Chapter 402 The Tower of Heaven
Tens of thousands of spaceships with unique shapes gathered in the "Great Wound" galaxy today. The extremely dangerous "subspace cracks" here seem to be unable to stop the progress of these spaceships. Fortress, and built a "tower to the sky" here.

Although in the past when collecting galaxy energy, they only needed to rely on mobile spacecraft to do it, but this time they will carry out the "big ascension" without a huge galaxy building.

And this "hell line of defense", which was regarded as the lifeline by the "exiles", was easily broken through, and it was still in the "big wound" section that they believed to be the most tightly guarded.

In addition to here, the "exile" troops in a large area around them were also eliminated, which directly led to a huge gap in the "hell defense line". At this time, this so-called "defense line" had already existed in name only.

The "exiles" also once again realized how big the gap between them and this "apex" civilization is. The only good thing is that the "hunters" don't pay attention to them. The "stalkers" will fight them.

At this time, in the "Great Wound" galaxy, a giant tower-like structure was erected here at an extremely fast speed as if it was being pulled up from the ground.

In other words, it is not "built", but "decompressed".

This towering giant structure usually seems to be in a special kind of subspace, and it can be released directly into the real universe when needed. The "Hunters" have already prepared for this day, and they don't want to delay for a moment.

The tower was erected on the plane of the galaxy as expected, at an extremely high position, away from all dangerous "subspace cracks", but not out of the galaxy range of the "big wound", just like the myth that connects gods and people At this moment, the "reality" and the "truth" are connected like the channel.

The top of the "ring" structure surrounds the spire layer by layer, and the only luminous part of the tower can be seen here-a square box bound by some kind of force field.

It is said to be a box, but its size may have been close to the moon. There is an inexplicable liquid flowing in the transparent pipe shaped like lines on its surface, which emits brilliant brilliance in the universe, and this is the source of the light on the top of the tower.

In the structural records of "Hunter", this place is used to store a storage room for a substance that can release a huge amount of energy in a short period of time. It seems to be only the size of the moon, but the actual internal storage space has been adjusted under "data adjustment". Expanded to the point of horror.

Their original plan was to store large amounts of dark matter here to cover the energy needs of the "breakthrough cycle," but now they have a better alternative.

The "Star of Another Dimension" contains incredible energy. Although the "Hunter" does not understand the source of this energy, according to their estimation, it may be the energy of "one world".

Such a huge amount of energy is compressed into a sphere with a diameter of only a dozen meters, which can fully meet the "hunter"'s demand of "releasing huge energy at once".

In this way, the last piece of the puzzle of their "big ascension" has also been pieced together, and it is officially launched today.

A large number of "Incinerator-class" battleships are also in the "Great Wound" galaxy, and they seem to stop at specific positions in the galaxy according to certain rules.

The naked eye can't see it clearly, but under the detection of the instrument, it shows that there are more or less "subspace cracks" near these positions.

The reason why the "hunters" choose the "big wound" as the location of the "breakthrough cycle" is because they think this is the weakest place of the "world barrier", which is different from the "world barrier" that the "boundary breaker" recognizes. barrier", but a "dimensional barrier" between "data" and "reality".

Being close to these "subspace cracks" will help them break through this "barrier" better.

In addition to these "Incinerator-class" warships responsible for maintaining the operation of the "Tower of Babel", there are also some special spaceships that appeared for the first time here.

It is a spaceship similar to a planet, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a "planetary spaceship".

The number of such spaceships is rare, but it is the gathering place of the "Hunter" civilization, and their entire ethnic group is here. This "big ascension" is to transform these "data" into real life.

Now, the "Hunter" civilization that had wandered around the universe finally stopped their destructive steps and put all their energy on this "Tower of Reaching Heaven".

Their entire civilization is gathered here, waiting for the last moment, the end of their long journey, and whatever the outcome, they will end this "cycle".

Everyone in the entire galaxy is watching their actions, even the "Exiles".

Even if they don't know exactly what the "Hunter" civilization is going to do, they also understand that the other party is doing an unimaginable event.

They know that as "supporting actors" in this galaxy, they can only watch each other do it all.

However, there are still a small number of people who are unwilling to sink here, until they know that the "Hell Defense Line" has been proved to be useless, and after the news that all dispatched troops will return to their "homeland" in the near future, they decide to rush before that. , will their "goal" be accomplished.

The mobile fleet composed of this group of people set off quietly from the "Hell Line of Defense" that was on the verge of collapse. Under the acquiescence of the general on duty, he turned a blind eye and closed his eyes. "traces of the

And the leader of this fleet is the war hero of the "Exiles" and the ace pilot who once fought against the "Legendary Stalker" - Scarface.

With hatred, they challenged an enemy far stronger than them.

As for the "Legendary Stalker" himself, under the influence of some thoughts, he did not choose to return to the place where the "Tower of Babel" was located, but still lingered in his "battlefield".

At this time, he was writing his diary as usual, and coincidentally, he had already reached the last page of the diary:
"I am the 'Legendary Stalker', and I am now waiting for my last moment at the place I call the 'Hunting Ground'."

"The home planet has issued a recall order, because our 'civilization's long-cherished wish' is about to be completed. As a member of civilization, I should be present."

"But my body was telling me that wasn't what I was looking for. I was supposed to have an 'alternative ending,' to be admired as a rising star, not a spectator in a grand ceremony."

"This is worthy of the name 'Legend'."

(End of this chapter)

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