After changing careers, I became No.1 in basketball

Chapter 79 078: Hearing Xie Yi's name, Boston children dare not cry at night

Chapter 79 078: Hearing Xie Yi's name, Boston children dare not cry at night (ask for a monthly ticket!)

How can a real yellow-green battle be without fights?
In the finals in the 80s, the relationship between the Lakers and the Green Kai was already full of swords and swords.

In the 84 Finals, Lakers forward Kurt Rambis was directly choked by a Celtics player during a layup.

The Caucasian striker who was playing with black-rimmed glasses stood up and chased the person who fouled him, which caused a large-scale conflict between the two sides.

Then something similar happened in the 87 Finals. At that time, Worthy was fouled by a Celtics player during a layup. This ignited an already explosive game, and the two sides immediately scuffled together.

Celebrities such as Bird, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Magician also participated in it. It's really boxing for all.

In the 10-year finals in the future, Pierce and Artest even pushed each other on the halfway line before they even started to scramble for the ball.

Then in the first round of the game, they couldn't wait to hug and fall passionately. The basketball thing in front of them seemed superfluous.

This is the Lakers and Celtics, this is the yellow-green war.

The yellow-green war cannot be without conflict, just like the west cannot be without Jerusalem, just like the 3D zone cannot be without Tifa!
It's just that the fans of the Celtics team didn't expect that Green Kai would lose so badly in this fight.

Reggie Lewis clutched his back, rolling on the ground in pain.

Chief Parrish held his nose. His nose was broken when he tripped, and now he is bleeding profusely.

This wild giant, who could easily bring down Lambir, was killed before even touching Shay.

Look at Xie Yi who was besieged by two people.
He hasn't lost a single hair!
The mentality of Lukai fans has completely collapsed!
In previous fights, Lukai was mostly on the side that had the upper hand.

Even if there is no obvious advantage, at least they can fight evenly.

That's the case with Magic's Lakers. There's always a little less blood in the show.

But today, Shay changed this situation and directly abused the two Celtics!

In the case of being hugged by Lewis from behind, Shay actually retreated and completed the counter-kill.

Pretend to beep, today Shay's signature basketball overwhelmed Bird.

Playing ball, today Reggie Lewis was directly abused and had no power to fight back.

As a result, at the step of the fight, Xie Yi directly [-]v[-]
All Lukai fans wondered in their hearts, how could there be such a terrible opponent in this world! ?
Bird was stunned for a moment, he had experienced what it was like to be pulled sideways.Being held by someone from behind, you can't move at all, you can only be forced to receive punches in the face.

Since then, there has also been a saying in the world that "don't pretend to be beep easily, after all, Bird will be beaten if he pretends to be beep".

How did you know that Xie Yi had to beat someone today because he was not pretending to be beeping enough!

It can pretend and fight, and it can move its mouth and hands.

Shay, the player who redefines the word "all-around"!
When has Boston Garden been so aggrieved?

Watching your team being abused by the most hated opponent at home is simply spending money to pay for it!
And the culprit of all this was staring at Lewis calmly at this moment.

Seeing that Lewis was still rolling around alive and well on the ground, it meant that he didn't have a heart attack, so Shay felt relieved.

What could Shay be wrong about?Just self-defense.

He would have thrown Lewis just now, and now he must have been smashed to the head by the chief's furious battle axe.

Shay's [-]v[-] also directly quelled the conflict, because all the players on the field were dumbfounded.

Fighting in the NBA, everyone knows that it's basically a fist fight.

It seems to be playing fiercely, but in fact it is hammering the air most of the time.

But Shay really hits you so hard you can't stand up!
Unexpectedly, Shay is not only skilled in dribbling, but also in fighting!
This one-on-two fight is like a Bruce Lee movie.

Byrd wiped the sweat off his forehead, it was cold sweat!

He was very thankful, thankful that he didn't rush up to give away the head on impulse just now.

At the end of his career, he didn't want to experience the feeling of being beaten up by a rookie anymore.

Taking advantage of the stunned effort of both sides, the referee also immediately made a verdict and sent all the people involved in the brawl out of the field.

Shay was naturally included, and the referee didn't care whether Shay was acting in self-defense. If he was left on the court, it would inevitably lead to a second conflict.

Shai looked up at the score, 13 points, and the Celtics lost Lewis and Parish.

Although Bird is still there, his body has been hollowed out.

So Xie Yi felt that it was unlikely that Lu Kai would be able to chase him back.

It can be regarded as worthy of my previous three and a half quarters of hard work.

Shai walked off the court, and at this time, there was no abuse or boos in Boston Garden.

It is even less likely that fans will throw things down again.

The scene was extremely quiet, as quiet as the head teacher suddenly walked into the classroom.

Boston fans are really stunned, they have never seen this kind of opponent who can crush the team in all directions.

In the past, magicians could only be silly. Although Kareem Abdul-Jabbar had a bit of a temper, he was quite old. Every fight was thunderous and rainy.

Worthy?He suffered more beatings than Magician and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar combined, and he was the number one beaten king of the 80 Lakers.

But now, the new leader of the Lakers can retreat under the double-teaming of Lewis and Parish.

Combining the magician's ball skills, Bird's ventriloquism and unique fighting skills, this game can be played! ?

The nickname of Shay's away silencer is well-deserved!
Even the wildest Boston Garden was overshadowed by Shay.

Shay may be the first Lakers player in history who can turn Boston Garden fans into autism!

"Oh my god, what just happened?

In the blink of an eye, Lewis and Parish are lying on the ground? "

The on-site commentary is all ignorant, and the big screen will naturally not replay the scene of the fight.

He really wanted to know what kind of kung fu Shay used to bring down the two in the blink of an eye.

I used to only hear that Shay pulled out cavities for Johnson and treated Lightner's rhinitis in college.

I never thought that Shay would do back cupping and nose surgery!

Xie Yi, contemporary Hua Tuo!
Shay sat alone in the locker room watching TV, then turned on the system.

He just wanted to see if there was any reward in the system after the fight.

Is this system so tight?Have a fight and nothing?

Shay couldn't believe it!

Forget it, no rewards, no rewards.

I'm just a basketball fighter just because of my interest, and I don't fight for those bells and whistles at all.

After Shay was sent off, the game restarted, but the Green Cay fans stopped abusing or booing deliberately.

They were really afraid of stimulating Shay's nerves again, and then suddenly rushed out from the player tunnel to beat Bird up.

Byrd's bruised back should also be thrown by Shay, and he must not be directly paraplegic at a high position.

Without Shai, the Lakers' offense has become a bit chaotic.

Although McMillan's passing ability is also good, he is not the kind of defender who can quickly find opportunities on the move.

McMillan doesn't have the ability to get in when Shay and Magician see a gap.

Immediately, the performance time was out of play.

But...the Celtics are even more chaotic!

Without Lewis and Parish, Bird is really the only one who can score stably.

Old Byrd was in tears, he would never have imagined that he would be pressed to the ground to die at his age.

The red head talks about looking for a successor every day. He has been looking for a successor for so many years, but no one has come to pick him up.

Bishop Auerbach can't do anything about it. In 86, he finally found a successor, Len Bias.

As a result, the guy died on the second day of the draft before he had time to report to the team.

Who did Auerbach turn to for reasoning?

In this way, Bird, who scored 19 points in the first half, only scored 9 points in the second half.

His declining physical fitness really doesn't allow him to forcefully carry like he did in his heyday.

The Lakers relied on Shay's 13-point advantage and the strength of team basketball to finally win the Celtics 89-81 in the away game.

End the three-game losing streak!
After the game, Perkins and others ran directly into the locker room. They didn't know whether Shay was injured just now, so they were very worried.

So the multitasking of the interview fell on Dunleavy's shoulders.

Faced with the blame question of "how do you think Shay defeated the other two", Dunleavy spread his hands:

"I didn't see anything, I just saw the Celtics trying to hit Shai.

Then in the blink of an eye, Lewis and Parrish were on the ground.

I initially suspected that they were touching porcelain!
I didn't see anything anyway. "

Dunleavy actually saw Shay fall over his shoulder and trip Parrish the whole time, but of course he couldn't say it.

The Boston reporter was obviously not satisfied with this answer, so he continued to ask: "As the head coach, you didn't see anything? Then how did you direct the game?"

Dunleavy smiled: "The reason I coach the game is that I can't see or know anything. Let me tell you that I just sit on the bench and my team can win."

How could the Boston reporter think that everything Dunleavy said was true!
In the Lakers locker room, everyone surrounded Shay, helping his future siblings to check the integrity of the documents.

After confirming that Shay really did not miss Mao, Sam Perkins was shocked:

"Damn it, you're really all right, Parrish didn't even touch you?"

Terry Teague also swallowed. Fortunately, he didn't make things difficult for Shay before.

Fortunately, I reined in the precipice at that time.

Otherwise, I was afraid that Shay would directly put him on the injured list.

Dunleavy and Carlisle also rushed into the locker room, urging the players to leave quickly and rush back to Los Angeles tonight.

The Celtics lost so much tonight, the coaching staff really didn't dare to let the team stay in Boston.

On the other hand, Bird participated in the post-game press conference.

The downcast look on his face was not because of the fight, but because the chicken was not satisfied with the result of this match.

He is very clear that even if there is no conflict in this game, the team will lose, and may even lose worse.

He is very clear that the Lakers have found the key to rebuilding, while the Celtics have not.

In the battle in the 90s, the Celtics have fallen behind by a large margin!

"Larry, Larry? How would you rate Shai as a player?"

Hearing the reporter's question, Byrd came back to his senses.

"Huh? Shay? Very good, a very good young man.

A lot of people say he is the next magician, I beg to differ.

That kid must be better than a magician! "

Bird did not forget to tease his old opponent.

"Really, I'm not kidding.

Especially in terms of speaking, the Lakers finally found a player who really speaks like a leader.

I like the way he talks, and his level of trash talk is probably only below me in the league.

You know, worse than I'm sure. "

Byrd's wave seemed to be pretending to beep, but in fact he recognized Shay's ability to pretend to beep!

A generation of trash talk kings actually praised Shay's trash talk level in public!
But soon, Bird had a gloomy face again, and said half-jokingly and half-seriously:

"But I won't let him win next time. If I let him win again, I should probably retire and become a truck driver hahaha."

Bird smiled wryly. Today's game made him fully understand what it means to be powerless.

Maggie, your time and mine are coming to an end after all.

Let young people like Reggie Lewis and Shay continue the yellow-green battle of the 90s.

And let Shay be the Bee King in 90.

In this regard, Bird believes that Shay's catch-up with Jordan is not a problem!
So the next day, Shay once again swept the headlines of the sports pages of major media.

The newspaper in Los Angeles directly published a bold and bold headline:

"Shay made a big fuss at Boston Garden, and there was no sound at all.

A Bostonian's nightmare was born.

Hearing Xie Yi's name, children in Boston dare not cry at night."

The Los Angeles fans and the media were all overjoyed. They, who had always been suppressed by the Celtics in fights, finally turned around and became the masters!
Logo is also quite speechless. I thought that Shay's fight would affect his image.

Who knows that after this battle, the Lakers fans love him even more!

In addition, because of the official certification of the generation of Bee King Bird in terms of trash talking, Shay is also famous.

Now the whole world knows that Shay is a top-notch trash talker.

People say that the King of Bee has hand-picked his successor in pretending to be Bee.

Shay really absorbed Bird's software and magician's hardware, and he is simply a big devil in the world.

Another reason Shay made the headlines was, of course, the fight.

The reporters who were present at the time, however, fixed the scene of Shay throwing Lewis over the shoulder.

This professional agility and the courage of one against two have caused Xie to be labeled as a "villain" and "not to be trifled with".

The basketball villain league has added another fierce player.

This gorgeous Los Angeles Lakers team finally has a tough leader!
Danzi was happy when he opened the newspaper. There are still idiots and Xie doing it in this world?
Life is so unsatisfactory!

Danzi's friend Fatty Ba also smiled, do you really think that the art of pulling sideways is very simple?

Let me tell you that there are many tricks here!
Without my side-stretching skills, the result would be a Lewis-like beating.

The aunt didn't laugh, he just wanted to ask weakly: Does anyone of you remember who the champion of the 91st class was?
This Xie Yi made the headlines twice in three days, and made me almost disappear!
Owens was knocked down by Shay twice before, but at least he caught the headlines. The aunt really didn't splash at all.

She was overwhelmed by Shay's prospect.

David Stern didn't laugh either, but called Shay very seriously to ask what happened.

In this period of the league, because there has not been a fight against fans like the Palace of Auburn Hills, the tolerance for conflicts on the court is still quite high.

But no matter how much he tolerated it, this was not what Stern wanted to see.

He devoted himself to changing the image of the league, resulting in frequent brawls among the players.

Is this global promotion still going on? ?

People who don’t know about it think that our NBA is a newly established fighting league!
"David, you know me, I am really self-defense.

If I attacked deliberately, I would definitely crack a bone.

Pa, a cervical spondylosis.

Slap, one after another.

You also saw that in that situation, I couldn't stand and be beaten up. "

Shai tried to quibble on the phone, hoping to reduce the suspension by a few games.

After all, the Lakers will not be paid for the suspended games
Stern sighed. He liked Shay quite a bit.

I like it even more!

Have the courage to admit mistakes, this is a good boy!
Stern then waved his hand, then ceremonially suspend your kid for two games.

Give your kid a long memory.

Shay quickly looked at the schedule and found something strange about the suspension.

The next two games against the unpopular Heat and the bad team Magic happened to be skipped.

In the third game against the 76ers, he just came back.

How do you feel that Stern chose a good day on purpose?

At this time, a certain fat man who was looking at the newspaper with silly joy didn't know yet.

Those beatings in the newspapers will soon be his turn.

 Today is another one-of-a-kind day, and the conscientious old partner continues to explode!With such a conscience, begging for a ticket is not too much, right?Guiqiuguiqiu, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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