After changing careers, I became No.1 in basketball

Chapter 370 369: Completely defeat Wade, competing for the championship and lottery at the same time

Chapter 370 369: Completely defeat Wade, while competing for the championship and the lottery?
30 points in a single quarter, one of the scariest single-quarter scores in NBA history.

Before that, Shay had a performance of scoring 26 points in a single quarter in the regular season, and a miracle of 26 points in a single quarter in the finals with an ankle injury.

That is still the personal scoring record in a single quarter of the NBA Finals.

But no one could have imagined that Shay could reach the pinnacle again.Moreover, at the age of 38, it reached its pinnacle!

With 8 three-pointers in a single quarter, the whole world is feeling the magic of Shay today.

Even more shocking than learning that Poole and Paul switched clubs!

And Wade, the player of the month who was favored by the whole world before, is doubting his life at the moment.

Wade was completely fucked by Shay in this quarter. In just one quarter, all his previous efforts were in vain.

Short Five Joe swallowed, and couldn't believe what happened in this episode.

It was as accurate as a three-pointer with self-aiming.

The dunk that was obviously blocked but still able to be completed.

The terrible hand speed of being single for 38 years.

All of them shocked Wade!

Shay's words kept ringing in his ears: "I only need one game to fix you!"

Wade also played against Shai for the first time in the NBA. When Shai returned in the first half of the year, although the Lakers and the Heat played once, Wade was recovering from his injury at the time, so he could only watch from the sidelines.

Wade did not experience the magic of Shai in the Olympic Games.

And today.
Wade looked up and looked at the No. 23 jersey hanging above his head.He has personally experienced why Shay is regarded as the god of basketball!
Why did Riley retire a jersey for a player who never played for the Heat as a show of respect.

At this time, the Heat have also fallen behind by 25 points.

The game almost entered garbage time.

Shay killed the game, it really only took one quarter!
The current assistant coach of the Lakers, Brian Shaw, the first NBA player in history to be defeated by a high school student, took a deep breath:
"Rick, even though you look like Jim Carrey, you're full of horror movies! It's a shame to send the game into garbage time in a single quarter!"

Carlisle smiled innocently: "To be honest, I don't want to act in a horror movie either!"

Carlisle is not Versailles, but I really didn't expect Shay to do this!

In his mind, taking the game away with a wave means leading by at most ten points in a quarter.In this way, the Heat can be completely suppressed in the fourth quarter.

Although it doesn't directly allow the team to win, it can be regarded as a wave of success for the team to suppress the Heat.

As a result, Shayt led the Lakers by almost 30 points in one quarter.
As expected of the most profitable athlete in the world, his shots are extravagant.

Well, a serious analysis of the cause of the Heat's sudden death is actually very simple-the Lakers' tactical execution rate in the third quarter is too high!
Why do people always say that it is the players who rule the game?
Because your coach doesn't care about Liu Bie, and he can't stand some players. Once he doesn't have the ball, he will directly akimbo on the offensive end.Some people don't execute tactics at all, how can your tactics be successful?

It is one thing to lay out the tactics, but it is another to be able to execute them.

Even if your coach's tactics are a flower, if the players can't implement them, it can only be talk on paper.

Moreover, even if the tactics run out, the final finish is also not 100% able to enter.

In the early days, when you met a master like A Snake who didn't touch three times in a row, no matter how perfect your tactics were, no matter how strong the shark's restraint was, you could only score 0 points in that round.

And the horror of the Lakers in the third quarter is that the players have executed all the things Carlisle arranged efficiently!

From Roy to Randolph, almost everyone knows exactly what to do next, where to pass the ball, and where to appear.

And once the opportunity is derived through tactics, Shay's end point is almost guaranteed to score, and he will never waste it!
This outrageous tactical execution rate is no longer a horror movie, but a sci-fi horror movie!
Carlisle wiped off his sweat, these trash brothers are definitely seriously underestimated!
In the last 30 seconds of the third quarter, Spoelstra did not call a timeout.

Because he was also killed and stunned.

The defensive system he is proud of was easily cracked by the Lakers.

The morale-declining Heat team had a lifeless attack, and had no intention of seizing the opportunity to narrow the point difference.

In the end, Wade broke through Shai in desperation before the end of the shot clock and shot the ball with a difficult pull-bar against Birdman.

But unfortunately, this difficult pull-bar layup finally hit the frame.

Wade has scored 31 points so far today, and his performance is already very good.

But the team's huge point difference, and Shay's 41 points, made Wade overshadowed.

The Lakers still have an offensive opportunity in this quarter, and Wade is entangled with Shay all the way.

He knew it would be difficult to reverse this game, but he didn't want Shay to break the record on top of his head!
In the last 3 seconds of the third quarter, Shay saw that he couldn't get rid of Wade, so he ran directly to the position between the midfield line and the three-point line, and raised his hand for the ball!

Although it was outrageous to ask for the ball in this position, Roy passed the ball without hesitation.

In his view, it is reasonable for Shay to ask for the ball in the second row of the stands.

Shay really wants to give this record a try, although he already has enough records on his body, just pulling one out is enough for the current stars to record for a long time.

What Shay cares about is not the record itself, but to humiliate Wade who was rampant before the game in a record-breaking way!
Active beep king?Shay will make him lose his head! Show him what it's like to piss yourself off!

After receiving the basketball, Shay made a long-range three-pointer under Wade's interference.

Under normal circumstances, when most players shoot long-range three-pointers, their bodies will lean forward to avoid insufficient strength from affecting the range.

But for Shay's ultra-long-range three-pointer, his body was straight and he shot the ball with an extremely standard posture. Fans rarely see someone who can shoot an ultra-long-range three-pointer so beautifully and accurately!
The consecutive goals made Shay feel hot, and Shay is catching and shooting, so the buff is still there.

So, the ball goes in and the lights go on.

Shay's super long-range three-pointer hits the buzzer!
The 9th three-pointer in a single quarter and the 13th three-pointer in the game are the most in NBA history!
Shay disgraced Wade!
After the goal, Shay pointed to his jersey over the American Airlines Center, then turned to look at Wade:
"Before you're the greatest player of the month, I'm the greatest player in this arena!"

Wade, there is no dead body!
Florida does not support idlers, and naturally it will not retire idlers' jerseys.

No job, can that retire jerseys in Miami?

So far, the Lakers lead to 28 points.

This means that even if the Lakers score no points in the fourth quarter, the Heat may not be able to pull the score back.

Shay's personal score was fixed at 44 points, and it was 44 points in three quarters, accounting for 33 points in the third quarter alone!
When he played against Azhan before, Shay only scored 40 points.

It can only be said that Shay's true love for Wade.

All were given to him without reservation.

Wade stared blankly at the numbers on the big screen, then walked off the court with his head bowed.

That Wade, who has always been full of arrogance, can only bow his head to Shay today!
And the Mengba tragedy is still going on!

In the fourth quarter, Shay sat on the bench very confidently and raised his legs.

People are no longer discussing the game itself, but are talking about the three-point record created by Shai.

Although Shai didn't play in the fourth quarter, the Heat found it difficult for them to even close the score, let alone overtake!
Roy and Randolph continued to shine, dismantling the Heat's defense to pieces.

Although their offense could not directly open the score like Shay, it was enough to maintain the point difference.

Wade's offense is also blocked everywhere, because his speed is not as fast as the first three quarters.

In the first three quarters of the game, Wade has been oppressing the defense, sprinting with all his strength, and running at full power in almost every round.

So the body is drained early.

Of course, Wade was still fast in the fourth quarter, but he was no longer so fast that the zone defense couldn't defend him.

Barkley laughed:

"Young people nowadays are still too immature. Why play so hard? Learn from Shay, hang up for halftime, work hard for a quarter, and rest for a quarter.

A combination of work and rest can last for a long time~
Oh, sorry, I forgot that not everyone can win the game in one quarter like me and Shay~"

Amid Sir Charles Flying Pig's various shameless remarks, and Reggie Miller resisting the urge to hit someone, the game finally ended!

118 to 95, the Lakers thrillingly put out the Heat with a huge advantage of 23 points in the away game!
Shay didn't play for 1 minute in the fourth quarter, and he was still the player with the highest score in the game, with 44 points.

Wade gave up completely after only playing half a quarter in the fourth quarter, so only 34 points were recorded.

The personal score is double digits behind Shay, and the game score is also double digits behind Shay.

This wave Wade scored a double-double!
The player of the month, who has exploded recently, was ravaged by Shay just like that.

In the past, Wade never understood why his idol Jordan was so strong, why he still couldn't beat Shay?

Now, he understands deeply.

At the end of the game, Wade played his own characteristics as the Flash and ran into the player channel in the blink of an eye.

He really didn't want to be seen in such a mess.

Shay, on the other hand, stepped on the technical platform of the American Airlines Center braggingly, imitating Wade's appearance and shouting:
"Your hero, abandoned his home! This is not his house!"

Faced with such a rampant provocation from Shay, the Miami fans did not react.

How else could they react?

9 three-pointers in a single quarter can do such a thing, this man, they really can't afford it!
At this time, Kobe, who was watching the game, was also silent.

Shay actually broke his single-game three-pointer record in an understatement.

Does he really have no limit! ?

Jordan looked at Shay on TV, but there was no wave in his heart.

13 three-pointers in a single game is nothing special, kind of Shay, you challenge my record in the three-point contest.

A-Zhan swallowed his saliva. He thought it was bad enough to be beaten by Xie Yi last time, but he didn't expect
Dream Eight, can anyone really survive Shay?
Half an hour later, reporters saw Wade in the media center, who fled immediately after the game.

At this time, Wade seemed to have his soul taken away by Satan, and he was completely lifeless, which was in stark contrast to the confidence he had when he entered the arena.

Wade sat on the stage blankly, his eyes blank.

How fresh, people only know that the fucked party will enter the sage's time, and today the fucked party also entered the sage's time.

But the reporters didn't care about Wade's mental state, and began to ask questions frantically:
"Dwayne, did Shai's strength far exceed your expectations, so that you were overconfident before the game?"

"How do you see yourself getting four more points than LeBron? Oh, I mean, four more points than LeBron for Shai."

"Dwayne, Shay solved you in just one quarter, what do you think of this?"

Wade didn't say a word, just stared blankly at his hand.

It wasn't until Sipo poked Wade with his elbow that Wade came back to his senses.

He looked at the reporters and said slowly:
"All of these questions can be answered with one answer.

That is, Shai is the most outrageous player I've seen in my entire career.

It's not a question of whether he is strong or not, it's outrageous!
I couldn't stop him today, not even a quarter.

When it comes to Shai, you always say that he was once the god of basketball. I don't agree with that.

Shay is still the god of basketball now!

His strength, if you don't fight against him, you will never understand it. "

The reporters were shocked, because Wade's words summed up as follows: "I'm convinced!"

The rebellious Shorty Five Joe, who was almost invincible this season, was actually defeated!

After speaking, Wade got up and wanted to leave.

But he seemed to remember something again, so he bent down and approached the microphone:
"The remaining teammates of the Dream Eight team, I wish you good luck."

Originally, Shay was going to give Wade a good breast at the press conference, but when Shay heard the reporter relay Wade's words, he felt boring for an instant.

Hey, I still like Awei's rebellious look.

Spoel: Ave is dead!What idol did you pick!

So this man with 13 three-pointers in the game and 9 three-pointers in a single quarter just replied lightly at the press conference:
"I hope that Kobe will not be like Dwayne at that time, I hope he can be tough to the end!"

At this point, Shay crossed off another name on his own blacklist.

The Dream Team has suffered heavy casualties!
The results of this game and Shay's great record are naturally hyped by the league.

The day after the game, reporters asked the stars what they thought of Shai's game.

Dayao smiled brightly: "Brother Xie is like this, even if he is far away, he will be killed. But I have a question, when did you get on the account? You have already pigeonholed us several times!"

Garnett wiped the sweat from his brow: "I said it a long time ago, don't reply, don't reply, don't reply! Whoever responds to Shay dies! Have you heard of the law of the dark forest? Shay will always be a hunter in the forest !"

James said: "You know, Dwayne is an extremely good player. But there is still one difference between him and Shay's shooting. It is recommended that Dwayne and I practice three-pointers in the summer. I will pay for it."

Most stars comment on Shai's single-game record with both fear and respect.

But in this alliance, there are still two young men who are full of anti-bones.

The first one is Paul. He has defeated Shay this season and his personal data is still very good. When he mentioned Shay's record, he just smiled dismissively:
"We have no opponents in the West. No matter how strong Shay is, he is only second in the West."

The second one who is still rampant is Kobe:
"Dwayne? Are you talking about the guy who couldn't win the championship with O'Neal? My evaluation is that he is not as good as Grandma Shaq.

Shay broke my single-game three-point record, which is great, but I will kill him like I did in the Olympics. "

Kobe might be the only one who has nothing against Shay but desperately wants to break Shay.

Paul doesn't like Shay because his idol Duncan was beaten up by Shay.

Wade doesn't like Shay because his idol Jordan was beaten up by Shay.

But Bryant was a fan of Shay since he was a child, and he trained with Shay before entering the league.

But this is precisely the reason why he wants to defeat Shay, he knows that Shay is the strongest, so he must win!
Shay watched the speeches of the two rebellious boys and sighed.

Back then, I still spoiled Kobe too much.

As for Paul Shea, he'll have to reflect on that.

However, Shai will not meet Kobe and Paul in the recent period.

In the next game, the Lakers will continue to go away, and the destination is Charlotte!
It stands to reason that the Lakers and Bobcats are too far apart in strength, so this game should be nothing to watch.

But considering the special relationship between Shay and the owner of the Bobcats, this game has attracted the attention of fans.

When Shay arrived in Charlotte, the reporter deliberately asked him:

"Would you go crazy against the Bobcats because of the mitt?"

Shay smiled and waved his hands: "Don't be funny, I'm so naive. It's been more than ten years since Mike and I became enemies. We have long since let go of our hostility toward each other."

Then the next day.
"Shay! Flying dunk! And we can see that Shay didn't stare at the basket when he was gliding in the air, but turned to look at Jordan!
Hahahaha, look at Michael's expression, doctor, doctor!
Quick, give Mai the antihypertensive medicine! "

Jordan was shaking with anger, and Shay was treating his low blood pressure almost all the time today.

When the two met today, they hugged in a worldly way, but Xie Yi said:
"You are also very strong in the boss world. Lord Baylor is not the best draft pick now."

Jordan: .
Immediately after warming up, Shay deliberately scored six goals in a row from beyond the three-point line, and then slammed Jordan with one hand for 6 and the other for 3: "Your shots here are very smooth."

The corner of Jordan's mouth twitched at that time, Shay you bastard, what are you reflecting! ?

After the game started, Shay did not play hard.

That is to say, the Lakers led the Bobcats by 23 points in three quarters.

And, that note staring at Jordan's dunk while gliding through the air.

When it was over, Shay shrugged at Jordan: "I'm sorry Mike, I won again. Let you win next time, and you can't rob me next time. You are so polite every time we have a relationship. I'm so embarrassed!"

Jordan's face was full of black lines, who said he wouldn't be so naive before the game! ?

Indeed, this kind of thing is childish for elementary school students, but it is just right for Shay.

Seeing Jordan's blackened look, Shay is very satisfied~
It's been a long time since I teased Danzi, it's really cool to tease him once in a while.

However, Shay's trip to Charlotte wasn't just for the Bobcats.

Molesting Danzi was just a matter of course, and Shay had one more thing to do when he came to Charlotte this time.

The afternoon after the game with the Bobcats, it was discovered that Shai did not return to Los Angeles, but appeared in Davidson College's Ida Jenkins Arena.

Before the game, Shai walked onto the field and chatted with Davidson's No. 30.

That's right, Shay was invited by old Curry today to watch his big game.

In fact, Shay and the Curry family have been very close over the years after retiring.Every summer, Curry Sr. would throw his awe-inspiring big boy into Shay's training facility for a deep remodel.

Therefore, since Shay has already arrived in Charlotte, it is really hard to refuse the invitation.

And Curry grew up in Shay's arms since he was a child, and has witnessed Shay's legendary stories with his own eyes, so he has always admired Shay.

Shay's coming is a great incentive for Curry.

"Dad, ah no, uncle, you finally came to watch my game."

Curry is confident and ready to put on a good show in front of Shay.

His performance this season is quite good. In fact, Curry's scoring ability has been invincible in high school.

After entering university, even compared with the top picks every year, Curry's data is not inferior.



This year, Curry even raised his scoring average to 29.3 points per game!
It is not easy to average 30 points per game in the NCAA.

For comparison, Tyrannosaurus Shafen's data this season is 22.7+14.4+2.3.

Curry's statistics and performance have always been good, but because of his style of play and seemingly calm body, he has always been underestimated.

But it doesn't matter if other people are not optimistic about him, Curry must show it well in front of his father, ah no, uncle.

So before the game, Curry also told Shay: "Today I will kill the Quartet!"

"The game is over. Congratulations to Davidson College for their 78-48 victory over Loyola College! But what surprised me today is that Stephen Curry, the league's leading scorer, didn't score a single point!"

That's right, Curry, who said before the game that he would kill the Quartet, had 0 points, 3 rebounds and 3 assists.

Shay is convinced, you put this tribute to my slider!
It's not all his fault that Curry scored 0 points. The main reason is that the coaching staff of Loyola College resorted to the most fucking nonsense tactic in the history of college basketball-directly sending two people to stare at Curry without the ball from beyond the three-point line. Even if Curry stands still, send two people to defend him, and the remaining three defend four.

So the picture that often appears today is:
Curry stands in the corner during the game, and then the other two immediately run to him and stay still, and then the three look at each other to end the round.Seriously, if they were given a deck of cards, they would be able to fight the landlord on the spot!

In order to restrain his opponents, Curry let his teammates play four-on-three, and he didn't make any deliberate shots today, so in the end, the gods went down to earth and scored 0 points to lead the team to a big victory.

Shay sighed, although this 0 points in a single game is a bit shocking, but this "Ku You Gravity" was already quite scary in college.

After the game, Curry sat upright and waited for reporters to interview him.Because of my restraint, the team won a big victory, praise me!

As a result, the reporters just silently passed the concave Curry and walked straight to Shay on the sidelines.

"Shay, how do you rate Stephen Curry's performance today? How much do you think he resembles his father?"

Shay scratched his head and started a crazy brainstorm, looking for an entry point to blow Curry, but finally found that he couldn't blow at all!
As a scoring leader with 0 points in a single game, I beg you.

Therefore, Xie Yi could only smile and say: "The father and son are quite similar, and they both know how to play basketball."

"So this summer, will the Lakers consider choosing Curry? Or do you come to the game just to confuse other teams, and your draft target is actually Evans or DeRozan?"

Shay was stunned for a moment, what does the Lakers have to do with me if it's not the lottery draft?
We're a serious championship team, okay?

Seeing that Xie Yi was a little confused, the reporter hurriedly reminded:
"Currently, the Blazers' record is 4 wins and 12 losses. There seems to be no chemical reaction between Westbrook and Aldridge.

The Blazers' draft pick was sent to the Lakers in the Randolph deal.

Therefore, you are very likely to get a lottery pick at the end of this season!
So, don't play dumb Shay, you're here to confuse the public, right? "

Xie Yi immediately pretended to be calm: "Who to choose, we will know when the time comes, so stay tuned."

Although he pretended to be calm, Xie Yi was extremely excited in his heart.

That's right, he forgot that the team has a draft pick for the Trail Blazers!
And in this history, the Trail Blazers seemed particularly scumbag because they didn't have Roy.

This is indeed my turtle!
It is estimated that only Ou Shenxian, who has been the third champion in four years, can compete with the turtle.

In other words, while the Lakers are competing for the championship this season, they can also win a lottery pick next season!
And the quality of the 09 draft is not low!
Shay rubbed his hands excitedly. From this point of view, another virtuous circle will start soon!

 Thanks to the big guys like Xianyu Diaofa Mao for the rewards, thank you everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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