After changing careers, I became No.1 in basketball

Chapter 396 Chapter 395: Chris, the game you lost the most in your life, how many points did you los

Chapter 396 395: Chris, the game you lost the most in your life, how many points did you lose?
Today, it can be called the biggest MVP own goal in NBA history.

Stern hit the east and the west with one hand, stirring up the topic of the game.

All the Paulians went on the field, but they didn't win the prize. Let alone Paul himself, many fans in front of the TV sat on the sofa and dug out a three-room living room.

On the Internet, the video of the Hornets celebrating Paul's winning the MVP in advance was even labeled "funny" by many websites.

And after Shay won the award, the video of the Hornets celebrating in advance became even more popular!

Chris Paul has become one of the most tragic and humiliating MVP candidates in history.

He was played hard on his home court and in front of his fans.

Of course, if Paul was not so arrogant at the beginning, there would be nothing embarrassing about it.

After all, MVP is such a thing, even if you don't get it, it doesn't mean you are not strong enough.

Don't you see that the emperor won an MVP in the future, but was ridiculed to death instead.

But Paul was wrong in that he thought too highly of himself.

This is as embarrassing as a person who has never won three consecutive championships or ruled any era, but insists that he is GOAT.

In addition to embarrassment, Paul also had anger in his heart.

He didn't understand why he had to lose to Shay, who had won 66, even though he had won 64.

Although there is no rule in the NBA that says that the first in the league record must be the MVP, and the first in the total scoring list must be the GOAT.But those who don't get it will always find various shining points for themselves to prove that they have met the requirements.

Paul now just wants to get on the court quickly, win the game quickly, and prove that he is worthy of an MVP.

As long as he can still win today, there is still room for redemption!
Soon, the starting players of both sides took their positions.

The lineup of the Hornets is still bright, Paul, McGrady, Russell Butler, Comrade David West and boxing champion Tyson.

You know, the Hornets still won 66 wins when Paul was absent for a period of time because of eye surgery.

This shows how scary the strength of this team is.

Gritting his teeth, Paul was about to let Shay have a night of humiliation.

What I can't get, I will defile!
I'm having a hard time, so don't let everyone have a hard time!
Shea also seemed to see that Paul was very angry, and as a respected and good senior, Shea naturally helped to enlighten young people like Paul:
"Chris, don't be so sad. At least, you still have an MVP gold chain."

"Shut up, Xie!"

"It's really not possible. I will make a silver MVP trophy for you with my own money? Oh, I'm sorry, the silver one is still A-Zhan's. I will make it for you, and I have to make a copper one."

Paul: .
Paul was almost pissed off and went to meet his grandfather.

Finally, Paul stared at Shay fiercely, and squeezed out a sentence:
"I will make you miserable today!"

But Paul had just finished speaking when he heard Randolph holding back a laugh beside Shay.


The big black bear's expression was full of contempt.

This time, Paul really exploded.

I am the second MVP ah no, third, are words so meaningless! ?
In this way, when Paul was about to explode completely, the referee threw the ball into the air.

The much-anticipated Western Conference Finals G1 has officially begun!
As Stern expected, the game has just started, and the ratings are on the verge of breaking the season record.

Sure enough, after that unexpected MVP award ceremony, everyone was curious to know who would be the final winner, Shay or Paul.

So, basketball is not about fighting and killing, but doing crazy things.

Birdman jumped up high to get the ball first, and Shay held the ball across half court himself.

Trish stared at his eyes that never woke up as always, and stood in front of Shay.

Of course, the Hornets won't be so stupid as to use Tracy McGrady to defend Shai alone.

Although McGrady defends well, defending Shay alone is tantamount to suicide.

Shay approached McGrady and accelerated the breakthrough.

But as soon as Shay reached the mid-range position, he saw Rasoul Butler immediately double-team him.

At the same time, boxing champion Tyson stood between the bottom line and the three-second zone, ready to rely on his extreme mobility to help defend at any time.

The Hornets this season are one of the best double-team teams in the league.

They have strong mobility in the first five positions, and Paul, a master stealer who roams around at any time and can accurately judge your passing path.

Now Shay is equivalent to blocking his teammates at close range, and if he moves the ball in a wide range, he has to risk being intercepted by Paul.

Byron Scott is full of confidence in his defense, why is he not afraid of Shai?Because Shay won the Thunder in the first round and the Spurs in the second round, both have great flaws on the defensive end.

The Thunder defended too much on the inside, and the Spurs defended too much on the outside.

Although in the last round, Shay averaged 40 points per game in the series.

But in Byron Scott's view, Kobe, James, Anthony, Wade, any of these outside superstars can play a series against the Spurs and still average 40 points per game.

Shay's average of 40 points per game in the series is not because Shay is too strong, but because the Spurs' perimeter defense is too weak.

The Hornets are the first team that Shay has encountered in the playoffs this year, and they have a really good defensive team!

Shay will definitely be beaten back to his original shape!
Seeing the double team coming up, Xie Yi swayed his upper body, and knocked the ball in the direction of the bottom corner with his hand, ready to use his powerful change of direction to overwhelm the two.

But while Shay was walking towards the bottom line, Rasoul Butler immediately moved laterally to block.

Boxing champion Tyson adjusted his defensive position and was blocked between McGrady and Butler-Shai was equivalent to being double-teamed by three people!

At this point, Shay can't pass the ball directly to Birdman inside because Paul is already waiting for an opportunity.

Pass it to Ah Meow in the bottom corner?Invalid pass, because the pass does not lead to any chances.

Seeing this situation, Shay, who had already advanced a little, could only turn his head and run back, and then ran back outside the three-point line.

Byron Scott smiled, MVP is nothing more than that, he was forced to charge backwards!

did you see it?This is the true playoff-level defensive strength!

But as soon as Shay ran beyond the three-point line, he turned around with his back to the basket, which suddenly passed McGrady who was chasing him.

After passing McGrady, Shay looked at Ah Miao in the bottom corner, as if he was about to pass the ball.

In fact, he made a lightning-fast change of direction, dodging Butler who came up from the supplementary defense, and then went inside, relying on the boxing champion Tyson who came up from the supplementary defense to force a layup.

The basketball finally wiped the board and went into the net, and Shay held the ball for a [-]v[-]!The attack of the league's strongest double-team team is of no use to Shay!

Of course Shay knew the shot was unreasonable, but he did it on purpose.

He just wants to tell them in front of the Hornets fans: "This is the strength of the MVP!"

Byron Scott was quite happy just now, but now there is no smile at all.

This Nima. It's all sandwiched like this and he can still score goals in singles! ?
Indeed, whether it is the Thunder in the first round or the Spurs in the second round.

They're both teams with major deficiencies on the defensive end.

But this does not mean that Shay can't perform well enough when facing a strong defensive team!
Shay came up with a knock on the mountain and scored a very beautiful goal as soon as he came up.

Paul's current blood pressure has successfully exceeded his height.

But it doesn't matter, it's just 2 points, just call back!

That guy Roy, Paul didn't think there was anything to be afraid of.

Every time he can score high on Roy's head.

Today is no exception.

But after Paul took possession of the ball and attacked, he found that something was wrong. It was no longer Roy who was in charge of defending him today, but DPOY this season!

The Lakers changed their defensive strategy. During the regular season, the Lakers' strategy was to lock up the Hornets and force Paul to attack.

This trick is certainly effective, but it is not safe enough.

In the last round of the series between the Nuggets and the Hornets, Shai and Carlisle found a safer new solution-directly solve the Hornets' offense from the source.

In the last round, Billups defended Paul very well.After Paul was marked to death, the Hornets' offense was paralyzed for a while.

The reason why the Nuggets still failed to win is because Anthony is extremely iron.

The second is because of the Hornets in history and the deputy attacker McGrady.

And Anthony was affected by his emotions because he struck too much iron, and he just didn't pay much attention to McGrady's defense.

Because of this, McGrady played a dream-like performance in the last round, averaging 25.3 points per game and directly sending Anthony to play banana boats.

So, although the Hornets won the last round.But it has more to do with McGrady than it does with Paul.

Paul was completely prevented from scoring by himself, nor could he connect the team.

Today, the Lakers used the same method, directly defending Paul with Shay!
Maddie?It doesn't matter, although Amiao's defense is not as good as Shay's, it is definitely much better than Anthony.

Limiting McGrady is enough!
What the Nuggets can't do, Carlisle is confident that the Lakers can do it!
Seeing that it was Shay defending him, Paul immediately decided to use his speed to attack!

But what Paul didn't expect was that Shay blocked his breakthrough perfectly and completely stopped himself with his body!

Paul was startled, Shay had secretly hidden some rejuvenation potion, right?

Is this the defensive speed that a 38-year-old should have?

In fact, Shay didn't rely on speed to win. He simply let Paul take two steps to give himself enough room to react.

Ordinary people defend Paul, if they stick too tightly, they will be passed by one step.

If the paste is too loose, it will be diffracted again.

This dilemma is like soul communication.Move too fast, you can't hold back.Can't move fast, my partner doesn't feel it.

It's hard.

But Shay has too much advantage in height and wingspan, so even if he doesn't get too close, he can interfere with Paul's shooting.It is precisely because there is no need to stick it too tightly, and it will not be thrown away by Paul.

Billups is also not very fast, but the effect of defending Paul is good.

Therefore, speed is not the key to defending Paul.

Experience, judgment, size... these are the breakthrough points.

After Paul was forced to stop, he wanted to pass the ball, but found that his teammates were also being stared at, and there was no chance to play the ball.

If this is playing against the Nuggets, McGrady will definitely be able to run out immediately to receive a pass from Paul, and then shoot and score.

Anthony?When Anthony encounters this situation, he will definitely defend McGrady with his eyes.

But facing the Lakers, Amiao, who is full of enthusiasm, will not let McGrady get a second chance to breathe.

He will stick to McGrady at any time, even if he is going to the ends of the earth.

Paul couldn't pass the ball, and he couldn't attack. He was completely nailed!
Just as Paul was hesitating, Shay had already hugged the ball in Paul's hands with both hands, and then pulled the ball out of Paul's hand abruptly, forcibly stealing it!

Paul, known as the No. [-] point guard in the new era, didn't even catch the ball on the first offense in the Western Conference Finals!

Shame, at this moment Paul felt so ashamed that he wanted to die.

Being killed is almost the same as being caught, it is the most shameful way to die.

As a master of organization, the first attack led by him actually ended in this way.

This is still a head-on collision between Paul and Shay!

Shay defended Paul for the first time, and Paul ended up in such an embarrassing end.

This slapped Paul hard again, and told Paul——you are not worthy!
Shay directly defended Paul in the first round and achieved a complete victory.

That silenced the cheers inside the Smoothie King Center a little more.

The Lakers attacked again, and Shay was still in control.

The Hornets still use the old strategy, with McGrady leading the defense and others waiting for an opportunity to attack.

This time Shay is going to single McGrady in the mid-range with a back hit.

But Rasoul Butler quickly pinched up and forced Shai to combine the ball with both hands.

At the same time, the others immediately rotated to fill the seats.

For a moment, Shay stopped the ball with his back to the basket and had no chance to pass.

At this moment, Roy, who was marked by Paul, suddenly activated and passed Shay's side.

But Shai had his back to the rim and was in a pinch.So normally, Shai doesn't have any angles.

Shay is just like Paul just now, completely crucified.

Byron Scott also breathed a sigh of relief, at least this time the defense was successful, and he wouldn't be beaten up by the Lakers as soon as he came up.

But immediately after, the audience exclaimed.

I saw Shay with his back to the basket when he was double-teamed.

He actually knocked the ball under his crotch, hit the ground with a crotch and gave the ball to Roy who was cutting in!

This street acrobatic pass directly penetrated the Hornets' entire defense!

The yellow mamba really rushed into the opponent's hinterland like a poisonous snake, and then when the opponent didn't react at all, he dunked with one hand, sent a fatal blow, and scored again!

"Nice pass! God, how did Shay see Roy?
Under double-teaming, he can still send such a beautiful goal in danger!
Shay can not only score by himself in the double-team, but also help his teammates score in the double-team!
He deserves to be the MVP of this season!

What Paul couldn't do, he could do! "

Now in the game, Mike Breen was not stingy with his compliments.

In just three rounds, Shay had pinned Paul to the ground and rubbed him.

Attacking independently, Shay hits three.

Frontal defense, Xie Yisheng broke Paul.

Even the assists that Paul was proud of lost to Shay this time.

From the current point of view, apart from his blood pressure, Paul is suppressed by Shay in every aspect!
4 to 0, the Lakers started very smoothly.

It turns out that this new strategy is absolutely feasible.

Even, the power may be more violent than Carlisle expected!

So, Shay also rubbed his hands excitedly, looking at Paul beside him:
"Chris, the game you lost the most in your life, how many points did you lose?"

Paul naturally didn't respond to Shay, thinking that Shay was threatening himself.

But then, Shay continued with a serious expression:

"It doesn't matter if you don't tell me, anyway, today I will help you create a new record for the largest difference!"

Xie Yi's strong desire for revenge has already made him go further and further on the road of inappropriateness.

 Today's [-]D update is here, begging for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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