Anti-routine rebirth

Chapter 97 Chen Yu: Qing Rang, drink

Chapter 97 Chen Yu: Qing Rang, drink (ask for a monthly ticket at the beginning of the month)

Ruan Yanluo felt so cold.

Out of anger, she called Li Qingrang back.

"It's fine if you humiliate me in reality, but you want me to humiliate myself by singing?"

Li Qingrang used his true voice this time.

Now, except for the second brother among the ten kings, it seems that all of them already know his real body.

I don't know when the second brother will know.

Tsk, I dare not think about it.

Li Qingrang said casually: "Yan Luo, I know you are very grateful to me in your heart, you are welcome."

Ruan Yanluo cursed: "I am grateful to your eight generations of ancestors."

Li Qing asked the cloud to thank you lightly: "I thank you on behalf of my family's eight generations of ancestors."

Ruan Yanluo: "..."

I just hate that my mother is in the constellation of Cassiopeia, beyond my reach.

Otherwise, he will kill this evil boy with a single sword.

"Yan Luo, do you know that you are now being liked by hundreds of millions of students across the country, and your number of fans is skyrocketing, all of this is due to me." Li Qing said loudly: "Of course, I gave it to you. We father and daughter don't fight for credit, I will not only give you credit, but also give you new songs, do you feel my father's love?"

Ruan Yanluo gritted her teeth: "Do you think I can't beat you now?"

Li Qingrang smiled: "Yan Luo, I advise you not to try it. The Heavenly Snake Emperor has been beaten by me, think about the Heavenly Snake Emperor, don't be impulsive. We all know the price of your last impulse. I want to be A loving father, don't destroy my personality."

Ruan Yanluo sneered: "You're scared."

Li Qingrang smiled: "If I was afraid, would I still dare to kill people in your name?"

"You are defrauding me with an empty city plan."

"I can't bear to hit you again. Anyway, father and daughter, I'm sorry to make you cry again." Li Qingrang sighed: "Besides, aren't you going to release a new album? Now ten Wang is so hot, why don't you take some of Yan Luowang's heat?"

Ruan Yanluo said angrily: "I just prepared a million-dollar navy, and I want to clean myself up."

"Give up." Li Qingrang said calmly: "No matter how powerful the navy army is, it won't be able to hold back the master's self-destruction. Yan Luo, don't waste your efforts."

"Get out, get out as far as your thoughts go, and let my old lady go as far as you want."

Ruan Yanluo angrily hung up the call with Li Qingrang.

Then click on the demo that Li Qingrang sent her.

As she listened, she became even angrier.

"Fuck, I also want a teacher from an alien system to provide me with alien songs at any time."

It really sounds good.

It really hit her weak spot.

Ruan Yanluo, who was so angry that he could do nothing, could only switch to the trumpet "Ruan Yanluo is the most beautiful in the world", and silently left a message under Yan Luowang's trumpet:

"Yan Luo Wang is kind and kind, and the ten kings are the first, come on, come on!"

The trumpet was Ruan Yanluo's last stubbornness.


Li Qingrang naturally didn't know that his good sister Yan Luo Wang had suffered such a huge psychological trauma.

After the daily deeds were done, Li Qingrang felt warm in his body.

At the same time, a long-lost system prompt appeared in front of Li Qingrang:

[The host completes the task of doing good deeds every day 1/365. 】

[In view of the rule that good people have good rewards, the host's cultivation base has been raised to the middle of the starry sky period. 】

【The host please make persistent efforts. 】

Li Qingrang nodded in satisfaction.

While killing people, there are also system rewards.

This is wonderful.

And it seems that the task of doing a good deed every day can be done every day.

There are system rewards that can be obtained after finishing every day.

Li Qingrang felt that it might take less than a year for him to recover his strength as a king.


Much faster than previous life.

Just not fast enough.

I don't know if the system has any targeted tasks that can improve one's strength in a short period of time.

Li Qingrang searched carefully.

guess what?

Li Qing really turned it over:
[System Task: Fair!fair!fair! 】

[Mission description: For the hundreds of millions of students in Daqian every year, and for 95% of the families in Daqian, being admitted to the Star Academy is the only chance to change their life and destiny.In order to seize this opportunity, billions of families are doing their best, and billions of students are struggling desperately.They have to pass five levels along the way, kill six generals, and defeat the vast majority of their peers in the country, and then they are eligible to use decades of hard work in exchange for a chance to go to school with ordinary aliens.This trampled on their hard work and dignity, and made countless high-ranking students who fell in front of the Star Academy and the families behind them helpless.This wind cannot last long. 】

[Mission objective: If there is injustice, there will be a cry, change the status quo of this injustice, and there is no limit to the means. 】

[Task Reward: Jade Blood Heart.Remarks: The awe-inspiring righteousness gathers the heaven and the earth, and the green blood and loyalty shines through the history.The ancient Confucianism has a saying that the great righteousness will eventually return to the heaven and the earth, but the green blood and loyalty can be left to oneself, shining in history books and door lintels.Since ancient times, the probability of becoming a Confucian saint is as high as [-]% for those who can cultivate the green blood and loyalty. 】

The realm of the ancient Confucian saints is almost the same as that of today's kings.

After completing this task, the probability of becoming a king can be increased to [-]%. If this is spread, the system tasks can be snatched madly.

That is to say, as a reborn person, Li Qingrang was used to seeing big scenes, so he took it easy and didn't get too excited.

He just accepted the task very readily.

Then, when Li Qingrang reunited with his parents, Jia Xiang, who was far away in the capital, received the third letter from "Hao".

Jia Xiang was a little confused.

Haven't we already added chat accounts?

Why are you still playing with the ancient means of writing letters?

You keep writing to me, and my wife almost suspects that I am raising a mistress.

Despite complaining in his heart, Jia Xiang quickly opened the letter after receiving it.

Then go straight to the good guy.

The letter reads like this:

Dear Jia Xiang, long time no see, are you very proud recently?
During your tenure, Huoganxing came out with a group of young arrogances. While expanding the territory of the alien planet, they can also take the lead to occupy the alien territory together, adding luster to your political achievements.

You just lie down and win, aren't you happy?

When Jia Xiang saw this, he felt that something was wrong.

He hastened to reflect, had he been too arrogant recently?Is it disrespectful to the Ten Kings?Did you do something shady?
After the three provinces were completed, Jia Xiang was in a daze.


He is his prime minister honestly, and everything is going well now, so he has no reason to make trouble.

What the hell is this "Hao" doing?

Jia Xiang continued to read:

Jia Xiang, I hope you can understand one thing - the success of the Ten Kings and the success of Daqian can never be confused, and the foundation created by the Ten Kings on an alien planet has nothing to do with Daqian.

Ten kings are qualified to look up at the starry sky, but Dagan is just looking up at aliens.

The ten kings have already beaten the snake constellation to the ground, and Daqian's preferential policy for students from the native place of the snake constellation has not been cancelled.


I really feel sorry for myself.

As a dignified reborn person, I am determined to change the future of the country and make the country better through my own rebirth.

I thought that the ten kings turned defeat into victory, the constellation of Serpent disappeared, Xingjun abdicated, and Shaojun ascended the throne. I have succeeded.

Now it seems that it is not me who is successful at all, and it is not Daqian at all.

Dagan is still the same Dagan, without any change.

Dagan people are still the original Dagan people, and they still have to look up to aliens on their own planet.

Aliens still enjoy all kinds of super-national treatment in the process of conquering the planet.

Jia Xiang, I am very disappointed.

Why do I often have tears in my eyes?
Because I can't feel the love for me from the land I'm stepping on.


Seeing this, Jia Xiang wiped the cold sweat off his brow.

He felt that he was in big trouble.

He knew "Hao".

"Hao" is a pure patriot.

The few letters I wrote to him before, and the things I asked him to do, one after another, were all for the country and the people, and were not used for personal gain at all.

In contrast, Jia Xiang was ashamed, he couldn't be that pure at all.

But the purer the person who loves, the stronger the backlash will be once they become blackened.

Jia Xiang thought of the words he said when he visited Mr. Yao together with Shaojun Yuanshuai.

Master Yao said: "I love my country, Dagan, just as Dagan loves me."

At that time, Shaojun turned his head and left.

Because whether the country loves the patriots or not, Shaojun has a certainty in his heart.

Shaojun has a lot of pressure, and Jia Xiang has even more.

It's just that he had seen this kind of thing too much before, and he was already numb.

It was brought up by "Hao" until now.

Jia Xiang realized that he couldn't be numb.

If he continues to be numb, what he loses may be a reborn person.

Although the Snake constellation has been destroyed and his death crisis has been resolved, Jia Xiang's situation is not so low.

The boss is in charge of the world, and if he doesn't pursue his name and go down in history, he will be sorry for his killing in the officialdom all the way.

Receiving the letter from "Hao" was regarded by Jia Xiang as the second spring of his career as a prime minister.

He is not young anymore, and it is not surprising that this is his last term.

He didn't allow anyone to ruin his last dance.

No one is allowed to destroy "Hao"'s help to him.

Jia Xiang made up his mind and continued to read:

Jia Xiang, you know me well.

As a reborn, I am familiar with the future of various information.

Even if I go to an alien planet, I can do well.

And to tell you the truth, I am doing things under the command of the Ten Kings, and I am doing well.Leaving Dagan, I will not be affected in any way.


Jia Xiangxin said that you are not only doing things for the ten kings.

You are about to become ten kings.

I thought the old man didn't find you.

But Jia Xiang saw the real threat of "Hao".

Not that I need to work hard.

Dagan needs me.

Don't make me unhappy.

Jia Xiang also didn't want "Hao" to be unhappy.

He continued to read, and saw the reason for "Hao"'s displeasure:
After all, I am a patriotic teenager in my bones.

Even after being human for two lifetimes, nothing has changed.

So, I hope Dagan can get better.

But unfortunately, Dagan once again let me down.

The Star Examination Competition is coming soon.

After studying hard for 20 years, Daqian Wuzi Hanchuang was gearing up to prepare for the star exam. Countless wastes from alien planets failed to pass the exam in their local star academy, but were lured by Daqian with a lot of money, so they could easily join Dagan's college. Star Academy.

You can also get huge scholarships.

It is even said that some local Star Academy lured him with beauty.

Jia Xiang, I was also a student, and I also dreamed of being admitted to the Imperial College, the highest star academy in the country.

But now, the Guozijian, which never rejects garbage from alien planets, makes me feel only disgusted.

I still feel the same about treating aliens as fathers.

Jia Xiang, I need a reason to continue helping Dagan.

If you don't give me a reason, I may only help the Ten Kings in the future, or live only for myself.

The ten kings never betrayed their brothers who supported them, and all the brothers who supported the ten kings shared the glory with the ten kings.

What did the people of Dagan get from Dagan?
Don't shout those slogans at me.

If within three days, I don't see any real change in Dagan, this will be our last correspondence.


Seeing the end, Jia Xiang took off his glasses, wiped the cold sweat off his head, and smiled wryly.

At the level of "Hao", you can completely obtain greater personal benefits from yourself and Shaojun.

But "Hao" didn't.

He is still speaking out for the people of the world.

Jia Xiang can only sigh with emotion, "Hao" is really a pure patriot.

Therefore, he must also give this pure patriot some pure measures, otherwise he knows that he will really lose "Hao".

With "Hao"'s status on the side of the ten kings, they don't want to play with Dagan anymore, they have nothing to do.

"Hao" should be left behind.

Changes at the official level had to be made.

Gifts on a personal level must also be given.

"Hao" is purely a matter of "Hao".

Jia Xiang is not a pure person.

He believes in a relationship that is mutually beneficial for both parties to last longer.

All along, he has received too many benefits from "Hao", but he has not given any gifts to "Hao", so that he actually has no special status with "Hao".

That does not work.

To give benefits.

Moreover, you have to give it a lot.

Jia Xiang was lost in thought.

What should I do to make "Hao" less angry?
Jia Xiang turned his attention back to "Hao"'s letter:
The ten kings have already beaten the snake constellation to the ground, and Daqian's preferential policy for students from the native place of the snake constellation has not been cancelled.


Why do I often have tears in my eyes?
Because I can't feel the love for me from the land I'm stepping on.


The Star Examination Competition is coming soon.

After studying hard for 20 years, Daqian Wuzi Hanchuang was gearing up to prepare for the star exam. Countless wastes from alien planets failed to pass the exam in their local star academy, but were lured by Daqian with a lot of money, so they could easily join Dagan's college. Star Academy.

You can also get huge scholarships.

It is even said that some local Star Academy lured him with beauty.

Jia Xiang, I was also a student, and I also dreamed of being admitted to the Imperial College, the highest star academy in the country.

But now, the Guozijian, which never rejects garbage from alien planets, makes me feel only disgusted.


Seeing this, Jia Xiang patted his head and shook his head when he thought of the news that Yan Luowang killed the Imperial College Supervisor today, "So it's because of the Star Academy, no wonder, Li Qingrang is really thinking about applying for the Star Academy .”

Everything is connected.

"Hao" was really thinking of doing a big job in the Star Academy in China.

It's a pity that Daqian's education system is kneeling to aliens.

And the kind of attitude.

Obviously, this made "Hao" very uncomfortable.

It also made King Yama very uncomfortable.

Since they were uncomfortable, Jia Xiang said that he was also uncomfortable.

He resolutely stood in the same camp as the Ten Kings and the Reborn.

Who is the Minister of Education who is in charge?

It seems to be the real person...


When did the truth cultivate such a useless thing?

Jia Xiang quickly excluded the Minister of Education from his camp.

And began to sharpen the knife.

"Hao" only gave him three days.

He really needs to move faster.


The day after Li Qingrang sent the letter, while having breakfast with his parents at home, he saw the news that the Minister of Education was dismissed from TV.

Seeing this, Li Feng scratched his head strangely: "Hey, why was the Minister of Education dismissed? Isn't this from Xiang Jia?"

Li Qingrang took a look at Li Feng and asked, "Dad, do you even know this?"

Li Feng said: "It's no secret that [-]% of the people in the imperial court are Jia Xiang's people. Why did Jia Xiang suddenly use his own people?"

Liu Li curled her lips and complained: "What else could it be? I was afraid of being killed by King Yan Luo. King Yama has already killed a supervisor of the Imperial College, and killing another Minister of Education is not the same as playing, and I feel like Qing Rang It might have something to do with it."

Li Qing's heart skipped a beat.

Mom can always let him fail.

He coughed tactically and said with a smile, "Mom, what does this have to do with me?"

Liu Li took it for granted: "Why doesn't it matter? Qingrang, don't you also want to apply for the Star Academy? The Star Academy in Dagan is so smoky now, what do you want to do if you don't want to go? Can Dagan bear this kind of loss? Jia Xiang is amazing Is it amazing, can I be as powerful as my son? My son is now the tenth king, and he is not allowed to flatter you? How great is it to keep Wu Anjun in Dagan Shangxing Academy? If I were Jia Xiang, I have to do my best to keep you, this is the merit of enlightenment."

Li Qingrang: "...Mom, you are really an excellent logic class representative."

Through the logic that sounds correct, the conclusion that the result is also very correct is obtained.

Li Qingrang felt that the Supervision Department should invite Liu Li to take an intelligence analysis class.

That way, he might have locked his identity long ago.

Liu Li also nodded proudly: "That is, Qing Rang, let me tell you, you are so good, at least [-]% of your genes are inherited from me."

Li Qingrang took a look at Li Feng who was eating silently and did not dare to speak, he could only smile and said: "Mom, don't you think about giving birth to a younger brother and sister for me to pass on your excellent genes."



Liu Li and Li Feng refused together.

Liu Li's answer is plausible: "Youqing has a brother like you, it is difficult for us to cultivate younger brothers and sisters who are better than you. You will be the biggest shadow in their growth process, and they will not be able to achieve your achievements no matter what. Then there will only be one result—they will become the fallen second-generation ancestors."

Li Feng nodded in agreement: "It's too difficult to raise a child. It's pure luck that Qing made you grow up so well. Your mother and I have used up the greatest luck in our life. We absolutely don't believe that we can have such good luck to cultivate again." A good boy."

Both of them are people with a lot of heart.

Having a youth has already made them proud for a lifetime.

Another trumpet, in case of failure... No, when there is a high probability of failure, it will only discredit them.This is still a trivial matter, but it will still discredit Li Qing.

Then you definitely can't ask for a trumpet.

Now regarding Li Qingrang's reputation, Li Feng and Liu Li are much more nervous than Li Qingrang himself.

Of course, Li Qingrang could only accept it with a smile.

Although he doesn't really care.

While the three of them were talking, the doorbell rang.

Li Qing asked to put down the bowl, and said to Li Feng and Liu Li calmly: "Dad, Mom, maybe a friend is here to visit, she told me in advance, but I thought it would be at noon, it seems that I came early .”

Li Feng: "Friend?"

Liu Li: "Male or female?"

It can be seen that Liu Li will focus on the key points.

Li Qingrang said with a smile: "Girl, Mom, don't get too excited for a while, she has someone."

Although it is me.

Li Qingrang opened the door.


Li Feng and Liu Li watched the figure appearing at the door, and watched Li Qingrang and each other hugging each other, from anticipation to dumbfounded.

Li Feng: "Arrogance...arrogance...arrogance..."

Liu Li: "Scorching Sun King."

After embracing with Li Qingrang, Jiaoyang smiled sweetly: "Hi, Uncle and Auntie, just call me Jiaoyang."

Li Feng and Liu Li continued to be confused.

understand them.

You and your parents were having breakfast as usual, but Bai Fumei, the number one in the country, came to visit your house, and you would be confused.

That is to say, Li Qingrang's identity was different now, so it took Li Feng and Liu Li 3 minutes to recover.

Then, Li Feng and Liu Li still felt incredible when they saw the Sun King who was completely integrated into the atmosphere of the family breakfast.

Li Feng: "Scorching Sun King, you are..."

Jiaoyang reiterated again: "Uncle, you can call me Jiaoyang. I know Qingrang very well. Qingrang saved my life. I taught him the core supernatural powers of Gemini. We are comrades in arms who share life and death. His parents are mine. Parents, don't be too polite to me."

Li Feng: "...Okay, Jiao Yang, what are you doing here this time?"

Jiaoyang explained: "Meet uncle and aunt, Qing Rang gave us a lot of support before, just to hide his identity, so it was not easy for us to visit his house. Now that the situation has basically stabilized, it is time to visit uncle and aunt Thank you uncles and aunts for raising Qing Rang such an excellent son, otherwise we would not be able to get to where we are now. Qing Rang has made great contributions to the establishment of Libra this time."

Li Feng and Liu Li believed what Jiao Yang said.

According to the current division of credits on the Internet, in the battle of destroying the Snake constellation, King Equality is the first, Lord Wu An is the second, and Young Master Yao is the third.

Of course, the other kings among the ten kings also played an irreplaceable role, but the main heads were taken by these three.

Netizens cannot be expected to see the heroes behind the war.

So Li Qingrang really became famous in the first battle.

Li Feng and Liu Li are also honored.

The two quickly humbled themselves.

Jiao Yang smiled and continued: "There is also a personal thank you. Qing Rang also put in a lot of effort to heal King Ping's injuries. Both I and King Equality are very grateful. It is not convenient for King Equality to show up, so I express my thanks on behalf of King Equality .”

Li Qingrang expressed his admiration for Jiaoyang's lying and not drafting by gently touching Jiaoyang's thigh under the table.

By kicking Li Qingrang under the table, Jiaoyang expressed her disdain for Li Qingrang's praise.

Naturally, Li Feng and Liu Li didn't know about the bloodbath under the dining table.

They were just surprised by Sun King's talkativeness and sunshine.

The more we talk, the more I's such a pity.

10 minute later.

Breakfast is over.

Liu Li left the sun on the sofa to chat.

Li Feng and Li Qingrang went to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

Li Feng closed the kitchen door, and said to Li Qingrang quietly: "Qingrang, your mother asked me to ask you, is Jiaoyang and King Pingping really a couple?"

Li Qingrang: "Really."

Such as fake replacement.

A false one pays ten.

Li Feng let out a long sigh.

"It's a pity, Qing Rang, your mother asked me to ask, can you work hard to dig into King Pingping's corner? She feels that Jiao Yang also has a good impression of you."

Li Qingrang is a good guy.

Mom, you really have something in your eyes.

He decided to engage in pupil art and star quasi skills for his mother to practice.

Although Liu Li is not young and has limited room for advancement, Li Qingrang feels that Liu Li is talented in this area.

"Dad, we're out to mess around, we have to be loyal, and we can't be tempted by my sister-in-law."

Li Feng nodded silently.

Then he said: "Qingrang, don't worry, I'm different from your mother, I won't let you poach King Pingping's corner."

"Dad, you still understand the truth."

"Of course." Li Feng said proudly: "But I was thinking, Qing asked you to get in touch with King Pingping frequently, is it possible to poach the corner of King Scorching Sun? King Scorching Sun is only rich, and King Pingping is the real invincible king , it gives people a sense of security.”

Li Qingrang: "..."

While Li Qingrang was speechless by Li Feng, Liu Li screamed in the living room.

Li Qingrang and Li Feng hurried out to have a look.

Then I saw Liu Li grabbed Jiao Yang's hand, and asked excitedly: "Jiao Yang, are you serious?"

There was a sweet smile on Sun's face: "Of course it's true, auntie, our Sun Group is preparing to upgrade a batch of products, and strive to make Huoganxing and the Libra we built match the technological level of the twelve signs of the zodiac. The optical brain will completely replace the mobile phone, and the aircraft will completely replace the airplane. In order to thank my uncle and aunt for cultivating Qing Rang, I specially customized an aircraft for my uncle and aunt. I heard that my uncle and aunt have the dream of traveling across the galaxy. Then you can do it yourself.”

Liu Li is very good at focusing on the key points: "It's expensive, right?"

Scorching Sun chuckled and said, "It's not expensive, it just cost several billion star coins. Compared with the value of Qing Rang, it's not worth mentioning."

Li Qingrang reminded: "The cost of the product is several billion star coins, and the Sun King personally sells it is several billion star coins. This time, at least ten billion star coins have started."

The hot sun's favorability can only be said to be inhumane.

Not to mention Liu Li, Li Feng even wanted to abandon King Equality.

Equality King is good at everything, but he is not as rich as Scorching Sun King.

Jiaoyang still smiled sweetly: "It's okay, uncles and aunts don't need to have psychological pressure. Qingrang has done a lot of customized services for me, and I'm just reciprocating."

Both Liu Li and Li Feng looked at Li Qingrang.

Although they are very excited.

But this gift is too precious.

Whether you can have it or not depends on your son.

Of course Li Qingrang would not refuse.

Don't you just eat soft rice?
Brother is used to it.

"Mom, put it away." Li Qingrang said casually: "He Jiaoyang really doesn't need to be polite. When I was not at home, I asked Jiaoyang to do many of your security measures."

After all, money can solve 99% of the world's problems.

The reason why the 1% problem has not been solved is because there is not enough money.

After Li Qingrang said this, Liu Li and Li Feng were no longer polite.

As Li Qing exposes his identities layer by layer, Li Feng and Liu Li's psychological endurance is also constantly improving.

Now, in their view, their son is so awesome, he is only 22 years old and has become a king, what's wrong with enjoying it?
What's more, it's not the son enjoying it, it's them enjoying it.

Scorching Sun divided his impressions between Liu Li and Li Feng and filled them up.

So after Li Qingrang sent the scorching sun out of the house, he found that the scorching sun's tail was almost up to the sky.

"How? How am I doing?"

There are three words written all over the scorching sun's face: Praise me quickly.

Li Qingrang complained: "What's the money ability?"

Jiao Yang: "I'm sorry, but the banknote ability ranks among the top five among all the abilities."

Li Qingrang: "I still choose to eat soft rice."

Jiao Yang stretched out a middle finger.

"What's the matter with the Imperial College?" Jiao Yang asked casually.

Li Qing said: "I felt disgusted seeing him kneeling on an alien, and I checked other disgusting things he did, so I couldn't hold back and took care of him directly."

"You took care of him, Jia should be nervous." Jiao Yang shook his head and said: "Qing Rang, my feeling is that Dagan is already terminally ill, and he's dying from above. They killed themselves, otherwise it is only a temporary solution. My suggestion is not to waste time with them, let's do our own thing."

"I know that for 500 years, science and technology have continued to advance. Only the human heart has not changed since ancient times." Li Qingrang said quietly: "Where is the legacy of the saints now? The new rich are everywhere."

Feeling Li Qingrang's gloomy and murderous aura, Jiao Yang pulled Li Qingrang's hand with some distress.

She knew that although her boyfriend murdered and set fire, murdered the king and rebelled, he was still patriotic in his bones.

It was all forced by this world, and Qing Rang was blackened.


"I'm not in the mood to engage in power struggles with them, but if I don't like it, I will kill it directly. If there is no more objectionable thing to me, maybe everyone in the world and I will be relieved."

Jiao Yang hesitated to speak: "Although Qing Rang you make me feel very heroic now, but I still haven't forgotten one thing, Qing Rang you are using Yan Luo's vest to kill people."

Li Qingrang: "...Don't pay attention to these details, it's not important."

What can Jiaoyang say?
You are shameless, everything you say is right.

Jiao Yang is very busy, if she didn't come to Li Feng Liu Li to earn a wave of impression points, she would not come here on purpose.

After finishing Li Feng and Liu Li, she left her younger brother Tan Cheng that day.

As for the gifts for Li Feng and Liu Li, someone will naturally arrange them later.

After the hot sun left, Li Qingrang was going to contact Chen Yu.

After all, before leaving, Jiao Yang asked him if his engagement with Chen Yu had been withdrawn.

He couldn't face this kind of death question a second time.


However, before he could call, Chen Yu took the initiative to call.

"Qing Rang, come to my house."

"what happened?"

"The Cassiopeia just left. They invited me to study at the Fairy Academy. I need your opinion."

Li Qingrang was not surprised by this.

Chen Yu was originally going to participate in this year's star test competition.

But Chen Yu got Fairy Shangguan's Star Emperor clone card in full view.

If Cassiopeia doesn't grab people, it's too weak-intelligent.

Facts have proved that Cassiopeia people are still IQ online.

Li Qing gave way: "Send me the address, I'll be right there."

10 minute later.

Li Qingrang looked at the layout of Chen Yu's house, and felt that his steps were a little stagnant.

"Didn't we discuss about going to Fairy Academy?" Li Qingrang asked.

Chen Yu was wearing a deep V transparent long dress, holding a glass of red wine in his hand, and walked towards Li Qingrang with a smile.

"Qing Rang, drink with me!"

Li Qing sent out a red alert in his brain.

The words of good brother Ye Hao flooded into his mind again.

Is this going to get myself drunk?

After all, my alcohol tolerance is not good, my good brother knows it.

 The number of words in this chapter is 8000+, and it is gradually recovering. I will strive to resume the [-] word update as soon as possible.Continue to ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly ticket
(End of this chapter)

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