After changing careers, I became No.1 in basketball

Chapter 367 Chapter 366: Large-scale serial tragedy, proud player of the month

Chapter 367 Chapter 366: Large-scale serial tragedy, proud player of the month

"LeBron! The 36th point! God, who else on Earth can stop LeBron James!?

Shay?As we all know, Shay is the god of basketball, and he is not a human being on earth.

Among the gods, Ah-Zhan is the strongest! "

Charlotte, Time Warner Center Arena, live commentary is already boiling.

On the sidelines, Jordan was furious!
Although he is usually very dark, today his color is two degrees darker than before.

Usually it's marinated eggs, but today it's directly briquettes!
Just now, Ajan easily overturned the 06 No. [-] player Adam Morrison-this man known as the second Larry Bird.

Morrison can't even be called water, because he is only in the third grade, and now he averages less than 5 points per game!
This is not picking an ordinary rotation player with the No. [-] pick, this is simply picking a second-round pick with the No. [-] pick.

As expected of a rich man, Danzi has no such thing as value for money in his eyes.Others are looking for flowers for fun, but he almost has a cerebral hemorrhage.

Counting Danzi's drafts over the years, it is really perfect and missed all the correct answers.

Ever since he became the boss, Danzi can't be said to be wise and powerful, at least he can be said to be foolish.

But this is not what makes Danzi angry at this time. After all, he has long accepted the fact that Morrison has been wiped out.

What really made Danzi angry was James!

Because that was A-Zhan's third dunk today, and every other dunk, A-Zhan had to look at Jordan on the bench. The provocation was very strong!

Jordan is convinced, damn it, you are really going to get back your dignity from me!
At this time, Jordan clutched his heart, looked at the court in a daze, and then lowered his head.He didn't even know why he spent so much money for this team.

Except for high blood pressure, there is no gain at all!

Poor Jordan, his team was slaughtered by Ajan just like that.

Ah King did what he said, if he said he would take back his damned dignity, he would take back his damned dignity!

What was lost with Shay must be recovered from Jordan!
I, Azhan, have been a fan of Shay since I was a child. How can I give Jordan any face?
A world where only marinated eggs were injured was born.

But after the game is over.
Ah Zhan found that he only took half of his dignity.

There are indeed people who have started to praise him again on the Internet, but the scene he contributed to at Staples still has a very high appearance rate.

It seems that just killing the bobcats is irreversible.

A Zhan reluctantly sent a group text message to Meng Ba's teammates:

"Everyone must pay attention to your own safety! Xie, he is so ruthless!"

Shay was really ruthless, and he will be more ruthless in the future.

Xie Yi was extremely excited about the task of liquidating Mengba.

And Kobe's words made the fans extremely excited.

Kobe and Shay, the war between these two people will definitely become the biggest highlight of this season.

Everyone wants to know whether Kobe will have the last laugh or Shay will get his revenge.

In fact, Kobe has always had a regret, that is, he failed to completely beat Shay.

He still remembers the scene when he and Shaq were swept by Shai in the Knicks and Lakers Finals many years ago.

Remember Shay's incredible 75 points in the finals!
But because Kobe hadn't reached his peak at that time, he always wanted to fight Shay again and prove himself again.

And put an end to this nightmare with your own hands!

Although half a year ago, Kobe won the gold medal in the Olympics.Even though the media is blowing it up, he led the 03 generation to successfully complete the redemption.

But Bryant felt that it was not a complete victory.

Only by completely defeating Shay in the NBA can it be considered a real victory!

Ah Zhan's kneeling was heroic!

But don't worry, Boss swears to avenge you!

Kobe and Shay are on the bar, but the game between the Lakers and the Knicks is still early.

Next, Shay will kill a few other Mengba members to warm up.

Although the defeat of the Cavaliers made the Lakers famous, but at present, the team's record is only 2 wins and 2 losses.

So in addition to revenge, Shay also had to bring up the team's record first.

Fortunately, the Lakers' upcoming schedule is not as scary as before.

In the first four games, in order to squeeze out the commercial value of the Lakers, Stern warmed up for the new season, so the four opponents arranged for him were very difficult to deal with.

Play the defending champion as soon as they come up, and after the defending champion is finished, there are two top teams in the Western Conference.Then, he arranged for A Zhan, the chosen son.

Who can resist being in the high-scoring field every day.

But then, Shay was finally able to pinch a few soft persimmons.

On November 11th, fans finally stopped discussing the scandal between Shay and Gal Gadot.

Because after several days of rest, the Lakers finally ushered in their fifth opponent of the season, and the fans finally had something new to talk about.

Shay also finally ran into the first soft persimmon of the season-Phoenix Suns.

In fact, in the eyes of most people, the sun is not a soft persimmon.

After all, they started with 3 wins and 1 loss, and their record is better than the Lakers.

And in the past few seasons, the Suns also set off a wave of fast-playing whirlwind in this history.

Although the Suns' foothold is too monotonous, they have been cleared by the Spurs, so they still haven't won the championship.

But in the fans' minds, the Suns have always been a strong team.

Speaking of which, the sun is miserable enough.

From Barkley + Hill + Webber + Tianzun in the 90s, but in the 21st century Nash led the whirlwind.The Suns have been competing for the championship, but never won it.

Phoenix is ​​interested in a championship team.

Barkley, Webber, Hill, Nash, Stoudemire, D'Antoni. The Suns gathered all the people who missed the championship together.

Also because Kuaidi Whirlwind was unable to win the championship for a long time, the Suns broke the previous lineup based on the principle of not breaking or standing.

With Marion as the main bargaining chip, in exchange for Shay who was the new favorite of the league when he left, but is now an old shark.

Well, the biggest problem with the Suns' inability to win the championship is that they don't have a defense.As a result, the Suns got a center who was not willing to defend and replaced the team's best defensive perimeter player.

Changed a defensive coach and ended up with no defensive players.

The new coach Terry Porter has a trident, but no handle, so he can't lift it!
This wave of operations is indeed mind-blowing.

Nash + Sharks + Stoudemire, in the eyes of the outside world, this lineup is not ineffective.

But Shay knows very well that this Suns team is strong on the outside but strong on the inside.

Like those Internet goddesses, she looks very reserved on the surface, but in fact anyone can get on!

If Shay remembers correctly, this Suns didn't even make the playoffs in the end, so it's not like everyone can make it.

Because the team's system has become very chaotic, one moment wants to play a whirlwind, and another moment wants to play traditional tactics, resulting in a different tactical system, and the Suns are very uncomfortable.

Although the Suns failed to make the playoffs in the 08-09 season in the original history, there were also injuries, and Stoudemire only played 53 games.

But even if the Suns make the playoffs, Shea doesn't think they'll get very far.

Therefore, this sun is actually not strong.

Before the game, O'Neal, who didn't know who was in control of the situation, was still very arrogant:

"Shay can kill the Dream Eights, but he can't kill the sharks.

It's okay to deal with young people like LeBron, but we, with our experience, will silence Los Angeles again. "

Then there was no more, the aging Sharks only scored 15 points and were already out of breath.

For him now, the biggest problem is actually not the exhaustion of his athletic ability. After all, the Sharks have a lot of work, even if they are a floor center, they can score in the low post.

The biggest problem for sharks now is that the mileage is too high.

Judging from his pre-match tone, you would have thought he could kill all sides.

But in fact, the current Sharks are basically boring after playing for 25 minutes.

This short and fast man is simply full of debuffs.According to his characteristics, he can be a basketball author after retirement.

Stoudemire was also very difficult today. Although he scored 21 points, his shooting percentage was only 42.9%.Even as a face-up insider, this hit rate is unqualified.

No way, the sharks simply cannot provide space for Stoudemire.

So on the offensive end, Stoudemire either pulls Randolph hard, or rushes inside and gets flanked.

Efficiency can't be beat at all.

On the Lakers side, Shay scored 26 points and 12 assists, helping the team's six players score in double figures easily.

Even the Birdman ate a 15-point pie on O'Neal's head.

Shay and Birdman played a pick-and-roll, O'Neal squatted inside, and Shay's mid-range shot couldn't be guarded.

O'Neal didn't squat inside, and Birdman made a high-flying dunk after cutting in.

It can be seen that the Sharks are actually trying very hard to defend well.He switches defenses very aggressively and retreats very hard.

When he was young, he was too lazy to defend. Now he is willing to defend, but he no longer has that ability.

With such a sluggish body, O'Neal's defensive role is limited to squatting at the basket.Whenever he is pulled out, he is a defensive black hole.

Grant Hill only scored 12 points in his first game today. Although the efficiency is very high, just 12 points cannot help the Suns reverse the situation at all.

Sun fans are convinced that when Shay was 28 years old, Hill and O'Neal couldn't beat him.

Now that Shay is 38 years old, Hill and O'Neal still can't beat him!
The high-spirited Sharks and Jordan's successor Hill are now 36-year-old veterans.

Their glory days are over.

But the 38-year-old Shay seems to be able to create new glories!
105 to 92, the Lakers eliminated Phoenix's intended championship team without any effort.

After this battle, the Lakers' record has also become 3 wins and 2 losses, which is finally a positive number.

At the end of the game, O'Neal, who was showing off his power before the game, could only smile awkwardly:

"No way, I'm old. If I were ten years younger, would I lose?"

The reporter shook his head speechlessly: "Uh, 10 years younger, you seem to be getting your head shaved by Shay."

What was Shay doing when he was 38?Killing sharks.

So what was he doing when he was 28?Shaving the shark's head.

Shark lost Shay all his life, this is another kind of companionship~
Poor shark, he's never tried to beat Shay in his life.

The following few soft persimmons were also very enjoyable for the Lakers.

Against the rival Clippers in the same city, the Lakers directly slaughtered the opposite side by 40 points.

Facing the Rockets with no Yao, no Mai, no Thailand in history, the Lakers offered another 30-point victory.

Seeing that the Rockets in history are not as hot as Dayao and have been believing in the process since Olajuwon, Shay is relieved.

He doesn't deserve this kind of team.

After facing the Pistons and Nets, the Lakers did not have any surprises.

Especially in the game against the Pistons, Shay scored 37 points and 11 assists, playing extremely bloodthirsty.

And everyone is very clear why Shay did this, because Prince Prince, a member of Mengba, is playing for the Pistons at this time!
After James, another Dream Eight member was liquidated!
Shay adhered to the principle of never forgiving, and completely defeated the little prince's defense.

And the anger of revenge continues!
So far, the Lakers have played a wave of six consecutive victories, and the start is quite strong!

The members of Mengba are also in danger. Although the little prince is a member of Mengba, he does not have many opportunities to perform in the Olympics, and his sense of presence is not high.

Just like that, Shay didn't intend to let him go.

If it is someone else, it must be more ruthless!
Soon there was another bad news, this time it was Reed who was dealt with!

At the end of November, the Lakers met the Bucks at Staples.

Although the Bucks are a genuine lottery team, Reed's personal strength is still very strong.

People didn't think Shay could do anything to Reed at first.

As a result, after the game, Reed looked at the data sheet on the big screen and couldn't believe his data today.

He was actually defended by Shay today, making 9 of 1 shots and only scoring 2 points in the game!
You know, Reid averaged 22.7 points per game last season!

In this game, the score was directly reduced to one-tenth of the usual score by Shay!

Shai directly defended Reed from the first second of the game until the game entered garbage time.

It really doesn't leave any way for Reed to survive!
He did what he said, and he will never show mercy to the members of Mengba.

Of course, there are also factors of task requirements in it.

In addition to winning the Dream Eight members in the liquidation task, Shay's personal performance must be better than them.

So Shay would never give Reid a chance to pick it up.

In case Reid only scored 2 points, Shay also scored 33 points by the way today.

Bogoute, the first non-human champion in NBA history, hung up on the defensive end today.

Before the game, he uttered a harsh word that he wanted three of Geshey.

As a result, after the game started, Goute hid away as soon as he saw Shay hit the basket.

Sometimes he is obviously standing under the basket, but when he sees Shay rushing in, he will even take the initiative to avoid it!
It's so short of applauding Shay directly under the basket!
Dogs, that's all.The ones that really bite tend not to bark much.And it's often Chihuahuas who like to bark.

After all, Gou Tena grew up watching Shay's fighting scenes. He really dare not mess with this man who can fight from the first position to the coach's bench.

In this way, Shay slaughtered another member of the Dream Eight team, and crossed out another name on his blacklist!
Kneeling James first, then killing the little prince, and now locking up Reed.
Most of the Mengba members are afraid to sleep at night now, afraid that Shay will rush into the house with a knife!

Reid was also humiliated, 9 of 1 shots and 2 points in a single game, so he couldn't be ridiculed on the Internet?
Today on the Internet, everyone is talking about Drexler!

"Reid can score 2 points even when he is defended like this. What level was Drexler when he was defended by -2 points in a single game?"

"High-definition! Highlights of Drexler's single game -2 points!"

Ah Hua:.
How could Hua Zi think that he, a three-none player with no championship, no MVP, and no scoring champion, would still be so popular after more than ten years!

It was mentioned by fans twice in three days!

But under all these posts, there will always be a high praise comment:

"Anyway, after all, Drexler eliminated the peak Shay in the playoffs, or twice! Occasionally being defended by -2 points in a single game does not affect his greatness!"

Well, the status of the slider is now steadily rising.

Anyway, it won't drop anymore.

In the last game in November, Shay defeated the Raptors again, with 11 points, 32 assists and 12 blocks!
There are 3 of them, all covered on Bosh's head!

Bosh suffered a lot. He only made 13 of 4 shots and scored 30 points with only 12% shooting.

Randolph's defense against Bosh today was inseparable, which made the Dragon King very uncomfortable.

As a result, sometimes Bosh managed to get rid of Randolph, but was tortured by Shay who suddenly appeared.

In just over a month, Shay has crossed off a fourth name on his blacklist.

Revenge is going pretty well!
112 to 99, the Lakers succeeded in killing the dragon, ending the November schedule.

After playing throughout November, the Lakers' record is 11 wins and 11 losses.

Second only to the Hornets in the West, and only one win less than the Hornets.

It's dawn in Los Angeles!

Who would have thought that after the Lakers picked up garbage during the offseason, the "garbage brothers" actually had the second-best record in the Western Conference!

Although the season has just started for a month, this record may not be stable until the end.

But at least let the Lakers fans who have been bad for many years see the hope of the team's transformation!

The media is also fueling the flames:
"A large-scale serial massacre case, the dead are all members of the Dream Team!"

"Shay is creating the most horrific serial massacre in NBA history!"

"Members of the Dream Eight Team are all trembling!"

In just one month, Shay brought himself and the Lakers back to the center of the world!
It's a pity that Shay failed to get the Player of the Month in November.

The best player of the month happened to be taken away by Paul, who had a better record.

On the Eastern side, the best player of the month is Wade, who averaged 30.9 points per game!

In the East, it is still very difficult to get the best player of the month.

After all, Kobe, Ajan and Dayao are all the best harvesters of the month.

Yao Ming had only won the best player of the month twice in his career in his career, but in this history, Dayao has better personal data and team record, so he is also the best player of the month.

But Wade was killed out of this group of monsters in a daze, which shows how outstanding his performance this month is.

In fact, the 08-09 season can be regarded as the peak season of Wade's personal ability.


Wade ranks third in the MVP rankings, the top two are James with 66 wins and Kobe with 65 wins.

Wade has 13 40+ times throughout the season, and all 3 50+ times in his career, all of which were obtained this season.

He is the only guard who can steal 87 steals + 88 blocks in a single season after Jordan in 100 and 100!
The true sense of domination on both ends of offense and defense!

Of course, Shay in this history did this long ago~
It was also the explosive performance of this season that gave Wade the confidence to say on TV shows in the future: "Before LeBron came, I was already a big man."

It can be called the origin of Green's formula.

It's just a pity that the Heat's lineup in the 08-09 season in the original history was too poor, so Wade failed to achieve good results that matched his personal ability, and went home to fish in the first round of the playoffs.

But this history is different. The reason why Wade was able to win the best of the month in the first month is because his personal data exploded, and at the same time, the team's record is also very good, on par with the Bulls and Cavaliers!
The reason is that in the summer of 2008 in this history, the Heat did not get the second pick, but the third pick.

Therefore, the rookie they finally got was not Beasley, but Love.

But in this draft, Riley only valued Rose and Beasley the most.

The rest didn't interest him at all.

Since you can't get Rose and Beasley, it's better to change your immediate combat power.

So Riley traded Love to Indianapolis in exchange for Daniel Granger, who was still performing so well last season!
For the Pacers, because they didn't have Jr. O'Neal or Artest in this history, the drafts in previous years were also different from the original history.

The current Pacers mainly regard the 23-year-old Luol Deng as the main training object.

Granger's position coincides with that of Luol Deng again.

So Bird traded Granger, who was two years older than Loel Deng, who was not yet as powerful as Loel Deng, in exchange for Love.

Everyone knows what happened next.

The 08-09 season was the season in which Daniel Granger rose to the top. After he got the chance to start, his scoring average soared to 23.8 points per game!
Big Beeping Bird probably regretted it, Granger, you play me, right? ?
But if you don't open your eyes, who knows that Granger will suddenly become enlightened?

Riley himself was also unintentional. He originally thought that the 27-year-old Granger had no potential to squeeze, so he didn't know that he was a late bloomer.

Ever since, beside Wade at the peak, there is an extra all-star-level right-hand man!
Therefore, the Heat, which were still doing poorly last season, suddenly rose to prominence this season.

It can only be said that the Eastern Conference this season is really chaotic.

People say that even if Jordan's peak Bulls return to the current Eastern Conference, they will have to suffer two mouths.

Wade, who won the best of the month, has attracted much attention, not only because of the unexpected performance of the Heat, but also because
The next opponent of this mighty Heat team, the next opponent of this peak Wade, is the Lakers who are also suddenly emerging!
Moreover, as we all know, Wade is a member of the Dream Eight team.

This is simply the Golden Cudgel meeting the Water Curtain Cave, and it is destined to be an explosive battle!

During the interview time after training, the reporters surrounded Wade, who won the best of the month.

"Dwayne, it's your turn next. As the main player of the Dream Eight team, Shay must be ready to attack you.

The first few players were not spared.

Do you think you can hold off Shay's revenge? "

Wade smiled contemptuously:

"Who says no one is spared? Didn't Chris and Guagua win?

There is nothing terrible about Xie Yi, as long as he is strong enough, there is no such thing as being brutally murdered.

You guys make it sound like he's unstoppable, but...damn, he's not even the best player of the month!

Shay is welcome on me, I'll let him lose again.

Florida does not support idlers! "

I don't know if this answer got Shay's mentality, but it got A-Zhan's mentality!

What is meant by "as long as one's own strength is strong enough, there is no such thing as being brutally murdered"?Avey, tell me clearly!What are you mapping! ?

Aren't we brothers! ?

It is not difficult to see from the interview that Wade has deep hostility towards Shay.

He is different from most people who worship Shay, because he is from Chicago, so his idol since childhood is Jordan.

In fact, it was when Wade was 9 years old that he saw Jordan finally go through all kinds of difficulties to win his first championship.

But throughout the 90s, Wade watched Jordan get beaten up by Shai.

The relationship between Jordan and Shay is not like Magic and Bird.Magician and Bird fought back and forth, but Jordan never beat Shay once!

This undoubtedly caused a huge impact on Wade's young mind.

Therefore, even though the careers of the two have not had much intersection so far, Shay has always been a big villain and a big devil in Wade's heart.

After defeating Shai in the Olympics, Wade also had the illusion that "Shai is nothing but mediocre".

Now I have the opportunity to beat the player I hate the most, coupled with Wade's own "beep king" character, coupled with the Heat's excellent record this season.

All of these gave Wade the confidence to show some medicine in front of Shay.

He's totally unafraid to challenge Shay!
By this time, Shay and his team had arrived in Miami.

With a way to put out the heat!
 Thanks to Lang G Huihui, Sunset Wanqiu and other big guys for their rewards, thank you everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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