Chapter 153 For Yuanyuan's Happiness

"How about it... Ah Fang, can you bear it?"

"If you can stand it, this strength is just right!"

This was the first time Xia Yuan stepped on someone else's back. Of course, because she had read the news about helping to step on the back and broke her ribs, she didn't dare to use too much force.

Xia Yuan just stepped on Mei Fang's back and rubbed it back and forth. Hearing Mei Fang's refreshing voice, Xia Yuan also felt very satisfied.

"You can use more force, step on it with both feet!"

"I, I won't do that! What if I trample on your back and break it, youxi will definitely blame me."

What Xia Yuan was thinking now was that it would be great if there was a tool similar to the horizontal bar that stepped on her back in the TV. She could hang on the horizontal bar and control the strength of her feet.

But just stepping on Mei Fang's back like this feels pretty good...

Because Xia Yuan became a little excited, she got carried away for a while, and then she didn't pay much attention to strength, and stomped on Mei Fang and screamed.

" hurt me, Yuanyuan."

"If you don't move your feet, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Yue Xinyi in the back room heard the movement, and ran out to watch regardless of Peng Xue's obstruction, only to see Mei Fang pressing Xia Yuan under her body, pulling Xia Yuan's arm backwards, and doing a very standard Thai style for her Horse kills chicken.

However, Xia Yuan came from a dance practice after all, and her body flexibility is very good. Mei Fang's so-called "torture" will only make her feel very exciting.

"You, what the hell are you doing! It's outrageous! It's terrible!"

Yue Xinyi was cursing and covering her face with her hands, but she still couldn't help peeking at it.

Their high school life is too colorful!
Even Xiaoxue and I can make it like this, if not, I can't even imagine what this house would look like...

Although it was the massage that Mei Fang proposed first, the result was not bad.

Xia Yuan is progressing smoothly today, and feels that he and Afang have gotten a lot closer.

Should have been super happy.

But when she came out of the shower, she just saw Lin Youxi coming out of Mei Fang's room.


The two greeted each other cordially as usual, but Xia Yuan dared not ask what happened to Lin Youxi.

Is... what did you do?

Super energy supplement?

Hehe... Youxi was too anxious.

It's been two days without posting.

Is it just that?
It's just that...

Hey, how can I have the face to question others, I can't help but sneak away.

The first time Xia Yuan saw Lin Youxi and Mei Fang Tie Tie was quite shocked, because she never thought that when You Xi was replenishing A Fang's energy, he would be so subdued by You Xi.

There is a feeling, as if I have only just started to know Youxi.

In front of outsiders, Lin Youxi is an unsmiling and cold academic bully, but in front of Xia Yuan and Mei Fang, she is gentle.

However, if you think about it carefully, Youxi's gentleness towards me and Afang are actually slightly different...

After Youxi took a shower and went to bed, Xia Yuan immediately went up to hug her.

"What are you smelling? Do you smell of Afang on me?"

Xia Yuan felt a little embarrassed when Lin Youxi told her the truth.

But she also became frank this time, she nodded and said:
"I was actually helping Ah Fang step on his back tonight. A Fang said he was very tired, so... I stepped on him a few times."

"It's like this..." Lin Youxi smiled slightly, "No wonder Afang yelled so loudly, I could hear it when I was taking a shower. There is a little reaction zone on his back, and when he touches it, he will react greatly."

"Yes, is that so? How do you know?"

Lin Youxi put her hand into Xia Yuan's clothes, and the cold touch made her shiver, and goose bumps all over her body.

"That's it... that's it... Then Afang will know how good I am."

"Okay, okay... Youxi, you are really amazing! I've convinced you, I've convinced you, woooo... please forgive me!"

After a commotion, the two finally settled down.

Xia Yuan embraced the fragrant and soft Lin Youxi, and fell into a sweet dream very comfortably.

Although the feeling of stealing is very exciting.

But it still feels best not to hide from each other and not to suspect each other.

I don't want to be unhappy with my Youxi because of a mere Ah Fang...

In fact, Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi sneaked away from each other, and each other occasionally saw, noticed, and discovered each other.

But most of the time, each other chooses a tacit way of dealing with it, leaving a little room for tenderness to each other.

On the one hand, it is out of unconditional trust in Mei Fang, on the other hand, it is also a kind of cherishing of the relationship between each other, and will not come forward to stop it.

After all, if you don't say anything and wait for Mei Fang to confess to yourself, it really seems a bit lonely...

Girls' thoughts still need to be taken care of and satisfied!

On the third day of the National Day, everyone took a car to participate in the music festival performance, which was a concert held by a folk band.Because it was difficult to get a taxi today, we all took the bus together.

In fact, band culture has never been popular in China, not to mention that synthetic music is on the rise now, and many people create music by themselves.

I don't know how Xia Yuan found a way to participate in the music festival on the Internet, and it was really difficult for her.

On the way, Peng Xue and Xia Yuan asked about the progress of their relationship last night.

"It's really powerful, you can do this kind of thing at home."

"Hey's nothing..." Xia Yuan scratched her head.

"Hey, you don't really think I'm praising you!"

Peng Xue tapped Xia Yuan's little head.

"You have done similar things in your childhood sweethearts in the past ten years! If you want to win your little bamboo horse, you can't do it with a few slaps."

"Then, how to do it, it's too complicated."

"A more symbolic act of intimacy can make your family Fang gradually realize who his true love is. For example-KISS is a very representative act of intimacy."

"Then, what's the matter!"

Xia Yuan deliberately lowered her voice, "That's no different from a confession. Youxi and I have an agreement not to do this kind of thing, at least let Ah Fang do it himself."

"How can I not see it... That's what I mean."

Peng Xue whispered to Xia Yuan, "You can't initiate a KISS with Mei Fang, but you didn't say that you can't seduce Mei Fang to initiate a KISS with you, right? In that case, you were just forced by your Ah Fang, and it wasn't your reason and wrong, right?"

"Hmm... um... But, if you are hated by Fang—"

"It depends on how you operate at that time." Peng Xue smiled slightly, "If you are too deliberate, you will not be liked by Mei Fang, but it will feel great when it happens."

"More than friends, less than lovers, two people who were in an ambiguous period, went to watch a warm and romantic movie together, the two of them unconsciously held hands and looked at each other when they were deeply in love, and then—"

Teacher Peng was depicting the grand scene he was expecting to see, when Yue Xinyi's little head suddenly popped up in the back seat, Xia Yuan was so frightened that she quickly retracted her body, looked at the scenery outside the window, and pretended nothing happened.

"Are you guys discussing some baby tactics again?"

Yue Xinyi said angrily: "I said that Yuanyuan, who has always been such an honest girl, has behaved so weirdly these two days. It really is Xiaoxue who is playing tricks."

"It's not a joke, it's a normal discussion about love."

Peng Xue curled her lips at Yue Xinyi, "If you really feel uncomfortable, you can go to your squad leader Lin to discuss tactics."

"Our squad leader is already powerful, so I don't need to lead him."

Peng Xue sighed, "You are so pitiful, Xiao Yizi."

"You are pitiful, your whole family is pitiful!"

"I feel that I can write a book in the future, and the title of the book is "The Life of the Disliked Xiao Yizi."

"Peng Xue! You are so annoying!" Yue Xinyi cursed.

Yue Xinyi beside Lin Youxi could not form any combat power or real threat at all.

But just as Yue Xinyi said, the current Squad Leader Lin has evolved to an elusive level.

She and Mei Fang can exude the aura of a heroine when they get along several times. In comparison, Yuan Yuan is really inferior.

However, with my help... I believe Yuanyuan can achieve success faster.

Sorry, Youxi sauce!Although I don't hate you...but for Yuanyuan's happiness, I can only wrong you!
Obviously, Peng Xue was very confident in his operations.

 I'm sorry everyone, there are still people watching in such a hell time.

  The elder brother of the leader joined the 2nd alliance in the past two days, and I will add another chapter during the day to repay my elder brother.

(End of this chapter)

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