Chapter 254 I'm With Afang
While Mei Fang and Lin Youxi were preparing for the NOI exam, Xia Yuan also received an invitation letter for the 2012 Golden Autumn Art Festival attached to Jiangcheng Division One.

Since Xia Yuan is now a popular Internet singer, the school took the initiative to find Xia Yuan and hoped that she could be on stage. Of course, the teachers who arranged the program also gave Xia Yuan enough face and planned to arrange for her to perform the opening concert.

And Xia Yuan started the creation of her second album after the summer vacation. The song she is currently creating is called "A Little Sweet". The title and lyrics of the song are still written by Mei Fang for her. She and Liu Xiaoyu compose the music together.

With a lot of creative experience in composing music and writing songs before, she and Liu Xiaoyu's work has gradually become handy. Now Liu Xiaoyu will go to Ximilu studio to write songs with Xia Yuan every afternoon during the big break, and at the same time, she is also writing songs for The background melody of the promotional video produced by Cloud Journey.

As the girl who has the most contact with Xia Yuan besides Lin Youxi, Liu Xiaoyu can feel Xia Yuan's recent changes the most.

She could see that Xia Yuan often smirked at the phone by herself, and sometimes looked at the sky with her cheeks on her hands, her eyes closed as if she was meditating on something, or she pursed her lips and licked her mouth, or stuck out her tongue to lick lips—

With a look of nympho.

I'm so happy recently, probably because my relationship with Mei Fang has progressed again...

But obviously they have already kissed, what more special progress can the two of them make?

Liu Xiaoyu didn't dare to think deeply, but such operations that made her so unimaginable that she didn't dare to look directly were often made by the elusive former squad leader Lin Youxi.

Although Xia Yuan is now a popular idol, in her eyes she looks more like the kind of girl she usually sees. She is lively, cheerful, gentle and kind. She is very polite and friendly to the people around her. She is always nervous and shy in front of the boys she likes.

In a sense, apart from the lack of self-confidence and extroversion, I am very similar to her in many ways.

It's not that she didn't think about the scene that their family didn't take over Xia Yuan's hotel.


A figure of Liu Xiaoyu shining as Xia Yuan now flashed in her mind.

But Liu Xiaoyu soon regained her strength.

It's never too late to start working hard...

They're a great bunch of mates.

Although Mei Fang is a scumbag, he is otherwise a very good person.

If you work hard under him, you can earn a lot of money in high school, which can also reduce the burden on many families.

However, I am just a dispensable existence in the team now, if only I can cultivate my core competitiveness like Guo Yun...

Although I have considered starting to learn to be a keyboard player, but the combination of studies and music composition, the work itself is already very hard, if I want to learn another musical instrument——

When Liu Xiaoyu came back to her senses, she found that Xia Yuan had rushed to her side at some point, and had been watching her curiously.

"What, what's wrong?"

"Xiaoyu, you seem to be thinking about something, can you tell me about it?"

Xia Yuan had been calling Liu Xiaoyu Yu'er before, but after a long time Liu Xiaoyu felt embarrassed, and finally changed back to the not-so-harmonious title "Xiaoyu".

"'s nothing, just a little tired and dazed."

Liu Xiaoyu smiled at Xia Yuan, and Xia Yuan shook her head lightly, "It doesn't look like it! We are good friends, tell me honestly, are you still thinking about the love letter from before?"

"That doesn't exist."

Liu Xiaoyu shook her head, "Didn't I just go to reject him that went with me."

"Hmm..." Xia Yuan thought for a while, "I remember that the reason for your refusal was that you wanted to focus on your studies, but in fact, falling in love may not really affect your studies, right? Two excellent people can work hard for each other. be better."

"That's a more euphemistic way of saying it." Liu Xiaoyu murmured to Xia Yuan in a low voice, "Actually... just have no feelings for him."

" that's how it is."

Xia Yuan asked with a smile, "Then according to this, if the boy you also like confesses to you, will you accept it?"

Liu Xiaoyu thought for a while, "Probably... But I feel that I am relatively passive in emotional matters. I am not the kind of character who will actively pursue, just... no matter how much I like it, I probably won't—"

"Then how can it be! If one day you really like a boy, don't let him miss it in vain. No matter what, you should confirm his heart for you, otherwise you will regret it at that time. "

When Xia Yuan spoke to Liu Xiaoyu, she seemed very serious, so that Liu Xiaoyu, who was always talking casually, had to take it seriously.

"Well... I will remember your words well."

She didn't want to continue talking about herself, but turned to Xia Yuandao, "Speaking of which, you seem to be super happy every day recently. Did you encounter any special good things?"

"This, this—"

Xia Yuan touched her cheek, looked around nervously, "Is this so obvious! I thought I hid it well."

"I don't even know you're hiding it unless you tell me..."

Liu Xiaoyu looked disgusted.

"Haha...that's it."

Xia Yuan groaned and remained silent for a while, then remembered the result of the discussion with Lin Youxi in bed that night.

【If we don’t make our relationship public, the problem of love letters will always exist, and we will still be misunderstood as just being ambiguous】

[Properly tell some friends around you, let them be mentally prepared, and in the process of gradually getting along in the future, the threesome will gradually understand]

So Xia Yuan cleared her throat, and leaned into Liu Xiaoyu's ear:

"Actually...I'm with Afang now."

After Xia Yuan finished speaking, she slowly turned back to her seat, then sat down obediently, obediently waiting for Liu Xiaoyu's reaction.

After hearing Xia Yuan's words, Liu Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment, then slightly raised her head to look at Xia Yuan.

Her face was full of doubts and surprises;
"Together... Is it the kind of togetherness I understand?"

Xia Yuan pursed her lips, smiled and nodded to Liu Xiaoyu.

"Then, what do you say? She won't be sad, she obviously also—"

Isn't Mei Fang the two of them's shared boyfriend? Now this means that Xia Yuan should monopolize it?

Xia Yuan didn't know that Liu Xiaoyu had learned about the chaotic relationship between the three of them by relying on her unique rape-catching skills. Liu Xiaoyu, who was regarded as an "outsider", Xia Yuan was naturally ready to confront Lin Youxi.

"She...of course she also blessed me and Afang."

Xia Yuan patted Liu Xiaoyu on the shoulder, "Don't worry, Youxi and I will still have a very good relationship."

"Whether it's the past, the present, or the future, the relationship between me and her will not change because of Ah Fang!"

At the same time, Mei Fang was making out with Lin Youxi at the place where the three of them usually get together.

They were doing the quizzes together in the library before, and after finishing the quizzes, they were going to find Xia Yuan in the club classroom.

However, Lin Youxi proposed a slightly different idea on the road, and dragged Mei Fang into the school's bamboo forest pavilion.

After being together with Yuanyuan, due to the correction mechanism of Duan Shui skills, the intimacy between Mei Fang and Youxi has only increased, and because it is not a sneaking relationship now, Youxi's behavior is also bolder than before.

"Now... um... the number of times I've been in school... will it be... puff..."

Mei Fang panted and asked, "Is it too much?"

"Do you feel sorry for Yuanyuan?"

"That's not what it means..."

Mei Fang touched her face a little embarrassedly, "I'm just worried about being seen by acquaintances. It may be nothing now. If everyone knows that Yuanyuan and I are together in the future, it may not be very good."

"I can understand..."

Lin Youxi nodded with a smile, and then said with a long sigh of relief, "Sorry, I've been under too much pressure to study the questions recently, and the NOIP-related questions are much more difficult than I imagined. I may need this method to vent."

Although Baimei County has always been hailed as a gifted girl at the level of a god of learning, this is a contest among the best in the country. Lin Youxi is still distracted looking at station C. Even she is hard to be [-]% sure Be the best in the NOI series.

"You are already like this, let alone my current state..."

Mei Fang is not as talented as Lin Youxi. Originally, with his 10 years of coding experience, he was full of confidence in NOI, and now he has some thoughts of quitting.

Lin Youxi held Mei Fang's cheek and whispered in his ear: "Focus on station C and game development may be more helpful to you now, and it doesn't matter if you give up..."

"how about you?"

"To be honest, I kind of like this kind of challenge. I want to at least finish the NOIP schedule, evaluate my strength and status and the situation at station C before making a trade-off. Speaking of which, station C now has to prepare "Journey to the Cloud" The announcement of ", the financing-related matters are estimated to be coming soon, right?"

"Yeah, financing is not an easy thing."

Mei Fang felt a headache when he thought of this, "Now I am not only facing money problems, I feel that being a company network is much more important than I imagined, and this is what we are most lacking now."

"Although I don't know much about these... But I know that as long as we are good enough, excellent talents should emerge soon, so don't worry too much."

As Lin Youxi was talking, he suddenly touched Mei Fang's lips lightly, his eyes were full of tenderness.

"Afang...can I do it again...I still want to vent, can you relax too?"

"Today is the last time at school, and I have to go to see Yuanyuan. The rest...can we talk about it tonight?"



Mei Fang is trying to enjoy her youth.

 I went out to play cats, and I will update it at night.

(End of this chapter)

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