Only after I was reborn did I realize that I had green plums.

Chapter 179 Let's not settle accounts so clearly

Chapter 179 Let's not settle accounts so clearly

In addition to the formal school uniforms that they usually wear, the men's and women's sportswear attached to Jiangcheng Division [-] has the same style for each grade.

The sweatpants are blue-black navy blue, with trousers and shorts; the sportswear is different, the middle part is white, the cuffs of boys are also navy blue, and the cuffs of girls are red.

Uniform uniforms turned the huge playground attached to the No. [-] Jiangcheng Division into a sea of ​​red, black and white, forming a picture of youth.

Accompanied by the melodious melody of "March of Athletes", the 2011 "Zhixing Cup" Autumn Games of Jiangcheng Division I officially kicked off.

When the principal's speech at the opening ceremony was over, everyone immediately entered the process of the first competition event, the 20X50 relay race. Jiangcheng Division One attached this as a feature of the school sports meeting, and the principal fired the gun himself every time.

Such a project full of sense of ceremony, each class did not dare to neglect, and everyone quickly gathered on their respective tracks.This competition requires 10 male and female students from each class to stand on both sides of the competition area, and use the relay running method to determine the winner with the least time.

Xia Yuan is the second successor in the girls' team of class 5. In front of her is Lin Youxi, the class leader, and Liu Xiaoyu is standing behind her. On the girl's side, there are a bunch of short girls, only Xiang Bingbing is tall and tall. He saw Xia Yuan and the others immediately, and waved hello to them.

"You guys are competing too! Come on together."

Seeing that Bingbing was the second runner like herself, Xia Yuan was worried that she would be ashamed if she was overtaken by Bingbing, so she raised her hand and greeted Bingbing, "Bingbing, don't run too fast then, please give way a little bit." it is good?"

Xia Yuan is separated from Xiang Bingbing by a team, and the brainwashing cycle of the athletes' march is very noisy. After listening to Xiang Bingbing, he immediately gave Xia Yuan a gesture:
"OK, I promise you that you will never release any water! Let you guys see the true strength of our Shenlongjia people!"

"I didn't mean that, hey!"

Just as Xia Yuan was about to continue explaining, Lin Youxi in front of him turned around and reminded Xia Yuan: "It's okay, concentrate on getting ready to run, I'll help you distance yourself."

With the shot fired by the principal, the 20X50 relay race of the senior group officially started. The first-time boys waved the baton and ran desperately towards the girls, and then handed over the baton.

The boys in class 5 were a little slower to deliver the baton, but Lin Youxi rushed out like a spring after taking the baton.Today's weather was a little hot, everyone was wearing sports shorts, and Lin Youxi wore a pair of black leggings under her long legs. She walked swiftly like the wind, and overtook all the girls around her in one fell swoop.

Yes, so much faster!

After Lin Youxi handed over the baton, the boys in Class 5 also ran very fast. He took advantage of Lin Youxi's advantage to get a good sprint opportunity, and soon handed over the baton to Xia Yuan.

When Xia Yuan was leaving, boys from the next class were still running towards the girls.

That's right, keep it up!

Xia Yuan was wearing a tracksuit, swung his arm with one hand, and ran forward with the baton in the other.

The weight training was indeed a bit unfair to Xia Yuan, and because she was worried that some places would be too conspicuous when she was running, she didn't swing her arms very much, which also made her sprint speed not fast.

But at this moment, Xiang Bingbing shouted loudly from behind Xia Yuan.

"Huh... Whoa whoa!"

Xiang Bingbing's one step was equal to two or three steps of the girl next door. In a flash, she had already caught up with Xia Yuan, and Xiang Bingbing's butt was Mei Fang.

The distance of 50 meters is very short, but after all, the sweetheart is watching from the opposite side, Xia Yuan has a feeling of unwillingness to admit defeat, unwilling to be caught up by Bingbing so easily.

So she let go of her restraint, stretched her arms, swung her arms and ran desperately, and handed over the baton to the boys in the class.

Almost at the same time, Xiang Bingbing also ran towards Mei Fang——

Xiang Bingbing's death charge did not stop in time, she almost collided with Mei Fang, and almost sent Mei Fang flying on the spot.

Mei Fang, who was hit hard, took several big steps back, but was blocked by Wan Chaoxiong and the boys behind him from being overturned.

The people around him, including Xiang Bingbing, all came to care about his condition. The dizzy Mei Fang didn't fall down, gritted his teeth and held up the baton and continued to run forward, finishing his own 50 meters.

The competition was over, and the class that won the 20X50 in the first grade was the aviation class next door.

There are no girls in this class, and all boys participate in the competition. They just rely on wearing a helmet to increase the load and make it harder for themselves.

Afterwards, Xiang Bingbing still feels guilty about his creation of Mei Fang.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I'm really sorry... 50 meters is really too short, I can't react at all."

"It's okay, it's normal."

Mei Fang rubbed his nose and joked to Bingbing, "According to Newton's first law, the greater the mass, the greater the inertia..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a warm current, and bright red blood flowed down his nasal cavity.

"You have a nosebleed!"

"Uh... I'll go to the infirmary to deal with it."

"I'll take you there!" Xiang Bingbing squatted down sideways, "Go, I'll carry you there!"

"No, I'll go by myself."

"How about that, it's my fault—if you're sorry, I'll follow you there."

Xiang Bingbing got up and took Mei Fang's arm to take him to the infirmary, at this time Xia Yuan also followed.

"Bingbing, you still have a competition to participate in later, right? I'll go with Afang, it's fine..."

Xia Yuan tried to persuade Xiang Bingbing to prepare for the next match, and then she gave Mei Fang the tissue she had just run to buy, and asked him to plug his nasal cavity to stop the bleeding.

"Actually, going to the infirmary for a nosebleed can't handle anything. I just find a place to sit down and rest for a while."

"But you have to make sure your nose is not broken first. You were hit so hard by Bingbing just have to be brave and keep running."

Xia Yuan seemed aggrieved while talking, which Mei Fang found very interesting.

"Are you distressed?"

"I... I don't love you, who loves you? Of course Youxi also loves you, but she is going to prepare for the high jump competition, so I will take care of you."

"It's not a serious injury, how can it be so exaggerated."

"Let's see if it's all right."

Xia Yuan took Mei Fang to the infirmary. After the doctor in the infirmary checked, "There should be no fractures, just follow up and observe. There are ice packs in the infirmary. Press the cold compress first to help stop the bleeding."

"No, don't you need to take a picture and watch it?"

The doctor frowned at Xia Yuan's question: "Where can we get that kind of equipment in the infirmary? The young man recovers quickly, even if he has a slight fracture, he can heal himself, so don't worry about him."

Xia Yuan prescribed an ice pack for cold compress from the doctor, and then the two sat down on the chairs, Xia Yuan took the ice pack and gently applied it to Mei Fang's nose, Mei Fang grinned.

"Hang on, it'll be fine soon."

Xia Yuan supported Mei Fang with a cold compress on her nose, and suddenly laughed unconsciously.

"It suddenly occurred to me that we were in kindergarten, and you had a nosebleed the day you wet the bed, do you remember?"

"Remember, why don't you remember?"

Mei Fang nodded and smiled, "It was Youxi who pushed me. She pushed me down and fell on the concrete floor. You ran to help me stop the bleeding, told me to tilt my head up, and then patted the back of my neck with water."

"That's actually a wrong approach. It can't stop the bleeding at all, and it will only let the nosebleed go into the stomach."

Mei Fang thought that I knew about it ten years ago.

" was pretty naive back then."

"However, I was quite reliable at that time, and the children all admired me, but now I can't."

"Why can't it work now? You are almost becoming a star attached to our Jiangcheng Division One."

"Most of that is also due to Ah Fang, I definitely can't do it alone..."

Xia Yuan mumbled, "I've always had the feeling that I depended on you for everything after I went to middle school. Without you, I'm nothing and I can't do anything."

"I just helped a little. You can accomplish those things, it must be inseparable from your own hard work. And our Yuanyuan sings so well, no one can compare to this, right? Haha."

"Don't just smirk there, your nose will be crooked later."

Mei Fang reached out and squeezed Xia Yuan's palm.

"If my nose is really crooked, will you dislike me in the future?"

"Hmph, you still ask when you know the answer."

Xia Yuan pinched the flesh on the back of Mei Fang's hand to retaliate against him, and the two chatted happily, which aroused the dissatisfaction of the medical teacher.

He pushed his glasses, knocked on the table and reminded:
"Hey, let me tell you, you two little classmates, just continue to participate in the sports meeting after the cold compress treatment, don't take me here as a place to flirt, I'm still here so arrogant, I'm not here for you two, I'm afraid it will turn the world upside down Right? What class do you two work in?"

"Sorry, sorry! We're leaving right away!"

Xia Yuan blushed and dragged Mei Fang to escape, and the two sat down on a small stone step near the track and field.

"That doctor is so mean and disgusting, he actually said we were flirting!"

"It seems that there is no difference..."

Xia Yuan and Mei Fang looked around, and found that there were young lovers holding hands and leaning on shoulders, and they were talking close to each other.

There is no need to go to class all day today, and those who do not have entries can freely move about in the school. At the same time, today is also an open day, and outsiders are allowed to enter.

That's why everyone likes the sports meeting so much.

Seeing this, Xia Yuan bowed her head and stroked her hair in embarrassment, she was accepting moral condemnation.

Youxi is now fighting for the honor of our class 5, I can't sneak away at this time, otherwise I would be too shameless...

"what happened to you?"

"No, nothing..."

Xia Yuan put down the ice pack and helped Mei Fang take out the paper ball soaked in nosebleed.

"It doesn't seem to be bleeding anymore."


Xia Yuan held Mei Fang's cheek and looked around.

"Is my nose crooked?"

"Hmm... I don't really see it."

"You look closer?"

Xia Yuan hesitated for a moment, then moved closer.

what am i doing!
This starting action is almost like wanting to KISS!
Xia Yuan blushed a little, she was at a loss now, she could only bow her body and stare at Mei Fang, her eyes unconsciously shifted to Mei Fang's ruddy lips.

Mei Fang also stared at her intently.

This made Xia Yuan couldn't help swallowing.

If he kissed her at this time, Ah Fang would definitely not be able to react.

But...if he attacked him like this...he might get angry.

But, but I really want to kiss Afang...

Xia Yuan's idea of ​​a little devil has been buried in her heart since she saw someone else KISS in the second grade of junior high school, but she has always maintained the restraint and restraint that a girl should have.

"So... is there a problem?"

"Yes, it should be fine..."

Xia Yuan's angelic conscience defeated her demonic desires, and she was about to end the close eye contact with Mei Fang and return to the seat beside her.

However, a blush on Mei Fang's cheeks caught her attention.

"There's still some blood on your face, may I wipe it off for you?"


Mei Fang didn't see Xia Yuan take out a tissue. When he was not paying attention, Xia Yuan suddenly stepped forward and gave Mei Fang a light pero on the face.

"It will be clean then."

When Xia Yuan made this action, her whole brain seemed to be in a state of fever, and her words and deeds were all controlled by the desire of a little devil.

Mei Fang was stunned for a while after Xia Yuan took a sip, and Xia Yuan was also stunned for a while after she finished speaking.

Suddenly she blushed to the base of her neck like a steam princess.

Me, me, me, what did I just do? Hey!
Xia Yuan didn't dare to look at Mei Fang's face. Although her relationship with Mei Fang had reached this level, she still couldn't read his mind. She was afraid of making Mei Fang angry.

But Fang didn't seem to be angry either.

Xia Yuan secretly glanced at Mei Fang.

Seeing him clutching the place where Xia Yuan peroed just now, he looked like he hadn't recovered.

At this time, Mei Fang also happened to look sideways at Xia Yuan, Xia Yuan immediately lowered her head guiltyly and dared not look at her.

This girl... is quite courageous.

She had never dared to do such a thing before.

Lai Yue Xinyi, always Amway's weird novels, and some of them are all badly studied together!

Mei Fang patted Xia Yuan's head lightly, Xia Yuan dared not look up like a child who did something wrong.



Both of them hummed to each other in dull voices, and the delicate atmosphere lasted until Mei Fang spoke.

"Where did you learn this trick?"

"Wh, what did you learn and didn't learn? No, didn't you wipe it clean... Just wipe it clean."

"There is no blood on my face now, but there is Yuanyuan's saliva."

"Then, then I'll wipe it off for you."

It seems to dislike me...

If Youxi did this, would Ah Fang despise her?
Xia Yuan didn't know.

Xia Yuan, who was a little disappointed in her heart, was a little emotional. She was about to take out a tissue to help Mei Fang wipe her face, but at this moment, Mei Fang leaned up to her cheek and peroed along with her.

"Here, this is for you. I have always borrowed and repaid."


Xia Yuan quickly covered her cheeks after being peroed, and turned into Steam Ji again, her heart throbbing non-stop.

" despise me?"

Xia Yuan shook her head frantically.

"But, but, Afang, your mouthful of pero is too big. I have to pero it back a bit."

"Then don't, this is endless! At least not in school... It will affect the school spirit."

"Yeah." Xia Yuan nodded: "Then when the sports meet is over, let's go back to Pero, shall we?"

"Then, one last time, we have such a good relationship, don't settle accounts so clearly."

"Yeah, then I know!"

Xia Yuan watched Mei Fang's eyes full of surging emotions, and Mei Fang had faintly felt that something terrible was gradually waking up in Yuan Yuan's body.

 I'm going home tomorrow, so I'll put the updates here first, and if I still have the strength to write after I get home, I'll update some more.During the Spring Festival, because of the reading guide at the meeting, I will save some manuscripts and update them.

(End of this chapter)

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