Speaking of this, Qin Shence tidied up his clothes and bowed to each other from a distance: "There is virtue in the supreme, followed by meritorious service, and then there is the word. Although it will not be abandoned for a long time, this is called immortality. For thousands of years, galaxies can be called immortals. It's just a saint."

 I personally think that there should be a practice method suitable for ordinary people and the army, otherwise the army and ordinary people will be completely useless in this practice world, and there will be no order, so I set up the practice method of "All people are one heart".The words of the family, everyone, don’t fight the settings

(End of this chapter)

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