After changing careers, I became No.1 in basketball

Chapter 329 328: Pushing No. 1 in the West into desperation!

Chapter 329 328: Pushing No. [-] in the West into desperation!

Shay used luxurious personal data to lead the team to a bloodbath of the Holy City with a 15-point difference!
No. [-] in the west, it seemed like a noble lady at the beginning, inviolable.

But now, it was also brutally handled by the Lakers!

Facts have proved that in front of the Lakers, nothing is inviolable!
No. [-] in the West?Steady Duncan?

I will still call you autistic!
Such a result stunned the experts.

In the first game, everyone is looking forward to the Lakers playing a little different from the other No. [-] in the Western Conference.

As a result, the Lakers were abused by double digits.

In the second game, everyone already had no expectations for the Lakers and began to support the Spurs.

As a result, the Lakers abused the Spurs by double digits.
The CPUs of the experts have all been dry-burned, which is more severe than that of a 30-year-old young woman.

No, you two teams are playing a turn-based game here! ?
This is a joint effort to slap us in the face!
Ever since, public opinion has become faster than flipping through books.

On the second day after the game, the media that had bad-mouthed the miracle of Black Eight changed their tune in an instant:
"Black Eight is still possible, and miracles are still expected!"

"Duncan is not omnipotent, Shay is!"

"The eighth strongest Western Conference in history, the counterattack game is about to begin!"

"Is the first black eight miracle really coming?"

Director Zhang, who referred to the report from Mi Li’s home, was stunned. Damn, the average person in American is schizophrenic, right?

You didn't say that just 24 hours ago!

No way, in the hearts of people in this history, the black eight miracle is equivalent to Pavarotti and Kun Kun's high-pitched competition, and Kun Kun won in the end!
That's just out of the ordinary, okay?

Therefore, it is normal that no one is optimistic about it at the beginning.

But the current situation is that when Kunkun opened his mouth, he said "JI", and the sound was really good. He has practiced for two and a half years and showed everyone his strength.

So when the Lakers show their strength, it's not surprising that everyone will turn against them again.

In any case, Shay's battle has re-established his prestige.

Under the defensive strength of the playoffs, 40+10+6 in a single game won the first place in the Western Conference by 18 points.

Forget about the luxury data, the most important thing is that Duncan didn't score a point in the last 9 minutes as the background.

It also made Shay look stronger.

Shay's phrase "the future is yours" has also become one of the most famous trash talk in NBA history.

God knows who Duncan will use the unforgettable sentence in the future.

Except for Shay, those retired superstars in the 90s also felt proud.

When Jordan faced the camera again, he smiled and blew out a smoke ring: "I told you a long time ago that anyone who thinks that Shay will take the first round is counted as one, and their brains are not normal."

"So, if you take the Bulls and the Spurs to a game right now, do you think you can win?"

"of course."

"Are you so confident? How much can you win?"

"It's not as exaggerated as Shay's 15 points. We might win by 2 or 3 points."

"To win so much?"

"Nonsense, me, Pippen and Sabonis are all over 100 years old now!"

Drexler also cheered happily: "Shay won? Hahahaha. Now you know, those who lose to him are not necessarily weak!"

The slider has been discovered, the more Shay wins, the higher his generation will be!
Who would have thought that after retiring, his historical status would still rise.

It all depends on the juniors to set off!
And Barkley is undoubtedly the most excited. After all, he was one of the few who still supported Shay's commentary when the Lakers fell behind 0-1.

At that time, Barkley was often ridiculed, but now he is better and turned over!

That night, Barkley appeared on TNT's new basketball show "NBA Insider" with Kenny Smith, who has also retired.

This program is tailor-made for them, after all, they are both serious professional players who have just retired.

The original intention of TNT TV station is to hope that Barkley and Kenny Smith, two former professional players, will produce a rigorous, professional and in-depth basketball program.

The style of the show has changed to this:
"Kenny! Surprise! Madfak!
I said, if the Lakers can win the Spurs, I will give you a cake to celebrate.

How about it?Is it tasty/"

As soon as he came up, with Barkley's roar, he took a small cake and patted Kenny Smith's face.

It's not a special effect, it's a real shot on the face!

Kenny Smith stood up speechlessly, wiped some cream on his face, and started chasing Barkley in the studio:

"Don't run away from Charles, good things are meant to be shared!"

In this way, in the first 10 minutes of the program, in this professional, rigorous, and in-depth basketball program, people only saw two former professional players rubbing cream on each other.
In the end, the two of them couldn't move anymore, so they sat down honestly and started chatting about the game.

While licking the cream on his lips, Barkley took out Shay's data sheet:

"40+10+6, are you all scared by this data?

But I can say responsibly that this is not Shay's best state yet!
Kenny, didn't you say the Lakers would be swept 3-0?
Let me tell you, not only will the Lakers not be swept, they can win!
Shay has proven that he can guard the 72 position, he just has [-] changes!
The Black Eight Miracle will soon become a reality! "

Kenny Smith finally wiped his face clean, and then complained: "Come on Charles, what 72 changes, are you talking about that great monkey and ugly pig's second story again?"

"What ugly pig's second child? You don't want to have words in your words!"

"Hehe, aren't you ugly?"

"If I'm ugly, who else in the league is handsome?"

"Shay is much more handsome than you!"

"Shay? He's so handsome! If I have more champions than him, you'll think I'm more handsome than him!"

"Shut up Charles, Shay's ass is more handsome than your face!"

Well, I just chatted a few words about basketball, and the two professional, rigorous, and in-depth hosts went to other places
However, Barkley's point of view is now really beginning to be believed by more and more people.

The Lakers can win!

Even Popovich has become honest. The previous Popovich revealed the honeyed pride of "I won't give you a blanket if you don't speak English, and I won't give you ice cream if you don't speak English".

But now when it comes to the Lakers, Popovich's words have become:
"We never regarded them as the eighth in the West, they are a very strong opponent!"

Sure enough, for some people, only when you make him hurt, will his attitude towards you be good!
Popovich now knows that he is not some high-ranking number one in the Western Conference.

It is a prey that may be hunted at any time!
Sure enough, in the first game after the game returned to Los Angeles, the Spurs were hunted again!
In this game, the point difference between the two sides was very close, and the Lakers only won by 5 points.

This is mainly because the idiot did not perform such a catastrophic performance of not scoring in the last 9 minutes today.

Daidai scored 21 points and 15 rebounds, and his shooting percentage was as high as 57.1%.

But for the rest of the Spurs, today's shooting percentage is too bleak.

Except for the general, you can't even find a hit rate over 45%.

Although the junior general Johnson scored 21 points, he made only 17 of 7 shots.

Pi San only scored 8 points in 2 of 6, and Elliott only scored 3 points.

Of course, except for Shay, the Lakers' shooting percentage is also very average.

The defense of both sides is extremely tight today. It feels like two machines are fighting each other, and every gear is rubbing against each other overwhelmed.

However, having Shay is enough for the Lakers to get this 5-point advantage!

92 to 87, the Lakers successfully kept a home court in two consecutive cities, and the eighth in the Western Conference took the lead to get the match point!

But when people are in despair, they often burst out with unimaginable power.

In the G4 life-and-death battle, the outside line of the San Antonio Spurs finally ushered in an explosion across the board.

Elliott, Cole, Mario Ellie, Pippen, all scored three points tonight.

Even the Admiral scored a three-pointer.

It was the last play of the third quarter, with the Spurs trailing by three, when Duncan hit a shot off a duo of interceptions by Shai and Barrel.

The Admiral took the opportunity to grab the rebound, but after he got the rebound, he didn't hit the basket directly, but dribbled the ball to the outer corner of the three-point line!

After running out of the three-point line, the admiral turned around and shot directly without aiming.Moreover, Mutombo also rushed up for the first time.Who knows, it was just such an outrageous shot, but it ended up hollow, helping the Spurs tie the score before the end of the third quarter!

However, the most important thing today is the 34-year-old veteran who is the shortest on the Spurs field, "Little General" Avery Johnson!
In the situation where the two teams were grinding their teeth and sucking blood, and you came and went, the two sides fought fiercely until the last 38 seconds.

The Spurs only lead by 2 points, that is to say, this attack will directly determine the fate of the Spurs today.

At that time, Duncan took the ball in the low post on the left, and Shay and Stephen Jackson near the bottom corner decisively double-teamed.

Seeing this, Duncan gave the ball to Elliott in the bottom corner, and he got a fleeting shot.

However, Elliott did not shoot directly because he was a little nervous.After all, this shot determines the Spurs' efforts this season!
If he doesn't make it and is beaten back by the Lakers, then he will become the sinner of the team's tragic black eight.

Not all players have a big heart.

When Elliott hesitated, Wu Sheng had already put up his defense again.

In desperation, he could only pass the ball to the little general on the right outside the three-point line after borrowing a cover.

Facing the chasing Billups, the little general was not as timid as Elliott, but decisively and calmly shot at the last moment of the 24-second attack time!
The majestic nickname of Little General was not given to him by himself, but was given to him by his Spurs teammates.

Although Johnson is short, he is a very tough person.Before Duncan came, Avery Johnson had always been the leader of the Spurs' locker room because the Admiral was too soft.

The most classic is the round of the series where the general was blown away by the dream. After the Rockets led 2-0, the little general called out in the locker room:

"We can't wait for David Robinson to save us, because he can't save us, we can only save ourselves!"

And in the third game after that, the little general scored 20 points and sent 13 assists to help the Spurs regain a victory.

It can be seen from this that he is not the kind of person who plays lip service, he is a very tough person, and he does what he says.

He also became the only player that Rodman respected in the Spurs. In Rodman's words: "In our team, the only person who counterattacks like a fighter is Johnson."

Although the Spurs still lost to the Rockets in the end, the nickname of "Little General" also spread like wildfire.

And tonight, this roaring, hard-working, and daring Fire General delivered a fatal blow without hesitation at the critical moment!
Facing the chasing defense of Billups, who was taller than himself, the tough little general shot a three-pointer steadily, and the basketball was also hit hollow!

In the last 10 seconds of the game, Avery Johnson gave the Spurs a 5-point lead!
In the end, it became a quasi-lore, because after Shay's three-point shot, the Spurs' five-point advantage was maintained to the end.

Once again, Avery Johnson, who is short in appearance but tough in style, stepped forward to help the Spurs get back a life!

Who would have thought that in the Spurs' twin-tower lineup, the one who saved the team was actually the shortest one.

After the game, Avery Johnson was also very excited: "I myself have been abandoned countless times. No one believed that I would be where I am today, but I never gave up. And I will not let my team give up. We We will definitely win the championship, it is impossible to just fall in the first round like this!"

So, 2 to 2.

Eighth in the West and No. [-] in the West, they reached the final tiebreaker!

Eighth in the West, successfully pushed the Spurs into desperation!

Facts have proved that the Lakers and Spurs are really playing a turn-based game.

The Lakers beat the Spurs by 3 points in G5, and the Spurs beat the Lakers by 4 points in G5.
In the first round, the best-of-five games format also brought Judgment Day ahead of schedule.

No need to wait for the tiebreaker, the fifth match will be a life-and-death battle between the two sides!

The unyielding Spurs and the Lakers eager to create miracles.

Next, the game will return to San Antonio, back to the Alamo Dome.

Spurs fans will be fortunate to be at home, almost the climax of this round of epic battle.

It's just that no one knows how the climax of this round of the series will end.

I don't know whether this ending is a comedy or a tragedy for the Spurs
 Today’s [-]D update is here, and it’s the Nth day of continuous [-]D update. I’m begging for a little monthly pass. Thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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