Only after I was reborn did I realize that I had green plums.

Chapter 296 It seems that Yuanyuan sneaks away every time

Chapter 296 It seems that Yuanyuan sneaks away every time (4000 words)
The time of the second semester of the second year of high school passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was April when the ice melted and the snow melted.

The winter of 2013 was not cold, and the spring was also very warm. Everyone quickly took off their thick cotton jackets and began to welcome the arrival of spring.

For the students of the same class attached to the First Affiliated Jiangcheng Normal University, although Mei Fang Xia Yuan's life is very exciting, it is still the story of others. More people put the focus of school life on reviewing and preparing for the exam. The spring sports meeting may be regarded as a special event. Their last fun of the semester.

This year's spring sports meeting, Mei Youyuan's three majors did not sign up for the event. After all, Xia Yuan's figure does not allow her to enjoy the sports meeting. The three of them don't want to attract too much attention in the sports meeting. They also enjoy it with a more relaxed attitude. Games schedule.

Just after cheering for the classmates in the class, the three of them came to the playground together. The rows of lush trees were mixed with some pink. Xia Yuan ran over happily and sat and rested under the cherry tree. Lin Youxi He and Mei Fang followed in turn.

"Didn't notice at this time last year, it turns out that there are cherry blossoms all over the school?"

Xia Yuan picked up a cherry blossom petal, and then gave Lin Youxi a sniff, "Sakura smells good, right?"

Lin Youxi smiled and shook her head, "I can only smell Yuanyuan's fragrance from your body."

"The smell on my body is so strong!"

Mei Fang looked at the cherry tree where the two girls were sitting.

"This seems to be where the two of us stayed at the sports meeting last autumn, last year or the year before last?"

"It was the year before last. In the sports meeting at the beginning of the first year of high school, a lot of things happened that day." Xia Yuan counted with his fingers, "First Afang was hit by Bingbing, and then Youxi twisted his foot, we ran away Many times to the school hospital."

"Don't mention that...every time I stay in the infirmary, the teacher catches me being intimate with you, and completely treats me as a scumbag with two legs."

Mei Fang looked at the eyes of the two girls staring at him, and quickly explained, "I was not a scumbag at that time! I still respect our relationship very much, and I will not do anything that crosses the line."

Mei Fang muttered as he spoke, "I'm not like someone who always wants to get closer to me in the name of childhood sweetheart every time, and that sports meeting was also the case."

Lin Youxi looked at Xia Yuan after hearing this, and Xia Yuan blushed suddenly and hesitated a bit, "A Fang really likes to speak yin and yang, so it doesn't matter if you pronounce my name."

"Did you secretly make out behind my back at the sports meeting?"

Lin Youxi thought for a while, "At that time, the most you can do is hug and hug, right?"

"No, she—"

"I, I will say it!"

Xia Yuan covered Mei Fang's mouth, then said with her hands behind her back, "I, I peropero A Fang a little bit."


"It's let Ah Fang demonstrate it to you."

"Hi, this is school."

"Oh, let me demonstrate."

Xia Yuan moved closer to Lin Youxi, and gave her a light pero on the cheek.


Lin Youxi rubbed her cheeks lightly, then frowned slightly, and put on a very serious expression:
"To be so close at that time, and to keep this matter from me for so long, to be honest, it's a bit hurtful."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...the relationship was quite ambiguous at that time! I was quite guilty at the time...didn't Afang give you the princess hug later on?"

"That's not letting."
Lin Youxi corrected Xia Yuan's remarks, "Ah Fang voluntarily."

"Indeed indeed!"

Xia Yuan laughed wildly while nodding wildly in agreement with Lin Youxi and said: "At that time, Ah Fang really didn't hesitate at all, obviously he was very happy to do it."

"But no matter what, the responsibility for sneaking away still lies with you, Yuanyuan."

Lin Youxi deliberately put on a cold look, "After we quarreled, we made an appointment to wait for Ah Fang to choose by himself, but every time you and Ah Fang went one step further, the same for the hug at the beginning, and the same for peropero, It’s the same with kissing and dating, and you will take advantage of all the benefits.”

"I, I really like Afang too much... Sometimes I can't help but want to make out with him, I'm sorry..."

Seeing that Xia Yuan couldn't hold her head up because of Lin Youxi's words, Mei Fang, a fun person, added, "There is also the matter of public communication, which is also given priority by Yuan Yuan. Yuan Yuan really takes all the good things."

"You don't have a place to speak here, Smelly Afang!"

Xia Yuan held Mei Fang in his arms and repaired him severely, and then said softly to Lin Youxi, "Sometimes I am easy to get angry, I always rely on A Fang to spoil me secretly Going one step's really unfair to Youxi, so let's say...that..."

Xia Yuan leaned closer to Lin Youxi's ear, blushed and murmured something to her, Lin Youxi smiled slightly, "Are you willing?"

"Yes, what is there to be reluctant to do! The three of us will live together in the future, so we must be fair."

"Don't let me hear what you discussed."

"I won't listen to you."

As soon as Xia Yuan, who was crossing his hips, said, Lin Youxi deliberately spoke from the side: "Yuanyuan just said—"


Lin Youxi and Mei Fang's laughter echoed under the cherry tree, a broken cherry blossom petal fell on Mei Fang's head, and Xia Yuan sat on Mei Fang to pick it up. Some high school girls passed by, looked at Mei Fang Xia Yuan, shyly covered their faces with their notebooks and ran away.

"The school girls all look so young."

While hugging Mei Fang, Xia Yuan sighed, "By the way, I used to be such a shy and innocent girl, but now I can be intimate with Ah Fang in public without being shy."

"No such thing, Yuanyuan, you used to have such an open personality."

Lin Youxi made up the knife fiercely, "When you were in kindergarten, you always held hands with Afang and hugged him. Afang despised you and you still clinged to him, crying and asking him why he didn't like playing with you."

"Let's count down the black history again, right! It's not advisable to hurt each other."

"That's must be that you have more dark history than me."

Lin Youxi enjoyed Xia Yuan's bickering with her, but she had another helpless and swollen face. Mei Fang felt that bullying Yuanyuan was a bit too much, so he hurriedly smoothed things over and said:

"Okay, okay, don't quarrel over such a trivial matter—"

Xia Yuan immediately refuted Mei Fang, "We're not arguing."

"Yes, just a friendly exchange."

Lin Youxi thought for a while, "However, I don't quite agree with you that this is a trivial matter."

"What's not trivial?"

"It's about Yuanyuan's personality."

Lin Youxi rested her chin and said, "Do you think Yuanyuan's character is open or conservative?"

"Is the personality described as open or reserved?"

Mei Fang thought for a while, "I think his personality can be considered extroverted, but not open."

"That's to say, I'm not a casual person..."

"Although Yuanyuan is not a casual person, you have always been very open to Afang."

Lin Youxi asked Xia Yuan, "Do you still remember when you hugged Afang for the first time, super Afang energy?"

"Hmm... I, I don't remember—"

Xia Yuan faltered and lowered his head, but Mei Fang actively responded at this time: "I remember, I remember, it should be in the first year of junior high school, I told Yuanyuan that Peng Xue seemed to like me, and then Yuanyuan was very excited wants to possess me."

"Don't make me sound like a female rascal, okay?"

Xia Yuan knocked on Mei Fang's head to teach him a lesson, "I'm very possessive, I like to sneak away, my words don't count, and my grades are not good, so I'm just a bad girl."

"Bad girl... I remember, there is a song in your new album that just happens to be called that name?"

Xia Yuan nodded, "The lyrics and title of this song were also given to me by Afang. This is also a love song sung in duet."

Lin Youxi smiled and said, "This new album seems to be full of such sad love songs, are you planning to get stuck at the point of breaking up?"

A while ago, Mei Fang took the time to "write" all the lyrics for Xia Yuan's new album. They are all classic works of the three giants of Penguin Music in the previous life, including "Black Head", "Red Makeup", "Sigh Blessing" and "Chengfu" and "The Funeral of Roses" (the song is sung by Mei Fang solo), externally it can be regarded as Xia Yuan's image breakthrough from the sweetheart leader to the love song queen.

"Is there that meaning..."

Xia Yuan restrained her smile and said, "But because I was worried that people would suspect me and A Fang of having conflicts and attack A Fang because of these songs, I specially added some duet love songs and A Fang's solo love songs to dissuade everyone. doubts."

Lin Youxi nodded, "Then you really need to be a little careful. Netizens are easy to follow the rhythm, and if you are not careful, you will get into trouble."

Fans are so fanatical about their idols, Mei Fang knew this personally in his previous life.

Although the Internet idol Xia Yuan has not yet become popular with thousands of people, he and Xia Yuan have long been paired online, but they did not declare their relationship on the public platform of the private penguin account, and they are more of a partner. Appearance.

The three of them were chatting enthusiastically, when an acquaintance happened to pass by the three of them and greeted them:
"Are you three here?"

Liu Xiaoyu, Director of the Etiquette Department, was wearing a blue simple dress with a ribbon on his chest. Behind him were a few etiquette students in the first year of high school. Seeing this, Yuan immediately got up from Mei Fang and greeted Liu Xiaoyu happily:
"Xiao Yu, where are you going to present the award?"

"Go to the gymnasium. Today is also the final of the basketball game. We have to prepare the awards in advance. By the way, isn't Bingbing going to play today? She should have told you."

Mei Fang slapped his head when he heard this, "Oh no, I've forgotten about this because I was so busy making out here! We have to hurry up and cheer for Bingbing."

Mei Fang, Xia Yuan, and Lin Youxi followed Liu Xiaoyu to the gymnasium.As a former member of the Ghost Club of the Etiquette Department, Xia Yuan also chatted with a few etiquette students for a while, and left his signature very friendly.

At the same time as the Jiangcheng Spring Games, the "Chujiang Cup" basketball competition was held by several key high schools in Jiangcheng.

What is going on now is the final of the women's basketball game. The women's basketball team of Jiangcheng Division [-] is facing the women's basketball team of Jiangcheng Foreign Language School.

There are huge crowds of people in the gymnasium, and the shouts and cheers can be heard one after another.On the field, the women's basketball players from the two middle schools were working hard and sweating.

Xiang Bingbing is the most conspicuous one on the field. Although she complained to Mei Fang before that she would not be able to play soon, she is still an irreplaceable high center in the team. As soon as Mei Fang and the others arrived, Xiang Bingbing hit A beautiful block and then a quick counterattack, a simple dunk, the stadium was full of voices.

Xiang Bingbing wiped the sweat off her face, and when she was about to take a breather, she suddenly found that Mei Fang and the others had also appeared in the auditorium, and she immediately waved happily to everyone.

"Afang! Afang! Look here! Look at me!"

As everyone's focus player, Xiang Bingbing's every move immediately aroused the audience's curiosity.

Since this game is an open game, many people and students outside the school are watching the game here. When they saw Mei Fang and the others, everyone thought they were just friends of Xiang Bingbing, but someone in the field suddenly shouted "Isn't that Yuanbao?" , Mei Fang and Xia Yuan were immediately overwhelmed by the fanatical crowd, and the heat of the arena was taken away a lot.

Xiang Bingbing was still feeling sorry for not being able to talk to Mei Fang, but the teammate wearing the captain's armband pushed her a little harder, "It's still in the game, don't be distracted here."

"Sorry sorry, got it!"

The girl who pushed Xiang Bingbing was Lin Youxi's classmate Shang Qin. She is also a tall girl of 1 meters, with a headband and her hair cut very short. Presenting a sassy neutral style, it is very popular among girls.

After Shang Qin reminded Xiang Bingbing, he glanced at the stands, and when his eyes flicked over his companion Lin Youxi, Lin Youxi was holding Mei Fang's shoulders and talking to him very sweetly, while Xia Yuan beside him was Busy writing autographs for other people.

Shang Qin was a little surprised, but she didn't think too much, and continued to devote herself to her basketball game.

After a difficult and fierce competition, the women's basketball team of the No. [-] Jiangcheng Division finally killed the opponent with the help of Xiang Bingbing's rebound at the last moment.

The applause of mountains and tsunami came one after another, and the team members of Jiangcheng Division No. [-] attached tightly hugged each other, enjoying this hard-won victory.

After the principal of Jiangcheng No. [-] Division, the organizer, finished his congratulatory speech, it was time to officially receive the award.

Xiang Bingbing was very conspicuous standing on the podium. When Liu Xiaoyu led the team over to put the medals on the winners, she and Liu Xiaoyu whispered hello, and then bowed down, but Liu Xiaoyu had to stand on tiptoe to hang the medals for her. Medals, everyone laughed when they saw this scene.

Leaning on Mei Fang's shoulder, Xia Yuan enjoyed the tenderness of her lover, while applauding Bing Bing's outstanding performance on the field for her friend, and felt honored in her heart.

Some people can freely enjoy the blood and beauty of youth, but the truth is that most people's youth is always full of tears and bitterness.

Then, in the interweaving of bitterness and tears, I obtained growth with scars——

Baimei County Bus Station.

A young girl stuffed her suitcase into the car and found a seat on the bus. She quietly hugged the bass instrument that accompanied her, looked at the hometown that left her with endless memories through the glass, and set foot on the distance alone. .

 I'll play the game for a while, and then continue writing.

(End of this chapter)

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