Chapter 65
Looks like the Rim isn't all scum like Cannibos.

At least this civilization destroyed by the "iron-eating fungus" succeeded in making Li Wenyuan remember them, and created a "believer" file in the database for them,

They didn't even mention their names, maybe for them, they don't expect to be remembered, they just hope that their "god" can come back to see them.

The colossus in the sky seems to have aroused the incomplete memory of the fungus, making them who inherited the piety think that the "god" has returned, and they rushed to emerge from the ground.

Although the detected biological signal is weak, it can also conduct simple conversations.

After chatting for a while, Li Wenyuan found that the intelligence of the collective consciousness formed by these fungi was only at the level of a five or six-year-old child.

Although it bears memory, wisdom does not.In addition to belief, what drives them to act is the mission of protecting this ring world.

Their fungus infects the weapons left by the civilizations they destroyed, and uses them as "weapons" to protect the Ringworld.

However, those aircraft lacking maintenance have been running out for a long time, and the remaining escort forces have all been destroyed by Li Wenyuan's space fleet.

Feeling the happy thoughts conveyed by these fungi in the biological signal, Li Wenyuan felt a sense of guilt for "smashing other people's toys".

However, he still wanted to take back the control center of the ring world, so after some simple communication with these fungal life through biological signals, they happily took back groups of colonies from the control center.

Not only that, but they also took the initiative to gather the mycelium all over the ground, and enclosed themselves in a place that was very small for the ring world, as if they didn't want to occupy the space here.

The rich happiness transmitted from these fungi, if there is a numerical value, it must be 1000%.

At this time, it is even difficult to distinguish the difference between them and that civilization.

Before leaving, Gray Wind asked Li Wenyuan a question:
"...Do you think that this civilization has been destroyed, or has it achieved 'eternal life' in another sense?"

After thinking for a while, Li Wenyuan replied: "They are indeed destroyed, just like their history says 'destroyed by fungi', these fungi now cannot be called 'civilization', they are more similar to 'with a certain memory and Intelligent self-defense robot'?"

"But it's hard to say, memory is an important part of shaping personality. These fungi have produced wisdom, so under the cultivation of this memory, they may be considered as the successors of that civilization, although they only inherited a piece of belief... ..."

"Did you destroy the successor of the previous generation of civilization? It sounds ironic..." Gray Wind shook his head, transforming into a model of a star gate in his hand.

This star gate is lifelike and glowing, it looks exactly like the "distant star gate".

And Li Wenyuan glanced at her, changed the subject and said:

"You can try to think about some deeper questions, such as whether the resurrected person is still himself? Can memory determine a person's soul? Is digitizing consciousness tantamount to committing suicide—"

"—No, no, please don't talk about these philosophical issues with the nanorobots," Gray Wind began to wave his hands vigorously, and the stargate model in his hand also disappeared.

"Instead of discussing this kind of topic that will burn out the processor, let's talk about some of the most essential, purest, most primitive and simplest reproduction issues..."


The scientific research spacecraft is still rushing to the control center of the third ring world.

But here at this moment, something bad is brewing.

The aboriginal civilization here seems to be still in a relatively retro era, when iron and steel machinery can barely be used, and coal has become a common energy source.

By human standards, this place is roughly in the age of steam.

It's hard to understand why after so long, they are still in this relatively past tense era.

We must know that one of the indigenous civilizations in the ring world in the first two paragraphs has extremely superb genetic technology. If the main species did not want to make progress, it may have become the ruler of this ring world.

The other produced a fungus that could parasitize and manipulate machinery, and even their civilization itself was destroyed by this fungus.

Compared with the previous two indigenous civilizations, this native who is still in the steam age is really too backward, which is a bit unimaginable in the ring world.

A new round of black-screen projections has begun, which also means that this place has entered the night.

Quaint kerosene lamps lit up all over the city, and the hurried pedestrians on the streets quickly disappeared.

All this seemed normal, but not long after, an aborigine "flyed" directly into the sky from nowhere.

It was indeed "flying". He didn't wear any mechanical devices, nor did he use any tools. He just flew into the sky with a single jump.

He seems to be a law enforcement officer responsible for maintaining law and order, standing high in the night sky, his keen eyes scanning every corner of the city, as if he wants to bring all evil to justice.

Not long after that, another native "flyed" up, stood directly beside him, and talked with him about something.

"...The day of prayer is about to begin, and there must be no mistakes during this time."

"...Of course I know that the heretics of the Relief Society like to make small moves on such big things, and I won't let them do what they want."

"It's good to know."

The two left after only a few words, and began to patrol the city from the air.

However, as soon as they left, someone sneaked out of a house on their back.

There were only two of them, but each held a baby.

"Hurry up! Hurry up and leave! The 'Day of Reckoning' is coming soon! It is only one person who can be saved!"

The two natives looked around nervously, and after confirming that there was no one there, they opened a magical space with purple light in front of them, and then they all rushed in.

And it was at the moment when they left through this purple space, the two patrollers in the sky before teleported here, and then said with an ugly face:

"...Let them succeed again... These damned traffickers, why are they focusing on stealing children recently?"

"Who knows...if I catch them, they must be burnt to death..."

After discussing for a while, the two disappeared in place again, as if they had never been there before.

And such miraculous situations happen in the third stage of the ring world. This indigenous civilization seems to have embarked on another very special path.

However, Li Wenyuan, who had already arrived at the control center at this time, widened his eyes and looked at the empty eyes in disbelief.

"What about a control center as big as mine?"

The Ring World Control Center, which was supposed to be in a fixed location, disappeared without a trace, leaving only a piece of very well-growing green grass.

He scanned the place back and forth, and even used the drone to shuttle several times, but found no trace of the control center.

"How did these natives live without this thing? Humans have forgotten?"

Finally, Gray Wind found some signs and said:

"There's very, very thin amounts of Zero molecules here, and while it's almost negligible, there's no detectable Zero component in the previous two-segment ring world."

"Zello? This kind of thing is not easy to do... In other words, the indigenous civilization here has embarked on the path of idealism? Will they use psionic technology?" Li Wenyuan thought of this kind of magical thing that can be called "magic" .

He even imagined such a picture in his mind:
A group of indigenous residents looked at the huge steel city of the control center with expressions of disdain.After chanting a few spells, the control center was erased from the real world on the spot.

Then the natives used spiritual energy to build something similar to an enchantment, maintaining the ecology here.

Although reason told him that this was impossible, he still decided to be more cautious when facing a psychic user for the first time.

"...Have you mastered the use of psychic energy? Those idealistic civilizations in the interstellar world will probably call you 'senior' when they see you..."

(End of this chapter)

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