After changing careers, I became No.1 in basketball

Chapter 184 183: To come to Yin?Then talk about the hard truth!

Chapter 184 183: To come to Yin?Then talk about the hard truth!
The Rain Man was brutalized by Shai and Barkley at halftime.

In a nationally broadcast game, I lost face to my grandma's house.

If it was a normal game, it would be fine if Rain Man was abused.

After all, no team has defeated the Lakers this season, and there is actually no shame in being abused.

Everyone can't beat it, not bad for you.

But the key point is that Yuren was so arrogant before the game, threatening to buckle this and dunk that.

As a result, after half the game, he was detained alone!
Kemp has joined the list of NBA dishonest personnel.

It doesn't matter if Morant blows up his basketball to beat Jordan's football and abuses Messi, because he will never be slapped in the face.

But Kemp just blew it before the game, and he was educated during the game!

This is very embarrassing.

There was another loud bang, and the sound of Shay and Kemp's muscles colliding made Carlisle in the audience tremble with fear.

He can only send a nerve knife up to gamble!
This kind of convulsive guard has always been George Karl's favorite. Now Ricky Pierce, when he coached the Nuggets later, he also kept JR. Smith.

Next, the Sonics will rely on Ricky Pierce on the offensive end and Kemp on the defensive end.

Ricky Pierce dribbled in front of Shay for a long time, but Shay broke the ball with just a light stretch!

The coach is right, you can't lose your blood!
Don't be afraid of your opponent!

Xie Yi wouldn't let Kemp do anything wrong, just hugged and fell, but now he's still playing tricks?

During the intermission, in the studio of NBC TV station, everyone was quite serious.

If you start the game, whether you can win or not is too random.

The second half of the game started soon, and the fans in the Dome lost their previous arrogance.

Peyton couldn't believe it.

Jill, who played well in the first half, was put on the bench and replaced by one-time All-Star and two-time Sixth Man of the Year Ricky Pierce.

But looking at Old Carl's smug smile, Shay knew that Supersonic must have done it on purpose.

At the same time, Shay continued to push him in the lower plate, forcing him to move.

But now, George Karl can't control that much.

Kemp knew that he couldn't beat the Lakers head-on. He had suffered a lot in fighting.

There was a loud bang, and the entire arena was filled with shouts.

Now it is directly a matter of being prevented from taking action at all!
Ricky Pierce is no longer a head iron, and he should know the gap between himself and Shay after two hits.

But there is still no Laker Liu Beep!
But after the game started, Carlisle found that the Sonics had changed.

Shay immediately went back to make up for it, and Pierce didn't even have a chance to make a shot.

But Kemp didn't confront Madman and Barkley, he just raised his hands high and stepped aside pretending to be innocent.

Some teammates you really struggle to catch his pass.

"Fuck!" The madman couldn't help it anymore, he clenched his fists and was about to step forward.

I see you are still rampant!
However, the moment Kemp knocked Shay down, he felt that Shay grabbed his jersey suddenly, and then he was lifted up by Shay who fell backwards!
"What!?" Kemp's eyes widened in disbelief, he was about to be hugged and thrown! ?

Seeing that Madman and Fliggy were helpless, Kemp raised his eyebrows at them very meanly:
"It's just a defensive foul, so what can you do?"

I saw two tentacles, ah no, the two long arms directly wrapped around Xie Yi's waist, stopping Xie Yi's rising momentum abruptly.

Soon, the madman rushed to Kemp, pushed him hard with both hands, and then put on a boxing posture.

But Payton doesn't care so much, he has the ball in his hands, so he has to seize the opportunity!

The referee blew the whistle, and Yuren raised his hand to admit that it was his foul.

Instead of mocking Kemp, NBC’s tight commentators are still trying to save the young man’s respect:
"It's normal, Kemp is just too young.

In just half the game, they realized what a team with 19 consecutive victories is like.

And when three people are present at the same time, the blocking ability will be amazing!

Barkley was also stopped by the referee and Robinson, and approached Kemp cursingly.

But Shay was like a safety door, which closed the moment he was about to break in, keeping him out!
Pierce marveled at Shai's incongruous movement for his size, no wonder the defense was so good.

Payton just wanted to move with the ball, but Shay pinched it up again, forming a siege with McMillan!

Just like Manu, he was on the bench because he was not physically fit enough to start.

20 consecutive victories?Don't think about it!
Of course, the Lakers will not stop at this point to widen the point difference. This time, Shay resolutely used the cover to break through Payton and went straight to the basket.

Use this to equalize the score!
Shay looked at Old Carl and yelled at him: "Don't think about it!"

Today, the Dome still has a wonderful performance of frame abuse.

Shay, Madman and McMillan, any combination of two has already made the Lakers' defense very abnormal.

So Kemp knows that sometimes when it's time to back off, you have to back off.

Kemp has been autistic, and it is estimated that his condition will not be very good.

After a bad luck stop, Pierce immediately changed hands and changed direction, passing Shay!
Ricky Pierce felt that half of his body had passed Shay, and he was about to make a breakthrough!
What shit is the strongest defensive player?In front of Lao Tzu, the super sixth man, even if Jordan comes, I have to shake him down!
Pippen: That's enough, it's enough to hold back the bragging and beeping. I, Danhuang, have never played against you. Every time I go out to prevent you to death, there is no need for Danhuang to fight!

He's cowardly!

When there is really no way out, send the super sixth man up to gamble. If you lose the bet, you will not lose money, and if you win the bet, you will earn blood!
But today, old Karl's luck is almost as good as Kemp's.

Under the pressure of Shay, Ricky Pierce barely passed the ball.

Another mistake, the Sonics were forced by the Lakers to make another mistake!
Shay rushed out after stealing the ball, picked up the basketball and went straight down.

In the third quarter, Shay had to let the Sonics make a few more mistakes!

The real best defensive first team for two consecutive years!
So Pierce actually took the initiative to hand the ball to Payton after halftime this time.

But just after finishing speaking, the magician who was also in the studio said:

Unfortunately, the performer was not Kemp!
With a one-handed hard dunk, Shay has opened the point difference to 15 points!
Ricky Pierce, the super sixth man, is not a question of whether he can smoke or not.

But just when Payton was about to speed up, McMillan grabbed Payton's jersey, yanked it, overtook the car in an instant, and stole the basketball before Payton!

With no beeps in his heart, he was naturally unconvinced, so he ignored his teammates again and insisted on continuing to single-handedly fight Xie!

Just now he deliberately smashed Xie Yi directly!

This will invite the TNT Tiantuan 20 years later, and they will be able to make up a cross talk about burying him on the spot with Camp as the theme.

Down by 13 points, or 13 points behind in the third quarter of the Lakers' death.

But he was grabbed by Fliggy.

He may be able to ejaculate today, but he may not be able to ejaculate tomorrow.

It made Pierce look like a circus clown!

In the 90 season, he averaged 23 points per game as a substitute for the Bucks. In 89, he scored 45 points per game as a substitute.

Then in the next second, with a strong arm, Xie Yi was hugged and thrown, knocking Xie Yi who had already jumped into the air to the ground!

Payton thought about Niu Niu and didn't even understand how the goal was scored!

He can score 30 points and lead the team to win today, and he can hit 11 irons to correct the basket tomorrow.

Although very unconvinced, it was indeed a successful attack!

George Karl shook his fist vigorously underneath.

In the end, someone helped the police to control the old oak tree.

"Eh, although Shai is the MVP, everyone, don't forget that Shai is younger than Kemp! So I don't think being young is an excuse!

The Rainman puts up the pick-and-roll, and Ricky Pierce immediately breaks through the screen.

But after he holds the ball with both hands, it also means that he can no longer dribble!

Shay felt that he could easily attack the frame and score points.

As a notorious coach who was later revealed to have instructed his players to intentionally hurt opponents, Rude Karl didn't mind the team defending in this way.

The Lakers still lead by 11 points and continue to meet the challenge of the Supersonics!

Shay pretended to be knocked over, leaning back.In fact, he grabbed Kemp's jersey with both hands, lifted him up and smashed him back!
Kemp lost his balance in the air, and then his head hit the ground first!

As a man who plays without a pass button, if I pass this again, others will think that I am not a super sixth man!

Kemp was not directly mocked.

Pierce was about to regroup and attack again, but Shay didn't give him a chance, he pressed close to him and cut the ball!

When Payton first entered the league, it was McMillan who taught him defense.

The Spurs' so-called sports car in good times and Buddha in adversity in the future, and the demon sword in desperate situation to kill demons, is actually the same reason.

This suffocating oppressive defense does not give the Sonics any breathing room at all!
Don't look at Payton's face, but he is actually a reasonable emperor.

Ricky Pierce never found the squirrel-mouthed queen to be so cute.

Seeing this situation, McMillan threw the ball directly into the air after stepping into the three-point line, and Shay immediately jumped up, making an alley-oop and smashing dunks with both hands, opening the point difference to 13 points again!
George Karl's convulsion tactics only scored a goal, and he was directly misfired by the terrible three-gate defense of the Lakers!
After scoring the goal, Shay turned his head and continued to stare at the uneasy George Karl: "We are sure of the 20-game winning streak. You are useless!"

Failing to teach Kemp a lesson, Madman and Fliggy had to check Shay's situation first.

Ricky Pierce hardly passes the ball to Payton, so Payton is always in a daze when he receives the basketball.

Just knocked the ball off and made another successful steal!

Kemp was hiding next to the referee, so Madman and Fliggy naturally didn't dare to make a move. If they hurt the referee by mistake, the loss outweighs the gain.

Payton had to run two more steps forward to catch the ball.

Doesn't this just kick it up!

After falling so many times, forgive the Lakers for not daring to break through easily!

Pierce did have a couple of hits, and he was going to use a change of pace to get past Shay.

Shay at 2 meters is too tall for Ricky Pierce at 06 meters!
With McMillan helping to defend Payton, Shay personally defended Ricky Pierce barely!
Pierce knew Shai was strong defensively, but he still had confidence in himself.

And the Lakers have to be like this, he will withdraw when he is shady, and the Lakers will have nothing to do with him!
On the sidelines, George Karl smiled smugly.

Madman and Barkley were very helpless, they had all their strength but couldn't use it.

He can be said to have no technical shortcomings on the offensive end.

He replaced Curry with McMillan. Although this will reduce the team's offensive firepower, the perimeter defensive chain of Shay + McMillan + Sprewell cannot be found better in the entire league!


As soon as the second half came up, the nerve knife immediately scored a three-pointer!
Just after halftime, Ricky Pierce ignored Payton and Rainman and made a three-pointer at the top of the arc!

It doesn't matter, it's just an ordinary foul!

While talking, Ricky Pierce dribbled the ball under the crotch in a fancy way.

Back in 91, the young and energetic Kemp was blocked in the player tunnel by Oakley and beat him up because he provoked Oakley.

Never has he been more eager to pass the ball to Payton.

Good guy, Seattle fans call him good guy.

"Just now I was careless, you are such a big fool, I can get past you in a hundred ways!
Live as you want!
When I was playing All-Star, a little boy like you didn't know which hotel toilet he was entertaining himself in! "

If he wants to save his respect, he can only fight back by himself in the second half.

No way, Payton had to pass the ball back to Pierce in the pinch.

For this reason, Payton and Ricky Pierce have a very bad relationship.

"Find a chance to kill him again!"

And Ricky Pierce came off the bench because he had poor defense and poor offensive stability.

The pass was not good, it was too far.

But this bad luck is not a change of direction, but a sudden stop after bad luck!

George Karl gritted his teeth. He has always scolded others. Whenever others dare to yell at him!
Ricky Pierce was also a little overwhelmed by Shai's defense just now.

Shay is fine. After all, Kemp is not a professional. When he fell, his posture and angle were wrong, so the fall just now was not particularly hard.

On the contrary, he was glad that Kemp had found a way to defend Shay!

Overall, it's a nerve knife.


Today, McMillan will give Payton a good review!
The basketball was intercepted and the Sonics' offense failed.

After a few dribbles, Pierce changed hands and made a breakthrough, and another bad luck at the moment Shay moved laterally to block.

Although he is in his fifth season, let's not forget, he is a high school rookie.

The Supersonics are now 17 wins and 2 losses, indeed Liu beep.

It's as if Ricky Davis thought the Cavaliers chose James to help him.

Michael Cage is too short, and his ability to protect the frame is average if he doesn't cooperate with flanking.

I have played basketball all my life, and I only recognize three tactics: shot, shot, or fucking shot!

Once he plays, even Payton will be completely reduced to a defensive tool man.

Why are you mentioning your age?

The Lakers pressed hard on the defense in the third quarter, forcing the Sonics to make mistakes!
Xie Yi has not forgotten the task of giving essence fragments.

Young people, it's normal to take a detour. "

But this time he couldn't even see the basket once he was past half court.

Pierce hugged the basketball in a panic. He had never seen such an aggressive defense!
Just when he was desperate, finally, Payton came out to meet Pierce.

It's right to use speed to beat him!
Pierce then changed direction with one crotch, accelerated immediately, and rushed to Shay's left.

Didn't George Karl rely on the best sixth man to convulse?Carlisle made it impossible for him to smoke!
The three outside positions are all defensive fighters, it depends on how you draw!
In the second free throw, the basketball stumbled but still went into the net.

In the first half, both sides made almost the same number of turnovers.

Shay deftly bypassed Kemp, but just as he was about to bypass the cover, Kemp deliberately ran into Shay's direction!
Kemp, who has a bad temper but dare not confront Shay head-on, will not let go of any chance to bully Shay!
Go to hell asshole!

Since you are going to come to Yin, then I will tell you the hard truth!

Pierce had no choice but to face Shay.

Ricky Pierce took possession of the ball again, thinking about how to shoot handsomely and accurately.

This year, he is only 24 years old.

It can only be said that people named "Ricky" are somewhat rebellious. He still believes that the Sonics chose Payton to assist him.

When you want to play ball, do something else by the way?
We can also accompany to the end!
Shay missed the first free throw under the interference of SuperSonic fans. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Carlisle also substituted.

McMillan ran forward immediately after completing the tackle, and Shay overtook from the other side.

Yang Shaoxia and Kobe worked together for two and a half years before he could send an assist.

What the fuck did I get a pass from Ricky Pierce?

Also, Ricky Pierce took too much possession of the ball.

Camp smugly smacked, the blow was big enough for Shay to drink a jug.

Want to hit hard?

Kemp, he just didn't put himself in the right position! "

His highest honor is the best sixth man, and Shay is a real MVP!

The super sixth man in the hands of George Karl was nailed to the spot by Shay!
Shay opened his arms, almost covering Ricky Pierce in his arms.

He didn't dare to hit Xie alone again!

Seeing that Pierce actually shot directly, Payton was about to greet his teammates with extremely eloquent words, but the completely unreasonable three-pointer was hollow!

So, Ricky Pierce waved his hands and called for cover, and decided to fight Shay again!

Just when Ricky Pierce thought he had passed Shay, Shay flexibly bent down and dived, and quickly stretched out his hand.

The whole thing went very well until Shay jumped to the hoop.

If you hate it, you hate it here. After finally finding a way for Yuren to step down, why are you raising your age at this time! ?
Being young can no longer be used as an excuse, and Kemp really has nowhere to go.

Ricky Pierce is one of the strongest sixth men in NBA history.

Anytime, anywhere, super substitute, serious scoring!
Of course, there must be a reason why such a strong scoring ability has almost always been a substitute in his career.

The basketball was cut off quickly and accurately by Shay, and Pierce immediately hugged the ball reflexively, so there was no mistake.

Because of this kind of player, the game can change unexpectedly.

Shay and Kemp both fell to the ground, and George Karl smiled slightly.

Hey, Shay must be scared now, right?
The super sixth man can't deal with you, but the super beast must be able to deal with you!

That kid Kemp is not easy to mess with!
But soon, Old Carl's smile gradually froze.

He didn't see Shay hurt, nor did he see Kemp's bloodiness.

Instead, he saw Camp's blood on the floor!
 Today's [-]D update is here!It’s another day of [-]D update, it’s not too much to ask for a few votes!Thank you all!
(End of this chapter)

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