After changing careers, I became No.1 in basketball

Chapter 409 408: The official collision with the Big 3, the beginning of a new era or the end of an

Chapter 409 408: The official collision with the Big Three, the beginning of a new era or the end of an old era?
James fans had only been happy for an hour when they heard the bad news that Shai would continue to play next season.

It's not just James' fans who are nervous, even Ajan himself is a little nervous.

It's not just A-Zhan who is nervous, even A-Zhan's two good brothers are also a lot nervous now.

For the first time, perhaps, a 40-year-old will make three players in their prime nervous.

It is said that 40-year-old women are the scariest, but Shay made 40-year-old men very scary.

Although Shay's data declined last season, although the FMVP selection was no longer unanimously elected, although the media said that his dominance began to decline.

But Wade, James and Bosh are still very disturbed.

Think about it, their super big three team is so much attention now, it can basically be said that if they don't win the championship, it will be a failure!

So, if it's really because of Shay that he can't win the title.
This fucker must be ashamed!

And it's three times ashamed, because one person can't beat it, but if three people can't beat it, isn't that three times ashamed, what is it?
Now, the Big Three can only keep comforting themselves: "Shay is 40 years old, and Shay's dominance has declined! We will definitely win, and we will never lose!"

Shai decided to continue the campaign, and the Los Angeles fans cheered.

That night, countless nightclubs in Los Angeles launched a themed event - Shay's Vacuum Jersey Night.

As the name suggests, the actors of the nightclub atmosphere group wore Shay's jersey and danced on the stage in a vacuum, shaking the ball wildly to celebrate this important moment!

In short, Shay's return is to revitalize the entire city.

Countless fans also recorded videos of themselves kneeling and begging Shay and posted them on the Internet, thanking him for choosing to hit the three consecutive championships.

Let alone the fans, even Stern wants to hurry up and buy a plane ticket for the day, and go to Shay's house to give Shay a knock.

Originally, Shay was going to retire, but Stern worried that the NBA would enter the next trough.

As a result, Shay now announced that he will fight for another year, which directly created the drama of Shay VS the Big Three, which made the popularity of the NBA soar.

There is no need to worry about the ratings and attention of next season.

Moreover, if the finals of the next season are really Shay vs. the Big Three. Good guy, it is destined to be another new myth of ratings!
Sure enough, only a father would treat his son so well!
The next day, Stern began to exert force.

The major media have been frantically hyping the topic of "Three Ages of Shay's Reign" overnight.

Of course, there are also many media exaggerating that "The Heat's Big Three will surely usher in a new era."

I deliberately made this antagonism very sharp.

But if it was just media hype, the popularity would not be so high.

The point is, A-Zhan actually got off the stage and started the show work himself!
Just two days after the live broadcast of Decision 1, in Miami, the Heat held a grand, unprecedented welcome party for the debut of the Big Three at their home court in front of tens of thousands of fans.

Previously, no matter how big a big-name superstar transferred, at most it was just a press conference and it was over.

Even for a giant like the Lakers, they just changed the location of the press conference to a luxury hotel, that's all.

But James' team cooperated with the Heat to create a grand, concert-like appearance welcome ceremony.

There is one thing to say, the Azhan team really played the commercialization of basketball clearly.

Make money, it's not shabby!
And when James, Wade and Bosh slowly rise from the bottom of the stage, Miami fans are crazy.

At that moment, they all became atheists - they didn't believe in any basketball gods at all!
No matter how Liu Bi's basketball god is, he will be trampled to pieces by these three young people!

Amidst the cheers of the fans and the shouts of the DJ on site, the Big Three bent down and high-fived the fans one by one.

The live DJ also shouted:

"Now, welcome to Wade's territory, James' kingdom, and the Dragon King's lair!"

Well, the ingredients are very complicated!

Off the court, basketball player Hannibal Pat Riley also showed his evil smile.

In New York in the 90s, he couldn't do Shay.

In the 00s, his Heat couldn't go directly to the gambling table.

But in the 10s, I finally turned around!
Shay, you don't really think you can cover the sky with one hand, do you?
Riley also learned from the Knicks and Bulls.

He knew that a "strong team" in the conventional sense really had nothing to do with Shay.

In the 90s, the Knicks had a super center + a bunch of high-quality role players, but they couldn't beat them.

Nowadays, Kobe + Gasol, a super giant + a second-tier star + a bunch of high-quality role players, can be regarded as a strong team in any generation, but it is useless.

Yao Ming + Dirk + AK, two first-tier stars + one second-tier star + a bunch of role players, undoubtedly a strong team, is still useless.

Even the Celtics, three aging first-line stars combined are useless.

So if I take out two super giant stars + one first-line star, how should you deal with it?

Riley is all about breaking the mold!
After the appearance ceremony, the Big Three also sat on the stage and accepted an interview with the live host in front of tens of thousands of fans.

Wade was the first to be interviewed, and his speech was very conventional, nothing more than "doing my best to win", "I am very excited to cooperate with two top superstars" and so on.

Bosh's statement was the briefest: "Together we fight, brothers move forward, and we believe we can."

When it was A-Zhan's turn, the famous basketball scene came again.

The host first asked Ah Zhan:

"We all know that your three superstars gather here to fight for the championship. But surely you won't be satisfied with just one, right? What do you think, LeBron?"

And then A Zhan's answer, basically anyone who is a basketball fan can recite the whole text:

"Not one, not two, not three, not four, not five, not six, not seven.
I say this because I really believe we can do it, and I didn't come to Miami to have press conferences every day, I came to do business.

As long as we do things seriously and do things in the right way, we can definitely win many championships! "

At that moment, Azhan didn't know whether he believed it or not, but the Heat fans really believed it!
Guaranteed seven, enough to summon the dragon hahahahaha!
It is estimated that Wade really believed it, otherwise he would not cut his salary again and again in the future.Because he couldn't think of it at all, he only took two, and when they landed, they suddenly disappeared.

And in this history, because of Shay's existence, the host asked another more explosive question:
"I have no doubt that you guys can win many championships, but Shay just announced the day before yesterday that he will stay for another season!
As an active player, as the greatest player in history, Shay's strength is beyond doubt.At the age of 39 last season, he still won the MVP.

Next season, if you really make it to the finals, there is a high probability that you will meet the Purple and Gold Army led by Shay.

So LeBron, does your championship plan start next season, or does it start after Shai retires?
If you meet Shay, are you confident of winning the finals? "

As soon as this question came out, the scene was completely agitated.

The ratings of the program also soared directly.

Play traffic, they are really professional.

They know very well that what fans all over the world are most concerned about now is who can have the last laugh between Shay and the Big Three.

So this question is very closely related to current events. It can also be said that this interview draft is written now, and there is no draft at all.

Facing this sharp question, James just smiled and looked at the camera, full of confidence:
"Look at us and see how powerful we are.

If Shay's last dance meets us, the ending will not be perfect!

Our championship plan will start from next season!
Next season, we should be number one on everyone's list! "

Before, it was just Stern manipulating the media to create confrontation.

But now, A-Zhan went straight to the field and fired!
James clenched his fists, and he wasn't kidding.

The championship, he didn't want to wait any longer, not even a second longer, let alone until Shay retired.

There are no shortcuts in basketball?No, Azhan wants to show the whole world what all roads lead to Rome!
The beginning of the era of the Big Three is the end of the era of Shay!
If you defeat the Lakers and win the Heat's first championship, it will undoubtedly be the greatest honor and the champion with the highest gold content!

Come to think of it, Ah Hua only beat Shay twice in the playoffs, and his historical status has soared. Rumor has it that he is ready to enter the Hall of Fame.

If the Heat can directly snatch the championship in the finals, shouldn't they take off directly?
One crown over Shay!

That night, Shay also watched the live broadcast of the welcome party at home.

Although it was not the first time to watch it, Shay still watched it with gusto.

And rubbed his hands excitedly.

A little fun, a little challenge, a little intensity.

To be honest, if it was the peak Shay, he would not feel that the Big Three of the Heat were a challenge at all.

But the current Shay has indeed lost a lot of ability.

Thinking of this, Shay opened the property panel again.

Xie Yi, who has entered the age of [-], is indeed a bit unsatisfactory in terms of physical attributes now.

After adding points after the end of the season, Shay still does not have a physical attribute of 80.

The speed is only 74, the strength is 78, the stamina is 76, the bounce is 70, and the traverse speed is 79.

The physical attributes have basically returned to the NCAA period.

During the NCAA period, Shai could use this physique to kill the Quartet.

But in the NBA, it is undoubtedly very difficult if you want to compete for the championship.

What's more, Shay's knees are still under a lot of pressure now.

Fortunately, Shay's technical attributes are still increasing during these two seasons.

The back-up footstep attribute has been added to 91, the block prediction ability is 85, and the rebound prediction ability has also been added to 80.

Block prediction ability and rebound prediction ability somewhat make up for Shay's lack of athletic ability on the defensive end.

And the back footsteps also made up for the decline in Shay's breakthrough ability.

And, before the start of the new season, Shai has another chance to upgrade.

Although it is impossible for Shay to dream of returning to the top like he did in 09 with this upgrade, at least it is better than nothing.

It is indeed a challenge to fight against the Heat's Big Three with this ability.

Although there are risks in losing, it will become a stepping stone for Azhan.

But the allure of three consecutive championships and the allure of beating the Big Three are stronger for Shay than the allure of a young model.

Deep down, 40-year-old Shay is still a competitive man.

He didn't want to hear "Can Shai survive the era of the Big Three" in a few years.

So, just hit the Big Three and retire!
And, it's interesting because it's challenging.

The day after the Heat's welcome party ended, the media completely exploded.

Someone criticized James: "There are no shortcuts in basketball! He is eager to work with two star players to defeat Shay. This is definitely the worst move in LeBron's career!"

There are also people who look down on Shay: "The meaning of Shay's last dance is probably to promote James as a superstar in the next era."

Naturally, the Lakers did not sit idle, and immediately joined the arms race.

It's just that the Lakers really don't have much room to maneuver at this stage.

Because the Lakers got two more maximum salary contracts overnight, the salary space was directly locked.

They first extended Shay's contract with the bird rights maximum salary for one year, and then left Roy with the maximum salary after the child labor contract ended.

Of course, Shay can also choose to take the veteran's basic salary, thinking that the Lakers will have enough room to reinforce.After all, salary is just a status symbol for Shay and has no practical significance.

But this kind of "cheating" allowed by the rules, Shay is very disdainful.What he wants to prove is that he can beat the Big Three without cheating!
The Lakers renewed the contracts of Shay and Roy, plus Randolph, who is already a maximum salary, the Lakers are equivalent to having three maximum salary players, so there is no room for maneuverability.

However, it is impossible for the Lakers to keep all the original team.

Because of Finley, O'Neal and Mutombo, they all chose to retire this summer.

Finley and Jermaine O'Neal have done their job as the transitional leaders of the Lakers in the 00s.

But it's ridiculous enough to say that Finley and Ao, both of Shay's younger brothers, have retired, but Shay, who is the big brother, is still playing.
Persistence is really the biggest hang-up in Shay's life.

As for Mutombo, not to mention, Shay is already 40 years old, and the outside world directly suspects that Uncle Mu is now guaranteed 60!

When Uncle Mu played, no one dared to touch him, for fear of being extorted.

Because of the retirement of these three people, the Lakers must also introduce some fresh blood.

But right now, there are not many candidates to choose from.

If you have the strength, the Lakers don't have the salary space to sign.

Those who have no strength, the Lakers who want to compete for the championship don't like it.

Therefore, the Lakers can only start with veterans who were once very capable.

And the first signing, shocked everyone:
"Aaron Iverson has become a Laker! Shay is about to team up with his former junior!"

The Lakers made their first signing this year, and they won AI, which was abandoned by the Mavericks and no one cares about it.

The Mavericks don't renew AI's contract. To tell the truth, it's justifiable. Last season's AI averaged only 13.8 points per game, and he was plagued by injuries. He was indeed not worthy of the maximum salary.

It's just that what AI didn't expect at all was that he couldn't even get a contract!
He almost went to play in the Turkish League at one point, and his agent went there to talk to him several times.

In the end, it had to be his godfather who loved him so much that the Lakers gave AI a veteran's basic salary.

Shay felt that although the AI ​​was old, it still had the ability to be a bench bandit.

Considering that Steffen was too glassy in the early stages of his career, Shay felt that it was still necessary to keep a backup point guard.

And because this is a crazy training version of the AI, his shooting consistency is solid, even now.

When Nick Young can't get up, you can let the AI ​​try it to ensure that the firepower in the transition section is constantly blocked.

Although AI once said: "I have never seen an MVP who plays a substitute."

But on Shay's team, the AI ​​embraced the role.

At the press conference, AI also laughed:
"It is true that I have never seen an MVP playing as a substitute, but why not play as a substitute for GOAT?"

Iverson respected Shai, and that hasn't changed over the years.

He is so proud that he doesn't serve as a substitute for others, but he is convinced when he serves as a substitute for Shay.

After the AI ​​said this, Shay was blown hard again:
"See? This is the influence of GOAT!"

"Shay, the only man who can convince the unruly AI."

"The Lakers are picking up trash again, but Shay can always turn waste into treasure, come on!"

The day after the Lakers signed Shai, Shai got a call early in the morning.

Looking at the caller ID, Xie was stunned for a long time.

What is this guy doing to me?

24 hours after this call
"Breaking news! Shaquille O'Neal has officially joined the Lakers!"

"The Shark still wants to win the championship! Last dance with Shay!"

"Dancing with the Sharks! Go straight to the championship!"

"O'Neill settled in Los Angeles with a basic salary, and the long-standing enemy finally turned into a friend?"

What makes this signing a shock is that O'Neal has been reluctant to acknowledge Shai's greatness until now.

After all, the most humiliating thing in his life was when Shay shaved his head severely at his peak.

As we all know, the shark is a guy with a big body and a small mind.

Therefore, although many years have passed, he still remembers this hatred.

In the end, this became Shay's licking dog?

O'Neal is really licking. At the press conference of joining the Lakers, O'Neal's attitude was as good as a sheep:
"I must strictly control my weight, everyone, rest assured, I will not twirl donuts like Barkley's crayon.

And I will definitely do my best to help Shay ascend to the throne!
Actually, I always thought Shay was my brother!
How could the 99-4 match in 0 be hatred?That was obviously the most important lesson in my life! "

Shay called it a good guy, how much does O'Neill want another ring?
Can you not want to?In this history, O'Neal is only one ring away from tying Kobe.

He has to work hard?
However, the Sharks didn't come to the Lakers to be a clown.

Although the Sharks played poorly last season, there is still something about the low-post offense.

It's just that his physical fitness is too poor, and he can only attack two quarters under normal circumstances.

And what is the worst thing about the Heat?It is precisely the low position!
The Heat couldn't do anything about a tall and fat insider like O'Neal.

Therefore, keeping an O'Neill in the formation may have a miraculous effect at that time.

Therefore, under Shay's behest, the Lakers earned the Sharks a one-year veteran with a maximum salary.

The media ridiculed, AI+Shay+Shark, this is the sunset red version of the Big Three.

The age of three people plus one piece is equivalent to more than a century.

Barkley also joked on the show: "To deal with the Heat, Shai, AI and O'Neal can fall at the touch of a touch, guaranteeing that the opponent will lose everything and surrender voluntarily."

Shay, who was watching TV, smiled wryly at the time. If you want to say that you will fall if you touch it, we really may not have played the Big Three of the Heat!

The two signings of the Lakers have received mixed reviews from the outside world.

Because AI and O'Neill, to be honest, are full of feelings, but their strengths are average.

However, this is one of the few reinforcements the Lakers can do.

The core subject of Shay + Roy + Randolph is the key to winning the championship.

Especially Roy, the fact that he scored two votes in the FMVP selection last season has been talked about by fans.

Some even say that this season will be the one in which Shai passes the baton.

Shea took Roy to fly back then, and now it's Roy's turn to take the 40-year-old Shay to embrace the second three consecutive championships.

The glory of the Zijin Legion will be handed over to Roy!
Before the start of the season, the strength rankings given by the major media, the Lakers and the Heat are also quite close.

On half of the rankings, the Lakers are No. [-], and half of the rankings are No. [-] on the Heat.

It is not difficult to see that although Shay is 40 years old, most fans still feel that the Lakers have a chance to win the Heat.

Shay is also excited about his final season. What better way to end his career than beating the Big Three in the 10s?

At the end of September, the league officials also announced the schedule for the new season.

The journey of the Lakers in the 10-11 season will start with the old rival New York Knicks.

The Big Three of the Heat were assigned to Dayao. After all, A-Zhan was indeed abused by Dayao a bit miserably before, which is equivalent to giving the Big Three a chance for revenge.

In this way, everyone began to prepare for the new season of the new era.

Shai's hard practice in training camp also allowed him to complete an upgrade before the new season as scheduled.

This time the upgrade was lucky, Shay rarely got 10 skill points in the normal upgrade!

Excited, Xie Yi originally wanted to use all of it to increase physical attributes, but then he thought about it, no matter how much physical attributes are added now, it will not be able to return to the original.

A mere 10 points can only be selectively strengthened.

So, Shay spent 1 point on the traversing speed to keep his traversing speed at 80.

Added 4 points to physical fitness, and maintained physical fitness to 80.

In the last 5 points, Shay gave all the block prediction attributes!
For blocking shots, you can rely on your physical fitness to make up for your judgment on the timing of blocking shots.

But after the decline in physical fitness, you can also rely on judgment to complete the block.

The most typical example is Duan, whose jumping ability has declined seriously early on.

But this does not affect the fact that he averaged 14 blocks per game until the 15-2 season in the original history.The quality of the bounce does not determine the strength of the blocking ability.

Now that Shay's attributes such as bounce and speed have declined, it is better to find another way and increase the block prediction to 90!

Coupled with the gold-level "Hot Pot Maniac" badge that has been owned for a long time, the bullet speed and continuous bounce ability when blocking shots are increased.

Shay's shot-blocking ability is also considered strong.

In addition to that, Shay also received a gold-level badge: "Dash from behind!"

The effect is: when chasing the defense and trying to block the shot, the speed and bounce ability are increased moderately.

This badge can be regarded as a counterfeit badge, and it undoubtedly made up for Shay's disadvantage of declining physical fitness when he was defending.

Next season, Shay's defense will still be quite fierce!
And as long as the defense does not slip, the lower limit is guaranteed!
Even if he directly faces Azhan, Shay will not be helpless!
After a brief preseason, Shay's final dance officially begins.

Facing the Knicks after he weakened himself, Shay was full of confidence and wanted to win a jackpot.

However, the beginning of this new era is not as smooth as Shay expected.

(End of this chapter)

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