King Equality soon fell into the arms of King Scorching Sun.

The whole person showed symptoms of complete loss of strength, and passed out immediately, and his breath also dropped rapidly. In the end, he didn't even keep the king's realm, and fell into the starry sky realm, and continued to fall.

Handsome but three seconds.

But beauty is eternal.

Just like the Heavenly Snake Emperor felt before.

The originally heroic and domineering Equality King is already amazingly charming, even so powerful that people always forget her gender, especially when she holds up the head of a star emperor in her hand, she is just a peerless arrogance who shakes the galaxy. Men and women have nothing to do.

But King Equality, who passed out in the arms of the King of Scorching Sun, was drenched in blood, and lost all his strength. His heroic face showed a three-point sickness and weakness. In line with the ever-decreasing aura of King Equality, in the eyes of the world, King Equality Gender becomes clearer.

It even makes people subconsciously have a desire for protection, especially men.

The androgynous king of equality attracts women.

After the feeling of weakness replaced heroism, the male fans of Equality King began to explode.

Even though the head of the Heavenly Snake Emperor died in peace at this time, it still showed the power of King Equality.

But never underestimate the protectiveness of the world.

Especially since everyone in the world knows that King Equality will definitely not be able to show up for a long time after this battle, and it may even take three to five years to recover the vitality lost in this battle.

This battle is not the Goddess' last stroke, but the next time she wants to see King Equality's peerless youth again, it may be a long time later.

At this moment, the super photographers of the major planets and constellations in the galaxy are looking for various angles to capture King Equality.

Today, Equality King alone has supported at least dozens of super photographers, created an industrial chain of tens of millions of star coins, and made countless fans dream of him.

It was too late for the scorching sun to take care of them, she quickly hugged Li Qingrang, felt Li Qingrang's injury, although it was better than she expected, but there was indeed a big hidden danger.

Jiao Yang quickly said: "Second Brother, you go to take over the Sky Snake, and I will take Pingping to heal her injuries."

King Yue hesitated to speak, and looked at Pingping with worried eyes.

The sun glared at King Yue.

"Do your business. Pingping lost half of her life to get the current situation. If you still can't calm down the Astro Snake, second brother, I'll see how you have the face to see Pingping in the future."

What Yan Yang really thinks in his heart is what do you look at.

Look at this is also my man.

You take your soldiers well.

Less rectify those that are not there.

And she is also really weird.

Although Qing Rang changed his face when he appeared as King of Equality, but he never dressed as a woman.

What kind of eyes do you have?
No matter how I look at Qingrang, they are all men.

Are you all blind?

The others didn't know what Jiao Yang was thinking, but everyone else listened to what Jiao Yang said, especially King Yue.

King Yue also knew in his heart that the other brothers and sisters were not the masters who led troops to fight, and Bawang and King Xiaoming who were able to lead troops to fight with him had already died in battle.

Although Lord Wu An has just been crowned king, Lord Wu An's injury may not heal in a short time.

If they want to gain a foothold in the constellation of Snake and create dominance in the zodiac, they still have to work harder.

It's okay to love beauties, but the country must be preserved first.

Otherwise, what would he use to compete with the scorching sun.

Gathering his mind, King Yue immediately said loudly: "Brothers, King Equality has already killed the Heavenly Snake Emperor, creating a feat unseen in 500 years. Now King Equality is also seriously injured, we let King Equality rest well. For King Equality, lay down Serpentis."

"For the King of Equality."

"Down with the Hydra!"

The ten kings are all men and horses, and their morale is greatly boosted.

It is a matter of course that King Equality was seriously injured. It is not surprising that King Yue said it at this time, including that King Equality was seen passed out.

After killing a star emperor, if King Equality is still safe and sound, then the zodiac rogues really can't sit still, and they can't help but go down and kill King Equality themselves.

Such a powerful person is not allowed to exist in the galaxy.

Otherwise, wouldn't all the zodiac signs have to look up to the king of equality in the future.

But not now.

Because King Equality is also offline.

And it won't be short.

It will take at least a few years to recover.

This battle is definitely more difficult than the Star Gate battle, because the Star Gate battle was just a one-on-one defeat of the Heavenly Snake Emperor, and now Equality King killed the Heavenly Snake Emperor one-on-one. The injury is naturally more serious.

Everyone thought so, and King Equality's injury also confirmed the world's guess, so there was no problem.

This is normal.

And it should.

Therefore, the brothers don't feel hit, but have a sense of responsibility from the bottom of their hearts.

Equality King has done enough.

Even for the king of equality, they can't lose the chain.

Snake, must be won.

Morale is available.

Jiao Yang never doubted King Yue's ability.

So she quickly disappeared with Li Qingrang.

The King of Chess, King Yama, and their subordinates also quickly disappeared.

The follow-up matters should be left to King Yue, including Shaojun's men and horses.

In fact, their jobs are not positive killings, and they are not suitable for doing such things.


After half an hour.

Fire dry star.

Sunshine Group headquarters.

King Scorching Sun appeared from the helipad on the roof with King Pingping in his arms, and took the elevator directly to the chairman's office.

At this moment, the Sunshine Group was buzzing with people.

As a Fortune [-] company with less strict management and a relaxed internal atmosphere, the employees of the Sunlight Group almost began to eat melons collectively.

"Have you heard? Our boss brought his boyfriend back."

"What boyfriend, obviously a girlfriend."

"Nonsense. Although our boss is very strong, it is obvious that the King of Equality is stronger. Our boss should be the passive one."

"That was in the past, and now King Equality is seriously injured."

"Okay, okay, dare to gossip about the boss behind your back, don't you want this month's bonus?"

"Bonuses are precious, gossip prices are even higher. Secretary Nie, do you have any first-hand information?"

Secretary Nie, who had just come out of the chairman's office, coughed lightly.

Immediately, someone began to squeeze her shoulders and beat her back.

Secretary Nie nodded in satisfaction.

He took out his phone and sent a picture to the company group.

In the picture, King Scorching Sun is putting King Equality on the sofa.

King Scorching Sun's hair blocked half of King Equality's face, but even if only half of it was exposed, the group was amazed by King Equality's peerless youth.

"The boss is very lucky."

"Good fortune +1."

"I feel sorry for my sister, the injury is still getting worse."

"Fortunately, the bleeding stopped."

"Pingyang CP will be promoted for a lifetime."

"It is said that double-cultivation can speed up the healing process, you can try @委员会."

The group was silent for 30 seconds.

It was then discovered that the person had not been banned.

So the discussion became more joyful:

"I knew that with the King of Equality, how could the boss have time to deal with us."

"Sisters, swipe the screen hard, swipe thousands of messages, the boss will not scroll up at all, and will not know what we are talking about."

"I hope Boss Ping recovers as soon as possible, otherwise we will definitely have a hard time in the next few months."

"We can take the route of the lady. The power of the pillow wind is the strongest. We will find a way to cure the boss's wife, and the boss will only add money to us."

"By the way, who can contact Mr. Yao? Mr. Yao should be the one who can best help our boss's wife right now."

Secretary Nie: "Don't think about it, the boss just said that she has already contacted Mr. Yao, and she will go to visit him tomorrow to find Mr. Yao to treat King Pingping. How could the boss give us the opportunity to please Mrs. , you guys are so naive."


"The boss doesn't talk about martial arts."

"Bet, the boss will be late tomorrow."

"No way, King Equality has suffered such serious injuries, the boss should take it easy."

"It's hard to say, who knows how powerful Feng Wang's body is."

"I think you are really trying to die."


"Solemnly declare: I did not participate in the discussion in the group, I do not understand the meaning of the topic in the group, and all the comments of the members in the group have nothing to do with me. I am loyal to the boss and will work hard without complaint. .”×N
The company group began to swipe the screen.

But Sunny really didn't have time to look at the company group at this time.

She was taking advantage of others.

Taking advantage of Pingping's "coma", she secretly took advantage of Pingping.

Occupied, Pingping woke up.

Then it was turned against the customer.

3 minutes later.

Jiao Yang tilted his head back, distanced himself from Li Qingrang, and began to pant heavily.

At the same time, he controlled Li Qingrang's hand.

"Honestly, you're hurt."

Li Qingrang raised his hands high to show his innocence.

Jiao Yang chuckled, then put his right hand on Li Qingrang's face, his eyes were fascinated.

She even took the initiative to kiss Li Qingrang again, and said with a low laugh: "Pingping, you are so pretty, you are even prettier than me."

Li Qingrang: "..."

The mood is a little complicated.

"You can replace good-looking with handsome, and Pingping with Qingrang."

"I do not."

Jiao Yang struggled a bit, and said arrogantly: "I like Pingping, what's the matter with Guan Liqing?"

Li Qing refused to accept it.

I have a bad temper.

He kissed down hard again.

The sun is very cooperative.

She and Li Qingrang haven't seen each other for too long.

Cross-border love is difficult enough, she and Li Qingrang are interstellar.

Since they confirmed their relationship, this is the longest period of time they have been separated. Although Jiaoyang has never admitted that she and Li Qingrang have confirmed their relationship, she only admits Pingping.

The scorching sun quickly took control of Li Qingrang's hand again.

"If you're not honest, I'll cut off your claws."

Li Qingrang raised his hands again to show his innocence.

The sun gave Li Qingrang a non-destructive look, and then let Li Qingrang lean on the sofa. She skillfully found the most comfortable position, and lay directly in Li Qingrang's arms.

"What's the matter with your injury this time?" Jiao Yang's tone was not very worried, but more curious: "I thought it would be worse than the one at the Star Gate, but I felt it before, and it was much better than that time You only need to cultivate well for a month, and you can basically make up for the vitality lost in this battle, and the serious ones are old injuries."

Li Qingrang didn't answer Jiaoyang's question first, but took out a bottle of medicine from a page of the book and handed it to Jiaoyang.

Jiao Yang skillfully opened the medicine bottle, poured out three pills, and said to Li Qingrang like feeding a pet: "Hey, open your mouth."

Li Qingrang chuckled and said, "You feed me."

"Hey, I'll feed you."

Scorching Yang wasn't shy either, and kissed her directly.

The two got tired again - crooked for 1 minute.

Only then did Jiaoyang feed the medicine to Li Qingrang again.

No water was used.

Why is it that only Jiaoyang knows Li Qingrang's true identity.

Because their relationship is indeed better than with other brothers.

This is no way.

No matter how good the brother is, he has to step back in front of his husband and wife.

After Li Qingrang took the medicine, his face immediately turned a little rosy.

Feeling the volatilization of the medicinal power in the body, Li Qingrang explained: "The Heavenly Snake Emperor is too useless, I blow him up with one hand, without any injuries."

Jiao Yang glared at Li Qingrang angrily.

If she hadn't just fought against the Heavenly Snake Emperor with her own hands, she would have almost believed it.

"It's fine if you deceive me, but don't deceive yourself. Be honest, what's going on?"

Li Qingrang said honestly: "I'm too strong, there's nothing I can do. I also thought I would be seriously injured, but my strength doesn't allow it."

Jiao Yang: "...if you continue like this, you can sleep by yourself tonight."

Li Qing let his eyes light up: "Have you mastered that dual-cultivation technique?"

Jiao Yang blushed, pinched Li Qing hard, and said bitterly: "What are you thinking? How can it be so fast. Besides, you are not at the peak of Fengwang, even if you use it, you can only help me alone The promotion to Star Emperor will wait until you recover to the peak."

Li Qingrang looked up to the sky and sighed: "Jiaoyang, I think I can be promoted to Star Emperor casually, I don't need this opportunity, really."

Jiao Yang didn't say anything, but pinched harder.

Although she also knew that Li Qingrang would not feel pain at all.

But still very angry.

Still have to pinch.

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts."

"It hurts, your body has obviously been tempered by the Burning Heaven Holy Flame. If I can hurt you just right, I can strangle the Star Emperor to death. There is no need for you to kill the Heavenly Snake Emperor." Jiao Yang complained.

She knew Li Qingrang too well.

"Tell me quickly, how did the Heavenly Snake Emperor die?"

Li Qingrang finally told the truth: "Pure light is not dead."


Jiao Yang was as dumbfounded as Li Qingrang.

They were all done crying.

After regaining his freedom, he was going to attend the funeral of his brothers.

In the end, King Pure Light didn't die?
"real or fake?"

Li Qingrang told Jiaoyang about the matter.

The fact that King Pure Light is still alive naturally needs to be kept secret from the outside world.

As Chunguang said, he can be used as the secret weapon of the Ten Kings.The emergence of a critical moment is likely to reverse the situation of the battle, just like this time.

If there is no pure light this time, there is a high probability that the Heavenly Snake Emperor will die. Li Qingrang has already disabled the Heavenly Snake Emperor, and his blood volume is close to bottoming out. Just find a brother to make up for it.

But there is a high probability that Li Qingrang will die with the Heavenly Snake Emperor.

So pure light hides great effect in the dark.

Moreover, Chunguang only has one soul still, and the two souls and seven souls have been scattered. Even with his Dao fruit, he will not be able to recover to the peak in a short period of time. Now exposing his existence is harmful to Chunguang himself.

There are many people in this world who can't see your kindness.

Even if it is the ten kings, there are many open and dark arrows to face.

If you can hide your cards, you must not expose them.

This is also the reason why Li Qingrang often wears a vest.

But this news naturally doesn't need to be kept secret from Scorching Sun, Yan Luoyue, Wang Qiqi and the others.

King Chunguang is not a woman playing a male role, he has nothing to hide between brothers.

He is different from Yan Luo.

After listening to Li Qingrang's explanation, Jiaoyang was shocked for 2 minutes before slowly digesting this amazing news.

Suddenly, Jiaoyang remembered something, and quickly asked: "Chunguang is in your body now, so he has discovered your secret?"

Li Qingrang calmly said: "Don't worry, I'm not that idiot of the Heavenly Snake Emperor. After Pure Light enters my body, I immediately go dormant. I also know more about soul Taoism than the Heavenly Snake Emperor. I won't let Pure Light spy on me. Opportunity. Tomorrow I will send Pure Light's split soul up the mountain, where he can recover more easily."

"That's good." Jiao Yang breathed a sigh of relief: "Pure Light managed to survive in the hands of the Heavenly Snake Emperor, and you can't kill him to silence him."

Li Qingrang: "... Jiaoyang, you have misunderstood my character, how could I attack my brother."

Jiao Yang chuckled, and continued to ask: "Speaking of which, I have always been curious, why do so many people think that the King of Equality is a woman? You have never dressed up as a woman, and you have always dressed in neutral clothes to show people. How did the second brother and the others be so sure? I never said I like women."

She doesn't understand.

In fact, neither she nor Li Qingrang planned to make Wang Pingping a female character in the end.

It wasn't the two of them who really made "Pingping" deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Jiao Yang has never created a Ji Quan character for herself.

At the beginning, Li Qingrang was just trying to create a status as a king.

The root of all this, Jiao Yang thought for a while, and said curiously: "If I remember correctly, the first one who actually hit your woman was the second brother? Did you secretly seduce the second brother?"

Li Qingrang gritted her teeth: "I'm fine, it's Yan Luo, she used my number to fool my second brother, and my second brother fooled others."

"Pfft." Jiao Yang laughed directly: "You let Yan Luo take so many blames, so that's the reason."

Li Qingrang: "..."

That's not true either.

When I let King Yama take the blame, I didn't know about it, I was just throwing the blame on her... No, no, I am equal to Wang Guangfeng Jiyue, how could I let King Yama take the blame, it must be because of Yan Luo I found out that Wang Xian did something sorry to me, so I retaliated with an eye.

Right, that is it.

Sunshine, you are right.

Li Qingrang acquiesced to Jiaoyang's speculation.

Jiao Yang shook his head and said, "Spreading rumors is fun for a while, and dispelling rumors at the crematorium, what are your plans for the future?"

Li Qing said: "The King of Equality is too strong, I have to go offline for a while, otherwise the zodiac palaces may not be able to resist me. It happened that I used my true colors to play the title of 'Qing Emperor'. "

Jiao Yang understood: "So you played dead just now, because you were worried that Ophiuchus would attack you on the spot?"


After killing the Heavenly Snake Emperor, Li Qingrang was indeed exhausted, and his vitality was also seriously injured, which might not be recovered in ten years.

But with the help of Chunguang, the Heavenly Snake Emperor became the captain of the transportation team before his death.

Supplemented Li Qingrang's consumption in this battle by [-].

In this way, Li Qingrang didn't have much problem.

He himself is a master in the field of pharmacology and astrology. To him, a [-]% to [-]% recovery is not much different from a complete recovery.

It's just that he didn't dare to act too badly.

The existence of King Pure Light must be concealed.

King Equality can't be strong enough to be alive and kicking after killing Xingdi.

That was scary.

"I've checked Meidi's information. She is an extremely confident person. She should even think that even if I kill the Heavenly Snake Emperor, she will be able to defeat me head-on after I become emperor." Li Qingrang said: " But if I'm still alive and kicking after killing the Heavenly Snake Emperor, Emperor Mei probably won't tolerate me, her self-confidence is also limited, I can't act more evil than Lord Lu Yuanhao 500 years ago."

Jiao Yang nodded: "You're right, Meidi's image has always been glorious and great, but she can't really be regarded as a flawless saint. When it's time to do something wrong, she won't hesitate. We can't kill her now. , to show the enemy weakness first, and then gradually figure it out in the future.”

While the two were talking, the door of the office was suddenly pushed in from the outside.

Afterwards, the eyes of Secretary Nie and the staff behind her brightened.

My boss is sitting in the arms of King Equality.

The breathing of both of them was a little disturbed.

The complexion is a little flush-red.

This picture... is very imaginative.

Li Qingrang and Jiaoyang are both fine.

After all, they are all people who have seen the big scene.

Besides, their clothes are all in good condition, so what are you afraid of.

Li Qingrang just asked Jiaoyang curiously: "You didn't close the door?"

Jiao Yang looked at Secretary Nie: "You didn't close the door?"

Secretary Nie turned cold, and quickly shook his head to explain: "It's closed, but boss, you haven't been to the headquarters for a long time, and they have accumulated a bunch of documents, waiting for you to sign."

A group of people behind Secretary Nie nodded vigorously, for fear that if they slowed down, they would be killed by the boss.

There are also many people who feel that it is worth it even if they are killed by the boss.

The rumors were true.

King Equality is indeed the stronger side.

The boss is lying in the arms of King Equality.

This picture is so beautiful.

It was not in vain for them to take such a risk.

Scorching Sun frowned.

Li Qingrang quickly rubbed Jiaoyang's temples in distress.

Then he saw little stars in the eyes of many people at the door of the office.

There were even screams outside.

Scorching Sun felt angry and funny.

"Don't prod them on purpose." Li Qing was elbowed by Li Qing, and then he told the gossip party at the door: "Hurry up and get out, whoever dares to enter this office before the day after tomorrow will get a one-year bonus." Cancel."

"the day after tomorrow?"


"Boss, pay attention to your health."

"Also pay attention to King Equality's body, King Equality still has injuries."

"Tangerines are booming."

The scorching sun waved his jade hand directly and closed the door behind him.

Then the office was completely sealed off.

The kind that can't be opened from the outside at all.

There will be no sound coming out.

Li Qingrang smiled lightly and said, "The boss is so majestic."

Jiao Yang's face was a little red, and he didn't bother to talk to Li Qingrang, but just complained: "This group of people is getting smaller and smaller, let's see how I deal with them."

"This shows that you have a good relationship with them." Li Qingrang didn't take it seriously: "In R&D enterprises, the individuality of employees should not be suppressed too much. I think it's quite good."

In fact, Jiaoyang also thinks it's pretty good.

The reason why this group of people can have the current spirit of gossip is because she has never suppressed the individuality of the employees.

But when it comes to myself, I should be a little bit shy.

At this moment, Li Qingrang rubbed his face.

Changed from Pingping King to Li Qingrang's real body.

Just now he guessed that someone outside would come in to gossip.

Now that the scorching sun has sealed off the office, there is no need to worry.

Jiao Yang deliberately said: "If I change back, I still like Pingping."

Li Qing let out a chuckle.

"Do you know it's wrong?"

Scorching Sun: "..."

Some trance.

Shouldn't she be the one to say that?

Obviously this sentence is a common sentence pattern for girlfriends.

"I'll give you a chance to admit your mistakes to me." Li Qing stepped aside.

The scorching sun continued to be speechless.

Li Qingrang narrowed his eyes, and said lightly: "It seems that you are going to resist to the end? If you confess, you will be lenient, and you will be jailed; if you resist, you will be strict, and you will go home for the New Year...Cross it out, start over, and confess..."

He didn't go on.

Because it was blocked by the scorching sun.

Li Qingrang's eyes widened.

After half a minute.

Scorching Yang said cutely: "Brother, I know I was wrong."

Li Qingrang was furious: "Damn it, you actually used beauty tricks, who do you think I am, Li Qingrang? Uh..."

1 minute later.

Scorching Yang continued to act cute: "I really know I was wrong."

Li Qing calmed down his anger a bit, but he was still very angry: "Then you can't take such a risk, and you still hide it from me. I didn't realize until before I shot to kill the Heavenly Snake Emperor, it turns out that your backhand is actually... um ..."

This time is longer.

3 minute later.

Scorching Yang panted a little unevenly, buried his head in Li Qingrang's arms and whispered: "I don't want you to take risks."

Li Qingrang: "..."


This woman challenged his weakness.

It's abominable.

"Are you reluctant to part with her?"

The hot sun suddenly said a word, which made Li Qingrang instantly vigilant.

It's unreasonable for a woman to be jealous.

He even ate his own vinegar.

Li Qingrang said seriously: "Jiaoyang, you taught me the supernatural powers of the twins, and I understand the principle. People are one body with multiple sides, sometimes sunny, sometimes dark, and they are all the same person. So whether it's you or her, Ben It is just a person, even if it is fused, it will not disappear, there is nothing to be reluctant to part with. Just like me, Mr. Yao is me, Mr. Wu An is me, King Equality is me, Li Qingrang is still me. No matter which identity I use, It’s all my own experience. I’m indeed a little surprised that your other side is so different from you, but I like it very much, because what I like has always been you, no matter what your identity is.”

Jiao Yang snorted, and silently hugged Li Qingrang's waist, still speaking arrogantly: "I will really find reasons for my fickleness."

Li Qing laughed: "I didn't spend my heart on other people, but now you can't integrate. The power changes of the zodiac are always cruel and bloody, and the choice of the master of the Gemini is generally based on the rules set by the White Emperor. The progress of supernatural powers doesn't matter your star status at all. Your attainments in Gemini supernatural powers are too deep. Once you reveal your hole cards, all the heirs of Gemini and the families behind those heirs will attack you. Even if you don't care about them, it's a waste of opportunity. If you wait until you and her both enter the Star Emperor and then fuse, with the power of the twins, you can almost immediately become the Star Emperor invincible. The fusion of two kings is too unworthy for you, even if it is for me."

The scorching sun hugged Li Qingrang's waist even tighter.

"I understand the truth, but I just don't want you to work hard all the time. If my twins become one, I'm [-]% sure to kill the Heavenly Snake Emperor without your help."

Li Qingrang smiled and kissed Jiaoyang.

"You are in charge of earning money to support the family, and I am in charge of fighting and killing. We have a clear division of labor. Don't always come and grab my work. Now that we've come to this point, Jiaoyang, do you have any thoughts about the twin wombs?"

Li Qingrang didn't know much about the other heirs of Gemini.

But he doesn't believe that there is an heir of Gemini who can surpass the sun in the supernatural powers of Gemini.

Because even he didn't make it.

Although he also raised Wu Anjun's vest to the realm of being a king, but Wu Anjun is a vest, and he uses his body, not a clone.

The scorching sun is different.

Jiaoyang is only three years older than him.

At the age of 25, he practiced the supernatural powers of the twins to become two kings.

Now the twins are united, almost becoming a star emperor.

If we wait a little longer, when both the two kings have been promoted to the Star Emperor realm and then the twins unite, then the scorching sun can basically be promoted to the peak of the Star Emperor immediately, and he can easily blow up the trash star emperor like the Heavenly Snake Emperor.

This is an achievement against heaven.

It's just that except for Li Qingrang, no one knows that Jiaoyang has achieved this level.

With Jiao Yang's attainments in Gemini's supernatural powers, once she announces her participation in the competition for the next palace lord of the Gemini womb, she will be able to throw off other candidates almost immediately.

But in this way, Jiaoyang will definitely become the public enemy of the other heirs of Gemini and the forces behind them.

It is not uncommon for the prince to die before he formally ascends the throne.

Li Qingrang looked at the scorching sun seriously.

Scorching Sun had obviously considered this issue long ago.

Facing the gaze of his sweetheart, Jiao Yang... nodded slowly but firmly.


Jiao Yang said directly: "The rule of the Gemini is to choose the heir according to the supernatural powers of the twins, which was appointed by the Baidi. I cultivate the best with my own ability, why do I give the Gemini to other people? Zodiac domination, Baidi inheritance, Qing Rang, I won’t hide it from you, I want them all.”

Zodiac dominance could make her one of the 12 most powerful people in the galaxy.

Baidi's inheritance can allow her to have a master-student relationship with Wei Sheng's junior sister even if she walks out of this galaxy, with someone still covering her head.

Don't steal, don't grab, don't cheat, just earn the opportunity by your own ability.

Why should she not?
There was a smile in Li Qingrang's eyes.

"But if you made a move just now, it's impossible to get the zodiac hegemony and the inheritance of the White Emperor." Li Qingrang leaned his forehead on Jiaoyang's head, face to face, lip to lip, and said softly: "It's not enough for the two kings to be one. It's the first time to enter the Star Emperor, so it's not worth mentioning to the forces behind the candidate heirs of the twin wombs."

"I know, but you are more important than my ambition." Jiao Yang also whispered: "Qing Rang, you are my life."

"You too."

The two kissed again.

They all know what they paid for each other just now.

They know better what they have done for each other in the past.

Jiao Yang didn't know Li Qing until he became king.

When Li Qingrang was still Li Qingrang, they had already trusted each other the most.

After a long time.

Li Qingrang raised his head, smiled and said softly to the slightly emotional scorching sun: "I will help you enter the twin wombs."

"Yeah." Jiao Yang didn't refuse, but said: "I'm not in a hurry, you should take good care of your wounds first, and restore your cultivation as soon as possible. I can handle the Gemini side, and I won't be polite to you when I need help."

"it is good."

"Take me to meet my uncle and aunt tomorrow, they haven't officially met me yet."


Li Qingrang came back to his senses, and looked at the scorching sun in surprise.

"Are you going to see your parents-in-law?"

Jiaoyang lightly "spit": "You really think beautifully. You are Pingping and you haven't revealed your identity. Of course, you can't let your uncle and aunt know. I said to find the medicine master for Pingping to ask for medicine. It is logical to contact uncle and aunt." .”

Seek medicine for Pingping!
Li Qing asked to taste it, feeling that it was reasonable.

There's nothing wrong with it.

"No problem, my parents must be very happy to see you."

"Well, invite your fiancée Chen Yu to have a family dinner together." Jiao Yang said calmly: "I have good photography skills, so I will take a family portrait for you."

Li Qingrang's brain sent out a red-color-alarm-alarm.

But he didn't explain anything.

He got up directly holding the scorching sun and went to the inner room of the luxurious office.

Soon the scorching sun's voice came from inside:

"You are guilty."

"You are definitely guilty."

"Come on, I don't want to eat this set."


"Don't make trouble."

"I was wrong."

"I won't say it again."

"Qing Rang, good brother, I was really wrong."


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