Chapter 62 Assimilation Fighter
Li Wenyuan never thought that there could be such a disgusting species.

Looking at the message that Gray Wind sent him, he even wondered why humans took in this thing in the first place.

The Gundam transformed by the gray wind eventually split into a group of nano storms, because the natives in the ring world did not make any decent resistance.

They didn't respond to the arrival of Gray Wind, and she could only use this method to scan and analyze a large area.

"...The genes of these aborigines are obviously artificially tailored and compiled. Although they can produce offspring through natural reproduction, the stable genetic code will continue."

"At least I have seen a few genes that make organic creatures docile... Also, they have obvious signs of spiritual castration. Everything they do is for the loyalists, even if the loyalists don't regard They are 'people'."

"Besides..." At this moment, Gray Wind's voice also became a little strange.

"They also have a gene in their genes that makes them... 'tasty.'"

"Delicious?" When Li Wenyuan heard this word, he didn't even realize what was going on for a while.

But then, he understood what this meant.

"...These aborigines were treated as food?"

"I think so." Gray Wind regrouped into a human form and walked the streets of the city.

In a city that looks quite modern and full of civilized atmosphere, no one would have imagined that there would be such vicious acts.

Those high-rise buildings with different functions and appearances now look like cages, which were only built by the superiors for these aboriginal residents for enough fun.

Those residents also looked at the alien who was completely different from them on the street. Although they were curious, no one came to ask.

After spiritual castration, they basically have no self, and will not make any actions other than orders.

"Through the video data that is still playing here, it can be basically determined that it is a species called 'Cannibo' that really controls these indigenous people."

Gray Wind pressed his hand on an advertising screen, and at this moment, various brainwashing speeches were constantly playing on it:
"Thank you Cannibal! He gave you the space to live!"

"Thank you Cannibal! He gave you the meaning of living!"

"Thank you Cannibal! This great ring is the proof of His great power!"

Then, the nanobots eroded the advertising screen, turning it into a pile of scrap metal in an instant.

What Cannibo is doing is worse than slavery.

Treating intelligent creatures as food has always been a very serious taboo in the interstellar world.

Civilizations that dare to do similar things will basically cut off contact with Xinghai, and both sides will regard each other as "untouchables", and wars for various reasons are the norm.

And the species in front of them, who call themselves Cannibo, seems to have evolved civilization to a certain level, but they don't think about making progress. Not only do they occupy the residences that don't belong to them, while enjoying various luxurious lives, they also raise It has become a disgusting custom.

This made Li Wenyuan already have some kind of impulse.

He looked at a technology on the technology tree that he had seen before but didn't pay much attention to.

【Colossus Project】

[Technology level: 6]

[Introduction: Xinghai has not always been so friendly. After witnessing too much deceit and betrayal, vulgarity and hatred, we decided to solve these problems once and for all by ourselves.We will no longer pay attention to others' evaluation of us, the accelerated all-out war will be a part of the merger, and all the rebels on the road will become the proof of our "efficiency"]

[Possible Technology: Natural Disaster Plan (0%)]

This is a technology that will unlock a certain type of ship, which can carry various types of star destroyer weapons.

Li Wenyuan once thought that he would never use this kind of technology, but now it seems that not all creatures deserve to be treated kindly.

"...The Cannibo people have genetically modified many species under their hands. According to the proportion of residents in this city, the race that is regarded as 'food' accounts for 80%, which may be to satisfy their diverse needs. taste."

Gray Wind flew back to the sky above the city, sat on Li Wenyuan's scientific research spaceship, and transformed into a thumbnail model of this ring world in his hand.

"What are you going to do? Drive away all these natives, including the Cannibo people? Or... like this?" As she spoke, she smashed the model in her hand, turning it into a cloud of nano-dust, and then back to her body.

Li Wenyuan shook his head and said, "These genetically modified natives have been domesticated very thoroughly. It seems that there are a huge number of them, but in fact they don't even account for 1% of the living area of ​​this ring world."

"They are also quite poor. I have a way to make them a part of me and let them do some simple jobs."

"As for the Cannibo people, they deserve 'better' treatment... have you heard of 'bioelectricity'?"


The synthetic humans brought by the engineering ship and the transport ship have already started the first part of the restoration of the Ring World Control Center.

Of course, in addition to this, there is a giant spaceship suspended in this section of the ring world that is slowly deforming, aiming a device like a muzzle at the surface of the ring world.

This is a "colossus", a Star Destroyer that Li Wenyuan made the giant shipyard work overtime and even borrowed part of the production capacity of Gray Wind's "Nano Lost Empire".

Naturally, he was reluctant to destroy such a perfect ring world, and he didn't want to drive out all the aborigines on it, but he couldn't see the Kannibo people dominating it.

But in order to prevent any Cannibo people from escaping, this type of star destroyer weapon became his choice.

【Nano Plague】

[Component: Star Destroyer Weapon]

[Introduction: The huge torrent of nanometers will sweep all the organic creatures here.Nanobots will compulsorily implant electronic implants into all populations, "assimilating" them into a part of us. 】

To some extent, the "nano plague" can be regarded as the "psychic controller" of the machine intelligence country, which can transform the organic population into a prosthetic population, and then connect it to the gestalt consciousness of machine intelligence through electronic implants .

Li Wenyuan had never had such an idea before, but the successful behavior of the Cannibo people made him decide to use this weapon.

He will control all the indigenous creatures in this ring world, and then pick out the Cannibo people and use them to generate electricity.

Even if part of the body of these oily-mouthed guys is transformed into a prosthetic body, it can be used as a good bio-battery after all.

The Colossus's nano-plague began to fire, and a beam of silvery light rushed into the atmosphere of this ring world.

The Cannibo people on the surface were already frightened to cry when they saw the giant spaceship in the sky, and now they started their frantic escape.

"My family consists of more than sixty people. There are seniors and younger ones! Please let me go!" An old Cannibo man who couldn't run knelt directly on the ground and kept pleading.

He is an old guy who eats five meals a day, but he only starts to regret being so greedy when faced with this moment.

Seeing the silver stream only coming towards him, he closed his eyes in despair.

However, the expected severe pain did not come, it was just a little itchy body.He opened his eyes suspiciously, only to find that these silver beams were all nano-robots, as if they were helping him transform his body.

He was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed, and began to say good things to the sky, thinking that this was a gift, which would free him from the shackles of his body.

However, just when the Nanami Torrent left and he thought the transformation had been completed, he was stunned to find that he couldn't stand up.

The control of his body seemed to be handed over to someone else at this moment, and he could only watch helplessly as his body took him to an unknown place.

While the transformed Cannibo people all walked in one direction involuntarily, this did not happen to the other transformed races.

A little girl of race "015" looked curiously at the silver beams surrounding her. With the help of electronic implants, she found that she seemed to be able to see more things and understand more things.

Although she was drawn as a "food" to fill her appetite before, the Cannibo man thought she was too small and drove her back. She was sad for a long time because of this.

But now, with her mechanical consciousness, she suddenly feels that everything in the world is so interesting. She should not be "food", but should go to see a bigger world.

In the end, she raised her head and looked at the huge battleship that was launching a silver torrent in the sky with bright eyes.

The torrent of nanometers quickly swept through this section of the ring world, and did not spare any organism.

All Cannibo people were driven together by Li Wenyuan, and then stuffed into the "biochemical generator" he had prepared a long time ago, serving as a biological battery connected to the grid.

There will be special personnel to maintain these bio-batteries to ensure that their bodies are in good condition. Until their lives come to an end, these "batteries" of them will always generate electricity.

And Li Wenyuan looked at a large group of sub-consciousnesses that suddenly appeared, and set one of the most outstanding sub-individuals as a sub-center, becoming the control center of these new prosthetics, and then moved it into his "subordinate sub-center" among.

After thinking of several names and not being satisfied, he glanced at the signal content constantly pouring out of these sub-consciousnesses, and after thinking about it for a while, he named these prosthetics "Assimilation Fighters".

(End of this chapter)

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