After changing careers, I became No.1 in basketball

Chapter 381 380: 2 single chapters 20?The Spurs are really just Shay's personal plaything!

Chapter 381 Chapter 380: 20+ in two single quarters?The Spurs are really just Shay's personal plaything! (Seeking a guaranteed monthly pass)
The Spurs' defense can't do anything about Shay.

Their perimeter defense feels like ultra-thin skin to Shai—it doesn't feel hindered at all!
Shay finally scored his first personal goal today, and this will be the beginning of Shay's conquest of the Holy City!
The game continues and the Spurs chase points.

Parker played a pick-and-roll with Duncan this round, and Finley was blocked by Duncan. Noah didn't dare to press too close because he was afraid of Parker's speed.

The final result is that Parker made a solid jumper from the mid-range and scored another point for the Spurs.

Parker before him, like most penetrating point guards, shot pretty badly.

Not only long-range shots, Parker is not even good at mid-range shots.

Facts: The old miner Kidd made 12% of his free throws in 80 seasons throughout his career, while Parker only made it in two seasons.

This is a guy who didn't even know how to make free throws when he first came into the league.

But this season, Parker has been able to use the mid-range jumper as his regular weapon.

Even Shay, who is hanging on the wall, took a lot of effort to practice shooting.

So, God knows how much sweat and effort Parker put in to practice shooting.

Just like this, Parker still has time to go out to steal food while dealing with his beautiful wife.

Can you imagine the life of a little French sports car?Practice shooting in the training hall until you are exhausted, then have a private meeting with your lover, and then go home and do your homework seriously.

What a hard-working man who worked hard to make a living!
The French, you can surrender, or you can buy it freely for zero yuan.

But you can't be romantic, you can't be in love.

So, a man can't say no.As long as you are determined enough, how difficult is it to fight on multiple fronts?
A man like Parker is simply so inspirational!
Such difficult days have also honed Parker's perseverance.

So even in the face of tough defense, Parker will not back down easily!
To be honest, if Parker wasn't in a team like the Spurs, his personal statistics would definitely be better.

He has become the backbone of the Spurs' attack.

But just like before, it didn't take long for Parker's goal to make the Spurs fans happy, and Shay immediately poured cold water on them!
Mason directly defended Shay this round and started to confront.

But Shay turned sideways to block the opponent with one hand and continued to dribble with the other without any interference.

After gently pushing Mason away, Shay slowly faced the frame, and then suddenly slammed the ball into Mason's crotch!
Mason's eyes tightened, knowing that his innocence was gone.

Xie Yi, you crotch-drilling madman, did you take away the first time, regardless of gender?

The ball went through Mason's crotch, and the Shay slid past Mason's side.

But just when Mason was about to turn around and chase after him, Shay, who had just got the basketball, pulled back and retreated to his original position!

This time, Mason, who started and braked suddenly, fell down directly.Shay used a crotch + retreat to make Mason dance hip-hop on the basketball court.

But Mason, who was daring to fight, did not give up his defense. He immediately got up and rushed towards Shay again.

Shay, on the other hand, suddenly accelerated with a forward thrust when Mason's center of gravity was completely forward.

Mason, who was pounced forward, had to back up, so his center of gravity was thrown into confusion again. As soon as he stood up, he was shaken and sat on the ground again!
Shay's crotch piercing + retreating + rushing up, knocked Mason down twice in one round!

Director Zhang was excited: "Xie, play with him!"

In this way, Shay easily got rid of Mason's defense, and after reaching the penalty area, he scored a throw before Duncan's defense came up.

This shot made the audience exclaim, let alone playing NBA, even NBA players playing streetball may not be able to make such a silky combo.

It's not uncommon for fans to see such a thing as knocking down an opponent twice in a row.

But no matter how many times I see it, I will always be shocked by such a scene.

After scoring the goal, Shay spread his hands and looked at Mason on the ground: "Did you just want to tackle the ball?"

The corner of Mason's mouth twitched. He wanted to retire now.

A simple defensive round allowed him to gather the debuffs of being pierced, knocked down, scored, and humiliated.

It can only be said that Xie Yi is very conscientious, never engages in follow-up consumption, and allows you to experience the ultimate happiness once.

This bout wasn't just handsome, it wasn't just shameful.

Shay actually had an easy shot the first time he knocked Mason down, but he deliberately waited for Mason to get up, and then knocked him down again.

Because Shay wanted to use this offense to tell Popovich and the Spurs fans:

"You Jiebo's defense, I can play with it at will! You can do whatever you want!"

Good NBA, being beaten by Shay into the feeling of an NBA star pretending to be an old man and going to the street court to abuse people.

Good NBA, played by Shay. The feeling of the Chinese team playing table tennis, even walking in the courtyard can abuse you!

Mason wants to apply for exit, coach, why don't you just replace Bowen with Shay?

Regardless of whether Shay's jump shot is Liu Bi, he will always hit the ground!
Do you think Popovich doesn't want to?But Bowen is very smart. He spun ten buckets of ice cream last night, so he pulled it without accident today.

And it's the kind of pull that opens the gate to release water.

How would the cleaners at the ATT center describe it today when they went into the toilet to clean?If Pierce is just white with a little yellow, then Bowen's scene is almost full of golden armor.

In the morning, Bowen became dehydrated and had to go to the hospital for an IV drip to continue his life.Therefore, he can only sit on the bench in a suit and leather shoes at this time.

Bowen didn't dare to entangle with Shay, he didn't want to have the same style of titanium alloy dog ​​eyes as Paul.

I will retire in half a year, why go there with myself.

Therefore, Mason's fantasy is impossible to come true.

Today, he can only bear Xie Yi's impact in silence!
So, in the subsequent games, Popovich could only watch Mason being beaten by Shay.

Shay's scoring is as easy as Nima's in-team training.

In just half a quarter of the game, Shay had scored 10 points.

Popovich is still thinking, Shay can't score 20 points in a single quarter, can he?

As a result, in the 10th minute of the first quarter
Parker missed a free throw, Noah actively grabbed the rebound and gave the ball to his relatives immediately.

Shay advanced quickly with the ball, and when Shay had reached the three-point line in the Spurs' half, Udoka finally arrived and hit Shay hard from the side.

Because Uduka's collision spared no effort, Shay's body was tilted and he was very likely to fall.

Obviously, the Spurs would rather foul now than let Shay score casually.

Popovich wiped his sweat, and the Spurs finally stopped Shay once!
As a result, in the next second, Shay jumped up with both feet off the ground without losing his center of gravity, and then leaned his body in the air and threw the basketball to the basket with one hand.

At the same time, the referee whistled and called Udoka for a foul.What's even more frustrating is that the moment the whistle ended, the basketball also hit the net!
With his body completely tilted by the collision, Shay still scored the ball with one hand and got a 2+1 chance!
Shay was lying on the ground with his hands on his head, as if he was on vacation!
The Spurs commentator Bill Rand and former Spurs star Sean Elliott couldn't help complaining:
"Shay is literally hanging out in an amusement park!"

"Bill, you're blind, wandering around in the amusement park is also very tiring. But Shay, I'm afraid he hasn't even broken a sweat!"

After speaking, Elliott looked up at the big screen.

There are 2 minutes left in the first quarter, but Shay has scored .21 points!
If the penalty is added later, it will be 22 points!
Although he played with the Heat before, Shay once scored 33 points in a single quarter.

But 22 points in a single quarter is also uncomfortable!
And if Shay can score 22 points in a single quarter, wouldn't it be difficult to score 50 points in a single game! ?

Many Spurs fans and the media also found that Shay has a strong desire to score today. He can't really start the 50-point mode, can he?Does this thing come as soon as it is said? ?

Shay stood up with ease and walked to the free throw line.

The Spurs fans were all ashamed, because Shay's scoring in the first quarter was so easy.

He just made unlimited shots from the mid-range, which the Spurs defense couldn't cover, and he shot 20 points in a single quarter!
Under Popovich's desperate eyes, Sheika made a free throw!

With 22 points in a single quarter, the Spurs, who were 7 points behind, suspended the game.

Yes, the Spurs didn't just let Shai score like a knife.

The team is still 7 points behind the Lakers!
Here I have to praise Noah, he did a very good job of restricting Duncan today, and only allowed Duncan to score 4 points in a single quarter.

His smart defense and positive attitude made the Al-Quds fans who originally wanted to see Noah's jokes themselves a joke.

Although Parker scored 12 points in a single quarter vigorously, compared with Shay's 22 points in a single quarter, it seems that he is not that powerful.

After the sixth man Ginobili came up, his efficiency was average.

Demon knife demon knife, he can't demonize until he is in a desperate situation.

From the entire team to the individual, the Spurs were suppressed by Shay!
After the game was suspended, Carlisle also temporarily replaced Shay in the last 2 minutes of the first quarter.

In the end, the Spurs ended the first quarter with a slight 3-point disadvantage.

In the second quarter, Popovich changed his strategy again.

He felt that he had to continue to attack Xie Yi!
Others' open shots may not be as accurate as Shay's mid-range shots.

But Popovich underestimated the state of the Lakers' role players today, especially Noah.

Open shots from role players like Finley and Barnes do miss, but
"Joakim Noah, he got another offensive rebound!
God, who's going to stop this bum!

He bought everything in the restricted area for zero yuan! "

A homeless man, a zero-yuan buyer, and Noah is a dual citizen of Ugly and French.It can only be said that Noah's performance today is very in line with the conditions of the two countries!

Noah grabbed another offensive rebound, which was already his fourth offensive rebound of the quarter.

Although Noah is not known for his athletic ability, he is also better than the soap-level bounce of Bonner and Duncan.

Moreover, Noah really seemed to have taken a banned drug today, and he was active in grabbing rebounds.

When Shay offered to live in the same room with Noah last night, Carlisle was still curious about how Shay would motivate Noah so that he would not be nervous when he faced an opponent of Duncan's level in his first start.

As a result, Noah really flexed his muscles in front of Duncan today, and he was not afraid of the number one forward in history!

Shay how on earth did he do it?
Uduka: It must be a sex trade!
After Noah grabbed the rebound, he returned the ball to Barnes again.

Barnes didn't waste his second chance either, he pierced Yang with a hundred steps and passed the net with a three-pointer!

Relying on the second offense, even though Shay was double-teamed in the second quarter, the Lakers still played very efficiently!

I thought it was too much for Noah to grab so many offensive rebounds, but unexpectedly, he even played high-post singles!
In the 4th minute of the second quarter, because Duncan helped defend Shay, Bonner switched to Noah.

So Noah, who was already playing high, didn't continue to pass the ball, but started to face the frame luck, ready to single-handedly hit Bonner!

Bonner is also angry, you guys who use [-]-style free throws, you still want to single-handedly hit me?
Do you really think that Bonner is just a display? ?
Today, I want to see what you can do!
Bonner then opened his arms, lifted his trouser legs, and his defensive position was biased to the right of Noah.

Because for most rough guys, they can only dribble with their right hand.

Noah has indeed been dribbling with his right hand, but after making a fake change of direction, Noah immediately switched the ball to his left hand, and then smoothly broke through Bonner with his left hand!

Bonner turned his head to look at Noah, who was dribbling extremely smoothly, and gasped: "Hey, there are really two brushes!"

Noah's rigid dribble breaks through smoothly, and his funny dribble moves are a bit handsome. You can believe that this is Azhan with long hair and Xie Yi!
How did this guy do it, his movements are so uncoordinated and so stiff, yet he can still excel!

After passing Bonner, Noah faced Duncan who came up from the supplementary defense and scored the ball with a close-range throw.

At that moment, both the Lakers fans and the Spurs fans were silent.

The Lakers fans themselves don't know that their home team has such a powerful guy hidden.

Normally, when Noah's substitute time came up, he didn't have any outstanding performances, did he?

Sure enough, a good leader can really make teammates outstanding!

Noah: Especially the leader of a modeling agency, that's so inspiring!
Spurs fans, on the other hand, have a feeling of being pierced by thousands of arrows. It’s okay if Shay can score in unlimited singles. After all, he is ranked fourth in MVP. It has never been low.

Noah can show a wave of singles on our heads, what is the situation! ?
It's true that people and ghosts are all on show, only the Spurs are being beaten!
The original intention of Popovich to continue to empty the role players in the second quarter was that they would definitely not be able to play too efficient offense.

As a result, now even Noah is on the show!

After Noah scored, he brushed his hair back, pinned it behind his ear, and then winked at the 18-year-old Ribeiro in the stands.

And this scene happened to be seen by Shay.


"What's wrong with you, uncle? Why are you making such a strange sound?"

"It's nothing, it's just that I saw something I shouldn't have seen, and it's a bit disgusting. It's a good fight, but next time, don't pull your hair again."

Shay is convinced, how did Noah manage to combine greasy, curious and scary in one?What is the difference between people like you and those who stay at home and write novels?How can you have a supermodel girlfriend!
But Ribeiro was very happy watching, and responded to Noah's air kiss.

Hey, Shay can't be said to be completely irresponsible for letting the child go astray in terms of aesthetics.

Although Noah's celebration was disgusting, his outstanding performance today shattered Popovich's trick again.

Can grab offensive rebounds and occasionally single-handle Bonner.

The Spurs' plan was officially declared a failure!

In this way, the Spurs only lost by 3 points at the end of the first quarter, but after the second quarter, the Spurs fell behind by 13 points!

Damn, double-teaming Xie Yi will die faster than not double-teaming Xie Yi!
The role players of the Lakers are really daring to enter if you really give them a chance today.

Never be more polite with Popovich.

However, what was a little more successful was that in the second quarter, Shay only scored 7 points because he kept passing the ball in double-teams. His personal score was far less exaggerated than in the first quarter.

After halftime, Shay scored 29 points, still some distance away from 50 points.

Popovich then decided
Keep pinching Shay!

Although the Lakers team was very accurate in the second quarter, in the second half, he felt that the efficiency of the Lakers' role players would definitely decline.

The difference of 13 points is neither small nor big, and there is still hope of recovering.

Popovich would rather bet on others being wrong than let Shai go again.

And in this way, Shay can't easily score points.

Even if he can't win the game, it can still make Shay slap himself for saying "turn on the 50-point mode."

In the first few possessions of the second half, Popovich really got the effect he wanted.

The shooting percentages of Barnes and Finley fluctuated, and they hit the iron continuously.

At this time, Noah decided to continue to stand up and help the team!
Don't ask, the question is that Ribeiro is still wearing Hey silk today, and Noah must play like a mousse!

In view of the fact that he singled out Bonner twice before, Noah saw Shay being double-teamed this time, and went directly to the outside of the three-point line to catch the ball.

Shay also thought that Noah was here to help him.

He must have come to help with the ball, so he passed the ball unsuspectingly.

As a result, after taking the ball, Noah waved his hand: "Stand farther away, I'm going to pretend to beep!"

Noah actually wants to single out Duncan from beyond the three-point line!
What's more, the first action Noah made after he decided to go heads-up, surprised the two of them.

When others receive the ball from beyond the three-point line, they all do three-threat moves to shake the opponent's center of gravity.

But Noah, like Hanamichi Akagi who met Akagi Haruko for the first time in the basketball gym, was circling between his legs with a basketball, trying to confuse Duncan's center of gravity in this way!

Duncan felt that his IQ was insulted!
Xie Yi is also convinced, why don't you pretend to step forward with your feet and trample on it like a war?What is going on around the ball between the legs! ?
But Noah still thinks he's handsome and enjoys it.

Going around, Noah suddenly started to the left of Duncan.

However, he may have already fainted himself, so he was blown away as soon as he started.

Sure enough, there is Hesi on the sidelines, playing like a mousse!

This sentence is not the least bit false!
Noah's ball even made the scene burst into laughter.

The French comedy master from New York brought you a wonderful performance.

"Shaolin Women's Football" does not have Noah as the protagonist Shay.

Noah also knew that he was too excited, so he smiled apologetically.

Under Noah's astonishing singles performance, the ball returned to the Spurs.

At this time, because the Spurs were only 10 points behind, Popovich suspended the game, and he was about to chase the score back.

And Carlisle also took this opportunity to rearrange the team's offense.

Although there were some mistakes in the first few rounds of the second half, although Noah exposed his IQ flaws.

But Carlisle felt the situation was still under control.

Popovich doesn't think that with the double-teaming of these stinky fish and rotten shrimps from the outside of the Spurs, he can completely contain Shai?
Seriously, with the Spurs' current level of perimeter defense, Shay can play 10!
Carlisle scribbled on the tactical board and reorganized Shay's strategy.

Then tell Shay:

"Fire as much as you want in the third quarter, I don't want to play the fourth quarter with the Spurs again."

Shay looked at the newly drawn tactics and Carlisle's request, and raised the corners of his mouth:

"Get ready to leave work early, Rick!"

Back from the timeout, the Spurs replaced Udoka with Ginobili early in order to chase points.

In this way, the Spurs' strongest outside confrontation ability is gone.

Parker + Ginobili + Mason, it is no exaggeration to say that this can completely compete for the worst perimeter defensive lineup in the league.

Ginobili's first goal after coming up also played very well. He broke through Shay with his iconic snake shape, hit the Lakers' vital point, scored a layup, and narrowed the point difference to 8 points, single digits!
Popovich laughed happily, thinking that he had got the script of "half-court reversal".

As long as they can defend a few more Lakers, relying on the dual firepower of Ginobili + Parker, the Spurs will definitely be able to turn around!

On the next defensive end, the Spurs wanted to continue to flank Shay.

But Shay is no longer holding the ball!
This made the Spurs team have a difficult time. If Shay doesn't hold the ball, will he continue to pinch?

Before the Spurs could react, Noah mentioned the high position again and received the basketball.

This scene is even more incomprehensible to the Spurs. Noah just made a ridiculous move.

The Lakers still let him hold the ball?
Noah suddenly started today, and he can still hold the ball. I am afraid that Carlisle and Shay's murder was not seen by Noah. In order to keep Noah from talking, the Lakers are so kind to him today! ?
Just when everyone was astonished, Noah had already started to act.

He put away that gaze that looked like a sand sculpture, leaving only pure ugliness.

After being overjoyed just now, Noah has calmed down again.

So this time holding the ball, he didn't continue to circle his legs for three threats, but took a step towards Duncan's left hand, and then immediately changed hands and changed directions under his crotch.Just when everyone thought that Noah was going to work hard again, he hit the ground and gave the ball to Shay through the gap!

When Noah was dribbling just now, Shay had already cut in with the ball.

And Noah has been observing Shay's running position, and used the coping ability he has been practicing hard in the actual game!

The pass was very timely, and the ball was sent in at the exact moment Shay cut in.

At this time, only one Bonner was guarding the Spurs penalty area.In front of Xie Yi who was sprinting at full speed, this little obstruction was worthless!
So Shay took two big steps and directly dunked with both hands, extending the point difference to double digits!
After the goal, Shay high-fived Noah: "Nice job."

"It's all uncle, you taught me well!"

The cooperation of Shay and Noah made Popovich impossible.

He can understand Shay playing without the ball, but what's the matter with giving the ball to the NOAA organization?
Just now Noah dribbled the ball from the outside and changed his crotch to a feint breakthrough, but suddenly hit the ground and passed the ball, which is completely a point guard's style of play!
Noah: I'm really an insider!

Wait, what hidden skills does that guy not show! ?

Because of Shay's early development, Noah's current coping ability is already at a certain level.

At least better than [-]% of the centers in the league.

Therefore, Carlisle's new strategy in the third quarter is to use Noah as the command tower, and Shay changes from holding the ball to cutting without the ball, and the two turn to pass and cut.

He wants to see how the Spurs can flank Shay in this situation!

The Spurs were caught off guard, and to make matters worse, Manu Ginobili made a mistake on the next attack.

This time Ginobili saw Parker cutting in from beyond the three-point line, so he planned to pass a long-range hit to the ground.As we all know, Manu's favorite is this kind of tightrope-walking difficult pass.

Either five best or five embarrassing, ordinary passing is not worthy of his temperament.

But before the ball was passed, it was destroyed by Shay's swift hand.

The basketball hit Shay's palm and bounced out of bounds.

However, the ball still belongs to the Spurs.

Popovich thought the accident was over, but in fact, the real moment of cerebral thrombosis had just begun.

After the ball went out of bounds, Ginobili volunteered to serve the sideline.

Shai turned his back to Manu Ginobili on the sideline, faced the court, and began to direct the defense.

Seeing this situation, Ginobili thought of the trick he saw Shay use on TV back then, hitting the ball on the back of the defender and bouncing it back, and then rushed into the field to catch the basketball and directly attack the frame!
This is called applying what you have learned, and Manu has long wanted to try this kind of coquettish operation.

The referee blows the whistle and gives the ball to Manu.Yaodao also immediately threw the ball at Xie Yi, executing the plan in his own mind, preparing to kill Xie Yi by surprise.

But Shay reflexively turned to face the server the moment the referee blew his whistle.

But as soon as he turned around, Shay saw the basketball fly in front of him!

This is going to be an ordinary player, even if they see it, they probably won't have time to react in such a short time.

But Shay is known for his quick steals, so the moment he saw the basketball, he immediately started to hold the ball firmly and complete the steal!

Ginobili wanted to imitate Shay's sideline ball and hit his back for a sneak attack, but in the end he smashed the ball directly into the opponent's arms!
Popovich slumped to the bench.

He has a heart attack!

You just need to pass the ball well, but you have to be a bit of a showman!

Ginobili himself is quite speechless, some things are really easy to understand at first glance, but once you learn them, you can lose them!
After the steal, Shay counterattacked directly, drove straight into a fast break, and brought the point difference back to 12 points.

Moreover, Shay's personal score has also reached 33 points.

It seems that there is a trend towards 50 points again.

Popovich really wants to send Ginobili back to South America to grow cocoa beans, because this is not the first time Ginobili has made mistakes that he shouldn't have made today.

However, this is undoubtedly the most outrageous mistake among them!
Ginobili's style of play is like this, and sometimes he will make some incredible decisions.

Shay still remembers the Spurs VS Warriors G13 in the 1 playoffs.

At the critical moment, the Spurs clearly led by 2 points, but Ginobili did not press the time, but unimaginably made an ultra-long-range three-pointer, and then the Warriors seized the opportunity to fight back to tie the score.

At that time, Popovich probably wanted to call Bowen back to punish Ginobili.

But in the next round, Ginobili turned his head and made a three-pointer to end the game.

There is a feeling of "Let me alone at a critical moment, it doesn't matter, I can kill you".

This also made Popovich say the classic phrase "I wanted to trade him one second, but I just want to make breakfast for him the next second" after the game.

And this is probably Popovich's truest feeling about Ginobili.

He must have a love-hate relationship with this Argentine. Ginobili can put you in hell one second and lift you to heaven the next.

But precisely because Ginobili can seamlessly switch between Jordan and Jordan Poole at any time, Ginobili is the only one in the Spurs who can play out of the rules.

People say that if the Spurs have 1000 tactics on their board, Ginobili is the 1001st.

So, Popovich still tried to calm down.

It's okay, it's okay, Ginobili often does this, don't be angry, don't be angry.

Next round, that damn Argentine will definitely surprise me!
Then, the surprise really came.

When Ginobili was ready to attack with the ball this time, he called Duncan to make a screen for himself.

It is really difficult for him alone to handle Shay's defense.

Don't look at Ginobili breaking through Shai once in the third quarter, but in fact, under Shai's defense today, his overall efficiency is very average, and it can even be said to be terrible.

So this time, Ginobili called a pick-and-roll to play a support.

But Shay is ready to go around the pick-and-roll, and Ginobili knows how good Shay is at guarding the pick-and-roll.

So, the Argentine decided to find another way.

At the moment of physical contact with Shay, Ginobili was directly knocked into the air by a magical force.

Seeing this situation, Shay hurriedly sat down on the floor.

Both of them were bounced away, leaving only Duncan standing in a daze in the pick-and-roll.I can't understand your high-end game!

The referee was speechless and did not respond.

Can he not see that both Ginobili and Shay are playing?
Seeing that the referee was indifferent, Barnes immediately rushed to catch the ball, and then passed it to Finley.

Ginobili's showmanship allowed the Lakers to get the ball again!

Popovich covered his chest, it turned out that this was a surprise! ?

He immediately sent a text message to his wife:
"There is a revolver in the second drawer of the bedside table, and the bullets are in the kitchen cabinet. There are six rounds in total, and they are ready to be placed on the coffee table at home waiting for me to come back!"

He will fight to the death with Ginobili today!

Ginobili didn't expect that Shay would treat him in his own way.

Xie Yi doesn't usually flop, where did he get this bad habit!
Shay does not usually flop, but sometimes, only magic can beat magic.

Fortunately, the Spurs returned to defense in time, so that the Lakers did not easily fight back again.

But even if dragged into the position, the Spurs still have no way to defend Shay.

The Lakers still let Noah hold the ball as the axis, and then Shay went to run.

It is the most inconvenient to use flanking to defend against no ball.

Sure enough, after Shay cut to the basket, he ran back and left Mason, and ran beyond the three-point line to receive a pass from Noah and shoot directly.

Everyone looked at the basketball in despair, wishing that there would be a sudden gust of wind in the basketball hall that would deflect the basketball's flight path.

However, the connection between Shay and Noah succeeded again!
The three-pointer went into the net, Shay scored 36 points, and the Lakers led by 15 points!
At this point, the third quarter has just begun.And Shay is only 50 points away from the goal of 14 points!

From the current point of view, Noah is the command tower, and Shay plays off-ball tactics. The Lakers have executed quite successfully!
Xie Yi, who has been silent for a while, is about to wake up again!

Sure enough, after that, the Spurs' defense was penetrated again by Shay. The cooperation between Noah and Shay made the fans hooked.

Although Noah can't form a direct assist for every goal, although he also made several mistakes.

But he did get the Lakers offense going.

This little rookie who was useless last season, after training according to the direction given by Shay this season, is actually on the right track.

And Shay's personal score is also rising wildly. As long as the Spurs can't choose Leonard, they will be completely helpless against a scorer like Shay!

The game came to the last moment of this section in the rhythm of "Shay scored infinitely, Popovich timed out, Shay came back and continued to score infinitely, Popovich then paused again".

In the last 1 minute and 04 seconds of the third quarter, the Spurs have fallen behind the Lakers by 18 points!
Thanks to Parker, he has scored 27 points and 6 assists in three quarters so far today.

Although Duncan was miserable by the two young men, Noah and Birdman, he also scored 12 points.

Parker and Duncan tried their best, but Ginobili jumped back directly!

He played today with 4 points, 4 assists and 4 turnovers. Manu is still the best sixth man, but the best sixth man on the Lakers side.

From the current point of view, there seems to be no star who is seriously defended by Shay without overturning.

But Ginobili's poor performance is not the main reason why the Spurs are so far behind. The main reason why the Spurs are so far behind is that Shay really turned on the 50+ mode!

So far in the third quarter, Shay has scored 19 points in a single quarter!The audience has scored 48 points!
He was one goal short of ending the game early!

Fans all over San Antonio lost face at this time and wanted to leave early.

I also said that Shay can't score 50 points, but Shay will score 50 points in three quarters!

What a joke!

Popovich, what about those liu beeps you played?Didn't you say Shay must die?

How did Popovich know that the Lakers' role players could be so accurate today? How did Popovich know that a long-haired elder sister who could support and defend suddenly appeared on the Lakers.

Most importantly, how did he know that Shay's attack power could be so terrifying.

The last time Shay scored 50+ in a single game was in the 2000 Sydney Olympics.As a result, this time, it fell on the Spurs!
At this time, it happened to be the Lakers' possession of the ball.

But this time, Shay did not hand the ball to Noah, but held the ball himself!

The 50th point, Shay must win it himself!

Seeing this situation, the Spurs quickly double-teamed, trying to force Shay to pass the ball.

But it was useless, Shay passed Mason by changing direction in front of others before the others came up.

He knocked Mason down twice before, not because Shay couldn't get past him, but because Shay wanted to knock him down.

In fact, it was very simple for Shay to get past Mason—just press the accelerator button and rush forward.

The only outsiders on the Spurs who can confront Shay are Bowen and Udoka, but both of them are sitting off the court at this time.

Shay squeezed Mason away and went straight to the inside, and the Spurs' defense shrank instantly.

But Shay didn't stop and didn't take the opportunity to pass the ball.

From the moment he decided to play alone with the ball, he has already deducted the passing key in his heart.

Under the contraction of the Spurs team, Shay jumped up to meet Duncan who raised his arms high, and then turned around in the air using the strength of his waist and abdomen!
Shay turned around in the air, surrounded by Spurs players, it was as if he was dancing in the enemy formation!And this turn in the air just happened to allow Shay to avoid the interference of a bunch of arms, and then turned 360° and then went up the ball!
Under the shrinking defense of the Spurs team, Shay turned 360 degrees in the air and scored a layup.This picture is the most dreamy, beautiful enough, and famous enough to go down in history!
"Goal scored, Shay's 21st point in a single quarter! At the same time, it was also the 50th point of the game! And, the point difference was widened to 20!

50 points in three quarters!
Shay really started his own 50+ mode, and he did what he said!In the case of the team lacking three main starting players, they clocked out of get off work in three quarters and completely abused the third Spurs in the Western Conference!
God, have you seen how explosive Shai's scoring is?

The last time he scored 20+ points in a single quarter, it will be traced back to the first quarter of this game!
This is Shay, this is the god of basketball!
20+ in a single quarter twice in one game, so the 50-point mode is easy for him! "

The ATT center was silent, and this game was indeed too cruel for Spurs fans.

Winning the game and stopping Shai from 50+, the Spurs missed the same goal!

Not only did Shay win, he put on a great show at the ATT Center!

As for Shay, he didn't celebrate after scoring the goal, but directed at the stands of the ATT Center, shouted with a voice that could be heard in the audience: "It's high noon!"

Literally, at noon.

This sentence itself has no special meaning, but it makes all Spurs fans and Spurs players look very ugly.

Because this is a Texas proverb, its real meaning is: "I really mean it!"

Indeed, Shay was serious.

The first 2000+ in a single game after Sydney in 50, and it was 50+ in three quarters, was born at the ATT Center.

At this time, the Spurs on-site commentator Bill Rand sighed, and then based on what Popovich said in an interview before, he summed up a sentence:
"Once again, the Spurs were the backdrop for Shai's greatness.

Although coach Popovich strongly vetoed it, sometimes you have to admit that the San Antonio Spurs are really just Shay's personal plaything! "

 Thanks to Wuxin Carrot and other big guys for their rewards, thank you everyone!Continuing with the two-in-one chapter today, the [-]D update will be presented directly!With an old conscience, kneel down and beg for a guaranteed monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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