Only after I was reborn did I realize that I had green plums.

Chapter 316 Pengcheng or Shanghai Stock Exchange?

Chapter 316 Pengcheng or Shanghai Stock Exchange?

There is no story to tell in the boring senior year of high school. The balance in 2013 will soon be exhausted. After donating 200 million for Jiangcheng Division [-], Mei Youyuan is only a public figure, so she has also obtained some privileges. Now He can take unlimited time off or leave early to keep busy with his own affairs.

Although such privileged behavior may make some students feel uncomfortable, Mei Fang acts in a low-key manner and will not show off in front of others. In addition, he has indeed improved the living conditions of the students, so the students only admire and respect him. , and did not make more troubles because of jealousy.

After Mei Fang and Lin Youxi got together, Xia Yuan officially released her second album "Admonition in the Fog", which contains most of the works of Xu Hao's album of the same name in her previous life and some works of Xu Liang. The overall tone is a sad love song Mainly.

If such an album is released without interviews, Mei Fang's image will inevitably receive a lot of criticism; but after all, Xia Yuan also publicly blessed Mei Fang and Lin Youxi in the new release video, which can be regarded as dispelling many people's doubts.

Under the guidance of Mei Fang, the maiden work of Coconut Juice Studio of Ximilu Games officially completed the development of version 1.0.0. Mei Fang did not insist on bringing Simi Instead of revealing the logo of the game, it ran to Penguin's Yingyongbao channel matrix and became one of Penguin's published works, which can be regarded as showing its own strength to the father of the funder.

For Mei Fang, the positioning of Coconut Milk Studio is very clear-this is the hematopoietic department of Similu Games, and it is the studio's priority to strive to develop works with a wider audience without violating industry ethics. Target.

As for the new plan of the independent game platform and Similu Studio, Mei Fang intends to consider it after assisting the boys and girls in the club to complete the development of "King Power: Three Kingdoms". After all, this card game also needs Guo Yun's continued assistance.

Whether the next game will continue to be an independent game capable of artistic expression, or a more ambitious big production, this is a question that Mei Fang needs to carefully consider next.

The live broadcast module of Station C will be tested for the first time at the beginning of the second year. At the same time, the topic of research and development together is 3D virtual idol planning, but it may take next summer for the first work to be born.

All in all, the second half of 2013 was even more busy than before. Mei Fang received invitations from many universities in succession during the advancement of various tasks. After a lot of bargaining, there are only two schools left that are suitable for Mei Fang's needs——

Shuangdan University on the eastern coast and Pengcheng University in Pengcheng in the south.

"As far as the comprehensive ranking of the school itself is concerned, Shuangdan University is undoubtedly a better choice. It has better teacher conditions and a broader network of students."

Mei Fang continued to explain, "The Shanghai stock market itself is an economic capital with great development prospects. Two-dimensional culture and game industries will flourish here."

"But you put Pengcheng University in the list of choices, is it because it has something more attractive? Or is there something wrong with Shuangdan."

"Shuangdan University does not have a music department, so it cannot provide Yuanyuan with corresponding opportunities for further study."

Mei Fang thought, "Although they mentioned that they can help us contact the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, but in this way we will not be in the same place when we go to college, and it will be more remote. Besides, Shuangdan can't satisfy the privileges I want."

"That's not good..."

Xia Yuan thought for a while, "However, if we only compare the cities, I personally prefer the Shanghai stock market. Compared with Pengcheng, it has a more metropolitan feel. Pengcheng has many villages in the city, which makes it less urban. "

"However, I heard that people in Shanghai are quite xenophobic. Pengcheng is all foreigners, so there won't be that kind of barrier."

"Yes, after all, you are from Pengcheng."

Mei Fang smiled and said to Xia Yuanlin Youxi, the two of them would never understand how much Mei Fang's words revealed how much heartache she had working in Pengcheng in her previous life.

Pengcheng University is similar to another school that Mei Fang knew in his previous life, but it is developing more rapidly. This university is located in the Longxing Land of Penguin Penguin. Although it is not well-known as a new university, its scores are already close to the mid-range. 985, dominating one side in Pengcheng.

In addition, its financial budget reached an astonishing No. [-] in the country last year. It can be said that it is the cheapest university in China, and it is also one of the universities that Internet upstarts love to discuss. The ranking of computer majors is also among the top in the country. This is also an important reason why Mei Fang focuses on Pengcheng University.

"Although Pengcheng University is not as famous as Shuangdan University, it is not a school that you can get into casually. First of all, it is the alma mater of Pony Ma, and it has a deep-rooted connection with Penguin. The school's budget is quite large. rich."

"Secondly, Pengcheng University itself has majors related to game design. Compared with Shuangdan University, I can better collect game and Internet development talents from it."

Mei Fang paused, and then continued to add: "For Yuanyuan, this school has a music department, and the ranking is relatively high."

Mei Fang explained, "Of course the most important thing is that the director of the admissions office of Pengcheng mentioned to me that as long as the three of us can pass the entrance examination, they will provide various conveniences for our school activities as much as possible, including There are no credit and grade point requirements, and support company-related incubation, funding provision, and various teacher guidance work.”

Mei Fang pouted, "Although the latter conditions are better than nothing, they are still very sincere. If I were poor, I would agree on the spot."

"Ah, so there is still an exam?"

Xia Yuan showed a distressed expression when he heard the words, "I thought I didn't have to work hard in the third year of high school..."

"How can there be such a convenient thing. Although we are well-known public figures, we still have to comply with the regulations of the school's admissions office if we want to enter the university we want, otherwise the impact will be bad. For example, Shuangdan University also needs to pass the self-enrollment examination and The previous NOIP results are used to reduce the requirements to the first line. As for Yuanyuan, you are not considered to enter."

"Woo...I know my grades are not good...don't suppress me like this."

Xia Yuan scratched her head, looked at Mei Fang and said, "So A Fang, what do you think is more suitable?"

"I also want to ask your opinion. After all, if the location of the university is determined, the headquarters of our station C will also be updated to a more developed area. A big county like Jiangcheng will definitely not be able to develop."

"Although this sounds a bit heart-wrenching...but it seems to be the case."

Xia Yuan thought for a while, "As far as the city is concerned, I like the Shanghai stock market, but it would be a pity if we can't go to university together... After all, it seems that our primary purpose of going to university is not really to learn more knowledge in university."

"I think what Yuanyuan said is very reasonable...we continue to study in college mainly to accumulate and develop contacts, and the comprehensive ranking of the school is not so important. In addition, the experience of living in school is also very important."

Lin Youxi said warmly, "Although I have never been to Pengcheng or Shanghai Stock Exchange, Pengcheng is a new city after all. I think our development in Pengcheng will be better than Shanghai Stock Exchange. Of course, it is up to A Fang in the end." Whatever you choose, I will support you."

"Me too, fully support Afang!"

Pengcheng is still the Shanghai stock market...

In fact, Mei Fang is also very entangled in this issue.

Judging from previous life experience, the game industry in Shanghai is obviously more developed, and the two-dimensional culture is extremely prevalent. Pengcheng obviously does not have such conditions, and the cultural development here is not even as good as that of Huadu next door.

Moreover, setting the headquarters in Pengcheng is actually equivalent to bowing to Penguin.

Although Mei Fang is good at hugging thighs, she is completely tied to the penguin, which is not what Mei Fang wants...

But Mei Fang himself has a little obsession with Pengcheng. Although he doesn't have much affection for this city, it is after all the place where he has devoted many years of hard work and left many precious memories here.If it cannot rise again here, Mei Fang will feel a little bit uneasy.

Seeing that Mei Fang had doubts, Lin Youxi also said at this time, "If you are really entangled in the university experience and future development, wouldn't it be better to focus on the next four years? Anyway, the transportation is so convenient now, it is not impossible to run at both ends. Bar?"

"That's true... Anyway, I still have three companies to deploy."

Mei Fang thought for a while, "I think, as expected, you still can't let Yuanyuan go to college alone. It's very troublesome to meet each other. After all, going to college is for life experience."

"Is that going to Pengcheng?"

Xia Yuan hugged Mei Fang's neck and sat on him, "It's settled?"

"It's settled, let's go to Pengcheng."

"Okay!" Xia Yuan got up immediately and said, "Then I'll go and see the house in Pengcheng first! Let's buy a big house next to the school and live together!"

"Remember to buy a large flat floor, the kind that can overlook the panoramic view."

Lin Youxi smiled and said, "Then, let's go to the beach to buy a villa."

"Yeah, I forgot about it! Let's take a look, Afang!"


Buy a house in Pengcheng.

Something that I never dared to think about in my previous life happened.

 In fact, as far as my personal understanding of the industry is concerned, the layout in Shanghai is more reasonable, but I didn’t find a job in Shanghai and was abandoned by Shanghai. I am really not familiar with Shanghai, so I can only write stories in Shenzhen, what the hell.Pengcheng University is a fictitious university. The world setting is 985, and the prototype is Shenzhen University, which has been improved by magic changes.

(End of this chapter)

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