Chapter 312 Why Do You Have Puppy Love!
After making up for the regret that she didn't say she likes her personally before, and having an in-depth conversation with Youxi, Lin Youxi finally returned to the state of actively teasing Mei Fang on weekdays.

Although it is the third year of "study tension", Youxi's intensity is even worse than in the past.

Xia Yuan, who started to taste the bonus of the version earlier, has always felt guilty towards Youxi. Seeing the relationship between the two gradually warming up, she was naturally very happy for them at the beginning, looking forward to their early publicity of their relationship and "giving blessings" .

Youxi, who is so aggressive, has now become the one who replenishes the super Afang energy after every get out of class.

She never cared about other people's opinions. The only thing that can stop her is her guilt towards Yuanyuan and her shyness that is not easy to show in front of Mei.

However, now these two shackles that bound Lin Youxi have been broken.

At first, Mei Fang was still thinking about taking advantage of some gaps to find Yuanyuan to contact her, but the feasibility of micro-manipulation gradually disappeared with the gradual acceleration of Youxi's rhythm, so that there was a whole day between classes and classes. Xia Yuan didn't even see her little bamboo horse outside the corridor.

Xia Yuan, an actionist who is unwilling to be lonely, will naturally not always sit still, but she is in the classroom on the third floor after all, and compared with Youxi, she lacks the advantage of the geographical environment. Every time she rushes to the classroom to find Mei Fang, she All I could hear was Xiang Bingbing's statement about Mei Fang being taken away by Youxi, and Zhu Nainai's belated crying.

"Senior Yuanyuan! Although I'm a bit presumptuous in asking... that..."

Zhu Nainai put her hands behind her back in embarrassment, "After the senior broke up with you, did you start with Senior Sister Youxi..."

Xiang Bingbing nodded in thought, "I also look like... I used to say that Afang and Youxi were a bit weird together, but now they look like a husband and wife - damn it!"

Zhu Nainai tilted her head curiously at the side, "Senior Bingbing, what is so hateful?"

"Um... ah?"

Xiang Bingbing scratched his head and thought for a while, "I don't know, it's just... I feel so bad!"

"Understood, I understand... You are feeling unhappy for Senior Sister Yuanyuan! The dog man started looking for a new love not long after we broke up. What does Senior Sister Yuanyuan think? Senior and Senior Sister Youxi are really together now together?"

"Yes, yes, I want to know too—"

Xiang Bingbing and Zhu Nainai looked at Xia Yuan together, Xia Yuan smiled slightly and made a silent gesture.

"This, this... I can't tell you yet, it's a secret for the three of us."

"Oh, you are indeed a childhood sweetheart! Although Senior Sister Yuanyuan is already an ex-girlfriend, I really envy your relationship is still so good."

On the surface, Xia Yuan maintains a graceful and calm attitude in front of her friends and school girls, but when she hears the word "ex-girlfriend", she almost loses her grip and is so angry that she explodes.

Yuanyuan, who had been wronged, held her anger for a while after school. Of course, Mei Fang sensed Xiao Qingmei's emotions at a glance, and hurried up to coax her, leading Yuanyuan to tell her grievances:

"The two of you have been too careless recently! Although it is true that we are going to be in a public relationship, but why do you completely ignore me and stop asking me to play with you! This is different from what you said before!"

Xia Yuan grumbled aggrievedly, "You two are together this time, don't you plan to separate in the future, and then I will become a mistress who destroys your relationship..."

"How could it be! Don't think so much."

Mei Fang held Xia Yuan in his arms and softly comforted her, "If you want to make your relationship public, warming up is inevitable. If you make it public suddenly, others will not understand..."

"Actually, you don't have to think too much about it. After all, everyone is in their third year of high school. Studying is obviously more important."

Lin Youxi touched Xia Yuan in Mei Fang's arms, and said to Mei Fang: "Besides, even if they really interfere, I can't think of a way to hurt me. In my opinion, there is nothing that can be done in this world. The only ones who hurt me are Afang and Yuanyuan."

"I didn't hurt You Xi, now you're hurting me!"

While hugging Mei Fang, Xia Yuan murmured to Youxi, "It's agreed that A Fang will be shared equally between us. You will have more in public, and I will have more in private. Do you think it's okay?"

"Okay, then A Fang will sleep with you tonight." Lin Youxi smiled.

"Have you considered my opinion?"

"Do you still have a choice! It's just Alfang!"

Xia Yuan rubbed Mei Fang's cheek repeatedly.

The next day, Mei Fang and his party went to school as usual. When they were about to reach the teaching building, they found a group of students standing under the bulletin board of the teaching building.

Xia Yuan leaned over to take a look curiously, but when everyone saw that it was Xia Yuan, Lin Youxi and Mei Fang, they all consciously stepped aside——

At this time, someone in the crowd shouted:
"There's a good show to watch!"

It turned out that there was an unsigned report letter posted on the bulletin board, and a photo of Mei Fang and Lin Youxi making out in the pavilion was printed on the top of the report letter, and the report letter was full of generous statements accusing Lin Youxi of being a mistress Many of them slandered and insulted Lin Youxi.

Seeing her own Youxi being humiliated, Xia Yuan's lips trembled with anger after reading it. She was about to tear up the open letter on the spot, but was stopped by Lin Youxi.

"What are you tearing it up for? It's not well written, the language is sharp, and the words are like knives. If I were Yuanyuan's best friend, I would definitely complain for you like this."

"But... this letter scolds you so badly, why keep it?"

"Isn't this letter just to make me angry? If I'm really angry, I've been fooled by the other party. Just keep it."

"Youxi, you have a bad relationship with the girls in your class. I guess it's the girls in your class who did it."

There was no joy or anger on Mei Fang's expression, obviously he just wanted to solve the problem, "Let's go talk to your head teacher and see if he can help find this person."

Lin Youxi rested her chin and thought, "I probably know who did it, but I'm afraid we don't need to go to the head teacher to discuss this matter, the head teacher will find us."

"That's right... After all, this is a puppy love, and it's at school..."

Xia Yuan thought for a while and was a little scared, "You won't expel Afang and Youxi, will you?"

"It's not likely, but the conversation is probably indispensable, and there may be—"

Lin Youxi thought about it again, "Maybe this is a good opportunity?"

"What good opportunity?"

Lin Youxi pulled Xia Yuanmei Fang aside, so and so, so and so...

When Lin Youxi came to the class, his own class had already had a lot of discussions about this matter. Someone even wrote a big book on the blackboard, densely filled with the words "Lin Youxi X Xiaosan XJIAN woman".Lin Youxi ignored it when she saw it, but returned to her seat and sat down.

Seeing that the master himself had no intention of wiping the blackboard, Xiao Yang, the propaganda committee member who had a good relationship with Lin Youxi's class, wanted to come forward to help wipe the blackboard, but Lin Youxi stopped him.

"Xiao Yang, what are you doing?"

The class was as silent as stagnant water, and Xiao Yang who was questioned was also a little nervous.

"Just... wipe the blackboard."

"Did you write the words on the blackboard?"

"Of course not!" Xiao Yang quickly waved his hand in denial.

"Then you can go back to your seat. Whoever writes it will clean it up. Dare to act is the basic moral requirement of being born. If you don't have it, there is nothing to say."

After Lin Youxi finished speaking, he took out the book to prepare for review. Everyone felt a lot of pressure, but no one went up to wipe the blackboard. When Lin Youxi's book sounded, everyone began to read together. Waiting for the class teacher to solve the problem.

After a while, Lin Youxi's head teacher, Li Xiang, came to the classroom in a hurry. Everyone pretended to be studying and reviewing hard, but they couldn't help but glance up, wanting to see how the head teacher would deal with this matter.

Li Xiang stared at the blackboard for a long time, and the feeling of scalp numbness kept echoing in the middle-aged teacher's head.

Lin Youxi is his most valued student and class monitor, and now she has indeed fallen into dangerous topics related to puppy love. It's good, but the words on the blackboard also mean that Lin Youxi has been bullied.

It is a very difficult situation for this teacher of Jiangcheng No. [-] Affiliated Teacher to not show favoritism to the students who have a puppy love, but also to correct the unhealthy practices in the class.

clap clap clap!
Li Xiang patted the table hard, and then shouted for everyone to stop studying.

"Who wrote the words on the blackboard?"

There was no sound in the class, falling into a deathly silence.

Li Xiang looked around the class, and his eyes finally fell on Zhi Ce, who had been in constant conflict with Lin Youxi on weekdays. Obviously, she was the most suspicious of this matter.

"Xu Ce! Get up!"

Xun Ce stood up and didn't speak, but he didn't look at the blackboard, looking very displeased and disdainful.

"No proof, Mr. Li, why do you accuse me?"

"You always know who wrote it?"

Xing Ce didn't speak directly, but just stood there silently, and everyone began to discuss in low voices.

Seeing that things were in a stalemate, Lin Youxi took the initiative to stand up and respond to the head teacher: "Mr. Li, let's go out and talk. Now is the sprint stage of the college entrance examination. Don't disrupt everyone's review rhythm because of my personal affairs."

"If you're a mistress, you'll be a mistress and you won't admit it. What are you pretending to do here!"

Fang Yan, the instigator who was angered by Lin Youxi's words, couldn't stand up anymore after experiencing Lin Youxi's yin and yang eccentricity, her good sister's being wronged for no reason, and this speech.

Li Xiang pointed at Fang Yan and shouted angrily, "Fang Yan, you wrote the things on the blackboard!"

"Yes! What's wrong with me scolding the mistress? Does Teacher Li think it's okay for the monitor to be the mistress! Is this how you teach students?"

"What's wrong with mistresses? You're all puppy lovers! You stand up and review for me first! I'll find you later! Lin Youxi, come out."

Lin Youxi was called out of the classroom by Li Xiang.

Jiangcheng No. [-] Normal School is famous for its high degree of freedom and open style of study, so in fact, many students fall in love in private, and the class teacher generally doesn't care.

But the way to deal with it on the table must be different, after all, this is puppy love.

Li Xiang led Lin Youxi to the teacher's office in the teaching building to talk to her, but happened to meet Dong Zhongying who was chatting with Mei Fang in the office, and Li Xiang waved to Dong Zhongying:

"Teacher Dong, hey, this is unfortunate, let's talk together!"

Lin Youxi trotted towards Mei Fang's side. At this time, Mei Fang was holding his hands behind his back with a serious face, putting on a very serious look.

Dong Zhongying took a sip of tea, then sighed and said, "Actually, I don't know what to say about the two of you... Well, love, you are at this age, there is nothing wrong with human nature... But you are third-year students, students You have to look like a student, how can you do such... um, shameful things in school? This is an unhealthy trend, a crooked trend—"

Lin Youxi and Mei Fang were scolded close to each other, and they secretly reached out to Mei Fang's clasped hands behind their backs, motioning for him to reach out and hold them.


Do you want to create a novel experience, you?
Although Mei Fang felt that it was outrageous, she still cooperated with Xiao Qingmei's request and led her up.

After Dong Zhongying, the head teacher of class 3, finished reprimanding her, Li Xiang, the head teacher of class 5, asked, "Let's talk about this matter... how do you plan to solve it?"

Lin Youxi coughed a few times, nodded lightly, and said, "Ms. Li, Mr. Dong, although what the sneak photographer has done has violated my personal and reputation rights in my opinion, but this matter belongs to the individual. There are indeed things that are not done right, for example, school is a sacred place, and we can't do things that have nothing to do with learning just because we want to make good memories in school."


Dong Zhongying didn't have much contact with Lin Youxi, and after hearing her remarks, she immediately praised her, "As expected of a student brought out by your old Li, the ideological consciousness is really high."

"Stop mocking me! I'm struggling right now."

"So, what's the matter with you two?" Dong Zhongying stroked his beard and said, "The report letter said——"

"It's a rumor, it's a rumor."

Mei Fang hurriedly waved his hands and said, "Yuanyuan and I broke up normally and peacefully. Youxi and I got together after Yuanyuan broke up. It is a reasonable puppy love. There is absolutely no mistress who poachs the wall. In other words, we are still together because of Yuanyuan's push." of."

"Don't make up words there, what is reasonable puppy love! Do you understand that this is Puppy love? It's just a short-lived love between teenagers and girls. You will know when you enter the society. Love is the last thing you can eat, you see Look at you, Mei Fang, you've been playing around all day long, picking up your games there, it's a sight to behold, I don't think you can make much money at all."


Mei Fang nodded, "It's really tiring to make games. It's all hard work. I have to change the code, discuss the requirements, quarrel with the planner, and discuss resource implantation with the artist..."

Mei Fang recalled the hard work of making games, and then vomited bitterness, saying that he regretted why he pursued his dreams. Playing games and working hard can only make millions and tens of millions. It is much faster to make money by writing songs, and it is even more enjoyable to make money with coins , just move your fingers.

"Okay, okay, stop talking, it's more painful than chanting scriptures."

Li Xiang scratched his head and looked at Lin Youxi and Mei Fang, "How should I put it...Although you, Mei Fang, are a famous game producer and idol singer at school, and you, Lin Youxi, are the monitor of our class, puppy love is always a matter of course. Things that ruin the style of the class, we can't favor you just because you are good enough..."

Li Xiang and Dong Zhongying chatted in private, then turned to look at the two of them, "I think so, you two... write a review today and send it to us, and report criticism tomorrow, can you accept it?"


Lin Youxi and Mei looked at each other, Lin Youxi shook his head, "How can this work? I can't accept it at all."

"Me too! How can this be accepted, Mr. Li, Mr. Dong, listen to us—"

Li Xiang interrupted Mei Fang and Lin Youxi with a wave of his hand, "Okay, don't push yourself too hard, this is already the minimum punishment for your good performance, don't push yourself too hard—"

"Mr. Li, you misunderstood. We don't dislike the punishment too heavy, it's too light."


Now it was Dong Zhongying and Li Xiang's turn to look at each other, "What the hell, are you two serious?"

"We're serious." Mei Fang said, "No matter what, we have to publicly review it in front of the teachers and students of the school, and it's right to invite the parents to come and talk."

Lin Youxi echoed from the side, "If we don't do this, we won't realize our mistakes, and we won't be able to serve as a warning to other students, and we will just let the trend of puppy love get worse and worse. .”

"Since you have such a high level of ideological awareness, why do you want to fall in love early?"

"It's not because I like it too much."

Lin Youxi looked at Mei Fang affectionately in front of the two head teachers, "A Fang and I have worked hard to finally get together recently, so I don't want to get close to him all the time. It's reasonable to say."

Then she turned her head and looked in front of the two class teachers who were about to be exhausted, "However, it is also true that I did not abide by the school discipline and class rules. I hope the two teachers can deal with it fairly and don't take care of me and Ah Fang."

 Friendship py: "The voice changes at the beginning, but the other party is actually a girl at the same table"

  After accidentally discovering that the deskmate was the girl he mistakenly flirted with, the originally peaceful life began to become interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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