Chapter 234 The Extra Story of If Line 1
On February 2023, 2, Pengcheng.

Looking out from the company's floor-to-ceiling windows, there is a constant flow of traffic in the market, guessing that Mei Fang, who has been stuck for a long time going home, decided to continue working overtime tonight.

"Brother Fang, today is Valentine's Day, you know... I won't work overtime tonight."

"OKOK, no problem, just relax."

"Brother Fang, me too!"

"Brother Fang, then I—"

"Xiao Cao, you don't have a date, what's the fun for today's festival?"

"I'll go to the trash can to do a part-time job, hahahaha!"

The younger brothers in the same project team bid farewell to Mei Fang one after another. Mei Fang watched them leave one after another. Without the friends who usually eat together, Mei Fang could only go down to eat later by himself.

The restaurants that used to line up in the past were empty today. Mei Fang ate while watching his mobile phone, and went back to work after a while. There were not many people left in the company, only the boss, brother Yu, was still fighting at his desk.

At about nine o'clock, Brother Yu also got up from his work station. He first went to fetch some water, and then asked Mei Fang who was next to the work place:

"Mei Fang, how is the project node now?"

"The current progress is pretty optimistic... As long as there are no major changes, I believe that the finished product will be ready for online testing next month."

"Yeah, you've worked hard for me these days! When the company recovers and has the opportunity to go public, you'll definitely have a stake in it."

"Yeah, thank you brother for cultivating."

"Today's Valentine's Day, don't work overtime too late, your partner... ah... yes, even if you don't have a date, you should take good care of yourself."

"I know, haha."

"Let's think about it...the company will set a KPI this year, so I can help you find a partner."

"That's not necessary, haha."

Mei Fang scratched his head with a smile, "At my age, my family has no conditions, and people are like that. Now I can only think about making money."

"Oh, how can this work? Family and business must have a good harvest, so that life can be complete."

The boss wanted to say a few more words to Mei Fang, then looked at his watch, picked up his coat and greeted Mei Fang: "I have to go to the show to watch the show, or your sister-in-law will scold me again."

"Hurry up, Brother Yu."

Mei Fang saw off the boss with a smile, then heaved a sigh of relief and began to focus on the progress of the project.

Without a program to collaborate on the side, it will take a little time to figure out the process, but after all, it has been connected for so long, and there are many things that he can already handle by himself.

However, if I had studied programming in college, would it be easier and more comfortable now, and the progress of the project would be faster?

Mei Fang couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

The lost days will not come back. Now let him learn the code again. With his current overtime intensity, he doesn't have that kind of energy.

Let's launch the project sooner rather than later.

The sooner you get online the better.

In this way, at least a bonus can be obtained, and the previously reduced salary may be raised back...

Then, the debts owed by my father can be paid off, and the new house bought by my hometown will have money to renovate.

After that?
Mei Fang couldn't help but sneezed, he looked out the window at the mottled night, and now he was the only one left in the company.

Everyone really went home today.

Obviously there are not many people who have a partner, they are all just taking a break from the festival heat...

However, it is understandable.

I'll go back early today too.

After working overtime until 10:30, Mei Fang turned off all the lights in the company, locked the door and went downstairs. On the way home by taxi, all the restaurants were closed, and only the Lawson convenience store next to him was still brightly lit.

Get some supper before you go you don't have to go back hungry and eat instant noodles.

Mei Fang walked into the convenience store, ordered a few skewers of Kanto cooking, and then took a can of Coke without sugar, and then went to the buffet and sat down.

Next door is an urban OL who looks quite temperament. She has long black hair, but it looks a little frizzy, and she is just plain-faced on weekdays, and she doesn't look that good at taking care of herself.

At this moment, she was looking out of the window with her chin resting on her cheeks. There were many empty beer cans on the table.

Looking at the facial features are obviously pretty, but actually spend Valentine's Day alone?

He also drank so much alcohol, it seems that he is also a sad person.

In fact, this is not the first time that Mei Fang has seen her. Usually, Mei Fang will stay in the convenience store for a while after working overtime, and the two of them almost always run into each other back and forth.

Of course, we didn't talk much before that.

Mei Fang is not a character who will take the initiative to strike up a conversation with women.

While eating oden, Mei Fang refreshed today's game-related information.

Oh, Wolong is coming out soon.

You can also kill Yan Liang and Wen Chou together with Guan Yu, which looks very cool.

It's a pity that the progress of the project is so fast, I can only share the customs clearance video of the bosses at noon...

While watching the video, Mei Fang unconsciously glanced at the woman.

She has maintained the same posture for a long time. He can't see the other person's expression from this angle, and the beer can in his hand has been hanging in the air without moving. After all, it will make people care.

Wow, she must have fallen asleep...

Mei Fang wanted to raise his hand to greet the other party, but the hand hanging in the air retracted unconsciously.

Ha... it won't be misunderstood as a pervert.

Mei Fang was once complained by the other party because she was too close to a little fairy when she went to work and squeezed the subway in the imperial capital.

Let’s take a look after finishing the oden first. If she still hasn’t woken up after eating, I’ll call her.

Mei Fang finished his oden with his head down, and there was still half a can of Diet Coke left.

She still maintained a stiff movement.


Mei Fang was really worried about her condition, he cleared his throat, and yelled at her softly.

"That... hello? Beauty?"

The woman moved slightly in response to Mei Fang's response. She rubbed her numb elbow and looked at Mei Fang in a daze, with some doubts in her eyes.

At the same time, the badge hanging around her neck fell down.

Mei Fang was slightly stunned when he saw the name on the other party's badge, and when he was about to strike up a conversation, his cell phone rang.

"Feel sorry……"

It was Mei Fang's mother Xiang Xiaoxia who sent the video chat. Seeing this, Mei Fang quickly turned off the video request and called back a voice chat. The two began to talk in their hometown dialect.

"The signal here is not good, what's wrong?"

"Isn't this caring about you?"

"Didn't you contact me on the weekend?"

"You're still outside now, have you eaten yet? You're not still working overtime, are you?"

"No, outside..." Mei Fang paused, "Dinning with friends!"

"Today is Valentine's Day, should it be with a girl?"

" don't have to worry about it."

"Okay, I don't care, I don't care, you have a good chat, haha... less overtime work, health is more important."


Mei Fang hung up the phone in a hurry, and then saw the woman who was awakened by him was watching him.

"Sorry... I saw you didn't move just now, I thought you were asleep."

The other party shook his head slightly, "Thank you, I'm fine."


Mei Fang glanced at her badge with some concern, but didn't say anything more.

The young woman took a sip of beer, shook the beer can for a while, then turned her head to look at Mei Fang, and asked with a smile while holding her chin:
"You are from Baimei County, right?"

She asked this in the dialect of her hometown, and Mei Fang was also very surprised when she heard it, "What a are also a fellow of Baimei County?"

"Yes." The young woman nodded, "However, I haven't been back for many years."

"Uh...don't you go back during Chinese New Year?"

"There is no one at home. My mother died in a car accident when I was very young, and my father died of illness when I just graduated from college. As for the others, there is nothing to mention."


Mei Fang didn't expect that she could tell a stranger about her misfortune so lightly, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

"Hmm... Well, it may not make sense to say this now, but people always have to look forward."

"Look ahead..."

Mei Fang looked at the other party's dazed gaze and smiled slightly, "Did you go to Baimei No. [-] Middle School before, and your grades in school were particularly good, and you were always the first in grade?"

"Do you recognize me?"

"You really are that Lin Youxi. I'm in the same class as you. We're in Class 14. We're on the same floor. Ah name is Mei Fang."

Lin Youxi stared at Mei Fang for a while, and finally showed a warm smile:

"I remember your name."

"Haha... How could you remember me? I didn't do anything famous in high school, and my grade ranking was not high."

"I went to a kindergarten with you. You peed and pulled your pants in the kindergarten. You borrowed other people's pants, and everyone called you the king of bedwetting."

"Hey, hey... when did that happen! You remember things so clearly decades ago! I've completely forgotten about it!"

Lin Youxi smiled slightly at Mei Fang, "Because you wet the bed at that time, the teacher asked you to take a bath in a tub or something, and everyone was watching you, so I remember. That was the first time I saw Chichi from a boy."

"Forget about this dark history..."

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Lin Youxi smiled and rubbed her eyes.

When she was in high school, she was a college bully that no strangers should enter. After joining the work, her goddess temperament has been reduced a lot, but she still has a cold face from a distance. Mei Fang did not expect her to have such a bright smile.

"Xueba is worthy of being a Xueba, and his memory is so good... I can remember everything about kindergarten so clearly."

"Not really... I remember it so clearly, but there is actually another reason."


Lin Youxi rested her chin and gulped down the beer in the beer can.

"When you were in kindergarten, you had a very good relationship with my childhood sweetheart. At that time, she... always circled around you."

"Really, is the childhood sweetheart you mentioned a girl? I have never been popular with girls since I was single from mother to child."

"At least there was then."

Lin Youxi touched the beer cans around lightly, and found that she had drunk all the beer, so she got up and went down to get another beer. Mei Fang was surprised when she saw that she seemed to be okay:

"Drink so much, isn't your boyfriend worried about you?"

"I don't have a boyfriend, and I'm single like you."

Lin Youxi put a beer on the table, "It's rare to meet a fellow in a ghostly place like Pengcheng, do you want to have a drink together? I invite you."


Mei Fang didn't have any habit of drinking, and it was easy to get drunk when she drank, but the other party seemed very interested, and Mei Fang was also interested in her childhood sweetheart, so she agreed, and opened a can of beer with Lin Youxi, gently Take a sip.

"Speaking of which, what's your childhood sweetheart's name? I might remember it too."

"Her name is Xia Yuan, do you have any impression?"

"There seems to be a little..." Mei Fang tried hard to recall the impression of [Xia Yuan], but she still only remembered some vague memories, "Is she also studying in Baimei No. [-] Middle School, and what class is it in?"

Lin Youxi stared at Mei Fang for a long time, then shook his head and laughed.

"You really don't remember her."

Then she sipped her beer with her head down.

"Sorry, I really have no impression..."

"Do not blame you."

Lin Youxi looked up at the bright ceiling, and said softly, "After all, she also passed away when we were in the fourth grade of elementary school."


Mei Fang felt incredible when she saw Lin Youxi talking about the past in a soft voice. This is comparable to the plot of "To Live" in the novel. Lin Youxi has encountered all the suffering in the world. She is not world-weary That's already amazing.

This also made Mei Fang feel very guilty: "I'm really sorry, I made you think of sad things again."

"It's been so many years, I definitely don't feel sad, and at most there are some nostalgia left."

Lin Youxi said to Mei Fang gently, "Yuanyuan is really a very good friend to me."

"I didn't have a mother since I was a child, and she always pretended to be my mother;"

"My family was very poor when I was a child, and I couldn't afford any dolls and toys. Yuanyuan shared her things with me, and it wasn't the leftover ones. She gave me brand new ones;"

"Also... I was always dirty when I was a child, and I couldn't even tie my shoelaces. Everyone didn't like me. It was Yuanyuan who taught me hygiene and Yuanyuan taught me to tie my shoes. I'm friends...she's like an angel girl, you know?"

Lin Youxi told Mei Fang about her little childhood sweetheart Xia Yuan vividly, but the more she talked, the more Mei Fang felt sorry for what had happened to her. He gradually understood what happened to her as the beer went on one can after another. Something about the past of this legendary female schoolmaster.

After a few cans of beer, Mei Fang was already a little dizzy, but Lin Youxi seemed to be fine. Seeing that Mei Fang was a little groggy, Lin Youxi didn't make things difficult for him, and took the beer can from him, " You don't seem to drink much at ordinary times, it's don't have to drink with me. "

"It's okay... I can drink a little more..."

Mei Fang's cheeks were a little drunk, and his eyes looked a little blurred, "It's rare to meet a fellow villager, so it's okay to drink more."

"You are a little bit cute when you have a stiff mouth."

Lin Youxi rested her chin and looked at Mei Fang, "Speaking of which, do you also work near here? I feel like I often meet you at this point... What do you do now?"

"Me? A gamer..."

"What a coincidence, I also make games." Lin Youxi smiled and said, "Are you an art planner or a programmer? I'm doing programming for Penguin here."

"It's so powerful! I'm the dog planner. Although it's the main planner, you may never have heard of it in a relatively small company."

"Small companies also have the advantages of being small, at least you don't have to deal with too many idiots, you're right."

"It's okay for you to say that...haha, Penguin should still have a lot of powerful people."


Lin Youxi smiled at Mei Fang, "Actually, it's not interesting to work for others, I really want to make games by myself."

Mei Fang became interested when he heard this, "What kind of game do you want to make?"

"I haven't figured out what kind of specific, after all, you are good at planning project plans."

Lin Youxi said warmly, "However, for the first game, I hope it is a work to commemorate Yuanyuan, my childhood sweetheart, and my best friend for life."

"That's great, commemorating my best friend and wishing you success."

"Hee hee...thank you."

Lin Youxi touched the beer can to Meifang, "Just touch it, you don't need to drink anymore."

"It's okay... Actually, I'm fine."

Mei Fang bit the bullet and gulped down the beer in one gulp, while Lin Youxi watched him from the sidelines.

"I'm quite envious of you, you are still chasing your game dream."

"If we want to continue living in this world, we must always have something to look forward to, don't we?"

Lin Youxi looked at Mei Fang, "What about you, Mei Fang. What are your hopes?"

"Me? My words... I want to wait for the general environment to improve before taking a look. After all, issues such as version numbers are very troublesome..."

Mei Fang thought, of course I just want to make money.

On the surface, Mei Fang said that he supported Lin Youxi, but in his heart he knew that the game dream was the plaything of the rich second generation, and had little to do with migrant workers like him.

He also doesn't have the ability to make independent games, and he doesn't expect those now.



Are you afraid to express your thoughts to Lin Youxi?

"Indeed, the environment is very difficult."

Lin Youxi nodded with a smile, "But if you continue to persevere and continue to work hard in this industry, I think it will be remarkable."

She looked at the clock on her phone, it was just after 12 o'clock.

"In this way, you are not cheating your mother."

Lin Youxi smiled at Mei Fang, "You ate with the girls and spent Valentine's Day chatting together."

"That's how it is..."

"I just heard from the phone that your mother really cares about you, don't let her worry too much."

"Ok, I know."

Mei Fang looked at Lin Youxi who was finally a little drunk, and with the help of alcohol, he became much more courageous than before.

"By the way... Do you want me to take you home? After all, it's so late, it's not safe for you to go back alone."

"Um... it's fine."

Lin Youxi smiled and waved at Mei Fang, "After so many years, I'm used to being alone, and I know how to protect myself. Thank you for your concern. Let's add a contact information?"

Mei Fang and Lin Youxi exchanged prestige with each other, and Lin Youxi's business card was called "Mountain has Linxi".

After paying the bill and coming out of the convenience store, Mei Fang and Lin Youxi waited for the bus at the intersection one after the other, during which neither of them had any more words.

Mei Fang also blamed herself for her reckless behavior just now.

What the hell was I doing just now... How could I directly propose to go to the house of the girl I just met.

He must have been despised and turned into a wretched man, right?

However, she and I were just lucky enough to meet in Pengcheng.

Although she had an unsatisfactory life, she would not look down on someone like me.

People like me...

What kind of person am I?
In fact, Mei Fang is also very interested in the game that Lin Youxi wants to make.

But work was hard, and he was so busy with his job that he didn't have time for things that were almost impossible to make money at all.

I can only wish her success.

Just as Mei Fang was thinking about this, the car called by Lin Youxi had arrived first.

"Then I'll go back first?"

Mei Fang came back to say hello to Lin Youxi, "Well, have a good trip."

"You too."

Lin Youxi waved to Mei Fang, and then got into a taxi.

Her gentle smile stopped abruptly the moment she got into the car.

She gently rubbed her swollen head, drinking too much beer, which gave her a very headache.

Maybe I drank too much today...

How could you talk so much to that person?

She has almost never said so many of her thoughts to someone, just like treating him like a trash can to vent a lot of past feelings.

She looked down at Mei Fang's WeChat in Xinjia, and some distant memories gradually came to her mind.

The taxi stopped at a long red light.

Lin Youxi gently rolled down the car window, blowing the evening wind in February, which would make her more comfortable.

I almost threw up.

She slowly opened her eyes, looking at the night scene in the distance.

Maybe make another friend earlier, so that I won't be so lonely these years.


If you do that...

I will forget Yuanyuan.

After Xia Yuan's death, Lin Youxi has been unwilling to make a second friend, nor does she want anyone else to approach her heart.

Because that would make her forget Yuanyuan.

At that time, Yuanyuan was really dead.

Don't want to do this.

For such a persistent idea, Lin Youxi persisted for many years.

many, many years...

She may continue to be persistent like this, anyway... So far, no one has really walked into her heart.

Valentine's Day in 2023 ended without any accidents.
While Lin Youxi was waiting for the red light.

Another person's footsteps are hastily approaching.

His pace is getting faster and faster.

faster and faster.

Accompanied by the sound of shouting and waving.

"wait wait wait!"

"Master, wait a minute!"

The taxi where Lin Youxi was in was about to start, when the window beside Lin Youxi was suddenly grabbed by someone.

"Wait a moment!"

A look of astonishment flashed in Lin Youxi's eyes. At this moment, what she saw was a sweaty, flushed, embarrassed face.

Mei Fang chased up from behind and called Lin Youxi to stop.

"What's wrong?"

"About... about the game you want to make..."

"To commemorate your childhood sweetheart - Xia Yuan's game."

"I thought about it later, and according to what you said, she should also be considered my childhood sweetheart."

Mei Fang was out of breath, but asked Lin Youxi word by word, "If possible, can we finish this game together?"

"Although I'm good at it, I'm still a master planner... I have all the skills that a planner should have."

"Since it is a game to commemorate the old days of childhood sweethearts, the game you want to make must have something to do with Baimei County, so I am also very suitable..."

Mei Fang stated his advantages word by word, and Lin Youxi's eyes gradually brightened as he looked at him.


"Then let's do it together!"

At this time, the driver's impatient voice came from the front row, "Hey, do you want to get in the car? The horn is honking from behind."

"Master, let him come up first, I have something to say to him."

"Ah... I, I'll just say this and leave."

"It's okay, you can come to my house to sit for a while, my house has sour plum soup to sober up."

Lin Youxi opened the car door and pulled Mei Fang in, took out a tissue and wiped Mei Fang's face.

"However, it's fine if you say no in WeChat, why do you come here to say it?"

"I's more ritualistic."

Mei Fang smiled at Lin Youxi, "Because the establishment of a project is an important decision after all, so I still think it would be better to say it in person..."

"Then have you ever thought about what type of game to make?"

"Did you start asking me right now? Well... Let me think about it. I think it's good to make this kind of game into a text adventure or role-playing game. It mainly depends on what size we plan to make, whether it is realistic or fantasy. windy..."

Mei Fang and Lin Youxi chatted for a long time in the taxi.

Valentine's Day in 2023 has passed, after all, it is February 2th.

A new day begins.

 This chapter is an IF episode based on the assumption that Mei Fang did not die suddenly and was reborn. It will be a bit of a knife. It focuses on the healing story of two people who lost each other hugging each other for warmth in a lonely city. If you like this kind of plot, I will read it in the future It will continue to be serialized when the episode is broadcast. If you don't like it, you can skip this fantasy line plot. It has nothing to do with the main story, and there is no memory of parallel planes.

(End of this chapter)

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