Chapter 261 Reward · Part 710

(This is a short story that happened shortly after Xia Yuan's 17th birthday - Chapter 239, 100% content!)
After spending an unforgettable birthday with Xia Yuan, Mei Fang needs to start preparing for the development progress of "Journey of Clouds". In order to achieve the goal as soon as possible, Mei Fang summoned friends from Baimei County to Jiangcheng Develop works together.

Before the friends from Baimei County arrived, Mei Fang took the initiative to find Lin Youxi to discuss something.

"You said... the reward that Yuanyuan promised you for her birthday?"

Facing Mei Fang's question, Lin Youxi felt a little inconceivable, "I almost forgot about it...but I thought you didn't care much about it."

Of course, Mei Fang would not directly tell Lin Youxi that this was part of the grand plan of Duan Shui, "How could she not care? I paid a lot for Yuanyuan's birthday, okay? Some remuneration should be taken for granted."

"Even if I don't force you to do this, won't you please Yuanyuan yourself?"

"But my efforts still have a part to pay along with your share, so—"

Before Mei Fang finished speaking, Lin Youxi came up to him and kissed him, seeming a little impatient.

"You talk a lot today..."

"No, this is the reward you said, right? It's too perfunctory for me..."

Mei Fang put his arms around Lin Youxi's waist while talking, and gently pushed her to the wall for a wall-dong, but he didn't make out immediately, but met Lin Youxi's eyes quietly.

After entering high school, Mei Fang would often passively wait for Lin Youxi to tease him when facing Lin Youxi, but today she seemed very proactive, but Lin Youxi didn't feel that there was any discomfort in this, but her hands Leaning on the wall, he smiled and said with a look of letting himself be slaughtered:
"Aren't you afraid of waking up Yuanyuan?"

"Let's make it clear... Are you afraid or am I?"

Mei Fang leaned close to Lin Youxi's ear and whispered softly, and Lin Youxi also reached out to hold Mei Fang's cheek, wantonly making out with him.

She makes waves, and he rides them to dance with her.

After a long period of intimacy, Mei Fang slowly got up from Lin Youxi.

"Afang's skills are getting more and more proficient, and I'm really curious about what kind of expression Yuanyuan will make when he is kissed like this for the first time by you."


Mei Fang didn't reveal that he was just kissing Xia Yuan and occasionally prpr, he just hugged Lin Youxi lightly, "Okay, okay... What is the reward? Can you tell me now? "

"Actually, I just said it casually at the time, and I didn't think about any rewards for you."

"Ah, why is this!"

Lin Youxi found Mei Fang's aggrieved voice quite amusing, and she gently stroked Mei Fang's cheek to cling to him.

"It's not that there are no rewards I want to give you, but haven't you been refusing to accept them all this time?"

"If you say that kind of thing... I think it's better to wait until you grow up—"

"I started looking forward to it without saying anything. I didn't promise you anything. Don't be sad because you misunderstood me..."

" won't be..."

Mei Fang took Lin Youxi's hand and said, "Since you haven't thought about it, can you do it as I want?"

"What do you want me to give you?"

Lin Youxi stroked her temple hair, looked up at her sweetheart with a smile on her head.

Mei Fang thought for a while, then smiled and said, "I will accompany her on a date on Yuanyuan's birthday, can you accompany me on a date today?"

"I don't have any objections... But, should I tell Yuanyuan about this?"

"I greeted Yuanyuan yesterday, and she thought it was very good."

"But this shouldn't be a birthday treat, right..."

"You didn't have a good birthday this year, so let's make up for it."

Lin Youxi couldn't help smiling and shaking his head: "Is that my reward for you?"

"Forget it, why don't you count it?" Mei Fang gently held Lin Youxi's hand, brought it in front of her and kissed the back of it lightly.

"Going out on a date with the famous Ms. Lin Xi in Toutoushan, Station C, is something worth showing off, right?"

"Then I'm going to pack and change my clothes—"

Lin Youxi thought for a while and turned back to Mei Fang, "Forget it... Yuanyuan is still sleeping, it doesn't matter if we go out like this, where are we going to play?"

"Is there somewhere you want to go?"

Lin Youxi thought for a while, "Usually Yuanyuan recommends ideas, and I haven't considered these."

"Then listen to my opinion?"

"You decide." Lin Youxi nodded.

Mei Fang was a university student in Jiangcheng in his previous life, so he is more or less a know-it-all in Jiangcheng, and he is also very familiar with the situation in the three towns.

After preparing breakfast and lunch for Yuanyuan who was still awake, Mei Fang and Lin Youxi went out together, and took Lin Youxi to the subway entrance of Jiangcheng Line 2.

This subway station is a new subway station that has just been built this year. Lin Youxi was a little surprised when he arrived at his destination.

"Where are we going on a date, don't we just take a taxi there?"

"The place you want to go is a little far away. I'm afraid you will get motion sickness. It's just right to take the subway."

"Like This……"

After Lin Youxi answered, she saw Mei Fang looking at her expectantly.

"Why... do you want me to praise you?"

"I'm so considerate, I should be praised."

Lin Youxi pinched Mei Fang's nose, "We've known each other for 10 years, if you can't understand this little detail, you have a problem, right?"

"Uh...that's true."

Mei Fang and Lin Youxi swiped their cards and entered the subway station. There were many passengers on the new subway line, and they couldn't even find a seat. Mei Fang could only stand near the door with Lin Youxi.

It was midsummer, and the crowded subway line smelled of rancid sweat. Mei Fang protected Lin Youxi from being hit by others. Lin Youxi supported the wall of the car with one hand, and held her tightly with the other. Alphonse.

The subway was slightly bumpy, and the two of them swayed accordingly. Mei Fang would bump into Lin Youxi lightly from time to time, and then accidentally kissed her on the forehead.

"There are so many people..."


Lin Youxi suddenly stood on tiptoe when Mei Fang bumped into him next time, and kissed Mei Fang lightly. This action caught Mei Fang unexpectedly, but in the end she couldn't help but smiled at Youxi.

The male college student in glasses who was in a daze at the side saw the two showing their affection, and immediately showed the disgusted expression of the old man on the subway looking at his mobile phone. He hurriedly pulled his body, made a disgusted sound, and pushed the crowd away, leaving this sour place. place.

However, the two who were looking at each other affectionately did not notice this small detail. They were enjoying the sweet moment that belonged to each other.

As the subway arrived at the station, passengers got off one after another, and Mei Fang and Lin Youxi also found seats to sit down.

The subway galloped from the underground to the ground, and what caught the eye was a big river that stretched between the two towns. Many passengers followed and looked out the window.

"It's Dajiang..."

Lin Youxi felt a little emotional, "I didn't expect to be able to see Dajiang while taking the subway."

"This is the latest cross-river subway on Jiangcheng Line 2. It can be said to be a kind of light rail."

"The development of Jiangcheng is getting better and better."


Mei Fang dare not agree with Lin Youxi's idea.

The so-called urban construction is to keep building roads and roads, making it feel like a big countryside. It can't be repaired for many years and can't be completed. The local college students can't keep it. Jiangcheng can be said to be a typical example. His good hand was poorly played.

However, this has nothing to do with him. A rich man like him can have fun in any big city in the future.

As long as Xi Yuanyuan likes it.

(End of this chapter)

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