Chapter 118 New Promise, New Goal (5000-word chapter)
After listening to Mei Fang's words, Xia Yuan originally calmed down a lot, but suddenly fell to the bottom.

Her voice seemed very aggrieved, "Why do you want to do this... Didn't we make an appointment before, Afang, you will always support my decision, will you always be by my side?"

"That's right...but I can't watch you suffer like this anymore, you should also understand that your strengths are liberal arts rather than science?"

"I don't listen, I don't listen! I don't want to hear you say this!"

Xia Yuan covered her ears, her eyes were full of grievances, "I had a big fight with You Xi about this matter today, if you want to abandon me... I will, I will really become alone It's..."

Mei Fang frowned: "I knew it, you really had a fight with Youxi."

"Are you saying this to deceive me?"

"How is that possible? This idea was decided after a lot of consideration. Do you think I have lied to you since I was a child?"

"A lot, a lot." Xia Yuan bit her lip, "Do you still remember why you had the nickname 'Liar'? And the 10 yuan you owed me when you were five years old still haven't paid me back today. If you haven’t paid it back yet, you will pay back You Xi’s money!”

"Okay, let's skip this first..."

Mei Fang paused, "Better than this idea, shouldn't you tell me why you quarreled with Youxi? She is really sad today. I don't think she has eaten a bite of food, and no one can persuade her."

Lin Youxi did not eat today, but she ate the bread that Yue Xinyi brought, and she probably also ate the Liyou pie that Guo Yun gave.

Otherwise, Mei Fang would definitely do everything possible to stuff something into Lin Youxi's mouth.

After hearing Mei Fang's statement, Xia Yuan's expression also flashed a trace of uneasiness, and she then mumbled to express her dissatisfaction:

"But... Youxi is really too much! She deliberately crossed out the two questions she knew how to do, just to pity me, play with me and deceive my feelings in a condescending posture...I hate being deceived the most gone."


Mei Fang couldn't help laughing immediately.

"Just because Youxi is so kind to you, you want to lose your temper with her?"

"Because I hate others giving me alms, that's looking down on me, what I want is only meaningful if I have to fight for it myself." Xia Yuan sat on the stone bench with her knees in her arms, and said word by word.

"I also agree that what Youxi did is indeed inappropriate, but if the act of caring about your mood is considered charity and looks down on you, you have been taking care of Youxi and being considerate of Youxi since you were young, sharing all good things with Youxi. Isn't it a charity to her? When you were shopping, didn't you find that she has always disliked you for letting her take advantage? "

"It's not wrong for you to say that..."

Xia Yuan rubbed his eyes, "But actually, it's not entirely because of this incident, the real reason is—"

"What is it?"

Xia Yuan shook her head desperately, "That's...a secret that cannot be revealed."

Can't... tell you.

"Then I won't explore it for now, it's normal for girls to have secrets."

Mei Fang rested her chin and thought for a while, "Then you are so unhappy with Youxi now, do you want to break up with Youxi?"

"how is this possible!"

"Then who do you think should apologize?"

"It can only be said... Both of them are wrong."

Xia Yuan thought for a while, "Youxi shouldn't have comforted me in that way, I shouldn't have said that to Youxi...."

Xia Yuan shed tears while talking, rubbing his eyes while talking, tears streaming down.

"Why would I say that to Youxi today? She must hate me...I really regret it now..."

Mei Fang reached out to help Xia Yuan wipe away her tears. Xia Yuan cried and asked Mei Fang with tears in her eyes:

"Afang... what do you think I should do?"

"Then apologize to her face-to-face. It's good for the two of you to make it clear. Youxi is such a good girl, and she will definitely be willing to apologize to you. At this time, don't care about whose face can't be saved. Both of you need to save face, that is It can never be reconciled."

Mei Fang gently stroked Xia Yuan's head:
"And I also asked Youxi before, I asked her 'how can girls reconcile when they quarrel', she told me that sincerity is the most important thing, as long as we talk about each other's thoughts, we will understand each other .”

Under Mei Fang's patient persuasion, Xia Yuan gradually became sober.

She patted her cheek, then stood up.

"Fang, I now fully understand what I want to do."

"Well... just understand, make good preparations tonight, tomorrow—"

"I'll go to Youxi now and admit my mistake."

"Huh? Go now?"

Xia Yuan nodded, "Tomorrow will be too late, I have a scar in my heart now, I won't be able to sleep if I don't remove it."

"Then you should at least go home first and tell your family members?"

"Yes." Xia Yuan nodded, "But I'm a girl, so it's not safe to walk alone at night."

Mei Fang immediately showed a disgusted expression, "Why worry about this, I will go with you if you don't tell me."

"Woooo...why are you so nice, Afang!"

Xia Yuan said and hugged Mei Fang for a while, and Mei Fang even felt as if she secretly nibbled on his neck when she hugged her.

But now Xia Yuan seems to have completely forgotten about Mei Fang persuading her not to take the science experiment class.

The two put down their schoolbags, briefly explained the situation to their family members, gathered at the gate of the community, and walked to Lin Youxi's house together, but today Youxi's father was not at home, only Youxi and Aunt Liang were there.

"Hello, Aunt Liang... sorry to disturb you so late..."

"Did you have something to do with Youxi?" Liang Meijuan showed a hesitant expression, "Youxi is still studying, but she specifically told me not to disturb her today, she locked the door, and there is no key at home..."

Xia Yuan and Mei looked at each other for a while, and then decided to see Lin Youxi.

The two of them crept upstairs and came to Lin Youxi's room. Mei Fang knocked on the door first under Xia Yuan's encouragement.

"Youxi? Are you's me, I'm Mei Fang. I chatted with Yuanyuan for a while today and I want to talk to you about something."

Mei Fang knocked lightly on the door, but there was no response from inside.

So Xia Yuan took turns and knocked on the door lightly.

" open the door first, okay? I have something to tell you...Although I know you must hate me to death, I still want to say something to you face to face... ...can you open the door?"

There is still no sound here.

Xia Yuan was about to cry without saying a word, this little crying bag.

"I can't call out, what should I do..."

Xia Yuan covered her face in sadness, "I knew a long time ago that Youxi will never forgive me this time...she must have endured me for a long time..."

"Don't be so insecure, okay?"

Mei Fang knocked Xia Yuan on the head, and Xia Yuan thought of a new way: "Then let's wait here, A Fang? Just wait until dawn, Youxi will definitely be moved by us."

"But she has been stuffing herself in it... Will something happen..."

Mei Fang thought for a while, "At least let me take a look?"

Mei Fang already knew the layout of Lin Youxi's house well, so he went to Aunt Liang and explained, "Auntie, I want to build a ladder from the roof of the storage room in the yard to climb to Youxi's balcony. Make sure youxi's situation will not disturb her study."

"That can't be done, it's too dangerous, it's so dark, and there are no protective measures, what if you fall..."

"But if you Xi is alone in the room and doesn't respond, aren't you worried about what's going on with her?"

Liang Meijuan loves Lin Youxi very much. Hearing what Mei Fang said, she was a little scared when she thought that Youxi was in a very bad state after returning home today.

"Then, auntie, let me climb up and have a look."

"No, no, I'll do it! I'm familiar with it. Youxi used to always forget to bring the key when going out. This is how I crawled into your house and opened the door from the inside."

"Yes, that's how it is..." Liang Meijuan didn't know what to say, she really didn't know as much about this family as Mei Fang did.

Regardless of whether it was because Yuanyuan said something hurtful to Youxi, there is obviously a thick wall in Youxi's heart now.

This wall made her refuse to get close to Mei Fang, and even refused to communicate with others.

Now she is somewhat close to the high-cold academic bully that Mei Fang was familiar with in her previous life. Because she lost her only good friend, she has always been alone and closed her heart.

At this moment, Mei Fang, who was climbing the ladder, suddenly thought of a song that would not be released until 3 years later——

【Your heart has a wall】

[But I found a window]

【Occasionally revealed】

【A warm gleam】

【Even if you have a wall】

【My love will climb to the windowsill and bloom】

【Open the window and you will see—sadness melts】


Mei Fang climbed onto the balcony outside Lin Youxi's room. Just as he was about to knock on the window, the curtains in the room suddenly opened, and Lin Youxi met Mei Fang face to face with the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Her eyes were red and swollen, she must have been crying for a long time just now.

But when she saw Mei Fang's appearance, her expression suddenly became very surprised.

Mei Fang waved to Lin Youxi with some embarrassment. Lin Youxi quickly opened the French window, and then hugged Mei Fang.

Just as decisive as when she cried and begged Mei Fang not to move or leave.

"Why... did you suddenly appear here?"

Lin Youxi looked up at Mei Fang, feeling both surprised and happy.


Every time I need it...

Mei Fang's reaction was also very surprised, "Suddenly? Yuanyuan and I knocked on your door outside, didn't you hear?"

Lin Youxi looked back at her desk, "I was listening to music just now..."

Lin Youxi later bought an mp3 herself, and she gave the new one to Mei Fang, and she took the old mp3 that Mei Fang had given her.

"Ah... so it was a misunderstanding! I thought you didn't want to see us anymore."

Both he and Xia Yuan only knocked on the door lightly and spoke once, and then stopped working hard, because they were afraid of making Lin Youxi angry.

"How is it possible... I don't want to see you."

Lin Youxi rubbed her tears and smiled, "You are my most important people."

"I heard everything from Yuanyuan... She regrets it now, so she came here to see you... Anyway, do you want to meet her?"

Lin Youxi nodded, and slowly let go of Mei Fang's embrace.

"I want to see her too. What happened today... In the final analysis, I was wrong first. I want to apologize to her."

Seeing Lin Youxi's attitude, Mei Fang stopped hesitating. He came to the door, unlocked it, and gently opened the door. He saw Xia Yuan who came back from downstairs crossed his hands in front of him. , looking apprehensive.

"Come on, talk to Youxi, she also has something to tell you."

Mei Fang gave way to Xia Yuan. Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi looked at each other for the first time after the quarrel. They had always been a close duo, and this was the first time they looked at each other so shyly and awkwardly.

Mei Fang patted Xia Yuan on the shoulder to encourage her to go in, then slowly closed the door and came to the living room on the first floor, where Aunt Liang poured him a glass of milk.

"Thank you auntie."

"You're welcome, you're welcome..."

Aunt Liang sat beside Mei Fang and asked Mei Fang softly, "Yuanyuan and Youxi are having a fight today, right?"


Mei Fang nodded, "But it should be possible to reconcile now."

"It's good if we can reconcile..."

Liang Meijuan smiled and said, "Although I haven't watched you grow up, Auntie can feel that your relationship is really close. It would be great if it remained so good."

"Well... I will work hard, Auntie."

"Ah Fang, thank you for your hard work."

"We have Xi, although she is sensible and obedient, but sometimes she is really introverted and pretends not to tell us. I can only ensure that she is fed, clothed and cared for, but for the rest, I can only count on Yuanyuan and you ...especially you."

"Haha... I'm not that good either."

Mei Fang scratched her head embarrassingly, "The friendship between the three of us must be maintained by the three of us together. If it's just me, I can't do anything."

"That's right..."

Liang Meijuan got up and wiped her hands, "Then you wait for Yuanyuan and Youxi to reconcile first, and you can lie down on the sofa for a while if you are tired, and Auntie will go to work first."

"Okay auntie."

As soon as Aunt Liang left, Mei Fang fell headfirst on the sofa.

Huh... I'm exhausted today.

It's been an incredibly long day.

I don't know how the two girls are talking.

I won't be chatting and arguing again, haha...

Hmm...probably not.

They already wanted to apologize to each other.

Although there is an element of self-matching, both of them must first have this heart for each other, and I just pushed forward.

Hurry up and make up with me... two stupid girls.


Mei Fang kept thinking about things, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

After an unknown amount of time, Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi walked out of the room.

There were light tears and a faint smile on their faces.

They came out hand in hand.

When they went downstairs and saw Mei Fang sleeping on the sofa, Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi became more careful.

They tiptoed to the side of the sofa where Mei Fang was, Youxi sat on the side of the sofa, Xia Yuan sat on the other sofa, resting their cheeks on Mei Fang, watching Mei Fang, and then poked Mei Fang's cheek mischievously.

"He slept like hell."


Lin Youxi nodded, "I think, seeing the two of us quarreling, Ah Fang must be more sad than us today."


Xia Yuan put his hand on the side of Mei Fang's cheek, watching Mei Fang with tender eyes.

"We can't make him so sad in the future..."


Lin Youxi also put his hands on Mei Fang's chest, his eyes rolled, and his eyes were full of joy.

She likes to feel Mei Fang's heartbeat very much.

"By the way, youxi, I have an idea about what we talked about just now!"

Xia Yuan looked at Lin Youxi and said, "The three of us grew up together, and we are childhood sweethearts with the best relationship in the world, so let's not fight to the death for Ah Fang like other novels or stories. It's not worth it If it is done, it will make Ah Fang sad again."

"So... the relationship with Ah Fang, we don't want to go any further, and we will always be childhood sweethearts."

"As for whether to change into another relationship, when we grow up and reach the right age, let Ah Fang make his own choice, do you think it's okay?"

Lin Youxi nodded, "OK."

"However... I actually hope that Ah Fang will never choose."

"Has it always been like this?"

Xia Yuan thought for a while, then smiled, "Indeed, that seems pretty good..."

"Then make an appointment?"

Xia Yuan stretched out her little finger to Lin Youxi. Seeing this, Lin Youxi also stretched out her little finger tacitly.

Xia Yuan also pulled Mei Fang's hand up, and they hooked his drooping little finger together.

"Pull the hook, hang yourself, 100 years, don't change—"

With very soft voices, the two spoke the most sincere words of agreement in their childhood.

But this move gradually woke up the sleeping Mei Fang.

His eyes moved, and then he struggled to rub his eyes. Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi blushed from fright and quickly stood at attention.

Then Mei Fang got up from the sofa. Sleepy, he saw Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi standing in front of him holding hands.

"Am I dreaming?"

"No no!"

Mei Fang felt that he had a good night's sleep, but he was still a little angry to wake up.

" two are reconciled?"

"Reconciled, reconciled!"

Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi held hands and hugged each other, "Look, we're not at odds anymore."


Mei Fang looked at Xia Yuan, "What about the science experiment class?"

Xia Yuan shook her head, "I listen to what you and Youxi said, I won't take the science experiment class. I really can't like physics, and I probably don't like physics even in high school. I'd better go to liberal arts."

"That's fine……"

Mei Fang nodded, and then said to Youxi, "Youxi, we don't take the science experiment class anymore."

Lin Youxi's eyes showed a trace of astonishment, and Xia Yuan shook her head frantically, "This is wrong! You can't lower your level for me...I don't force myself to be in the same class with you now, really, you don't want to do it for me. I will study liberal arts together... I will still blame myself..."

"Not taking the science experiment class doesn't mean I plan to accommodate you."

Mei Fang said seriously, "I have thought about it these days, and I don't think we need to be constrained by the perspective of this small county at all. Don't fight desperately for this Baimei No. [-] Middle School, because to be honest, this school only has science subjects. It’s amazing, it’s really hard for liberal arts students to get ahead, even if Yuanyuan studies liberal arts in this school, she won’t have a good development.”

"Then Afang, what do you mean—"

"According to our strength, our goal can be a school with stronger teachers and more comprehensiveness. In this way, you don't have to study physics in the exam, and you can also give full play to your strengths and advantages in liberal arts."

Mei Fang's words brightened the ignorant eyes of the two little ones—

"Baizhou High School in Baizhou, and Jiangcheng No. [-] Attached School in Jiangcheng, these two schools are the top high schools in our Northern Chu Province - they are in the eight-school alliance, and they are currently accessible to us, and they are more suitable for us. A high school goal to strive for."

 no update today
  In order to conceive this plot, I suffered a lot, and I will not give you a drop.

  In addition, I hope everyone will stop discussing whether junior high school physics is difficult or not. I have always emphasized competition physics, not basic physics. I am Xia Yuan’s reprint. Xia Yuan’s experience in taking physics exams is my own experience. It’s really unreal. Not impressed?I was in the class of junior high school. I was in the top three all the year round, and I was not bad in physics. I entered the Peiyou class, and I gave competition physics questions every day. Every day I took the exam. I regretted why I went to the Peiyou class. Different ages and different schools are very different. This kind of sense of unity is difficult to substitute. Please stop arguing. It is my own setting. If you really don’t like it, you will not read my book. I am so angry.

  In addition, the full score of physics we mentioned is 85.

(End of this chapter)

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