After changing careers, I became No.1 in basketball

Chapter 426 425: It's finally time for a complete liquidation!

Chapter 426 425: It's finally time for a complete liquidation!
After DPOY, the most anticipated award will be announced soon.

Shay took DPOY, and it was just an appetizer.This year's MVP selection is the most substituted link for fans.

Although Shay surpassed Kareem Abdul-Jabbar with 7 MVPs last season, he became the player with the most MVPs in NBA history.

So whether Shay wins the MVP or not this season, his historical status in this regard will not be affected.It stands to reason that this time the MVP selection should not be so high-profile.

But the war between James and Shay made this year's MVP selection extremely special.

Can James steal an MVP from Shai?

Can Shay continue to overwhelm the young Ajan?

These have become questions that fans desperately want to know the answer to.

Although the MVP does not represent the final winner of this season, it is at least a very important personal honor.

If James can't wrest the MVP from Shai, it's not convincing for him to say that he is about to take Shai.

It's impossible to surpass Jordan with one crown, surpass Shay with two crowns, step on Ah Shua for three crowns, and go directly to GOAT, right?
At least they have to grab Shay's MVP head-on.

The Thunder and the Spurs are just so fucked up.

Obviously they are the only two teams in the league with a record of 60 this season, but the MVP discussion has nothing to do with their players.

No way, although the Spurs and Thunder have good records, the statistics of their stars really cannot be compared with Shay and James.

On the Spurs side, the idiot averaged 13 points per game, not to mention.

Parker and Ginobili, who are in charge of the main attack, averaged only 17+6 and 17+4 per game.

Let alone MVP with this kind of data, it is enough to be an All-Star.

Although Nash didn't score many points when he won the MVP, he still had 18+10.

From the perspective of personal data, Ginobili and Parker are indeed not qualified to be MVPs.

On the Thunder's side, although Adu is the scoring leader, he is completely surrounded by Azhan in all statistics except scoring, let alone compared with Shay's average triple-double data per game.

Although he has a record of 65 wins, the statistics are all behind, which really makes Durant very passive.

Rose also has the same problem, the record is good enough, and the statistics are good enough.

But it's just good enough, the data is still surrounded by Ajan in all directions.

What's more, in this history, there is Durant beside Rose.Therefore, his 65 wins did not lead the team alone, and the gold content of this record is not as high as the 62 wins he led alone in the original history.

In fact, looking at it this way, A-Zhan actually doesn't have much chance of winning the MVP.

First of all, the Heat's record is exactly the same as that of the Lakers. Secondly, from the perspective of personal data, James is surrounded by Shay except for scoring.What's more, there are Wade and Bosh beside James.

But there is no way, the public opinion resources behind James are too strong.

Times have changed. In this Internet age, if a star wants to gain attention, it is useless to play well.

Public opinion propaganda must also be able to keep up.

In order to increase the probability of James winning the MVP, ESPN has been promoting the four points deductions that Shay is not qualified to win the MVP.

The first point of deduction is that some media under ESPN have been shamelessly saying that Shai's triple-double average per game is a brush, and there is not much gold content at all, and it is even a shame in basketball games.

The second deduction point is that Shay only played 70 games this season, and the NBA has not had an MVP with such a small number of appearances in almost half a century.

Have you seen anyone who takes ten days off a month and still wins the best employee award?Unless that person is the boss's own son.

The third deduction point is that Shay's team's record has regressed compared to the previous season.

Fourth, it was Shay who took the DPOY.

This is considered a consolation prize for Shai from the league.

Shay was, after all, the last ruler of the league, and it's kind of cheesy to let Shay end the final season empty-handed.So, it's normal to give a DPOY some comfort.

Although the official has never clearly stated that these four points will affect the final selection of MVP, under the hype of the media, you can't even guarantee that the voters will not be affected by public opinion.

It's as if public opinion often propagandizes that Ah-Jan can only go on a rampage, and many people believe it to be true.In fact, Azhan's passing is still a bit level.And the ability to resist pressure is very strong, the more accurate the transmission in the last few seconds.

With ESPN's suppression of public opinion, this gives people the illusion that "James can also compete for MVP".

It can only be said that the Internet age is good.

A player who has never won an MVP or a championship can pull him to the same level as Shay for comparison.

This is really thanks to the power of the media in the Internet age.

The Internet has made many KTV waitresses become Internet celebrities.

It also gave some other players additional exposure.

Otherwise, people like Ajan are at most comparing with Pippen now.

Despite ESPN's frantic critics and praise, James still couldn't sleep all night and all night before the results were announced.

After all, he in this history has never even won an MVP.

Whether he can win the first honor, whether he can step on Xie Yi's position, depends on this MVP.

This is crucial to James' career!

Early the next morning, James went to the team's locker room and waited with his teammates for the news of the MVP.

Stern knows traffic, because this year's MVP awards are too high-profile, so he held a live press conference to announce this year's MVP candidates.

At the same time, he also arranged reporters in the Heat locker room, Thunder locker room and Lakers locker room to broadcast the reactions of James, Durant, Rose and Shay live.

To be precise, Durant and Rose are just accompanying each other.

Everyone knows that the final MVP will be between Shai and James.

This simultaneous live broadcast in multiple places is the first time the NBA has announced the final candidate for the MVP in this way.

In fact, Stern's idea also came from Ajan.

Although the trick of "deciding one" live broadcast nationwide is very damaging, it is indeed topical.

That being the case, then use this trick on the announcement of the MVP to wash away a wave of traffic!
Therefore, it's not just Azhan who is nervous, but even the fans on both sides are also very nervous.

Over in Miami, James looked dignified.

Mike Bibby also comforted Azhan: "You seem to be in a good state of mind, and there are no dark circles under your eyes."

Arjan: .
Camera everything, come to Los Angeles.

Unlike James who went to wait early, Shay just got out of his Ferrari at this time, wearing sunglasses, and walked easily to the locker room.

The reporter at the scene immediately approached and asked, "Xie, what mood are you in at this moment?"

Xie Yi looked stern: "There is no special mood, and it is no different from every day before. Hey, when you have won seven MVPs like me, you won't have any expectations for this kind of moment."

The reporter couldn't help laughing, French orthodoxy still has to be in Shay, this Versailles flavor is too upright.

But it can be seen that Shay really intends to settle all the accounts of the regular season.

From G3 in the first round of the series until now, Shai has been aggressive towards the Heat and James.

In the regular season, Shay can still not care too much.

But in this playoffs, no one can let others claim to be the king!

Shay leisurely walked into the locker room. At this time, the time was exactly 12 noon.

David Stern makes his debut in the press conference hall of the NBA headquarters in New York.

The live broadcast screen was also divided into four parts at this time. Stern occupied the entire screen, while the screens of Shay, James and Thunder were shrunk and located in the three corners of the screen.

In other words, when the results are announced later.All the expressions of Shay, James and Thunder will be broadcast to the whole world through the live broadcast.

To the man who won the prize, it was all right.

But it's self-evident how embarrassing it was for those who didn't win.

Stern himself even felt that it was a pity, but it was a pity that he couldn't see James' expression later!
That's right, James' expression!
Stern is a star-making master, but he himself is not very interested in promoting James.This season, ESPN has been the main force supporting James, not the league.

Stern doesn't praise Azhan, but it's not that Azhan's commercial value is not enough.In fact, Stern also very much hopes that James will become the next face of the league.

However, we must not start to praise this season.

Stern is very clear that the final result of holding James high now is to fall from a high place and fall to pieces!

Ten years ago, Stern did something similar.

In the 99 season, the popularity of the OK combination was much higher than that of the current Azhan.Stern even did not hesitate to modify the rules to restrict Shay, but also to promote O'Neal and Kobe to the altar.

The results of it?O'Neill and Kobe experience a shave they will never forget.

Because it was held too high, it fell too badly after losing.This instead led to Kobe and O'Neal never being compared to Shai in their lifetimes.

Even in 09, when Kobe stood opposite Shay again with three rings, people only said that Kobe was approaching Jordan, not Shay.

Therefore, Stern does not want to deliberately praise James this season.

Is it too late to praise Shay after he retires?

But... who knows that James himself can't wait.

ESPN can't wait too, for fear that the entire basketball market will be in a slump after Shay retires.

Then Stern can't help it. If you want to fall yourself, I can't stop it.

That's why Stern really wanted to see James' expression later.

Although the outside world has been exaggerating that James can win the MVP, as the president of the league, he already knew who the MVP will be this morning.

And this voting result will embarrass Azhan very much!
At this time, in the Heat locker room, the reporter was interviewing Ajan:
"If you succeed in winning the MVP and the championship this season, do you think you can secure the scepter handed by Shay? Will you be able to rule this era in the future?"

James held his head high:
"Of course! MVP is a very important personal honor, even as important as the championship. If I can get it, it means that I am the best player now.

And the championship, as I said before, our goal is not one, not two!

I will definitely borrow Shay's scepter and continue to rule the alliance! "

It can be seen that James is very confident.

In his opinion, the only reason for Xie Yi and Lei Ting to be included in the live broadcast is to be his background board!

Just reality.
At this point, Stern cleared his throat in the lobby of a press conference in New York.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to witness with me the final results of the MVP selection for the 2010-2011 season.

LeBron, Shai and the Thunder are undoubtedly the best players in the league.

But there is only one MVP. Now, let's take a look at who will win the award. "

After speaking, Stern pretended to open the envelope.

In the Heat locker room, James held Wade's hand tightly.All cameras are also aimed at James, ready to record this historic moment from all angles.

James' self-confidence is not groundless, because ESPN pursues to get all its reporters to vote for James.

No one really thinks that Ugly Country is a fair country, right?Isn't the black-box operation the best thing to play there?

Although ESPN has only 15 votes in total, the total votes are 121 votes.

But it is already a great advantage to be able to start with 15 more votes.

The right time, place and people are all in place. If I, Azhan, don't win the MVP, who will win the MVP?

After opening the envelope, Stern said: "Oh, I'm so nervous that I'm sweating, this is definitely the hottest moment of the day."

Stern's words made James couldn't help but smile.

"The hottest moment today", Stern said the word "Heat" intentionally or unintentionally, which is also the team name of the Heat.

This little old man knows how to play puns?

Isn't this implying that I will win the MVP!
Many Heat fans also think so. If it is not a hint, what kind of heat is Stern talking about at this juncture.

Isn't it in Dongjin that there is a need for inexplicable emphasis on heat?
After saying that, Stern officially announced the results:
"2010-2011 season, NBA regular season MVP"

James laughed straight away, and Wade hugged his wife excitedly.

But then, Stern said: "From the Los Angeles Lakers, Shay!"

"Yeah!" In the Heat locker room, James and Wade embraced and jumped up.

But looking at the quiet teammates and embarrassed reporters around, the two suddenly realized that something was wrong.

wait, stern just said
From the Los Angeles Lakers! ?

Meanwhile, inside the Lakers locker room.

Curry and O'Neal were so excited that they danced behind Shay's back. Randolph picked up a drink and poured it on Roy's head.

Roy looked confused, it's none of my business!
Nick Young ran around the locker room excitedly, while AI applauded with emotion.

And Shay himself?

He was still wearing sunglasses, and there was no smile on his face.Facing the microphone stretched out by the reporter, he just shrugged:

"Damn it, my cupboard for trophies is going to be full again."

James died directly, not because I was so excited before the game, and I just said something like "take over Shay's scepter".

It wasn't me who won the prize in the end! ?

This behavior of opening champagne at halftime makes Ajan quite embarrassed now.

Soon, the specific voting results were given on the big screen.

However, after this result came out, James was even more embarrassed.

Shea received 121 of the 106 votes cast, a fairly clear margin.

But it was not the number of votes that embarrassed Azhan, but
The 15 tickets he got were exactly the 15 ESPN gave him!
In other words, apart from ESPN reporters, no one voted for James!

Except for ESPN, no reporter thinks James is the MVP!

James' 15 votes are more embarrassing than Durant and Rose who didn't get a single vote!

Because this means that James and ESPN have not been able to beat Shay!
That's nonsense, ESPN really thinks other people are fools, really think they can brainwash people with propaganda?

Shay has played a historic triple-double this season, and the data other than scoring completely surrounds James.In terms of personal data, James is simply incomparable.

Besides the record, ESPN has been emphasizing that Shai missed 12 games, thinking that this can reduce other people's favor for Shai.

But thinking about it the other way around, Shay has missed 12 games and can play exactly the same record as James.

Doesn't this mean that Shay has a strong ability to lead the team?

As for the record decline, it is not a problem.

The Suns in the 05-06 season had 8 fewer wins than last season, and they still couldn't stop people from choosing Nash as the MVP.

Although the record has declined, everyone can see the impact of the Suns' injuries.

Similarly, the Lakers lost Roy, the No. 58 shooting guard in the Western Conference this season, and Shay can still lead the team to [-] wins.

What kind of bike does this need?
From the beginning to the end, only ESPN and James himself felt that the MVP selection was suspenseful.

In fact, in the eyes of other reporters, this vote is completely redundant!
Looking at the voting results, James and ESPN reporters almost didn't want to dig a hole and escape.

The result of this vote was short of the words "Cheating can't win" written on it.

James' embarrassing expression was also broadcast to the whole world by the live broadcast signal.

Although Shay and James haven't faced off even once this season, at this moment, Shay has undoubtedly taken the lead in winning the victory!
At this time, the live broadcast signal was sent to Xie Yi.

The reporter interviewed Shay, but Shay still looked calm:
"It's not time to celebrate, I'm still short of a championship trophy. But you all know that sooner or later it will be mine, just like MVP!
Some people keep saying that they only want to talk about current or potential opponents, so they keep silent about me.

Indeed, because I am not his opponent, I am his ruler! "

After that, Shay stood up and was about to leave the locker room.

The real MVP doesn't need to hype at all!

On the other side, Ajan was also interviewed.

Now he can only force a smile in front of the camera to cover up his embarrassment:
"Congratulations, Congratulations Shay.

I've said it before, Shai is an extremely good player.

He has won the most MVPs, and now he has added another one.

He really did not one, not two, not three.

Eight MVPs, this is definitely an achievement unprecedented! "

James is humiliated, it's this time, and he even interviewed a der!
Watching others snatch the MVP, but still want to say good things to others?Pooh!
Ah Zhan, who couldn't bear it anymore, finally added:
"However, the MVP is only secondary, and the championship is the most important thing.

I will definitely win a championship for Miami!This goal has not changed from the beginning to the end! "

The fans are speechless, oh, you didn't win the MVP, and the MVP has become secondary again?

So that's why A-Zhan has a high EQ. When he's not flopping, "I won't even flop".When he dives, "diving is part of the game."

When he wants to win the MVP, the MVP is the most important honor.When he can't get it, the MVP doesn't matter.

What matters is a smooth handling of things.

The championship, this is James' last fig leaf.

After losing the MVP, if he can't win the championship again, then he will become a clown completely.

In fact, he's a clown now.

Before the game, ESPN promoted it as if James was already the MVP.

As a result, except for ESPN reporters, no one voted for James at all.

This made James attract ridicule from the entire Internet.

Barkley immediately posted a sentence on his social media: "Only ESPN votes for James. This is a true self-proclaimed king! The key is not yet regarded as this king!"

Mike Brin also deliberately posted a photo of Shay and his seven MVP trophies last year, with the text:
"True greatness doesn't need all the hype."

Rodman: "I've said it all, James is just an average player in front of us."

A-Zhan watched the news, and finally caught up with Jordan—his blood pressure caught up with Jordan!
Against you!

How did you speak to the Emperor! ?
James has been touted this season, and he must be a bit overwhelmed by this sudden setback.

However, what made James most angry was O'Neal's dynamic.

This guy who had just been a teammate with James, but left with infamy, deliberately sent a message for Shay:
"During the regular season, because the two sides didn't play against each other, the media can praise James and use James and Shai to make all kinds of empty comparisons.

But when it comes to the playoffs, when it comes to the battlefield with real swords and guns, all false sides will be torn apart.

When Shay and James meet in the finals, everyone will know that the gap between the two sides is bigger than people think!

James?If he doesn't win two championships first, he can't even compare to me, let alone Shai. "

O'Neill has always been a very daring mouth, so this dynamic can be said to be merciless.

Unsurprisingly, O'Neal's comments angered James fans and Heat fans alike.

In just one hour, Shark's social media was flooded with insulting comments about him.

And those highly praised replies are basically expressing one meaning: "Fatty fat people don't brag about Liu Beep, let's talk about it after you can reach the finals!

Next, there are two 60-win teams, the Spurs and the Thunder, waiting for you! "

Ajan thinks so too. Next, the Lakers will face two consecutive 60-win teams.

Whether Xie Yi can fight Lao Tzu is still unknown!
In the first round, you have to play six games against the Grizzlies. How can you beat the Spurs and Thunder?
At this time, James never expected that just one month later, Shay and his Lakers stood in front of him.

Moreover, it is still going all the way in a way that is almost crushing!
In the second round, the Lakers VS Spurs.

In 2008, the Spurs became the third team in NBA history to beat Shai in the playoffs.

Duncan also won the supreme "Ever Beat Shea Award" after Drexler.

But that was 2008 after all, and now, Duncan is no longer the core of the Spurs' offense.

Parker and Yaodao dominated the game.

Popovich's strategy of changing to a perimeter offense seems to have some effect. After all, the Spurs won 61 wins.

Before the game, the reporters also asked Shai:

"We all know you're the MVP, at 41 you're still the best player in the league.

But the question is, can your state last until the end of the playoffs? "

Faced with this question, Shay just laughed easily:

"I'm afraid it will be difficult to maintain until the end, as you said, I am 41 years old.

If I fight so hard every game in the playoffs, I definitely won't be able to make it to the end. "

The reporter knew Shay would not show weakness, so he was waiting for the "but."

Sure enough, Xie Yi changed the subject:
"However, I can sit in the back of the car first, and let Zach and Steffen get into shape first."

Popovich was furious, because Shay's implication was: "I don't have to take a serious shot. With my son and Zach, we can also end the Spurs!"

Popovich admitted that the 09 and 10 seasons were not in good shape.

But this season, the team's record of 61 wins already shows that the team's transformation has been a great success.

Xie, you don't think that my big dog thorn is still as easy to bully as the previous two years!
In this way, G1 of the Western Conference semifinals started.

In this game, Popovich gave Artest a death order:
"Even if Shay is going to the bathroom, even if he is doing what Ai does, you have to keep up with me!"

The Spurs succeeded. Shay scored only 17 points in the first game under Artest's desperate defense, shooting 42% from the field.

But the Spurs also failed because they failed to win the game!

Curry scored 23 points and Randolph 31.

These two guys really defeated the Spurs!

Outside the Spurs, whether it is Parker or Ginobili, the defense is not strong.

Therefore, Curry scored 21 points as he pleased.

But it's fine if it's just Curry scoring. The most murderous thing is that Popovich didn't expect Randolph to beat Duncan point-to-point!

Duncan's physical condition is still worrying this season, and he can't stand Randolph at all.The Spurs' inside partner for Duncan is the 37-year-old Antonio McDyess.

These two people were picked by Randolph in turn, and the big black bear was simply getting what he wanted inside the Spurs, and experienced the feeling of being Olajuwon!
Popovich thought he had made the transition, but he hadn't.

Although the Spurs transformed into an offensive team during this period, the ultimate team basketball style of play has not yet been developed.

Parker and Ginobili's scoring ability is not top-notch, and it is difficult to solve it in the playoffs.

Therefore, Shay didn't take the Spurs seriously at all. What about 61 wins? In the original history, this Spurs was the master of the Grizzlies.

Although in this history, the Spurs added Artest this point.

But Artest simply can't solve the Spurs' main problem.

What they need is the ultimate small ball and teamwork after speeding up, and a terminator robot with no expression from the future.

These are things that Artest cannot give.

After the game, Shay faced the camera leisurely: "It seems that I have to sit in the back of the car for a while longer."

In the next three games, the Spurs tried their best, but they were still unable to bring down the Lakers.

The Spurs' defense during this period is simply a cash machine for the Lakers.

Randolph averaged 20.6 points per game, Curry averaged 19.8 points per game, and Shay Paddle averaged 17.7 points per game.

4 to 0, the Lakers unexpectedly swept the Spurs and advanced to the Western Conference Finals!
The results of this round of the series are shocking. The Lakers and Grizzlies have fought hard for six games. How can they beat the 61-win Spurs 4-0! ?

No way, after Bowen retired, Popovich lost his strongest tactical starting point after all.

Both Ajan and ESPN are nervous, and now Shay is only one thunder away from the finals!

As a result, ESPN began to frantically build momentum again:

"Shai may get away with the old Spurs, but he can't stop the young Thunder."

"Shai, with 17.7 points, can't handle scoring leader Durant!"

"Shay is about to be hit by a storm of youth."

But the fans don't care what ESPN said anymore. Everyone has memories. Everyone has not forgotten how Shay made Durant break the NBA history single-game turnover record during the regular season.

Shay can't handle Durant?

No, Shay can make Durant autistic!

In this series with the Thunder, Adu was forced to contribute 4.9 turnovers per game.

It can be said that Durant has bright moments in every game.

Highlight moment as a comedian.

In G1, he was too nervous to make an empty basket under Shay's pursuit.

In Game 2, his pass under Shai's pressure went straight to Rose's head.

In Game 3, he dribbled the ball in front of Shay, and Shay easily made the steal.

In G4, seeing his teammate miss the dunk, he gave a thumbs up on the bench in disgust.As a result, after he came back, under Shay's defense, he immediately failed to dunk.
Scenes like this are numerous in this round of the series.

In fact, Durant's turnovers have been high throughout his career, except for the slightly better period of the Warriors.

Because during the Warriors period, Adu didn't have to do any serial work, he was only responsible for wielding the sickle.

To put it bluntly, Adu is a pure scorer.

You want him to do something else with the ball, and his turnovers get completely out of control.

Originally, Adu made many mistakes, but when he met Shay, the DPOY, the number of mistakes ranked first in the team.

In addition to turnovers, Shai also limited Adu to only 41% shooting in the playoffs.

Durant, who has not yet achieved great success in holding the ball and backing up, can only pull Shay head-on again and again.

It's amazing how efficient it is.

Shay fulfilled his expectation and turned Adusan into a tortoise.

Although Rose tried his best, he averaged 26.8 points per game.

But the speed at which he filled the hole was not as fast as that of Adu.

Of course, Adu is not useless.

In G4 of the series, Adu broke out and scored 55 points on Shay with a shooting rate of 28%.

Just in that game, the Thunder did win.

But the Thunder just won that game!

And a victory cannot allow the Thunder to win the series.

4 to 1, the Lakers finally swept the Thunder and advanced to the finals!
At the end of G5, Durant went up and patted Rose on the shoulder:

"It's okay man, you can definitely do better next season."

Ross:? ? ?
It's not you who said this to me, your face! ?

If it weren't for you, I might have advanced!

And Mike Breen, who explained the game on the spot, expressed emotion:
"Even at 41 years old, Shay can still take care of everything on this planet.

Scoring leader Kevin is also vulnerable in front of him! "

In this way, the Thunder, who thought they could cause huge trouble for the Lakers, only won one more game than the Spurs in the end.

The whole world was dumbfounded. The Lakers in the first round and the Lakers in the next two rounds did not look like a team of the same level at all!

The two 60-win teams combined only won one game over the Lakers!
How can this be?

In fact, the Grizzlies in the first round were the hardest to beat.

The Spurs are not good on offense and defense, and the top star of the Thunder will be defeated by Xie Tianke again.

These two teams have never had a chance of winning from the beginning.

Feeling that the Lakers can't beat the Spurs and Thunder is just wishful thinking of some fans.

Before, Heat fans and James fans have always said proudly that the Lakers are not even qualified to enter the finals and play with the Heat.

When Shai was absent from the first Christmas game, Wade said in a strange way: "I can't wait for the finals to win at the Staples Center! Well, it is also possible that we will not play in Los Angeles in the finals."

From the media to the players, they all look down on the 41-year-old Shay.

But now, Shay came directly to the Heat with a strong record of 8 wins and 1 loss!

This undoubtedly blocked everyone's mouth!

Shai has won tickets to the Finals for the third consecutive year, while the Miami Heat are still fighting with the Boston Celtics.

Just one day after the Lakers advanced, the Heat had a final fierce battle with the Big Three at home.

This tough green army, the situation is very bad at this time.

Garnett, Pierce and Ray Allen all had minor injuries.

Rondo even dislocated his left shoulder in the last game, and now he is fighting with one hand.

Lukai has long been in turmoil, but the dignity of the champion makes them tenacious and unyielding.

Under this tenacious and tough style, the injury-ridden old Celtics dragged the game into overtime.

It's a pity that it was a big defeat for the Celtics in overtime.

They were old and showed their old age in overtime. The team only made 6 of 1 shots and made 4 turnovers.

The young James is determined to rush out of the East, and he doesn't want to hear any more bullshit about "the future is yours".

So in the overtime period, Azhan scored two 3-pointers in a row, plus two breakthrough layups, scored 10 points in a row, and directly took the game away!

The Celtics ran out of bullets and collapsed.

The East, ruled by the Bulls, Knicks, and Green Kai, finally ushered in a new king tonight!
After the game, the Heat officially eliminated the Celtics with a total score of 4 to 1 and successfully advanced!

The moment the game ended, James fell to his knees on the floor.

It was the Celtics again, and it was another kneeling.But this time, the ending was completely different.

James won, he finally crossed this last hurdle, passed the Celtics, and is about to enter the finals stage!

Ajan is very fortunate, thankful that he made that decision nearly a year ago.

Now, he is finally entitled to a share of this cruel world!
Wade hugged James excitedly, and Bosh raised his arms and cheered.

Generation 03 is about to stand on top of the Forbidden City!
The reporter also entered the court at this time, preparing to interview the winning Heat players.

But at this moment, the audience suddenly became restless, and the shouting was twice as loud as before.

People saw that under the obstruction of many security guards, a man rushed onto the field and ran towards James aggressively.

Take a closer look.
That person turned out to be Shay!

That's right, Shay went straight to Miami today.

After all, the finals are going to start from the Heat's home court.

Because the tickets for the grandstand had been sold out long ago, Shay asked a friend to help him get a ticket for a luxury private room.

Because of this, fans and the media have never noticed that Shai was there.

As soon as the game ended, Shay left the private room and headed for the court.

He can't wait to start this war quickly!

Shay leaned in front of James, and his cheeks were close to James, forehead to forehead, full of gunpowder.

This scene full of gunpowder made the scene completely boil.

It also made the ratings after the game even higher than the ratings during the game!

Numerous reporters surrounded the two, shooting 360° without dead ends.

Shay didn't want to wait any longer, not for a second.

He endured throughout the regular season.

The media said that James was about to be crowned king, and directly ignored Shay, the still-reigning basketball god, and Shay endured it.

The media ranked James first in the MVP rankings for no reason, and Shay endured it.

He even missed two games against the Heat due to a knee injury, and was scolded as a "coward" eccentrically, and Shay endured it!
Because he knows that unless we actually meet each other, it is futile to say anything.

And at this moment, Shay finally didn't need to bear it anymore!

He really walked in front of LeBron James and the Big Three of the Heat.

Shay clung to James and reached out to the reporter for the microphone:
"Congratulations, LeBron, on your first East Championship.

But then, you have nowhere to go!

Who is better, we don't need media comparisons, we don't need a confrontation in the air.

We will compete with real swords and guns!
Whoever has the real ability, we will know soon!

I am the legend that never dies, I am the mountain that you cannot climb! "

With that said, Shay handed the microphone back to the reporter.

Then in front of James, he raised his arms high in a victorious gesture.

Courtesy first, soldiers later, the regular season has been polite for so long.Now, it's time to send troops!

Subsequently, Shai turned around and left the arena amidst the boos of Heat fans.

James was completely stunned, a little dazed.

He really didn't expect Shay to come to his territory to provoke him.

He also admitted that the sense of oppression that Shay just felt was indeed quite scary.

This Nima.
Shay is serious!

Before, the unscrupulous pulling and stepping, the unscrupulous stepping and pushing, finally came to the time to pay the price.

Did I, A-Zhan, be frightened?
I chose to join the Heat in a group last year just to deal with you!

A Durant can't handle Shai.

One Durant + one Rose still can't handle Shai.

But I took out three young superstars, how should you deal with them?
James was full of confidence, and when the reporter handed him the microphone, he finally put on a friendly camouflage in private:
"As I said, it should be number one in anyone's list, and we will win everything this season! Even if it means pulling down the altar!"

Shay's sudden entry made Stern go numb from laughter.

This is simply the best advertisement for this year's finals!

After James finished speaking, the screen cut back to the TNT studio.

Barkley commented on the face-to-face quarrel between the two just now:

"It was the last time LeBron was that tough in front of Shai.

When the tide receded, everyone knew who was swimming.

And when Shay and James had a real fight, everyone knew what the gap was.

Now, the reason why people are still discussing who can win between James and Shai is because they have never played against each other this season.

In a few days, when the series ends in G1, trust me.

This problem will simply disappear! "

Finally, the match between James and Shay was on the agenda.

This war that has been brewing for a long time is finally going to see blood on both sides in a duel with real swords and guns!

And Shay's last dance is destined to be full of passion in Miami!
 Today's [-]-in-[-] chapter will be directly updated with [-]D!Conscience is old, begging for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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