After changing careers, I became No.1 in basketball

Chapter 361 360: The only truth in the basketball world!

Chapter 361 360: The only truth in the basketball world!
Pierce didn't believe that the 38-year-old Shay was terrible before. He felt that Garnett and Ray Allen were just alarmists.

As a result, now, he is a dignified FMVP who is so suckled that he can't afford to pay back.

Shay's understated goals and taunts made Pierce furious.

He actually compares Drexler with me. The player whose greatest honor in his career is "eliminating the Shai Award twice in the playoffs" deserves to be placed with me! ?

Garnett told Pierce on the bench to stop flirting with Shai.

It's really unqualified to swear at opponents at every turn!

365 days a year, we just have to be a quality person for one day, what's wrong?
But Pierce is a man with a lot of pride, and he's not about to give in yet!

It can only be said that the time was too short just now, and the Celtics suspended the game after playing a few back and forth.So, Pierce hasn't fully tested Shay's strengths yet.

I still don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth.

Pierce, who has a strong head, still plans to continue to challenge Shay.

But it doesn't matter, the next precision instrument that the Lakers really started to work will not only make Pierce despair, but also make the whole of Boston despair.

The time-out is over and the game continues.

In the first attack after Lukai came back, Pierce and Garnett were honest. They didn't even touch the ball this round.

The ball was in C's hands all the time, Pierce pulled Shay away, and Garnett made an off-ball screen for Junzi Ray.

Rondo saw the right moment and handed the ball to Junzilei who was out of the gap, and then Junzilei caught the ball and made a hit!

Finally, the Celtics broke the scoring drought.

The score of 3 to 7 does not seem to be so shameful.

Pierce also got excited, now, it's time for me to show off my ventriloquist!

The humiliated Pierce began to chatter in Shay's ear: "Have you seen our strength? We are now getting serious. All you can do next is pray!"

Faced with Pierce's trash talk, Shay was still not angry, and nodded approvingly again:
"Indeed, when the ball is not in your hands, your offense is really much stronger."

"Ah this."

Pierce brings shame upon himself!
For the first time, Pierce feels like he's been beaten for trash talking.

Previously, various documentaries said that Shay was originally a wrestler, but after changing careers, he became No. 1 in basketball.

But at present, Pierce has reason to suspect that Shay was not a wrestler at all before switching careers, but a speech artist!
But in any case, the Celtics finally scored.

This also reassured Rivers a lot.

Next, as long as the on-line attack on the defensive end can be in place, Shay will be able to be dealt with.

It is generally accepted that Kobe is the best perimeter player in the league at this stage.

The results of it?In Kobe's series with the Celtics last season, he was flanked by infinite uplines and his shooting rate was only 40.5%!

For the Celtics' defense, Rivers is still very confident.Kobe can't escape the clutches, how can the 38-year-old Shay cope with it?
The Lakers are still the same, Shay asks for the position first, and then Roy feeds the ball to Shay who is leaning on Pierce with his back in the high post.

It's a move that hasn't changed for several possessions, and Shai's possession rate is astonishingly high.

But this time Shay was about to play singles, and Garnett waved his arms and pinched Shay directly.

In the few rounds just now, the Celtics wanted to wait for Shay to break through and then wait for an opportunity to attack.

But now, they are directly and actively clamping!
Because Garnett has a huge defensive area with his arms outstretched, he also directly blocked Shay's pass to Randolph.

In Garnett's view, Shay is now a bird in a cage, helpless.

The Lakers' offense will definitely stagnate!
Seeing Garnett pinching up, Shay took the ball to his side without haste.

Garnett looked back, there was no one in the direction of Shay's pass?

Is this a pincer mistake?
But in the next second, a yellow poisonous snake came out, just running to the position where Shay passed the ball.Moreover, there is no one around to guard!

Rondo, who was in charge of chasing and defending Roy, was already firmly blocked by the generous rural shark.

Just now, at the moment Garnett went to pinch Shay, Roy, who had originally cut inside, sharply ran back and played an off-ball screen with Randolph.

And because Garnett was not by Randolph's side, after Rondo was blocked by Randolph, there was no one to help him switch to chase Roy!
Roy's movement, Shay's pass, the timing is just right!

Seeing this, Garnett immediately turned around and rushed towards Roy, but it was too late.

Huang Mamba caught the ball and made a shot, and the basketball went into the net hollow.

The offensive momentum of the Lakers has not been interrupted. Although Shay was blocked, the Lakers' offensive system started to operate, breaking through the defense that the Celtics are proud of again!

Before the game, the proud Green Kai commented on Gorman on the spot, and his eyes widened at the moment:
"It's like Shay knew Roy was going to be there in advance, and Roy seemed to know that Shay was going to pass the ball in advance.

This... must be a coincidence! "

In fact, Gorman knows better than anyone else that if it is an exaggerated singles goal, it may be a coincidence, but there are not so many coincidences in the exquisite offensive coordination.

After that, Garnett hit an iron-blooded jumper, allowing Lukai to continue to bite the score.

Now that Lukai's offense has begun to find a sense, the key to overtaking is defense.

Rivers still doesn't believe that the Lakers can score four consecutive positional goals under their terrible defense!
Shay changed his style of play this time, no longer turned his back to ask for the ball, but directly broke through the frame with the ball!

Facing Pierce's defense, Shai passed him with a signature Shai dribble.

Shay's speed has slowed down a bit, but the effect of the "Sam Gold Dribble" action pack is to increase the speed of transition when Shay uses this action to change directions.

Just enough to make up for Shay's current shortcomings.

Seeing Shay dribble back out of the rivers and lakes, both Roy and Finley felt that time flies in their hearts.

When they were young, they practiced Shay's dribbling madly in front of the TV.

But now, they are fighting side by side with Shay!
Jordan's son will also have this feeling in the future, thinking that he was crazy about his aunt back then, but he really fought side by side with his aunt when he grew up!

Pierce didn't have time to react and was passed. Seeing Shay break through, the Celtics immediately shrank.

Ray Allen moved across from the baseline to block, and Garnett immediately moved to block Shay.

Shay's breakthrough route was instantly blocked.

Seeing this situation, Shay made a sudden stop, then turned back and seemed to be about to shoot a jumper.

Garnett, Ray Allen, and Pierce catching up, the Big Three of Green Kai all jumped up and interfered with Shay's shooting.

But Shay didn't turn over and shoot a jumper, but turned around and made a hook! ?
Although Shay took the hook action package in the early years, but because the basic attribute of the hook is too low, he rarely uses the hook to end the attack.

Seeing Shay use this trick, the CPU of all Celtics members burned.

But soon they discovered that Shay was not a hook, but a pass!

The moment Ray Allen went to pinch Shay, Gerald Wallace, as if a switch had been flipped, immediately used his terrifying athletic ability to cut into the restricted area along the baseline.

But because there are all defenders directly in front of Shay, it is impossible for the ball to pass through the defender's body if it is passed normally.

So, Shay used a hook posture and directly threw a lob to the cutting Gerald Wallace.Elvis Presley also held the basketball firmly with both hands in the air, and made another strong dunk. The Lakers scored 11 to 5 consecutively!
In the face of double-teaming, Shay's pass is undisturbed!

The goal this time made Gorman no longer able to use the excuse of "coincidence".

It was Roy just now, and now it's Wallace. Shay can always find teammates who have a chance.

Conversely speaking, the role players of the Lakers can always run enough good opportunities.

The Lakers are like a perfect machine, running one after another, exactly!
If it's just one time, it could be a coincidence.

But the offense was played so smoothly for two consecutive rounds, this is by no means a coincidence that can be explained!

Carlisle also smiled with satisfaction. The "Showtime for Positional Warfare" with Shay at its core will surely be a great success!

No one is surprised by the quality shown by the Lakers. Although the media called them "garbage brothers", the quality they showed today is not rubbish at all.

The biggest difference between a strong team and a weak team is not the quality of the lineup on paper, but the smoothness of the system.

Those strong teams generally run very smoothly on both offense and defense.

In the original history, the last two F4s of the Lakers, although there were many superstars and thieves, there was no game that was not uncomfortable to watch.

The reason is that the entire team does not have a suitable system, the players are struggling, the fans are struggling, and the record is even more struggling.

And once the system fails to work, the stars can only play blindly by themselves.

So even if there are a lot of stars, even with a bunch of 75 bigs, the F4 of Kona Sister Demon and Gua Guimei, they all ended in failure.

In fact, the same was true for the Lakers last season.

Because there was no suitable system, and Shay joined midway, the team couldn't form a combat force at all, and it was completely thinking about where to fight.

But today's Lakers, after building a system and lineup according to Shay's needs, the offensive operation is extremely smooth!

This is not a performance that weak teams can play!
On the Lukai bench, Rivers glanced at Thibodeau, but found that Thibodeau just frowned and said nothing.

Rivers knew it at the time, it was broken!
This Lakers team is really strong, so strong that even Thibodeau couldn't find a way to contain it for a while!
Originally, the whole of Boston thought that playing the Lakers in the opening game was to add to the fun of their championship ring presentation ceremony.

On such a happy day, as the Celtics, of course they have to kill a Laker to add to the fun.

But from the current point of view, the arrangement of this opening game is completely against them!
In this way, the expected massacre of the defending champion against the Lakers did not happen.

The Lakers have always maintained the lead by relying on active running positions and Shai's high post support.

Many people may forget that Shai was a defensive magician early in his career before becoming a super scorer.

So let him be the big ball-holding core, playing "Battlefield" is simply plug and play!

Of course, this complex team system requires tacit understanding and adaptation.

Even if the entire Lakers team is full of geniuses, it is impossible to cooperate seamlessly and perfectly in the first official game.

Just like driving, there is a process of warming up the car and lubricating it. No matter what kind of car you drive, this step cannot be saved.

Therefore, there were still some mistakes during this period, and there was still a stagnation of offense.

But overall, the performance of the Lakers has greatly exceeded expectations.

But the Celtics are not fuel-efficient lamps, they are the defending champions after all, and Garnett and Junzi Ray also showed their power in the second half.

So when there were 2 minutes and 34 seconds left in the fourth quarter, the Celtics caught up to only 1 point!
At this time, the data of the Lakers is very telling.

Shay 21 points, Roy 20 points, Elvis Presley 16 points, Randolph 16 points.

The scoring of the starting four is very average!
The Celtics are indeed a strong defensive team, but today the Lakers made it impossible to defend against the Celtics!

However, the Celtics are the kind of team that gets stronger as they get desperate. The mental attributes of this team are quite abnormal.

This is also the reason why they are relentless in the fourth quarter.

This time the key defense, the Celtics also relied on their enhanced mental attributes to force the Lakers to strike iron again.

This time, Xie Yi obviously passed the ball to Roy who ran out of the opportunity, but Ray Allen still interfered with the Yellow Mamba in time by relying on his desperate rush, causing Roy to hit the iron.

After attacking again, Pierce faced Shay's defense, took a step back and then stepped back to shoot a jumper.Although Shay tried his best to block, the basketball still fell into the net!
At that moment, the dome of North Shore Garden was almost overturned by cheers.

Because this is the first time the defending champion is leading today!
Pierce's scoring finally barely reached double digits, reaching 10 points.

That's right, don't look at his shot just now as if he was very powerful, but in fact Pierce, who is head-to-head, was fooled by Shay today.

Shay's experienced experience and still has a lateral speed of 90, coupled with not weak strength, made Pierce very uncomfortable playing with the frame facing the basket and the basket behind.

But Pierce, as a player who gets better at the critical moment, seems to have automatically turned on the berserk mode now.

After scoring the goal, Pierce was very excited. The dignified FMVP was pressed for the whole game by the 38-year-old man, and now he can finally raise his head and catch his breath.

The on-site commentator Gorman also let out a sigh of relief:

"The defending champion is the defending champion! I admit that the Lakers are already strong enough to compete with the defending champion.

But we will be the final winners!

The critical moment is the moment to truly show strength!

What's more, we still have the truth of Boston! "

Everyone thought that the Celtics were about to rise, and that Pierce was about to start a counterattack.

But as soon as Gorman finished saying this, Shay retaliated against Pierce!

Shay received the ball near the corner on the left, and the Celtics were already too afraid to pinch Shay desperately.

Because the Lakers' scoring is too average, you can't tell who is important and who is not. The end result is that no one dares to let it go.

Shay took the ball with one hand behind his back, made a few fake passes with one hand to ensure that no one would dare to come up to double-team, and then suddenly turned his back!

Seeing this, Pierce jumped up immediately, but Shay turned around around Pierce's body nimbly, shook Pierce away completely, and shot a jumper!Another pleasing post-up attack completed!

After Pierce scored, Shay immediately used a technical attack to make the Lakers overtake again!
As soon as the truth was revealed, it was suppressed by Shay again!

The 38-year-old Shay, this is to compete with Pierce at the last moment!
But Celtics fans are very confident in Pierce, because he never relents at critical moments.

Pierce thought so too, he had to kill Shay today!
He still wanted to continue playing singles with Shay, but this round he was so defended by Shay that he couldn't even catch the ball!

Pierce was starting to get tired, but Shay was able to handle it with ease, and Pierce was so entangled that he couldn't get out of the room to catch the ball.

Rondo had to call Garnett to cover and prepare to break through.

But Roy has already bypassed the screen from behind Garnett's ass. As a very experienced and smart player, Roy has excellent judgment ability in both offense and defense.

The Long center had no shooting threat. Seeing that Roy circled back early, he could only pass the ball to Pierce who finally ran out of space.

Pierce received the ball, and the audience became restless.He made a few tentative steps, and then went straight to the pull.

Because Pierce's goal just now was a direct shot without any muddy water, so Shay jumped up to block the shot this time.

Unexpectedly, Pierce made a fake shot and made a real shot. After shaking Shay, he immediately broke through the penalty area.

This is the second time Shay has been swayed by Pierce's fake move today.

There is no way to deal with a player like Pierce.If you really don't block it, if he can really make the ball, it will be very uncomfortable to defend.

Shay and Pierce are like two peerless masters fighting each other.

There is no brutal fighting, but every move is elegant and deadly!
At this time, Perkins stuck the birdman behind him tightly, and Randolph was also blocked by Garnett.

Pierce's path to the rim was unobstructed.

Pierce gritted his teeth, Boston's truth, to lead the team to victory!

But Pierce seems to have forgotten that the last time he shook Shay like this, he failed to score.

The moment Pierce jumped up and lifted the ball, the basketball was blown away with a bang!

Shay did not give up defending after being shot, but immediately chased after him, and successfully blocked the truth by relying on his height and wingspan!

Although Shay's current speed is only just at 80, Pierce is not a player who is good at speed.So, this cap is a breeze!

For the first time, Pierce made a fake shot that really slammed past Shay and was cut by Shay.The second time, he was blocked by Shay again.

Whether he wants to admit it or not, the FMVP was completely manipulated by Shay today!
At the scene, the cheers of the Boston fans were much smaller.

Their truth...has been profaned!

Immediately afterwards, Shay, who was attacking, suddenly switched to playing off the ball and hit a three-pointer in the left corner.

Before I knew it, Shay had already scored 27 points!

The Lakers also regained their lead to 4 points.

The chances left for the defending champion are running out!

But at this moment of life and death, Pierce was once again forced to make a mistake by Shay!
This time Pierce habitually made a three-threat move after receiving the ball to shake Shay's center of gravity, but after a three-threat move, Pierce found that
My fucking ball is gone!

Shay has figured out Pierce's habits. To be honest, Pierce is the most welcome person who wants to rely on technology to compete with Shay!

Shay's current defense is weaker than it was then, that is, his athletic ability is not as strong as it was then.

Other than that, Shai's defense is the same as it was in its prime!
And Pierce's physical fitness during this period was also mediocre. He just couldn't grasp Shay's weakness to fight, which is why Shay was able to pinch Pierce to death today.

The hand speed of Shay, who has been single for 38 years, is no joke.One not paying attention and the ball will be broken.

If you're not married, you're still single!

The whole of Boston is relying on their truth, but their truth is in front of Shay, but it can't lead them to see the desired result!

After the Lakers used a perfect system to prove that they can compete with the defending champion, Shay proved with his strong personal ability that he can compete with the FMVP!

At this time, there were only tens of seconds left in the game, and Carlisle, as always, did not call a timeout at critical moments.

Leave this first drop of blood to Xie Yi!
The Lakers team worked hard to run and help Shay contain the defense.

This made the Celtics still dare not attack Shay directly.

Pierce gritted his teeth, he knew that Shay was trying to directly destroy himself at the last moment!
As expected, Shay began to single-handedly hit Pierce with the ball. He wanted to make the young man who spoke ill of him before the game pay the price!
Although Pierce is also 31 this year, for Shay, he is indeed a young man.

Shay gradually approached Pierce, muttering words:

"The truth of Boston is you, but see clearly, the truth of the entire basketball world will always be me!"

After finishing speaking, Shay accelerated the frontal breakthrough. This was Shay's toughest attack on the offensive end today.He wants to let Pierce know that he can defeat him in any way!
Pierce immediately blocked, but was pushed back directly by Shay.

But it must be admitted that Shay's breakthrough speed is not as good as before.After being bumped, the speed slowed down a lot.

So Pierce still clings to Shay and touches Shay's ball.

The trajectory of the basketball was destroyed. Shay stretched out his hand to control the ball, but saw Garnett had opened his arms to block him directly in front of him.

At this point, Shay had nowhere to go.

Because the ball has not been fully controlled, it is impossible to change direction or turn around.

So Shay is now either holding the ball with both hands and standing still, falling into a double-team.Either hit Garnett directly, make a mistake and lose the ball.

Pierce laughed, really thought my defense was a display! ?

Also the truth in the basketball world?Pooh!Shrimp head Puxin male!

In Boston, there is only one truth!
However, since Shai did not directly hug the ball with both hands, he did not hit Garnett and cause a turnover.

Did he really not fully control the ball, but nimbly shot the ball forward and let the ball pass between Garnett's legs!In the extremely narrow space of being pinched, Shay completed an extreme crotch piercing pass!
God knows how his fingertips are so nimble!
Shay himself also flashed past Garnett and grabbed the basketball behind the crotch.

And Pierce, who was chasing Shay, collided with Garnett!
After the two collided, both fell to the ground, and Shay easily scored a layup.

The Lakers opened the point difference to 47 points in the last 6 seconds, almost securing the victory!

At the critical moment, Shay scored consecutively on Pierce's head, and then continuously defended Pierce's offense.

He has completely obliterated the truth of Boston!

In fact, when the Lakers led by only a point at the beginning, Shai was not sure that he could win.

But after Pierce's goal helped Lvkai go ahead by 2 points, Shay knew that the game was stable!

After all, Lukai's coach is Lao Li, the king of counterattacks~
Pierce and Garnett both fell to the ground, and Shay deliberately stood in front of them, arms raised high.

Defending champion?You still have to surrender to Lao Tzu's feet!

Shay stepped on last season's FMVP and defending champion, officially announcing his strong comeback!
Kupchak, who was watching TV, swallowed. Is this the power of the basketball god?To overthrow the defending champion in the first match!
The right system, a good locker room atmosphere, and a star who has passed his prime but is still strong.
Kupchak suddenly felt that he might be able to win the best general manager by relying on the series of messy operations in Xia Tian.

At first, Kupchak also felt a little uncomfortable because Shay had too much say in signings.

But now
Shay is in control!

Sure enough, he is the only truth in the basketball world!
 Today's [-]-word update is here!Conscience is old, begging for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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