After changing careers, I became No.1 in basketball

Chapter 343 342: The Jedi Strikes Back!The most outrageous finals data!

Chapter 343 342: The Jedi Strikes Back!The most outrageous finals data! (Ask for a guaranteed monthly pass!)
Shay helped Goldstein and Spike Lee close their jaws and became one of the classic scenes in the playoffs.

And those two, very unfortunately, once again spent money to buy guilt.

Although to the two of them, the money to buy front volleyball tickets is nothing at all, only worth a dime.

But it's better for them to do something with the money than to be humiliated by Shay!

Goldstein is autistic, and Shay really made him want to quit his bad habit of watching football, and concentrate on learning to control the ball by himself!

Spike Lee is also very helpless. He has collected material for the entire season and is planning to release a documentary about OK's first championship immediately after the Knicks win the championship.

Taking advantage of the heat of winning the championship, it will definitely sell well.

But now it seems that all his materials are very likely to be wasted!

Damn, if I knew it, I would have made a documentary about the Lakers' four consecutive championships!

Knicks fans must be slapping themselves in the face now to see if they are dreaming.

Leading by 15 points in the fourth quarter, it was now tied.

During this period, Shay scored 14 points alone, while the Knicks scored 1 point with only free throws in more than half a quarter.

If this game is lost, Knicks fans just can't figure it out by burning the CPU dry.

In this world, there is nothing more uncomfortable than being robbed of something you got.

Obviously the goddess of victory is already in the pocket of the Knicks, but now it is defiled by the Lakers next door.All Knicks fans seem to have a green grassland on their heads.

How did the goddess of victory hook up with the Lakers next door!
The Knicks were reversed by 15 points in the fourth quarter, which does seem exaggerated.

But in fact, as long as the method is used correctly, the exaggerated things are actually very reasonable when studied carefully.

In G2000 of the Western Conference Finals in 7, O'Neal was under the frenzied attack of the Blazers' luxurious striker group. He was defended and only scored 9 points in the first three quarters.

G6 also defended O'Neal with a 17-for-7.

Most of the time, the Sharks can't even catch the ball at all.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration for the Lakers to let the Sharks only score 1 point in half a quarter, because the Blazers did it in the original history.

The reason why the Blazers failed to win the OK combination in the end was because they didn't have anyone who could make the final decision on the offensive end.

Pippen is quite old, Steve Smith is embarrassing, and he roars that Tianzun is a soft-footed shrimp at a critical moment.

Although they guarded the Sharks, they couldn't score the goal themselves.

But the Lakers are different. Shay scored 14 points during this period!
Perfect group defense combined with perfect personal offense, which gives the Lakers the capital to create miracles!

On the other hand, the morale of the Knicks team has been low.

Before the start of the fourth quarter, everyone on the Knicks is probably thinking about winning the championship.

Before the start of the fourth quarter, they may also feel that the Lakers are simply vulnerable.

But now, they are once again in a hard fight!
In this competition, the drop of the roller coaster is huge.

He was chased for 15 points in just over half a quarter of the game. Anyone who encounters this situation will explode mentally.

O'Neill is very angry now, he has almost been driven crazy by three double teams.

Stern regretted it a bit. If the zone defense was not allowed, O'Neal would not have played so badly.

It can only be said that Shay is the strongest one under any rules.But for others, not necessarily.

As the game continued, Yu Jia and Director Zhang held their breaths in the CCTV commentary seat.

In front of the TV, countless Chinese fans also held their breath.

After being bullied for a whole game, now... Finally, it's time to get beaten by the Knicks!

In the Knicks' first attack after coming back from a timeout, Madman finally took a chance and made a mid-range shot after receiving a pass from Kobe.

It was the Knicks' first open goal in the fourth quarter.

But all this has come too late. If the Knicks' sports goals come earlier, it may become the last straw that crushes the Lakers and gives the Lakers a blow.

But it's only now, this ball is at best a small lottery that disturbs Dagang, and the Lakers don't feel it at all.

The Lakers team still maintained high morale and headed towards the Knicks halftime.

Larry Johnson still double-teamed Shay in the off-ball stage as usual, but this time, Big Ben directly cut into the inside line, and after receiving a pass from Wu Sheng, he dunked without marking!

Don't ask where O'Neal went, O'Neal was busy wrestling Mutombo just now.

He tried hard to defend Big Ben, but was blocked deliberately by Mutombo.

Sharks, who have committed four offenses, dare not push Mutombo directly.

In desperation, he could only watch Big Ben complete the dunk.

Although Daben's offensive ability does pull his hips, if he just ignores him, he won't be useless at all.

Shay's terrible containment force completely messed up the Knicks' defense.

Their defense became porous in the fourth quarter.

The score was evened again, and what is even more frightening is that the Knicks still haven't found a way to deal with the death five.

Seeing that O'Neal still couldn't catch the ball in this attack, Kobe once again deducted his pass button.

There is one thing to say, Kobe was actually very restrained throughout the entire game today.

He has been doing the work of connecting the team and defending, and he doesn't actually take many shots.

But now the team has been unable to open up the situation, and Kobe's desire to score can no longer be contained.

I saw Kobe leaning against Shay with his back, as if he still wanted to play with his back.

As a result, in the next second, Kobe suddenly turned his back and broke through.

Shai blocked Kobe while moving laterally, and then cut the ball.

But this time, Shay's steal was missed!

Although Shay's steal prediction attribute is directly full, there is also the blessing of the steal reaction speed badge.

However, Shai still can't make every steal [-] percent successful.

The failed steal put Shai out of position, and Bryant had already passed by Shai when he made the steal.

Bryant put his hands together and prepared to shoot a jumper immediately.

Sure enough, I have to come to save the team's offense!
At this moment, looking at the basket, Bryant's eyes are full of images of Shai's first summit in 93.

A young Shai beat Jordan to start his domination of the 90s.

Now, it's up to my younger self to defeat Shay and start his reign over the millennium!

However, Kobe hadn't finished crooked yet, but a big hand picked it up from bottom to top, picking up the basketball in Kobe's hand!

It turned out that at the moment when Shay was out of position, he immediately reacted quickly and turned around to grab Kobe's ball!
Sure enough, with the ball in front of Shay, you can't relax for even a second.

Kobe finally failed to escape the fate of being intercepted by Shay, and the Knicks' offense failed again!

How good is Shai's defense?The first four consecutive steals king in history, the first three consecutive DPOY level!
Although this season's DPOY, the league gave Mourning, who relied on defense to lead the team to the second record in the Eastern Conference.

But this does not affect Shai's status as the No.1 defensive player in the world.

Shay and Kobe are both first-defense guards this year, but Kobe entered the first defense because he has indeed reached the strength of the first defense.And Xie entered the first defense because the highest is only one defense!
If the league builds a best defensive T0 team on the first defense, there is no doubt that Shay will appear on the list.

Kobe hit Shay with the ball twice in the fourth quarter, and was caught once and cut off once, which was horrible.

Fortunately, the Knicks retreated very quickly. Their retreat speed was faster than the 38-year-old king's fast break speed, and they did not allow Shay to launch a long pass to counterattack.

Xie Yi saw that there was no chance to fight back, so he stabilized his rhythm.

And, I decided to turn my head and educate Kobe, who has been very arrogant today:
"Hey Bryant, that's called defense, not letting someone score 50 points and be smug!"

Kobe was furious at the time, and letting Shay score 50 points today has always been an embarrassing thing for Kobe.

Because he still feels that his defense is very good today.In this way, Shay still scored 50 points.

Zen Master is also confused. Kobe's defense in the first three quarters is really good, but from the fourth quarter to now, Shay has scored 18 of the team's 14 points. Who can argue with this?

In fact, in the first three quarters, Kobe just didn't let Shay explode completely.Coupled with the blessing of several high-light defensive moments, it gives people the illusion that "Kobe defended Shay".

And in the fourth quarter, when Shay started to exert his strength crazily after trailing by 15 points, Kobe stopped singing directly.

Two of the best defensive guards today, Kobe and Kidd, were beaten to death by Shai.

It has been proven time and time again that no one on this planet can stop Shay!
No, as soon as Shay broke Kobe, he immediately arranged for a post-up singles teaching.

This time, when the aunt didn't dare to let go of the big money, Shay got a fleeting singles opportunity.

Then, Shay swayed his shoulders to deceive Kobe's center of gravity, and immediately turned over and shot a jumper cleanly, and the basketball was hit steadily.

The 52th point in a single game!
The Lakers also relied on this ball to completely overtake the score!
After the goal, Shay looked at Kobe and shook his finger: "You're far behind me, kid!"

From being behind by 15 points to overtaking the score, Shay told the Sharks and Kobe, who the fuck is in charge of this league!
The TV camera also gave some close-ups of the faces of the Knicks players. O'Neal was furious, unable to rage, and could only smash the basketball to vent.

Kobe looked lonely, completely lost the rebellious momentum at the beginning.

Chinese fans cheered at home and in the cafeteria.

It's fun, it's fun!

New Yorkers were so arrogant before, but now they were beaten so hard by Shay that they couldn't speak.

It's so happy!

After Xie Yi overtook the score, he raised his arms again, and then pointed out five fingers one by one.

He is showing off his five championship rings, showing off his absolute domination of this era!

In the next round, O'Neal finally scored his first sports goal in the fourth quarter.

This time after Robinson dismissed Rodman, Wu Sheng was half a beat slower in blocking the passing route of the Sharks, allowing O'Neal to receive the basketball.

Big Ben immediately defended the basket, but this time the Sharks did not turn to the basket, but turned to the baseline, and made a short-range one-handed throw after turning over.Although the Sharks can't shoot, they still have a good offensive touch close to the frame.This throw was a solid hit, allowing the Knicks to tie the score.

The Sharks have a lot of offensive methods at the basket. No one really thinks that O'Neal can score [-] or [-] points in a game just by dunking.

But again, it's too late for the Knicks to start scoring now.

They have changed from the leading side to the point chasing side.Their goals will not put even the slightest pressure on the Lakers' psychology.

No, Xie immediately assisted Wu Sheng to score a three-pointer after he attacked!
The morale of the Lakers is so high that everyone dares to take shots calmly. As for shooting, the more confident your movements are, the more coherent your movements will be, and the more consistent your movements, the higher your shooting percentage.

The Sharks worked so hard to score a goal, but the Lakers turned around and easily scored another three-pointer.

What you can't get after begging hard, the other party can get it at your fingertips.This gap made the Knicks even more unbalanced.

Why do we strike iron with bang bang, but the opponent can make any shot?This Nima is too fake!

The more struggling the Knicks are now, the lower their morale.

They have been chasing points hard, and they finally equalized every time. As a result, the Lakers will use an extremely easy goal in the next round to surpass the score again.

In such a cycle, the two teams were anxious to the last 28 seconds.


This data can be called science fiction.

But it is this data that seems very unreal, but it truly reflects Shay's all-around performance today.

On the offensive end, he scored 16 points in a single quarter in the fourth quarter, and also sent out a lot of assists in the third and fourth quarters.

On the defensive end, Shay made Kobe suffer a lot today and also stole many passes from the Knicks.

If it weren't for the 97 Finals, Shay's 26 points in a single quarter after his ankle injury would have led to 67 points in the game.

Yu Jia wanted to regard this as the strongest battle of Shay's career.

In the previous Eastern Conference Finals, people still felt that the Sharks' stats were terrifying.

But compared to Shay, the shark is really just a quantum micropower.

In the last 28 seconds, the Knicks had the ball.

At this time, they are still 2 points behind the Lakers.

For this, I have to thank my aunt.

In the last round, when he was completely emptied by Big Ben, he hit his only three-pointer in this game, but it was worth a lot of money.

Auntie only made 4 of 1 shots from outside the three-point line today, and the shooting percentage is really not good.

But he just hit the most important three-pointer.

At this time, whether the Lakers can create a 15-point counterattack miracle is actually not certain.

The suspense of the game remains!

The Knicks' attack was as difficult as ever, and the ball couldn't be given to the Sharks at all.

Kobe's restless heart still couldn't hold back, although Kobe was defended by Shay today and only scored 11 points, but Shay took it again and again.But with Kobe's personality, he is the kind of person who dares to stand up at critical moments even if he is stubborn throughout the game.

Seeing that Kobe wanted to single out Shay, O'Neill suddenly felt that sometimes bravery is also a shortcoming!
Don't vote Kobe!

Kobe did not shoot this round, because he just took a step forward and disarmed before he even started.

As soon as he made a breakthrough, Shay cut the ball.Although Kobe reacted immediately and hugged the ball with both hands, there was no direct error.But Kobe was also nailed to the spot, unable to continue dribbling.

The Knicks' offense stalled as a result, and Kobe had to hand the ball to the Madman.

At this time, Sprewell, nicknamed Madman, was calmer than Kobe.

Instead of attacking himself, he waited for the Sharks to catch the ball high.

O'Neal knew very well that if he sank too deep, he would not even be able to catch the ball, let alone complete the finish.

In the high position, although it is a bit far from the basket, he can get the ball anyway.

The shark cuts out suddenly, but Robinson and Big Mom cut in along the bottom line instead.

This made O'Neal and Big Ben have to keep up. If they let it go, Robinson and Big Mom would be able to attack the frame directly.

In this way, O'Neal was half a step inside the free throw line, and received the basketball with his back to the basket.

The Sharks didn't even give Mutombo a chance to foul in advance after receiving the ball. Seeing that Mutombo was about to stick up and hug him, O'Neal directly leaned on the iron mountain and sent Mutombo flying out.

Then, the shark half-turns and prepares to throw the ball with a hook motion.

Although the distance of the hook is a bit far, but with the shark's offensive touch in the penalty area, there is a high probability that this goal can be scored!

The Knicks cling to the hope of victory, and it's in this hook!
As a result, just as Shark's fingertips were about to throw the ball out, the ball was slapped away by a slap.The shark turned its head, only to see Shay who had already run to his side at some point!

Shay dropped Kobe and ran towards the Sharks when O'Neal was flying Mutombo.

It has to be said that this is a risky move.If O'Neal gives the ball to Kobe, with Kobe's ability and heart, he will most likely be able to seal his throat with a three-pointer and a sword, making all the previous efforts of the Lakers come to naught.

But Shay is no reckless brat.

First, Shay knew that Mutombo would immediately rotate over to help him fill Kobe's gap.Because there is not much time left in the attack, if O'Neal passes the ball, Kobe has the option of shooting immediately. Mutombo only needs to raise his arms high to interfere, and he doesn't have to worry about being misplaced.

Secondly, Shay judged from O'Neal's every move that the sharks only have the basket in their eyes at the moment!
O'Neal, who has been frustrated for a whole quarter, must want to save the team with a key goal.Moreover, the direction in which the shark turned just happened to be facing away from Kobe, and he might not be able to observe the situation on that side.

Sure enough, the shark did not find Shay who was approaching, nor did he find Kobe who was temporarily missed.

He's staring at the rim, trying to hook the ball out.But what greeted him was Xie Yi's flying blood!
At that time, O'Neill's heart was broken into glass shards.

The last life-saving blow was actually destroyed by Xie Yi himself!
But, everything is not over yet!

After the basketball was slapped by Shay, it happened to be picked up by Sprewell who ran up!
The madman just activated it unexpectedly, allowing him to throw away Wu Sheng's two positions and get the basketball that was blown away.

After Xie Yi landed, he also followed the force of inertia and rushed towards the madman.

The moment the madman received the basketball, he shot it immediately before the end of the shot clock. This was the last light of the Knicks.

But the ruthless Shay didn't even give the Knicks his last hope.

He jumped up and took off for the second time in a row. Relying on the blessing of his bullet speed and height and wingspan, he rubbed his fingertips to the bottom of the basketball!
The basketball deviated from the basket, and the 24-second shot clock ended, and the Knicks missed a great opportunity!

In the critical round, Shay used two consecutive blocks to completely overturn the Knicks!
Director Zhang and Yu Jia stood up excitedly at that time:

"Shay! The best defensive player in the world, killing the Knicks' last chances in a row!
The Knicks players must be very desperate now, because the most desperate thing is not not having a chance, but seeing an opportunity, but being brutally deprived of it!

Shay just brutally deprived the Knicks of their last right to live! "

Director Zhang's explanation was even more simple and rude: "The Knicks are just playing nonsense. If you can't do it, give it to Kobe!"

Shay landed on the ground, with his arms outstretched, one head pointed at the madman, the other at O'Neill, and then shook his fingers at the same time!
O'Neill is about to cry, killing people, and wanting a pig's heart! ?
Shay you are scary!

With 4 seconds left in the game, the Knicks were still 4 points behind.

But the Lakers have no timeout and cannot make substitutions.

The Lakers are now on the field except Shay and Wu Sheng, and everyone is a free throw black hole.Even Wu Sheng can't guarantee two free throws.

So the Knicks still have a theoretical chance of winning.

Then as long as Shai doesn't catch the ball, let someone else catch the ball and foul immediately, there is hope.

Shay also knew what the Knicks were up to, so he murmured a few words with his arms around Rodman and Wu Sheng.

The Lakers started to serve the bottom line, and Big Mom and Kobe directly clamped Shay.

Ben was completely unguarded, and it was clear that he wanted the Lakers to serve to Ben so that he could send him to the free throw line.

Da Ben stomped his feet in anger, you all look down on the shooting ability of my 2-meter tall center!
No way, with Big Ben on the court, even O'Neal is not the worst free thrower.

But Rodman naturally wouldn't serve the ball according to the Knicks' thinking. He also ignored the big ben who was emptied, but suddenly passed the ball high.

The target was Shay who was caught between two people!

The eyes of the Knicks fans are shining, the opportunity is here?
Rodman intentionally threw a lob so Kobe and Big Mom had to jump up to steal it.

But in the air, Shay's height and wingspan, as well as the advantages of big enough palms, still allow him to take the lead in grabbing the basketball firmly.

There was no other way, Kobe and Big Mom could only foul the moment Shay hit the ground, and bet that Shay made one of two free throws or missed both free throws.

Although the probability of Shay missing a penalty at a critical moment is extremely low, at least there is such a probability, at least it is better than watching the victory slip away.

However, Shay was the same as before, not even giving the Knicks this theoretical opportunity.

Before he hugged Rodman as a martial artist, he was discussing this baseline ball tactic without a timeout.

Shay's instruction to Rodman was naturally to let Rodman send a high ball to himself.

The instruction given to Wu Sheng was: "Run! When you see Rodman pass the ball, you immediately run to the frontcourt! I will find a way to get the ball to you!"

Just like that, after receiving the basketball in the air, Shay threw the ball behind his head without waiting for it to land, and passed it directly to the frontcourt!
And the Wu Sheng in the frontcourt was completely unmarked because of his sudden activation!
Seeing Shay make such an unexpected pass, the entire Knicks team was in a cold sweat.

It's over, this time the cold blade really hit the neck.

Wu Sheng received the basketball and easily laid up a civilian.At the same time, a red light glowed on the backboard.

The blade finally cut Nix's throat, and Shay completely knocked Nix to the ground!
Chance?In front of the ruthless Shay, the Knicks have no chance at all!

The greatest reversal in the history of the NBA Finals was born!
107 to 103, the Lakers made a shocking comeback at Madison Square Garden and won the series G1!



This data, even the 5X5 master Olajuwon has to call out daddy after seeing it!
Because this is undoubtedly the most golden 5X5 data in NBA history!

In the finals, 50 points 5X5, there is nothing more outrageous than this!

The moment the game ended, all the Lakers players rushed onto the court and hugged Shay.

Trailing by 15 points in the fourth quarter, the whole world was laughing at the Lakers, and Knicks fans were already fantasizing about winning the championship.

But now, Shay led the team to victory, leaving five fingerprints on the faces of all New York fans!
Yu Jia, who was covered in goose bumps, shouted loudly:

"The Lakers didn't surrender when they were down by 15 points, they didn't give up!

This is because their leader Shay, who was 15 points behind, did not show a trace of depression, but was still fighting more and more courageously on the offensive end!

Xie Yi told us with his actions that those who make great achievements not only have talents beyond the world, but also must have the will to persevere!
Black eight miracle, continue to stage! "

Knicks players and fans, lost in the wild celebration of the Lakers players.

Series G1 was hit hard by this, which is undoubtedly a devastating blow to the morale and mentality of the Knicks.

At this time, the Zen master's hands were trembling.

Seeing being surrounded by Lakers players, that Shay who played the most exaggerated Finals statistics in history
The Zen master felt a sense of suffocation.

Defeating the Lakers to win the championship seems to be the most unrealistic thing in this world.

(End of this chapter)

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