Chapter 208 Take it easy
Lin Youxi and Xia Yuanmei Fang shared their thoughts and changes, and at the same time shared the fond memories of her and Mei Fang with Xia Yuan. Xia Yuan also began to think about Youxi's frankness and sincerity. Reciprocate, and contribute the memories that belong to me and Mei Fang.


But ah...

The most worthwhile thing to talk about when Afang and I were young was that we ran away from home.

But you Xi was also a participant in that incident, I feel like I have nothing to say...

Other than that...that was the confrontation between the junior high school and the homeroom teacher.

But Youxi is also a participant!
She also came forward to defend me!

And then……

All Xia Yuan thought about was sleeping with Afang secretly while Youxi was asleep during the lunch break;
At the sports meeting, during Youxi's competition, they secretly exchanged prpr with Afang;
Of course, it also includes this evil of evils——

It stole A Fang's first kiss and called it a special secret training.

I said that I would only do it once and only once, but in the past few days during the Chinese New Year, I was doing secret special training every day because of the favorable location!
I feel that no matter which one of these secrets is revealed, it must be to the extent that Xi will turn against him and part ways!
Xia Yuan hugged Youxi and cried, on the one hand she was moved by Youxi's words; on the other hand, she was also ashamed of her despicableness.

If it wasn't for the fact that she liked Mei Fang so much, and that the two of them didn't seem to have much opinion on sharing, she would have almost voluntarily opted out, allowing A Fang and Youxi to live happily together .

Of course, besides blaming herself, Xia Yuan also wanted to express her apology with practical actions.

For example, she decided to give You Xi more opportunities to get along with A Fang after the next year.

For example, wash for a few minutes longer when taking a shower, or take the initiative to take Aunt Liang out for shopping or something, creating opportunities for the two of them to be intimate.

If Afang and Youxi have kissed too, the kiss between me and Afang will not be so sinful!
Oh, poor little Xia Yuan!
She didn't even notice any signs that Lin Youxi and Mei Fang had gone further. She even resisted the chance of the last secret special training this year, so Mei Fang took the opportunity to go to Baizhou City. automobile.

After Mei Fang returned to the chic big house in Baizhou City, he felt a lot more relaxed.

It is very rare for Xia Yuanlin and Youxi not to post together, maybe a dozen or 20 days a year at most, he must seize this hard-won opportunity and enjoy being single.

Oh, speaking of it, during the Chinese New Year, I was too busy playing new games with Youxi, but I didn't play with Zhang Ming.

Recently, Mei Fang and Lin Youxi are playing the newly launched MOBA game "League of Legends". It is no longer necessary for Mei Fang to introduce how popular this game will be in the future.

He previously played Lin Youxi as a pair of bot laners, and gave Lin Youxi a female assistant on fire. Lin Youxi played VN for the first time, and then their bot lane combination beat the opponent to death in the game, so that Mei Fang didn't believe Lin Youxi's claim that he hadn't secretly played DOTA before.

He and Lin Youxi scored crazy in the second and third days of junior high school. They were so addicted that they didn't reply to Xia Yuan's news in seconds, and naturally they didn't have time to spend with Zhang Ming.

However, the two of them often discussed some design issues related to planning on the Internet. Zhang Ming asked a lot of questions related to the planning case. Mei Fang naturally had time to reply when he was playing on his mobile phone, or he could just call and chat directly. friendship.

Although he won the least year-end award at the party years ago, Zhang Ming was greatly touched after that. He played games with Mei Fang with the mentality of trying at the beginning, and watched the games later. The soaring sales and the real money behind him gave him a feeling of nothingness.

Zhang Ming’s family has many high-achieving students who graduated from prestigious schools, but even if he studies hard to get into a good university and interviews to find a good job, it seems like that’s all he can do. However, his junior high school friend Mei Fang is not only playing games by himself , and also wrote his own songs and created his own website, obviously making himself a legend that has not yet been known.

However, before, I just wanted to keep up with his performance and compete with him to transfer books. Looking back now, I look a little naive and ridiculous.

And Mei Fang can feel Zhang Ming's drive from Zhang Ming's enthusiasm, but he also reminded him not to let go of his studies. If you are discovered by your parents, you will definitely not get the support of your parents.

However, being resisted and opposed by his parents, it was out of the question to help Mei Fang play games.

At least, before their "Journey in the Cloud" is born, Zhang Ming cannot be completely left behind.

"Cloud Journey" is a project that Mei Fang discussed with Guo Yun years ago. The English name is a self-made word "gloudy", and the root word is cloudy (dark cloud, cloudy), and it also has the meaning of confusion and gloomy.

The name starting with g corresponds to Guo Yun's surname, and the English name is almost Guo Yun's self-made name. These names were brainstormed by Mei Youyuan's three little ones. It can be said that Guo Yun is almost completely regarded as the protagonist. Courtesy of treatment.

Guo Yun, who has been valued by Mei Fang since the dividends years ago, is naturally not a girl who will disappoint people. When Mei Fang and Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi were happily living a happy winter vacation, Guo Yun kept herself locked up. Painting at home.

Then, as soon as Mei Fang arrived in Baizhou City on the fourteenth day of the first lunar month, Guo Yun gave Mei Fang the first drafts of several conceptual design drawings to Mei Fang, which were almost infinitely close to the quality of the original "GRIS" scene drawings, and even some places were in Mei Fang. It seems even higher.

Mei: [The details of the color matching of your elements here are related to the theme of this chapter, right?I was watched by mocking eyes around me, so I made such a dark tone on purpose, as if I was walking with my head down... Well, the artistic conception is great, can I not mention the beauty needs for you in the future, let you free play? 】

Guo: [How can that be done!Mei Fangyi’s art requirements are written clearly enough, so I can do it well. Without the support of your documents and creativity, I can’t draw these. 】

Guo Yun showed admiration for Mei Fang in the dialogue, and Mei Fang also accepted these courtesy, but also reminded her to take a good rest.

Mei: [I'm not in a hurry to ask you to produce results, why are you drawing this during the winter vacation...]

Guo: [Because I like it.I really like drawing these... It's a way for me to express my emotions, and it's very fulfilling. 】

Mei: 【No matter how much you like it, you should pay attention to rest.In addition, I also told you that no matter how good you are alone, in order to ensure quality, efficiency is still not enough.You have to help me recruit some students in your school who are interested in making games and do something for you. 】

Guo: [distressed.jpg, if you want me to tell the truth, this is harder than painting.I might as well draw a little more. 】

Mei: [You are very beautiful now, and everyone's attitude towards you has improved a lot, you can see it, right? 】

It's because of this...but I feel uncomfortable.

This will make it appear that everyone is judging people by their appearance.

Of course, there are people who don't judge people by their cover.

Guo Yun was lying on the bed, looking at the message Mei Fang sent her, remembering how he and she looked at each other years ago, and suddenly blushed, turning over and over again.

calm down……

You also understand, Guo Yun.

Mei Fang just recognizes your talent, not interested in you.

Although, although... he didn't know his talent before, and he was always very kind to himself...

But that's just because Mei Fang is a gentle boy, not because of other reasons.

He will be gentle with me, so he will be gentle with other girls as well.

If you insist, there are only two people, and what he gives is different kind of tenderness.

Guo Yun held up her mobile phone, imagining the grand scene at Mei Fang's wedding someday in the future.

In the not-too-distant future, who will lead him to the wedding hall...

Guo Yun almost fell asleep thinking about it, the phone fell on her face and woke her up.

No, no, no... I haven't done the squat today... I have to get up and finish it before I can sleep!

Guo Yun was drawing and exercising at home, and neither end fell behind.

 This chapter is from yesterday.Later, there will be a chapter where the leader will add more.

  About 01:30.

  The old buddies love me very much, I have to continue to add two more chapters today, but I will update the next update.

(End of this chapter)

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