After changing careers, I became No.1 in basketball

Chapter 275 274: How strong can a team with the five youngest superstars and a mid-range offensive t

Chapter 275 274: The youngest top [-] superstar, how strong can a team in the middle of the offensive rank be?

Great players always do great things.

O'Neal's Knicks debut helped the team create a great historical record.

It is self-evident how popular O'Neal, who set a record in his first show, was in the press conference after the game.

O'Neill did what he said, Make New York great again.

The Knicks, who had no sense of presence since Ewing left, now have a full sense of presence!

In the first game, the Knicks became ugly. How can this not be called Great again?
As soon as O'Neill walked into the media center where the press conference was held, he heard the sound of camera shutters like machine gun fire.

Shark originally didn't want to come to the press conference. After all, he was slaughtered for 47 points and was besieged by reporters. This is really too social.

It is equivalent to being arrested by Xingchang and Nima has to go to the unit to hold a review meeting in front of everyone.

But there is no way, as New York's top card, he can escape the first day of junior high school but not the fifteenth day.

Even if he does not participate in the press conference tonight, he will be mobbed by reporters on various occasions.

Therefore, the shark finally decided to die early and survive early.

As soon as O'Neill sat down, the reporter's first question made O'Neill very embarrassed:

"Shaq, if a center is guarded by a player about 2 meters tall, how much do you think he is worth?"

The New York reporter is notoriously vicious, but he won't save Shark any face just because he is a Knicks player.

O'Neal began to argue: "Dennis used all kinds of small moves and flops to deal with me, and the Lakers also arranged a lot of double-teams. This is not fair at all! One-on-one, Rodman is not mine at all. opponent!"

"But the team lost by 47 points, right? Anyway, that's the responsibility of the star! Didn't Shai get flanked? Didn't he get targeted?"

O'Neill was speechless and didn't know what to say on stage.

Then another reporter stood up:
"Shaq, just now at the press conference on the other side, Rodman said... Keke, I just paraphrased for him, the words are what he said:

My god, if I were the boss, I wouldn't give a 1 million contract to a big but flashy guy who deserves 2000 million like me!
Can only see the guy who can't use it, is there any practical significance? "

Hearing this, O'Neill's veins popped suddenly.It's okay for Shay to pretend to be beeping in front of him, but what grade is he Rodman?Also deserve to say me?

Moreover, let's talk about the "salary" that O'Neill dislikes the most.

O'Neal slapped the table angrily:
"Dennis is fucking nothing! Who does he think he is? Does he really think he can win?

As if he didn't feel relieved enough, O'Neill added the famous sentence:

"Dennis is a fart, my grandma can win the game with Shay!"

The reporters' eyes immediately lit up:

" admit that Shai is above you? You admit that Shai can win even with a player who is worthless in your eyes?

You admit, you regret picking Shay off in the summer? "

O'Neill clenched his fists, he knew that if he didn't say something today, it would be impossible to get out of here.

So, with a strong sense of shame, the Shaq who was still arrogant during the offseason, the Shaq who threatened to deal with Shay, the one who signed a big contract and came to a big city thought he was already a master. Shaq, under Shay's oppression, lowered his proud head:
"Okay man, I admit it, Shai is probably the best player in the league!

He beat us to pieces today!Annoying him was the biggest mistake I ever made! "

After saying this, O'Neill stood up and left the scene directly.

His debut in New York turned into a joke of his career.

And this incident also told Shark that if he meets Shay in the future, he'd better take a detour!
Garnett: Ah yes!

Fight Shay, and the end will be very miserable!
On the other hand, the atmosphere of the Lakers' press conference was enjoyable.

On Rodman, the demon king in the eyes of the people, Shay did not hesitate to praise him:
"Dennis is a defensive player, he has been misunderstood all the time. I don't know how the Spurs use him, but in Los Angeles, he can play his strength!"

Rodman's performance made both Shay and the Logo man look good.

After all, when the Lakers just signed Rodman, even the Lakers fans themselves were not optimistic about the signing.

During the offseason, all kinds of lace news were flying all over the sky, which made fans worry even more.

Moreover, the fact that Shay personally got off the bed and dragged Rodman to the training ground was also exposed by Carmen, which shows how bad Rodman is.

Of course, after hearing about this incident, Madonna planned to use Rodman as a bait to lure Shay to her home, and then come and catch them all!
As a result, the bad Rodman actually started directly today.

To be honest, Lakers fans were terribly worried at first.

But in the end, Rodman froze and forced the Sharks to only score 22 points and 5 turnovers!

22 points seems to be a lot, but don't forget that the Sharks averaged nearly 30 points per game last season.Moreover, as a center, the Sharks only shot 42% today.

Xie praised the flower worm, and the flower worm also praised Xie in turn:

"Shai is the most dominant player I've ever seen, bar none. I just love playing with the best players in the league because they always make the game easy.

As for the top fifty superstars, I don't think there is any suspense at all.If there is no Shai in the top [-] star lineup, then this lineup selection will not be convincing at all.

Of course, Shaq is on the same level as Shai in this regard.

If there is Shaq among the top [-] superstars, this lineup selection will not be convincing at all. "

Rodman is on the bar with the shark today, and he will never give up until he sucks him to autism.

Drexler should be thankful that Rodman did not join forces with Shai in the past few years.

Otherwise, Hua Zi would probably have retired due to psychological trauma.

At the same time, people are also amazed that Rodman is so sophisticated.

Thinking about being in the Spurs back then, Rodman was more like the big brother of the team than the admiral, let alone flattering the admiral.

The label of rebellious and disobedient was also put on at that time.

As a result, Rodman is actually flattering Shay like crazy.

The reporters were all curious: "Shay, how did you and Dennis get along so happily?"

Rodman looked at Shay, and Shay just smiled: "It's all about convincing people with virtue~"

In this way, poor O'Neal became the first person to be sacrificed in the new season.

Shay also got his wish, making the whole league smell the blood.

The next day, O'Neill's dejected photo made headlines on the front pages of major media outlets in New York.

The headlines of the newspapers are uniformly a red "47", which is quite eye-catching.

O'Neal's Knicks debut made him successful.

On NBC TV, the host joked:
"If you ask New York fans to vote again, ask them if O'Neal is worth [-] million.

Believe me, there will never be such a thing as 91% of people voting 'not worth it' again.

I estimate that number goes up to 95%! "

"There is a reason why Orlando is unwilling to give the Sharks a billion-dollar contract."

"Sharks is the worst signing in Knicks history, bar none."

O'Neal is probably remorseful now. If he didn't make Shay hyped up, the league probably wouldn't arrange for the Knicks to play the opening game against the Lakers.

If the Lakers and Knicks were not arranged to play the opening game, the Sharks' debut would not be so tragic.

North Carolina, Louisville, Charles Sr., who loves basketball very much, watched TV while looking at his son who played at the age of 3:
"Remember, it's a shame to let others win so many points on the basketball court! Even if you have to lose, you have to lose with dignity."

Charles Paul's son Chris nodded disdainfully. At this time, his favorite is football, so he is not very interested in basketball news.

Moreover, he really couldn't imagine how it was possible to lose by 47 points in a game, it was ridiculous!
And another teenage basketball boy felt that the most embarrassing thing in yesterday's game was not the shark, but Van Exel.

Celebrating in advance before the goal is scored, it's so deadly that it explodes. I, Nick Young, can never do such a funny thing in my life. I really can't imagine what kind of Puxin boy can do it.

How embarrassing O'Neill is, how angry Shay is at this time.

After successfully winning the championship last season, Shay was already very popular.

As a result, in the first game of the new season, in the traffic battle between New York and Los Angeles, such a shocking thing happened again.

This directly pushed Shay to the altar.

Shay also has a new nickname: "Killer 47".

Although this game has not yet been born, such a cool nickname is still very popular.

Shay would not waste this enthusiasm, and immediately arranged for his own brand to start producing the Killer 47 series!

Just like the double-sided jacket that sold out of stock, it represents both the scoring champion and the DPOY.You have to grasp the hot spots in order to win the favor of consumers~
O'Neill was spurned by everyone, and Shay made a lot of money.

This wave of sharks is called sacrificing oneself to achieve others.

However, Shay's heat hasn't dissipated yet.

On November 11, the second night after the NBA opener ended.

David Stern held a press conference at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in New York and announced the lineup of the top [-] NBA superstars!

Among them, there are 14 centers, 8 power forwards, 10 point guards, and 9 in each of the other two positions.

Seeing this, O'Neill still has some expectations.

Center forward is the position with the most places, maybe I can get in and squeeze in?

But soon he was disappointed. Stern announced the names of the candidates one by one starting from the fifth position, and the first one announced was the center position.

But after the 14 center forwards finished reading, O'Neill didn't hear his name!

The last announcement was the point guard position, and Shay was the last person to be announced in the last position!

Los Angeles fans cheered when Stern pronounced Shay's name.

George Mikan, Chamberlain, Abdul-Jabbar, Barkley, Baylor, Worthy, Logo, Magic and Shay, a total of 9 Lakers were selected into the top 10, second only to the [-] Celtics.

In the top 19, the Lakers and Celtics combined accounted for [-].
Of course, what makes Lakers fans most happy is not just the large number of Lakers' top [-].

To the joy of the Lakers fans, Shay became the youngest member of the Big [-]!

Shay, who was born in 70, is only 26 years old this year, and he has become one of the [-] greatest superstars in NBA history. This is an achievement with a very high gold content!

Sure enough, as Shay said, he can enter the top [-] lying down!

On the second day after the list of the top [-] NBA stars was announced, people found that Shay was once again queuing up in a long queue at the brand store in Quanzhou.

It turned out that it was Shai who sold the NBA's [-]th commemorative T-shirts and shoes.And, as always, is a limited edition!

The reporters were very surprised. Stern only announced the top [-] list yesterday, and Shay is selling top [-] commemorative products today.

This hell, the workers on the assembly line can't make it even if they don't eat or drink for 24 hours.

Therefore, there is only one possibility—Shay has already prepared commemorative products for the Top [-]. He has long believed that he will definitely be selected for the Top [-], and he just waits for the sale!

What a confidence this is!
This time around, however, no one would call Shay arrogant.

Because judging from the state of the opening game, the whole world knows that the top [-] is not the end of Shay.

Shay, who was only 26 years old and already held three championships, beat O'Neal so hard that he couldn't fight back.

His finish may be the best in history!
In short, Shay has made money again this wave.

The news of queues at major stores has allowed Shay's brand awareness to continue to ferment.

It also allowed Shay's own popularity to continue to rise.

After the start, the Lakers also directly played a wave of five consecutive victories.

After defeating the Knicks, the new Lakers defeated the Timberwolves, Hornets, Raptors and Suns respectively.

Among them, in the game against the Suns, the Lakers also won the Western Conference Finals last season by 13 points!
Of course, this is mainly because Sir Charles Flying Pig was only sitting on the bench to watch the game due to injury today.

Hill, Webber, and Rasheed Wallace are three young men who are not enough for the Lakers.

As for Barkley, the reason for his injury is also quite strange.

Sir Flying Pig went to see rock star Eric Clapton's concert the day before the opening match. After all, Barkley still has a bit of artistic bacteria, unlike Ewing and Mu Tongbo who only know about shop visits every day.

While watching the show, Barkley put some hand cream on his hands.

Do you think that these two things have nothing to do with the injury?
But the strange thing is here, because the lights of the concert suddenly shone into Buckley's eyes, which was too dazzling, and Buckley subconsciously rubbed his eyes with his hands.

Just like that, Feizhu rubbed the freshly applied hand cream into his eyes, causing corneal burns and was absent for three weeks.
As expected of Sir Flying Pig, he suffered so differently from injuries.

He has dedicated himself to art.

Shay also doesn't know what the Fliggy's trotters can do to maintain. Although he has worked with Fliggy for so many years, you really don't understand some of his brain circuits.

Although the Suns lost, Sir Charles the Flying Pig would naturally not be soft-spoken.

In the post-match press conference, Barkley shrugged:

"If I'd been there, the Lakers' winning streak might have been over.

The Suns lost 13 points today, do you think I can't even get 13 points in a game? "

"But, didn't you just say that Shay is the strongest in the world last season?"

"That's right, Shay is the strongest in the world, and I'm the second in the world. Michael? He might only be third or fourth.

This is not the point, the point is, I never said that the Lakers are the strongest!

Shai is the strongest in the individual, but the Lakers are not necessarily the strongest in the team.

Personally, I may not be as strong as Shay, but the Suns with me may not necessarily lose to the Lakers! "

Jordan: .
Since that matter is not the point, then don't say it!

Shay didn't pay much attention to Barkley's words.

A guy so stupid that he could hurt himself even at a concert, the Logo man wouldn't allow Shay to play with him.

"Charles can say whatever he likes, we're on a five-game winning streak anyway, and that won't change."

"So, the team is playing its best form at the beginning, are you worried that the team will not have enough stamina in the long season?

After all, the Lakers are still one of the oldest teams this year. "

"Top form? No no no, we are still in the running-in period.

You have no idea how terrifying we are at our best. "

Shay's self-confidence surprised the reporters.

They have won five consecutive victories, but they are just "still running in"?
Some people think that Shai has the strength to say that this season.

It was also thought that Shay was a little too inflated.

The Lakers are off to a good start, but the standard of the regular season is 82 games.

And there is a very wrong data-the Lakers' offensive efficiency this season ranks tenth in the league, a new low since Shay joined the team.

The entry of Rodman and Mutombo into the starting lineup has a considerable impact on the Lakers' offense. Thanks to Shai, the scoring champion last season, the Lakers' offense can only be ranked in the middle of the league at best.

Not even as good as the Green Kai, Kings and other lottery teams.

Therefore, Sam Smith, a reporter for the Chicago Tribune, who was once famous for his book "Jordan Rules".

Take this opportunity to point the gun at Shay:

"As I say in my book, Shai is a pseudo-superstar who relies heavily on his teammates.

The reason why he can have such achievements is because of his good luck, the Lakers have always maintained a very competitive lineup.

Let him win the championship, let him enter the top [-].

To be honest, any player with a bit of strength can win the championship together with Barkley.

But this year, when Robinson left and Ewing fell completely.

No, the Lakers' offensive efficiency has dropped to tenth in the league, and Shay will soon reveal his true colors.

Seriously, if Barkley was there in the last game, the Lakers would have lost.

But good luck saved Shay again, allowing him to successfully win five consecutive victories.

But watch, for the next five games, luck won't be following Shay anymore.

Not only the next five games, but also about Shay's evidence of more pseudo-stars, and more inside stories about the breakup between Charles and Shay, you can buy the book "Children of Luck".

This would reveal a real, uncoordinated Shay! "

Sam Smith is a smart man. Don't care if the content of the book "Jordan Rules" is true or not, but it is indeed a big seller, making Smith a lot of money.

Fans are now not only satisfied with the brilliance of the players in front of the stage, but also curious about what the players look like behind the scenes.

Sam Smith seized this psychology and successfully made his first pot of gold.

And now, he changed his target to Shay, the hottest star at the moment.

People can say anything to sell books.

Now Pippen, who is obediently working hard by Jordan's side, will not hesitate to complain about Jordan to attract attention in order to sell his autobiography 20 years later:
"I don't have DPOY because the media is busy blowing Jordan!"

"Jordan ruined basketball, the old basketball was all about the team and everyone was expected to move the ball.

But Jordan didn't want to pass, defend, or grab rebounds. He thought his teammates would do these things. He just wanted to shoot and teach the kids badly. "

"The flu battle is a fart. I had a herniated disc during the game. Why didn't anyone mention it? Now I want to ask you whether you have a serious cold or a herniated disc that is worthy of praise?"

"Jordan is nothing, LeBron is the real GOAT!"

In order to sell books and make money, it's okay to talk nonsense.

The fugitive KTV princess often said "I think you have a special fragrance".

Now Sam Smith is also playing this trick, using this way of sensationalism to adjust the traffic and make his books sell well.

This is actually quite normal, which just shows that Shay is too hot.

He defeated Jordan, Dameng, Fliggy, and Ma Long, and stood on top of the world with great effort.

So now, Shay must face rumors, the media, and off-court opponents with malicious intentions to protect everything he has worked so hard for!
Shay naturally wouldn't let others slander him and make money at the same time.

But he didn't respond to Sam Smith in person, and that would be tantamount to helping that guy attract traffic.

Xie Yi asked his strongest human body to wait for the horse, and said in front of the reporter:
"If we continue to win, does that mean that idiot Sam is talking bullshit? Does that also mean that his book is bullshit, a pile of crap that isn't worth paying for?

How about Shay, we know better than he does! "

Well now, the whole world is waiting to see the last five games of the Lakers.

Let's see if Shay really can't win without a superstar.

Moreover, the Lakers' schedule for the next five games is not easy to play.

These include the Rockets, Spurs and Heat.

It can be said that Sam Smith is deliberately seizing the point where the Lakers have a high probability of losing multiple games to promote wildly.

How strong can a team that ranks in the middle of the league in offensive efficiency be?Facing three strong enemies in a row, the Lakers will definitely lose!

But Shay wasn't going to let him get away with it.

Hacking yourself while using yourself to make money?

I want to eat fart!
So in the next few games, when Sam Smith was about to wait for the Lakers to lose in a row and wait for the new book to sell, he was horrified to find out that
Shay and the Lakers are still winning, and the Lakers really don't have to fucking rely on offense to win!

Shay let Smith know how strong a team with a mid-range offense can be!
 Thank you, in fact, it’s okay, waiting for the big guy’s reward, thank you everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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