After changing careers, I became No.1 in basketball

Chapter 132 131: He's not beating him, he's playing with him!

Chapter 132 131: He's not beating him, he's playing with him!
Spurs fans feel as if you've downloaded an art film with a tantalizing cover and synopsis with great anticipation.

As a result, I opened it and found that it was a gourd baby!

This is even more uncomfortable than watching Flying Pigs shoot three-pointers!
Before the game, everyone said Shai would be slaughtered in San Antonio.

It is said that the Admiral proved that Shay's title of "King of the West" was just a joke.

As a result, the Spurs fans have not been comfortable for a minute since the game.

The team is chasing points all the way, the key is that they still can't catch up!

The Spurs' defense is like a beaker wearing fishnet socks in front of the Lakers' new strategy-it's leaking everywhere!

The only good thing is that the Lakers can't guard against the general.

All the Spurs fans in the audience pinned their hopes on the general at this time.

I hope he can lead the team to turn the tide in the final quarter.

13 points difference, say big or small.

If you work hard, you still have a chance to catch up.

At the beginning of the fourth quarter, the Spurs took the lead.

The Admiral just ran half court after sending the baseline ball, and found that something was wrong with the Lakers' defense.

For a while, the fans in the audience became restless.

Marvin Albert also swallowed:

"This Lakers fourth quarter actually
Actually used Shay to defend David Robinson! "

The fans and commentators couldn't believe their eyes, how could Carlisle let Shay, the number one, defend the center! ?
Is he crazy! ?
Spurs coach John Lucas was also a little surprised. Unexpectedly, he and Carlisle actually thought of going together.

However, I let the general guard Shay to create opportunities.

You Carlisle used Shay to defend the general, this is purely an accident.

John Lucas was secretly smug in his heart, but the admiral couldn't laugh.

Because he was really being guarded by Shay right now!
Shay clung to the admiral's side, preventing him from taking a comfortable position.

As a center forward, the general's dynamic talent is almost perfect.

Strong athletic ability, even Stoudemire and others in the future will have to bow down.

But the general is not perfect, and his static talent is actually not top-notch.

As a center, the Admiral doesn't have an ass that can jump off the Empire State Building and smash the earth through like Barkley.

Although he has the upper limbs of a bodybuilder, the strength of the general's lower limbs is relatively average, and neither being in position nor standing on top is his specialty.

Even his shoulders are too narrow for a big man.

These shortcomings made the admiral extremely dislike hand-to-hand combat and back-to-back attacks.

That's why, the Admiral yyds during the regular season, but he will be sluggish when it comes to the playoffs.

He likes to shoot in the middle, likes to face the basket, and likes to counterattack and chase.

But when it comes to hand-to-hand combat in the playoffs, these tricks will make the general struggle.

Similarly, the admiral was equally uncomfortable being defended by Shay.

Xie Yi's strength is not weak, after all, it has reached 86 points.

If you want to say that you may not be able to carry Shark, Ewing and Dameng.

But Xie Yi can definitely carry a general who is not stable enough!

The reason why Carlisle dared to use Shay to defend the general was because of this.

Shay kept pushing the admiral out, and the admiral couldn't hold his position at all.

However, relying on the advantage of height and wingspan, the general still received a pass from the general Johnson.

All the Spurs fans are excited, as long as the general can catch the ball, then he will destroy Shay.

After getting the ball, the general slowly turned to face the frame, made two three-threat moves, and then went straight to the mid-range pull!

The general's choice made even Xie Yi feel surprised. The fifth position was misplaced to play the first position, but you just couldn't get in?
Connery: Shay, you have the nerve to say that I helped you in that day!
It can only be said that the general's style of play is like this.

Moreover, he believes that he has a height advantage, and Bashey in the middle distance is also the right choice.

How did he know that the admiral had only lifted the ball halfway, and Shay immediately did everything and slapped the ball away from the admiral's hand!
Shay didn't give the general an easy shot at all!
After the steal, Shay sprints forward, picks up the ball and pushes it!
The Admiral immediately turned and gave chase, but was still a step behind.

After Shay made the steal and dunked the score with one hand, the Spurs fans even worried for a moment that the rebound was smashed by Shay.

The first round between Shay and the Admiral ended with a complete victory for Shay!

The Spurs fans all stared wide-eyed, Shay actually defended the general one-on-one! ?

How is this possible!
Before they saw the general receiving the basketball, they wondered if the general could handle Shay casually.

Who knows, but the general was manipulated by Shay.

John Lucas also swallowed, this is different from what he imagined.

Luck, it must be luck!

The admiral's expression was very serious, and it could be seen that he was very unhappy now.

But his elegant character does not allow him to use trash talk to Shay.

Shay could only reluctance to unilaterally spray the general: "What are you doing, David, Barkley and his grandma are harder than you!"

The admiral changed his strategy. This round he did not directly wrestle with Shay, but
Get ready to run off the ball and catch and shoot!
Can you believe that a center plays point guard, instead of sitting and playing, he runs and plays?
Running up and fighting, didn't this just hit Xie Yi's arms!
This time, the admiral just went to the right side of the court after passing the screen without the ball and raised his hand to ask for the ball. Shea immediately caught up and grabbed the ball before the admiral.

Shay successfully intercepted the pass, and the Spurs made two consecutive turnovers!

"Damn it!" The admiral cursed loudly, which was probably the most vicious thing he could utter.

Seeing that Shay forced the general to make mistakes for two consecutive rounds, Carlisle nodded in satisfaction.

He just knew that the general didn't like hand-to-hand combat, so he dared to send Xie to defend the general.

Facts have proved that the effect of this trick is quite significant.

Compared with Clifford Robinson, Shay is more mobile without much difference in size.

Simply perfect for the defensive general.

Before the Lakers could not completely widen the point difference by relying on counterattacks, so in the fourth quarter, Carlisle decided to limit the general while maintaining offensive firepower.

This way, the game is completely under control!
The general retreated immediately after being intercepted, without giving the Lakers a chance to counterattack.

At this time, the Lakers have already led by 15 points.

The Admiral must not let Shay score easily again.

Shay defended two generals in a row, which made the Spurs fans extremely angry.

This kind of rubbish, why should he!
But soon, the Spurs fans became restless again.

because they found
The admiral actually led the defense against Shay!

Marvin Albert, who was commentating the game on the spot, was shocked:
"My God, what happened to this game?
After Shay single-handedly defended the general, the general also had to single-handedly defend Shay!
This game has really turned into a direct confrontation between two superstars!
Don't blink, a wonderful duel is going on! "

The Spurs' outside lines were all blasted by Shay, and if the general helped defend Shay, he would be shot again.

Therefore, John Lucas can only let the other players go to man-mark, and then let the general deal with Shay himself!

Anyway, the admiral's speed is extremely fast, and he often changes defenses from outside lines.

Lucas didn't think he was incapable of holding Shay down!
Spurs fans think so too, the general was DPOY last season!

Rodman, Jordan, Pippen and others were all ranked behind the generals in last year's DPOY selection.

No matter how strong Shay's offensive ability is, it's impossible to run amok on DPOY's head, right?
Shay, Shay, you're dead this time!

Xie Yi looked at the strong general in front of him, but he was not worried at all.

Unexpectedly, the Spurs also used the head star to defend the opposite head star.

It is true that the general is DPOY, but he is a center after all.

He does switch on the perimeter occasionally, but if he is dedicated to defending the perimeter.
After approaching the general, Shay lowered his center of gravity and dribbled with his left and right hands alternately.

Suddenly, Shay dribbles a crotch to the left, ready to drive.

The admiral's reaction was really quick, and he moved laterally to block it immediately.

But just when Shay and the general were about to collide, Shay slipped past the general with a smooth back-luck!

Shay's bad luck was so sudden and smooth that the admiral couldn't react at all.

Shay broke through last season's DPOY general in this way, and the Spurs fans could only watch Shay hit the inside, and then another heavy dunk!
Marvin Albert cheered loudly:

"It's clean, Shay can guard David, but David may not be able to guard Shay!

Shay played this ball so wonderfully that the best defensive player was helpless at all! "

Amidst Albert's cheers, the Spurs fans were completely shut up.

They closed themselves not only because the score was stretched to 17 points, but also because.
From the beginning of the fourth quarter to the present, the Admiral is completely being rubbed on the ground by Shay!

Shay also didn't expect that that idiot John Lucas actually tried to use a center forward to limit the opponent's No. [-] position.

Moreover, there is no assistance in defense!
How did that guy become a head coach?

At this moment, the entire Alamo Dome was shrouded in awkward silence.

If the game is like the first three quarters, even if the Spurs fall behind, it will not be so embarrassing.

After all, the general has been scoring goals.

But now, the head star of the Spurs is being hammered!
There is nothing more embarrassing than this.

The Spurs went on the offensive, and the Admiral finally got the hang of it, leaning on Shai deep in the post and raising his hand for the ball.

He's finally playing like a center.

But Xie seemed to be familiar with this position, he supported the general's waist, and his legs kept interfering with the general's position.

Heh, I just practiced back defense a few days ago, and I practiced it all night!
This posture, this strength, made Aunt Jenny swallow her saliva.

Admiral, you can't do it, let my sister and I fight back against Xie Yi!
The admiral finally got the basketball, and in fact his post-up attack wasn't too bad.

It's just that he doesn't seem to be very good among the four major centers, but compared with Mourning and his like, the general's back play is still very strong.

Mourning: Heh, he is good at back hitting, but he is not as good as me!
But Carlisle is not the crazy John Lucas, and in this case, he continued to let Shay defend alone.

If the general sinks low to post up, Shai is really difficult to defend.

Therefore, Carlisle's strategy is that once the general catches the ball in the low post, the others rush to help pinch!
In an instant, both Robinson and Perkins attacked, and the general was helpless.

Back up, low position, hand-to-hand combat. This situation is simply full of debuffs for the general!

Although he was flanked, the admiral was not without a chance.

After all, he has reached a very deep position. If he hits hard, even if he doesn't advance, he may still cause damage.

If Olajuwon encounters this situation, he will definitely choose to use his superb inside footsteps to break the flank.

If O'Neill encountered such a situation, he would definitely lean in abruptly, no matter how many people are around you, he would smash them all away!

If Ewing encountered this situation, he wanted to pass the ball, but he couldn't find anyone to pass it to. He was the only one who could score for the Knicks!
But after the admiral was double-teamed, his first reaction was to find his teammates!
The admiral is very selfless, even a little too selfless.

With the team trailing by 17, he was deep in the low post without making any offensive attempts.

The admiral passed the ball to his inside partner Antoine Carr, and Robinson rushed out immediately upon seeing this situation, interfering with Carr's mid-range jumper.

The basketball bounced, and the Spurs' offense failed again!
Perkins and Shea worked together to keep the general behind him, and Shea got the rebound steadily.

The Admiral was once again defended by Shay!

The Alamo Dome has been silent. In the fourth quarter, under the defense of Shai, the general's performance was a disaster!

As for Shay, he once again held the ball and slowly approached the general.

Prepare to continue to torment that poor, honest man.

Shay looked at the general and at the center forward who had no choice but to be pushed to the frontcourt to defend, he couldn't help but sigh.

Why did the admiral have such a bad time before he met Duncan?
A large part of the reason is that the management and coaches that the general encountered were too bad.

Let's not talk about the management's inaction. Before Duncan, Rodman was the most powerful teammate around the general, can you believe it?

The coach is even more weird than the other. In the original history of 95 years, the famous round of the series where the general was blown up by the big dream.

You will obviously find that once the general breaks through, he will be surrounded by double-teamers.

And Dameng is really one-on-one with the general.

Then you must blow up the admiral.

Although there are reasons for Rodman's unwillingness to help the general defend, the coach also has to bear some responsibility.

Now, the Admiral is pushed out by the coach to mark a defender.
When you meet a coach who directs blindly, no matter how powerful you are, you will still be cheated.

Shay shook his head, forget it, let me end your pain as soon as possible!
Shay accelerated to the right side of the admiral, and the admiral still kept up with Shay in the first step. His defensive ability was indeed very strong.

Most centers can't even take that first step.

But the defensive side is the passive side after all. Shay suddenly pulled the ball back and made an emergency stop, causing the general to brake suddenly.

But the huge inertia of retreating made the admiral who stopped suddenly sit down on the ground!
The audience exclaimed, the admiral was actually knocked down by Shay!

It's just so humiliating, it's easily the most embarrassing and humiliating one-on-one situation.

"Fuck!" The admiral gritted his teeth, put one hand on the ground, and was about to stand up and stop Xie.

Who knew that Shay made another change of direction after restarting, piercing up and left.

The admiral had just stood up and hadn't adjusted his center of gravity when he was shaken by Shay's change of direction and fell back to the floor.

The admiral was knocked down twice by Shay in one round!

Shay ripped off the Admiral's last fig leaf, he wasn't beating him, he was playing him!

After knocking down the Admiral, Shay went straight to the basket, facing Antoine Carr who came up from the supplementary defense, and scored with an easy throw.

The basketball hit the net and Shay scored his 26th point of the game.

And, led the team to widen the point difference to 19 points!
The San Antonio Spurs are close to death!
Moreover, Shay completely beat the Admiral in one-on-one!
From the beginning of the fourth quarter to the present, Shay has not let the general score even a goal, but the general has been missing.

Although O'Neal and Dameng lost to Shay before, at least their personal performances were quite good.

But today, Shay got the admiral in a direct matchup!

The admiral is undoubtedly the one who lost the worst and most thoroughly among all the big men who fought against Shay!
I thought it would be a shame to be behind by more than ten points in the first three quarters, but I didn't expect that it was just an appetizer.

The Admiral had a nightmarish start to the fourth quarter!
The Spurs suspended the game, and Shay walked over to the general sitting on the ground, spreading his hands:
"Admit it David, stop complaining all the time that I'm famous for my traffic in big cities.

The only reason why your popularity is not as high as mine is that you are too weak! "

The Admiral had just complained before the game that Shai had talked too much trash.

result now
Referee, he scolded me again!

After spraying, Shay bowed very gentlemanly to the silent Spurs fans in the stands.

Aren't you all waiting to see the performance of the superstar being hunted?

I hope you enjoy today's superstar hunting performance!

In just a few rounds, Shay has already humiliated the general.

But the fourth quarter of shame, this is just the beginning!

 Today's [-]D update is here!Lao He boldly begged for a monthly ticket, and begged the bosses for some charity, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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