After changing careers, I became No.1 in basketball

Chapter 317 Chapter 316: 3-point killing plan, a tasteful legend

Chapter 317 Chapter 316: The three-pointer massacre plan, a tasteful legend~
After the start of the third quarter, the situation on the field was instantly reversed.

Especially Shay's unbelievable double lever just now dislocated the jaws of the Philadelphia fans at the scene.

You know, this season's Fuguo Center Arena has never lacked wonderful scoring performances.

Both AI and Garnett are frequent visitors to the Top Ten.

However, Shay's operation of pulling the lever to one and a half to temporarily change the direction of the layup still shocked the fans.

Especially considering that Shai is taller than a big center, but he can make that kind of action, which is even more incredible.

Big Ben: I'm obviously the same height as Shay!

Ratliff and Garnett have done the ultimate defense, but still can't stop Shay from scoring points.

Garnett couldn't believe that there are still people in the world who can complete such an action.

Perhaps as Carter said: "Shay is a complete god!"

The Lakers once again exceeded the score, and now the Lakers and the 76ers are in transition.

The 76ers played against the Lakers in the first half, and the Lakers played against the 76ers in the second half.

The situation has undergone such a drastic change, Carlisle's only adjustment is to replace the old Curry with Billups.

The appearance of this parallel importer has completely changed the trend of the game.

Facts have proved that Los Angeles is a very suitable place to nourish Tanhua.From Shai to Ewing to Rodman, Mutombo, and today's Billups.The Lakers are absolutely wonderful!

Of course, Billups just played a supporting role.If it really kills the game, it depends on Shay.

When Larry Brown couldn't bear the team's lack of defensive progress and called a timeout again, Shai, who returned to the bench, also told the team of his evil plan.

He can't wait to kill the 76ers quickly.

On the bench, Carlisle squatted next to Shay with a tactical board, and Shay wrote and drew on it with a pen instead.In the Lakers, it is common for players to arrange tactics for the coach.Not just now, but 20 years from now.

After Carlisle saw the tactics drawn by Shay, he couldn't help feeling that Shay was a bold and skilled man.

But in theory, Shay's approach does work.

The game restarted, and the 76ers attacked.

AI throws Shai away with an off-ball backrun, and then makes a solid shot from one step inside the three-point line.

Because Larry Brown does not allow players to shoot three-pointers, Iverson often shoots one step closer to the three-point line.

This season, the 76ers averaged only 7.4 three-pointers per game, which is undoubtedly the bottom of the league.

Even the Jazz, who like to hit the mid-range, averaged 7.8 three-pointers per game.

However, AI's mid-range and long-range shooting is also really stable. He turned the least cost-effective shooting position into the most murderous shooting point.

AI's attack not only overtook the score again, but also overtook the individual score again.

Facts have proved that even Shai on the offensive end can hardly lock the AI ​​directly.

So if the 76ers want to win steadily, the key is defense!
So next, it came to the defensive link that the 76ers value most.

During the timeout just now, Larry Brown gave Garnett new instructions.

That is to actively attack on the line!

As long as Shay holds the ball close to the three-point line, Garnett will immediately dispatch to flank Shay.

Even if Garnett is inside, he has to expand to defend, relying on mobility to keep coming in and out.

In short, Shay and George Lynch must not be given the chance to single out.

George Lynch was just able to be swayed from the three-point line to the bottom line by Shay with a simple quick start and stop. If Shay makes more moves, George Lynch can't be directly swayed out of the country, right?How to prevent this?
Garnett is ready, and his defense is the key to whether the 76ers can change the situation!

But Shay didn't single-handedly hit George Lynch with the ball like just now. Instead, he ran to the inside, looking like he was going to turn his back to ask for the ball and single-handedly hit George Lynch.

Garnett smiled, Shay didn't throw himself into a trap!
He hurriedly moved towards Shay, preparing to join forces with George Lynch to block Shay's receiving space.

How did he know that Shay was just about to stand still, when he suddenly ran back and ran outside the three-point line again!

During the whole process, Shay didn't stop running, and even the running speed didn't slow down, it was like participating in a track and field competition on a basketball court.

Seeing this situation, Garnett and George Lynch both rushed to chase Shay.

But because the back run was very sudden just now, and Shay has a badge that increases the speed of the back run, Shay still gained a little space.

However, Larry Brown is not worried about this.

In the first half of the game, Shay also got a chance through several beautiful runs without the ball, but the ball couldn't be delivered to Shay at all!

Not to mention that Garnett and George Lynch, who are in charge of chasing and defending, are both long-armed monsters, who may steal the pass at any time.

Snow, who is in charge of man-marking Billups, will not let the Flounder play the ball easily.

In the first half, Finley and Curry made so many turnovers because of passing the ball.

Instead, Larry Brown hoped that the Lakers would pass the ball, so that they would have a chance to catch mistakes and fight back!
However, Shay officially took a fancy to Billups' passing ability, so he chose to play without the ball!
Billups' passing is not as gorgeous as Paul, Nash and others in the future.

But it is better than one that is stable enough.

Billups isn't the kind of point guard who can create opportunities for his teammates.

He is a swinger, and what he is good at is dealing cards at the top of the arc according to the tactics.

As long as your tactics can run out, he can send the ball to the most appropriate person at the most appropriate time!

Therefore, seeing Shay running back and rushing beyond the three-point line, Billups hit the ground and passed the ball before Shay was in position.

When Shai got in position from beyond the three-point line, the basketball just bounced back into Shai's hands, not even a tenth of a second was wasted!
Although Garnett and George Lynch were chasing very closely, due to the perfect timing of the pass, Shay still got a little room to shoot.

Shay didn't hesitate, and directly caught the ball outside the three-point line and shot!
Garnett and George Lynch both jumped up, but before they interfered, Shay had already completed the shot.

The basketball passed through the air, as if screaming, until it fell into the net!
Shay's off-the-ball three-point tactic was officially completed, and he also once again completed an overtake in personal and team scoring!
Threes off the ball, that was Shay's plan for the second half.

Taking advantage of Billups' excellent feeding ability, Shai can get a lot of easy three-pointers.

In this way, the team can quickly establish an advantage!
And if I feel good today, maybe I can play a high-scoring game and completely overwhelm the AI!

After playing so many games this season, it's time to turn my three-point ability into an advantage!

Larry Brown smiled disdainfully after seeing Shay's goal.

So much effort, just to shoot a three-pointer?

From Larry Brown's point of view, three-pointers are like inserting novels in pictures, which is crooked.

The efficiency of this offensive method is extremely unstable, and it is difficult to protect the defensive rebound.

This is why Larry Brown hates three-pointers so much.

What?You said Reggie Miller?How many Reggie Millers are there in the league now?
So Larry Brown clapped his hands and shouted at George Lynch:

"Don't stick too hard, just keep defending his breakthroughs!
Don't worry, he won't make it! "

Larry Brown yelled loudly on purpose so that Shay could hear the phrase "he can't make the shot".

He made it clear that he was deliberately stimulating Shay, wanting Shay to shoot three-pointers crazily, and testing Shay's three-point stability!
Once Shay really confronts him and keeps shooting three-pointers, Larry Brown firmly believes that it will kill Shay himself instead!
Shay's previous lore shot against the Knicks must have been capable, but Larry Brown felt that luck also played a big role.

Let Shay shoot a three-pointer. If he can shoot dead, I will count as a loser!
In the next attack of the 76ers, Hardt's iron-blooded big jumper shot out of the frame.

Before George Lynch could catch his breath, he was about to gallop with Shay for half the time.

Shay quickly cut to the basket again, but George Lynch managed to catch up, but Shay immediately ran back and ran out of the corner three-point line again!George Lynch was about to cry, he felt that Shay was walking the dog!
The question is. have you ever seen a dog throw up after going out for a walk?
Big Ben also set an off-ball screen for Shay when Shay was running out.

So, just like before, the moment Shay was in position, the basketball was delivered to him in time.

Afterwards, all the Philadelphia fans in the audience saw Shay shoot a three-pointer with an extremely smooth posture.

Larry Brown laughed smugly, and Shay actually made another three-pointer. It seemed that he was really on top.

Next, it was time for the 76ers to counterattack.

Larry Brown hadn't finished his complacency yet, but the basketball went into the net again!

Shay scored two three-pointers in a row!
Everyone at the scene was very surprised. Everyone knew that Shay was invincible in the middle distance and had a superb ability to attack the frame.

But is the three-pointer so accurate now?They can all go in!

Moreover, unlike the previous few games, when he occasionally got a three-point opportunity to shoot a three-pointer, Shay is actively looking for a three-point opportunity today!

He is actively using a three-pointer to hit his opponent!

Why not take the initiative? Shay has already arranged everything.

With this shot, Shay ran to his hot zone and shot.And because the opportunity was obtained by Ben's off-the-ball pick-and-roll just now, Shay's "Pick-and-roll jumper master" badge also played a role.

This badge does not say that you must hold the ball and break through the pick-and-roll to get the bonus!

Under the double buff, Shay has not encountered any interference yet, so he can naturally throw the ball steadily.

In the blink of an eye, Shay has scored 6 points in a row, and his personal score has reached 27 points!
After scoring the goal, Shay also deliberately glanced at Larry Brown:

"What an excellent defensive strategy, Larry! Go ahead and let me shoot. I will definitely play normally next time and never make another shot!"

Larry Brown didn't change his face, but he had already greeted Shay with various vulgar words in his heart.

Damn, brat, don't be crazy!
If there is a kind, you can try a few more!
Shay: Try it and die!

So, in the third quarter of the game, under Larry Brown's strategy of "letting shots and not letting go", Shay made 6 of 4 three-pointers. Relying on this extremely high three-point shooting rate, he scored 20 points in a single quarter. !
Among them, three-pointers accounted for 12 points!
After three quarters, Shay's personal score also became 35 points, and the Lakers overtook the 76ers by 8 points!
You know, before the start of the third quarter, the Lakers were still 9 points behind!

In this quarter of the game, the Lakers beat the 76ers by 17 points inside and out!
Larry Brown was autistic, and his proud defense was completely pierced by Shay's "crooked ways".

He really didn't expect Shay's three-point shooting rate to be so stable.

It was originally meant to rely on Xie Yilang's crazy strike after shooting a three-pointer to get a chance to counterattack.

In the end, he was hammered to pieces by Xie Yi instead!
Shay 84's three-point basic attributes are indeed not high, but when he finds a way to add various buffs to his shots, coupled with Brown's stubborn inaction strategy, Shay's three-pointers today reach It's so accurate.

In this wave, even the opponents are cooperating with his performance, Xie cried to death!
AI also swallowed, unknowingly, Shay scored 35 points.

After halftime, Shay scored less than 20 points, but after three quarters, Shay had 35 points.

20 points in a single quarter Although Shay can do the same in the past, but Shay used to want to score 20 points in a single quarter, and he had to work hard to achieve it.

But today, Xie Yi didn't have too many strong attacks, and didn't have too many strenuous attacks.

He just runs, catches, shoots, that's all!

It gives people the feeling that Shay just made a little effort, and his personal score went to 40.

Shay, who has the three-point ability, has a terrible speed in scoring!
Now, anyone with a discerning eye can see that if Shay is indulged in this way, Shay can really kill the 76ers!
Zumov reminded: "Coach Larry can't give Shay as much space anymore!"

Seeing that the point difference was about to be stretched to double digits, Larry Brown was really flustered.

He had no choice but to bite the bullet during the timeout and yelled at George Lynch in a very embarrassing manner:

"Stay close to him, don't let him shoot a three-pointer!"

This time, Larry Brown slapped himself in front of his players!
He is equivalent to admitting that he was completely scared by Shay's three-pointer!

So after the start of the fourth quarter, Shay received the basketball from outside the three-point line, but when he found that George Lynch actually chose to defend himself, he turned his head and looked at Larry Brown again:

"Didn't you say that I can't make a shot? Don't you need to defend my three-pointer? If you are brave enough, you can continue!"

The on-site commentary is also convincing. I have seen trash talk between players and players, but Shay turned his head to talk trash to the coach off the court. This is too much!

Shai didn't single George Lynch with the ball, but returned the ball to Billups, who was getting better.

Then, Shay continued to run without the ball!
Larry Brown didn't want to see himself score a three-pointer, indicating that he had already hurt him.

Then... I just wanted to score a three-pointer to show him, which made him feel even more painful!
Shay's galloping throughout the half court was not only torturing Larry Brown's nerves, but also torturing George Lynch's nerves.

He can hardly run anymore!

George Lynch didn't know exactly how much Shay's running distance was in this game, but he was sure that Shay's running distance was at least twice that of the others!
As long as the offense doesn't stall, Shay will keep running until he gets his chance.

After running back countless times, Shay went outside the three-point line again, and then followed up with a catch and shot!

Under the terrified eyes of everyone on the scene, the basketball rolled up the Nets again!

Shay's three-pointer feeling has grown up today!
George Lynch was out of breath. When Larry Brown needed him to block Shay for three points, it was already difficult for him to catch up with Shay.

And once you give Shay a chance to be open, you are waiting to be bombarded by fierce firepower!

Five three-pointers in a single game, career three-pointer record.

Shay's firepower in the second half made the AI ​​​​a little less firepower!
The point difference turned into double digits, and Shay's personal score was only 2 points away from 40.

Now, normal defensive methods would certainly not be able to deal with Shay.

The only thing the 76ers can do now is to continue to increase their strength when defending without the ball!
So in the next few rounds, Carlisle once felt that the two teams were completely engaged in a wrestling match.

When Shay cut to the inside, Garnett and George Lynch stretched out their hands, hugging their waists and pulling their backs. This is simply the strength of off-ball defense at the playoff level!
But Xie Yi would run back as soon as he was stopped, and he would run back as soon as he was stopped, and his running pace never stopped.

It made Garnett and George Lynch exhausted, chasing him again and again, but they couldn't stop him completely.

After repeating this for a few rounds, George Lynch could no longer keep up with Shay's footsteps!

As a result, Shai hit several more mid-range shots and off-ball cuts.

This is the first time Shay has played with a guard with T1 passing ability like Billups since he has played for so many years.

A physical monster who can't run to death and has comprehensive offensive skills + a passer.

Shay finally experienced the joy of offense without the ball!
It doesn't even require hand-to-hand combat or feinting.

You can get an easy shot if you run to the death match!
Shay's scoring was simply unstoppable, even though the 76ers had tried their best to fight, but at 2 minutes and 40 seconds before the end of the game, Shay still scored the 45th point of the game!
In contrast, AI only scored 13 points under the defense of Shay because of fewer counterattack opportunities in the second half.

His scoring stagnated at 34 points, and was opened up by Shay by double digits!
Shay used his superb off-the-ball offense in the second half to explain to Philadelphia fans why AI can only be second!
Also facing high-intensity defense, Shay's scoring power is even stronger!

To be honest, the 76ers' defense has also reached the extreme.Under the two-person defense of George Lynch and Hardt, Shay's chances of making shots are actually very limited.

But out of Shay's 30 points from the second half to now, fully half of them were scored by three-pointers!
The current Shay can still achieve high scores with a limited number of shots!

Shay's cruel three-pointer plan has already made the 76ers feel intense pain.

The 76ers were already 10 points behind at this time, and thanks to Garnett's successful scoring with a mid-range jumper just now, the point difference was recovered to exactly 10 points.

If it weren't for the hard hand today, he used his iron-blooded jumper to pull out several small Austrian players, and the Lakers would probably be able to withdraw their troops with gold.

2 minutes and 40 seconds, 10 points, this is a very delicate situation.

Although the point difference is a bit big, it seems a pity if you say that you just give up the game.

Therefore, the 76ers have no plans to give up.

Fans at the Wells Fargo Center were still collectively chanting "defense" when Billups took possession of the ball at halftime.

The fans of the 76ers are still shouting. It seems that they are not desperate enough!
Shay then continued to run without the ball, and he would use the same method to scar the 76ers time and time again!
Sixers fans and Larry Brown are now on edge when they see Shai running off the ball.

George Lynch's stomach churned even more, and he felt like he was really about to run and throw up.

No matter whether you are up or down, if you exercise too fast or for too long, there will be a risk of vomiting.

Larry Brown also knew that George Lynch was tired, but he really didn't dare to replace George Lynch.

Because George Lynch was the only one who could barely compete with Shay in terms of size and agility.

So, George Lynch has played 42 minutes today!

For father and son Shay and AI, no matter what game they play, 40 points is just a start.

But for an ordinary player like George Lynch, 40 points is already the limit!

Therefore, this time, Shay passed George Lynch with an easy back run, which was as simple as winding around a wooden stake.

Billups, who has already received 8 assists, also fed the ball steadily to Shay, who got rid of the defense.But the moment Shay received the basketball, Garnett raised his arms and threw himself beyond the three-point line to defend, filling Shay's vacancy!
Harder is going all out, he must defend Xie Yi, and he must lead the team to turn defeat into victory!

Garnett's save also means that O'Neal, who has the ability to shoot mid-range, is emptied.

But when Shay found the opportunity, George Lynch had already defended in front of Jermaine O'Neal.

The 76ers' rotation is still so fast.

There is no way, Shay can only dribble to the right to break through, but Garnett dragged and tugged, but he didn't let Shay rush over!

When Shay ran to the middle distance on the right side of the court, he stopped suddenly and raised the basketball.

But Garnett made the correct prediction, he just raised his arms high without jumping.Sure enough, Shay was a fake throw!
Garnett was not cheated!
Garnett's defense in this round was perfect. From the initial supplementary defense to the current single defense, this may be the best round that the 76ers have defended today.

Shay had no choice but to take off and fall back on the spot without Garnett losing his position, and shot.But Garnett's height and wingspan completely covered Shay.From the perspective of Philadelphia fans, Shay probably couldn't even see the basket at this time.

However, the basketball barely passed Garnett's fingertips and fell hollow into the net!Garnett did not make a mistake in defense this round, his defense was extremely timely, and his single defense was extremely calm.But it still didn't work!

From beyond the three-point line, Shai may still hit the iron when encountering too tight a defense.

But in the middle distance, the only thing that can stop Shay is his own touch!
The two points made the cheers of the Philadelphia fans cut in half.

Shay's brutal killing wiped out their pre-match joy and anticipation.

12 points difference, 2 minute and 20 seconds.

One foot of the 76ers is already hanging on the outside of the cliff!
Even Garnett, who "will never admit defeat as long as he doesn't fight", is a little disheartened now.

Twice, Shay scored such an unreasonable goal today, already twice!
An aerial double pull, a forced shot against a perfect defense.

These two times, Garnett has no humility to think that his defense can score 100 points.

But Shay was able to score the ball again and again in the limit state!
Garnett, who gets along with AI day and night, must also admit
Xie Yi's hard-breaking ability is at least one notch better than the current AI!
For the 47th point in a single game, Shay was simply drinking the score in the second half.

Immediately afterwards, Shay's entanglement on the defensive end made it difficult for Iverson to catch the ball.

AI's speed is still very fast, but today he played for 45 minutes after all.Regardless of his physical fitness, his speed was relatively slow.

And Shay relied on only 2 points and 3 turnovers in the first half, and the old Curry who was completely killed, the speed of physical consumption today is slower than usual~
Now you know why Dell Curry can still play in the Lakers, right?He is the true founder of the dynasty!

Someone like Billups can't contribute to Shai's physical ability at all.

In desperation, Snow had no choice but to give the ball to Harder again.

Hardt scored a goal in the last round, maybe the state can continue this round?

Hardt looked at Xiao Ao in front of him, full of confidence.

He has scored 21 points today, and it is not too much to say that he has completely grasped O'Neal.

In Xiao Ao's opinion, this guy Hardt is too versatile.

The middle distance is so accurate that you have to block it.

But once you block, he can immediately dribble and break through.

This time, as soon as Xiao Ao saw Garnett raising the basketball, he immediately raised his arms to seal it.

He was shot by Garnett in the last round, so this time Xiao Ao did not dare to take it lightly.

But when Xiao Ao pounced, Garnett immediately lowered his center of gravity and nimbly broke through Xiao Ao's side!
False cast really sudden!

After all, O'Neal is only 19 years old now, and it's normal to be impetuous.

But after Garnett broke through to O'Neill, he didn't get the chance to easily abuse the frame. Instead, he saw that vicious afro blocking his way.

Kate swallowed, suddenly a little nervous.

He knew very well that Da Ben was also a player in the supervision department.As a player who studied under Oakley and Shay at the same time, Big Ben not only makes you iron, but also makes you hurt.

Therefore, the tough Garnett finally chose to throw the shot instead of going head-to-head with Big Ben.

However, because the shot was too hasty, this critical throw hit the basket's neck and missed!

Hardite, Tianzun, Postman, Webber, the men's team in position [-] officially debuted at the critical moment, and the team name is Candy Chaola!

Big Ben immediately jumped back, ready to grab the rebound.

He thought he had completed a beautiful defense, but at this moment, Big Ben felt that someone was riding on his back, and then grabbed the basketball with one hand first, and pressed it into the basket to complete the dunk!
Immediately afterwards, there was a tsunami-like cheer:
"Aaron Iverson actually rode the tall Lakers center forward to make a dunk in the paint! AI's brave heart is still burning!"

It turned out that just now the AI ​​jumped into the penalty area at the moment Garnett hit the iron and jumped up, relying on the unbelievable speed of the bullet and even crushed the big book!Then, at 1 meters, he made an incredible dunk among a group of big men!
After scoring the goal, the AI ​​looked up to the sky and screamed, and then yelled at Shay:
"It's not over yet! The game is still going on!"

The game was tied by AI to 10 points, and there were still 2 minutes left.

Iverson helped the 76ers plant the last seed of victory!

Therefore, AI is indeed a very difficult opponent.

It has never been easy to completely conquer him.

Shay looked at George Lynch who was exhausted and felt unsteady, and decided to solve all the problems at once, completely obliterating the hope of the 76ers!

So this time... let that evil plan continue!
So the next attack was exactly the same as the countless rounds in the second half. Shay led George Lynch around the half court circle after circle.

George Lynch's legs are weak. If this was a boxing match, he would have met the criteria for being knocked out.

He tried hard, but eventually, Shai ran out one step behind the free throw line and got the ball.

After receiving the basketball, Shay didn't choose to shoot directly in front of George Lynch, who was one step behind him!

Rather, it seemed that they were deliberately waiting for George Lynch to come forward!
George Lynch finally realized at this moment what double physical and psychological torture is!

After George Lynch came up against him, Shay began to dribble continuously under his crotch.At the same time, Garnett also took the initiative to attack Shay directly in this position, forcing Shay to pass the ball.

And what Shay was waiting for was now!
Luckily, Shay made a thrust forward.

Both George Lynch and Hardt thought that Shay was going to break through, so they took half a step back.

But as soon as they retreated, Shay took a step back and retreated to the top of the arc outside the three-point line!
How did you say that sentence?Take a step back, the sea and the sky are bright!

Both Shay and the defender took a step back, so Shay's current shooting space can be described as a sea and a sky.

Even, Shay still had time to adjust before making a move!

George Lynch immediately changed his focus and wanted to throw himself out.

But at this time, his legs were weak and he was completely weak, and he fell to the ground.

And Garnett, who was also about to actively interfere, was tripped by George Lynch and fell to the ground!

Just like that, Xie Yi simply took a step back and knelt down the two of them at once.And Shay easily made a three-pointer without being disturbed.

Three points, three points again.

Larry Brown now can't help but clench his bladder whenever he sees Shai shoot a three-pointer.

He still can't believe it, a person who is the least likely to win with three points, is now torturing him with three points!
Shoot two points, and the 76ers may be able to recover.

Well, I'll send you all on the road with a three-pointer!
Basketball crossed a perfect rainbow arc, under the astonishment of all 76ers, under the worship of AI, under the admiration of Garnett and George Lynch

The basketball hits the net again!

"Three-pointer! Shay used a three-pointer at a critical moment to open the gap to 13 points in one breath!
This almost wiped out the last hope of the 76ers!
Moreover, he also scored a season-high 50th point in a single game!
Shay has proved in this head-to-head matchup that he is still the best scoring player in the league! "

At this time, even the Philadelphia commentator Zumov could only praise Shay.

6 three-pointers in the half, killing the last hope.

Shay, he's really... so cruel!
After scoring the goal, Shay looked at the two opponents who were lying in front of him in embarrassment, smiled and hooked his fingers:

"Get up, I know you worship me, but you don't need to kneel down to worship me, do you?"

Two people can kneel at their feet to shoot a basket. Shay's platoon is different.

However, at this moment, something unexpected happened.

I saw George Lynch propping his hands on the ground, unable to stand up for a long time.

Garnett was about to reach out to pull him, but only heard a "vomit".

For a while, the audience was silent, and Garnett was shocked from ear to ear.

George Lynch... was actually thrown up on the spot by Shay!
Just like this, he was so defensive that he ran and vomited, but still allowed Shay to score 50 points!
Even if you vomit, you can't stop Shay!
The players and fans at the scene covered their noses and frowned.

The scene was extremely chaotic, and the 76ers also looked extremely embarrassed.

And Shay, facing the 76ers fans, raised his arms high and made a 1--I am the number one scorer!

The sour taste quickly spread to the arena, coupled with Shay pretending to beep, the 76ers fans were both psychologically and physically uncomfortable.

This time, Shay left a tasteful legend in Fuguo Center Arena~
 Thank you for the 5000 reward from the big guy, thank you on your knees!Today, I continue to present the two-in-one chapter (8428 words, the elderly at home is hospitalized, and it has shrunk slightly, and I can only try to guarantee [-] words), Quantum Wei’s conscientious Laohe, begging for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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