Chapter 131 The Duel at the End

Although various energy weapons are the mainstream in interstellar warfare, other types of weapons have not stopped developing and using them.

Everyone knows that energy weapons are not effective against shields, and sometimes other means are needed to break the enemy's defense.

The tentative beam attacks of both "Farwalker" and "Ancient Farwalker" are deflected by each other's shields, and the damage caused may not be able to keep up with the recovery efficiency of the shields.

There is basically no place to hide in the empty space, and they can only rely on their own sensing devices to predict danger.

The radar of the commander of the "far traveler" fleet detected several red dots representing enemy weapons surrounding him from a strange angle.

He didn't need to guess to know that this was the enemy's guided weapon. Although it seemed ridiculous that missiles were still used in the interstellar era, this kind of weapon with a simple principle can sometimes play a different role in the battle situation.

Right now, for example, these swarms of missiles formed an encirclement that seemed to block his every exit.

It is almost impossible to avoid them by maneuvering. In this kind of sub-light speed battle, the speed of missiles is much faster than most spaceships, and there is no air resistance to affect them.

Hard to eat these blasting weapons carrying high-energy explosives will undoubtedly put the battle situation at a disadvantage.

However, it is also easy to deal with such simple weapons, as long as they are destroyed halfway.

The commander of the "Farwalker" fleet also launched missiles, intercepting and destroying some of the missiles on the way, while the remaining missile threats were dealt with by the spacecraft's point defense system.

Then, he began to actively approach the enemy, covering himself with beams and guided weapons, preparing to launch an attack with the only kinetic cannon on this small spaceship.

This kind of "artillery" that only relies on hard enough shells for direct physical strikes is no longer common in the interstellar world, and few people can get close enough to ensure that the artillery hits.

Compared with various guided weapons, although it is also a consumable, the storage area of ​​ammunition is much smaller than that of missiles. At the same time, it can do good damage to shields and ship armor. The disadvantage is that the range and hit rate are impressive.

But in the close-range dogfights of small spacecraft, this is one of the indispensable weapon systems.

Now not only is the enemy within the range of his kinetic cannon, he is also within the range of the enemy's kinetic cannon.

At this moment, his blood boiled again.

The exciting close-to-hand combat made him find the feeling of fighting pirates incognito a long time ago, which is much more interesting than sitting in the simulation room and moving the fleet boringly every day.

However, the alarm in the cockpit sounded suddenly, and he also focused his eyes. The basic combat AI of the spaceship reversed the flight angle forcefully at the critical moment, and missed the kinetic energy artillery.

The red cannonball flew past the porthole, and at a close enough distance, he seemed to be able to see the lines on the cannonball.

However, under the cold sweat, his body became hotter and hotter.

He still has a surplus of guided weapons, but at this time he has released most of the guided weapons, most of which are cluster missiles used to deal with small boats.

This kind of saturation attack does have a good effect, especially for small battleships.

But "Ancient Traveler" didn't have any fear. He also released all the remaining guided weapons, but they were not used to intercept the enemy's missiles, but went straight to the enemy's spaceship itself.

They all fought with a desperate mentality, but the mechanical consciousness of the "Ancient Traveler" had a better effect at this time.

"Synthetic Evolution" allows them to store their digitized consciousness in the cloud. Leaving aside the philosophical issues, as long as the database is not damaged, they will not "die" in the true sense.

In terms of the length of life, the commander of the "far traveler" lost. He couldn't ignore the swarming missiles. In order to be the winner, he had to be alive.

For this reason, he had to try his best to dodge, and at the same time shifted the targets of some guided weapons, together with the point defense weapons to defend against the incoming missiles, which led to loopholes in his saturation strike.

Although the saturation strike of "Ancient Farwalker" is no longer comprehensive due to the interception of missiles, he has more energy and space to target the enemy,
So the kinetic energy artillery fired again, and this time the attack was very effective. The "Farwalker" spaceship, which was unable to dodge in time, was directly hit by a kinetic energy warhead.

The complete shield was pierced by this warhead with huge kinetic energy, and huge cracks appeared in the armor of the spaceship due to the physical impact, and the armor began to fall off continuously.

While the warhead itself was ejected after the hit, the damage it inflicted on the ship was the first fire that led to the endless loop.

Under the fallen armor is the main body of the spaceship. Although the shield is still recovering, the defense of the place opened by the passive energy warhead is much weaker.
At this time, the guided weapons of both sides were running out, but the spacecraft of the "far traveler" had already suffered a lot of damage.

Compared with the spacecraft of the "Ancient Traveler" in good condition, it has fallen into a disadvantage.

But the trauma did not discourage the fleet commander of the "far traveler", but ignited more fighting spirit.

What he wants is this kind of battle, not boring commanding the fleet to move, and then feeling numb to a series of numerical reports.

At this point, even the former enemy civilization "Watcher" couldn't give him this feeling.

Only now, when he devotes all his energy to doing a meaningful thing, does he feel like a "pioneer" who has stood tall over a long period of time, rather than a fallen "enjoyer".

His laughter echoed in the cockpit. He ignored the damage suffered by the spaceship, and adopted the strategy of exchanging injuries for injuries, and fought fiercely with the enemy.

At this moment, the two small spaceships are biting each other like mad dogs in space. Although they seem to be evenly matched, the commander of the "Farwalker" fleet, which was damaged first, is gradually losing the wind.

However, the rest of the "far traveler" young people who were watching this fierce "fight" all showed shocking expressions.

It was hard for them to imagine that the old-fashioned admiral who always looked like he was dying of old age could be so good at fighting.

Many of them are rookies on the interstellar battlefield for the first time. In the past of abusing robots, they basically never thought that there would be a time when they would need to fight in person.

Originally they thought that the fleet commander was just a guy who would only sit behind the scenes and watch the damage report coldly, but now it seems that this "old guy" also has a hot-blooded side that is little known.

Through memory and some related information, they understand that this is an ancient ceremony that can determine the ownership of the "name".

This may be the last duel of their "Far Travelers", a duel between individuals, this is something they have never thought about or experienced.

If they were once addicted to the virtual world, they might not have paid attention to this matter, but at this time, as "witnesses", their numb hearts unexpectedly became a little restless.

The feeling of being in the process of history gave them a sense of participation, even if they did not participate in the "duel", they rekindled their blood.

And this kind of passion is one of the motivations for "traveling far".

These young men began to cheer for their fleet commander in their respective cabins, even if they knew that their commander could not hear them, they wanted to provide him with a helping hand.

Hopefully he won this battle not as a "leader" but as a "warrior".

The cheers of waving the flag are still echoing, and the "glorious battle" is about to come to an end.

The ammunition on both sides is almost empty, and there are still many kinetic energy shells flying towards nothingness in the galaxy, and they will continue to move forward until they are captured by gravity.

However, the "Farwalker" spacecraft, which was the first to show its flaws, was finally the first to show its defeat under the accumulated damage.

Its shield system has been completely damaged, and it can only rely on its armor and hull to resist attacks.

Although the suicide attack is very effective, the spaceship of the "Ancient Traveler" still retains a part of the shield, which can stop dangerous attacks at critical times.

However, the fleet commander of the "far traveler" showed a smile in the cab. He hasn't had such a good time in a long time, and this time and place are suitable for fulfilling his long-cherished wish.

"Death in space, some people think it's a lonely way to die, but to me, it's the most romantic thing."

"My commendable life has been spent in space. It has never been cold to me, only gorgeous beauty and warm memories."

"Is there anything more romantic than 'Let the universe be my tombstone'?"

The old commander adjusted the control mode of the spacecraft to full combat AI control, removed the restriction of "protecting the pilot", then closed his eyes, and rushed towards the enemy.

A kinetic energy shell directly hit the cockpit, which was no longer protected by armor, and dented the entire place, causing a big explosion.

Although the enemy did not dodge the "Ancient Traveler" was a little surprised, but thinking that the "duel" was over, he quickly relaxed his vigilance.

But the broken "far traveler" spacecraft did not stop moving forward, and the death of the pilot did not have any impact on it.

Although the cockpit is the main control area of ​​the spacecraft, there is also a "backup control area" at the innermost core of the spacecraft, which is the core of the basic combat AI.

And the place used to carry the driver is actually a decoy, but it is usually the place where the robot stays, this time there is a real person.

An accident happened at this last moment, and the "Ancient Far Traveler" who was winning was the final blow from the broken "Far Traveler" spacecraft.

A kinetic energy shell irregularly passed through the damaged part of the shield, and then irregularly hit the weak area where the armor fell off due to the previous continuous strikes.

The most unfortunate thing is that torpedoes used to attack large warships were placed in that place. Under all kinds of wonderful reactions, the torpedo explosives that were supposed to be extremely stable here exploded unexpectedly, blowing up the entire small spaceship. broken.

After that, the broken "Farwalker" spacecraft was completely destroyed by the enemy's beam attack before it died, and became a pile of space wreckage.

The "superluminal interrupter" is still operating here, but the people here don't care about the outside world, but recall the process of this "duel", unable to extricate themselves for a long time.

In the Milky Way, the "Ancient Far Travelers" who have already invaded the home galaxy of the "Far Travelers" and are preparing to launch a land invasion on the "Fountain of Knowledge" also seem to feel something at this time, looking at the distant starry sky .

And Li Wenyuan witnessed everything that happened in the "Infinite Beacon" galaxy through the sentinel array, and then recorded a new file in the database with emotion: the glorious decisive battle.

He felt that it was indeed a memorable event. The alternation of old and new would come to an end after this "duel".

"...This is really a rare ending on the Milky Way stage..."

 It feels like I can do it again!Let's see if I can write more characters tomorrow.

  Whole point py transaction:

(End of this chapter)

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