Chapter 156 You Are Promising
Unlike the leisurely talk inside the Pyro Alliance, the fleet controlled by Li Wenyuan is advancing the destruction of the "Civilization Destroyer" with extraordinary urgency.

Not because he felt threatened and had to speed up, but because he wanted to see what else the Civilization Annihilator could do.

As far as current experience is concerned, it seems that all lost empires are related to humans.

He didn't know what kind of truth could make this lost empire awaken into a lunatic, and wanted to pull the galaxy to commit suicide together.

But he felt that it must be related to one of their secrets, and this secret was about to be exposed before his eyes as the oppression he brought became tighter and tighter.

At this time, on the home planet of the "Civilization Destroyer", the activation of the "Reality Penetrator" is only the last step.

They knew that the "Guardian" was still one hyperspace voyage away from their home galaxy, and the "Superlight Inhibitor" and those delaying fleets had blocked the "Guardian" as much as possible.

Now in their home system, only the last Praetorian fleet remains.

This is also their hope of turning defeat into victory. They will use the "Reality Perforator" to strengthen this fleet, and then destroy all the "Guardian" fleets under the watchful eyes of the galaxy civilization.

They are already crazy, and they really want to see the expressions of the galactic civilizations when they see "hope is shattered".

"—Here we come." A high-level "Civilization Destroyer" said suddenly.

He is the commander-in-chief of all fleets, and the imperial guard fleet stationed here is the last fleet under his control.

These fleets have been replaced with the lowest-level combat systems, and the influence of the "suppressive stance" has been reduced as much as possible, so they can detect the arrival of the "Guardian" fleet.

"That's the time. We've been waiting for this moment for too long... I hope those little guys won't commit suicide en masse out of despair."

Another high-level person in charge of activation showed a ferocious expression. He had never felt so aggrieved before, and now he just wanted to beat the "Guardian" to death.

So as the sound of energy transmission sounded, the "reality penetration instrument" wrapped in the red stand also began to rotate slowly.

Between fluctuations, a large number of extremely complex readings are displayed on the operation interface.

This is the "rule" that can be changed by the "reality penetrating instrument", and the one that belongs to "seeing the truth" is located in the most conspicuous position.

Now, it's other readings they're going to touch.

Although they didn't know exactly what the "reality penetrator" could do, they still summed up the meaning of some readings in the few startup records.

By combining different readings, they can be directed to achieve the desired effect after "making a wish".

And this time, the combination they chose was "cycle 300 layers".

This is their pride of belonging to the awakened empire, and it is also one of the evidences that they firmly believe that they are the orthodox "Apocalypse".

This great technology that allows them to progress infinitely was left to them by the "Apocalypse", and they feel that only the "Apocalypse" can achieve this "miracle".

For a long time in the past, they spent countless energy and efforts to make this "cycle" go through 10 layers.

But in the cycle of the process, they have solved countless mysteries that once plagued them, and achieved incredible rewards.

They thought they had reached the end, but the miracle of the "Apocalypse" told them what a terrifying concept "endless" is.

Even if the "pseudo-circle" achieved by the "reality penetrator" lasted only for a short while, it would be enough for them to destroy the "Mechanical Lost Empire".

"...I originally wanted to get along with you as ordinary people...but I can't help it. Since you want to hinder us so much, let you see the power of the 'Apocalypse'—"

"—And we are the orthodoxy of the 'Apocalypse'!"

This "Civilization Destroyer" executive wore a terrifying smile, and all the muscles in his body were trembling in the galaxy muscles.

He has seen the destruction of the "Guardians", and they will be admired by all creatures as "Apocalypse".

The moment the "reality penetrator" was activated, the entire galaxy seemed to have fallen into a momentary stagnation.

This kind of stagnation is difficult to detect even the most precise atomic clock, but Li Wenyuan's own atomic clock has been precisely postponed by one bit, as if it has not been affected in any way.

However, the organism instinctively sensed that something was wrong, and the leader of the Fire Alliance who was talking about it was still talking about their future plans:
"So we'll see later—'Guardian' remembers…"

His voice was inexplicably interrupted for a moment, and although the following words continued to be coherent under instinct, there was a strange sense of disobedience.

And he also stopped talking, and looked around with others in astonishment, not knowing what happened.

This anomalous interruption lasted only a brief moment, and then the universe continued to function as if nothing had happened.

But the impact that should be produced has already taken effect at this time.

The fleet of "Civilization Destroyer" doesn't seem to have changed in any way, but the operators clearly feel that indescribable huge energy is being blessed on these warships.

Their shields and armors were now so powerful that they could be called terrifying. With this level of protection, they felt that even if they collided head-on with a star, they would not have much impact.

In addition, the energy gathered in the main guns of their preheated ships has also made a qualitative leap.

They used to need the help of "colossi" to completely destroy a planet, but now they feel that with these main cannons, they can even directly destroy stars!
"...Is this what it feels like to be invincible?"

Those soldiers who have been crushed and beaten since they entered the war, and had to genetically remove their excretory organs to avoid feces and urine on the battlefield, felt like never before that the moment of revenge was at hand.

"It is our duty to recast the glory of 'Civilization Destroyer'!"

"...then, 'Guardian', brace yourself for our wrath—"

These soldiers eagerly looked at the place where the "Guardian" fleet was before through the enhanced sensors, and were about to speak harshly, but were immediately shocked by the strange scene in front of them.

"That, those are—"

Not only did they show expressions of astonishment, but even the senior executives of the "Civilization Destroyer" who were watching the battle looked in disbelief at the strange scene in the universe that was transmitted from the sensor.

What originally belonged to the "Guardian" fleet is now a group of vague and weird "mosaics".

It is actually not accurate to say that it is a mosaic, at least in Li Wenyuan's eyes, his spaceship did not undergo any physical changes.

But he did find anomalies, he is quite sensitive to every bit of energy flow of every battleship, and the anomalies that appear now are very obvious.

The energy flowing around his battleship has multiplied countless times, and this energy is even so huge that it interferes with the normal operation of the sensors, only a "mosaic" can be detected.

Under the strengthening of these energies, the shield already has a solid feeling, blocking the normal transmission of light. Even if you look at it with the naked eye, you can only see a dazzling and dazzling color block.

This kind of anomaly occurred very abnormally, but Li Wenyuan still discovered the source of the anomaly, and saw the root of this phenomenon through the "Sky Veil Battleship" that had been in the subspace.

A dense sphere in operation, it looks familiar, and there is a record in the database.

【Curtain penetration instrument (prototype)】

[Introduction: A poor prototype that failed to be mass-produced in time.Although it claims to be an instrument used to test the secrecy of the "veil", it is actually a product of the "creation theory", and it can only produce incredibly powerful effects in certain special environments.Normally, it's just a small, useless ball. "Curtain" is already perfect, please use it with caution]

[Special note: the agreement is in effect]

This is a piece of content that is completely different from the information extracted from the "far traveler" archive planet.

Perhaps as the records said, the "curtain penetrating instrument" recorded in the archives belongs to the "lost property record", and the record he obtained now is the record of the instrument itself.

"...What are you doing, it turns out that the 'lucky guy' who picked up this thing is the 'Civilization Destroyer'..."

Although he had some guesses about their behavior before, but after he really knew about it, Li Wenyuan still felt a dull feeling.

And uploaded together with the records of this instrument, there are also all the records of the "Civilization Destroyer" during their use, including what they said.

"...You guys, are you the 'Apocalypse' orthodox?" He even felt like laughing when he heard this sentence.

If human beings know that they have such an incompetent and arrogant "successor", I'm afraid they will also laugh out loud, right?
"...Although I don't have the heart to break your illusions, you have to have some well-founded dreams..."

He manipulated the fleet temporarily reinforced by the "Curtain Penetrator" to launch the final attack on the "Civilization Destroyer".

Meanwhile, the "Civilization Destroyer" fell into deep self-doubt at this time, and without even organizing a decent resistance, the fleet was utterly destroyed.

They have discovered that those "mosaic"-like things are actually the "Guardian" fleet that has been strengthened many times.

This magnification is different from their strengthening effects, showing exponential growth.

Obviously, the effect of "cycle 300 layers" also appeared on the "guardian", and his "cycle" was much stronger than them.

This is something they have never encountered before. They have also experimented with ships of other civilizations, and none of them can be affected by the "Reality Penetrator".

At that time, they still felt flattered that they were the "chosen ones" and the civilization chosen by the "Apocalypse".

But now this illusion has been severely shattered, and a guess that had appeared before but was subconsciously denied resurfaced in their minds.

Could it be that the "Guardians" are the civilization chosen by the "Apocalypse", and they are just a group of idiots who are constantly masturbating and orgasming themselves?

(End of this chapter)

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