Chapter 14 014: Georgetown legends

Thompson originally just wanted to find a strong opponent to train soldiers.

As a result, he actually won last year's runner-up Duke.

He was just trying to find a thug for Mourning and Mutombo.

As a result, they found a perfect starting point guard.

Thompson secretly felt that he might have opened the window to win the championship for the second time!

No.2 has just won, and No.1 only lost them by one point last season.

Facts have proved that Georgetown does have the strength to compete with the top teams.

Taking advantage of the last year of Mutombo's college career, he must make a move this year!
Time to call that guy back and inspire everyone.
Thompson was thinking about his plan to win the championship, while the players on the bus were still immersed in the joy of winning the game.

On the team bus back to the hotel, Mourning was making a bet with his teammates: "Tell me, who of us will get the most pages in tomorrow's Durham Post?"

Although the defeat of Duke today is an internal practice match, there are still many reporters on the scene.

The results of the game will definitely be in the newspapers, and Georgetown, which won the game, will inevitably become the protagonist of the news reports.

One of the people on the team will definitely be highlighted.

Most people chose Mutombo, after all, his 5-risk performance in the half today is really amazing.

Mourning's face is full of black lines, I wondered if you would choose me!
Mourning wasn't completely devoid of support, though, and Shea picked Mourning, thinking he'd get the most pages in the paper the next day.

Mourning was almost moved to tears, what is a friend in need?

Stop talking, Xie Yi, my dear buddy.If I have a mouthful of fruit plate, there will be a mouthful of fruit peel for you!
Mutombo?It's just ordinary teammates, we don't know each other well at all.

But after Shay picked Mourning, he added:
"Don't get me wrong, I just think it's really not easy for you to lead the team to lose 18 points in the first half. Therefore, the reporter will definitely spend the most space to write about it!"

Mourning: .
I can't stay with this bad team for a minute!

You only saw that I lost 18 points alone in the first half, but you ignored that I emptied my stamina bar on the bench in the second half.

You guys win without me flailing the towel?

After teasing Mourning, Shay opened the system interface and found that the task of "the trio's first victory" had been completed.

Two essence fragments are already lying in the backpack.

You only need three more essence fragments to get a lucky draw chance!
Xie Yi only hoped that the next mission would appear sooner.

It would be best to get stronger again before the new season officially starts.

Early the next morning, everyone gathered in Mutombo's room.

Dikembe Mutombo picked up the fresh issue of the Durham Post and flipped to the sports section.

However, everyone was shocked when they saw the biggest photo on the sports page.

Neither Mourning nor Dikembe Mutombo got the most coverage on the sports page today.

It's Shay!

In the photo, he was stealing Grant Hill from behind.

The big black title reads a few words:
"The sporadic high school students counterattack the talented five-star high school students!"

Xie Yi didn't even think of this situation. It was the first time he saw his photo in the newspaper, and he had to say that he really felt a sense of accomplishment.

Mutombo is proficient in English, French, Portuguese, Spanish and five African tribal languages. He does not need a walking translation machine with subtitles to watch art movies.

He began to read the report to everyone in his pipe-smoking voice.

"Shay, maybe you've never heard that name before today.

But in last night's game, he did block Grant Hill.

Grant Hill, a prodigy from Duke, was blocked in the second half yesterday and only made 8 of 2 shots.

And at the last critical moment, it was completely blocked by Shay with a steal and a block, and Duke also lost the game because of this.

We have very little information on the Asian magician Shay.All I know is that he was just a sporadic high school student when he was in high school.

In the last game against the powerful Duke, he scored 12 points, 6 assists, 3 steals and 3 blocks in the first half.

He may not be a top player yet, but he will definitely be Georgetown's best weapon next season.

He is currently a junior, and we don't know if he will participate in this year's NBA draft.

Let's wait and see if he has the potential to become the first Asian in NBA history to be selected in the first round. "

This report can be said to praise Shay throughout the article. It seems that Shay's performance in locking Hill still left a deep impression on the reporters.

After Shay, the article began to talk about Mutombo, but the space was not much.

It probably means that this senior center is as calm as ever, and he is still the strongest defensive player in the NCAA and so on.

After talking about Mutombo, only one sentence mentioned Mourning in the end:
"Junior center Alonzo Mourning played poorly in last night's game, leading the team to trail by 18 points in the first half."


Mourning: .
No, is it necessary to write about this kind of thing! ?
After Mutombo finished reading, Shea took the paper from him and read it himself, top to bottom.

To actually appear on the headlines of the sports section, this is really fantastic.

Now that the newspapers have reported on him, the NBA scouts should also go back with their own news.

Hitting the famous goal in the warm-up match is a perfect achievement!
In the afternoon, everyone flew back to Huasheng Shield and returned to school.

At school, students passing by give thumbs up to the basketball team.

Even though it was just a warm-up match, winning against Duke is still very embarrassing to the school.

For a while, Shay, who guarded against Grant Hill, also became a man of the school.

After all, Georgetown University was Grant Hill's potential next home a few months ago, so the whole school knows what level of player Hill is.

At that time, the president of Georgetown University and the head coach of the team both visited Hill's house in person to lobby.

Georgetown didn't get Hill, and the school fans were quite disappointed.

As a result, now, a person who can guard Hill turned out.

It's as if the goddess you've been thinking about has fallen into someone else's arms.But soon, a more beautiful goddess offered to give it to her.

This feeling, let alone more enjoyable.

In just one game, Shay went from being unknown at school to becoming a well-known star.

In just one game, Mourning lost his old 2.

After returning to school, John Thompson went straight to the gymnasium with the players who had just finished the game. He didn't disband the team and didn't say rest.

On the way, everyone was talking about it, the coach is not going to let us continue to practice, right?
You just came back from an away game, don't be so embarrassing, right?How about a day off?

John Thompson really wants to win the championship, and he really believes in what he earns for his sweat.

But this time he didn't want to give the players extra training, but wanted to take them to meet a special person.

Pushing open the door of the basketball hall, everyone found that all the lights in the basketball hall were on.

Moreover, a man as strong as a gorilla was practicing alone on the basketball court.

This man's muscular lines are like a bodybuilder. Compared with him, Mourning and Mutombo are like a thin dog.

He was wearing a simple gray vest, which was completely soaked with sweat.

Take a closer look, boy, this man not only looks like a gorilla, but also looks like a gorilla!

That's right, this person is the legendary star of Georgetown University, the starting center of the Eastern Conference All-Star team last season, the top five in the MVP rankings, and the head of the Knicks.

The creative prototype of the well-known center Takenori Akagi in Neon Country——Patrick Ewing!

When Ewing saw someone coming in, he stopped what he was doing and waved to the team members: "Hi everyone, we meet again."

"Patrick, you're finally here!" Mutombo and Mourning were very excited, and rushed to hug Ewing. It seemed that they were very familiar with Ewing.

"Patrick will train with everyone for a week and cherish this opportunity to train with NBA All-Star players."

John Thompson looked at Ewing with pride shining in his eyes.

He brought everyone here today just to see Ewing.

Ewing is the spiritual totem of Georgetown University, seeing him and training with him, everyone's morale will be high.

Ewing hugged Mutombo and Mourning, then went straight to Shay.

"I heard that you defended Grant Hill last night? I'm so glad that the team has a player who loves defense like you!"

After all, Ewing extended his hand to Shay in a friendly manner, wanting to shake hands.

When Shay was about to shake hands, his system suddenly reacted.

"New mission: love from seniors.

Mission goal: In the next week of training games, block Ewing once, steal Ewing once, and force Ewing to make a mistake.

Mission Reward: Three Essence Fragments. "

Xie Yi held Ewing's hand tightly, the senior didn't mean to give himself benefits!

This task seems simple, but Ewing averaged 28.6 points per game in the NBA last season.

He was selected to the best team as a center and is the only center in the top five of the MVP rankings.

It is no exaggeration to say that Ewing was the league's No. [-] center last season.

As an NCAA-level point guard, I want to cover the No. [-] center, but I have to stop him and force the No. [-] center to make mistakes.
How do you feel that you have been tricked by the system?
 Today's second update is here, begging for collection and tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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