After changing careers, I became No.1 in basketball

Chapter 134 133: Maybe it can torture the god of basketball?

Chapter 134 133: Maybe it can torture the god of basketball?
Shay beat the Admiral 14-4 in the fourth quarter.

This helped the admiral get onto the front pages of major media.

"Totally blown up, the admiral lost the game shamefully!"

"The inside superstar killer continues to show off, Shay killed the general one-on-one!"

"The best defensive player allowed Shay to score 14 points in a single quarter? Is Shay too strong or the general is too weak?"

"34 points and 12 assists, you remember the word inferiority. Admiral, pseudo superstar!"

American Media interpreted a sentence very truthfully: whoever makes fun of them will help whoever!
A few days ago, I was still collectively blacking Shay.

Now that Xie Yi is flirting and showing off, the admiral has taken over the hacked baton.

A few days ago, the media also said that the general will cut Shay into pieces, but today the general will become a pseudo superstar.

The mouth of the media is a deceitful ghost!
And as soon as these news headlines spread to China, those who didn't know thought that Xie Yi had led the team to the mainland of Ugly Country.

Even the admiral over there has been killed, so the next step is not to plant a red flag on the Empire State Building?

In the future, going to Hawaii to bask in the sun will be considered as domestic travel.

Barkley: Don't shoot me, comrade!This way!
It had been a long time since the Admiral had been on the front pages of national newspapers.

It's just that he didn't expect that the explosion again was actually because of being blown up by Shay.

No, is this kind of crap worth the headlines?

I didn't let the pick-up fans block the way to the airport!

The admiral didn't know that his great achievements were worthy of the headlines.

After all, a superstar was blasted like this in one-on-one
It's not easy!
The duel between superstars and superstars usually explodes each other.

As for the admiral, he took a different approach and dealt a blow to everyone and suffered a blowout.

Both offensive and defensive ends were suppressed by Shay.

The general is for the honest people, and the true one sacrifices himself to achieve others.

It was thought that this would end Shay's title of "behemoth killer".

Who knows, the general has become the worst beaten of all the super centers!
With the general's loss, the historical status of O'Neal and Olajuwon have risen a lot!
If the fifth position can beat the first position, it can be blown up, just ask Dameng and Shark if it is okay!
This game undoubtedly became a classic battle of the admiral's career.

Shay didn't know that the general in history would not score 71 points in a single game.

But Shay can be sure that even if there is, his 71-point battle is definitely not as famous as yesterday's game.

At the same time, the media are also feeling Connery's strength.

Shay has been known to take down monsters like the Big Dream, the Shark, and the Admiral.

But Connery has the ability to make Shai lose to the Trail Blazers the next day.

It can be seen that Connery's strength is quite strong!

As we all know, the peak period of a player like Connery is generally in his 40s and [-]s.

And she is already so strong in her 20s, people are really afraid of Shay's sudden death in the future!
After defeating the general, the Lakers' record became 16 wins and 2 losses.

This record leads the league, even surpassing the Bulls with 12 wins and 5 losses!

Such an excellent record has also caused more and more media to start comparing the Bulls and the Lakers.

These days, three consecutive championships are still impossible in everyone's eyes.

Because since Bill Russell's Celtics, there has never been a three-peat.

Therefore, before the start of this season, many media were speculating that the Lakers might be the team that ended the Bulls' consecutive championships.

And now that the Lakers are doing so well, the voices are naturally getting louder.

At the end of training today, Danzi was inevitably asked questions related to the Lakers.

The reporter asked him, which is the most powerful team between the Lakers and the Bulls this season.

Next to it, the Bulls press officer tried to drive the reporter away after hearing about it.

He knew Jordan would not like the question.

But Jordan waved his hand at him: "It's okay, it's okay, I expected to encounter such a problem.

You ask me, which is stronger, the Bulls or the Lakers? "

As Danzi said, he suddenly took out his two championship rings from his crotch and put them on his fingers:

"Well, that depends on which bull it is.


And what about the Lakers?They only lost to the Trail Blazers last season.

So folks, come on, the answer is pretty obvious. "

The reporter was speechless, I asked you to answer the question, I didn't let you take the opportunity to pretend to beep!

Danzi pretended to be beeping calmly on the surface, but in fact he was restless in his heart.

In Danzi's heart, Barkley is the kind of friend who can't do anything.

I am not as good as myself in appearance, not as good as myself in career, and not even in playing cards.

As a result, now, this friend who is not as good as him suddenly said that he wanted to interrupt his three consecutive championships?

Just kidding!

There is also Shay, who was rendered by the media as "the only All-Star who has not been defeated by Jordan" last season.

During the Olympics, he also defended against Danzi who was 11 for 1.

Before, Jordan lost to the Magic and Shay led the team to defeat the Magic.
As a generous person, how could Danzi hold grudges?
It's because I can't remember, so those things just now
Danzi wrote everything down in a small notebook, ready to settle one by one with Xie Yi!

Shay + Barkley, for Jordan, this is simply full of buffs.

If he didn't fuck those two guys hard, he would be ashamed to be the tyrant of the alliance.

Shay and Barkley are naturally looking forward to the Christmas battle half a month later.

Especially the Flying Pigs, who are already rubbing their hoofs and claws.

Before the 76ers, he was often abused by Dan Zi.

The light gentleman swept, and Jordan played twice on Barkley.

Think about it, you are paid in the league, eating hot pot and singing.

Suddenly he was beaten by Danzi!
Who can bear this?

So this Danzi has to be played at any time.

No fight!

A day without Danzi is a good day!
Barkley has had enough of being trampled by Dan Zi, this time, he must stand up and resist!
In order to boost team morale, Shay taught Barkley and other teammates to sing battle songs every day.

Ever since, in the training ground of the Great Western Forum Arena, loud singing sounds every morning:

"Get up, get up, get up! We are united as one, braving the enemy's artillery fire, and marching forward!"

Those who didn’t know thought it was a flag-raising ceremony every day!

After Barkley returns, he can't wait to test his knives before the Bulls.

So on December 12th, Fliggy ushered in its first game after its comeback.

The opponent is the weak Milwaukee Bucks.

Facing the old coach Dunleavy, Shay made him miss the feeling of coaching at the Great Western Forum Arena last year-coaching in sleep!

The Bucks trailed by 30 points at halftime, making the entire second half garbage time.

In the second half, forward Brickkowski, who had set a new career high in the Bucks, was about to fight to the death, but when he turned around, Dunleavy had already fallen asleep!

Los Angeles Sandman is particular about it.

At the Great Western Forum, no one can wake Dunleavy!

Dunleavy actually didn't want to sleep, but he was sent to garbage time at halftime, and I sat on the sidelines and had nothing to do.

I'm so sleepy, I can only sleep peacefully!

Still need to watch the Lakers game?When Dunleavy woke up, the Lakers had another big victory!
Barkley was very excited today, scoring 34 points.

I took 10 points in the garbage time before I went to the field with satisfaction.

After the game, Barkley accepted the interview in a loud voice:
"With me here, the game will of course become easier in an instant.

When I wasn't around, Shai had to defend, he had to attack, and he had to score.

But now that I'm here, there's only one thing Shay has to do, and that's pass the ball to me.

I made the game so easy! "

Xie Yi admires Fliggy's shameless spirit, and these few words make you right.
Even if you are not here, how difficult it is to beat the Bucks Yemei!
How to win a lottery team, just say it out of your mouth, as if you led the team to win the championship!
In the next two games, Barkley and Shay led their teams to beat the Mavericks and the Suns respectively.

Not to mention the Mavericks, they are also a lottery team.

Facing the Suns, Barkley scored 31 points, extinguishing the Suns early.

Just when everyone thought that Barkley was going to stand up, he suddenly showed his true colors in the face of the Supersonics.

Against the Supersonics, the Fliggy fought four against one and only scored 31 points with a 12% shooting rate.

Payton, who was originally defended by Shay with 11 of 4 and 4 turnovers, should be the most embarrassing person today.

But it doesn't matter, Barkley will make a move!
Fliggy made a strong attack and had to help Peyton out.

I thought that with Payton as a drag, the Supersonics would lose.

Who would have thought that when Fliggy pulled back, Payton could only bow down!
What's wrong with Fliggy, he just wants to score more points to be the best of the week.

Grandpa Pig, my little 1.5 Xie Yi has already won the best of the week. I, as the big brother, don't take it. It's a bit unreasonable, right?

Therefore, Fliggy, whose desire to earn points has skyrocketed, is a little bit unique today.

As a result, I didn't get the high score, and instead I got overturned.

Shay almost didn't call after the game to call his relatives and friends in China over to eat a pig-killing meal. Barkley was completely high today, and he didn't know where the pass button went.

He thought he was playing a lottery team, and he could score more than [-] points casually.

The supersonic striker is the existence that makes even Dameng feel ashamed.

Not to mention a flying pig above.

Fliggy also knew that he was mainly responsible for the loss today, so he also promised after the game:
"Don't worry Shay, I will definitely pass the ball in the next game. My old pig, my favorite thing to play is team basketball!"

On December 12, the eve of the Christmas game, the Lakers faced the New York Knicks, who fought the Bulls in seven games in the playoffs last season.

In this game, the outside world was very optimistic about the Lakers.

Although the Knicks are very strong, after all, the Lakers have the "behemoth killer" Shay.

Shay hasn't lost a game against a super center this season, and he beat the general one-on-one in the last game.

Therefore, people are also full of expectations for Shay's performance, expecting him to bring down a giant beast.

As a result, something incredible happened.

The Knicks are a team that relies purely on defense and is completely blind on offense.
Today, he scored 110 points on the Lakers!
Six players from the Knicks scored in double figures for the first time today. Among them, the gorilla scored 63.6 points with a 34% shooting rate!
The inside line of the Lakers was killed by the gorilla.

The reason is very simple, Barkley is too lazy on the defensive end today.

Whether or not to help defend Ewing depends entirely on the mood.

Barkley swore that he would definitely pass the ball today, but he didn't say that he would definitely defend!

In the two games against O'Neal and Dameng, the reason why the Lakers were able to slightly restrict the two super centers was because of Barkley's active defense.

And once the Flying Pigs are missing, the Lakers' inside line simply cannot withstand the devastation of the super center.

Ewing is not an admiral, he uses both his big buttocks and his elbows, and the others couldn't stand the devastation of Ewing's back attack.

On the offensive end, the Knicks also crazily blocked the inside line, waiting for Shay and Barkley to go in and fight.

Shay is the most annoying to play against the Knicks, because playing against the Knicks will always make Shay feel that he has not changed careers.

Still playing wrestling match!

But as smart as a flying pig, how could he fall into the Knicks' defensive trap?
Since you are blocking the inside line, then the pig will score a three-pointer!

Barkley started the fourth quarter with a shot from outside the three-point line and successfully killed the game.

It's just that the Lakers themselves were killed.

Fliggy made 3 of 0 three-pointers in the fourth quarter, but if they scored one, it would be an insult to Fliggy's professional level.

In this way, 104 to 110, the Lakers faced two strong teams, the Sonics and the Knicks, after a wave of abuse, but experienced a wave of two-game losing streak.

The gorillas were overjoyed, and Shay's friends were interesting enough. They were all acquaintances, so I got a lot of points.

The sophistication of the world is clearly played by Fliggy!
After the game, Barkley was locked into the conference room by the Los Angeles media without a doubt, and he was not allowed to eat pig feed!

Everyone thought that after Shay and Fliggy reunited, the Lakers could take off.

In the end, all the strong teams lost!

Is this how you test Jordan?What tyrant could not stand such a test?

Feizhu just likes waves.

When he fights hard, he is extremely powerful.

But when it's not serious, even Shay can't move it!

One after another, Barkley is performing the NBA's unpredictability.

If it's just losing to the Knicks, it's okay, after all, the Lakers' record of 18 wins and 4 losses is still dazzling.

But the point is, the Bulls just defeated the Knicks a few days ago!
If the Knicks are used as a reference, it is impossible for the Lakers to win the Bulls!

On the eve of the Christmas battle, the results of such a match would definitely be infinitely magnified by the media.

"Challenge the bull? With Shay, who has no range, and Flying Pig, who is unpredictable, they have no chance at all!"

"Shay can only pray that Barkley doesn't mess up on the 25th."

"Get rid of Shay and Barkley at once, and Danzi will have to wake up laughing from his dreams!"

The major media are very optimistic about the Bulls, and the performance of the Lakers in the last two games is really unconvincing.

Watching the Lakers' recent two-game losing streak, Jordan was even more embarrassing.

And frantically use Fliggy to open brush:
"Charles is not surprising, he has always been like that because he doesn't have the winning gene.

And it's normal for him to be nervous when he's about to meet me.

After all, Barkley is well aware of the consequences of meeting me.

He probably suffered from 'Jordan phobia'. "

Fliggy was very upset by Jordan's criticism, but he has no time to take care of Jordan now, Fliggy has more important things to deal with.

Jordan was just humiliating him, but Shay was about to kill him!

"Shay, put down the bench first, let's talk slowly after putting down the bench!
Really, I promise, if I don't defend or pass the ball in the next game, I will be a pig! "

"But you are a pig!"

Xie Yi really took the flying pig, it's been a long time since his skin itch, right?The game is not serious anymore!
"Well, let's see, next game I'll take care of Jordan and you take care of Pippen.

Let's divide the work and cooperate. You see, I just don't need to prevent Danzi from crying.

Really, in the next game I will definitely defend seriously, I don’t want the ball and just defend!
In the next game, I will treat you as an old 1.5, and I will definitely not waste money.

As long as I can win Jordan, I am willing to do anything! "

Hearing what Barkley said, Shay put down the bench in his hand.

Hey, another day of convincing people with virtue~
If Fliggy defends Jordan with all its strength, it will definitely drag Danzi down.

As for Pippen, Shay has plenty of ways to torture him!

After finishing Feizhu, Xie also opened the system interface when he came home at night.

At the end of today's training, Shay finally completed another upgrade after half a year.

Received five chances to draw.

This also means that Shay has another chance to issue gold-level rewards!
It would be great to be able to upgrade a wave before playing Jordan.

Xie Yi didn't wash his face today, but took a shower specially for the lucky draw!

Just soaked in the bathtub and started to twitch, ah no, draw a lottery.

After a flash of white light, Shay saw three attribute packages and one badge upgrade package.

And, a golden badge rewards:

"King of Enduring Torment (Gold)!"

Xie Yi hurriedly looked at the ability description of the badge, after reading it, Xie Yi felt.
Maybe I can torture the god of basketball?
 Today’s [-]D update is here, begging for votes!Thank you guys in advance!

(End of this chapter)

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