Chapter 61
Before you know it, it's time to put it on the shelves again.

At midnight on the 1st (that is, tonight), the VIP chapter will be opened, and it is the fateful night again.

For all authors, being on the shelf is like lying in a private room and hearing the sound of high-heeled shoes approaching, no matter how many times they will be extremely nervous.

Lao He was also extremely nervous.

After all, the initial grades are equivalent to the foundation of a building for every book, which is extremely important.

Therefore, Lao He here shamelessly begs everyone to make a first order, and begs for your support!
It is not an exaggeration that the first order directly determines the life or death of a book.

Of course, it is not ambiguous after it is put on the shelves. The update must have gone in the direction of Riwan.Only a few thousand words a day is enough for anyone to write.

The plot on the day of release is also extremely solid. From the announcement of the draft results to the completion of the first game in the NBA, all these plots will be presented within the first day of release, and it will be completed in one day!
There won't be a situation where the draft will be deliberately ostentatious for a few days, and the summer league and preseason games will be watered down for another week.

So the amount of updates on the first day, together, is about 6.5 words, converted into a regular 2000-word chapter, which is equivalent to 32 updates on the shelves!The last sports writer with such a conscientious update on the shelves. It's still me!
I am simply too conscientious! (Although I know you will still say: that's it? Spit out the readers' noises, so that the readers have nothing to complain about)
I will make up the rest later, but the amount of updates on the day of release is really quite a lot.

With such a conscientious plot arrangement and such a conscientious word count, begging for a wave of first bookings is not too much!
Thank you in advance, Lao He!

Kneel down first!

今天凌晨大概0:30到0:45之间会先发出Chapter 1,之后凌晨大概一共更新2.5万字!

There are 4 words left to continue the next morning!
One step to the stomach, Lao He begged for the first order again, and said the important things three times!
The important thing is to kneel down three times.


Looking forward to your first order!
Kneel thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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