After changing careers, I became No.1 in basketball

Chapter 215 214: Shay is as dazzling as the sun!

Chapter 215 214: Shay is as dazzling as the sun! (Thanks to the boss in charge of the family for the reward)
"China Central Television, China Central Television, hello, viewers and friends.

Now we are in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, broadcasting the live broadcast of the second half of the match between the Chinese team and the Spanish team in the 12th World Men's Basketball Championship.

In the first half of the game, the Chinese team trailed the European champions by 14 points.But we still have time, I believe the players of the Chinese team will definitely not give up easily. "

The voice of Director Sun appeared on the televisions of thousands of households.

At the same time, in the Beacon of Freedom, where homeless people can be executed freely in the street, countless fans are also excitedly staring at the TV.

NBC TV broadcast the game, and the ratings of the game are rising steadily.

In fact, Ugly people have never paid much attention to the World Championships.For international basketball competitions, they only recognize the Olympic Games.

But today, there was only one reason that made them switch to watch the World Championships——Shay was so embarrassing!
As the NBA's Most Valuable Player, he rushed to the World Championships, only to lead the team trailing by 14 points at halftime.

You know, FIBA ​​games are only 40 minutes long and the watch doesn't stop after a goal is scored, the time is always running.

So it is by no means easy to counterattack with 14 points at halftime.

And judging from the state of the Chinese team today, Xie Yi, not to mention the reversal, in the second half he can guarantee that the team does not continue to lose points, it will be Liu Beep!
Throughout the first half, the Chinese team played timidly.Can't defend the inside line, and the outside line is inaccurate.

The strength has evolved for 30 years.

Shai was the only bright spot. He pulled the bar unbelievably again and again, which made the Spanish team's shrinking defense helpless.

But calling Shay a couple of jobs might be okay, maybe even a lot of fun.

But to let Xie do five by himself, it would indeed be a bit of a strong man.

Shay scored 17 points in the game, but still couldn't prevent the team from rout.

Those sharpshooters who are all-powerful in the National Basketball League A are so guarded that they can't even shoot.

Bill Simmons, who commented on the game on NBC as a special guest, said with a smile: "The Chinese team is not a professional team at all. They only make free throws professionally."

At this time, free throws are indeed the only advantage of the Chinese team.

Many people may not believe that in the 94 World Championships and the 96 Atlanta Olympics, the Chinese team was the team with the most accurate free throws.

However, the juniors 30 or [-] years later, their free throw percentages are so low that foreign teachers' jaws drop.

Chinese basketball has gone from mediocre to shocking foreign coaches. Isn't this a kind of progress?

The Chinese team is now behind by a large score, but in American, the ratings of this game are getting higher and higher.

It doesn't matter if there is no suspense, as long as everyone can see Shay being tortured by blood, that's enough!

Shay sat on the bench, and the entire bench was silent.

Everyone seemed to accept the fact that we couldn't win with Shay.

Director Jiang did not sit still, he decided to replace the young Battelle in the second half to enhance his ability to protect the frame.

In the first half, the Spanish team caught the bullying of the Chinese team inside, because the Chinese team had no other big men except Shan Tao, who was 2 meters high.

For several power forwards, Wu Naiqun is only 2 meters tall, and Liu Yudong, the god of war, can also be taller than Fliggy.

Although Shan Tao played well on the offensive end, he struggled on the defensive end.

So next, Director Jiang decided to let the young Battelle go up and try.And at Carlisle's suggestion, he also let Shay play the fourth position on defense!

Start with defense to contain the opponent's attack, and then find ways to chase points!
After the tactics are arranged, everyone is still not very active.

At this time, Xie pointed to the overcrowded stands, the few fans waving red flags, and pointed to a fan in the stands who had been beating the gong to cheer for the Chinese team:
"It's normal to win or lose, but I don't want to be ashamed!

Come on with some manliness, I know Spain are the European champions.

I also know that they are the only team that can score 100 points on the Dream II.

But so what?
Every champion looks invincible until defeated!
Come up with a little effort, tell the fans in the stands, tell the group of Spaniards whose ass is up to the sky.

We can also play basketball well!

Don't be looked down upon! "

After Shay finished speaking, the buzzer for the start of the second half sounded.

Shay was the first to stand up and step into the stadium. Everyone else was stunned for a while, and looked at the enthusiastic fans who were still beating the gongs in the stands, each of them clenched their fists.

The average age of this national team is not very old, and they are all a group of young people who are easy to get excited.

Therefore, Shay's words are very useful.

At this point, the live camera gave Shay a close-up of his face.

As an international superstar, Shay's performance leading the team in the first half was very embarrassing.

Bill Simmons also continued to mock: "If Shay can keep the point difference within 20 points, I will follow the example of a magician and kneel down to worship Shay on the spot and say sorry to him on the spot! Of course, this is impossible hahahaha! "

Bill Simmons is a die-hard Qiao Mi and a die-hard Kai Mi.

And these two identities made him always have a strong hostility towards Shay.

What's more, Shay had repeatedly humiliated him before.

Tonight is the time for him to win back!

The second half of the game started. The lineup of the Chinese team in the second half was Wu Naiqun, Tiger King Sun Jun, Lao Hu, Xie Yi and Battelle.

The Spanish team originally thought that the Chinese team would play two behemoths, Battelle and Shan Tao, in order to protect the frame.

How do you know that the Chinese team is still a single insider lineup.

Looking at the tender Battelle, the players of the Spanish team all smiled.

Hehehe, I like this kind of one who just passed 18~
Get ready, brothers are going to attack by force!

The current FIBA ​​basketball rule is that the ball must be scrambled on the center line in both halves, and the Spanish team gets the ball.

In the first half, Real Madrid striker Albert Hololoros turned away from Sun Jun and cut inside.

It is indeed difficult for Sun Jun to prevent Hololoros from moving without the ball, because Hololoros can shoot and attack the frame. If you don’t stick him, he can make long shots.

After receiving a pass from his teammate, Hololoros, who entered the penalty area, took two big steps to prepare for a strong attack.

At this time, the bus has raised his arms in front of the basket.

But Hololoros felt nothing in his heart, and even wanted to laugh a little.

The Spanish team studied Bus and knew he played in NCAA Division I.

But in Hololoth's view, it was nothing more than a romp among the students.

The era when Ugland university basketball ruled the world is over. If college players are really so invincible, Ugland people still need to send professional players off the court?
Just now, the strongest center forward of the Chinese team couldn't withstand my shock.

What is a teenage brat!
I can't easily knock him into the air?

Hololoros jumped up to face Battelle, and the moment he hit Battelle, Hololoros did hit and fly.

But it was himself who was knocked into the air!After he hit the bus, he was bounced back!
He felt as if he had hit his head against a concrete wall!

The Hololoros were all stupid, but he sprinted to take off, and he also had the power of inertia.

And the big guy in front of him just stood still and sent him flying!

Hollow Rose could only throw the ball at the basket indiscriminately before falling.

It doesn't matter, the center forward of his team will definitely grab the offensive rebound, as long as he can throw the ball out and hit the basket!
Spanish team center Ferren Martinez was the team's second sharp knife in the first half, and he also scored a lot of points by relying on the inside and the second attack.

Seeing Hololoros being defended by a young center for a layup, Martinez shook his head disdainfully.

Even a kid can't handle it, how will you handle those top players in their [-]s and [-]s in the future?

Forget it, I have to help wipe my ass.

Martinez was stuck behind Battle, but he wasn't worried.

It doesn't matter if you get stuck, just push it away, the Chinese team's internal strength is not enough.

However, Martinez pushed hard, but found that Battelle was still motionless, as if a hill was blocking the basket!
After the bus got stuck, he jumped hard and took off the rebound with one hand.Martinez still wanted to press down, but how could he know that after taking the basketball, the coach would skillfully twist his waist and swing his elbows wildly!

Martinez looked at this behemoth skilled in killing skills, and couldn't help asking his soul: "This is just over 18? How can it be so strong, like 30!"

Xie Yi nodded in relief, as expected of a Georgetown alumnus.Why did you recommend you to go to Georgetown University?Isn't it just to see if the foundation is laid well there!

Ewing, Mourning, Mutombo and Shay himself, I don’t know other skills, but the elbow technique has a foundation!
How can I play basketball without a solid foundation?
Both Martinez and Hollowroth swallowed their saliva. The new young center seemed to be born with supernatural powers, and he seemed to be able to compete with NBA centers!

Laughing to death, it is difficult for an NBA center to compete with the bus in terms of strength.

O'Neal's strength is 99 because he has 99 strength.

Battelle's strength is 99, because the highest strength value is only 99!

Shay still remembers playing against the U.S. team in the 02 World Championships. Because Yao Ming committed six fouls early, Battelle had to go inside.

Then, O'Neill, Big Ben and Elton Brand felt the horror of the mysterious power from the East.

They took turns to defend the bus, but there was nothing they could do with the back of the bus.

In the end, Bus scored 19 points and 7 rebounds on the inside of the Dream Team. The inside of the Dream Team could only rely on withdrawing the bench or double-teaming him to contain him.

It can be seen from this that in terms of strength, the bus can indeed carry a bag of rice up to the fifth floor.

The current young coach doesn't talk about the violent Big Ben, Jermaine O'Neill and Brand, but in terms of strength, it is more than enough to support the Spanish team's inside line!
Battelle gave the ball to Shay, and Shay followed the arrangement guided by Jiang, directly and bravely rushed to the inside.

Spain's leading shooting guard Jody Villacampa couldn't stop Shay at all, and the confrontation was too poor.

Shay doesn't need any dribbling skills at all today, just like playing 2K with the easiest difficulty, just press the accelerator button and rush in without thinking.

The Spanish team shrunk the basket as always, and Shay didn't stop, jumping up and bumping into Martinez, who was defending well.

But after Shay had already had a physical confrontation with Martinez, he made another pull action and scored the ball steadily!
After the confrontation, the Spanish team couldn't imagine how Shay finished the pull-up layup.

Generally, the purpose of pulling the bar for a layup is to avoid defense and confrontation, but Shay can actually pull the bar to avoid defense after the confrontation.

It was already difficult to score a layup in the confrontation, but Shay had to pull the bar after the confrontation.

Too much!

Shay's ability to attack the frame is actually stronger now than during the finals, because winning the championship gave Shay a chance to draw a purple reward.

Shay didn't use up the lottery chance until the day before the World Championships.

In the end, a purple-quality "badge/action upgrade package" was drawn.

Shay also has a purple-quality upgrade package that can upgrade badges or actions to multiple levels.

As a result, four badges or action packs can be upgraded separately at one time!

So Shay upgraded the "Tough Finish" badge and the "Bulldozer Toss" action pack from gold to the highest purple tier.

Upgraded "Golden Rooster Independent Backward" and Stealing Response to Gold.

Therefore, it is not difficult for Shay to play the lever in the confrontation.

The point difference returned to 12 points, and the Spanish team still had nothing to do with Shay.

However, Bill Simmons, who was commentating the game, was not nervous. In the first half of the game, Shay scored various difficult goals, but he just couldn't lead the team to overtake.

The Spanish team's offense will not stop there.

As a result, this time, Spain's attack was blocked again!
This time, Martinez deliberately moved Dabala to the middle distance, and after catching the ball, he made a shot, but actually changed the shot into a pass and gave the ball to Hololoros who cut in.

Most European big men have one-handed passes, and Martinez is no exception.

At this time, the Chinese team's inside line was emptied, and Holoros could easily attack the basket.

Although the bus has amazing strength and soft touch, its speed is indeed his shortcoming.

Now he has no time to get back to the basket.

Hollow Rose has lifted the ball and jumped up, the rim is still open.

Bill Simmons was proud: "As I said, the Chinese team only makes free throws professionally. Just look at their defense. A small cooperation easily broke them up."

However, just when Hollow Rose was about to pick the ball to the basket.

Shay suddenly stood up, and the whole person came from behind to block in front of the basket!
Hololoth was not surprised by Shay's bullet speed. After all, he himself is not the kind of person who relies on athletic ability to play. It is normal for Shay to play faster than him.

What surprised Hololoros was that Shay was clearly still outside the penalty area just now, so why did he go horizontally to the basket in an instant!

Hololoros, he underestimated the horror of the 99 traverse speed.

Shay only needs a lateral slide to return to the basket from mid-range to defend in an instant.

As soon as Hololoros made a layup, Shay flew vigorously in the way of playing volleyball!

After Xie Yi played the fourth position, the improvement of the Chinese team on the defensive end is visible to the naked eye!

Shay + Battelle, the Spanish team's tried-and-true frame-rushing strategy in the first half failed for two consecutive rounds!

Seeing that the defense had achieved initial results, Director Jiang and Carlisle looked at each other and smiled.

European champion?Trailing by 14 points at halftime?
We really don't necessarily lose!

Hu Weidong actively jumped up to suppress his matchup, and grabbed the basketball that was slapped by Xie Yi.

Don't ask Lao Hu why he is so active, he is not active, he just saw three basketballs flying towards him at the same time, so he can only take off early and grab it by feeling.

After getting the ball, Lao Hu immediately turned around and dribbled the ball to the frontcourt. No one in the Spanish team could keep up with him!
In the original history, Lao Hu was able to practice shooting until he couldn't hold up chopsticks, and he could also smoke and drink through his intestines and stay in his basketball heart.

Anyway, I am not very self-disciplined in eating and drinking.

But in order to hit the NBA, Lao Hu pays great attention to the exercise and protection of his body.

Therefore, his speed is faster than the original history, and it doesn't take much effort to play fast break!

After entering the penalty area with the ball, Lao Hu will not just end the offense with a civilian layup.

I am someone who wants to play in the NBA, layup?No dogs!

Hu Weidong jumped up violently, and after gliding for a distance in the air with one hand, he smashed the ball into the frame vigorously with one hand!
Among the guards of the Chinese team, Lao Hu's dunk is the best dunk and the most distinctive even if it is pushed back 20 years.

There is a characteristic of Lao Hu's dunks often have a gliding period, and it may be because he really can't see the basket clearly, so every time he dunks, he dunks when his head almost hits the frame, and his head will subconsciously hide for a while .

After Hu's dunk, the Chinese team was only 10 points behind!

The Spanish team was a little confused. Why did it feel like the Chinese team had a different group of players in the second half?All of them are so vigorous.

But as European champions, they are still full of confidence in their hearts.

I think that the Chinese team is just going smoothly for a while, as long as they continue to implement the correct strategy, they will definitely be able to open the score again.

As a result, the Spanish team once again desperately hit the inside.

They used an off-ball screen to allow ace guard Villacampa to easily cut to the basket and received the ball, going straight to the basket!
Originally the ace of the team, he was defended by Shay in the first half and only scored 1 point with free throws. He was very aggrieved by the defense.

And once a man has been aggrieved for a long time, he can't help but want to vent.

At this time, Vera Campa wanted to slam dunks and abuse the frame to vent his dissatisfaction.

As a result, just as he was about to take off and attack the frame, he saw Shay quickly defending into the penalty area again.

Villacampa is convinced, why is Shay like a ghost, haunting him!
Why is his defense always so timely and fast!

In fact, in addition to Shay's full lateral speed, there is another reason why he makes up defenses quickly because FIBA ​​basketball does not have any disgusting illegal defenses.

Shai can instantly fill any defensive gap if he wants to.

According to FIBA ​​rules, the defensive power of Shay's long-armed defense against monsters is actually greater than in the NBA!
In the NBA, Shai's defensive ability has been partially sealed by the rules.

Just like this, it has already prevented a certain Western Conference's No. 9 SG from moving [-] points in a single game.

And now, Shai's defensive ability is fully released.

Don't talk about Spanish ace defender Villacampa, even if he naturalizes the No. [-] SG in the NBA West, he will have to be slapped twice before going back.

Seeing Shai get to the rim, Villacampa reluctantly passes the ball.

In the first half, he was defended by Shay and only scored 1 point. He knew very well that challenging Shay would not end well.

vent?With Shay here, he can only hold back!

Shay, FIBA ​​is on the way!
Villacampa passed the ball to his teammate Rafael Vesina, who was temporarily emptied at the fourth position, but the moment he passed the ball, he saw an incredible scene.

Shay seemed to have superhuman reflexes, suddenly fell to the side, then stretched out his long arms, and intercepted the ball like a goalkeeper in a football game!

The gold-level badge of stealing reaction speed makes Shay intercept the opponent's pass almost like a conditioned reflex.

Shay successfully completed the steal, and the coaching staff of the Spanish team were dumbfounded.

In the first half, they were blown away by Shai's offense.

In the second half, they were blown away by Shai's defense.

Is this called a superstar with both offense and defense? ?

Is this the most valuable player in the NBA! ?
The European champions were so out of line that they didn't even think about chasing after Shay sat on the ground and passed all the balls to Hu.

But it was too late, and Lao Hu staged his second consecutive gliding dunk behind the rim for the second time.

So far, the Chinese team has narrowed the point difference to single digits!

They beat the European champions into a scramble to suspend the game!
In front of the TV, Bill Simmons swallowed.

Not only him, but Quan Chou's fans who were following the game were a little uneasy at the moment.

isn't it?
Can't it?

Xie, do you like playing counterattack so much? ?

Bellucci, who has returned to Europe but still pays attention to the basketball game, smiled.

You know what a fart, Xie Yi is the most violent when he makes a move~
Bill Simmons still pretended to be calm:
"Spain started the second half too lightly, but if they get serious they will definitely be able to control the situation again.

I still say that, the Chinese team only makes free throws professionally! "

The Spanish team is probably not as relaxed as Bill Simmons, they panicked!

The inside line of Shay + Battelle is currently completely impossible for the Spanish team to overcome.

One is invincible for the frame protection and the other is invincible for the defense. The road is blocked, how can we fight?
As a result, the Spanish team could only change their strategy and use outside shots to score.

On the defensive end, it shrinks the inside line even more extreme.As long as the Chinese team is not given a chance to counterattack, the Chinese team will no longer be able to score easily.

The European champions don't know yet, but their strategy is actually in the hands of the Chinese team!

Why did Director Jiang let Xie go to attack when he knew that the Spanish team would tighten up the inside line?
He just wants Spain to relax its vigilance against the outside line of the Chinese team!
In the first half, everyone felt bad because of low morale.

But now, everyone understands Shay's words: "Every champion looks invincible until he is defeated!"

Yeah, Spain looked ridiculously strong in the first half.

But in the second half, I suddenly felt that the European champion was nothing more than that!
Jiang Xingquan believes that the morale-boosting Chinese team has recovered its form.

The shooters of the Chinese team are also physically fit.

So, next, while the Spanish team shrinks the penalty area, he wants to let the outside line bloom more!
"The next thing, Shay drives the ball, and someone else catches and shoots from the [-]-point line!

Let me tell you, if you are men, you dare to take on this burden!
It doesn't matter if you lose, what are you afraid of?

Losing so much in the first half, but letting go in the second half is not the same as winning!
So in this section, the three outsiders of you have to pull out through running positions and their cover, the speed must be fast, and the attack must be decisive.

Don't be burdened, just vote for your point, what are you afraid of! ?

The meritorious service is yours, and the loss is mine!
superior! "

Xie Yi smiled. He never thought that one day, he would be able to hear Director Jiang say this on the spot.

At the end of the timeout, the Spanish fans at the scene were shouting, looking forward to the recovery of the European champion.

But Shay knew that the game was a foregone conclusion.

Now, step on the gas pedal.

The first golden generation of the Chinese men's basketball team is about to officially hit the road!

The smooth situation and the words of Jiang's guidance boosted the morale of everyone in the Chinese team, and made everyone in the Chinese team forget the night when they lost to Brazil by 49 points.

Every player of the Chinese team is ready to fight, clenching their teeth.

They know that the European champions are hungry and want to win their first World Championship.

However, the Chinese team is also very thirsty and wants to drink some blood!

The Spanish team's first attack after returning from a timeout was destroyed by Shay again.

They tried to use passing and running positions to derive mid- and long-range shooting opportunities, but Shai's defense was really everywhere.

If he is not careful, he will rush out and intercept the ball!
After Shay made the steal, he went down quickly, and the Spanish team surrounded Shay with two people, which was equivalent to double-teaming Shay in the backcourt!
Shay dribbled the ball across half court with superb ball-handling skills, and then continued to attack the basket.

The five players of the Spanish team shrunk, and Shay used a hook action in the crowd to distribute the ball to Tiger King Sunjun at the top of the arc outside the three-point line.

Sun Jun was timid in the first half, but at this moment, he has no distracting thoughts in his mind, only victory!

"Sun Jun took a shot. Consumed the ball! It's so accurate! The Chinese team is only 5 points away from catching up, good job!"

Once Director Sun starts shouting "consumption of the ball", no matter what sport, it means that the Chinese team has begun to gain the upper hand.

The Spanish team attacked again in the old way, and deliberately avoided the pass from Shai.

But they still made mistakes!

This time, it was Sun Jun who just made a three-pointer to complete the steal.

After the steal, Sun Jun quickly went down and carried the opponent's point guard Rafael Jofossa with a hard layup.

Only 3 points left!
Bill Simmons' hands were shaking, and at this moment, Marvin Albert, his studio partner, asked, "Bill, you won't really kneel down to Shay in the studio, will you? "

"Shut up Marvin! Impossible, the Chinese team can't win!"

The Spanish team was ignorant, completely ignorant.

Since the second half, the Spanish team has not scored!
The continuous mistakes made them unable to find the rhythm, and they were extremely flustered in handling the ball.

There is no such thing as a European champion.

In the end, Holo Rose's flustered shot hit the iron again.

The bus blocked Martinez's position with one hand, and Shay easily jumped up to pick up the rebound.

He put up his horsepower and got off immediately, and the whole team except the bus could keep up with Shay's speed.

The performance moment of the Chinese team's Xiao Kuailing and the Lakers brought a fantastic linkage in the FIBA ​​arena!
Shay made an unlucky switch to avoid a steal by Villacampa and charged inside, caught between Martinez and Vesina's double.

Shay circled the ball behind them in the air, and then with a sudden force on his wrist, he accurately transferred the ball to Sun Jun, who was 45 degrees away from the three-point line on the left!
King Tiger was left unmarked again, and as always, he didn't hesitate.

The hand raised the knife, and the sound of "swiping" resounded through the audience again!
Sun Jun scored 8 points in a row, and the Chinese team is now officially tying the score!
The European champions didn't realize what happened. Why did the Chinese team, which couldn't make a shot in the first half, suddenly become accurate in the second half?

The head coach of the Spanish team hurriedly yelled on the sidelines: "Look at that number 7, don't let him shoot!"

He believes that Sun Jun just felt it for a while.

Assign one person to mark Sun Jun, and the others continue to shrink, and the Chinese team will have nothing to do!
This attack, the Spanish team finally scored a goal by Martinez.

Although the bus is superior in strength, the basic skills of elbow strike are solid.

But the game experience is lacking after all, and this time Martinez scored with a turnaround jumper behind his shoulder.

Martinez probably didn't know that his goal would make the American fans breathe a sigh of relief.

Seeing that the Spanish team finally scored a goal, the ugly fans headed by Bill Simmons cheered happily.

I am happier than seeing Meng Er win the world championship.

Slow down, the Spanish team slowed down!
Hahahaha, once the European champions are slowed down, the Chinese team will be doomed!
But they hadn't been happy for long, and Lao Hu's desperate three-pointer against the defense made them despair again!
In this round, Shay held the ball in a low position as the pivot, and the bus was lifted up to cover for Lao Hu without the ball.

For a while, the Spanish team didn't know how to defend.

I don't know whether to shrink and attack Xie Yi, or follow the old Hu.

Just when the Spanish team was in disarray, Shay responded to Hu Weidong who had borrowed a screen and then circled to a 45° angle.

Seeing that Lao Hu received the basketball and was about to shoot, Martinez immediately dropped the bus to defend.

But despite the defense, Hu Weidong's shots were still decisive.He watched three or four hands dangle in front of his eyes, and Martinez seemed to have turned into Avalokitesvara.But so what?As a staunch materialist, you will not be afraid of these ghosts and monsters!

Lao Hu's shot against the defense is still hollow into the net, and the Chinese team has fully played momentum!

In the front, Shay hit the Italian cannon, and later, Lao Hu diffracted the Spanish big sheep.

The Chinese team rushed out of Asia and into the world!

The Spanish team just scored a goal and thought it would stabilize the situation.

As a result, the Chinese team immediately scored three points.

So far, the Chinese team has overtaken the score!
Bill Simmons bit his thumb nervously. Damn, the momentum of the Spanish team was broken. It was as uncomfortable as being caught while urinating!
This time, please make sure to enter, please enter!

Point guard Joe Fossa had the ball past halfcourt, and the European champions had fear in their eyes.

Joe Fossa is surrounded by teammates, and he can start the offense by passing to anyone.

He happened to pass the ball straight to the penalty area inexplicably when the whole team was around!The busman was standing in the penalty area, and the ball came from the sky. He reached out and grabbed it. It was unbelievable that he just got the first steal in the World Championships!
Joe Fusa actually thought that his teammates would cut in, but in fact the Spanish team doesn't even have the courage to cut into the attack frame now.

The European champion is already blind and confused, and has been beaten so hard that he can no longer think calmly.

After the mistake, the Spanish team quickly retreated.

This time, only two of them flanked Shai, and everyone else went to the perimeter shooter.

And know, Shay finally came to a breakthrough ball.

The Spanish team saw that the three perimeters were all stared, but only the bus was missed!

The touch of the bus is very soft. Don't be misled by his BUG-level strength. In fact, the bus is a technical center on the offensive end.

You can understand it as an Asian residual blood Jokic.

Support, shooting, low post, the bus is fine.

At Georgetown, John Thompson made the bus tougher by not allowing him to float out and shoot [-]s during games.

Just let him go to the basket.

After all, these days, centers still shoot three-pointers crookedly.

But during training, Bus occasionally practiced long shots.

Therefore, the bus did not hesitate in the face of large vacancies.

Martinez looked at this monster-like burly man in surprise, and he shot a three-pointer softly.

The few Chinese fans who came to the scene raised the red flag and stood up. They could feel in the dark that this was a goal that changed the ratio.

"Young teenager Battelle made a three-pointer!

After being suppressed for a long time, the Chinese team is now overtaking by 4 points!
During this period of time, the Chinese team blossomed internally and externally, and beat the Spanish team by surprise!
The Spanish team is suspended again, and the European champions have been suspended twice in the second half!

Now we have the initiative, we have a chance to beat the European champions! "

Director Sun's scalp was numb. To be honest, he never had much expectation for the game today.

Losing the American champions by 49 points in the warm-up match, it would not be too much to lose the European champions by 59 points today.

How did you know that the Chinese team has not only fallen behind by 1 point, but even surpassed it!
The most important thing is that the overtake score is not entirely dependent on Shay alone.

Shay's role is naturally important. After playing the fourth position, he and the bus blocked the Spanish team's inside attack.His breakthrough can score directly, and can also help his teammates open up space.

However, Battelle's top defense, Sun Jun's three-pointer and Hu Weidong's bravery...
These are also the keys to the Chinese team's comeback!
Before, it was still this group of people, but they were hit head-on when they played Brazil.

Now, with Shay, the group seemed glued together.

Shay used practical actions to tell the group of American viewers who were watching TV that Lao Tzu is indeed one of the best leaders!

With me here, the Chinese team can also wrestle with the European champions!

Tonight, it wasn't just Shai who rose up.

It's the group of players who will be called the "94 Golden Generation" in the future!
Afterwards, Ugly Country fans discovered that the game had become Marvin Albert's stand-up commentary.

Bill Simmons, who was a guest, disappeared, and he didn't speak again.

Because after returning from the timeout, the Spanish team still has not recovered.

They have lost their souls, and they can't even escape tactics.

On the other hand, the Chinese team is playing more and more courageously. When they have the opportunity, they really dare to shoot, and if they dare to shoot, they can really make it!
In the back, Shay didn't even need to break through.

Guangbus' support in the low position made the Chinese team's offense hit several times!

The Chinese team is not only overtaking, but even widening the gap.

10 seconds before the end of the game, Bus backed up near the free throw line and gave the ball to Shay who was cutting in. Shay jumped up to attract the defense and then turned up to pass the ball to Tiger King outside the three-point line.

Tiger King Sun Jun faced Hololoros, who came up from the supplementary defense, his eyes were fixed on the basket, but he passed the ball to Lao Hu.

Several times of patient and tacit guidance gave Hu Weidong a chance to shoot from a wide open!
Lao Hu looked at the basket full of double images in front of him, and quickly threw the ball.

NBA, see my performance!

After scoring three points, the Chinese team led the European champions by 14 points!
From being 14 points behind at halftime, to now leading by 14 points.

The Chinese team created the biggest reversal miracle in the history of the World Championships in the second half!

Because of FIBA ​​rules, the score is not counted, so the Spanish team had not had time to send the baseline ball, and the game was over.

At that moment, the sound of gongs and drums resounded throughout the audience.

The five-star red flag was waving in the stands.

The Chinese players raised their arms high and hugged each other excitedly.

Director Sun yelled excitedly in the studio: "The boys of the Chinese men's basketball team reversed and defeated the European champion when they were 14 points behind at most. They have completed an impossible task!"

Shai's massive double-double of 25 points and 14 assists was named the game's best.

Hu Weidong scored 17 points.

Sun Jun scored 15 points.

Wu Naiqun scored 11 points.

Zheng Wu and Wu Qinglong each scored 10 points.

Six Chinese players scored in double figures today!
In the first game, there was a huge upset!
American, countless fans are sitting in their living room, dumbfounded.

They were supposed to watch Shay roll over at the World Championships, and what did they see?
They saw that Xie Yi led the Chinese team to create another miracle!
It doesn't matter if your expectations fail, but Xie Yi slapped him in the face!
She was abused by Shay in the NBA, but he was abused watching FIBA!

At the moment the game ended, Falk directly raised his arms in celebration.

He originally thought that Shay's insistence on participating in the World Championships would dim the great aura he had finally established through two consecutive championships, which would affect his commercial value.

But today, just this one match, where Shay led his team to defeat the European champion, was enough to make Shay's aura even more dazzling!
It seems that the real strong, no matter in NBA or FIBA, can make a name for themselves!
At this time, the game broadcast had ended, and the signal was switched back to the NBC TV studio.

But the strange thing is that the ratings are soaring instead!

The pressure is now on Bill Simmons.

Everyone has not forgotten that he said that Shay won the promise to learn from the magician and kneel on the spot.

As a man, as a well-known sports columnist.

If he contradicts what he says, he will be very unpopular.

Marvin Albert looked at the pale-faced Bill Simmons, stood up and stepped aside, and made a "please" gesture.

Bill Simmons, the guy who arrogantly thought that Shay would lose ugly before the game, looked at Albert with pleading eyes: "Marvin, isn't it?"

Marvin Albert shrugged: "No one forced you, but you said it yourself."

Bill Simmons knew that if he backtracked at this time, he would be looked down upon by all ugly fans for the rest of his life.

Bill Simmons stood on the stage in the studio, clenched his fists, and then faced the camera, the fans across the country, and Shay and the entire Chinese team in the locker room.

Kneel down with a bang!
Then, he lay on the ground with both hands, and lightly knocked the table with his head.

Finally, with a great sense of humiliation, said the words: "Shay I'm sorry, I was wrong!"

"Okay! Hahahahaha!" In the locker room of the Chinese team, the players were all happy.

In American, the ratings of NBC TV station are directly off the charts, and the shameful news that a well-known columnist kneels to Shay will definitely spread throughout the country the next day.

As soon as the Shays got off the plane in Canada, they remotely controlled a tragedy in American.

The disgraced Bill Simmons also became the fuel to enhance the brightness of Shay's aura.

MVP, two consecutive championships, picking off the earth flower, defeating the European champion, making Simmons kneel on the spot.
Shay this summer really shines like the sun.

This, perhaps, is what it feels like to be at the top.

 Thanks to the boss in charge of the family for the rewards, thank you everyone!Today's [-]-in-[-] chapter will be directly updated with [-]D!Conscience is old, begging for votes!
(End of this chapter)

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