After changing careers, I became No.1 in basketball

第95章 094:第1个新秀AMVP,25颗星中最闪耀的1颗!

Chapter 95 094: The first rookie AMVP, the most shining one among the 25 stars!
This year's All-Star Game has become a little special because of the existence of the magician.

After all, this is the first time in NBA history that a retired star has returned to participate in the All-Star Game.

When the magician came out, all the fans cheered, and the stars in the East also embraced the magician one after another.

It seems that the magician is the absolute number one in today's All-Star game.

Drexler looked at the magician, but a hint of disgust flashed in his eyes.

You bastard old man, even after he retired, he came here to ruin my good deeds.

You tell me to give the ball to Shay and I'll give it to Shay?
How old is he?

Today, I have to be the talker of this All-Star.

Who supports it?Who is against?
Karl Malone also looked displeased. Damn you traffic stars are disgusting.

But what he hates even more is that he can't get the traffic of this big ball market!

Among all the talking and laughing All-Stars, Drexler and Malone with gloomy faces are very different.

The game started quickly, and the magician sat on the bench ready to enjoy Shai's performance.

David Robinson got the ball first from Ewing, Shay reached out to catch it, but Drexler jumped out and took it away early!
Before everyone could react, Drexler slipped into the penalty area, slammed Jordan who was blocking him, and performed his best long-distance gliding dunk.

Drexler's nickname is very close to his own playing style. His dunks always take off far from the basket, and there are obvious traces of lingering in the air.

Jordan clutched his chest and looked at Drexler in a daze: "You hurt me!"

No, are you serious, boy?
The game has just started, and the real time has not yet entered, you want to come for real with me?

Jordan shook his head, forget it, I don't have the same knowledge as you about the farewell performance of the Demon Master today.

And when we arrived in Orlando, Danzi and his good friend Ewing arrested several fugitive Disney princesses for intense interrogation yesterday.

So today is not particularly exciting.

After the Eastern team attacked, the Smiling Assassin hit the ball to Ewing.

Ewing and the admiral had a feigned confrontation, and then the admiral directly let Ewing turn his back and walked to the basket, watching the gorilla abuse the frame.

But as soon as the gorilla jumped up, Drexler volleyed from the side and slapped the ball flying!

The basketball hit the backboard hard and rebounded, and Shay ran forward in no time.

But Drexler didn't pass the ball. He ignored Shay, who was unguarded, and drove into the penalty area with the ball by himself, dunking!

Shay spread his hands, but Drexler ignored them.

Looking at Ewing again, the orangutan captain, who was dull-eyed just now, now has a blue face and fangs, and his eyes are wide open.

He's turned back into the raging King Kong who crushed every opponent at Madison Square Garden.

The gorilla is really angry, Ah Hua, what do you mean?
I dunked a basket at the beginning and you pretended to be me?


Want to come for real?

The magician watched the atmosphere on the field become more and more tense, and swallowed.

Ah Hua what are you doing!

Drexler didn't care about the atmosphere that had become more and more wrong. This round, he continued to defend Jordan seriously, and he was really confrontational by pulling and dragging.

Jordan understands, you old boy is trying to take advantage of the All-Stars to seek revenge on me.

Jordan had already fought Drexler earlier this season.

At that time, the two sides scored overtime, and Jordan relied on a last-minute turnaround jumper to kill the Blazers.

In that game, Jordan's personal score was exactly 2 points higher than Drexler's, and it was the lore that got 2 points.

It is estimated that since then, Drexler has been very unwilling, and wants to find a chance to win back.

It's just that the next time the Bulls and the Trail Blazers meet will be in March.

Ah Hua, you can't hold back anymore.

Okay, since you want it so much, I will satisfy you!

Jordan then elbowed Drexler away, circling to the three-point line to receive a pass from the Smiling Assassin.

Without hesitation, Jordan took off and shot directly after receiving the ball.

Drexler quickly blocked it, but was still half a beat behind.

The basketball went into the net, and Jordan turned his body into a glider, and then shook his head at him:
"Man, didn't I just beat you in the finals? Want to lose again so soon?"

Jordan has always been rude to gliders. In the original history of the 92 Olympics, although Jordan and A Hua became teammates, the trash talk during training also embarrassed Drexler.

And every time in the team's training game, as long as Jordan defends Drexler, he will perform at a very high level as if he has been beaten.

Jordan likes to set up an opponent for himself. This opponent used to be an assassin, but now the biggest opponent in Jordan's mind is the glider in the same position as himself.

Since the glider is the first to pick things up, Jordan will naturally not be lenient!
Originally, Jordan was thinking about the Magician's retirement battle, let the Western Conference win, and let the Magician win the MVP.

What can be exchanged is the unreasonable trouble of the glider.

Now that Jordan has a showdown, stop pretending.

He is going to play the concubine crazily today!
Drexler has been sprayed a bit broken defense, and being swept by Jordan Gentleman last season is a huge scar in his heart.

It's okay to lose to the Pistons, after all, Jordan can't beat the Pistons.

But losing to Jordan, and losing so badly, Ah Hua's face is really a little bit uneasy.

A distraught Drexler yelled at Malone to give him the ball.

Malone and Ah Hua worked together, ignoring Shay, the point guard, and sent the baseline ball to Drexler.

After the glider went up, it easily broke through Pippen. Pippen didn't defend much, and he was still in the state of "just coming to play".

Pippen just perfunctorily followed Drexler's side, and Drexler hit the basket and shot through Pippen.

Pippen didn't even reach out, watching the basketball fly over his head.

As a result, after the basketball passed Pippen, the braised egg wearing the No. 23 jersey rose from the ground.

He jumped up behind Pippen and slapped the basketball fan thrown by Drexler with a very scary height.

Jordan took a big risk!

After bleeding from the glider, Jordan landed lightly and patted Pippen on the shoulder: "Scott, be serious, otherwise some people think he can beat us."

Drexler gritted his teeth, dandy, you have to embarrass me at the All-Star Game, don't you?

I will not admit defeat!
Because the basketball was blocked out of bounds by Jordan, the Western Stars served the sideline.

Once again Drexler anxiously asked Malone for the ball. After getting the basketball, Ah Hua went to the basket as usual to perform a dunk.

But the New York gorilla arrived just in time, and with a powerful swing of its vajra arm, Drexler was pinned to the floor, even with the ball.

Xie Yi shook his head when he saw it, Ah Hua, do you love hot pot so much?

You pass it on!

Drexler's mentality was indeed affected today, because he is not obsessed with scoring in official games, and his overall view is very good.

But today, he only has the basket in his eyes.

Because Ah Hua knew very well that if he wanted to win the All-Star MVP, he had to win, and he had to score high.

In the past few years, he was humiliating, but what he got in return was Jordan's repeated humiliation.

So this year, the first All-Star starter, he doesn't want to give up.

He wants to fight for what he deserves!
Ewing launched a counterattack immediately after blocking the block. Fliggy received the basketball, walked across the court with his overlord steps, and scored with flying dunks.

After that, the Eastern Stars relied on Drexler's subterfuge to get several chances to counterattack.

In a blink of an eye, the score became 10-2.

The Eastern star team directly suppressed the West completely!

West coach Nelson Sr. called a timeout and replaced Drexler with Magic.

Ah Hua didn't refute either, he knew he just messed up.

But it doesn't matter, when I play next time, I will turn the tide!
After returning from the timeout, the West team replaced Drexler and Malone.

Seeing the magician appear on the stage, the fans cheered excitedly.

But the magician didn't hold the ball himself after he came on the court, but pointed to the admiral: "David, give the ball to Shay!"

The Admiral nodded and passed the ball to Shay.

Drexler snorted softly, Shay holding the ball is useless, this game can only be pulled back when I play again.

Shay was submissive and handed the ball to Maggie after halftime.

After all, it's his farewell match, so he must give him more punches.

Maji fired directly from outside the three-point line, but perhaps because he hadn't played for a long time, Maji's three-pointer was too weak.

Maggie himself knew he couldn't make it, so the moment he shot the shot, he immediately ran to the basket, ready to grab the rebound.

The basketball hit the front of the basket and bounced out. It was a long rebound, and Maji, who rushed to the basket, got nothing.

Just when everyone thought the magician's first attack was going to end like this, Shay chased the popped basketball with his back to the basket, jumped up and caught the ball in his hands.

Then, with his back to the basket, Shay passed the ball behind his head with one hand without waiting for it to land, and actually accurately found the magician under the basket!

The others didn't realize what happened at all, and the magician easily scored a layup after receiving the basketball.

For a time, the audience burst into warm cheers.

Shay made a wonderful pass and assisted the magician without looking at others. This is simply a dream linkage!

Everyone bought tickets today to watch this, isn’t this much more exciting than a glider fancy gift?

The magician flashed his trademark sunny smile and pointed to Shay in thanks.

Seeing that the game became lively after he left the field, Ah Hua was somewhat embarrassed.

no problem, no problem.

It's just one goal, the team still needs me to lead them to equalize.

In the next attack, Jordan chose to single out the magician, which made the cheers on the scene louder and louder.

After a few feints, Jordan chose a drifting three-pointer.

The basketball naturally came out of the basket, and Olajuwon, who came off the bench for Malone, caught the rebound and countered Shay!

Shay dribbled and ran forward while directing the magician to position.

As a result, Shay, who was looking at the magician, suddenly hit the ball to the middle, and a clever pass passed the ball to Olajuwon who was cutting in.

The ball was passed very suddenly, and most of the East team didn't react.

When Dameng hit the basket, Ewing realized that the ball was in his hands, but it was too late to defend at that time.

Olajuwon easily smashed the buckle with one hand, and the cheers on the scene were louder and louder.

"Shay is bringing show moments to the All-Star Game! He's lighting up the All-Star Game in Magician fashion!"

The on-site commentary and the fans were all excited. After Shay started to control the ball, the scene was obviously much better than when a certain Mediterranean took control of the ball.

Olajuwon also smiled, Shay could actually see his cut just now.That kid doesn't have eyes in the back of his head, he has eyes all over his head!
Shay: My head was swept by AK, right?

Olajuwon had a pleasant first experience with the joy of playing with Shay.

And Shay, a macho man, will only make Olajuwon and the magician happy.

Next, he single-handedly made every teammate who was hungry for scoring on the field satisfied and happy!
After the breakthrough, he divided the ball in the crowd and assisted God's left hand Mullin to hit a three-pointer.

After jumping up, he found the muscular hunk Admiral with a back pass in the air, and helped the latter to smash and dunk with ease.

Although it is an All-Star, you have never had such a smooth and smooth offensive experience.

Shay is a man's lubricant!

Soon, Shay racked up four assists.Although he has not scored a point yet, he has become the most popular player on this field.

It will be even more popular when compared with the Drexler who gave away the risk before!
All-stars, everyone just came to watch the show.

There is no reason to eat hot pot alone on the field.

Drexler looked at the growing cheers, he was anxious.

If this continues, I will be forgotten!

In the end, Shay walked off the court with six assists in the half quarter.

Afterwards, Nelson Sr. replaced his favorite general, the Beatles Hardaway.

Although Hardaway is also good at leading the fast break, his passing has never been as coquettish as Shay.

The fans didn't think it was enough to watch, so at the beginning of the second quarter, the audience shouted in unison:
"Change Shay! Change Shay! Change Shay!"

Director Zhang, who explained the game, danced happily:

"Hahahaha, all the fans are looking forward to Shay's appearance!
It is really not easy for a Chinese player to be so popular in the NBA All-Star Game! "

Indeed, this may be the most popular rookie player in the history of the NBA All-Star Game.

Even if he is as popular as a magician, he didn't have such a high popularity when he participated in the All-Star for the first time.

All-stars are like this, as long as you perform well, everyone loves to watch you.

Isn't the future Griffin the first All-Star to attract attention and popularity, because everyone knows his dunks are shocking, and everyone wants to see them.

The same goes for Shay, everyone just wants to see more of his unbelievable passes.

Nelson Sr. didn't antagonize the fans either, replacing Shai at the beginning of the second quarter.

Drexler saw that Shay's momentum had overwhelmed him, so he asked the Admiral for the ball as he commanded Malone.

What are you doing?I'm the strongest guard in the West team!
But this time, the Admiral ignored Drexler and gave the ball to Shay!
As Magic said, Shai had the ball and everyone had a chance to score.

why not?

Drexler found it unbelievable that his teammates would rather give the ball to a rookie than him!

But Shay did not isolate the glider. In the next attack, Shay used a beautiful pass through the crotch to assist the cutting-in A slippery dunk.

Drexler yelled after landing, now you know who is the brightest star today?

He thought he would get praise from the audience, but the fans were all shouting Shay's name!

Other teammates also praised Shay for his good pass.

But the glider, who terminated the attack, was completely ignored!
After that, Shay assisted Drexler to score consecutively.

Drexler catches and shoots, catches dunks, and cuts into the tie bar. He fully demonstrated his eighteen skills.

But the more Drexler played, the more he felt something was wrong.

This shit the more I score, the more popular Shay is, and the harder I work, the more popular Shay is.

Why, after a long time, I became Xie Yi's wedding dress! ?

Shay led a group of All-Stars to play a wonderful performance moment, but the fans were still not satisfied.

They really want to see if Shay can still be so amazing in the real confrontation at the end of the fourth quarter!
The game went to the last 5 minutes of the fourth quarter, and as we all know, this heralds the real time of the All-Star Game.

From now on, the stars will increase the intensity of the competition, and the winner will be determined with real swords and guns.

The game suddenly became intense, and there were more and more scenes of fouls, confrontations, and people turning their backs.

Shay's data growth rate also began to slow.

Until the last 2 minutes, the Western team was still 5 points behind the Eastern Conference.

After Shay had the ball past halfcourt, Pippen stared at Shay, not allowing him to play the fancy moves easily.

Jordan pressed close to the glider, directly cutting off Shay's connection with him.

Shay then waved his hand and called Damong to come out and cover.

Without hesitation, Dameng ran out willingly to serve as a pick-and-roll for Shay, a rookie.

Because Dameng is very clear, there is a high probability that the ball will return to his hands comfortably after the pick-and-roll.

Today Xie Yi fed Dameng comfortably. When he played against Shay before, Dameng still hated the No. 23 who killed him in the opening game.

But after becoming a teammate with Xie Yi, Dameng knew what true fragrance is.

With Shai there, the offensive end is simply enjoying silk.

Fliggy: Oh, what a sweet fart.I, Fliggy, will lose all my life, even if I jump off the Empire State Building, I will not be teammates with Shay!

But the gorilla and Olajuwon are old opponents who have been fighting since college, and they know each other very well.

So the gorilla stuck to Olajuwon immediately after the pick-and-roll, not giving him a chance to shoot.

Not only the gorilla blocked Olajuwon, but the rest of the Eastern team also blocked their matchups.

Shay doesn't have any chance to pass the ball now, so he can only face Pippen directly!

Drexler smiled contemptuously, you can't do it without the help of other people.

At this critical moment, do you know who to honestly hand over the ball to?

Ah Hua thought that Shay had no chance to pass the ball, so he would re-dribble the ball beyond the three-point line, and then handed the ball to himself.

If we really fight at this critical moment, you still have to rely on me.

However, in the next second, Drexler saw Shay jumping directly towards Pippen, about to dunk!
"You overreaching idiot!" Drexler cursed inwardly, watching Shay get embarrassed.

Of course, Pippen cannot be dunked easily by Shay. Although Shay has a gold-level dunk badge, it is not possible to dunk a perimeter defense gate that is close to him with a random jump.

Pippen didn't lose his position on defense this time, right in front of Shay, and his long arms just covered the basketball after jumping up.

It seems that Pippen's blocking of Shay is a certainty.

Everyone in the Western Army is even ready to return to defense.

The fans also sighed. Shay may be very good at passing the ball, but his personal scoring ability seems to be a bit stretched among this group of stars.

As a result, Shay just raised the basketball with his right hand in the air and didn't dunk it down for a long time.

It wasn't until Shai's own body began to fall that he pulled the ball down, switched from right hand to left hand, and then used his wingspan advantage to send the ball up the hoop before landing.

A pull-bar layup that turned from a dunk to a top, when everyone thought Shay had to block the shot, Shay scored the ball with a difficult pull-bar!
"Ah, here." Although Drexler saw his teammates scoring goals, he couldn't be happy.

Can this kid, Shay, face Pippen and score at a critical moment?
The audience was also dumbfounded, thinking that Xie Yi would definitely be blocked, but Xie Yi came up with such a showy operation.

His performance today did not lose to any star present!

The wonderfulness of this goal made the audience shout again.

"Although he is not as perverted as Jordan in the air, his ability to finish when his body falls is really strong!"

"Shay really took over the magician's class, and the All-Stars will not be bored with him in the future."

"Who said Shay can only pass the ball? He can be in the top five if he is in a hurry!"

Pippen actually tried his best to defend, but who would have thought that Shay would switch hands and pull the bar the moment he dunked.

Director Zhang also raised his arms in the studio excitedly:
"Strike! Shay playing him!
This ball is very bold. I waited until my body fell in the air before I started to make moves.

It is not easy for Pippen to guard Shay! "

So far, Shay has scored 13 points and 20 assists!
Because Shai focused on passing the ball before, the number of assists rose very fast.

And now, Shai has shown his ability to score against tight defenses.

In this group of all-stars, Shay's brilliance has not been concealed!
The fans at the scene have fallen in love with Shay's performance, but the Western Conference team is still 3 points behind.

Whether the magician can make a perfect curtain call today is not certain.

The game continued, and after getting serious, Jordan continued to single Drexler and scored the ball easily with a turnaround jumper.

After scoring the goal, Jordan showed a very disdainful expression: "Hey Ah Hua, can you be tougher!"

The rest of the West team also cast disgusting glances at Drexler. You have been beaten by Jordan the whole time today. Can you defend yourself once?

Drexler didn't speak, but he was furious.

He continued to rush to the Admiral for the baseline ball, hoping to pay back to Jordan.

But the Admiral still chose to give the ball to Shay!

Drexler hasn't caught a baseline ball since Malone stopped playing!
Drexler was so angry that his blood pressure almost soared to 250 on the spot.

Danzi: It's okay, I always have antihypertensive drugs in my locker, and I will give you two later.

Drexler couldn't believe that at this critical moment of the game, they still chose to trust Shay, a rookie.

Instead of him, the strongest defender in the West!
Drexler had to curse secretly, and then ran to the frontcourt to participate in the offense.

Shay dribbles up and passes the ball to Magic, who is now playing the three.

Although it was the battle of the magician's retirement, the Smiling Assassin's defense was unambiguous and he pressed close.

Everyone present is extremely competitive, even if they are All-Stars, they will play very seriously in the last few minutes.

"Maggie, here!" Drexler asked for the ball from Maggie, but Maggie looked in the direction of the glider, but passed the ball into the penalty area!
A no-look pass, Maggie hit the ball to Shay who went to the right side of the basket.

The moment Shay received the basketball, without even turning around, he immediately passed the ball to Olajuwon with his back to the basket without looking at the person.

Magician and Shay made two consecutive passes without looking at people, directly ignoring the defense of the Eastern team.

After receiving the basketball, Olajuwon easily took off and dunked on the spot, and the point difference returned to 3 points again!
After the goal, Olajuwon happily touched Shai's head.

If the Rockets can help me get this kind of teammate, can I make a fuss about leaving?

The magician and Shay's fantastic performance also made the fans mesmerized.

When there are two magicians on the court at the same time, this picture is simply too beautiful!

The point difference returned to 3 points, and it was Shay's wonderful performance at a critical moment that helped the team narrow the point difference.

Drexler's mentality collapsed. At this moment, a terrible conjecture appeared in the glider's mind:

Shay he won't. Take my AMVP! ?

Before Drexler thought that the magician was here to grab the MVP, but now it seems that the magician is simply trying to praise Shai.

Taking the AMVP in the rookie season has never happened in NBA history.

Drexler has now scored 26 points and 6 assists, but Shay's 13 points and 21 assists are also unusual.

The main reason is that there are really too many assists.

drexler if memory serves me
The highest single-game assist record in the All-Star Game is the 22 created by the magician that year, right?

Shay is just one shot away from the all-time record!

This is so special.
Even if I lose to Jordan, I have to lose to a rookie?

Drexler panicked, but it was useless, because the Admiral blocked Barkley's post-up this time, and Olajuwon grabbed the rebound and gave the ball again without hesitation. Shay!

Jordan glared at Barkley, what else are you good at besides being able to eat double portions at midnight snacks?
Can't even hit a turnaround jumper.

Don't you know how to wait for the admiral's body to fall before making a move?
Shay advances quickly with the ball, and Pippen has his arms outstretched to stop Shay near the halftime line.

But Shay didn't need to cross the halfway line at all to push the fast break. He hit the ground with a long pass and handed the ball to the magician who was already running at the front.

After receiving the ball, the magician took two big strides and went straight to the layup. He has been feeding others for so many years, both on and off the court.

Today, he finally experienced the happiness of being fed by others!
"Shay, he got his 22nd assist tonight, tying the record for the most assists in a single game in an All-Star Game created by the Magician!
This is the inheritance, today is the handover battle between the magician and Shay! "

The on-site commentators were all shocked. Who would have thought that Shay, who played the All-Star for the first time, would be able to tie the historical record.

What's more frightening is that there is still time for the game, which means that Shay may even break the record!

This rookie, he didn't come to the All-Star Game to be a jerk.

He wants to lead the team to win the game, and he wants to be the MVP!

In the next attack, Jordan didn't pass the ball again. He was going to single Drexler again and keep the last 1 point difference on Drexler's head.

After receiving the basketball from outside the three-point line, Jordan first swayed to the left, but actually accelerated to the right.

Drexler had already made the fastest reaction, but still let the extremely fast Jordan exceed half a body.

Just when Drexler was desperately about to reach for Jordan's jersey, Shay appeared in Jordan's breakthrough route in time!
The perfect time to help defend, so that Jordan didn't even have a chance to make a second change of direction.

So he passed the ball to his good brother Pippen. When Pippen received the ball, Olajuwon and the Admiral were already crowded in the penalty area.

So he didn't choose to break through, but caught and shot from outside the three-point line!
If it is a big open, Pippen is actually somewhat sure.

But after Shay helped Drexler defend Jordan, he rushed back immediately to interfere with Pippen's shooting.

Shay's stride is too big, and he almost steps back to Pippen in one step.

During this period, Pippen could not score 30 three-pointers in a season.

With such interference from Shay, he lost all his three-point shooting sights.

Shay didn't even look back after the interference was over, but went off immediately.

As a qualified emperor, you must be active when playing fast break!

He is so confident, he is sure that Pippen will not score this goal.

Pippen said that he was breasted!

Sure enough, the basketball bounced out of the hoop, before Hakishi and Barkley had time to grab the board, they started the wrestling performance.

The gorilla and the admiral wrapped their arms around each other and fought frantically under the basket.

Finally, Drexler, he rushed into the penalty area, jumped high, took off the rebound!

Drexler is an outside line with a very strong sense of rebounding. At his peak, the number of rebounds in recent years has basically been close to 7.

In the 88-89 season, he averaged 7.9 rebounds per game.

At the shooting guard position, this prolific rebounding data is still very rare.

After protecting the rebound, although Drexler was very reluctant, he still threw the ball vigorously forward.

In front, there was no one around Shay, who had rushed forward a long time ago!
Drexler knew that if he won the game, he still had a chance to be the MVP.

But if the game is lost, then the MVP must be Jordan.

So at the critical moment of overtaking the score, he had to pass the ball to Shay,

But Drexler's pass was a little too big, and it was about to fly out of bounds.

Shay jumped up to catch the ball in the air, turned 180 degrees in the air, and tossed the ball down the court before his own feet went out of bounds.

The following magician took off with one foot, grabbed the basketball thrown back by Shay, and scored a dunk with both hands. Shay turned a ball that was about to be missed into an alley-oop!

"Another fantastic connection between Shay and Magic, who scored his 24th point of the game and Shay had a record-breaking 23 assists!
New record, new record!
Shay participated in the All-Star Game for the first time and broke the record for the highest assist in a single game!
If the rookie season has become an All-Star starter, it can only be regarded as following in the footsteps of the giants.

In his rookie season, he broke the record for assists in a single game in the All-Star Game. Shay undoubtedly blazed his own path to superstardom!
Shai made a record-breaking pass and assisted the Magic to score.

This is simply the best handover moment! "

The on-site commentary and the fans cheered wildly. This goal not only broke the record, but also allowed the Western team to overtake the score.

Xie Yi, this first-year rookie is actually among a group of big shots, deciding the outcome of the game!
Drexler looked at the record-breaking Shay and was furious.

Jordan looked at Shay, who led the team to overtake the score, and was also very angry.

Shay, an amazing man who can make teammates and opponents angry at the same time.

There was not much time left in the game, and the old Zen master ceremonially called a timeout.

In fact, he didn't arrange anything, the All-Star Game, if you can win, you can win, if you can't win, just forget it.

During the timeout, all the talking was about Shai.

His performance today was perfect. Although he didn't score many points, his 23 assists were astonishing.

Moreover, Shay also showed his scoring ability, such as the dunk when he just faced Pippen.

In front of the TV, everyone on the Lakers swallowed their saliva.

Why does it feel like us teammates sealed Shay's strength!
When Shai played with a bunch of All-Stars, the flow, the flow, was unmatched.

The live shots were also given to the magician and Shay, and everyone was impressed by the wonderful performances dedicated by these two people.

The magician may leave, but the showtime never stops!

The timeout is over, and this year's All-Stars have come to a critical moment to determine the outcome.

Drexler guarded very seriously, because he knew very well that the All-Star MVP would only be born on the winning team.

He will never allow Jordan to win himself again!
Jordan was full of confidence and let everyone pull away. In Jordan's eyes, the glider's defense has never been top-notch.

This is indeed the case. Drexler has never entered a defensive formation in his career. Although he has many steals, he is mainly gambling steals like Iverson.

Drexler will not be a big colander on the defensive end, but he is by no means a defensive gate.

Jordan controlled the clock, hoping to score while not leaving too many chances for the West to counterattack.

So, in the last 24 seconds of the 5-second attack time, Jordan just turned over and shot from the right waist.

Drexler has done everything he can to interfere with Jordan, but Jordan seems to be floating in the air for a second or two, waiting for Drexler's body to fall before shooting.

Jordan is right, scoring is very simple, just wait for the other person's body to fall before shooting.

Drexler looked back in despair at the basketball, which spun around the hoop before crashing into the net!
In the last 7.4 seconds of the game, Michael Jordan killed the game with a turnaround jumper!
However, as soon as the basketball hit the net, Shay picked it up and stuffed it into Dameng's arms:

Dameng, who has a very high golf quotient, immediately understood. This is how he was killed by Shay in the opening game of this year's regular season!
Olajuwon took advantage of the Eastern Conference's celebration and fired a quick baseline shot, and Shay turned around and ran wild the moment he caught the ball.

Old Nelson didn't call a timeout when he saw this. That guy Shay, is he trying to steal the victory from the stars in the East?

Shay quickly ran across the half, Jordan was the first to react and overtake, and Pippen also chased Shay.

Shay was able to defeat the Rockets with this sudden attack before, mainly because he caught the Rockets by surprise.

Moreover, the Rockets' guards are all short, so they can't interfere with Shay's shot.

But this time, Jordan and Pippen's double ghost knocked on the door, even if the peak Dr. J met him, he might have to get slapped twice.

Jordan would like to see how Shay scored under the attack of himself and Pippen!

In the face of Danzi and Pippen's back and forth, Shay did not slow down.

After driving into the lane, just as he was about to hit Jordan, Shay took a big step and then suddenly tossed the ball high into the air.

Jordan froze for a moment, what the hell is this?

There is no one around who can pick it up?

Jordan didn't understand Shay's intentions, so he just reached out for the ball subconsciously.

As a result, Shay jumped up by himself, received the ball in the air, then turned his back to the basket while avoiding Pippen and Jordan's blocks, and turned his head to look at the moon and scored the ball!
This time Shay passed the ball to himself a second later!
After the goal was scored, the audience was all excited.

The entire Orlando Arena seemed to be shaking.

Shay used an unbelievable but compliant action, and under the pursuit of Jordan and Pippen, the two defensive gates, he overtook the score in the last 3 seconds!
It's almost an anti-lore!

Drexler swallowed, what the hell was that just now! ?

Give yourself a free pick-up?
The magician's eyes widened as he admitted that Shay was more creative than himself.

Even Jordan opened his mouth wide. He always thought that his aerial performance with Dr. J was brilliant enough.

But Shay, he can always come up with something new!

15 points and 23 assists plus a counter-lore.

As a rookie, Shay shines among the superstars!

In the last 3 seconds, there was no timeout in the East, and Jordan could only force a shot near the midfield line.

The basketball flew straight, but eventually hit the front of the rim and bounced out.

competition is over.

The red light is on.

The whole place is boiling!

The magician rushed towards Shay with his arms raised, and embraced him.

Dameng also joined in the celebration, it was the first time he admired a rookie so much.

Only Drexler stood there dumbfounded.

Although Shay scored only 15 points, the record-breaking 23 assists and the incredible layup at the last moment
My AMVP won't really be gone!

It's fine if you lose to Jordan, but you actually lost to that rookie!

After the game, David Stern soon appeared with a small envelope.

Drexler stared at the envelope nervously. He had 26 points and 6 assists today, and Shay had 15 points and 23 assists.

The MVP is either him or Shai.

Stern smiled at Drexler as he picked up the envelope.

Drexler's heart trembled, could it be me?

"Let's congratulate Shai, the 1992 All-Star MVP!"

Stern said, holding up the trophy and walking towards Shay.

Then why were you staring at me just now!
The magician took the trophy from Stern before handing it over to Shai.

At that moment, the Lakers point guard Rong Guang officially completed the handover.

Stern was also grinning from ear to ear. The first rookie All-Star MVP in history, Shay has completely opened the door to the international market for the NBA!

He walks up to Shay, shakes Shay's hand, and conducts the interview:

"The 25 best players in the world are here tonight, but you are the star of the night!

Shay, tell me how you feel! "

Shay took the microphone and put his arm around the magician's shoulder:

"Thank you Maggie for your trust, and thank you to all your teammates for their trust.

As a rookie, it is very rare to be able to hold the ball in this kind of game all the time.

At the same time, I also proved that I have the right to compete with the best players in the world and win!

I know there are people who disagree, but it doesn't help if you disagree, I just did it! "

With that, Shay handed the microphone back to Stern, and gave Drexler a deliberate glance.

That’s right, the Mediterranean Sea, I’m talking about you!
Say something that is not qualified to start with you, not qualified to touch the ball.

What to say I can only switch back and run today.

Then take a look now, who is the best in the audience, and who is the most shining one among the 25 stars!
Amid the joyous applause, Shay and the magician beside him raised the All-Star MVP trophy together.

Drexler, who was at the edge of the crowd, was so angry that his hairline moved back two centimeters.

Jordan looked at Drexler and shook his head.

It's hard to lose to a rookie, right?
I understand how you feel.

I'm so happy to see you deflated, a mediterranean!
Although Jordan lost today, he was not so angry.

Because he was so serious today not because he wanted to win the game, but simply because he wanted to win against Drexler.

32 points, 6 rebounds and 7 assists. If it weren't for Shay's lore game, today's MVP would be Jordan.

There is no doubt that Jordan played better than Drexler today.

Therefore, Danzi is really not angry, he just likes to see Drexler deflated.

The only one who was really angry at the scene was Drexler.

Drexler, a world of wounded people, was born.

Oh, right.

Malone should be very angry too.

In his view, once again, the Lakers' "traffic star" has won.

But Malone is not as angry as Drexler, because after the All-Star Game, the Jazz will meet the Lakers again.

Ma Long touched his elbow. When the time comes, he will let Shay, a packaged star, know what a real fight is!

 Thank you Qiuqiu for your reward, thank you everyone!Today's [-]-in-[-] chapter will be directly updated with [-]D!The conscientious Laohe has continuously updated for half a month, and I beg all the big guys to give some votes, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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