After changing careers, I became No.1 in basketball

Chapter 64 063: The old era is completely over, and the new era begins with Shay!

Chapter 64 063: The old era is completely over, and the new era begins with Shay!
Jerry Buss is very happy now, he likes to watch his players make the fans shout with excitement.

Bass said that the best things in this world are sex and basketball.

And these two things have a lot in common.

For example, both require barking as feedback.

Whether it's clapping for love or basketball, if there is no cry, there will be no soul.

The magician can detonate the entire Great Western Forum and make the fans shout and scream for him.

And now, Shay also detonated the Pyramid Arena, making his debut.

There is no better opening ceremony than this.

At this time, Bass felt that his choice was extremely correct.

At this moment, the fans have already forgotten about Shay's "not training to buy a Mercedes-Benz" yesterday.

In competitive sports, you are strong and you are right.

So what if James Worthy was phishing for prostitution?

Because he is strong enough, he is still the favorite player of Los Angeles fans.

So what if the magician got HIV?
Because his falls shaped the glorious 80s, he remains one of the greatest players in Lakers history.

This is competitive sports, as long as you perform well, people will cheer for you, and they will not remember what you did yesterday.

Los Angeles fans have been looking forward to Shay for a long time, and Shay's performance filled everyone's hearts, very satisfied!
After the buckle landed, Shay looked at Payton on the ground, and did not intend to let him go:

"Damn it, your defense is softer than my shit this morning!
Do you call it an excellent defense? "

Peyton: First of all, I don't call damn it!
Payton now finally understands why his childhood friend Jason Kidd doesn't love playing with him.

It's really annoying to play with cheap people!

But Payton is not the kind of weak person, he will not be hit by a mere ball.

Payton immediately raised his hand to ask for the ball after standing up. His father taught him since he was a child: "If you are scolded, you will be scolded back, if you are hit, you will be hit back!"

So Payton quickly forgot what happened before and continued to focus on this offense.

Payton in this period may be far from his peak ability, but that energy is already there.

Payton learned his lesson this time. Instead of singles on Shay, he called the team's center Dave Kaulzin to cover himself.

Dave Calzin is an experienced old player. He joined the game in 78 and is 35 years old this year.

The reason why he is still playing in the summer league at such an old age is mainly because he wants to win another professional contract.

At his peak, he averaged 14+8 per game, but he only got 6 chances to play in the Magic last season.

Sitting on the bench, the hemorrhoids came out.

After the season, the Magic, as expected, did not renew his contract.

But Korzin didn't want to retire like this, so he had to play in the summer league at the age of 35.

Just to prove that he can still play and is worth a contract.

So Korzin made a big move in the pick-and-roll, and directly raised a dark elbow and hit Shay on the neck.

He doesn't want to be told that he can't even understand pick-and-rolls.

For many players, the summer league is a job-determining fight, so the confrontation is not weaker than the official game.

Moreover, Kaurzin has always had a sense of honey superiority in front of the Chinese.

Kaurzin was on the bullet team that visited China that year.

But when he arrived at the arena, he refused to get out of the car on the grounds that "he didn't want to play in front of this group of people who wore the same clothes and stood up to my waist."

Performing for a group of Chinese by yourself?What an international joke!
He was one of the few players who was unfriendly to visit China at that time.

Now he can hardly believe that Chinese people can be seen in the NBA arena.

These monkeys can play ball?
In the world of the NBA, when is it your turn to grab jobs?

I will kill you!

Shay was blocked by the elbow pick-and-roll, allowing Payton to go in.

The center for the Lakers is second-year rookie Eldon Campbell, who is known for his aggressive defense.

But his return to the basket was still a step slower, and Payton successfully scored with an ugly layup!
After the goal, Payton tilted his mouth again: "What about defense? Why didn't you defend me just now?"

Kaurzin also smiled: "Go back and play table tennis, men's sports are not suitable for people like you."

Shay ignored it and told Campbell to rush to the baseline.

Positional warfare, this is what Payton is good at.

He was confident that he could prevent Shay from dying.

Shay didn't do it alone with Payton, but also waved his hands and called Campbell to come out to cover.

Campbell's pick-and-roll was also very solid, and Payton couldn't squeeze it in the first place.

But when Shay was about to reach his stomach in one step and penetrate to the end.

Kaurzin raised his arms high to make up for the defense!

Shay is now the most popular rookie in the 91st session, so naturally everyone wants to play a dozen.

Maybe by guarding Shay, Kaurzin can get a formal contract from the Sonics?

Kaurzin hadn't seen any of Shai's games or highlights before, so his knowledge of Shai was only hearsay.

According to the legend, Shay's breakthrough is very powerful, like a magician.

But Korzin only recognizes three things:
First, there is only one magician.

Second, Shai has never experienced NBA-level defense.

Third, he is a Chinese.

These three factors make Kaurzin extremely confident.

Come on boy, don't think playing college basketball is a big deal.

I will let you see what the NBA is today.

"Switch! Switch!" Payton was still yelling, trying to switch back to defending Shay.

But Korzin was unimpressed.

Shay also waved his hand, signaling Campbell to go to the basket by himself.

Since you gave it wholeheartedly, I will give you military training with great mercy!

This kind of bulky big white center has no possibility of guarding Shay at all.

Shay lowered his weight and took a sudden step to the left.

Korzin moved sideways immediately, huh, did you see that?This is called an NBA-level reaction!
But Shay didn't break through, he just made a three-threat move!

Seeing that Shay took a step, then retracted back to the three-point line, and rushed to the other side, Kaulzin hurriedly forced himself to change his center of gravity.

But there is no time for a bulky big man to change his center of gravity in a short period of time.

He forcibly moved to the other side, and as a result, his center of gravity was unstable, his legs softened, and he was shaken to the ground on one knee!
After being kneeled by Huang, watching Shay enter the penalty area from his side, Kaurzin didn't give up and reached out to grab Shay.

But Shay was so fast that Korzin only caught a cloud of air.

And because the whole person's center of gravity shifted to Shay's side, Kaurzin, who was kneeling on the ground, couldn't stabilize again, and this time he directly lay on the ground with his hands.

Shay simply made a three-threat, which made Corzin spin Thomas on the ground—this is the second season of hip-hop!
Augmon, who was shaken until his legs got knotted, said that I know you well, are you also a hip-hop lover?
Shay, who swayed Korzin, scored a layup with a layup amidst the cheers of the crowd.

After scoring the goal, Shay was so dazed that he even forgot to talk trash.

He looked at Kaorzin who was lying on the ground suspiciously. I'm afraid this guy is not a fool!

Xie Yi thought he was really powerful, but it turned out that he knelt down with just a three-threat move.

Shay really just wanted to try it out at the time, and he didn't know that he would hit it when he tried it.

As expected of 91 Tanhualang!
Kaorzin lost all face. As an old senior, he was swayed on the ground by a young man, and his face turned red after a "swipe".

At this point, Peyton walked up to Corzin.

Korzin was so moved that he almost cried. He thought Peyton was here to support him.

How did you know that Payton not only failed to help Corzin, but also slammed at him:
"I told you that I'm here to defend against me. Don't you know what level you are? Hey!"

After spraying, Peyton turned away and walked away without even pretending to help Caulzin.

Kaurzin was completely stupid. After being humiliated by his opponent, he was humiliated by his teammates.

Are you so polite to me, an old comrade! ?

Shay's wonderful opening performance made Bass mesmerized.

But West isn't too excited. He hasn't seen Shai at his best yet.

In other words, the ability to speed up the pace of the game and turn positional warfare into a fast break!
Payton continued to call the pick-and-roll this time, and Kaurzin, who had just been humiliated, naturally wanted to take revenge.

But before he could do it, Shai elbowed Caulzin in the chest while running the pick-and-roll.

Korzin took two steps back in pain, unable to stop Shay.

Shay is a fastidious person, and just now he traumatized Korzin's mind, so this time he must also be physically traumatized.

Otherwise it would be too unfair.

Payton held Shay on his side and was about to continue walking in, but Campbell on the inside had already formed a siege with Shay.

No way, Payton can only make a back pass and distribute the ball to his teammates in the second position.

But as soon as he received the ball, the Lakers' second-year guard Tony Smith immediately pressed the defense and stuck directly to the defense without giving the opponent a chance to handle the ball.

So the Sonics guard could only pass the ball again, this time the target of the pass was Kaurzin who was still at the top of the arc.

Kaurzin has a certain shooting ability, and he must seize the opportunity to show his ability.

But when Kaurzin was about to receive the basketball, a black shadow rushed out, intercepting the basketball before him!

Shai leaned toward Caulzin the moment the pass was passed, then stretched out his long arms for a successful tackle.

The Lakers used oppressive defense to successfully force the Sonics to make mistakes!

Although this Lakers is only a summer league team, but the basic tactics are still there.

In order to simulate actual combat, the coach asked everyone to practice oppressive defense.

And this time, this defensive tactic is undoubtedly a success.

After winning the basketball, Shay took advantage of the trend and quickly moved down. He crossed the half court in three or two steps. The steps were so big that no one could catch up with him when he was going down quickly.

After entering the penalty area, Shay dunked again. Although the action was not as fancy as Dominique Wilkins, it was full of strength.

Shay scored 6 points in a row, and already scored three points, blocks and steals as soon as he came up.

He showed himself unscrupulously, absorbing fans as fast as a sponge absorbs water, and as fiercely as an abalone absorbs soil!

No one is going to lie to themselves and say "this is how Shai plays in real NBA games."

But it's really a good start.

Jerry West in the stands finally saw what he wanted. Shea's ability on the defensive end is indeed very strong.

And this ability is the foundation for laying the foundation for playing at the moment of performance.

Go up the line to flank, press the defense, and then counterattack to score. This is what the Lakers did in the 80s.

Shai is as good as Magic at assisting defense, as evidenced by that steal.

And Shay is better than the Magician in that he can single-handedly defend small guards.

It seems that Michael Cooper is not old-fashioned, and Shay is indeed a magician!

In the next few rounds, the Lakers took control of the situation by relying on defensive counterattacks.

Payton himself didn't make any mistakes, but his teammates made too many mistakes.

Everyone is leftovers, and their personal abilities are very limited.As long as the Lakers' defense is strong, the offense of the opposite position will not be successful at all.

Payton was convinced, but if that guy Kemp played summer league with him, the offense wouldn't be beaten like this.

Payton will be surrounded by Campbell and Shay as soon as he breaks through today.

And he passed the ball to Korzin who was emptied, and Korzin either hit the iron or made a mistake.

Either it was thrown back by Campbell and he was bleeding.

His movements are so slow that the chances of a wide open can be dragged into serious interference by him abruptly.

Shay and Campbell blocked Payton's score, and Caulzin blocked Payton's pass!
Peyton is about to cry. If I am guilty, the law will punish me.

But why send Corzin to punish me!
Brother, if you can't move anymore, don't join in the fun, okay?

If it weren't for you, this match wouldn't have been so miserable!
In the 8th minute of the first quarter, the Sonics were already 8 points behind.

If they can't find a way to regain the situation, they are very likely to fall behind by double digits in the first quarter.

Payton made another pass to Kaulzin under a double-team.

Korzin didn't make another shot because he missed the first few shots.

He took a big step in the middle distance at a zero-degree angle, ready to end the attack with a dunk.

Campbell immediately turned and went back to fill his position, and his movements were very quick.

Although the second-year Campbell also played summer league, but he is not leftovers.

In the original history, before O'Neal came, he had always been the backbone of the Lakers' inside defense. He and Divac were responsible for flopping and fakes.

At his peak, he averaged 2.6 shots and 1.1 steals per game.

He is not a superstar, but he has defensive ability.

Campbell had already risked Korzin twice before, so this time Kolzin was a little nervous when he saw Campbell attacking him again.

As soon as he got nervous, the hand he raised the ball to dunk with reflexively moved away for a while.

As a result, this dodge caused Kaurzin to smash the basketball directly to the side of the backboard!

Peyton's eyes widened and his mouth opened wide.

you this me this
Last season, "Rain Man" Kemp's dunks against the sky never surprised Payton so much.

But Kaurzin's operation today really scared Payton into a daze.

It's not easy to dunk on the side edge of the backboard!
He has played basketball for many years, and he has never seen such a dunk performance!
Shai's shot hitting the edge of the backboard paled in comparison to Colzin's performance.

Korzin finally avoided Campbell's block.

This wave is called fat water does not flow into the field of outsiders. Since I have to suffer, why don't I risk myself?
The basketball went out of bounds, Payton was ashamed, and Kaurzin was autistic.

He was fully demonstrated in the summer league today, and successfully proved himself, it is indeed no longer possible!

Shay shook his head when he saw it. There are actually people in this world who dunk at the same level as me.

With you like this, why do you still have the nerve to look down on others.

Now, the pressure is all on Payton's side.

Because if the Lakers score another goal, the point difference will be pulled to double digits.

As the second place last season, he was slaughtered by the team led by Tanhua this season. How will Payton mess up after the news spreads?
Kaurzin also knew that he had lost face today.

He has to complete at least one successful defense to prove that he is still useful, right?
Both of them made up their minds to guard Shay!

Payton clung to Shay and didn't give Shay room to drop the ball.

Shay can only dribble with his back to Payton, but because his ass is not big enough, he can't completely separate Payton.

Payton's defensive aggressiveness is very strong. His sudden and accurate shot made Shai almost be intercepted.
To be honest, it is still difficult to face Payton's defense in the offensive position.

After all, he is the only point guard in NBA history with DPOY.

Shay then passed the ball to Tony Smith who came out to meet him. As soon as Smith received the ball, Shay suddenly pushed Payton away with one hand and quickly cut inside!
The moment Smith catches the ball, he passes it back to Shay who cuts in.

Payton hurried to catch up, and Korzin completely let go of Campbell and blocked him at the basket.

Shay went into the mid-range position and was flanked front and back.

At the same time, Campbell also walked along the baseline to the basket.

Shay then looked at Campbell, then pushed with both hands, as if to pass the ball to Campbell.

Payton has quick eyes and hands, reaching out from behind and preparing to break the pass.

Korzin also took a step in the direction of Shay's pass, ready to intercept the ball.

This time, unless Shay can really do magic tricks, the ball will definitely not pass to Campbell.

However, Shay didn't pass the ball after pushing with both hands, he just made a fake pass!

After swaying both Payton and Korzin with a pass fake, Shai retrieved the ball and dropped it.

A fake fax is thrown, and the basketball enters steadily.

, Shay scored 12 points, 5 assists, 3 steals and 1 block in a single quarter, leading the Lakers to lead the opponent by double digits in the first quarter!

"Beautiful goal, did you see it? This kid knows how to perform!
Wow, what a delightful first stanza!
Hahahaha, so I said it all, buying two Mercedes-Benz is not a problem! "

Old Bath was still excited, but this time, Jerry West, who was always serious, nodded approvingly.

Faced with Payton's strong defense, Shay did not act recklessly, but sought coordination very smartly.

Faced with Kaurzin's defense, Shay did not charge hard, but used a little trick.

Although the overall level of this game is not high, you can still see the shining points in Shay.

The strongest is the defensive end. Shay's three steals are all intercepted passes.

Most self-important young people don't like to work hard on the defensive end, but Shai is different. He is extremely active on the defensive end.

Tireless running and non-stop confrontation make Shay a good player in both single defense and co-defense.

The only disadvantage of Shay's playing like this is probably that it consumes too much energy, and he has to run around on the defensive end, and the offense has to be played quickly. The basketball game has been turned into a marathon.

West touched his chin. In fact, it is not difficult to solve this problem. Just help Shay get a few more defensive teammates.

Although he doesn't admit it, West is already thinking about the lineup with Shay as the core.
After the point difference was pulled to 10 points, the Sonics suspended the game.

Both sides have replaced the main players. After all, there are too many people playing in the summer league, and the coach must ensure that everyone has a chance to perform.

Shay was not replaced until the 8th minute of the second quarter. Although he rested for a long time, he still continued his outstanding performance.

In the second quarter of the showdown, Shai was intercepted once by Payton.

But Shay also locked Payton and it was difficult to score points.

During this period, Payton's offensive ability has not yet achieved great success, and it is easy for Shay to block him.

And relying on defensive counterattacks and fast breaks, Shay can often score the ball without facing Payton's defense directly.

So in the second quarter duel, Shay still had the upper hand.

At the end of the second quarter, Shay looked at the 15-point difference and the 18-point personal score, and deliberately patted Payton on the shoulder:

"You defended really well. After all, I only scored 18 points in the half, and I haven't scored 20 yet."

After Xie Yi finished speaking, he turned around and left, while Peyton cocked his mouth, this time he was pissed off!
As the king of trash talking, as a person who could make Kidd cry since he was a child, this time he was so speechless by a rookie!
The sidelines were full of flashes, and the reporters had already recorded the photos of Shay spraying Payton with autism.

Tomorrow, Payton will find himself on fire in California.

Of course, he definitely doesn't like the hot way.

As Shay's background panel, he will be popular in California!

In the end, Shai didn't play again for the entire second half.

You are the hope of the Lakers rebuilding, you are the 91 Tanhualang, the Lakers don't want to see Shai injured in the summer league.

Therefore, today's game will focus on a few points.

Even so, in the end the Lakers still won by 6 points.


This is the advantage of fast-paced basketball. Fast-paced means more rounds, and more rounds means more data.

At the end of the game, those who were still holding Worthy posters in the stands before threw Worthy's posters on the ground:
"Shay, we love you, we love you!"

And those who accused Shay of buying two Mercedes-Benz and getting lost in the world of flowers have changed their words now:
"You can buy two Mercedes-Benz at a young age, what a young man!"

Although it was only the summer league, because there were so many reporters at the scene, many reporters rushed to interview Shay after the game.

"Shay, you must be very excited to score 18 points in 18 minutes against Payton?"

"It's nothing to be excited about, Payton. Damn, he can't play at all. It's nothing to score 18 points in front of him."

The reporter was completely stunned, this is the combination of magician and Bird!

Magician's ball skills, Bird's ventriloquism.

A genius in the basketball world!
There were also reporters who went to interview Payton, but were pushed away by Payton.

Although he also scored 18 points and 7 assists today, 18 of Payton's 12 points were scored in the second half.

To put it bluntly, I got 18 points only by traveling at the wrong peak.

When facing off with Shay, Payton's data was 7 of 2 shots and only 6 points.

Payton was in no mood for an interview.

The reporters had to settle for the next best thing, interviewing Kaurzin.

"Dave, how do you evaluate the performance of the new Tanhua?"

When Kaurzin went to China and was unwilling to get off the bus to play the game, there was a lot of trouble for a time.

Therefore, the reporter was very aware of Kaurzin's attitude towards the Chinese, so he deliberately interviewed him to make some big news.

However, Kaurzin, who was rebellious and killed him not playing in China, now hangs his head:
"The Chinese players are great, Shay played very well today, better than 95% of the ugly players in the league!
I believe that there will be more and more Chinese players in the NBA in the future, and they are really good. "

Kaurzin's attitude shocked the reporters. How the hell are you branded as an international friendship ambassador all of a sudden?
Kaurzin was really overwhelmed by Shay.

Today he faced Shay and was teased so that he spun Thomas on the ground and was beaten like nothing.

If he said that Shay was weak, wouldn't it be a fart for him to be stunned by a weak player.

So he can only show one thing by praising Shay crazily:

"It's not that I'm too good today. It's mainly because Shay is too good. He's better than 95% of the Ugly players. Is it okay for me to lose to him?"

Watching the Sonics, one was beaten into autism, and the other was beaten into an international friendship ambassador.

The reporters couldn't help but wonder how many bloody storms Shai would cause after entering the league.

In addition, the Logo man Jerry West was also interviewed.

The serious general manager of the Lakers is still unsmiling, with a straight face:
"Today is at most a semi-professional game. As the MOP, Shay should play well."

West does not praise people easily, and the reporters all know this.

But soon, with a serious expression on his face, a smile flashed across his face:
"However, Shai is a solid player.

I believe that he can also play at the same level in official games. "

Seeing Jerry West finally praised Shay, Old Buzz smiled.

Shay, Shay, you're in luck, boy.

It took the magician several years to completely conquer that stubborn, grumpy jerk.

Seeing West who praised Shay, the fans cheering for Shay, Falk in the stands was also very happy.

2500 million and two Mercedes-Benz is just the beginning.

After Shay officially lands in the NBA, these things are just a hair on Jiu Niu's body!

The next day, sure enough, all the criticisms about Shay disappeared.

Instead, there are endless praises.

"Blow Payton, Shay is the strongest point guard of the younger generation!"

"The performance moment repeats the pyramid arena, and Shay leads a crazy show!"

"18+7 in the first show, Shay successfully proved that he is worth trading!"

The major newspapers in Los Angeles are reporting the news of Shai's summer league debut.

This may be the most high-profile one of the summer league.

Peyton also appeared in the newspaper, but the newspaper published a picture of him being sprayed with anger by Shay.

Not only Los Angeles, but the whole world is now looking forward to Shay's official landing in the NBA.

Because Shay can not only fight, but also do the whole job.

Just spraying Peyton is not enough.

Everyone wants to see him spar with Barkley, Stockton, and even the Big Beeping Bird!
That must be interesting~
If possible, it would be even more exciting to learn martial arts with Lambir.

After a few games, Shay's performance is still good.

When playing against the Pistons, the coach appropriately increased Shai's playing time, so Shai handed in 21 points, 11 assists and 7 rebounds, almost a triple-double.

Beating the rivals in the same city, the Clippers, scored 15 points and 6 assists but sent 3 steals and 3 blocks.

Only in the game against the Kings, the Lakers lost the game.

Shay scored only 13 points in that game.

And his matchup, second-year forward Lionel Simmons, who averaged 18 points per game in his rookie year last season, scored 17 points.

Simmons feels really good today.

It's not that Shay's defense has been out of position, Shay's defense is still doing well today.

But Shay, with the blessing of the "Shoot Like a Maggie" badge, couldn't even prevent Simmons' shots.

There is really no way to feel convulsive when meeting the other party.

The management of the Kings is also very happy. It is because of the rookie Lionel Simmons that they did not choose a rookie and chose to trade the pick to gain immediate combat power.

Looking at it now, this decision seems extremely correct.

On the offensive end, the Lakers conducted a small experiment today, following Mike Dunleavy's favorite routine, playing offensive and defensive positions.

Shay didn't say that he was struggling, but it was not as good as when he was playing counter-defense.

However, a mere game did not affect Shay's popularity. After the game, the fans cheered enthusiastically.

But Shay was still upset after the loss.

Is it reasonable to be defeated by a man named Simmons with a shot?

Lionel Simmons was also very proud, and spread his hands during the interview:

"I don't think Shay is so strong, he's just average."

This is the first time Shay has been deflated, but it doesn't matter, the Lakers will play the Kings four times next season.

Shay had plenty of opportunities for revenge.

After this game, this year's summer league tour has come to an end.

The summer league in this era is not as perfect as it will be in the future, and there are championships and so on.

The summer league at this time is just a few teams getting together to play and it's over.

But for Shai and the Lakers front office, the work is not over.

Shay originally wanted to take the time to go back to China, but after losing to Simmons, Shay also experienced the taste of failure.

And the taste of failure made Shay's desire to become stronger more persistent.

So he continued to cling to Glover and let him train himself like crazy.

At the same time, the Lakers management also has a problem.

The current coach Mike Dunleavy's favorite tactic is the traditional positional offense and defense, but the facts have proved that it is not the most suitable style of play for Shai.

In fact, last season when Magic was still there, the Lakers' offensive efficiency declined.

So, when the owner of Bath was so happy to party all day because of Shai's outstanding performance in the summer league.

Jerry West has a lot of problems to solve.

"Mike, we can't play position next season. At least not until Shai is fully developed."

West doesn't want to see Shai and Divac play the pick-and-roll rigidly next season.

"Well, it's not impossible to play like Riley, mainly me."

Dunleavy was very embarrassed. He was not familiar with the line flanking and oppressive defense.

Now Dunleavy is just a rookie coach and has no right to speak.

Therefore, he must agree to Logo Man's request.

But if you agree but fail to get results, you will be kicked out.

The Logo man seemed to see Dunleavy's doubts, and patted him on the shoulder:

"Don't worry, we will recruit a few assistant coaches to build tactics with you.

In short, we need to bring out Shai's full potential and make him comfortable, OK? "

Now that the team does not have James Worthy, it must be played with Shai as the core.

While recruiting assistant coaches, West is also scouting in free agency.

Find a suitable backline partner for Shai.

After the magician retired, the Lakers' reserves at the guard position were stretched.

There is only one Byron Scott in the team who can still use it.

But the 88 Lakers scoring champion had passed his peak and was crippled by Riley's abnormal training.

Last season's scoring and three-point shooting percentage were both lows since his rookie season.

Moreover, Byron Scott can't help Shai share the pressure on the defensive end.

West also said before that if Shay defends alone, he will be exhausted within half the game.

Therefore, West has three requirements for new aid.

Can defend and play fast, and it is best to help shoot three-pointers.

In the words of the future, West wants a Shai with a 3D guard.

Moreover, West can't sign star players yet.

Because according to his plan, the team's salary space must be reserved first.

Next summer, there is still a lot of salary space.

This year, it's mostly minor repairs.

In this way, the Lakers finally finalized the first signing of this summer.

When Shai saw the name Nate McMillan in the newspaper, his first reaction was the future Trail Blazers coach who ruptured his Achilles tendon on the training ground
It can only be said that the Blazers are worthy of being a veterinary team, and even the head coach can be reimbursed for the season.

Of course, now McMillan is still a player and the holder of the NBA single-game assist record.

However, McMillan's most talked about is not his scoring ability, nor his assist ability, but his defense!

McMillan, who will become a coach in the future, is a defensive idiot, and he was the same when he was a player.

Shay remembers that he was selected to the All-Defensive Second Team for two consecutive years as a substitute in 94 and 95.

In 94, he also won the steals king as a substitute.

You can know how strong this gentleman's defensive ability is on the back line.

Moreover, although McMillan is a point guard, he is 1 meters tall and can switch to the front line.

In addition, McMillan also has a three-pointer. Although the output is not high, you can't just let him go.

McMillan lost his starting position last season because Payton came to the Sonics.

McMillan was not noisy, and he assisted Payton with peace of mind and helped him grow.

This is also what West likes. He thinks that Shay also needs such a player who can play on the bench with peace of mind and can help Shay withstand the pressure.

As a result, West hired McMillan after the contract expired with an annual salary of only 70.

McMillan is not the kind of player with good statistics, so the asking price is very low.

But data does not represent strength. In the future, Tony Allen of the Grizzlies will also have poor data and is also very cheap.

However, he can limit the existence of super giants.

Two days later, Shay saw the news about the Lakers in the newspaper again.

And the name Shay who has a relationship with the Lakers this time is even more familiar-Curry.

Of course, Dell Curry.

The Hornets traded Dell Curry to Los Angeles in a sign-and-trade for Byron Scott, who had passed his peak.

After the Hornets signed Larry Johnson with 1.1 million, they began to find ways to save money.

Therefore, I only intend to give Dell Curry a contract extension of 100 million.

Dell Curry originally agreed, but when he heard the Lakers offer 120 million, he started to make trouble again.

The Lakers have increased the price by 20, you must at least give me the same contract?
In the end, the Hornets had to compromise and used Dell Curry to sign and trade Scott.

Although Scott's 110 million contract is no different from 120 million, if Dell Curry is allowed to sign freely, the Hornets will get nothing.

And Scott's contract is about to expire, no problem.

The Lakers actually have the space to directly sign Dell Curry, but West needs to keep the salary space healthy, so he decided that Scott and Dell Curry would be enough.

Dell Curry is almost an enhanced version of Scott, younger, more explosive, fast enough to run, and more accurate on three-pointers.

Cleaning up Byron Scott is also to avoid friction between him and Shay.

As a core player during the Showtime period, Scott was also the former scoring leader of the Lakers. He may not be willing to listen to Shay's command.

After all, there is no magician and Worthy now, so in theory, Scott has the most say.

After waiting for so long, you finally managed to get ahead, but a rookie came and suppressed you. No one would want to change it.

Not everyone is as resigned as McMillan.

The Logo Man never wants any problems in the locker room, not even the slightest sign of a problem.

So far, the core figures of the Showtime period in the 80s have basically been cleaned up.

Lakers fans are a little sad, and to be honest West himself is a little sad.

But no way, this is professional basketball.

Professional basketball can't be emotional, it has to look forward.

In order for Shay to realize his full potential, West is willing to build a new Showtime Lakers.

From Riley leaving, but Magic retired, to Worthy and Scott leaving.
These all mean that the glory of the old era of the Lakers has come to an end.

As for whether the new era can also be brilliant, it depends on the No. 23 Chinese.

Xie Yi has become the only hope of the whole village!
At this time, Shay, the only hope, encountered a little trouble.

Glover said that Jordan told him to return to his seat and train with him.

But Shay didn't want Glover to leave: "I'll pay more! You will stay with me this summer!"

That made it difficult for Glover.

He didn't want to offend Shay, let alone Jordan.

Caught between two domineering presidents, I feel so distressed~
When Falke heard this, he was not panicked at all:
"Is there a possibility that, you and Michael, you two can actually train together?"

 Today's update is here, today there are a total of 4W words, divided into four chapters, this is Chapter 1!Thank you for your support and love, really appreciate it!By the way, the picture may be delayed, I sent it but it will be released after a while, so don't worry~
(End of this chapter)

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