After changing careers, I became No.1 in basketball

Chapter 421 420: Another era is coming to an end?Worst playoff opponent ever!

Chapter 421 420: Another era is coming to an end?Worst playoff opponent ever!

Shay's comeback battle after a week's rest made Adu fiercely angry.

With 15 turnovers in a single game, if Durant in this history meets Westbrook in the original history, there will definitely be a feeling of sympathy.

On the Internet the day after the game, there were even many P pictures of Durant wearing a Lakers jersey.

The media ridiculed that the Lakers still relied too much on Durant to win the Thunder.

Xie Yi couldn't help sighing when he looked at these P pictures.

Stop posting these photos, you think you are joking, but Adu may really run away!
After the game, people say "wait for me next year", which means to play again.

And Adu said "wait for me next year", which means to let you wait at home.

He changed clothes and came to serve directly!
In the summer of 10, Durant had just renewed his contract with the Thunder ahead of schedule with a 5-year 8500 million maximum salary.

At that time, some people said that Durant was not worth that much, but now, anyone who watches the game knows how important Durant is to the Lakers!

There is no problem with such an important player getting a maximum salary!

On the training ground the next day, Adu told Rose angrily: "I will go to Los Angeles to meet Shay sooner or later!"

Rose swallowed: "Can't you go?"

"Aren't you going to support me?"

"I and I support you, mainly because I'm afraid that you won't be able to come back after you go!"

Durant's 15 turnovers demoralized the Thunder team, but it brought joy to most fans.

The collection of his mistakes in that game can be said to have opened the door to NBA comedian basketball.

Adu also obtained a resounding new nickname-Basketball Chaplin!

It is an honor to be able to name one's nickname with such a master figure.

Even Curry, who played a 360-degree dunk on the training ground and directly dunked a three-pointer, dared to call him a Los Angeles bean at most.

It's not just the fans who are happy. Kidd probably wants to fly to Los Angeles to give Shay a kick at this time.

If you don't give up on the public, Ji is willing to worship as a righteous father!
Originally, Kidd's quadruple-double with 14 turnovers has always been one of his dark histories.

Well now, someone is actually braver than him!
People will not remember who is the second in history. From now on, when it comes to mistakes, everyone will only have one hit rate in their minds-Kevin Dushuai!
Xie Yi is 40 years old, and he still does not forget to work for the welfare of the grassroots.He is worthy of being a good leader of the alliance, a good leader.

Adu's 15 turnovers in a single game will inevitably become a classic handed down from generation to generation.

In this game, Shay can be regarded as severely punishing Adu, who was showing off his might before the game.

Strongly announced his return.

But no matter how exciting the game was, it was just a victory after all.

Shay was after more than that.

Victory is like a girlfriend, no matter how much you have, you can never be too much.

How could a victory satisfy Xie Yi's desire?
So after the battle with the Thunder, Shay led the Lakers to consecutive victories.

Moreover, the consecutive triple-double mode has been turned on again!


This allowed Shay's average data per game this season to return to the state of averaging a triple-double!
Before, I thought Shai had fallen behind in the MVP race.

But now, if Shay maintains the average triple-double, it is very likely that James will be squeezed out again!
Ajan felt as if he was playing Jurassic Park, and there was a scary dinosaur chasing him the whole way.Once you stop, your life will be lost.

ESPN also panicked, and managed to market Ajan again, and finally saw the decline of Shay.

As a result, after a week of rest, it was so fierce again.

But to ESPN's delight, Shai took another week off at the end of January, missing a total of four games this time.

And before the rest, Shay's state declined again.

The whole world can see that now as long as Shay's condition declines, it means that his knees are starting to tire and he has to take turns.

Sure enough, in mid-February, taking advantage of the All-Star Weekend, Shay took another week off. Because of the All-Star Weekend, he only missed one official game this time.

It took only half a month to rest again, which inevitably made fans worry about Shay's health.

On TNT's show after the All-Star break, Barkley also compared Shai to a cell phone:
"It's like an old phone that's been in use for many years, and it's still working fine, but the battery life is starting to get worse and worse.

Before, it might need to be charged once a month to run at full power.

Now it takes half a month to charge once.

Fortunately, the performance of this old phone is still excellent.

As long as he is fully charged he can still play a huge role. "

In fact, Barkley still has some worries that he didn't mention on the show, and that is the playoffs!

During the regular season, it's okay for Shai to take an occasional rest.

But in the playoffs, there is no time for key players to rest.If you take a game or two off, the series might just be gone.

With his current physical condition, can Shay make it to the end of the playoffs?

Barkley doesn't know the answer. After all, the guy is 40 years old.

Sometimes Barkley feels that all this is unreal. He has retired as a commentator for more than ten years, but the guy who won two championships with him is still fighting.

This winter has been tough for Shai, who has to wear thick protective gear before almost every game.

The knee effusion was pumped twice in three days.

He even had to undergo electrotherapy in the locker room during halftime.

However, Lakers fans are also very fortunate.

Fortunately, every time Shay came back on time after his rotation.

Bulls fans and Knicks fans weren't so lucky.

The glorious era of these two teams will always stay in the cold winter night of 2011.

On February 2, the Knicks played against the Celtics.

This season, the Knicks are not going well.

After trading away Gasol for Gay's cancer, the Knicks' chemistry was extremely poor.

Gay was not a good team player until he went to the Spurs in the 17-18 season.

In the original history, the Grizzlies traded him away and immediately became a strong team in the West.The Raptors traded him and immediately made the playoffs.

Although he is called "the next McGrady", "the talent is comparable to James".

Although he has the most perfect forward body, he once completed 119 dunks in a single season.

Although Gay hit 38 of 17 equalizers or lore shots in the last five seconds, the hit rate was as high as 44.7%, ranking among the top five in the league.

But Gay has a low golf quotient and low efficiency, his shooting level is not as good as Ajan's, and his defense is even worse.

This kind of player is obviously not as suitable for Kobe as Artest and Gasol.

As for Bynum, although he grew up this season, he averaged 15 points and 11.8 rebounds per game.

But his extremely glassy physique prevents him from appearing in the rotation stably.

Moreover, Bynum is not the kind of teammate in Kobe's mind who desires the ultimate victory in the game.

Bynum is also laughing and joking all day long, whether he loses or wins, he always looks like a fool.He is also the blogger who visits the largest fruit market in New York after the gorilla.

Kobe was just using his prestige to forcibly suppress Bynum so that Bynum would not be turned upside down.But if you want to talk about the chemical reaction, the chemical reaction between the two is not even as good as Kobe and the Sharks after their quarrel.

Therefore, the first consecutive championship team in the 21st century was the mighty Knicks throughout the 00s, but it is only sixth in the Eastern Conference so far this season.

Not to mention the championship, they even have the risk of falling out of the playoffs.

The poor performance also led to a situation where rumors about the Knicks trade can be circulated 300 times a day.

Everyone on the team, except for Kobe, was in danger, thinking whether they would be traded away in the next second while playing the game.

That being the case, why should I work so hard?

This panic atmosphere made the team's combat effectiveness further decline.

And Kobe, who is so competitive, will naturally not sit idly by.

Since the team's condition is not good, then I will drag the team into the right track forcibly!
Kobe still regards winning the championship as his goal this year, and during the period when Bynum was injured, he was overloaded every game, just to raise the team's ranking as much as possible, so that the team would not fall out of the playoffs .

But Kobe is 33 years old after all, and such a high-intensity usage rate makes Kobe overwhelmed.

In this way, on February 2, the fourth quarter of this focus battle against the Celtics.

Kobe fell to the ground suddenly during a breakthrough, covering his knees and gritting his teeth in pain.

After a while, Kobe stood up with difficulty and executed two free throws.

Seeing that Kobe can still make free throws, Knicks fans thought Kobe was fine.

As a result, after the free throw, Kobe limped off the field directly with the support of his teammates.

After the game, the diagnosis made all New York fans desperate-the left knee cruciate ligament was torn!
Everyone knows what this injury means to professional basketball players.

When Ke was interviewed after the game, his eyes were also rosy, and it was obvious that he had just cried.People rarely see such a desperate expression on this man's face.

After all, Kobe also knows very well that at this age with such an injury, he can basically consider retiring.

Even if he can return to the game, he will never go back.

Two days later, on the 24th, at the United Center, Bulls fans ushered in perhaps the biggest blow since Jordan retired.

Yao Ming slipped after landing on the scrimmage rebound in the second quarter, twisting his entire ankle.

Subsequently, the oriental giant who had hoisted two championship pennants at the United Center and continued the glory of the Bulls in the 21st century fell down.

He hugged his ankles and couldn't even stand upright.

After the game, Chicago fans learned that Yao Ming suffered a stress fracture in his ankle.

Although Dayao has not gained weight crazily in this history, he is still heavier than most players in the league.An ordinary player slips and twists his ankle, which is at best a sprain.

But after Yao Ming's weight was all on his ankles, the damage caused was terrible.

Like Kobe, Yao Ming will be directly reimbursed for the season.

Moreover, torn cruciate ligaments and ankle fractures are injuries that directly affect the entire career.

When Lakers fans can still look forward to the second day of sunshine, New York and Chicago have fallen into the long night.

As if it was intentional, the time has just entered 2011, the 00s have just ended, and the two superstars of the 00s have both fallen.

The injuries of Kobe and Yao Ming seem to remind everyone that another era is over.

Another 10 years has passed.

Not only Kobe and Yao Ming, Duncan is also struggling with injuries this season, and his scoring average has dropped to 13.4 points per game.

Just as David Robinson handed the flag to Tim Duncan, Duncan now handed the flag to Parker and Ginobili.

Shaquille O'Neal hadn't played a few games with the Lakers. He spent all day on the training ground without paying attention and was dunked by Curry.

Allen Iverson was completely reduced to a substitute player.

Tracy McGrady in Detroit is like that city, it has become a mess and no one cares.Only Kobe would remember to give this former opponent a hug during the game.

The UFO that flew across the sky of Paris was displaced to Phoenix City, completely lost the star flavor, and has become an ordinary player.

This generation has ushered in their twilight, let alone Shay who has spanned three eras.

Shay persisted for nearly a month after his return this time and took a rest again, and missed the rematch with the Heat.

This is undoubtedly the most struggling season of Shai's career, and his tired knees became more fragile as the season progressed.

Not only that, in addition to his aging, he also has to face the eyes of the whole league and every provocation from the younger generations.

He is the god who started to descend the mountain, and at a glance, the whole world is full of opponents.

It's not hard to imagine Shay's inner pressure besides his body.

His status is beyond the reach of ordinary players, but because of this, he also knows how much he will be trampled once he falls.

Holding it up high and smashing it into pieces, this is a trick the media are best at.

In fact, ESPN couldn't wait to trample on Shay before he was completely down.

When Shai missed the second game against the Heat, ESPN and all its media were extremely active:

"It's the second time in a row to avoid the battle. This season, Shay hasn't played against the Heat for even one minute. He's scared!

That way, even if Shai doesn't make it to the Finals, he can say he's never lost to LeBron and the Heat. "

"Brilliant way of escaping, Shay has a high probability of retiring with an average triple-double data, and may create another record for the number of triple-doubles in a single season.

All in all, as long as he doesn't lose to LeBron, his final season is perfect. "

"Although Shay refused to play and wanted to hide his ears. But we all know very well that a new era is about to unfold in Miami!"

"Next, is the Heat Dynasty!"

At this point, it's not just ESPN.Most media believe that the Heat will win the championship smoothly.

After all, as soon as the Knicks and Bulls fell, the two biggest obstacles in the East disappeared by themselves.

The Celtics are quite old. After Lewis left on the Magic side, Warcraft has been lacking a right-hand man.

For the Lakers, with Shay like this, everyone doesn't even know if he can last through the playoffs.

So, just that sentence: still~yes~who! ?

Although the Heat themselves also encountered some running-in problems, they were hit with a five-game losing streak in February.

But at least the Heat's problems can be improved, and it is difficult for other teams to do better than in the regular season.

For a time, the whole world was full of remarks that the Heat would win the championship.

Shai was also very aggrieved, and he didn't know why every time he had knee discomfort just before the Heat.

He obviously held his breath and wanted to prove himself, but he didn't even have the chance to go to the battlefield.

An angry Shay vented his anger by punching and punching wildly in his home gym.

Shay, who has nowhere to vent, can only wait for the playoffs to come.

He must seize the last chance, this is the last dance of the swan song.

He doesn't want to be a tragic hero. The reason why he chose to play this season again is because he wants to prove that he can win the championship across three eras.

Finally, on April 4, the Lakers easily defeated the Kings at home, ending the regular season of this season.

In the end, the Lakers ranked third in the West with a record of 58 wins, second only to the Thunder with 65 wins and the Spurs with 61 wins.

In the East, the Heat also won 58, but ranked first in the East.

The Bulls and Knicks, the former kings of the Eastern Conference, could only rank fourth and sixth respectively.


After Oscar Robertson, the first single season of modern basketball averaged a triple-double!

At the same time, Shay is also the first player in NBA history to average 2 steals + 2 blocks per game!
It stands to reason that Shay has played a historic average per game, and the MVP must be no problem.

But with the Lakers and the Heat having the same record, ESPN's latest MVP rankings still put James first!
As far as Nima insists on being the first, ESPN is not even pretending now, and just insists on it!
But ESPN also has reasons to say: Shay missed too many games!

Indeed, Shai has appeared in 70 games and missed 12 this season with a knee rest.

Since Bill Walton in the 77-78 season, there has never been an example of winning the MVP by only playing 70 games, excluding the shrinking season.

Moreover, the Lakers' record has regressed compared to last season.

If you want to win the MVP consecutively, a decline in your record is also a big deduction point.

Therefore, ESPN still puts James at the top of the list.

Shay simply finds it ridiculous, ESPN just doesn't pretend now, right?
An average of triple-doubles + 58 wins per game is the second MVP?Does your conscience really not hurt?
Fortunately, the MVP ranking does not represent the final result.However, for the first time in history, Ajan ended the regular season with the first place in the MVP rankings.This means that ESPN has paved the way for Ajan to ascend the throne.

As for whether he can successfully ascend to the throne, it is up to him.

The top MVP ranking is Azhan, and the biggest favorite to win the championship is the Heat.Kobe, Duncan, Yao Ming and even Shay all seemed to disappear after the season.

The NBA in 2011 seems to really start to change.

As far as the Lakers are concerned, the third place in the Western Conference this year is actually very bad.

It's not that the record is poor, but because the No.3's first opponent is the Memphis Grizzlies, the sixth in the Western Conference--that team that will have to shed a layer of skin when they see it!
In this history, because Gay left during the offseason, the Grizzlies' record is better than the original history, rising from eighth to sixth.

In the regular season, the record of the Lakers and the Grizzlies is 2 wins and 2 losses, evenly matched.

And the shooting percentage in these four games is low.

The terrible defensive ability of the Grizzlies makes the Lakers quite a headache every time they meet with them.

The outside world does not think that the Lakers will definitely lose to the Grizzlies, but what is certain is that even if the Lakers win, it will be very difficult to win.If you can kill one thousand enemies in time, you will also lose eight hundred.

So under such a difficult game, can Shay persist until the end?

The problem that Barkley started to worry about before is now directly put on the table by the media.

Although Shay is 40 years old, although the two young men Curry and Noah have performed gratifyingly this season, although Randolph averaged 20+ per game again.

But Shai is still the backbone of the Lakers. If Shai is injured, the Lakers' season will be over.

In the regular season, Vitti can also rely on rotations to maintain Shai's health.

But in the playoffs, only when the opponent is completely knocked down will there be a chance to breathe.

For Shay, this is undoubtedly a severe test.

So on the second day after the end of the regular season, in view of the very difficult road to the playoffs for the Lakers, ESPN only used one sentence when commenting on the Lakers in their playoff preview report:

"It's time to say goodbye. Shai has fought this basketball world for too long. He is really tired, and this fatigue will be more obvious in the playoffs.

There will be a day of farewell. This time, even Shay can't stop the wheel of history from changing times! "

As for ESPN's evaluation, Shay smiled confidently when he was interviewed:

"The times did change, but that was after I won the title!
I'm going to be a player who won championships in the 90's, 00's and 10's!

As for MVP and best defensive player?
Those are not my concerns at all.

I only care about whether I can completely conquer this alliance!

Just watch, the end result is not deceiving.

I am indeed going to bid farewell to everyone soon, in the way of bringing a championship! "

Shay, who will be 41 in two months, just embarked on another trip to the playoffs, a more difficult and dangerous playoff trip than ever.

ESPN wants to see Ajan successfully ascend the throne?

Not Shay!

Only this time, the Memphis Grizzlies, the first opponent in front of Shay, were more vicious than people expected.

This last dance, from the very beginning, was doomed to be tragic.
(End of this chapter)

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