After changing careers, I became No.1 in basketball

Chapter 390 389: He is not DPOY, he is the strongest defensive player in history!

Chapter 390 389: He is not DPOY, he is the strongest defensive player in history!
Shay picked the melon with one hand and easily intercepted Turkoglu's pass to Howard.

It would be fine if Shai made the steal in the passing lane, but Shay completed the steal in front of Turkoglu, the moment he passed the ball.

This simply shocked Turkoglu, who had only seen Shai complete such a steal on the highlights before.Well now, I have experienced it for myself.

The Magic's best and safest tactic was destroyed by Shay the first time it was executed.

Before the game started, many people felt that Shay would be at a disadvantage in this game.

After all, it is difficult for Shay to restrain Howard who is rushing up, but Howard can defend Shay.

Many people feel that Howard will have the last laugh in this DPOY battle.

But they all got one thing wrong -- Shai didn't need to guard Howard himself.

Howard, as a player without too much autonomous offensive ability, it is actually difficult for him to make a difference on the offensive end alone.

The real core of the Magic on the offensive end is actually Turkoglu.

Without Turkoglu's feeding and organization, Howard couldn't make waves at all.

So, as long as Turkoglu is restricted, Howard can be restricted!
Shay tackles the problem straight at the source!

Turkoglu tried to calm himself down, then shook his head and began to comfort himself:
"Just now, it must be just that I was not prepared enough!

Shay came out of nowhere, and I was a little too anxious, the pass was too obvious.

Next, as long as you proceed carefully, it will not be a problem to penetrate Shay's defense! "

After all, Turkoglu is invincible in the world this season by relying on the pick-and-roll trick with Howard.

Turkoglu still didn't believe that Shay was able to defend himself twice in a row.

I have a turkey with two knives. I used two knives to chop from Saigon Street to Gongsi Square Street. What storms have I never seen?You want to bluff me by picking melons with one hand?

It can only be said that people will always want to find excuses after failure.

For example, I drank too much alcohol today so I can't cope.

After Turkoglu attacked this time, even his eyes changed.

His eyes are sharp, as if he has planned countless passing routes.

He lowered his center of gravity, as if he would speed past Howard at any moment.

He is ready to go, and he is going to help the Magic win the Lakers!
Howard's pick-and-roll is in place, and Turkoglu accelerates immediately.

Don't underestimate our combination, bastard!
We are also very powerful!
Turkoglu made a breakthrough with the dribble, and then in a burning mood. Turkoglu didn't even go around the pick-and-roll this time, and was cut off by Shay's shot the moment it started.

As soon as the double-knife turkey hit the ball, the basketball was quickly snatched away by Shay. Shay didn't even need to go around the pick-and-roll, and grabbed the ball again lightly.

Turkoglu's mentality collapsed!
This time I was so serious, my emotions burned up, but I was cut off after just one move! ?

Shai made his second steal in a row, and point forward Turkoglu was in front of Shai like a basketball beginner who couldn't even handle the ball!
Van Gundy also gritted his teeth. Although he knew that Shay was the four-time steals leader, Turkoglu was too miserable to be defended.

Can't even hold the ball!

Shay sprinted down again after the steal, but Howard followed closely, trying to chase and cover.

But after Shay jumped up, he seemed to have eyes in the back of his head, changed hands with a lever to avoid Howard, and scored an easy layup.

After the opening game, Shay has defended the Magic for three offenses and made two steals!
Turkoglu felt that he had encountered a robber, and Shay didn't talk nonsense with you at all, and immediately robbed him when he met him.

Shay fought back, rubbed his hands, stepped back easily, and then raised his arms high to block the three-point line.

Lowering the center of gravity, staring at the turkey, waiting for his prey.

Turkoglu swallowed, and he suddenly understood that it was not a matter of seriousness or not.

Damn, the strength gap between the two sides is huge!
It has to be said that the ability of the two-knife turkey to judge the situation is still very strong.

The gap between the two sides is indeed very large. After the first quarter, Turkoglu didn't know how to explain it in words.

He only sent 1 assist in a single quarter, but made 4 turnovers!
And the 4 turnovers were all intercepted by Shay!
One of the most outrageous times, Turkoglu was interrupted before halftime!
At that time, after Howard issued the baseline ball, Turkoglu slowly moved forward as usual.

But as he walked, Turkoglu noticed something was wrong.

Why did the Lakers only have four people defending in the half?Wait, where's Shay! ?
Just as Turkoglu was thinking, suddenly someone reached out from behind him and broke the ball!

And this person is Shay!
It turned out that Shay deliberately stood in the other corner when the Magic sent the baseline ball.

Under normal circumstances, defensive players will not stand in that position.And that's the position of the Lakers' bench, so Shai and the bench are directly integrated.

This made Howard and Turkoglu not aware of any abnormalities, and drove the ball out without warning.

After Turkoglu dribbled and walked up, Shay made a sudden attack, approached from behind, and reached out to complete the steal!

This kind of sixth behavior caught Turkoglu by surprise.

The magicians who explained on the spot shook their heads: "Sometimes, you really have to admire the wisdom of the Chinese working people!"

Throughout the quarter, the double-knife turkey was either being robbed or on the way to being robbed.

Because of Shay's existence, the cooperation between him and Howard couldn't be played at all.Warcraft held back all its strength, but there was no chance to charge.

Shay, the NBA will stop it!
Thanks to the old Lakers player Lewis and the top player Courtney Lee, he had a good three-pointer today, so after the first quarter, the Magic only fell behind by 6 points when Howard and Turkoglu did not do much. .

Turkoglu had 4 turnovers and 1 assist in the first quarter. Howard sent 2 blocks in the first quarter, but only scored 3 points.

Also missed a free throw.

Originally, Howard also said before the game that Turkoglu did not have to go to the baseline to pick up the ball all the time today.

The fact is that Turkoglu has been picking up the ball and never stopped!
Dribbled the ball halfway, was cut off, and ran back to pick up the ball.

Dribbled the ball halfway, was cut off again, and then ran back to pick up the ball.

I kept running back and forth, and playing basketball felt like playing "Journey to the West".

There is no doubt that Shai's presence has allowed the Magic's most stable offensive method to be contained.

The attack of Warcraft was unable to start for a while.

If only relying on three-pointers, although the Magic relied on three-pointers in the first quarter to close the point difference.

But if the Magic's three-pointer suddenly pulls up in a certain quarter, they will be helpless.

So in the second quarter, Van Gundy decided to let Nelson hold the ball.

It's up to him to play the pick-and-roll with Howard.

In this way, Xie Yi should not be able to make trouble anymore, right?
Sure enough, on the first attack of the second quarter, the two-knife turkey no longer held the ball.

Nelson and Howard went straight into the penalty area after the pick-and-roll. Facing Birdman's defense change, he directly hooked the ball in the air and passed an alley-oop.

But if the ball is passed, it is very careless.The basketball is passed too high and too far from the basket.

This season, fans have basically had this consensus: You never know how bad Nelson's lobs can be.

This is why Nelson prefers to let Turkoglu take control, because the double-knife turkey's pass is indeed more stable.

But Nelson didn't care much about the quality of his passing.

It doesn't matter, no matter how I throw it, Warcraft will always make a move.

Nelson's alley-oop, there is no need to consider any problems at all.

There is no need to think about heights, angles, and distances.

Just throw the ball in the air.

Anyway, no matter how you throw it, Howard can catch it and complete the dunk.

Assist Howard, but anyone with hands can do it.

No, Nelson's lob throw was as bad as ever.

He threw it too far and too high from the basket, and it even landed on top of Roy's head!

Roy also jumped up immediately, ready to steal the ball.

Seeing that the Lakers were about to steal the ball again, but when Roy's fingers were about to touch the basketball, a beast had already appeared from behind him.

The number 12 of the Magic team seemed to be wearing a jetpack, going straight up and down, overtaking Roy in the air, and reaching out with both hands to pick off the basketball from the top of Roy's head.And, without waiting for the landing, he directly smashed the dunk with both hands through Roy, and made an alley-oop dunk, turning this poor pass into an assist!
This is the pinnacle of Howard, even if Nelson throws the ball over the opponent's head, he can also get an assist!
The magicians were taken aback. It is estimated that only Howard in the league can eat the cakes fed by Nelson.Even if it was replaced by Azhan, this goal might not be able to be dunked.

The pass was high and far, with a defender in between.Just like that, he even got an assist.

Just have your hands!

After landing, Howard shook his fist vigorously.

With Turkoglu restricted by Shay in the first quarter, this is Howard's smoothest attack so far in the game.

With that punch he swung, he vented all his grievances!
Finally feel proud!
Nelson and Howard's pick-and-roll initially paid off, and Howard became excited, so in the next quarter, he played very brutally.

After the Magic retreated back, Shay found Birdman with a single hit while being defended by Howard.

After taking the ball, Birdman took two big steps and went straight down for a dunk.

Birdman had already taken off, but was slapped to the ground from behind by the chasing monster!
In fact, Howard's defensive position that does not go up or down is a taboo for centers.This kind of position, the outside line, can't be blocked outside the three-point line, and the inside line is very likely to be stolen.

But Howard used his almost perverted mobility to turn a poor defensive position into a defensive position that takes both inside and outside.

It is indeed difficult for Shay to compete with him for DPOY. It is not an exaggeration to say that even if all the DPOYs in history are ranked, the peak Howard can also be ranked in the top tier.

DPOY among DPOYs!

Howard dunked and blocked a block, as if he was about to lead the Magic to a momentum.

On the subsequent defense, Randolph could no longer ignore Howard.

When Howard rolled down another pick-and-roll, Randolph released Lewis and went to the basket early for help.

Moreover, Randolph's position is still relatively far from the basket.In this way, he is not afraid of being dunked directly by Howard.

But Howard is not stupid. Seeing Randolph defending, Howard pushed with one hand and gave the ball to Lewis outside the three-point line.

Lewis got an open long shot!

Randolph cursed secretly, he had no time to make up for it, and could only watch Lewis shoot the ball

However, what is surprising is that Lewis's wide-open three-pointer finally knocked out of the box!

Randolph had no time to be funny, and immediately took a step towards the basket, then turned around and stuck Howard, ready to protect the rebound.

But then, before Randolph had time to take off, he was firmly pressed down by the huge weight and nailed to the ground.

With Randolph stuck behind him, Howard took off on the spot and grabbed the basketball with one hand in the air, and then succeeded in dunking!
This guy is completely a combination of birds and beasts!

It is the most advanced anti-gravity device in human history!

Howard's operation in the second quarter allowed the Magic to catch up with only 2 points!

Van Gundy on the bench also smiled. No matter how strong Shay's defense is, there is nothing he can do now, right?
Turkoglu is not the only one in our team who can play pick-and-roll with Howard!
Carlisle paused the game immediately before the Magic got going.

The point difference was recovered to 2 points so quickly, which was somewhat beyond Carlisle's expectations.

I have to say that although Nelson is not a good point guard in the traditional sense, but no matter how badly he passes, Howard can still score.

And when Howard starts to have an offensive threat, he will contain the defense and let the Magic get opportunities from the outside.

Although Lewis missed an open three-pointer just now, the opportunity has come. How many times do you dare to bet on his open shots?
Let Shai guard Nelson and continue to curb their pick-and-roll?
No, there is none.If Shai goes to guard Nelson, Turkoglu will come back again.

Thinking about it, Carlisle thought
The key to solving the problem at this stage is not Nelson and Turkoglu, but the old Lakers Lewis!

Lewis helped Howard empty the penalty area. With Howard's physical fitness, he can kill randomly as long as he cuts in.

But if there is one person who can fill the penalty area and immediately defend in front of Lewis, then no matter how good the Magic's pick-and-roll is, it won't matter.Because Howard has no offensive skills, so as long as someone interferes with the basket at any time, he will play very hard.

So, Carlisle changed the lineup.

He pushed his DPOY to the forefront of resisting the opponent's attack again!

The game is back, and the Lakers have changed.

Now the five-man team on the field is Roy, Barnes, Wallace, Shay and Birdman.

Randolph, who had just been dunked by another person, sat on the bench.

This time, the Lakers played nothing special. Shay's mid-range jumper after the pick-and-roll was struck by Howard's timely supplementary defense.

It seems that the pause just now did not seem to be able to wipe out the momentum of the Magic.

The Magic counterattacked, and Nelson continued to play the pick-and-roll with Howard, and it was the familiar pick-and-roll and then went down to catch the ball.

But this time, when Howard got the basketball and was about to hit the rim, he saw Shay standing in front of him waiting!

Howard was heartbroken, ready to force him directly.

It's not a problem for me to be a beast if I buckle up with Xie Yi?

Howard continued to accelerate towards Shay, who stood under the basket, trying to stay calm.

Seeing Howard, a beast like this, rushing towards him, the feeling of oppression is not a joke.

If you don't pay attention, you will become the background board of his crotch, and even be smashed to pieces.

Lakers fans are both excited and fearful.

Excited because this is the first time Shay and Howard have faced each other today.

The fear is because the fans are worried that Shay will be dunked by Howard.

Howard has caused a lot of dunk tragedies this season.

Howard approached quickly, and Shay's heartbeat actually accelerated.

Although Shay has a badge that increases the speed of bullets when blocking shots, but one thing to say, it is simply unrealistic to block Howard who has already rushed forward.

Howard had taken three steps, but Shay still didn't move.He didn't hide or jump up to try to block the shot, he just stood in front of Howard.

Carlisle stood up, Shay, what does he want to do?
Looking at the monster that was getting closer and closer to him, Xie Yi kept saying "hold on, hold on, hold on..." in his heart.

Then, when Howard took off with one foot and was about to take off into the air, Shay suddenly reached out!

Howard hit Shay hard, knocking Shay off the baseline.

But Howard failed to complete the dunk because he didn't have the ball in his hand!
Just now, at the moment Howard rushed towards him and jumped up, Shay made a quick move, and took the opportunity to cut the ball at the critical moment!
So, although Howard jumped up and knocked Shay down in the end, there was no way to end it!

Howard himself fell to the ground after losing his center of gravity after hitting Shay.

Birdman, who was chasing at the side, picked up the basketball in a hurry and held the ball firmly.

Although the ball was picked by Birdman, but because the ball was cut by Shay, it was considered a steal by Shay!
Carlisle wiped the sweat from his forehead, Shay is so brave!

Just now, if Shay was half a beat late, he might be directly buckled by Howard.

Shay was able to take his time in that situation and cut the ball with precision.

This is called a master of defense!
The magician also broke out in a cold sweat:
"Oh my God, what a close call!
Shay is so bold!
I have never seen anyone dare to defend Howard like this!

If it were someone else, it would be impossible to stick to the basket so calmly and wait for the opportunity to cut the ball!

Some people say that Shay can't defend Howard alone?
Doesn't this prevent it?
In the first head-to-head confrontation between DPOY No. [-] and No. [-], Shay successfully won! "

When Shay stood up, Gerald Wallace had already counterattacked and dunked.

Without Howard, the Magic's defense around the basket is useless, and it is at the mercy of Meow.

Shay glanced at Howard, who had just gotten up beside him, and shrugged:

"I'm sorry, I don't have the habit of serving from the bottom line, you guys should serve it!"

Howard gritted his teeth, his face full of displeasure.

Although after this ball, the Lakers only led by 4 points.

But this cut and counterattack undoubtedly suppressed the Magic's momentum.

At this time, Van Gundy knew the meaning of the Lakers' change.

Carlisle used Shai at the [-]th position to take advantage of Shai's mobility while worrying about Howard and Lewis.

But Van Gundy really doesn't believe it. With Shay, can he also contain the top two scorers of my Magic?
Shay's defense can be strengthened, but it can't be a myth!

The Magic continued to attack, still the same old routine, with Nelson Howard picking and rolling.

Shay is also the same as before, standing near the penalty area and putting Lewis in a big position.

Howard, who was angry, went down and received the basketball again. Of course he wanted to go head-to-head with Shay, but considering that Shay's steals were too strong, he finally chose to split the ball and gave it to Lewis outside the three-point line.

But as expected, when Lewis was about to catch the ball and was about to shoot, Shay had already reached out and covered him completely.

Xie Yi's defense speed is really fast!
Now, with Shay sticking to him so firmly, Lewis couldn't even pass the ball, let alone shoot, and was directly nailed to the spot!

With Lewis' level of ball handling, he would never dare to dribble in front of Shay.

Lewis can only lift the basketball high, and then constantly adjust the angle of his body to avoid Shay's steal.

After such a confrontation lasted for about a few seconds, the referee finally blew his whistle.

Lewis let out a sigh of relief. Shay was so aggressive that he was called a foul.

As a result, the referee blew that Lewis was walking!
Just now, when Lewis was avoiding Shay's steal, the pivot foot moved inadvertently several times.

At that moment, Xie excitedly swung his fist vigorously, swearing that he won the attack and defense this time!
Shay's defensive range and defensive expansion speed are no slower than Howard's.

Therefore, he can quickly expand to defend Lewis while protecting the basket.

Solved the ultimate problem of "Who should Lewis and Howard defend?"

Van Gundy didn't believe Shai could stop his two leading scorers at the same time, but Shai did just that!
In the 90s, Shay, with three consecutive DPOYs, was astonished.

Now Shay, because of his declining athletic ability and increasing age, many people think that Shay's defense will also decline.

But in fact, because today's league allows zone defense, there is no illegal defense.Therefore, Shay actually defends more like a duck to water!

Although his ability has declined, there are rules to help.

Back then, Stern opened up the defensive rules in order to curb Shai, who scored like chopping melons and vegetables.

But now, this has become a breeding ground for Shay to torture his opponents!

Van Gundy was stopped again in shock and continued to adjust his offensive strategy.

After the game resumed, the Magic turned Turkoglu and Howard into pick-and-rolls again.

Because it's not Shai defending Turkoglu now, Van Gundy uses the pick-and-roll combination of the two again.

If Shai continues to defend Lewis, then Turkoglu and Howard can't be bothered.

If Shai defends Turkoglu, Lewis will be liberated again.

Heh, Xie Yi, you have the guts to be a shadow clone.

After Turkoglu borrowed the screen, he didn't get the space to shoot, because Meow's defense was also very good.

However, he got the chance to pass the ball to Howard.

Although Gerald Wallace was once the steals leader, his stealing ability is not as abnormal as Shay, and he cannot complete the steal the moment the opponent throws the ball.

The ball was passed successfully, Howard was also ready to catch the ball, full of anger, he was going to smash the basket to pieces this time!
I still want you to pick up the ball from the baseline!
But just when Howard was about to receive the basketball, the ball was intercepted by Shay who had approached at some point!

Turkoglu's intentions just now were too obvious, and Shay had already predicted that he would definitely pass the ball to Howard.Therefore, move towards Howard in advance.

And Howard was completely unaware of this, without any precautions.In his view, Shay appeared like a ghost, grabbed the ball with one hand again, and made another one-handed steal!
And this is already Shay's sixth steal of the game!
Didn't finish the half with six steals.

This data is so exaggerated that even if you play games, you can't get it out!

It is not difficult to imagine how Howard and Van Gundy are feeling at this moment.

Shay completely disrupted the Magic's offensive system by himself!

Howard was in a hurry, and immediately rushed over to hug Shay, trying to get the ball back.

But on the basketball court, this kind of impulsive behavior will only add a meaningless foul to him.

After the referee called Howard for a foul, Howard angrily wanted to slap the racket off Shay's hand.

Unexpectedly, Shay's hands were tightly grasped. Howard slapped it down, and the basketball didn't move at all, and it was still between Shay's hands!
Shay also deliberately raised the basketball and stretched it out in front of Howard: "You can't take it even if you stand there, so why do you still want to be the best defensive player?"

Howard was so angry that he almost ate the basketball!
It feels like, trying to vent your anger, you kicked a seemingly flimsy wooden stool.As a result, there was nothing wrong with the stool, but instead, you kicked your toe and broke it.

Van Gundy was also a little overwhelmed at this time, as if as long as Shay was there, the ball couldn't be fed steadily to Howard's hands at all!
Howard's right-hand men, Turkoglu and Lewis, were embarrassingly defended today.

Shai's successful defense forced a foul from Howard, giving the Lakers the ball again.

After the Lakers went up, Shay made another pull-up jump shot from mid-range.

Howard actively interfered as always, but this time, under Howard's interference, Shay made the ball steadily!
Shay just defended Howard in a row, but Howard failed to defend Shay this time.

The first and second positions of DPOY are gradually being mobilized!

The point difference has been widened again, and the Magic are now quite passive.

Now, the Magic can't even give the ball to Warcraft, so they can only try their hands from outside the three-point line.

This season, the Magic is the team with the second most three-pointers per game in the league, and the most three-pointers per game.

This starry tactic is destined to be a team that relies heavily on three-pointers.

Whenever Howard can't open the situation, the Magic will use three-pointers to tide over the difficulties.

But today, this difficulty is becoming more and more difficult!

Under the tight defense of the Lakers, the fiery three-pointer feeling of the Magic in the first quarter did not continue.

Lewis, Turkoglu and Courtney Lee hit the iron one after another.

For a while, the Magic could only rely on Howard's second offense after grabbing an offensive rebound to score!

Needless to say, Howard's second offense is really powerful.

His projectile speed and continuous bouncing ability are comparable to Kardashian among pigs.

There is a ball among them. In order to protect the rebound, the Lakers have already shrunk four people to the basket.As a result, Howard first jumped up and tapped the basketball, then grabbed the basketball with his abnormal second-jump ability, and finally took off for the third time in a row in the crowd, scoring a dunk!
However, how can a team's scoring output be supported by the second offense alone.

Just like that, after the second quarter, the Magic trailed by 12 points!
And most importantly, Shay contained Howard, but Howard didn't seem to have any effect on Shay.

Warcraft, who was grinning before the game, walked into the player tunnel with a displeased expression on his face. When the screen returned to the TNT studio, Kenny Smith looked embarrassed.

Because before the game, he just bragged about Howard's defense, saying that Howard's defense was invincible.

As a result, in front of Shay's defense, Howard's defense seemed to be the same.

Kenny Smith could only add embarrassingly:
"I said, good luck with Howard's defense.

But against Shay's defense, sorry, luck is useless! "

Otherwise, Kenny Smith is smart?People speak quickly.

After halftime, the DPOY in the minds of most fans is actually Shay.

Shay really went from one defense to five, and 6 steals in the half are also outrageous.

Although Shay once had a performance of 10 steals in a single game in the playoffs, this kind of god-level performance will be shocked no matter how many times you watch it.

Of course, Howard still has a chance to prove himself in half a game.

The difference of 12 points is not too big, but it can still be recovered with hard work.

Barkley also said: "Don't give up, you can recover by 26 points after 9 seconds."

The second half began quickly, but what Howard waited for was not the bursting of his teammates outside the three-point line, but the bursting of Shay's hands!
In the first half, Shay's shooting percentage was actually not very high.Although Howard didn't risk Shay or break Shay, he was still able to interfere with Shay.

But in the second half, Shay's touch came as he said.

After the pick-and-roll, the emergency stop jumper against the defense made a hit.

Facing Howard's drift shot, hit.

After the emergency stop, he turned around and made a jump shot, and it still hit!
After the ball was scored, Shay ran to the bottom line immediately, picked up the basketball, and stuffed it into Howard's hands:
"Today I'll let you kick the baseline and have a good time!"

Howard wanted to cry, but I just said that casually before the game, you really hold grudges!

Howard was embarrassed to death. There is nothing more embarrassing than being scored consecutively by DPOY's direct competitors.

Is Howard's defense bad?No, in fact, he interfered with almost every ball in place.

But when you face a superstar, even if your defense is all in place, it may not be effective.

And Shay's goal gave people the illusion that "Howard's defense is nothing more than that".

Howard is completely thankless now.

Shay suddenly felt hot, allowing the Lakers to continue to open the score.

On the other hand, Howard is still struggling.

Most of the time he can't catch the ball at all, and when he catches the ball, he can easily be cut by Shay.

I have to say that this is the difference between a star with offensive ability and a star without offensive ability.

In people's impression, it will be difficult for Shai to defend the fifth position.

That nonsense, the four major centers were rampant in the 90s. In addition to the four major centers, there were high-quality insiders such as Mourning. Coupled with the restrictions of illegal defensive rules, it was of course difficult for Shai to defend the fifth position.

But now, for a guy like Howard, when the zone defense is allowed, Shay only needs to do a little trick to make him completely finished!

Ever since, in the third quarter, Shay added three more steals to himself.

After the third quarter, Shay has sent out 9 steals astonishingly!

It's only 1 away from his own career record!

After the third quarter, the Magic trailed by 18 points.They regained some three-pointers, but the general trend is gone.

Not surprisingly, only half of the next fourth quarter needs to be played, and the Lakers can clock out of get off work early.

The young Howard had completely lost his composure at this time.

Wrapped in a strong sense of shame, he just wants to get on the field and score in his own way.

And when he came on the court and found out that the Lakers actually sent Noah in the fourth quarter, Howard was even more angry!
Actually use a rookie to deal with me?Who do you look down on!
Carlisle actually had no other intentions, but just wanted Birdman to rest a bit more.

But in Howard's view, this is a provocation.

So, on the first offense in the fourth quarter, Howard sat in the low post and raised his hand for the ball.

The whole world knows that Howard is good at running and playing, and the low post is not what he is good at.

But Howard is very determined to be in the position. He no longer wants to run any tactics or do shit pick-and-rolls.

He just wants to take the ball and do it directly, which is in line with our movie-watching habits!

Turkoglu had no choice but to feed the ball to Howard. The moment Howard caught the ball, he immediately turned around and broke through, walking towards the basket.

Although Howard is not skilled, his speed and confrontation ability are extremely strong.

He passed Noah in one step. Facing Shay who came up from the defense, Howard did not choose to pass the ball, but relied on Shay to continue to break through!

Even with Shai by his side, Howard was confident he could dunk.

Shay raised his arm high, thinking he was trying to stop Howard from attacking the frame.

But seeing this scene, Van Gundy has already begun to sigh.

The young Warcraft was completely amused by Shay and lost his mind.

He had fallen into Shay's trap.

Although I really don't want to admit it, but.
Van Gundy really thinks that Shai's defense is the strongest in the world!

If it is said that Howard is a brutal beast that uses the ability of terror to smash any living creatures that invade.

Then Shay is a real hunter who is scheming, full of wisdom, and also ruthless.

His trash talk, his provocation, his position, his choice, everything about him was so perfect, they were all in preparation for hunting down the opponent.

If there is really a perfect defensive machine in this world, then this person can only be Xie Yi!

Sure enough, when Howard took three steps, Shay's raised arms went down hard!
Shai never gave Howard a chance to play to his strengths. Once again, he slapped the basketball before Howard took off.And Howard, who has already jumped up after throwing away the basketball, can only "dance" with his arms raised in the air.

He was tortured by DPOY!

If Howard's willfulness ends here, it's fine, but he and Howard, who is angry with himself, will also fight in the next few rounds.

When he asked for the ball in the low post for the third time, Shay directly chose to stick behind Howard and defend Howard directly!

All the Lakers fans stood up. They all knew that Shay was trying to completely tear Howard's fig leaf away.

If Shay also defends Howard with a single defense this time, he can completely win the title of DPOY this season!
Although Shay is very strong, compared with Howard, he is still slightly thinner.

Peak Howard's body is so perfect, the muscles on his arms are like fucking bread.

Howard has also gathered enough energy, he knows that the game is irretrievable, at least this time he and Shay can't lose one-on-one!
So he leaned back sharply.

But the next second, Howard's eyes widened in horror.

Because there was no support behind him, Shay actually pulled the stool with one hand!

To be honest, if the four major centers singled out Shay in this position, Shay would probably be difficult to defend.

Olajuwon and Ewing hooked up directly.

The Admiral doesn't like confrontation, but the turnaround jumper is also a must.

O'Neill, even Shay can't stop that huge body.

But Howard Shea didn't even have to think about it, just remove the stool.

Because Howard has almost no offensive methods except for dunks to the basket.

His zombie hook is about the same level as Bynum, and he doesn't pose much threat at all.

When Howard lost his center of gravity, Shay went around and stole the ball.

At that moment, the audience was restless.

It was Shay's 11th steal of the game!
This not only broke Shay's career steal record, but also tied the steal record in the entire NBA history!
Break the steal record in front of Howard, who else can DPOY have! ?
The magician clapped and shouted: "DPOY is not worthy of Shay at all. The league should give Shay a 'best defensive player in history' award!"

Turkoglu immediately hugged Shay and used a foul to prevent Shay from going down quickly after the steal.

However, the momentum of the Lakers has been completely up.Turkoglu can stop the fast down, but can't prevent the collapse of the Magic.

Shay grabbed the basketball with one hand and waved his arms, making the fans a little louder.

Howard stood up under the cheers of the Lakers fans and the celebration of Shay's bravado, his face full of helplessness.

Xie Yi actually defended himself alone, he...has completely failed!

Before the game, Howard thought he was coming to Los Angeles to perform.

For a while, under the hype of the media, he thought he could win Shai.

After all, in Wukesong in the summer of 2008, it didn't seem that difficult to win Shay.

But at this moment, Howard realized how stupid he was.

Want to win the basketball god?It really is a dream!

I shouldn't have believed the nonsense of the media!
On the sidelines, Carlisle has asked the substitutes to go to the technical table to prepare.

The Lakers are ready to enter garbage time.

This time, the Lakers' offense seems to have been "bad".

The ball was actually given to Noah, and Noah confronted Howard in the low post with his back.

Howard naturally can't let this guy who looks like a homeless man do whatever he wants, it's fine for Shay to hit me, but what the hell are you, want to hit the same guy as Shay?

Of course Noah knew that playing Howard alone was courting death.But he catches the ball in the low post, not for scoring.

I saw Noah leaning back hard, but in the next second, he skillfully hit the ground and passed!
Howard immediately turned in the direction of the pass, only to see that Shay had already cut into the paint and received Noah's support pass.

Leap high against yourself!

At this time, even Howard, who had a perverted bullet speed, had no time to jump up and stop Shay.

He could only stretch out one hand and push Shay, and Shay's body was suspended in the air suddenly, and he did not continue to glide close to the basket.

If other guards were pushed like this, they would definitely not be able to reach the basket.

But Shay relied on the advantage of his arm length. After being pushed by Howard, Shay still smashed the ball into the basket with one hand and completed a frontal dunk on Howard!

Howard tried to dunk Shay several times today, but was either cut off or cut off.

On the contrary, Shay, in World of Warcraft, scored every dunk on the head of this shot-blocking machine!

Before, although Shay had already scored a lot of points on Howard's head.But because he has been shooting, the visual impact may not be so strong.

but now!
Shay hunted down the monsters thoroughly!
28 points, 8 assists and 11 steals, plus a dunk on Howard!

Even the strongest defensive beast in active service can't touch Shay's hair.

And Shay can make this rampaging beast struggle!

Although DPOY will be announced for more than a month, but.
For the whole world, the final candidate has been determined!

 Today, the two-in-one chapter is presented, and the [-]D is updated directly!It’s another day of [-]D updates, and I’m begging for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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