After changing careers, I became No.1 in basketball

Chapter 187 Chapter 186: The start was brutally killed, Pippen: It's too late for me to apologi

Chapter 187 Chapter 186: The start was brutally killed, Pippen: It's too late for me to apologize now!
"Is your nose okay? I heard the bridge of your nose is broken?"

"Who did you hear? It's just broken."

"Scott is really, too disrespectful of martial arts! An All-Star game, how can he beat someone!"

Knowing that Shay's nose was not broken, Connery on the other end of the phone was relieved.

Xie Yi pursed his lips and asked with a smile, "Are you not angry anymore?"

"Can't I care about my friends!? Have a good rest, good night!"

As soon as Xie Yi hung up the phone, he heard Fliggy singing an earthy love song strangely.

The effect is similar to: "You are mine, Guanyin Bodhisattva. I am, Niu Niu's slippery!"

"What the hell are you singing about?"

"Nothing to sing, ah, you young people's sour love, we married people really don't understand.

If you break up, you break up, and you are still friends.

I see, is it possible that next time she comes to Los Angeles, she can go to your house as a friend to practice couple yoga or something?

But having said that, that kid Scott really needs a beat this season.

It's okay to hate me before, but today I still hate your face. "

"Normal, last season the Bulls played as many nationally televised games as we did, tied for first in the league.

What about this season?Their nationally televised games rank only fifth in the league.

Not even as good as Magic and Rockets.

It's like Uncle Liu Huang eating peppercorns and losing hemp.

The huge gap between last season and this season must have made Scott very angry.

After finally being on the all-star stage where everyone was watching, he had to give a good performance.

However, we didn't participate in the All-Stars to see his face!
I should not be his punching bag! "

Shay got angry when he mentioned Pippen, and he fouled maliciously in the All-Star Game. The pattern is really small.

Shay didn't beat someone directly in the All-Star game today, which is considered to be a face for Mr. Si.

And Pippen, since he is not decent, Shay helps him to be decent!

The next day, almost all of the All-Star coverage was about Shai and Pippen.

Pippen won the AMVP for the first time in his career and became the first player in history to eat a T in the All-Star Game.

Pippen looked at the news and was ecstatic!
For the first time in so many years, he was the protagonist in the All-Star game!
Sure enough, the popularity is all "beating" out!

And Shay's call to Pippen after the game undoubtedly made the encounter between the two sides after the All-Star Game attract much attention.

Faced with Shay's harsh words, Pippen was not to be outdone:
"I shouldn't have apologized in the first place, Shea said he likes confrontation and I do too.

I can beat him in the All-Star Game and I can beat him in the regular season.

You all say that he has surpassed Jordan, surpassed Magician.

Ridiculous, he can't even surpass me! "

Pi Er has only obeyed Jordan and his son in this life, and Pi Er is crazy in front of other people.

This matter continued to ferment, and Shay also received a new task:
"Mission: Teach him to be decent.

Goal: Keep Pippen below 20 points in the next game against the Bulls, get 20+ points on him, and win the game.

Reward: Essence Fragment X3! "

After completing the task of the Sonics before, Shay already had two essence fragments in his hand.

This also means that if this task is completed again, Shay will have a chance to draw a lottery!
In order to complete this task, but also to completely get Pippen.

Shai went to Carlisle's office the next day: "Coach, I have something I want to talk to you about."

Holding a cup of coffee, Carlisle warmly greeted Xie to sit down: "It's just right, I also have something to talk to you about."

Carlisle then chatted with Shay for 10 minutes about his love run with his current girlfriend.

"No matter what difficulties we encounter, as long as two people truly love each other, we will definitely overcome everything!
Even if the barrier is 2000 million! "

Shay: .
Why the hell the whole team is comforting me!
Am I that vulnerable?
Shay waved his hand: "I'll talk about the 2000 million later. I'm here to discuss with you. I want to face Pippen directly in the game against the Bulls! I will face him from the first quarter!"

If you want to limit Pippen's scoring below 20, the best way is to directly match him.

Although Madman is also a defensive champion this season, but he is going to deal with Pippen, Shea is still a little worried.

Some things, you have to do it yourself, you can't let the people below do it.

Carlisle knew Shay's character, and he would never let Niu Er Er easily.

So Carlisle didn't stop him: "No problem, if you can handle Scott, the game will be much easier."

After receiving an affirmative answer, Xie Yi was gearing up, ready to teach Pi Er a lesson.

But before that, the Lakers and Bulls each have a game to play.

In the first regular season after the All-Star Weekend, the Lakers VS the city's rival Clippers.

Shay only scored 15 points and 12 assists, while on the other side, in the Bulls' game against the Cavaliers, Pippen scored 35 points!
Show off the glory of the All-Star MVP.

The Chicago media was ecstatic: "Pippen's score is more than twice that of Shay, what does he use to fight Pippen?!"

Chicago fans who didn't know the truth also said that Pippen could tear Shay apart!

But in fact, the reason why Shay's statistics are mediocre is because he saw blood again when he hit the Clippers!
In that game, Shai was accidentally slapped on the nose by Clippers center Elmore Spencer while driving for a layup.

The confrontation wasn't actually a bad one, and Shay encountered it almost every night.

But because Shay's nose had just been severely injured, the wound in the nasal cavity was still scabbed, and it was not healed.

So although it was just a small bump, it was inevitable to bleed again.

Seeing Shay bleeding, Spencer's legs were weak at that time, and he quickly supported Shay:

"Brother Xie, believe me, I was really careless! I swear, if I do it on purpose, I will quit sex!"

All men know what kind of poisonous oath this is.

Can Spencer not be nervous?The whole league knows how brutal the Los Angeles Underworld is.

What's more, there is Stern's umbrella behind him.

Who can afford it!
Shay slapped Spencer's head with a slap, then waved his hand: "Get lost!"

Thanks to the magician, Shay had to go off the court immediately after the bleeding.

And when Shay successfully stopped the bleeding and was ready to go again.
The game has entered garbage time!
Before Shay made a shot, the Clippers had already lost!
After the game, Barkley even teased Shay in the locker room: "It's okay, it's just bleeding, there have to be a few days every month~"

Xie Yi really regrets not sending Feizhu back to his hometown during the Chinese New Year this year, so that everyone can taste the taste of the imported pig's butchered rice.

It doesn't matter if he leaves early against the Clippers. If he is accidentally injured against the Bulls and leads to early exit, Shay can't accept this result.

So he told the team doctor Vitti, let him prepare a mask for himself!
Next against the Bulls, there must be no surprises!
And seeing Shay bloody again in the game, Pippen also complained on a talk show:

"Shay should not fight in the next match, he is too weak to play this kind of man's game!"

Facts have proved that it still makes sense for Pippen to grab the AMVP in the All-Star Game.

He, who was almost forgotten by people, suddenly received an invitation to a talk show again.

This time, Pi Er didn't just appear on the show alone.

Also with a young hot long-legged model.

Since the divorce in 90, there has been no lace news about Pi Er.

This time, Pippen officially announced his new relationship in front of everyone.

That's right, the young model who was on the show with him is Larsa, Danzi's future daughter-in-law.

The two also talked about the whole process from acquaintance to love in the show.

Pippen also said in a weird way: "The love between us is very sincere, and it will never affect our feelings because of such a mess of 2000 million."

Fans in Los Angeles couldn't stand it anymore, Pippen really took Shay's nerves!

As soon as Shay made a fuss about becoming single again, Pippen put it aside to show affection on purpose.

This guy is really disgusting!

Pippen does have a bit of vindictiveness in it, and he also wants to take the opportunity to hype himself.

Tell the world: Look, brother is still very attractive!

Pippen has now become the number one public enemy in Los Angeles. Whenever he dares to run around on the streets of Los Angeles alone, he has to eat a few peanuts.

Finally, November 2th.

The Chicago Bulls visit the Great Western Forum for the first time this season!
When Pippen entered the court, the audience burst into boos.

Pi Er looked up at the enthusiastic boos, almost weeping with joy!

In the past, when the Bulls played away games, even if someone booed, it was for Michael Jordan.

But this time, all these boos were dedicated to him!
Pippen finally has the feeling of being the boss!
At this moment, this small-town golf player who felt a little inferior because of his poor family since he was a child, finally felt that he had stood up!

This violent booing gave Pippen a kind of self-confidence.

Me, the All-Star MVP.

Today is here to overthrow the Lakers!
Blast Shay!

Do what Mike has never done!

Less than 10 minutes after the Bulls players came out, the Lakers also warmed up.

Pippen turned to look at Shay. As soon as Shay appeared on the stage, reporters came up to conduct sideline interviews.

But Shay waved his hand uncharacteristically: "I don't want to say anything until I win the game."

The reporters froze for a moment. In their impression, this was the first time Shay refused an interview.

The magician looked at Xie Yi's murderous state and smirked:
"A'ou, someone is going to be unlucky today."

During the warmup, Shai performed a lot of short-range turnaround jumpers on the right side of the rim.

Since Shai used this trick to kill the Pacers, it has become a well-known regular offensive method for Shai.

However, Pippen is quite disdainful.

As a top perimeter gate, Pi Er has already been discovered.

Shay's turnaround jumper is only accurate on the right side!
Although Shay has recently turned to the front of the basket for more turnaround jumpers, but more often he shoots from the angle on the right side of the basket.

So to defend Shay from playing back, you only need to block him on the right side!
Pippen can't wait, come on Shay, let me become famous in the Great Western Forum!
The warm-up ended quickly, and amidst the cheers of the fans, the starters of both sides gathered near the middle circle.

At this time, the Lakers bald team doctor Vitti ran up and handed Shay something.

After Shay took it, he put the thing on his head.

Only then did people realize that it was a transparent mask.

It was custom made to fit Shay's face shape.

Shay put on the mask firmly, but Pippen laughed at him:

"Hahahaha, is this something for children?
You can't be Batman with a mask on, you can't be me.Masks can't protect you, stop struggling! "

After putting on the mask, Shay looked up and met Pippen's eyes for the first time today.

The smile on Pippen's face gradually disappeared. For some reason, Shay felt an inexplicable sense of oppression after putting on the mask.

Shay behind the mask seems to be more cold-blooded and impersonal.

After Shay looked at Pippen, he didn't talk nonsense with him, and he didn't make witty remarks as usual.

Instead, he just said: "Shut your fucking mouth Scott, I don't want to hear it!"

With just one sentence, Shay stunned Pippen.

The referee steps into the middle circle and the game is about to begin.

The starting lineup for the Bulls this season is BJ Armstrong, Pete Meyers, Pippen, Tony Kukoc and the "roof of the world" Sabonis who performed well!
After half a season, Lao Sa averaged 18.2 points, 10.4 rebounds, 4.2 assists and 1.8 blocks per game.

He is the only center in the league who can get the data of 18+10+4.

Olajuwon's assists are only 3.6.

Zen Master's triangle offensive system made Sabonis play more calmly, and Sabonis' game also made the triangle offense smoother.

The triangle offense and Lao Sa can be said to have achieved a mutually beneficial and win-win effect.

Lao Sa, who has not completely lost his athletic ability, also forms the defensive pillar of the Bulls together with Pippen.

After losing Jordan, the Bulls' offense has regressed a lot this season.

However, the defensive efficiency is even higher than last season!
Among them, Lao Sa's contribution accounted for at least half.

Although he doesn't block many shots, his frame protection is actually very strong.

What he pursues is not to block shots, but to prevent the opponent from scoring.

Relying on his outstanding performance, Sabonis was also selected as an All-Star this year.

Although it is only an All-Star substitute, the facts have proved that this FIBA ​​killer is indeed capable of continuing to kill the Quartet in the NBA.

Moreover, the very scary thing is that Sabonis is still making progress!
He is still slowly adapting to the rules, confrontation and rhythm of the NBA.

Since February, Sabonis has played 20+10 games, and the Bulls have also played a wave of winning streak.

In the original history, when did the Bulls have this level of insiders?

So today, the Lakers' troubles are not as simple as Pippen!
At the beginning of the game, Sabonis relied on his height advantage to win the ball for the team.

Just after Armstrong passed halftime, Pippen raised his hand for the ball.

He knew that the Lakers generally used to let Shai fully defend in the third or fourth quarter.

So he thought that the one who defended him in the first half would be a madman.

As a result, when Pippen was holding the ball frame, he saw Shay wearing a mask standing in front of him!

As Shay discussed with Carlisle before, today he will fuck Pippen as soon as he comes up!
Pippen had already experienced in the All-Star Game how quickly Shai cut the ball this season, so he was very cautious.

Instead of attacking by himself, Pippen chose to hand the ball to the center axis Sabonis.

Sabonis leaned back against Clifford Robinson as a lightning-quick BJ Armstrong cut to the hoop.

Sabonis made a right hand to hit the ground to respond, but at the moment of passing the ball, he took the ball back, switched to his left hand, and threw it behind his head lightly.

Sabonis seemed to have eyes in the back of his head. With his back to the basket, he passed the ball without looking behind his head, and sent the ball to Armstrong who had already cut to the basket!
The most coquettish trick of Yao Ming, who has a simple style of play, is to pass the ball without looking behind people's heads, and he learned this trick from Sabonis!

When Armstrong received the basketball, he was faced with an empty basket. He easily scored a layup and scored the first goal of the game!
Armstrong averaged 16.7 points per game this season and made a historic All-Star appearance.

But he may be one of the worst all-stars in history. The reason why he was able to score 16 points like cutting melons and vegetables is because of Sabonis!

Armstrong often only needs to cut with speed to get a chance to make an empty basket. Sabonis, the command tower, will definitely find him!
Sabonis, a walking scoring machine that helps people score points!

The Bulls scored, and Pippen also interacted with his new girlfriend Larsa, winking at the long-legged guy.

In today's high-profile national live broadcast game, even if Larsa just sat on the sidelines of the Great Western Forum, the exposure was extremely high, so Pippen brought her here.

But soon, Shay's trash talk interrupted their sweet interaction: "Scott, you are a fucking jerk."


"Pass? That's how you dealt with me today? You've let me down.

You don't even have the courage to fight me alone. "

"This" was exposed by Pippen. He really didn't dare to single out Shay just now.

But it doesn't matter, Pippen believes that Shay would not dare to single himself!

But this time the Lakers' offense was very unconventional. After halftime, Shay handed over the ball to the inferior horse to organize.

Meanwhile, Clifford Robinson moved beyond the corner three-point line, and Barkley was also cruising the flank.

Shay sank directly to the low position, leaning on Pippen and raising his hand to ask for the ball!

The magician rubbed his eyes, is this still Shay?
His desire to score is so strong today?

When I came up, I just wanted to single Pippen! ?
Shay didn't want to play those fake things with Pippen. He said that if you kill Pippen, you must kill Pippen!
Pippen tried to push Shay away, but Shay held his position firmly.

The inferior horse took aim and dropped the ball in at just the right angle.

Before today's game, Shay had already greeted the whole team: "I may have to take two more shots today."

Barkley is very supportive of his good brother, saying that he is willing to let Shay experience the feeling of being the boss today.

Barkley agreed, and the others had nothing to say.

Therefore, Shay can unscrupulously ask for the ball in the low post without worrying about his teammates being unhappy.

After getting the basketball, Pippen immediately put his long arms around Shay and took the ball!
As the player who is second only to Shay in the number of steals per game and the total number of steals this season, Pippen is also a must for stealing the ball.

In this year's game between the Bulls and the Warriors, Webber, the new No. [-] pick, faced Pippen and tried to single Pippen with his back.

As a result, Pippen cut Webber three times in that game.

It's all the kind of steals that wrap the long arms up from behind.

But the moment Pippen started, Shay lifted the ball high in time to avoid the steal.

Seeing Shay put both hands together, Pippen knew he was going to turn over and shoot a jumper!

So Pippen moved a step ahead to the right, Shay will definitely turn around and shoot to the right, he will only shoot from this position!

I have already predicted all your offensive methods, and under my defense, you are no good ass!

However, when Pippen raised his center of gravity and raised his arm to block Shai's shot, Shay turned left and turned to the front of the basket instead of the right!
Pippen's eyes widened, and his judgment was wrong! ?

Seeing this situation, the Roof of the World thought that Shay was going to step in to pick the basket, so he immediately returned to the basket, ready to block the shot.

As a result, after Shay turned to the front of the basket, he directly leaned back and shot a jumper!
Sabonis rushed out, but because Shay leaned back slightly, he couldn't block Shay's shooting path, and only gave Shay a slight interference.

Under Sabonis' reluctant interference, Shay still easily made the ball!
As soon as he came up, Shay successfully ate Pippen in the low post!

Pippen's eyes widened. When did Shay turn left so accurately?

While Pippen was still in shock, Shay had already pointed two fingers at him: "2 to 0, 2 to 0."

What kind of shit do you think Xie Yi is really busy begging for 2000 million every day?

Although the Lakers' record this season is exaggerated, Shai's training intensity has never weakened.

He was not proud from the beginning to the end, but continued to hone himself.

Yesterday, Shay has successfully practiced the second hot zone, which is just in front of the basket and below the free throw line!
So now, Shay's shooting attributes in this cross-region can also get a bonus!
Even with the slight interference from Sabonis just now, Shay can still make the ball after getting the bonus!

The fans in the Great Western Forum cheered, and Shay scored a goal on Pippen's head as soon as he came up, which was so relieved!
And everyone can see that Shay's desire to score is particularly strong today.

After wearing the mask, Shay and the previous Shay seemed to be two different people!
Pippen looked at the cheering fans all around, his face was very uncomfortable.

I can't hold back in front of my new girlfriend.

Pippen then clenched his fists, Shay, you forced me, the bull boss, to make a move!

Instead of celebrating after the goal, Shai stepped back and spread his arms beyond the three-point line.

The face behind the mask was as cold as it seemed emotionless.

Pippen faced Shay with the ball, and Lao Sa was already in position and raised his hand for the ball.

But Pippen waved his hand.

Said that he wanted to play singles!
Pippen approached Shay, and after the two crotches changed hands, he suddenly turned to Shay's left!

But Pippen had just turned halfway when he saw Shay's hand stretched out, and he was about to successfully steal the ball!
Shai's stealing ability may be similar to Pippen's, but the level of isolation between the two is different.

Pippen's ball-handling singles have never been top-notch. He is a powerful finisher and an excellent card-handling organizer.

But it's not a ball-holding big core.

So when facing the same level of defense, Pippen will definitely feel more difficult when attacking with the ball!

Seeing that Shay was about to steal the ball, Pippen got nervous, and the basketball was dropped directly!

So people saw that after Pippen turned around, the ball was thrown directly out.Even though Pippen immediately threw himself to the floor, he couldn't save the ball.

As expected, Pippen is also a ruthless person. As soon as he came up, he gave Shay a taste of the whole five big jon!
After Pi Er made a mistake, Shay began to applaud Pippen from the sidelines:

"Awesome Scott, your score is too wonderful, even better than Mike, teach me next time!"

Pippen's veins bulged, and he was manipulated by Shay in both offense and defense, which was really embarrassing.

But Shay did not give Pippen a chance to breathe. In the second round, he continued to fall into the deep position and singled Pippen!
The magician was extremely excited:
"Shay continued to single Pippen, today Shay is going to completely destroy Pippen!"

The magician also wanted to see what Shay looked like with full firepower!
Even the man in Logo wanted to know how much Shay could do if he attacked directly.

Shai may be the first ever, and everyone expects him to be a solo player.

In the process of taking the position, Shay's pair of iron elbows output crazily.

Jordan, who was watching TV, covered his chest, brother, bear it, I also practiced like this!

Pippen was pushed deep by Shay again, and Shay pushed it very hard.

No wonder Sister Mai is willing to pay 2000 million!
Pippen is convinced, and playing low singles again?
You are a point guard on horseback!

Shay: Point guard, right?
The inferior horse continued to pass the ball to Shay, but this time, as soon as Shay received the ball, the European magician Kukoc pinched it up.

Shay's low post ability right now isn't good enough for a one-two, so Shay returns the ball back to the underdog without even thinking about it.

Kukoc also had to leave Shai.

Just when everyone thought Shay had finally given up attacking, he raised his hand for the ball again!
If it doesn't work once, then come for the second time!

Today, Shay won't stop until Pippen scores!
With the experience of last time, Shay suddenly turned his back and broke through the moment he caught the ball this time, going straight to the basket!

Pippen thought that Shay was going to shoot, so the center of gravity was too forward, so Shay stepped past him!
Shay only has a little close range, and the difficulty of defending him has soared!
Sabonis attacked head-on, but Shay pulled the bar lightly in the air, avoided the defense and glided to the other side of the basket and made an easy layup.

Shay has scored two goals in a row under Pippen's defense!
After landing, Shay continued to show Pippen four fingers: "4 to 0, 4 to 0 Scott, when are you going to wait? Who can't play this man's game?"

"Shut up Shay!"

"Shut up your mother!"


The game had just started, and Pippen was crazy about mentality.

He didn't expect that Shay's low-post offense had improved so much!
Understand, this is the first time Pippen has played against Shai this season.

Although Pippen has been studying Shay's video, can watching the video be the same as practicing it?

You seem to understand everything when you watch the short video, but you may not know how to advance in practice.

The same is true for basketball. Watching the video, it seems that Shai's low-post offense is not very good. As long as he defends carefully, he will be fine.

But in actual defense, there are many problems.

At this time, Larsa stood up on the sidelines and shouted to cheer for Pippen.

Her long and loud shout immediately attracted the attention of many reporters and audiences.

Aunt Jenny saw it, and immediately refused.

You coquettish fox, where is it your turn to attract the camera on the Great Western Forum!

Now that Connery has transferred and left, I will take on the responsibility of being the head of his support team.

Aunt Jenny went all out, unbuttoned two shirt buttons, and stood up: "Honey, give Scott shit out!"

Shay heard Jenny shouting, and pointed to Jenny with a smile.

Aunt Jenny was encouraged and cheered for Shay even more frantically.

For a while, Larsa was immediately suppressed in momentum.

In the Great Western Forum, only Shay gets a whoop of cheer!
Pippen knew that he couldn't get on top anymore, and he really couldn't beat Shay in singles with the ball.

Therefore, Pi Er chose to pass the ball to Sabonis this time.

Then immediately cut off the ball.

But Shay put his arms around Pippen's waist directly to prevent him from running.

Pippen is completely stupid, isn't it blown?

The referee also found that the entanglement between Shay and Pippen seemed a bit too much, so he picked up the whistle and blew it hard.

The moment the referee blew the whistle, Shay immediately stumbled, and then pushed hard with both hands, knocking Pippen to the ground, straight down!
Anyway, it has already been called a foul, it doesn't matter!
These days, basketball referees and ice hockey referees are often used interchangeably.

Therefore, the referees are used to making small troubles, and they don't bother to add technical fouls and malicious fouls.

Even if Shay brought Pippen down, it was just an ordinary foul!

Shay not only wants to kill Pippen in basketball today, but also let Pippen try his best in non-basketball moves!
He will never let his blood flow in vain!

Seeing Pippen gnashing his teeth in pain, Shay smiled triumphantly: "As you said, this is part of the confrontation. I shouldn't need to apologize to you, right?"

Pippen was so choked that he couldn't speak, so he had to stand up awkwardly with the help of his teammates.

The Bulls still own the ball, but after Pippen is locked, the Bulls can only revolve around Sabonis.

Fortunately, Lao Sa is also competitive enough. Seeing that there is no chance to pass the ball this time, Lao Sa easily ends it with a solid small hook in the penalty area.

The current Lao Sa no longer has the glory of being able to dunk from the free throw line, but his skills have not regressed.

In the low post, he can finish in any way you can think of.

Sabonis' hook helped the Bulls to bite the score, but Pippen was not happy.

Because Shay kept whispering in his ear:

"It's Sabonis again, another offense done by that guy.

Scott, I thought after Michael left, now the Bulls are in charge of you.

In the end, you are still the second child, and Sabonis is the core!

You are destined to be the second child in this life! "

Shay's words were like a knife piercing Pippen's heart, and it was the first time that Pippen felt that someone in this world had a mouth as vicious as Mike!
Pippen is very concerned about his status as the boss this season, so Shay's words can be regarded as stepping on Pippen's painful feet.

When it comes to trauma, Shay has always been very good at it.

Pippen, who was angry, also wanted to teach Shay a lesson with a foul, so this time the defense was very rough.

Not to be outdone, Shay collided with Pippen frantically in the low post.

The two of them didn't seem to be playing basketball at all, but seemed to be wrestling together!
In the end, it was Shay's iron elbow that got the better of him, knocking Pippen back a step.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Shay also got the basketball again.

After getting the ball, Shay still didn't hesitate much, turned around directly in the middle, raised the ball and shot!
Because the back-up footstep attribute is not high, Shay can't play too many bells and whistles in the low post, basically he can only turn over and jump directly or turn around and break through.

And this also makes his low-post offense less confusing.

So this time, Pippen moved laterally to block the moment Shay turned around, and jumped up to try to block the shot!
Shay did turn around and lift the basketball, and Pippen was right about Shay's intentions.

It's just that Pippen didn't expect one thing
Shay turned around and raised the basketball just to feint, instead of jumping up to shoot!

After Pippen landed, Shay just jumped up and leaned on Pippen.

At this time, Pippen could only stand in place and raise his arms to interfere.

But in fact, this has no interference effect on the 2-meter Shay at all.

Moreover, because Shay took the initiative to confront Pippen, the confrontation was not particularly fierce.

Shay was able to throw the ball calmly even when he was close to the body, and then the basketball was hollowed into the net at the moment of the referee's whistle.

After Shay shook Pippen beautifully in the low post, he scored a 2+1!

The magician also applauded at the moment of scoring:

"Wonderful, so wonderful!

Shay's continuous low post attacks made Scottie Pippen helpless!

Scott is the best defensive player in the league, no doubt about it.

But so what?
Shay just keeps scoring goals over his head!
Shay didn't intend to show mercy today, he just wanted to score crazy points on Scott's head.

He has been looking for Scott singles from the very beginning, and Shay will use the most straightforward and manly way to resolve the grievances between him and Pippen! "

Shay scored six straight points on Pippen's head, which shocked Lakers fans.

"Is Shay's low-post singles already so good? Why didn't I find out before?"

"Hahaha, Scott is so embarrassing today!"

"This is what happens when you don't apologize, Shay fucked him!"

Pippen was so aggrieved that he was completely treated like a clown just now.

And the face under Shay's mask was still expressionless, without pity or excitement.

Shay hasn't killed enough yet!
At the free throw line, Shay made a solid free throw.

7 points in a row!
Just as Pippen was about to run forward, he heard Shay shout again:
"Hey Scott! 7 to 0!"

Shai was mad at Pippen for his disrespectful behavior at the All-Star Game.

Pippen still couldn't stand this kind of stimulation. This time he chose to singles Shay again, but the mid-range emergency stop jumper hit the iron.

Fliggy pushes away Lao Sa with a buttock, and firmly protects the rebound.

Then he threw the ball forward very tacitly, just in time to find Shay!

Shea easily scored a dunk this time. Pippen chose to play singles and didn't get the points. He also gave Shea a chance to fight back easily.

Shay scored 9 points in a row at the start!
"9 to 0 Scott! When will you score a goal?"

At this time, the Bulls have also fallen behind by 5 points.

But Zen Master did not pause, he still does not like to interrupt the game casually as always.

This habit of the Zen master did not matter when Jordan was around.

After all, Jordan himself can control the situation.

But playing like this without Jordan is a bit of a loss.

After all, Pippen, he doesn't have Jordan's ability to control the situation!

Now the team needs him to step up and score, but he passed the ball to Kukoc who stalked beyond the three-point line.

The European magician made a three-point shot, but he was obviously panicked in the face of the fierce flying pig, and the shot was extremely hasty.

The basketball bounced again, but Sabonis got the offensive rebound.

Lao Sa leaned on Robinson for a layup, but just after throwing the ball, a number 23 flew out behind Robinson, and slapped Sabonis's thrown basketball back vigorously!

Shay risked Sabonis' blood. While defending Pippen to death, he also successfully defended Lao Sa!

The basketball that was slapped by Shay was about to go out of bounds, but Sprewell, who has always been known for his aggressiveness, jumped and saved the ball.

He even fell headfirst into Larsa's chest-thumping waves on the sidelines!
Pippen's mouth twitches, no.
It's fine to grab the ball on my basketball court, why even grab the ball off the court?
Madman, get on your horse and get up for me!

What tauren plot do you play on the basketball court! ?
Not caring so much, Pippen could only return to defense immediately, and deal with the madman later.

Because the Bulls' defense was in place, the Lakers failed to make a fast break.

Shay then handed the ball to Flying Pig, and .
I sank to a low position again!

In fact, even if Shay has a shooting attribute bonus in the hot zone, the low turnaround jumper is not so accurate.

But today Shay happened to feel very, very good.

The first few shots were all scored, and Shay naturally wanted to continue shooting.

Vote until the first one is lost.

Pippen shoved Shai, but also responded with trash talk:

"It's over, your luck is over! You know you're just lucky!"

Shay ignored the zero-effect trash talk, pushed Pippen away, and caught the ball.

Left or right, Pippen is a little unpredictable.

When Shay turned and turned to the left for a jumper, Pippen immediately raised his arm to block.

This time, Pippen's defense is really not bad.

The interference is already very tight.

But Shay felt hot in his hands, and it felt really good when he threw the ball.

Today, maybe I should eat dumplings!

So, after throwing the ball, Shay didn't watch the ball at all, but turned around and ran to the backcourt, starting to retreat.When running back, Shay turned his head and glanced at Jenny who was cheering for him in the first row: "Bang!"

At the same time, the basketball hit the net and Shay scored his 11th point of the game!
Shay turned around and celebrated this wave, which made the Great Western Forum arena boil.

At this moment, Shay seemed to be possessed by a big beeping bird!

"Shay, he knew he could go in a long time ago, and started to turn around and return to defense in advance!

He scored 11 points in a row, and finally, Phil Jackson suspended the game.

Shay stopped the Bulls!
Look at Scott, look at his stunned expression!
Hahahaha, I bet Scott would have apologized to Shay at the All-Star Game if he had been given another pick!

He must regret it now! "

Amidst the magician's yelling, Pippen stood still and swallowed.

This... This ball can still be played by riding a horse?

This ball is still playing a ball!

If he can't fight back, his face will be completely ruined!
The alliance status is also over!

Just when Pippen was desperate, that late but arriving voice appeared again.

"Scott! 11 to 0, 11 to 0!"

Pippen wiped the sweat from his brow. The game went beyond his expectations.

He didn't expect Xie Yi to be so ruthless!

At this time, Pippen really wanted to ask Shay:

"Brother, is it too late for me to apologize now!?"

That's too late.

When he refused to apologize to Shay, when he laughed at Shay for not being a man enough, when he deliberately showed love to stimulate Shay on the show.

It was already too late.

Pippen is destined to spend an extremely dark night at Staples!
 Thank you for the rewards of the big guys who don't speak or hear, thank you everyone!Today, the two-in-one chapter will be directly updated, and the [-]D update will be presented!Conscience Laohe keeps updating [-]D words, asking for a monthly pass is not too much! ?Thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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