After changing careers, I became No.1 in basketball

Chapter 402 401: 1 person is equal to 3 giants?The most versatile finals performance in history!

Chapter 402 Chapter 401: One person is equal to the Big Three?The most versatile finals performance in history!
Sure enough, Shay never brags about Liu Beep.

When he first saw the Lakers change, Spike Lee felt that he was going to be recorded for nothing this year.After waiting for so long, the Lakers actually just removed an insider?
But as soon as the Lakers' defense came out, Spike Lee was quickly slapped in the face by Shay.

Only this time, Spike Lee, who was slapped in the face, felt very happy, and even wanted to shout:
"Master, try harder!"

Because being slapped in the face by Shay means that there is still hope for the game, and there is still hope for the documentary!
He shouldn't have doubted Shay!
Although the Lakers may not be able to solve the game in six games, at least they do have hope of solving the game.

The change of the Lakers has achieved good results from the beginning.

The defense that frightened the Knicks was once again shown in front of them.

Phil Jackson is convinced, Carlisle really has a lot of work!

Carlisle smiled, copy coach Carlisle to participate!
Basketball coaches and web writers actually have one thing in common, that is, they are very good at copying!
Carlisle: My name coincides with Rivers!

But before Shay's suggestion, Carlisle really didn't think about using the Celtics' method to deal with the Knicks.

After all, this is indeed a risky move. Facing the Knicks invincible twin towers and removing an insider by himself, isn't this equivalent to wielding a knife from the palace?

And the Celtics' strategy is not omnipotent.

There are two biggest problems in attacking on the line all the time-physical fitness and backcourt rebounds.

Not to mention physical fitness, this kind of oppressive flanking defense basically takes physical energy.

And because of the crazy flanking, it is impossible to quickly shrink the penalty area, so it is difficult to protect the rebound.

In this year's Eastern Conference semifinals, don't look at the Celtics sitting on KG Perkins.But in fact, the Celtics have been at a disadvantage in rebounding.

In G7, Kobe and Gasol grabbed 15 and 18 rebounds respectively!
The combined rebounds of the two are only 7 fewer than the Celtics.

The Celtics can't solve the rebounding disadvantage with Garnett, so the Celtics' defensive strategy is not something that all teams can emulate.

Moreover, Gasol is not good at stubble. If he cuts off an inside line without authorization, he may be ravaged by Gasol in the low post.

In addition, if Shay does not personally defend Kobe, whether Kobe can be restrained is also a question.

In short, this strategy has many shortcomings that are visible to the naked eye, which is why Carlisle did not copy the Green Kai tactics before.

But after analyzing with Shay the day before yesterday, Carlisle felt that these problems could be properly resolved.

After all, his leading star is omnipotent!
The game continued, and Kobe wanted to attack on his own again while Shay was not defending himself.

But Gerald Wallace's defense wasn't good either, and the Lakers put pressure on the ball too firmly.

Facing the tight pincer attack of Barnes and Gerald Wallace, the two defensive giants, even Kobe, who has experienced many battles, finds it difficult to shoot now.

No way, Kobe had to divert the ball and handed it to Artest on the side.

Artest, who said before the game that he could make all the troubles go away, turned into trouble himself.

Because he was just about to shoot, Barnes immediately blocked it again.

Artest was discouraged at the time, and after hesitating for a while, he forcibly changed his shot into a pass in the air and smashed it at Kobe.

But at this time Gerald Wallace was still clinging to Kobe's side. Kobe and Wallace wrestled with each other, hoping to squeeze Ah Meow away and occupy a favorable position.

But what Ah Meow is least afraid of is confrontation, and he even enjoys confrontation.

I saw Wallace roughly squeezed Kobe away, and then jumped hard to confiscate Artest's pass!

In the last game, Artest stole Shay at the last moment, and Wang Wang made a great contribution.

This time, Gerald Wallace made Artest bark!

"Wow! Wow! Foul, he fouled!" Artest really started barking at the referee.

But the referee ignored Artest.

Although they are all small forwards, although they are all strong, although they are a bit stiff in dribbling.But, you are not him after all.whistle?Is that for you?What grade is the same whistle as others use?

Gerald Wallace went straight down after the steal, and Kobe naturally chased after him.

But Wallace's speed is not slow. His advantage is explosive power, and Kobe has not been able to catch up.

But Kobe still has a way, he is not the kind of reckless man who only relies on his body to defend.

We rely on our technical and tactical level!

Watch me make a handsome extreme chip from behind him!

When Ah Meow ran into the penalty area, Kobe saw the timing and prepared to cut the ball from behind.

But what Kobe didn't expect was that Wallace suddenly kicked the ground, and rushed into the air at an extremely fast bullet speed, causing Kobe to fly into the air!

And because the center of gravity of the forward steal is too forward, Kobe after the evasion seemed to be freestyle, waving his arms and rushing forward to the bottom line, a dog eating shit and falling into the crowd.He didn't have a handsome extreme cut, but he made a fool of himself.

Gerald Wallace dunked with both hands and scored the second goal to help the Lakers continue to lead!
Zen master curled his lips. He originally thought that if Shay didn't defend Kobe, Kobe could do whatever he wanted.

But it turns out that he was very wrong.

This season, Ah Meow squeezed out Battier and was selected to the best defensive second team.

Coupled with the help of Barnes, a defensive villain, even if Shai doesn't defend Kobe, Kobe won't play too easily.

Before the Celtics, the perimeter defense was mainly in charge of Rondo, Pierce, Ray Allen and Tony on the bench.

And they finally suppressed Kobe's shooting percentage to only 40%.

The Lakers' perimeter defense chain is no worse than the Celtics.

Therefore, even if Shay plays the fourth position, Kobe cannot score easily.

The first problem, the problem of how to contain Kobe after Shay didn't defend Kobe, has been easily solved!

In the subsequent attack, Kobe did not mess around again.

The previous experience of hitting 32 irons made Kobe not dare to mess around when facing the Lakers.

So this time, the Knicks handed the ball to Gasol in the low post.

Now that the Lakers have won an insider, then find a breakthrough in the inside!
Gasol's misplaced singles against Shay, this should always be effective, right?

After Gasol received the ball, he leaned back hard twice.

But sister-in-law found that she couldn't stand Xie Yi!
Shay's strength is not bad at all, not to mention the "weird man" badge that increases strength when defending against the back.

Therefore, a non-strength insider like Gasol may not be able to crush Shay in the low post!
Gasol didn't dare to dribble back and squeeze to the basket, because he knew very well that whenever he dared to dribble, Shay would dare to steal directly.

There is no way, Gasol can only rely on his height advantage to turn over and shoot in the low post.

However, Shay's height and wingspan, coupled with the interference of his struggling to jump, made Gasol seem to have a height advantage, but he didn't get it at all!
Shay also has the "Shooting Maggie Badge" to increase the interference effect.

Therefore, Gasol's turnaround jumper in the low post, he was stunned by Shay's strict interference!

Shay Success Kids Drive Big Cars!

Jordan's son saw that he called him an expert, and he liked the feeling that he used to be called auntie, and now he is called auntie.The car has to be big!

And after forcing Gasol to hit the iron, Shay and Birdman immediately stuck their positions to protect the backcourt rebounds.

When Shay jumped up to grab the rebound, Gasol also forcibly jumped up from behind Shay and rubbed forward.

But his bouncing is not enough to pull off the back of the head on Shay.

Shay firmly protected the rebound, got the ball, and the defense was completed.

The Lakers solved the second problem-low single defense!
Facts have proved that it is not an easy task for Gasol to eat Shai raw in the low post.

While Gasol certainly won't fail to score a single shot, he's going to have as much difficulty isolating Shai as he's isolating Randolph.

There is no such thing as a low position advantage at all.

The Knicks have not made a successful offense since the start.This really disappointed Knicks fans.

It was agreed to take the Lakers away today to get the match point?

Why did the situation change immediately after a change of formation?
After the Lakers attacked again, Shay broke through and scored again, assisting Barnes to score 2 points.

As soon as Shay breaks through, Gasol will habitually shrink the basket and block Shay with Bynum.

But in this way, Barnes will be left out.

8 to 0, the Lakers are still continuing to expand their advantage!

Sure enough, once the strategy is chosen correctly, the game will be played smoothly.

It was time for the Knicks to attack again. After encountering Shay's up-line attack this time, Kobe forcibly threw the ball directly under the double-teaming of Ah Meow and Shay.

Seeing this situation, both Gasol and Bynum stared at the basketball, ready to fight for rebounds, to win this second offensive opportunity!
Bynum and Gasol are very clear, the Lakers choose such a defense, backcourt rebounds are difficult to protect down.

After all, Shay went to the high position, and the low position is equivalent to two competing for one, and it is clear at a glance who has the advantage.

Birdman got stuck in Bynum ahead of time, but it doesn't matter, there is also the old sister-in-law!

However, after the goose basketball bounced off the hoop, Gasol was just about to take off when he saw Barnes appearing out of nowhere and standing in front of him.

Although Barnes is short, he is fierce enough to fight.After blocking Gasol, he did not show any weakness, and frantically squeezed back, trying to squeeze Gasol out of an advantageous position.

But Gasol is not a vegetarian. No matter how soft he is, it is impossible for him to be against a player in the third position.

Gasol squeezed Barnes away, then reached for the board.

But just a second before Gasol's hand was about to touch the backboard, Shay suddenly flew into the penalty area and picked off the rebound with one hand!
It turned out that neither Barnes nor Birdman was the point of grabbing the board, but Shay was!
That's right, in order to solve the problem that it is difficult to protect the backcourt rebounds while attacking the line, Carlisle created the epoch-making - the card front tactic!
Since Shay, who went to the outside to participate in double-team defense, cannot occupy a favorable rebounding position, then find a way to allow Shay to grab rebounds without occupying a favorable position.

Carlisle's approach is that Birdman must first get stuck in Bynum.

Then another guy close to the paint immediately ran to the basket and got Cagasol.

These two people don't have to worry about their rebounding positions, they just need to find ways to squeeze the Knicks out of the twin towers.

Because Shay would take the rebound for them!

Seeing Shay grab the rebound easily, Carlisle waved his fist lightly on the sidelines.

The rebound problem has also been solved to a certain extent!

Now, most of the problems in this tactic have appeared on the court and have been resolved one by one.

Then next.
Just win the game!
So, the Knicks next experienced the most authentic Boston-style torture defense.

Shai perfectly mirrored Garnett's role on the defensive end. You can see Shai anywhere in the corner of the half court. He always shows up with perfect timing and blocks your way.

And no matter who has the ball on the Knicks side, they will encounter the craziest pinch in NBA history.

Wallace who is always positive, Barnes who is like a mad dog, Roy who works hard, and Birdman who sets up blockades in the air.

And, the greatest defensive player in history.

The defense cast by this group of people even surpassed the Celtics themselves!

Thibodeau watched the Lakers' defensive performance at home, and he had the illusion of "I'm still an assistant coach for the Lakers".

Although he is gone, the Lakers are still using his tactics!
Nima was brutally prostituted!
The Knicks have been suppressed under such a tight defense and have not been able to take the lead.

In front of the impregnable defense line of the Lakers, the basket of Madison Square Garden once again faced a huge challenge.

Of course, this time the quality inspector is not just Kobe.

Instead, both sides have become basket quality inspectors.

That's right, although the Knicks can't make a goal by themselves, their defense is also very strong!
Bryant, Artest's bite, Gasol and Bynum's frame protection, let the Lakers think it is difficult.

This game completely turned into a slow-paced hand-to-hand defense battle.

The two sides must compete for every ball, from the air to the floor, from rebounds to floor balls.

A group of people falling to the ground to grab a ball is the most common scene today. Both teams have played a historical level of defensive strength!

Although the Lakers failed to open the score in one breath, their hard work, their strategy, and their determination are all telling the New York fans one thing:

"Shay is not retiring yet! The Lakers are not finished yet! You celebrate the victory, too early!"

Spike Lee greedily recorded every detail of the game.

Shay roared while sweating profusely, and Kobe screamed with his teeth bared.

He could edit a complete documentary just for this one game!

Barkley, who has always liked to tease O'Neill, can't help feeling:

"Without O'Neal, Kobe and Shay fought so fiercely. With O'Neal, the Knicks were swept 4-0. Well, does this already explain a lot of problems?"

Beside him, Kenny Smith cast a disdainful look:
"With Barkley, Shai won two consecutive championships. Without Barkley, Shai won four consecutive championships. The problem is indeed obvious."

In this way, in the fierce hand-to-hand combat, the game continued until the last four and a half minutes of the fourth quarter.

At this time, the score between the two sides was only 68 to 63, and the Lakers temporarily led by 5 points.

More than 60 points, five or six years later, it is just half-court scoring for most teams.

But today, the game ended in less than 5 minutes, and the two teams only scored more than 60 points.

Everyone was terribly ironed, and Shai and Kobe shot only 40% from the field.

But being too iron is not useless, because it is too iron, so Shay has scored 15 rebounds at this time!

Originally, if the shot is too tight, there are more opportunities to grab rebounds.

Coupled with the Lakers' card-forward tactics, Shay can easily accept rebounds.

So, Shay has broken his own career rebounding record today.

15 rebounds in a single game in the finals, which is actually not even ranked in the long history of the NBA.

But at least this shows that the Lakers did not suffer too much in terms of rebounding today.

Kobe's shooting percentage also shows that Shay is not the main defense against Kobe, and it is difficult for Kobe to play well.

And Gasol's performance of only scoring 12 points proves that Shay is fully capable of smashing his sister-in-law in the low post.

The Zen master called a timeout and curled his lips.This tactic is easy to step on, but the Lakers have avoided it.

Now, the only time bomb for the Lakers is physical fitness!

Especially the role of "Garnett" is extremely exhausting.

Although Shay can be blamed individually, he is 38 after all.To be exact, I will be 39 in less than a month!
And today, Shay has only rested for 2 minutes so far.

The Zen master still didn't believe that Shay could persist until the end with such a high-intensity offense and defense!
If it was the Shay in the regular season, it would be really difficult to stick to the end.

But... the current Xie Yi has already completed the task of liquidating Mengba, and increased his physical fitness back to 90!

Coupled with various physical badges, he doesn't say he is not tired at all, but he will definitely not be dragged down by physical fitness.

It's just a pity that now the Lakers don't have the old Curry's humanoid plug-ins.

Otherwise, Shay can really achieve unlimited physical fitness.

The timeout came back, and the game started in the last four and a half minutes.

Both sides are on the decisive lineup, that is, the starting lineup, and there is a high probability that it will not change until the winner is determined.

The Knicks came back to attack for the first time. After Kobe forced a breakthrough, he regrettably missed the frame in the fierce confrontation.

Shay rebounded +1, and immediately advanced quickly after grabbing the rebound, ready to widen the point difference.

But Kobe caught up to Shay, and at the moment Shay was about to break through, he started to complete the steal!
Today, Kobe has sent 4 steals.

Throughout the four games of the finals until now, Kobe has 11 steals, averaging 2.7 per game.

He is really serious about defending!
After Kobe stole Shay, he immediately turned around and wanted to fight back, but Shay stayed close to Kobe and never left.

Kobe ended up leaning on Shai to hit the rim, and Shai was pinned down and couldn't jump enough to block the shot.As a result, at this time, Gerald Wallace rushed from behind and rewarded Kobe with a big hat!
These two rounds after returning from the timeout are probably the true portrayal of this game.

Fierce confrontation, fierce hand-to-hand combat.The two teams played extremely passionately, and it was very lively.

But... just half a day without a goal.

Want to score goals, but it is difficult to reach the sky.

Seeing Kobe playing so hard, many Knicks thought of the last game, when Kobe was defended so that he could not score in the last 3 minutes.

But soon, they felt that this kind of worry was unnecessary.

The Knicks can stand out, not just Kobe!

After the Lakers attacked, Shay's shot also hit the iron under Artest's interference.

The two teams still did not score, and the difference between the two sides was still 5 points.

The Knicks still have a chance to close the score.

This time, Kobe glanced at the old fish.

The old fish didn't express anything, but he already understood it.

Kobe's meaning is very clear: "Tell Fisher, I want to eat fish!"

Now that I can't make a shot myself, help my teammates to make a shot!
Lao Yu began to actively run without the ball. My role, A Yu, was to share the pressure for my friends.

Whether it's the stress of homework or work, I'm up for it!

Now, Kobe needs me to stand up, so I must stand up and get the game done!

Fisher began to move wildly around Bynum's screen, looking for shots like he did in the previous game.

His 4-for-4 at critical moments in the last game can be said to have pulled the Knicks back from the cliff.

Today, Lao Yu's running position is still very hot.After a few interspersed + reverse runs, he successfully took out the opportunity and received a support pass from Gasol.

Lao Yu received the basketball steadily, and then shot directly as always!
Lao Yu is very proud, I am the real boss of the Knicks at the critical moment!
Kobe is strong?Doesn't he have to rely on me at critical moments?
But this time, before Fisher made a move, his eyes became pitch black.

In front of him, Shay had already caught up, and covered the old fish right in front of him!
In the last game, because the Lakers' defensive strategy was still man-to-man, Shay focused on defending Kobe alone, so he didn't contribute much on the defensive end.

Therefore, in the last game, once Lao Yu got rid of his matchup, he could get a good shooting opportunity.

But today, because Shai is the equivalent of a "free man" on the defensive end, he becomes a "filler."

Wherever there is free time, Shay fills it up.

This time, the moment Gasol passed the ball to the old fish, Shay walked away from Gasol and rushed directly.

In addition, Lao Yu is a player with a relatively slow shooting speed, so after Shay rushed up, he happened to cover Lao Yu who hadn't shot yet!

At this moment, Lao Yu had no other choice, and it was impossible for him to stop his movements.Therefore, I can only bite the bullet and throw the ball.

But because the height gap between Shay and Shay was too large, and the shooting was too slow, when Shay reached the highest point, he just shot, so...
Shay caught the ball directly in the air and completed a shot catch!
For a while, Madison Square Garden seemed to be silent.

Because all the fans are dumbfounded!
Lao Yu, who saved the team in the last game, was caught directly from beyond the three-point line! ?
Shay blocked the old fish's shot perfectly, and then used a long pass to assist Roy to hunt successfully.

The Lakers have a 7-point lead, and Shay has already scored a triple-double after this assist!
26 points, 15 rebounds and 10 assists!
It wasn't the first time Shai had a triple-double in the finals, but it was indeed the first time such a large triple-double.

Mike Breen has vaguely predicted the Knicks' ending today:

"Derrick Fisher's magic didn't last because Shai didn't let him continue! Under the current defensive strategy, Shai couldn't let the Knicks get pure open opportunities.

The Knicks are 7 points behind, and they must find a way to close the score as soon as possible.

Every second they delay, their winning percentage will drop by one point! "

In the Knicks' offense, Kobe chose to play without the ball in order not to be flanked.

But Gerald Wallace's pursuit and defense are also very strong, Kobe can only force his shot after receiving the ball before the pincer attack comes up.

However, this difficult shot cannot be scored every time.

Kobe didn't hit the iron 32 times every game, and he didn't make seven three-pointers every half.

Under the tight defense, Kobe's shooting hit the iron again!

As soon as Gasol and Bynum turned around, sure enough, someone was already stuck in front of them.

Shay flew into the paint for his 16th rebound of the game.

They still put the Knicks on their feet!

In the stands, the number of "Retire Shay" signs gradually decreased.

The mentality of Knicks fans has also shifted.

They all knew that Match Point might not be so easy to get.

The tug-of-war is still going on. The Lakers' attack this time, Huang Mamba missed a jumper, and the Knicks regained another life.

Fortunately, the point difference has not been widened to near double digits.

Gasol high support, waiting for Bryant to move.

Bryant's off-ball skills are very good. This time he finally got rid of Wallace with a continuous back run, and then received a pass from Gasol.

For a while, both Gerald Wallace and Barnes rushed to Bryant beyond the three-point line, trying to squeeze his shooting space as much as possible.

Kobe is unflappable, lifts the basketball, and
Taking the opportunity to pass the ball to Artest who took the opportunity to cut inside!

At this time, because Barnes and Wallace threw together to interfere with Kobe's shooting, Artest was left unattended for the time being.

After getting the basketball, Artest went straight to the penalty area, ready to break the scoring shortage and make the trouble disappear!

But just as Artest was about to make a three-step layup, Shay suddenly appeared and stood in front of him.

Shay, it's Shay again.

Once again he filled in the blanks perfectly and was where it was most needed.

Sure enough, whether it is in the world of Victoria's Secret or basketball, Shay will not be tied to one person!

Artest braked his foot and passed the ball to Gasol at the free throw line in desperation.

Heh, don't you think Artest is mentally retarded after reading two novels, his golf IQ is actually very high, okay?

Although Xie Yi made up the defense very quickly this time, but I passed to the open again, how should you deal with it?
There is no way to deal with it. Shay can only pounce on Gasol again at the moment Artest passes the ball.

Just keep running!Run without hesitation!

Gasol hesitated, and finally decided to shoot.

But unfortunately, under the strict interference of Shay, Gasol's shot still missed!
After Shay guarded Gasol, he immediately turned around and continued to run into the penalty area and grabbed the rebound.

The 17th rebound in a single game, and in this round, Shay is equivalent to blocking the two vacancies led by the Knicks!
He can do anything today!

The Knicks are all soldiers?so what?Shay alone can defend against the entire Knicks team!

Shay's ability to fill in the blanks is the confidence that the Lakers dare to attack wildly.

Because no matter who you left out, Shay will always be there to wipe your ass clean!

Mike Breen looked at the dwindling game time and shook his head:

"In the last game, Shay only locked up Kobe. This time, Shay locked up everyone in the Knicks!"

Of course, the Lakers can't just keep defending.

The difference of 7 points seems to be very big.

But the Knicks suddenly drew two three-pointers, and the advantage disappeared.

The Lakers also haven't scored in several rounds, and now they must come up with something on the offensive end.

So, this time Shay runs to the right corner and gets a pass from Roy.

The Knicks did not directly flank Shay, but sent Artest to lead the defense first, and then the champion twin towers waited for an opportunity to assist the protective frame.

Xie Yi also knew that going directly would be a dead end.

Breaking through to the mid-range pull-up jumper?Gasol will certainly save to help defend.

Under this kind of high-intensity and high-confrontation defense, it is too difficult to score goals in the flank.

Therefore, Shay decided to solve the attack directly on the spot!

Shay first raised the basketball with one hand and swayed it, then slammed the ball to the left, intending to break through to the left.

In fact, he pulled the ball from behind to the right, confusing Artest's center of gravity.

Just when Artest was still thinking about which direction Shay would break through, Shay suddenly took off and made a three-pointer!

The most dangerous place is the safest place.The most dangerous choice is sometimes the safest choice.

Artest didn't expect Shay to pull directly, so the defense was really slow.

So, Xie Yi's cool and unrestrained action after a meal, finally entered the net hollowly!
This three-pointer also made the Knicks directly behind by double digits in less than 2 minutes!
At that moment, I don't know if Kobe can retire Shay, but Zen Master really wants to retire!

Let's just say Shai has Garnett-level defense.

Then, there is Garnett + Pierce + Ray Allen's offensive ability.

Shayt alone can be the three giants of the Celtics, this shit can play! ?
This is what Carlisle said, the Celtics' defense + Shai's offense!
The Celtics were able to defend against the Knicks before, but they were unable to score, and they only lost seven games.

In fact, in Game 7 of the Eastern Conference semifinals, Kobe was only 24 of 6 in the game. In the fourth quarter, he only scored one sports game goal. The offense was not good.

But Pierce was 15 for 5 and Ray Allen was 14 for 3.

In the fourth quarter, as long as there is a person like Shai in the Celtics team who can stand up and attack, they can cut off the head of the Mamba Viper.

But unfortunately, they don't have such people.

But the Lakers have!

"Three-point hit! God, Shay almost killed the game!

The New York Knicks' attempt to win a match point at home will be smashed by Shay!
retire?Open your eyes and see!
He defends invincibly and attacks as he pleases.

Such a player, retire?
No one can beat him to retirement, only his opponent wants to retire!
Before, people said that the Lakers won a game purely because of Bynum's lower IQ, and the Lakers were lucky.Next, the Lakers will be helpless.

But now, Shea told New York with a double-digit margin:

Want me to lose to Kobe twice?Let so many honors of my season be buried by defeat? No way! "

A three-pointer hit, and amidst Mike Breen's yelling, Zen Master suspended the game.

10 points difference, less than 2 minutes.Phil Jackson had a serious face, smelling the bloody smell of death.

Phil Jackson told everyone to be patient until the opportunity arises.

But back in the first round, the Knicks were so guarded that Kobe had to force a shot before the end of 24 seconds.

Needless to say, Shay scored the 18th rebound!
Fortunately, Shay's offense then hit the iron under the double interference of Kobe and Artest.

But the definition of attacking tough is not to keep going, but to prevent the team from falling into a long-term scoring drought.

Obviously, Shai didn't let the team have a long scoring drought today.

Although the overall hit rate is a bit low, the offense has not yet pulled the hips to the point where it directly hit the limit.

As for the Knicks, in the last few minutes of their time, they were simply so desolate that they couldn't be more desolate.

In the last game, Kobe was blocked, as well as Lao Yu and Artest.

But today, Shay packed them all away!
At this point, the game time is running out.

This attack was almost the Knicks' last chance, so Kobe stood up and wanted to end it alone.

But the Lakers' double-teaming was so tight that Barnes and Gerald Wallace's defense Kobe didn't even have a chance to start.

No way, Kobe could only hand the ball to Fisher in the end.

This time, there is no need for Shai to help defend, because Roy is not out of position at all.

He interfered with Fisher's shot, and the Knicks' offense looked so weak.

Shay stuck Gasol, and Birdman blocked Bynum.

The basketball spun and flew towards the hoop, but unfortunately.

Today, no miracles!
"Still missed! The Knicks missed consecutive shots at critical moments and missed opportunities!
Shay grabbed the 19th rebound. Only Rodman, Barkley, O'Neal, Duncan and other great big men can surpass Shay in the rebounding list of the finals!

He is so versatile today, whether it is defending, attacking or protecting rebounds, Shay is everywhere! "

The Lakers almost sealed the victory, but Shai didn't stop attacking.

He was still worried, after all, he could score 26 points in 15 seconds.What's more, the Knicks still have more than a minute.

For more than a minute, God knows what things he can do if you push Kobe into a hurry.

So, Shay is still attacking, still looking for opportunities!
This is the finals, if you want to win, you have to crush your opponent to pieces without any mercy!

Artest is already defending everything and everything. After Shay received the basketball from the bottom corner again, Artest directly tried to push Shay out of the field with both hands.He would rather stop Shay in this way than let Shay hold the ball again!
Shay also immediately passed the ball, because he found out that the referee is Nima, so he really doesn't blow it!
Let it go, right?
The referee is not partial to one side, but there are no whistles on both sides today.

It's as if you have to deduct 100 knives in wages once you blow it. The referee is as precious as gold today.

This is one of the reasons why both sides played so hard.

Originally, the defensive intensity was high, but the referee didn't take much care of it, so the defensive intensity became even greater.

Stern did it on purpose. He knows that high-intensity games are easy to play well.

Both Shay and Kobe are mature super giants and don't need to be taken care of like super giants waiting to be fed.

Immediately afterwards, Artest was literally wrestling Shay.

His two thick arms grabbed Shay directly, and pulled back hard, even if he fell down.

If Shay didn't want to be suspended, he would have given Artest a shoulder throw to taste the saltiness.

In this way, Shay was too entangled to catch the ball, and the Lakers' offense was dragged to the last 24 seconds.

Roy didn't dare to pass the ball rashly, because Artest intercepted his pass to Shay at a critical moment in the last game, allowing the Knicks to seal the victory.

Therefore, Roy finally chose to force a backward shot from outside the three-point line under Kobe's defense.

Although they are all Mambas, the Yellow Mamba is still one level behind the Black Mamba.

This difficult shot came out of the frame, and this time, Gasol occupied a favorable defensive position early, and no one could jam him again!

He must be able to pocket the rebound!
The basketball bounced, and there was no one in front of Gasol, so he also raised his arms and jumped up.

As long as you grab this rebound and hit a counterattack immediately, the Knicks will still have a chance and get the match point!

Dear Snake, although I was played with by Shay all night today, I am still your man!
Kobe has started to run up the court ahead of time. He believes that after Gasol grabs the rebound, he can pass the ball to find him immediately and complete the link with himself.

Shay, in front of Kobe, interrupted the link between the couple.

Then, I forced my way in and connected with my sister-in-law!
As soon as Gasol was about to get the basketball, he felt someone hit him hard from behind.

Moreover, Gasol's whole person was directly suppressed.

Immediately afterwards, a large hand reached out from the top of Gasol's head, with five fingers just grabbing the basketball, and...

Shay scored with a one-handed dunk across Gasol!

Kobe was still thinking about waiting for Gasol to pass the ball, laughing to death, Gasol didn't complete the step of grabbing the rebound!

This supplementary deduction widened the point difference to 12 points, completely ending the suspense of the game!

The delusion of the New York Knicks leading 3-1 was completely destroyed by Shay!
And, the computer in front of Mike Brin reminded him of a shocking news:

Shay, who turned 39 in less than a month, is still breaking league records!
It's over, the game is over!

The god of basketball, refuses to be swept out of the battlefield! "

Poor Gasol, in front of Kobe, was crushed by Shay.

First Spike Lee and then sister-in-law. Kobe thinks Shay is really too good, you almost went to my house directly!

Old Fish: To your house?when are we leaving?

Shay scored a record number of data, of course, Shay did not know at this time that he had created a new finals record.

He just looked at Zen Master and gave a thumbs up:
"Thank you for delivering championships for decades, Phil!"

At that moment, Phil Jackson decided immediately.
If he doesn't win the championship this season, he will retire.

The kind of retirement that never comes back!
Kobe just wanted to have fun when he beat people to retirement.

If you really want to retire, you have to pay Shea!

So far, the Knicks have almost no hope of winning this game. The 12-point difference has completely crushed them to death.

And this victory also means that the game will return to Los Angeles anyway!
Mike Breen felt sorry for Kobe as he watched Shay, who broke records and spat trash-talk at Jackson.

Kobe managed to lead his team out of the hellish east, went through untold hardships to the finals, but finally found
Compared with the real big devil, the Eastern Hell is not worth mentioning at all!
 Today, the two-in-one chapter will be directly updated, and the [-]D update will be presented!Conscience is old, begging for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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