After changing careers, I became No.1 in basketball

第412章 411:40岁还能40分?不过是换1种方式罢了

Chapter 412 411: Still 40 points at the age of 40?It's just another way

10 to 4, the Lakers drove low and went high, and began to take the initiative in the game.

Who would have thought that Steffen Curry's first start would play a very strong tactical role, drawing Hinrich to his side.

The old Curry is extremely gratified, my son can still assist the current emperor and play for the Lakers Nation, it is really an honor for my Ma family!

Do you think the Lakers dynasty is the Shay dynasty?No, it has to be called the Ma Family Dynasty!

Watching the Lakers stop the Bulls 10-4 at the start, the Lakers fans also let out a sigh of relief.

Although the game has just begun, everything has not yet been concluded.But at least the Lakers proved that they are not without chance of winning in this game, and they are not at the mercy of others!

Stuffer Curry, as a low-grade horse, actually holding down a middle-grade horse like Hinrich, is indeed amazing.

This new set of starters, maybe it will work!

The Lakers fans were miserable. After the previous three-game losing streak, James fans and Heat fans on the Internet ridiculed the Lakers to death.

There is even a popular saying on the Internet now: The real king is in Miami.

This is totally missing Shay.

At this time, seeing that the team has the ability to compete with the Bulls, the Lakers fans are very excited.

We must win today, as long as we win tonight, we can also fight hard on the Internet!
Thibodeau suspended the game for a timeout, the main purpose of which is to solve the defensive problem.

He could see that that boy Stuffer was not a kind person at all.The three-pointer step back just now must not have been fooled.

If a woman winks like silk, every word will make you blush, and she knows how to tease you with small touches from time to time.No need to ask, she must be the KTV reservation champion.

Similarly, Curry's smooth step-back jumper just now, at first glance, is a real three-pointer, and a fool will let him shoot.

Curry and Shai, you can't let the two of them play together on the offensive end.

So you can't let any of them go. Next, Thibodeau will use strict man-to-man defense to contain the Lakers' firepower.

Thibodeau wants to bet on Shay's mid-range singles shooting. Anyway, with Yao Ming, Shay must not be able to do evil in the three-second zone.

If Shay wants to score in singles, he must take shots again and again in the most difficult position of the middle distance.

As a defensive master, Thibodeau has carefully observed Shai's offensive habits this season.Because of the weakened breakthrough ability, most of Shay's shots this season are basically in the middle distance.

This caused Shay's offense to be extremely dependent on touch, and his stability declined.

Speaking of which, the early and late stages of Shay's career are mirror images.

In the early part of his career, Shay couldn't shoot well, and he relied on breakthroughs to score points.

Today's Shay is completely reversed.

Therefore, Thibodeau decided to use man-to-man defense next, forcing Shai to play in the mid-range isolation.

Yes, the peak Shay can score [-] to [-] points purely on difficult mid-range shots.

But that's peak Shay after all.

Thibodeau doesn't think the current Shai can have that kind of continuity.

Just now, Shay's back kick shook Iguodala and Korver, which is really wonderful, but how many times can he score that kind of goal in a game?

Taking a step back, can Shay's efficiency in CIC be higher than that of Dirk and Yao Ming in the low post?
That's it!

He still doesn't believe that the 40-year-old Shay can kill the game with the ancient technique of mid-range singles!
The game restarted, and the Bulls finally relied on Korver's three-pointer to narrow the point difference as soon as they came up.

Next, whether the Bulls can continue to approach depends on the defense!

Seeing that the Bulls are still adopting a man-to-man strategy, Shay also got excited.

It seems that Thibodeau, the old penguin, wants to test my hardness today.

Then you must let you taste the saltiness!

So Shay waved his hand and called Randolph out for the pick-and-roll.

After Randolph blocked Iguodala with his wide body, Nowitzki had to switch and face Shai.

When Shay saw Dirk coming up on defense, he stopped immediately, then stared at the basket, and prepared to join the ball with both hands, as if he was preparing to make a quick stop for a jump shot after a pick-and-roll.

Seeing this situation, Nowitzki did not dare to slack off, and immediately jumped up to block it.

Thibodeau smiled. With Dirk's height, Shay's shot will definitely be seriously interfered with, and it is impossible to make it.

If it was Shay at his peak, he might still be able to score mid-range shots under such serious interference.But now Shay?impossible!
It's really impossible, because Shay's stagnation and bounce height have shrunk slightly now, and his strong throwing ability is indeed not as good as it was back then.

But Shay is not a fool who only knows how to make strong shots.

After Nowitzki jumped up, Shai didn't shoot, but continued to accelerate, passing him easily.

Shay just used a beautiful bow fake to fly Dirk, and then successfully scored with his best throw before Yao Ming pounced!
This post-pick-and-roll feint of worshiping Buddha is very delicately combined, just like the back-turning and shaking the defender just now, and then taking a step up to pick the basket, it makes Shay's offense particularly easy.

Strong vote?Shai doesn't need a strong shot at all.In the past, it was only because of the convenience of playing.I can go straight in, why bother doing so many fancy moves?
But now that his strong shooting ability has weakened, Shay still has a way to get himself an easy shot!
Nowitzki is emo, and now Shay is really a genius, with fake moves all over his body!
What happened to this world?Why is everyone cheating?

A few years ago, Dirk was deceived into obsession by a female fraudster. She even bought a diamond ring worth more than 20 dollars, and almost married her.

It turned out that the other party was a professional liar after hiring a private investigator to investigate.

However, there is genetic repression for women to lie to men after all.Just putting on a few poses casually can trick a man into paying hundreds of millions, so it's understandable for Dirk to be cheated by a woman.

But Nowitzki never expected that he would be so stupid in front of men!
In fact, it's not that Nowitzki is stupid. The fake action of Shay's bowing to Buddha just now is so real that anyone who changes it will have a high probability of being deceived.

Moreover, Shay's prayers to Buddha are always explained clearly.

You thought he was going to have a second luck or a walk, but he did it every time without any problems.

Shay scored again in a single, and he has already scored 6 points in a single quarter.

Thibodeau challenged Shay in the first round of the mid-range singles, and it ended in failure.

The penguin gritted his teeth, he still didn't believe that Shay could still maintain such efficiency!

After one round, Dirk succeeded Randolph in a low post single, and the Bulls continued to close the score.

In Thibodeau's view, no matter how superb Shai's mid-range skills are, his efficiency cannot be higher than that of Dirk and Yao Ming's low-post offense.

It will be a matter of time before the Bulls catch up with the score!

If you have the guts, Shay, just keep fighting!
Thibodeau used to be an assistant coach for the Lakers, so he naturally knew how amazing Shay was.

But he has never seen a player who can dominate the game at the age of 40!

Leave Shay alone and helpless, and sooner or later he will lose!
But soon, Shay gave Thibodeau another blow.

This time, Shay played off the ball again.

Curry holds the ball at the top of the key, and Shai cuts out to the right wing for the pass.But when Shay received the basketball, Iguodala was already clinging to Shay's back, and he didn't give Shay a chance to shoot directly after receiving the ball.

Shay felt the obstruction from his back, so he immediately turned to the left the moment he caught the ball, ready to turn and break through.

Iguodala immediately moved laterally to block, but just as he took a step laterally, he realized that Shay had just made a half-turn fake on the spot.After shaking Iguodala away, Shay immediately turned over and made a jumper in the opposite direction, and scored the ball again without being disturbed!
Perfect footwork, 8 points in a single quarter!
From the start of the first quarter to now, Shay has not missed a shot!
In Thibodeau's view, it is impossible for Shay to still have such a strong ability to hit hard now.

This is indeed the case, but as long as you watch the game carefully, you will know that except for the ball that Korver dunked in the air, Shay didn't have a strong hit!

On the first ball, Shay swayed Iguodala and Korver away and picked the basket easily.

On the third ball, Shay shook off Nowitzki and scored with an easy throw.

With the ball just now, after Shay shook Iguodala away, it was equivalent to an open turnaround jumper.

If this was the old Shay, he would have turned over and pulled out the ball just now, and there was no need to make fake moves at all.If it was Shay in the past, he would just press the accelerator key when facing Nowitzki, and he would not need to worship Buddha at all.

Although Shay can't make a direct shot, he can rely more on feints and swings to score.He cut down on difficult fadeaways, but still managed to evade defenses with precision.

Although the process is much more complicated, and although it is true that it is impossible to force a direct hit, he can also easily get two points!

Shay is still using his own way to shine on the offensive end!
Mike Breen couldn't help feeling: "Shai's offense is art, an art that is about to be lost!"

Last season, because Roy was still there, Shay, who was not under much offensive pressure, did not need a complete transformation.

And this season, Shay will use this new method to continue to kill on the offensive end!

After that, Shay showed his pure mid-range skills time and time again, torturing Thibodeau's nerves again and again.

Iguodala couldn't catch Shai's pace at all. You thought he was going to fake a shot, but he really shot.You thought he was really going to shoot, but he just made a fake move.

Relying on his incomparably superb technique, Shay also played a very high offensive efficiency today.

The Bulls were unable to tie the score for a long time.

After halftime, Shay has scored 22 points!
Only then did people realize that Shai's scoring looked weak last season, not because he couldn't score, but because there was no need to play so hard.

But when the team suddenly lost Roy's No. 20 offensive point who averaged [-]+ per game, when Shay's shots increased.

Shay's scoring can still be very explosive!

After halftime, Thibodeau still didn't believe in evil.

Shai is sure to be less effective as the game wears off.

As a result, in the second half, I don't know if Xie Yi was tired, but Yao Ming was already tired!
Although Yao Ming's physical fitness is no longer so bad in this history, it is only at an average level, far from being a physical monster.

But Thibodeau, as we all know, he is a fucking madman!
From the day he entered the Chicago Bulls, it marked that Chicago had officially returned to serfdom.

In Thibodeau's eyes, isn't it common for a main player to start a game for forty minutes?
Is there any man who can't hold on for four or 10 minutes?
I used to use Shai like this when I was with the Lakers, is there a problem?

So under Thibodeau's deadly strategy, Yao Ming rested for 4 minutes in the first half.

Even if he allowed Yao Ming to rest for 4 minutes in the second half, Yao Ming would still have to play 40 minutes today.

Before that, Dayao's playing time was only about 35 minutes.

Don't underestimate these 5 minutes. In a fierce confrontation, an extra 5 minutes per game is a huge burden on the body.

Shay wanted to remind Dayao after the game and communicate with Thibodeau.

It's not easy to be so healthy in this history, but don't be overwhelmed at this time.

After Dayao's physical fitness declined, both offense and defense were affected.

The ability to attack fierce flanks after receiving the ball in the low post has also begun to weaken.

The Bulls' outside line is locked up as always, and it is difficult to provide effective help on the offensive end.

As a result, the team's stable offensive point is basically only Dirk Nowitzki.

But Dirk's efficiency in the middle distance is not higher than that of Shay.

In this way, the Lakers suppressed the Eastern giant Bulls until the end of the fourth quarter when they were not favored!
At this time, Yao Ming struggled to score with a hook in the defense of the two, but the Bulls were still 6 points behind.

Chasing 3 points in 6 minutes does not seem to be an impossible task.

But the Bulls fans were extremely nervous, because the Bulls were able to catch up to only 6 points in the fourth quarter, because Shay even took a 2-minute break in the fourth quarter, which allowed the Bulls to close the point difference!
In the last round, Carlisle had replaced Shay again.

Carlisle's intention to replace Shay now is also obvious-let Shay, who has rested for 2 minutes, come up and close the game!
At this time, Shay had scored 32 points, the highest in the game.Thibodeau put Shay in a mid-range one-on-one, and Shay repaid his trust.

When Shay came on the court, the live camera even captured Iguodala's sighing expression!

Who would have thought that Shay, who is already 40 years old, can make defensive players so dejected!
Shay controlled the ball step by step and walked across the half court. At this time, he was still like the oppressive god of death more than ten years ago, making the opponents smell the breath of death.

The closer he got, the stronger the breath became.

In front of the TV, A-Zhan seemed to be on the court by himself, and his breathing became short of breath.

Bulls aren't going to be outright killed by 40-year-old Shay are they?

Iguodala was ready, but Shai got close to the three-point line and passed the ball to Noah in the low post.

But Shay didn't stop attacking after passing the ball. He immediately passed Iguodala and cut into the inside line, seeming to cooperate with Noah's attack and cut to the basket.

But in the next second, Shay suddenly ran back and ran to the right outside the three-point line.

Iguodala just turned around to chase, but was blocked by Randolph's off-ball screen.

At the same time, Noah just got the ball into Shay's hands, and Shay got a three-point shot!

Nowitzki immediately switched to block Shai's shot, but Shai put his foot forward and took a step forward.

This step made the German tank think that Xie Yi was going to break through, so he immediately braked sharply and did not continue to rush forward.If you continue to charge forward, Shay will pass you by with one step.

But Shay seized the fleeting opportunity that Dirk made an emergency stop and didn't rush forward, and immediately shot a three-pointer!
With just a simple tentative step, Shay successfully shook Dirk away, and then hit a three-pointer!

His technique is still streamlined and deadly!
35 points in a single game, the point difference also returned to 9 points!
Shay's determination to win his first win of the season today is extremely firm, and he has a strong desire to score.

As long as there is a chance, he will definitely do it himself!
James began to swallow his saliva, and the 40-year-old Shay could easily score 35 points.
However, Shay is not only effective on the offensive end, he also has a full sense of presence on the defensive end.If you want to harvest the game, you must support both offensive and defensive ends.

Facing the fierce attack from the Lakers this time, Yao Ming was still going to hold high and fight high, so he turned around and squeezed to the inside lane first.

But the moment Yao Ming lifted the basketball, the ball was cut off with a "bang".

Looking down, it was Xie Yi, the peerless thief!

At this critical moment to open the score, Shay scored a three-pointer and completed a steal as soon as he came up!
His scythe for reaping victory is still as sharp as ever!
At the age of 40, he still has both offense and defense!
Shay just turned around after stealing Yao Ming and was about to run forward, but saw Iguodala stretching out his hand to the basketball, wanting to fight back on the spot.

Iguodala's attack was indeed very sudden, but Shay reflexively dodged out of luck and gave way to Iguodala's steal.And Iguodala rushed out of the bottom line because of inertia because he made an empty shot.

Shay's timely backhand change completely swayed Iguodala.

He also took the opportunity to push forward quickly, and Curry and Elvis immediately ran to the frontcourt, forming a three-line fast-down trend with Shay.

Dirk and Yao Ming dragged behind, and Iguodala was thrown out of the baseline again, forming a 3-on-2 situation in the frontcourt.

Shay looked at Hinrich in front of him, and suddenly knocked the ball to the ground.

Hinrich thought Shay was hitting the ground pass, and immediately leaned towards Elvis Presley who cut in from the middle.

As a result, after the basketball hit the ground, it bounced back into Shay's hands. This little trick was played by Shay to perfection!
Shay received a ground pass from himself, and then went straight behind the three-point line and shot!

Shay was not disturbed by the ball, and the basketball went into the net without any suspense!

Shay scored the 38th point in a single game and opened the point difference to 11 points!
At this time, Thibodeau finally couldn't hold back:

"Finger, flank! Don't give him another chance to single out!"

Thibodeau spent the entire game proving that letting the 40-year-old Shay play indiscriminately is still a very dangerous thing!

Although I don't want to admit it, in Thibodeau's view. The 40-year-old Shay is still the league's number one middle-distance single-handed player!
The Bulls attacked, Dirk's Golden Rooster independent fadeaway jumper failed to hit.

Dayao took off the offensive rebound and directly rose from the spot.

But because he was too tired, Dayao failed to put the ball in at the end and missed the opportunity for the second attack.

Randolph desperately grabbed the rebound, and at that moment, the audience only heard a shout: "Tomatoes!"

Dayao knew that he had missed perhaps the best opportunity of this competition.

If Shay's offensive momentum can be stopped at this time, the game may come back.

But now that the momentum has not been broken, the game is likely to be directly taken away by Shay!

Of course, the Bulls can still work hard on the defensive end and try to make Shai miss.

In this round, Shay found that the Bulls had another tendency to double-team him.

So he immediately played the ball and continued to attack without the ball.

But this time, after Shay went to the middle distance and received the ball, it was different from just facing Iguodala in a single defense after receiving the ball. .

Even the 40-year-old Shay still enjoyed the pincer treatment at the last moment!
This instead excited the Lakers fans, which shows that Shai is still one of the most dangerous players in the world!

Thibodeau also felt a deep sense of frustration. Originally, in this game, he didn't believe that Shay could use mid-range singles to compete with himself, but he still had to double-team.

Although he can successfully force Shay to pass the ball now, but facing a 40-year-old player and having to double-team, this is really fucking.

However, Thibodeau soon discovered that he was wrong.

Shay still didn't pass the ball in the face of double-teams, but tried to attack by himself!

Three consecutive defeats at the beginning, the Big Three ushered in a new era
Some people even said that Shay originally wanted to hold Roy's thigh to win three consecutive championships, but now that Roy is injured, Shay must regret not retiring.

These days, Shay has had enough of the rhetoric.

So today, he must kill the game with his own hands and kill the Eastern Conference champion last season.And, come up with a good enough performance.

He wants to tell the whole world, your father will always be your father!

The moment Shay received the ball, facing a double attack, he unflappably shook his shoulder to the left, as if turning his back to break through.

So Iguodala and Korver also moved in the direction of Shay's shaking shoulders.

But the next second, Shay immediately dribbled the ball to the right.The sudden change of direction made Iguodala and Korver slow down the pace of defense.In the end, Shay made a drift shot after running two steps.

Although Shay won't have much shot space, relying on the advantage of height and wingspan, the interference is not serious.

Moreover, drift shooting is one of Shay's best scoring methods.

Korver and Iguodala tried their best to block, hoping to seize the last hope.

It's a pity that Shay's scythe swings faster!
In this way, Shay used his superb skills and footwork to successfully get rid of the double-team and made a drift shot!

Thibodeau thought it was a shame to have to double-team Shai to force a pass.But he never imagined that the double team could not force Shay to pass the ball, and could not even prevent Shay from scoring!
The basketball hit the net, and in the last 1 minutes of the game, Shay opened the point difference to 13 points.

As for himself, in the 40-year-old season, when facing his opponent in the finals of last season, he scored 40 points in a single game by relying on mid-range singles!
Age doesn't really seem to be a hindrance to him.

It's true that he's scoring harder than before, but the result is the same.

Shay's superb little skills allow him to still be at ease on the offensive end!

Thibodeau froze for a few seconds, then suspended the game again.But everyone knows that the game is over.

Shay, as he has done in the past 20 years, harvested the game in waves at critical moments!

A-Zhan also turned off the TV, with goosebumps all over his body and his hair standing on end, as if he had just watched a horror movie.

40 years old, 40 points?
No, it's scarier than a horror movie!
Why is Shay's mid-range duel in the positional battle still so strong?

Ajan couldn't help wondering. Is it really possible to overthrow Shay's rule?
A minute and a half later, the buzzer sounded for the end of the game.

The Lakers finally succeeded in winning the Bulls 101 to 96 and won their first victory of the season!
Shay did not score in the last 1 minutes, because the Bulls' double-teaming by Shay has reached an extreme level.

But this gave Curry a chance to perform.

He scored 1 consecutive points in the last 6 minutes to help the Lakers keep the victory.

At the end of the game, all the Lakers fans stood up and cheered for Shai, who was 40 years old and scored 40 points.

Mike Brin couldn't help laughing too:

"40 years and 40 points, I believe today's result surprised many fans.

Shay's offensive skills have reached the pinnacle of human history!

Pleasing to the eye, but quite deadly!
It was just Shay's first win of the season.

So don't rush to be surprised.More exaggerated things, we may see many times this season. "

After all, Mike Brin quickly picked up his phone and posted a social media update:
"The real king is not in Miami at all!"

Ten minutes later, the comment area of ​​Mike Brin's social media was occupied by sentences of "life is not satisfactory"
(End of this chapter)

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