Chapter 73 Crouching dragon and phoenix chick, moving the heavens and the earth (for more subscriptions)
Being king is a hurdle.

If you don't become a king, you will end up as an ant.

Once he becomes a king, even if he is on an alien planet, even if he is in the zodiac sign where the strong are like clouds, he will be treated with courtesy.

Everyone wants to be king, but not everyone is qualified to dare to speak out their ideas.

However, when Li Qingrang said that he wanted to be crowned king, no one in the Shence Army was surprised at all.

On the contrary, everyone is actively discussing the feasibility of this matter.

"The military leader's command has reached 9000. If you break through [-], you can be crowned king. The military leader has great hopes, especially since we are about to fight a war. Since ancient times, famous generals will definitely increase their command when they encounter a big battle."

"That's right, after the Battle of the Dark Forest, the command of the Shence Army Master soared from [-] to [-]. If the Shence Army Master is like this, the Wu'an Army Master's talent will only become stronger."

Qin Shence wanted to hit someone again.

But she's in control.

Her biggest goal now is to help her junior become king.

Huoganxing needs to add a strong king.

Ten kings need more.

It would be great if this person was the former Wu'an Army Lord.

At this moment, the Shence Army is selfless from top to bottom.

Qin Shence reminded: "Don't be too optimistic. It's good that a famous general can improve his command in a big battle, but is Ba Yushu qualified to be compared with my junior brother? Is it a big battle when the Shence Army fights the Eight-Different Army commanded by Ba Yushu? It is not difficult for a strong man to bully a baby, and it is difficult to gain anything."

Li Qing couldn't listen anymore: "Senior sister, you can't say that, Ba Yushu is my good brother, he gave me so many good things. Moreover, Ba Yushu's young Tianjiao raised his rank to 7000 at a young age. He is an unborn genius, how could you humiliate him like this?"

Qin Sheance: "...If you want me to praise you, just say so."

Li Qingrang is younger than Bayushu.

The command rate is higher than the eight jade trees.

If Ba Yushu is an unborn genius, then what is Li Qingrang?
Qin Shence felt that his junior brother was good at everything, but he was too shameless.

Li Qingrang said that I really didn't.

"Senior sister, I just want to prove that Ba Yushu is not as useless as you imagined, and he still gave me a lot of rewards."

If there is no good brother Ba Yushu, I don't know how to break the situation now.

The current situation can be so good, thanks to Ba Yushu.

His exploits are destined to live on forever.

Li Qing was very moved in his heart.

It's just that outsiders can't understand it.

Every time he thinks of this, Li Qingrang is always very emotional.

How can there be such a good person?

Qin Shence interrupted Li Qingrang's hypocrisy, and asked directly: "Junior Brother, when you rose to command the fastest in the past, you were in the midst of fierce battles, even on the verge of life and death, right?"

Li Qingrang nodded, and said: "All of you here are knowledgeable. Of course, you know that life and death can most stimulate a person's potential, and fierce battles can most change the quality of the army."

"Here comes the problem. It is impossible for Ba Yushu to bring us pressure." Qin Shence spread his hands and said bluntly, "You know he doesn't have that ability, right?"

Li Qingrang: "..."

Shivering cold.

I really can't see others humiliating my good brother like this.

"Old Shan, what do you think?"

Shan Zhiyong said truthfully: "Compared with the military leader, Ba Yushu really doesn't have that ability. I would rather believe that King Equality is a man than that Ba Yushu is your opponent."

Li Qingrang: "..."

Old Shan, you have something.

"Then what should I do? I can't do such a thing as being an enemy, if the Eight Jade Tree does it."

Li Qingrang felt that he was talented in everything he did, but he was not talented in being the captain of the transportation team.

He's usually the one being transported.

Qin Shence's eyes flickered: "King Baqi should be able to bring enough pressure to you, junior brother, but it's not enough. Junior brother, you'd better take the Shence army to touch the Heavenly Snake Emperor. As long as you can come back from the If you survive the hands of the Heavenly Snake Emperor, then you have a great chance of becoming king, and the Heavenly Snake Emperor is an excellent boss suitable for collecting experience bars."

Li Qingrang: "...Be polite to the Heavenly Snake Emperor, he is the Star Emperor after all."

Qin Shence didn't take it seriously: "The shame of the star emperor, I heard that many star emperors are applying to the Joint Conference of the Zodiac to cancel the qualification of the Celestial Snake Emperor as a star emperor."

Li Qingrang was speechless.

Star Emperor is a realm.

When it arrives, it arrives.

It's not a hereditary waste like Xingjun.

Can the Star Emperor thing be cancelled?
Is there such a thing as bullying?

Just shivering and cold.

I am not convinced for the Heavenly Snake Emperor.

Li Qing said: "The Star Emperor is still the Star Emperor after all. Although the Heavenly Snake Emperor is not the opponent of King Equality, I'm afraid that if I really brought the brothers from the Shence Army to touch the Heavenly Snake Emperor, few of them will come back."

The old iron said directly: "Master, the general will inevitably die in battle, you don't have to worry about this. The moment we put on the uniform, we have the consciousness to die in battle."

Li Qingrang waved his hand, and his tone was unquestionable: "It's okay to be enlightened, but you can't die easily. In addition, we won't see the Heavenly Snake Emperor in a short time. I got the definite news that the Heavenly Snake Emperor is here. Ba Yushu's suggestion has already closed the death test to heal the wound."


"Shut up?"


"Is the Heavenly Snake Emperor's injury so serious?"

"Master, you were at the star gate at that time, and you fought against the Heavenly Snake Emperor. Did the Heavenly Snake Emperor really get blown away by King Equality?"

Li Qingrang blinked.

"That... There's no such thing as a blowup. It's purely a rumor. Don't believe in such rumors."

As an honest and good boy, Li Qingrang never told lies, even though he knew that many people would not like to hear the truth, he still chose to tell the truth.

"The most we can say is that the Heavenly Snake Emperor was suppressed by King Equality."

Well, there is no blow-up.

Qin Shence asked, "So the Heavenly Snake Emperor's injury is really serious?"

Hearing this question from the senior sister, Li Qingrang was also in a daze.

He was indeed at the scene that day, and he also fought against the Heavenly Snake Emperor.

But in my impression, although the Heavenly Snake Emperor was slightly injured, the injury was not serious.

How did it get worse?
You can't be angry with yourself, can you?

Li Qingrang once suspected that the Heavenly Snake Emperor was setting up suspicious formations.

But he quickly dispelled his doubts.

Because the Heavenly Snake Emperor didn't even attend the annual Galaxy Conference.

Moreover, as the shame of the star emperor recognized in the galaxy today, the Heavenly Snake Emperor not only did not choose to prove himself, but retreated to heal his wounds.

He is not of the blood of the Shangguan family, so he certainly does not have a penchant for abuse.

The information on the scorching sun side was also purchased at a high price. It is not wrong, the Heavenly Snake Emperor has really retreated.

Therefore, the Heavenly Snake Emperor was really injured, and it was very serious.

and so……

Li Qingrang said in a trance: "Maybe my memory is messed up."

"What do you mean?" Qin Shence asked.

Li Qingrang said uncertainly: "On the day of the Star Gate Battle, King Equality might have really blown up the Heavenly Snake Emperor. By the way, after King Equality was out of trouble, King Pure Light fought with the Heavenly Snake Emperor again. Lead the Wu'an Legion up and down, and gave the Heavenly Snake Emperor an annihilating gun."

As he spoke, Li Qingrang's tone became firm: "I understand, I joined forces with Pingping Wang Chunguang to blow up the Heavenly Snake Emperor, that must be the case."

Hard hammered.

Li Qing's confirmation from the person involved made Qin Shence also excited.

"In this case, Junior Brother, we must seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If we quickly kill the Baqi Army and Baqi King with lightning speed, and the army presses down on the territory, approaching the hinterland of the Snake Constellation, the Snake Emperor may be killed that day. Exit early. Once the Heavenly Snake Emperor exits early, his healing will inevitably fall short, and his injury may even worsen. At that time, we will take advantage of his illness and kill him."

Qin Shence's eyes flashed fierceness: "Even if the Shence army is wiped out, as long as it can aggravate the injury of the Heavenly Snake Emperor, it is worth it. Behind us is King Ping Ping, and my second brother. We give Ping Ping The king creates opportunities, and King Equality can fight against the peak Heavenly Snake Emperor. Even if he is in the Heavenly Snake Constellation, he has some hope against an injured Heavenly Snake Emperor. Junior brother, we have a chance of winning this battle."

Others got excited too.

A legion that is capable of defeating the king is already an absolute elite in the galaxy.

But the legion that can fight against the Star Emperor will rise to another level.

To the Legion, glory is life.

Although the Wu'an Legion has been completely annihilated, everyone in the Shence Army is envious.

If they have a chance to severely injure the Heavenly Snake Emperor, as Qin Sheance said, even if they wipe out the entire Shence Army, they will still be very honorable.

In the history books of later generations, the glory of the Shence Army will definitely not be bypassed.

However, Li Qingrang's tone is unquestionable: "I have already done this kind of thing like killing the legion once, and I won't do it again. There is no need to say this kind of thing in the future, but the idea of ​​​​the senior sister can be adopted. Zhu Jun, practice the Annihilation Spear and Divine Strategy Sword well. In this battle, we really have a chance to touch the Star Emperor, and the Star Emperor who fought in the local area."

To be honest, Li Qingrang was also swollen.

As for the seriously injured Heavenly Snake Emperor, Li Qingrang felt that his brothers could completely beat him up.

That is to say, the Heavenly Snake Emperor shamelessly plays local battles, which has an advantage bonus.

Otherwise, they will flatten the Astro constellation in minutes.

But even if Hydra has a local advantage bonus, it still has to be done.

There are always more ways than difficulties.

Xingjun also has a local advantage bonus on Huoganxing.

It's not the same as being killed by their brothers without temper.

Isn't there only one word difference between Xingjun and Xingdi?
Rounding it up, there's not much difference.

Well, not much difference.


Speaking of Xingjun.

It's been really bad lately.

The wife was forced to death.

Or he himself ordered the killing.

Only one son remained.

In the end, he was at odds with him.

And they are plotting... No, they are clearly setting him aside.

Wanting to indulge and indulge myself, but in the end, I also suffer from venereal disease.

The "response page" of the medicine boy can't even get up.

Xingjun is so angry.

I've fought all my life, and now I can't even enjoy myself.

Is there any reason?
Is there any king law?
This is Firestar.

his territory.

The flame of revenge in Xingjun's heart was burning so fiercely that he couldn't control himself at all.

He has an intuition:
Do not erupt in silence, but perish in silence.

Xingjun chooses to explode.

So, he wants revenge.

And, he saw an opportunity for revenge.

After all, this is Huoganxing after all.

The Shaojun can empty him, and the ten kings can force him, but as long as he doesn't kill him, he can make trouble.


Xingjun still made a secret move.

In the case that none of the ten kings found it.

This is also normal.

The ten kings are not gods either.

The timing of the shot chosen by Xingjun is excellent.

What you do is also wonderful.

As a phantom god of civil war, although Xingjun is an amateur in dealing with aliens, he is not an ordinary expert in dealing with his own people.

The shot hit the ten kings seven inches.

"Pharmaceutical King, get up."

Xing Jun looked at Yao Wang kneeling in front of him, and he was relieved.

One of the conditions for the Ten Kings to accept the Snake Constellation to start the war is to have the head of the King of Medicine.

Serpent agrees.

After all, the medicine king is just a dog to rely on for the snake.

When will the owner care about the life and death of the dog?

Dog lovers don't have that many in Serpentine.

Therefore, Yao Wang became a victim.

And Yao Wang is easy to kill.

Because the king of the medicine king represents the world's respect for knowledge, not the strength of the medicine king has the power of being a king.

Of course, the medicine developed by the medicine king will also have an effect on the strong king.From this aspect, Yao Wang's strength is well deserved.

But this is a bit indirect after all.

When violence is needed, the star fighters will naturally crush the astronomers.

So once both the Ten Kings and the Sky Snake decide to take the Medicine King to sacrifice the flag, the death of the Medicine King is inevitable.

On Huoganxing, there is only one person who can save the medicine king.

Now, it appears here.


"Check your body first."

Xingjun is also selfish.

The queen died.

There is only one son left.

The ten kings also grasped his seven inches.

He must regain the ability to have children.

Otherwise, his seven inches will always be pinched by the ten kings.

After all, Shaojun really didn't listen to him.

And in the whole world, if there is anyone who can cure his disease, it is the King of Medicine.

The medicine king dare not neglect.

After all, he also knows that the only person who can save his life now is Xing Jun.

Yaowang quickly helped Xingjun diagnose his Hualiu disease.

Then, his heart sank and his face turned bitter.

"It's Master Yao's handwriting."

King Xing was furious: "Sure enough, it's that guy, it's rebellion, it's really rebellion, the ten kings have been rebels from the beginning. It wasn't me who made the first move, it was them."

Xing Jun felt wronged.

People in Huoganxing actually think that the ten kings are loyal ministers and good generals, and regard him as a traitor who surrendered.

It's not like that at all.

Ten kings are loyal to a ghost.

The first emperor was killed by the ten kings.

His own illness is also the hand of the ten kings.

It was they who moved first.

He was just forced to fight back.

What's wrong with him?

The more Xingjun thought about it, the angrier he felt.

Although he had already guessed that his illness was probably caused by the Ten Kings.

But the certification of Yaowang, a professional, still made him outraged.

In this regard, Yao Wang expressed his understanding.

But his complexion was still bitter.

After Xing Jun vented his anger for a while, he gradually noticed Yao Wang's expression.

Then, Xing Jun's heart sank.

"You can't heal?"

Medicine King smiled wryly.

Xingjun was angry again.

Don't blame him for being so unrestrained.

As a man, or a man whose wife is dead and close to having children and grandchildren, no one will have self-restraint when encountering such a thing.

Xingjun said angrily: "You are the king of medicine, your medical skills are better than Mr. Yao, why can't you cure his poison?"

What can the medicine king say?
He could only try his best to explain in plain language: "Your Majesty, Master Yao can't cure the poison I have given. Construction is always more difficult than destruction."

Tell the truth.

But Xingjun couldn't listen.

"Don't tell me these useless things, King of Medicine, I saved you, not to save a waste."

Yao Wang's heart tightened, and he immediately said: "It's not that there is no way to treat it, there is a way."

Xingjun's eyes lit up: "Say."

King of Medicine: "Young Master Yao did it according to the ancient law. The current medicine cannot cure it, but Haoran's righteousness can. This is the only way to restore your majesty to normal."

Xing Jun: "..."

He dated a Chihuahua.

Looking at the entire galaxy now, the only person who cultivates awe-inspiring righteousness is Mr. Yao.

Xing Jun was laughed out of anger.

"Are you telling me that only he can detoxify the poison poisoned by Mr. Yao?"

Medicine King nodded.

In his eyes, this is actually quite normal.

Many of the poisons he made can only be detoxified by himself.

In this regard, those who play drugs are almost the same.

Master Yao's way of playing, he even learned from him.

It was he who told Mr. Yao himself that in the future when you prescribe medicine to others, try to give the medicine that only you can cure, so that you will become more and more valuable.

Obviously, Mr. Yao got his true biography.

But Yao Wang never dared to tell Xing Jun about this matter.

Xingjun was so angry that he was powerless.

Although he is invincible on Huoganxing, he has nothing to do with this kind of professional technology.

Invincible and omnipotent, the gap between them is too big.

Xingjun can only accept the reality helplessly.

"Master Yao must die."

Yao Wang immediately said: "Your Majesty is wise."

Xing Jun glanced at Yao Wang, and said coldly: "With your ability, it is not difficult to create the illusion that Yao Wang is dead?"


"Very good, send the head of the 'King of Medicine' to Mr. Yao and the others. Then, you go to the Snake Constellation, find Ba Yushu, and cooperate with him to sweep Mr. Yao and the Shence Army. I want Mr. Yao to die without burial. To make the Shence Legion powerless to resist."

Yao Wang was puzzled and said: "Your Majesty, Mr. Yao and the Shence Legion are not the opponents of Mr. Baqi Wang?"

"You don't understand." Xing Jun said in a deep voice: "The ten kings are scheming, and there is no good thing. If they dare to promise something, they are sure to win, and they must not be taken lightly."

I have to say that Xingjun is indeed professional in engaging in civil wars.

"Ba Yushu and Tian Snake both thought that they were sure of victory, but they didn't know that the arrogant soldiers would be defeated. Although I don't know Mr. Yao's backhand, I never believe that the ten kings will let Mr. Yao fight an uncertain battle. Therefore, we must Let Bayushu win without any chance of failure."

The next moment, Xingjun raised his hand, and a white flame appeared in his hand.

After seeing this flame, Yao Wang immediately felt the coercion from his soul.

He lost his composure instantly: "Your Majesty, this is..."

"Xingjun's lineage suppresses the star treasure-the fire of civilization. It is because of the protection of the fire of civilization that I can be invincible on Huogan Star." Xingjun said in a deep voice: "This is part of the civilization that I stripped out. Fire, as long as Ba Yushu refines this part of the fire of civilization, it will be able to innately suppress the creatures of Huoganxing just like this Lord. In this way, even if the ten kings have many backups, it will not help."

Yao Wang couldn't believe his ears.

"Your Majesty, for such a treasure, give it to Ba Yushu? In this way, Ba Yushu will have the same privileges as you on Huoganxing?"

Xingjun sneered and said: "It's no match for me, it's just a ray of flames. Besides, I would rather be with an alien than a slave. Let the Snake see my sincerity, this is also for Huoganxing's sake." Long-term development. Needless to say, Yao Wang, take this ray of civilization and spread the flames to go to Ba Yushu, Ba Yushu will definitely feel my sincerity, and your life will be saved."

Medicine King: "..."

Everyone is a traitor.

But he still felt that he despised Mr. Xing a little bit.

I betrayed my country because Pyroganxing is not mine.

You are a traitor, I even look down on you.

But he only dared to complain in his heart, but said: "Your Majesty is wise."


after one day.

Looking at the flames of Yaowang and Huoganxing civilization in front of him, Ba Yushu was in a daze.

"Xingjun gave me the flame of the fire of civilization?"

The King of Medicine nodded and said, "This is a gift from Lord Xing to ensure that you will win the war against Mr. Yao and the Shence Army."

Ba Yushu: "..."

Xingjun can't deal with this wave.

I have never seen such a shameless Xingjun.

King Baqi was also alarmed, and when King Baqi learned of all this, he was also shocked.

"Xingjun of Huoganxing, is there something wrong with his brain?" King Baqi couldn't hold back: "This is the biggest legacy that Guangwu Xingjun left to Xingjun's lineage. He is selling stars."

The medicine king was silent.

To be honest, he thought so too.

King Baqi looked at Bayushu.

"Yushu, refine it."

After pondering for a moment, Bayushu shook his head firmly: "Father, I don't want it."

Yao Wang looked at Ba Yushu in shock.

King Baqi was also a little surprised.

Ba Yushu continued: "Father, my future lies in the stars and the sea, how can I be as short-sighted as Lord Huogan Xingxing. The fire of civilization on Huoganxing is indeed a treasure, but it can only suppress the creatures of Huoganxing. He is still a creature under the Star Emperor. To me, it is nothing at all. Even without the fire of Huoganxing civilization, Mr. Yao would not be my opponent. If the fire of civilization is really refined, it will only tarnish me This victory will tarnish the glory of the Eight-Different Army. We can win the battle with dignity, why bother to play tricks and schemes."

King Baqi nodded slowly: "What you said makes sense, but it's just a free gift, don't want it for nothing."

Ba Yushu smiled slightly: "Father, this is my first battle in the galaxy, and I don't want any doubts. Nowadays, there is a lot of ridicule in the galaxy, thinking that I am invincible. If I practice again If the flames of civilization that have been turned into flames are scattered, my victory will be worthless in the end, and the Eight-Different Army will not receive any praise. This is absolutely not allowed. And the stronger the enemy, the more it can prove our point Powerful. Father, I've made my decision - I'm going to announce it."

King Baqi: "..."

"The head of the medicine king is the condition for us to start the war with the ten kings of Huoganxing. We are not the king of Huganxing, and we will definitely do what we promise. Father, you also said that the top generals will always be Use the dignified kingly way to crush the enemy. Conspiracy is just a small way and cannot be a great tool. Therefore, we keep our word. Give away the head of the medicine king and the ray of civilization that Xingjun gave us. Let Li Qing make this matter known to the world. In this way, we can highlight our glorious image, suppress the morale of Huo Ganxing, and it will also help us rule Qinzhou smoothly after we enter Qinzhou."

King Baqi nodded slowly when he heard Ba Yushu say this: "Yushu, you are thinking more and more carefully now, and you are quite far-sighted."

Ba Yushu also became more confident: "It's all my father taught me well. Of course, I didn't expect that Xingjun of Huoganxing would be so stupid and gave me such a good assist. I was worried that I didn't know how to make it so Li Qingrang and the Shence Legion led by him have become stronger, the stronger they are, the more they can demonstrate our strength, Huogan Xingxing Lord really solved my urgent need."

10 minute later.

Bayushu released a video on the public network platform.

Announced the flames of the Huoganxing civilization given to him by Yaowang and Xingjun.

He also stated that he had already sent someone to send it to Qinzhou, the fire star, to Li Qingrang.

In the video, Yayushu made it clear:
"The battle between Hydra and Pyrogan is a battle of star destiny. No matter we win or lose, we will respect our opponents."

"Although I have a different standpoint from Mr. Yao, we have sympathy for each other. Even if you lose Mr. Yao, I, Ba Yushu, will be willing."

"We Snakes are confident to win, but we can afford to lose."

"We keep what we say, and we hope that Mr. Huogan Xingxing will not engage in any more conspiracy and tricks, and let us face off in an upright manner. People who sell stars for glory, the snakes will disdain to be with them."

"Li Jun, come on. Yushu and the Eight-Different Legion are waiting for Li Jun in the chaotic sea of ​​stars!"

After this video was released, the galaxy was in an uproar.

Star·Desktop Cleaner Master·Jun is online again.

He was mad.

And Li Qingrang... also cried.

Old Tie asked Li Qingrang in disbelief: "Master, Ba Yushu is probably not a fool, is he?"

Li Qingrang kicked it out with one kick.

"I don't allow anyone to scold my good brother, cry, cry for me."

 One more update, keep the habit of updating [-]D words every day, continue to ask for subscriptions, ask for monthly tickets.In addition, I suggest that everyone should go out less recently if it is not necessary. I don’t plan to go out this month, so I can write with peace of mind and work hard to break out
(End of this chapter)

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