After changing careers, I became No.1 in basketball

Chapter 50 050: The Butterfly Effect Appears?

Chapter 50 050: The Butterfly Effect Appears?

Shai and Laettner each contributed countdown lore in the Final Four.

This is definitely the most incredible Final Four performance in NCAA history.

But it's also a lore, but Laettner's popularity is higher than Shay's.

After all, his lore is more showy, and more showy is often more eye-catching.

Laettner made 10 of 10 shots, and his 100% shooting rate was able to complete the lore performance, which is indeed too explosive.

Danzi spent 5000 yuan with tears in his eyes, but the background board was not considered the biggest one.

Danzi suffered a blood loss!
Laettner's perfect performance shocked everyone, which also convinced the media that he could lead the team to break the undefeated golden body of Georgetown University this season.

So, the classic sentence appeared again:

"The Chinese beat North Carolina by luck, but there is no way he can beat Laettner!"

The media are basically more optimistic about Duke.

But among the fans, there are more supporters of Georgetown University.

A TV station conducted a telephone poll to investigate the support rates of the two teams.

Among them, more than 70% of the fans hope that Georgetown University can win the championship.

Laettner is the number one villain in the NCAA, and everyone really wants to see him get rid of.

In street interviews, there are also more people who expect Georgetown University to win:
"That conceited bastard Leitner, he will definitely be taught a bad lesson this time!"

"Laettner deserved to be sent off after elbowing his opponent in the last game. Duke won because of the referee's fault."

"It doesn't matter who wins the championship, I just want to see Laettner get beaten up by Shai and Mourning.

Larry Johnson was severely beaten, and Leitner couldn't escape it. "

Shay: Don't talk nonsense, I'm a serious player.Beating people is something that only Mourning can do.

Bearing the expectations of the All-Ugly fans, Mourning and Shea woke up excitedly early on game day.

The pace of NCAA March Madness is very fast. The semi-finals will be played on March 3, and the finals will be played on April 30.

Just a day off in between.

So, everyone just happened to be on fire.

Shay went to the toilet to wash up after getting up, and Mourning, as always, picked up the newspaper that the waiter stuffed into the room and looked at it.

"Hahahaha, now April Fool's Day jokes are so boring. The paper says the magician has HIV."

As soon as Mourning finished reading this message, he saw Shay rushing out of the toilet with a toothbrush in his mouth in surprise:

"What did you say!?"

"The newspaper said that the magician was infected with HIV. How is this possible, and why are you using an April Fool's Day joke as the headline of the newspaper? It's crazy." Mourning replied indifferently.

Shay immediately picked up the remote control to turn on the TV and tuned to the news channel.

Sure enough, the news that the magician was found to be HIV-positive was also broadcast on TV!
Mourning scratched his head: "Crazy, serious news channels also make fun of this?"

Soon, Mourning saw a replay of the magician's press conference this morning on TV.

The magician first walked into the press conference with a smile on his face, and greeted everyone as always.

But what is unusual is that besides the general manager of the Lakers Jerry West, there is also the then NBA commissioner David Stern who attended with the magician!
If it was just an ordinary press conference, David Stern would definitely not show up in person.

Then, the magician announced the shocking news that he was found to be HIV carrier!
This time, Mourning was completely stunned.

Because even if it's April Fool's Day, it's impossible for a magician to make fun of himself with such a thing.

So there's only one possibility, and it's true!

The magician also announced that he would take an indefinite truce and even consider retiring!
Xie Yi looked astonished, because in the original history, the magician only found out that he was sick in November.

But in this history, it was half a year earlier.

As expected, his own arrival caused a slight deviation in history.

What impact will this incident have on the NBA world in which I live?Shay is unknown for now.

But just thinking about it, you can see that many things will change.

For example, can the Lakers reach the Finals this year without the Magician?

And if Jordan's opponent in the finals is not the Magician's Lakers, can he still win the first championship smoothly?

Shea couldn't even imagine how this would stretch.

At this time, there was a knock on the door of Mourning and Shay's room.

Uncle Mu rushed directly into the room with the newspaper, only to find that the magician's press conference was being played in the room.

"You all know?" His voice became hoarse with surprise.

"I just found out, it was so sudden." Shea shook his head. He was so surprised as someone who knew that magicians would get HIV, let alone Mourning and Mutombo.

But the most surprising thing now should be the cheerleaders of each team. They are probably all queuing up for inspection.

Dashuai Zhang said that he got [-] of them, that's pure bragging.

And the cheerleaders scrambled to get checked, evidence of the magician's strength.

As the point guard who developed the "rainbow tactics", people even say that the magician has practiced ball-handling skills in every corner of the Great Western Forum arena.

You ask, what is Rainbow Tactics?

The rainbow tactic is that the magician often asks his assistant to find several cheerleaders of different skin colors to accompany him to practice after the game. These cheerleaders of different skin colors are called "a beautiful rainbow" by the magician.

This is called walking along the river without getting your shoes wet.

However, there is no need to worry too much.

Because HIV will be overwhelmed by the power of the magician.

This shocking news may be the first time that the heat of the NBA surpassed that of the NCAA finals.

But Shay has no time for shock right now, and no time to think about how this event will affect history.

His most important task today is to win the championship!
Entering the RCA Dome Stadium again, there are still no absentees here.

This is what you call your AI, but you still have to watch the NCAA finals!

When Georgetown University played, the cheers on the scene doubled.

Shay even saw many fans holding up their big cards and waving them.

Everyone in the Duke Blue Devils saw Georgetown University entering the arena, just like seeing a fugitive princess entering the arena, all of them looked like torches.

In the previous warm-up match, they were reversed by Georgetown by 18 points, and they still remember it in their hearts.

Especially Leitner, after seeing Shay, he raised the corners of his mouth and showed a smirk.

Teammate Hurley shook his head seeing Laettner's expression.

Shay is going to have a very tough night today.

Leitner is the kind of character who will repay every vengeance. If he is beaten, he will definitely make up for it.

Not only against enemies, but also against teammates.

Don't ask how Hurley knew, because Hurley was beaten by Laettner.

When Hurley first entered college, Laettner slammed him with all kinds of vulgar trash talk in practice, which made Hurley very unhappy.

So unbearable, he jumped up and punched Laettner's knee. What's more classic is that Hurley ran away immediately after the punch.

Because he knew very well that if the front was hard steel, he would definitely be swallowed alive by the huge Leitner.

But in the end he was caught by Leitner, and he was pinned to the ground for the first intimate contact.

Hurley was so beaten up, his mother could recognize him when he came home.

The starting lineups of the two sides quickly took their positions. Although they had played against each other in the warm-up match before, the two coaches kept a hand and did not directly send the strongest lineup.

But this time, the two sides are doing their best.

As soon as Shay approached the middle circle, Leitner couldn't wait to spray:
"I was so happy to see you all on stage in the final.

Because this means that we can win the championship [-]%!

There will be no suspense in this game, Shay! "

Shay smiled and asked back: "Compared to last season, you have no suspense against UNLV?"

"Fuck" Leitner gritted his teeth. He was beaten by UNLV last season with the largest point difference in the history of the NCAA Finals, which is a shame in his life.

Shay asked a wave of questions, directly making Leitner autistic.

Shay scored first!
Mourning sighed, you might still win when you play with Shay, but it's just too hard to think about it if you fight with him.

Have you ever heard of a ventriloquist in Georgetown?

The referee blows the whistle, and the finals officially begin!
Mutombo won the ball, and Shay also pushed across the half for the first time.

Africa Mountain quickly took up position in the low post, and everyone thought Shai would feed the ball in.

But Shay, who was slow, suddenly accelerated and broke through Grant Hill who was in charge of defending him.

Shai's breakthrough caught Duke a little off guard, because they all focused on Mutombo, and did not expect Shai to attack by himself as soon as he came up.

Seeing this situation, Laettner immediately returned to the basket to defend Shay.

Shay had just made it to the lane when Laettner jumped, too early.

Shay thought it was Laettner's misjudgment, so he rushed to the basket and paused.

Prepare to wait for Laettner's body to fall, and then take off for a layup.

In that case, no matter how bad it is, fouls can be made.

But when Shay jumped up, instead of dodging, Leitner put his elbow on Shay's face from top to bottom!


"Beep beep beep!" The referee whistled immediately, giving Laettner a defensive foul.

As soon as he came up, Leitner directly escalated the confrontation!

Xie Yi covered his face, the elbow was hit very solidly, but fortunately there was no bleeding from the blow.

Looking up at Laettner again, the fellow was not upset after being called a foul, but shrugged at Shay instead:

"This is just the beginning, can't you bear it?"

Leitner did it on purpose, just to give Shay a blow and make Shay afraid of him.

Shay didn't complain to the referee because he knew it wouldn't help and would make him look like a whining bitch.

The games of the 90s must be "played" by themselves!
Shay waved to his teammates, saying he was fine.

Then he glanced at the proud Leitner again, and stretched his muscles.

It seems that this match is to not only compete, but also determine life and death.

 Today's two updates are presented, and the conscientious old man kneels down to beg for support, ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a reward, thank you on your knees!

(End of this chapter)

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