After changing careers, I became No.1 in basketball

Chapter 265 264: The world's strongest player worth [-] million

Chapter 265 Chapter 264: The World's Strongest Player Worth One Billion (Thanks to Hanrichking for the reward)
Shay thrust the Sword of Damocles through the King's throat with an arrogant one-handed free throw.

At the critical moment, he forced Pippen to take off with his back on his back, and even pulled a lever.

This kind of ball used to be exclusive to Mike in Chicago.

But now, Maikou has become the background board of this exaggerated goal!

After Shay's free throw, Zen Master used his final timeout.

But it's clear that all of Chicago knows that no matter how clever Zen Master's tricks are, there's no turning back.

12 seconds, 4 points.

The Bulls had little choice but to hit a quick 3 and foul immediately.

In any case, the Bulls are the passive side.

On the other end, Ewing struggled to get up, propped his knees on the ground with his hands, and lay down on the ground.

Shay and others wanted to help him up, but Ewing waved his hand: "I want to get up by myself!"

Shay saw that when Ewing's legs were exerting force, his whole legs were shaking.

But he still gritted his teeth and pushed hard to prop up his huge body.

Subsequently, Ewing limped off the field.But he was not embarrassed at all, he raised his arms high, and the glory of the winner shone on his body!

Tough guy in Georgetown, never down on the basketball court!

After Ewing left, Vitti shook his head at Carlisle.

Gorillas can no longer get on.

As the gorilla himself said just now, he's burned out.

Naturally, Carlisle couldn't allow Ewing to stay on the court like this. In the last 12 seconds, the protection of rebounds is more important.

If another offensive rebound is lost, the Bulls may turn the tables.

Hearing whether he would play later, Ewing also nodded silently.

Then, he put his hand on Shay's shoulder: "Defeat the tyranny of the bulls, the championship belongs to us!"

Ewing's eyes were full of confidence. In the last 12 seconds, let alone himself, even if the entire Lakers team was down, the Bulls would not even want to win!

Because of the Lakers Shai!

Today's Shai is the ultimate pillar of the Lakers.


40+ in three single games in the finals!

The third player in history to achieve this feat.

Relying on Shay's tough performance, the Bulls have not taken the lead even once since the second half!
He may be the first one who can put the Bulls and Jordan in such a mess.

At this time, the first person to create this record was anxiously waiting in the stands for the game to end, so that he could win the cup again as the general manager of the team.

The second person to create this record is gasping for breath on the bench, trying to seize the last chance that fate left him.

Shay is the third, and what he took over is not only this record, but also the scepter of the changing times!
Mike Breen also kept praising Shay: "Today, Shay pushed the entire Lakers team. Whenever the Bulls tried to overtake, Shay would stand up. This is what a superstar should do!"

Even Chicago fans admitted that Shay made them experience fear like never before!
Shay patted Ewing's arm on his shoulder, and nodded confidently: "And you, Patrick, you will become a champion!"

After Carlisle laid out the final defensive strategy, the electronic buzzer sounded, and both sides would meet their final fate.

PJ. Brown replaced Ewing, and Ewing slumped on the bench, his legs numb.

But Ewing is not depressed, his heart has flown to Atlanta!
He ordered two, and Shay ordered four. The brothers will definitely unleash their talents in Atlanta this summer!

At the beginning of the game, the Bulls' dynasty has reached a precarious state.

Carlisle's strategy is simple, that is to block the Bulls' three-point shots as much as possible.

I would rather give them 2 points than let them make 3 points.

So this time in defense, the entire Lakers team pressed closely, and the Bulls had no room to shoot.

What's worse, the Bulls don't have time to slowly find their shot.

The time is only 12 seconds. If they want to chase 4 points, they must shoot quickly.

Therefore, in the end, Jordan was completely against the close-fitting Shay, and forced a shot from beyond the three-point line.

Even for the omnipotent Jordan, this ball is too difficult!
Sure enough, the basketball bounced off the hoop, but Carlisle also became nervous.

The defense is not over yet, the fight for rebounds has just begun!

This rebound can't be lost again!
PJ. Brown blocked Sabonis, and Robinson also blocked Europa Magee.

Jordan wanted to rush inside, but was blocked by Shay's arm.

Old Curry and Harper entangled each other roughly, and then it seemed as if a force of force exploded from between them, blasting them apart in place.

Both of them let out an "ah", and then both lay on the ground, leaving only the referee messed up in the wind.

It's not that you two can't eat a box lunch when you are a group performer at this level, you know!

When is it, you are still challenging the eyes of the referee with your poor acting skills?
Stephen's son had so much admiration for his father just now, but at this moment there is only contempt left.

It can only be said that Stephen is still too young to know how powerful his father is.Dell Curry may not get the MVP in his career, but he deserves an Oscar statuette!
After the basketball pops out, there is a long backboard, which means that the inside player has lost control of the backboard.

Jordan and Shay are wrestling with each other, and Harper and Curry are acting again.

So now the only ones who can compete for rebounds are Finley and Pippen.

Pippen knew how terrifying Finley's talent was, and he was the master of the flat frame with just a jump.

Therefore, at the moment Finley was about to jump, Pi San yanked down with his hand, but Finley was not able to fully jump.

Subsequently, Pippen jumped up with his hands on Finley's shoulders and grabbed the rebound with one hand!
The people of Carlisle are all stupid, no one said that my fate was lacking in my fortune-telling back then!
Lost three offensive rebounds at a critical moment, what is this called?
Logo is also clenching his teeth. Regardless of whether the Lakers win the championship this year or not, it's time to strengthen the inside in the summer.

Pi San is secretly proud of himself, hehe, I have made another great contribution.

But as soon as he landed, Finley did everything, and took a picture of the basketball that Pippen had just caught!
The basketball is out of control, and Finley and Pippen dive at the same time, reaching for the ball at the same time.

But both of them failed to reach the ball, and instead poked the ball forward.

Immediately afterwards, Dell Curry and Harper, who were still howling in pain just now, woke up instantly and rushed to the basketball at the same time.

But the basketball was still not under control and rolled past Kukoc's legs.

Kukoc reached out and bent over to pick it up, but his reaction was half a beat too late, and the ball rolled past him.

This fact tells everyone the importance of length to men.As long as Kukoc is a little longer, this matter will be considered.

Kukoc saw that the basketball was missing, so he fell to the ground subconsciously.

However, Kukoc still just poked the basketball with his fingertips, but still failed to catch the ball!

The players of the Lakers and Bulls just pushed and pushed, and "carried" the ball across half court when no one was dribbling!
Marvin Albert called directly: "The players on both sides seem to be playing something very new!"

Next, Jordan and Shay both chased after the basketball, and both fell down before the basketball rolled over the baseline.

On the floor, Jordan has stretched his arms as far as possible.

However, Shai still has a slightly longer wingspan than Jordan.

This may be why Madonna likes Shay and hates Jordan.

Xie Yi touched the basketball first, opened his big hand, held the basketball with one hand like a suction cup, and then pressed it firmly under his body.

Just as Jordan was about to grab it, he heard the harsh electronic beep.


The game is over!

Shay lay on the ground, raised the basketball with one hand, and roared happily.

Jordan was lying next to Shay, but he was holding his head in pain.

The contrasting reaction of the two lying together was recorded by countless reporters with cameras.

This is the collapse and rise of dynasties, the fall and ascension of champions.

This is the moment when history was rewritten in the 90s!
Mike Breen finally yelled out the sentence that made all Los Angeles fans wait: "The game is over! The Lakers defeated the Chicago Bulls 105-101, with a total score of 4-2. They became the new world champions!"

Although Shay had just made a free throw, the ending was almost doomed.

But at this moment, at the end of the game, the hearts of Chicago fans were truly shattered.

Shay stood up quickly, holding the basketball in his hand high.He got this ball in the fight with Jordan.

So holding up the basketball to show off also means that Shay stole the victory from Jordan abruptly!

Immediately afterwards, the inferior horse and Finley rushed towards Shay, squatted down and hugged Shay's thigh without saying a word!
Stephen admitted that at least in terms of hugging his thighs, his father's ability is top-notch.

Look at his leg-hugging posture, which is much more professional than Finlay's.

After the two hugged Xie's thigh, they directly lifted Xie up.

After being lifted, Shay waved his fists wildly. Every punch seemed to hit the chest of the Chicago fans, making them breathless.

The result that Chicagoans most and least want to see has become a reality.

Michael Jordan, the king who ruled the 90s, is recognized as the strongest player in active service.

He actually lost to the same person in the finals, twice!
This means that no matter how many championships Jordan wins in the future, Shay will always be the shadow hanging over his head, the shadow he has never overcome!
It's as if Sprewell brought out the best team to shut up all the people who compared with him. In the future, if someone brags about how likable Jordan is, everyone only needs to take out Shay, and the topic can be ended directly!

In the 80s, Jordan was also suppressed by the smiling assassin, and he was suppressed to death.

But Jordan was still young at that time, and he still had a lot of time to change the status quo.And when he defeated the Bad Boys, Jordan beat the Pistons 4-0 cleanly!

In addition, the smiling assassin has entered the end of his career, and has been unable to recover since then.

Jordan is considered to have broken the shadow of the Pistons.

But now Jordan is 33 years old, how much time does he have to change the status quo?
Can he also make the Lakers 4-0?
And Shay, he is only 26 years old, at his peak!
He is different from an assassin, he still has a lot of opportunities to continue to harvest honors until he completely surpasses Jordan!
Jordan will always be dominated by Shay before he completely crushes him!
On the court, Jordan, who was lying on the ground covering his head with his hands, also stood up.

He glanced at Shay, and Shay glanced at Jordan.

But the two didn't hug like brothers, not even a word of greeting.

There is no handshake, no hug, no farewell and no blessing, just as decisive and ruthless as the struggle between the two.

No way, that's how Shai and Jordan compete against each other.

There was nothing but enmity between them, no false brotherhood.

Their personalities are destined to make it impossible for them to show a friendly look in public before they retire.

Before they retire, they will never show each other the so-called grace.

The kings on both sides did not shake hands and hug, and the players on both sides naturally did not do so.

The Bulls players just bowed their heads and exited silently, giving up their home court, their championship, and their honor!
Looking at the number 23 who disappeared into the distance, and watching the Chicago fans who were already crying bitterly, Mike Breen also adjusted his emotions:
"The applause is also dedicated to Michael and the Chicago Bulls who fought to the last moment.

Since ancient times, it is difficult to conquer the world, and it is even more difficult to defend the world. No one can always stand at the top.

Even if you can be prepared for danger in times of peace, plan ahead.

But you're surrounded by young people who are just as passionate and eager as you were.

Success in life is only temporary, and failure is the main theme.But how to face failure divides people into different looks.

Just like Shay, he didn't give up in the face of failure, but fought harder.Now, he has finally returned to the throne!

As for Michael Jordan, everyone knows what kind of man he is.

We don't have to feel sad for him because he will definitely be back.

We don't have to distract too much, because now the Lakers are the winners!

Let's cheer for the winners! "

Of course, there will be no cheers at the scene, but Shay doesn't care anymore.

He put on the championship ball cap, hugged his teammates one by one, and pulled up Ewing who was lying on the ground covering his face and crying bitterly.

Ewing hugged Shay, and cried bitterly on Shay's shoulder.

This is joy, but also sadness.

Ewing has worked hard for the Knicks for a full 10 years, the most golden 10 years of his career, and gave everything.In the end, he got nothing and was abandoned by the team.

He thought that his life had reached a trough, and that his career was over.

Who would have thought that he would reach the top in Los Angeles!

This super tough guy who didn't even frown even when his knees were scrapped, was in tears at this moment.

Thinking of his journey from the bottom to the top, he persisted for too long.

Shay patted Ewing on the back: "Now you don't have to force Patrick, just cry as much as you want."

Why didn't Shay think about the process of winning this year?

From last year's offseason, the team was in a mess, the regular season started poorly, ranked fourth and entered the playoffs and was not favored, and was cornered by the Suns, and today they shot down the trapeze.

Bits and pieces of this season also flooded Shay's mind.

Whether it's Ewing or Shay, they feel at this moment that this climbing process seems to be more impressive than standing on the top at this moment!
The process is always the most wonderful!
After all, strictly speaking, the championship did not give Shay anything.Those processes gave Xie everything.

Granted Shay wrath, cruelty, strength and tenacity.

Finally, Shay hugged Carlisle.

Seeing that Shay couldn't hold back under the influence of Ewing, Carlisle immediately squeezed Shay's solid arm: "Now, you are the king of the world, you can't cry."

Shay forcibly calmed down his emotions and squeezed out a smile: "Rick, you are also a world-class coach."

Carlisle scratched his head embarrassingly, and did not call a timeout at the critical moment. How is this not a tactic?

Then, amidst Stern's smile, no, grin, Shai and the Lakers stepped onto the podium that had just been erected!
The ratings results for this year's finals have been released, and the ratings for this game are 35.88—a new high for the NBA since the era of live TV!

In other words, more than 7000 million people watched the game all over the world!
I don't know how Stern will feel when he learns that decades later, his successor has reduced this number to only 400 million through a series of intelligent extinction operations.

But at least Stern is very happy now. The average ratings of this year's finals are also the highest in the finals ever!
Sure enough, Jordan + Shay is the way to survive in the NBA.

So you're saying Stern can't grin?Congratulations to his father on the stage, of course he is happy!
After taking the stage, Shay held up the O'Brien Gold Cup under the fearful and unwilling eyes of the Chicago fans!
And, the third FMVP trophy in his career-after Magician and Jordan, the third player to win three FMVP trophies!
At least in terms of FMVP, great names such as Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Bird, Chamberlain and Moses Malone have been left behind by Shay.

People thought that Jordan would become the number one in the world, but judging from the current achievements and age of Shay.
The No.1 in basketball may have another owner!

Three championships, two MVPs, and three FMVPs.

Shai's current honor is beyond the reach of most people in their lifetime, and he is already one of the greatest players.

To be precise, among active players, he and Jordan are the greatest, and no third person can match them.

But Shay, in his own words after winning the championship:
"I promised that one day I would win a three-peat with the Lakers, and you didn't believe it.

Now, remember, the first starts!

I will return to you what I said last year.

The championship was only loaned to Chicago for one year, and now, the championship is back, back to its sweetest home! "

Yes, Shay is just getting to the top, he's just getting started.

No one knows how terrifying his achievements will ultimately be.

Mike Breen applauded while making a final summary for this season:

"When you take a first-year rookie out of the lottery.

With a veteran who has both knees disabled and rested for a whole year.

With a teammate who can't even fool the referee through acting.

Do you still believe that you can win the championship?

When someone knocks you down, when people keep slandering you, when fate is holding you by the throat, do you still believe that you can succeed?
And Shay, he didn't just believe.

He also told the world.

Anything is possible if you make up your mind and take action!
I think of last summer, many people questioned whether Shai's 3000 million annual salary was worth it.


Now, I think Shay is worth a hundred million!

No, one billion.

After all, he is the best basketball player alive!
That's all for today's live broadcast, good night Chicago.

And Los Angeles, haha, it must have become a happy city that never sleeps. "

 Thank you Hanrichking for the reward, thank you!Thanks to book friends 20230323180000609, Zhong Yuanjun and other big guys for their rewards, thank you everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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