After changing careers, I became No.1 in basketball

Chapter 249 248: Let Jordan miss the unanimous MVP, Shay's 4 young people cheat

Chapter 249 248: Let Jordan miss the unanimous MVP, Shay's four young people hang out
Peyton still cocked his mouth, but this time he was pissed off.

At the end of the halftime game, who would have thought that the Sonics would be behind by a full 15 points at this time!
It can only be said that this game fully reflects the star quality of Shay and Gorilla.

The Gorilla had 13 offensive rebounds and 21 rebounds overall.

Shay's 10 steals directly broke the league record.

See the real chapter at the critical moment!
Everyone thought that the combination of Peyton + Kemp was invincible in the world, but the combination of Shay + Gorilla taught them a good lesson.

Not only a lesson in basketball, but also a hard lesson in elbows.

Payton, McKay and Kemp will gain 20 pounds after today's game because their elbows are full!
At this time, the fans in the Key Arena were completely silent.

They have a feeling of being tricked into killing.

I'm afraid the Lakers didn't play it on purpose in the first half! ?
On the big screen, the scene where Shay pinched his nose to provoke Peyton was also being replayed.

This made the already heartbroken Supersonics fans suffer a great secondary injury.

Damn, the director of the home game is an undercover agent sent by the Lakers, right?

Is this kind of restricted-level picture just released! ?
At this moment, the Key Arena has completely become Shay's stage alone, and has become the grave of the Sonics.

In fact, the Sonics' defense today is really not bad.

The shooting percentage of the Lakers' outside players is worse than one.

But Shay, the DPOY, was stunned to use up Payton's offensive organization point, which caused the Supersonics' offense to be unable to run smoothly at all, making the Supersonics' offense even worse than the Lakers.

Fortunately, Schramf can also organize an offense, otherwise the Sonics would lose even worse today.

In this game, both sides are actually fighting for defense.

It's just that the Lakers' defense persisted for the entire game, while the Supersonic's defense completely collapsed under the double flight of Shai and the gorilla.

At this point, George Karl used up his penultimate timeout.

But the whole world knows that the Sonics are just dying.

Chasing 1 points in less than 20 minute and 15 seconds is simply impossible!
Sure enough, after returning from the timeout, Ewing immediately gave Kemp a bloodbath.

Kemp, who was eager to chase points, carried Robinson directly to the basket this time. He was too impatient.

Under Robinson's blocking, Kemp naturally couldn't get up to full speed, and he couldn't take off fully when he attacked the frame.

So, the gorilla slapped the ball with all his strength and slapped the ball out of the penalty area.

Seeing this, George Karl was paralyzed.

No more, no miracles!
In the end, the Lakers beat the Sonics 96-82.After losing 8 points at halftime, they finally won by 14 points!
Ewing had 18 points and 22 rebounds.

Shay scored 34 points, 10 assists and 10 steals, the first triple-double of his career in the playoffs!

Record for most steals in a single game in career and NBA playoffs!
He is also the first player in history to get a triple-double with 10 steals!
There are multiple records in one game, and now Shay has begun to feel a little "how can I be included in this record".

On the other hand, Payton, who was very unconvinced before the game, scored 13 points and 8 assists in the game today, and made 6 turnovers.

Originally, in people's minds, Payton and Shay were only half a gear apart.

As a result, the two had such a fight in the playoffs. Well, now Payton and Shea are directly behind Barkley.

Payton never slipped, and what he played today was limit down!
It is worth mentioning that although Payton was defended so badly today, he is still not the player who was defended the worst by Shay in the playoffs.

Drexler's record of 93 points in a single game against Shay in G3 of the Western Conference Semifinals in 9 is still strong, and Payton failed to challenge the record!
Glider, the ceiling of the world was blown up in the playoffs.

In this regard, he is more stable than Jordan when he is number one.

After the game, Payton wanted to walk back to the player tunnel with his mouth crooked.

But at this time, Shay deliberately yelled at Peyton: "DPOY's voting is really unfair, the number of votes you got far exceeds your ability!"

Payton didn't take his mother with him again, and walked into the player channel silently, swallowing his anger.

Seeing Payton, who dared not resist like Malone, Shay shook his head, feeling a little disappointed.

I thought there would be a rivalry this time, but I didn't know it was another self-study class!

A person's invincibility is so lonely.

In the on-site interview with reporters, Shay talked about today's record-setting 10 steals.

Shay took the lead in thanking Ewing for his dedication. If he hadn't grabbed the offensive rebounds in the paint, the Lakers would not have been able to break through the Sonics' double-team.

But everyone knows that Shay is not such a gentle person.

Sure enough, after praising his good brother Ewing, Shay began to "praise" his opponent:

"Gary is a strong opponent. I have followed him since he was still hanging out in the summer league. He has become a household star until now. Hey, it feels like watching my son grow up.

Gary has improved a lot and changed a lot over the years.But one thing will not change, that is, his mouth will always be crooked.

Well, just kidding, one thing he will never change is that he will never win me!

Even if he can win the regular season with 64 wins and be No. [-] in the Western Conference, he still has to call me brother! "

It seems that being the priest of basketball, Shay, is not enough.

He still wants to be the father of the glove now.

After "concerning" Payton, today's game can be regarded as an end.

The Lakers made a strong counterattack against the Sonics and took a 1-0 lead, and Shay also played amazing data.

The Supersonic fans can only go home with a sense of loss.

The next day, as expected, the classic picture of Shay pinching his nose and mocking Peyton's bad beating was played on TV.

Payton would never have imagined that the most famous moment of his career in the playoffs would be this!

But Payton has to thank Jordan, because Jordan won the MVP, which became the hottest sports news of the day!

It once overwhelmed the heat of the Lakers' counterattack against the Supersonics.

As expected, Jordan, who led the Bulls to 72 wins, won the MVP again.

This result was basically determined at the end of the regular season.

With 72 wins, plus his personal statistics are quite explosive, Jordan's MVP is a sure thing, and he doesn't need to vote at all.

In fact, Jordan really almost won the unanimous MVP.

In the current NBA, there are a total of 113 votes in the MVP selection, and Jordan won 113 of the 111 votes!
He is the player with the most votes in the MVP selection in NBA history, and the most undoubted MVP!

In the year Shay won 70, he only got 74 votes.Of course, 74 votes is not low, it is a normal level.

And it's mainly because Barkley, who was on the same team as Shai, took 30 votes.

In such a comparison, it is clear how terrible Jordan was elected as the MVP with 111 votes.

But no matter how terrible it is, Jordan still passed the historical record of unanimous MVP.

The most angry thing is not that Jordan is only two votes away from being the unanimous MVP, but the most angry thing is that.
The one who divided the two votes was none other than Shay!
Jordan was furious. With 72 wins, he couldn't get the unanimous MVP?

And, why is Shay again! ?
It's okay for Shay to steal the scoring champion, and now he indirectly destroyed his unanimous MVP.

This made Danzi furious.

So when he delivered his speech at the awards ceremony, Jordan also deliberately connoted Shay:
"I'm very happy to get the MVP, but I hope some people don't do the same thing. This year, I really want to beat him with my own hands!"

This is equivalent to directly giving Shay a gauntlet!

There was never such a tense relationship between Magic and Bird back then.

It is true that Bird and the Magician are opponents on the field, even during the NCAA period.

But since Maggie went to the farm to help Byrd with farm work for a day in 85, and they began to get acquainted in private, the two have not had such a strong smell of gunpowder off the court.

It is true that people like Maji, who is happy all day long, are not hated.

But Shay and Jordan are different, they are really facing each other in all aspects!

Shay only got two votes, and Jordan took revenge.

Jordan's energy in the press conference, the way he gritted his teeth, seemed eager to tear Shay to pieces.

At this time, Shay had no idea what happened at the MVP awards ceremony.

Shay didn't know that he was being targeted by Jordan again until Ewing, who came to visit, mentioned this matter.

Xie Yi felt very innocent: "No, I can blame this too? I can't control the voting, so I can't help others if they have to vote for me. Danzi is really naughty!"

Xie Yi shook his head helplessly, is it a fault that I am too good?
Although Xie Yi said that it was none of his business, Ewing clearly saw Xie Yi smiling!

It is indeed not Shay's subjective will to let Jordan miss the unanimous MVP, but it has to be said.
Shay is really cool!
Anything that makes Jordan unhappy can make Shay very deep, this is called a fateful friendship!
"Stop laughing, Michael is serious this time. If we really meet him in the finals, you must be prepared. Hey, he even sent me a text message declaring war on you. "

As Ewing spoke, he called up the text message on his phone and handed it to Shay.

Impressively written on it:

"My dear friend Patrick, please tell Shay that he must come to see me in the finals this year!
I will definitely let him go through the most painful round of finals in his career!
I want to destroy him with my own hands!
Of course, I'm also reminding you that I will be ruthless, my friend!

Enjoy it with Shay, Patrick.

PS: If any conflict breaks out in the finals, you should hold it tight!Last time you were watching from the sidelines!Aren't we friends?

I'm not afraid of Shay, I'm afraid that if Shay is sent off for fighting, the finals will be boring!I am definitely not afraid of being beaten, absolutely not!Absolutely not!
PS2: The above sentence does not need to be paraphrased! "

Shay: .
Is this a text message declaring war?This is obviously Danzi buying insurance in advance for the upcoming finals!
Really use the hardest attitude to say the softest words.

Ewing is also an honest person, he really didn't relay it to Shay, he just showed it to Shay!
The relationship between him and Jordan is so sincere, Shay cried to death!
Xie Yi is also convinced, who does Danzi think of me?I'm playing basketball, so maybe I can play football + crossbar + scissors?
After reading the text message, Ewing and Shay looked at each other, and then smiled at each other:
"Don't worry Shay, I will not interfere with you. Jordan is my good friend, but you, you are my brother! I will not stop you from doing anything to him! So brother, can we start now ?”

After all, Ewing rubbed his hands expectantly.

The reason why he came to Shay's penthouse hotel suite today was because Shay was going to have an interview in the courtyard of the suite tonight.

Interview young models to shoot print ads for your brand!
Originally, Shay didn't invite the gorilla. The gorilla's aesthetics are fine in the animal world, so forget about picking a model.

But after hearing this, the gorilla had to come to check on Shay: "Brother, your business is my business! How can I let you take on this kind of hard work that requires hard work?"

What?Why are we brothers with different skin colors?Counting a few years up, everyone is a gorilla, why can't they be brothers?

In this way, the gorilla came uninvited and took the initiative to help Shay share the pressure at work!
Looking around, there was already a row of tall young models standing beside the swimming pool in the courtyard of Shay's penthouse.

Those snow-white long legs, that flabbily skinned gorilla have already begun to stiffen!
Ewing was overjoyed, Xie Yi, you boy, no wonder you have to spend a lot of money to create your own brand, the benefits of co-authoring are here!
After Ewing sat down, he leaned into Shay's ear: "Is there another batch?"

"Brother Gorilla, calm down, this is not Atlanta! We are doing business here!"

Ewing smiled sheepishly, then sat upright, and picked up the materials of the models on the table.

But after reading the materials, Ewing's face turned black with fright: "Shay, listen to my advice, it's too late to turn around now! We can't have the same interests as Ma Long, this is not a punishment!"

According to the data, most of these models are only sixteen or seventeen years old!
This is to be judged!
Xie Yi gave Ewing a blank look, how can we be frank and lenient when we come to you for our serious work?

Shay clapped her hands and let the models get to work!

The first girl who came up had a childlike face, but she had an excellent temperament and a perfect body proportion. Ewing felt that her legs were longer than her own life.

She looked thin, but not sickly thin, but healthy thin.

After walking up to make a concave shape, the girl just smiled shyly at Shay and Ewing.

Ewing picked up the information and looked at it. This girl is called Gisele Bundchen, and she is 16 years old by two months.

But it is already No.4 in the Spanish beauty pageant, and has signed a contract with a brokerage company, and has taken some magazine photos.

The second model who came up had a more exotic appearance, looking like a mixed race, with characteristic wild eyes.

Her figure is stronger than the first one, but there is no excess flesh, her proportions are still perfect, and she looks full of youthful vitality.

Compared with the first model, the second model's style was much wilder. After walking up, she blew a kiss in Shay's direction.

Ewing was also waiting for her to blow a kiss, but the girl glanced at Ewing and hurried back.

Ewing: .
Reluctantly, Ewing looked at the information. The one just now was named De'Anliana Lima, who was also from Brazil and was 15 years old.

Regardless of his young age, he is already the runner-up of the Ford Supermodel Contest!

Not to mention the figures of the next few, they are all equally perfect.

Even the resume is also extremely dazzling, 15-year-old Alessandra Ambrosio started to take modeling courses at the age of 12, and now she has served as the cover of a well-known fashion magazine.

23-year-old Heidi Klum, although she is young, has already taken photos for many fashion magazines, and is already a little famous in the circle.

McDonald's and Ford have also asked her to shoot commercials.

Ewing was stunned. Where did Xie Yi find these young, beautiful and flirtatious models?
You kid, so you usually study these in private.

Really take me to study together next time!

That's right, Shay found those models who will be popular in the future in advance!

During this period, their careers have just started, so they can be signed at a relatively good price.

Moreover, at this period, they are at the age of youth and beauty, and it is perfect to shoot the advertisement of sports and leisure shoes.

Advertisements for sports shoes are all about vitality and youthfulness.

In the picture, Shay has already thought about it, a white tight vest, a pair of denim shorts, and a pair of beautiful coconut shoes.Three simple things, plus their faces, figures, temperament and long legs, Shay believes that after the launch of this advertisement, it will definitely kill people!

And it's the kind of random killing that takes all men and women!

After the interview, Shay left Bundchen, Lima, Ambrosio and Krum.

This means that they have passed the interview, and they can formally sign a contract with Xie in a few days!
The little girls jumped up excitedly, hugged Shay one after another, and kissed Shay on the cheek:

"Thank you for giving me the opportunity!"

"Brother, you are the best~"

"I will not let you down!"

"Actually, I've always admired you! It's great to be the spokesperson for your men!"

In the sound of "Doge, Dove", Xie Yi was almost lost.

Surrounded by young flowers and plants, surrounded by a group of future top supermodels, Shay felt like he was living a dream!
No, I didn't dare to dream like this in my previous life!
Ewing wiped his lips, and opened his arms, it's me, it's me!

"Congratulations, girls!"

However, the four young models just waved at Ewing shyly: "Thank you, Uncle Orangutan~"

"Uncle." Ewing curled his lips, everyone came from the same system, why is the treatment so different!
Forget it, it seems that I only belong to Atlanta after all.

After the interview, Shay took them back to the room and handed them out a ticket next to the Lakers bench in the first row of tomorrow's game.

So, the next day, when Shay was on the scene, the reporters' film went crazy.

Shay actually walked into the tunnel surrounded by four young models, which is really eye-catching!

In the words of the reporter: "At this time, the air around Shay is sweet!"

Why are they with Shay?Why is it here?
This greatly aroused people's curiosity.

Shay is very satisfied with this wave of exposure, because the more eye-catching they are, the more eye-catching Shay's brand is!
Of course, things off the field are just adjustments.After Shay started to warm up, the reporters still paid more attention to the things on the court.

Shay snatched Jordan's two MVP votes, but there is still a lot of noise!

Originally, in the MVP voting, it was normal to get votes.

But because Jordan made such a fuss yesterday, this matter was magnified instead.

Some media believe that Shay deserved the two votes. He brought the Lakers, who were not favored at the beginning of the season, to the playoffs in the fourth place in the Western Conference. He also won the scoring and steals champions at the same time. Nothing wrong with it.

And it should be an honor for Shay to be the only person other than Jordan to receive MVP votes this season!
However, some media also believed that the two reporters were simply blind, and it was unfair to vote for Shay.

Jordan's performance was impeccable. Shay took Jordan's two votes under such circumstances. Does he deserve it?Shay is a shit-stirring stick!

Jordan: How can I think about it. It's me who is scolding! ?
Therefore, for a while, the debate on "whether Shay deserves the two votes" was very lively.

When Shay went on the field to warm up, the reporter also asked this question:
"Shay, how do you feel about making Mike miss the unanimous MVP vote?"

Shay smiled confidently: "I deserve it!"

"But not everyone thinks so. They think that you are not worthy to compete with Michael in the MVP selection."

"Then see you in the game!"

Although Shay did not play against Jordan directly today, facing the Supersonics, Shay still proved that he is indeed qualified to win the MVP vote.

In today's game, the Sonics still used crazy pincers to deal with Shay.

But the role players of the Lakers stepped up today. After Shay attracted the pincers, they were able to hit shots in slight interference today.

Dell Curry scored 19 points and evolved into a top horse today!

Finley had 16 points and Robinson also had 15 points.

It can only be said that the four young and beautiful beauties that Shay placed on the sidelines played an unexpected role!

The four girls have been enthusiastically cheering for the Lakers since the start of the game, which made the entire Lakers blood spurt.

As the saying goes, if there is someone on the sidelines, James is dunked!
Although the four girls didn't wear hey silk today, the motivational effect of the long bare legs is the same!
Xie, this wave, this wave is a body plug-in.

George Karl even went to the referee to complain!

Kemp inexplicably missed the mid-range shot today. He only scored 13 points in the game, and his shooting percentage was just over 40%.

George Karl seriously suspected that Kemp, a guy who couldn't control his brother, was confused by the four girls next to the Lakers bench!
Xie Yi is so vicious, he actually resorted to this kind of out-of-the-box trick!

And Shay himself performed very well today. After assisting his teammates with various goals in the first half, Shay started to score wildly in the second half when the Supersonics double-teamed.


By the way, Payton only had 12 points.

Well, still taller than Drexler.

Shay led the team to beat the No. 2 team in the Western Conference 0-[-], a triple-double and a double-double. He proved his ability and is absolutely eligible for MVP votes!

The German Schramff scored the highest in the team with 23 points. Didn't everyone say that the American players are good?Why the fuck I've become a thigh!
2 to 0, the Supersonics fans at the scene were all dumbfounded. They couldn't believe that Shay led the team to a 64-2 victory in the Western Conference's first 0 wins at the home court of the Supersonics!

And both games won by more than ten points!

Sonics in the end is 64 wins or 46 wins! ?

George Karl has already seen through everything. He has long said that Shay will return to Los Angeles with a score of 2-0, and he has made an accurate prediction long ago.

What is a world famous handsome?
To be honest, old Carl's face is swollen!
He threatened to 2-0 the Lakers, but he was 2-0 by the Lakers.

This fact tells us, don't act casually when you are old, and don't rely on your old age to sell your old age.

Today's young people all adhere to the principle of doing whatever they want, and they won't spoil you!
Leading the team to do this for the 64-win SuperSonics, Shay also had the confidence to respond to Jordan:

"Two MVP votes are nothing, he knows I want to steal other things. See you in the finals, MVP!"

Sonics fans thought it was unbelievable to fall behind 0 to 2.

But they won't really know until the series goes to Los Angeles. How vulnerable would a 64-win team be in front of Shay!
Elite?The scoring champion is the elite!

 Thanks to Ajie Max, Ai Zhan and other big guys for their rewards, thank you everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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