Chapter 84 There's work to do!

"The drone has lost connection. The planet in this state can already be called a 'virtual planet'. No detector can pass through this layer of fog. Its interior is unknown to most people. .”

"Have you discovered it yet?" Gray Wind's eyes were still staring at the shining star of Void Realm, but her signal had already been transmitted to Li Wenyuan.

"Yes." Li Wenyuan quickly explained what he had just discovered on the planet, and at the same time looked at the planet.

The Lone Wolf was right not to rashly explore the choice here. It is best for ordinary people to be vigilant about anything related to the Void.

After all, in the idealistic civilization, the number of people who disappear in the void every year is about to exceed their natural death rate. It can only be said that if you want to get something back, you have to pay something.

The aborigines here seem to have inherited human genes and have powerful spiritual potential, so they can stay in the Void for a long time without being affected.

Li Wenyuan guessed that most of them took refuge in the void, as the "refuge" said.

As for what kind of difficulty to avoid, it is probably "terrible alien visitors".

According to Lone Wolf, there used to be many gangs that specialized in poaching the aborigines. It may be because of the existence of these criminals that the aborigines who lived here had to abandon their original settlements and constantly enter the "virtual realm". "Refuge in.

But Li Wenyuan has never had a good impression of the Void Realm, not only because of his bombed ring world, but also all the information left by humans, which seems to show that the Void Realm is not good.

So Li Wenyuan, who originally planned to let these aborigines stay on the mother planet, and he was only responsible for building a star base here to swear sovereignty and provide asylum, decided to move the aborigines here.

The location is in the ring world.Now his ring world is still very big, even if he produces synths crazily, it will only add dust to the huge area of ​​the ring world.

Being protected by him is much more reassuring than Void Realm.

"It just so happens that these natives are organic creatures, and the park servants have been unable to find the 'master', and they are almost depressed." Li Wenyuan felt that he had done a good deed.

Although the paradise machine servant can act forcefully under his orders, if it does not comply with the underlying agreement, it will still cause a great reduction in efficiency.

The control center of the Paradise Servant has asked him more than once to find a civilization to serve him, but since he has not found a suitable species, this matter has been delayed.

Now with these natives, the machine servants who are always doing nothing can finally be happy.

"...Another 'us'? I really didn't expect that human beings could return to the interstellar stage in this form, but the education of the natives has to keep up, and the servants still need to work hard to establish a servant country as soon as possible... "

Thinking about the development plan of the future machine servants, Li Wenyuan began to wait for the virtual planet in front of him to return to normal state.

And the situation in the galaxy has gradually undergone a new round of changes.

Among them, the biggest change is the war between the Chien Empire and the Saculus Avenging Crusade.

Segulius, who was originally at a big disadvantage, defeated the fleet of the Chien Empire by virtue of the "Mechanical God", and successfully reversed the balance of victory.

This once again made the interstellar civilization realize the power of the lost empire, and became more cautious when dealing with the expanding "Watcher" and "Farwalker".

However, although Saigulius is full of glory, only they know the pain in their hearts.

Not to mention the mortal feud, the most troublesome thing is the burden of maintaining the small fleet of the lost empire.

Because the technology used above is too advanced, they cannot produce replacement and repair parts.

In fact, they knew almost nothing about them except how to drive them and how to make them fire.

They are really cautious when using this fleet. Although they are powerful, this fleet will be the first to evacuate if there is any sign of something wrong on the battlefield.

Without it, I am afraid that I will never be able to repair it.

In addition, powerful firepower and defense also bring high resource consumption.

Segulius did not realize the freedom of resources. The movement and firing of ships consume energy, and the repair of damaged armor requires alloys.

After actually using it, they realized that the consumption of this Lost Empire fleet was simply ridiculous, and it was absolutely not necessary to use it lightly.

And they also realized from the side how powerful the Lost Empire is in all aspects. Even if they maintain those terrifying fleets, they never seem to worry about resources.

The war here is still going on, but the alliance formed by the Mingbo technological dictatorship and several other civilizations has reached the end of the war.

The Iron Heart Exterminator, who had fought back and forth with the cleanliness civilization of Pechkitti, failed to organize any decent resistance, and was easily pushed to the home planet.

Their omnimechanics seemed to be in some kind of abnormal chaos, so that when their home planet was blown into ruins and the central system was destroyed, there was no attack.

Although Ming Bo was puzzled, he didn't think too much about it. He only thought that there was a problem with the codes of these extinction omnics.

The Mingbo Alliance, which has annexed a large territory, finally stopped hiding their ambitions and turned their greedy eyes on the Fire Alliance.

But the Fire Alliance is not afraid, because their good deeds have finally been rewarded once.

A civilization that has only recently emerged from the native state has announced that it has joined the Tinder Alliance, even though the enemies they face may be very powerful.

However, this new interstellar civilization is not that weak. To some extent, they may be stronger than the Fire Seed Alliance.

The most important point is that there is a "space behemoth" in their home galaxy.

People always refer to huge creatures as "dragons", and the space behemoth is also directly called "space dragon".

But in fact it looks more like a fish with wings, and the incomprehensible bioreactor provides this "space dragon" with unimaginable energy.

Even if it is a space creature, the attack method it uses is energy jet, just like a battleship firing a cannon.

The Fire Alliance even felt that their old-fashioned Titan would only be crushed when facing this "space dragon".

And the civilization accompanying this giant space beast also has the ability to talk to it, and can manipulate the actions of the "space dragon" to a certain extent.

It can be seen from this that the Fire Seed Alliance has received another big boost, and it is not without strength in the face of the Mingbo Alliance.

As a result, these two adjacent and incompatible civilizations now have a sense of tranquility before the storm.

They are all evaluating each other's threat to themselves and the probability of winning the war.

If there is an all-out war, then the winner who seizes the legacy of the loser will have a soaring national power, directly reaching the level of first-line civilization.

This is a huge temptation, but it is also very risky, and the possibility of losing both is not low.

But among the current galactic civilizations, only the Turbulent Empire and a few other civilizations can be called first-line civilizations, and they can be counted on one hand.

Lost Empire?Lost empires are out of the question, and they are generally not counted when discussing the strength of civilization.

And Li Wenyuan finally waited until the planet returned to normal.The aborigines there will be active for a short period of time at this time, make necessary material reserves, and then continue to hide back in the void.

But he successfully persuaded them with Lilian's image, and brought the natives there back to the ring world.

The machine servants began to take care of these natives meticulously.

Due to the scarcity of the native population, an average of 20 servants can only serve one organism. At first glance, it seems wasteful, but the servants are already very satisfied.

With their care, the number of indigenous populations will only grow faster and faster. When the time is right, he will put this machine servant on the interstellar stage and declare its existence as a sub-civilization of the "Mechanical Lost Empire" .

This can be regarded as barely fulfilling the wish of the "expert" and "doctor", right?

But before Li Wenyuan could breathe a sigh of relief, something more important happened in the galaxy.

All civilizations are aware of the acuteness of this matter, that is:

The "Watchmen" declared the "Farstrider" their old enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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