Chapter 320 Dark Forest
"The reason why Yuanyuan and I really broke up..."

Mei Fang and Lin Youxi looked at each other, he didn't expect his mother to ask this suddenly in the car.

There are many reasons for preparing the words, but they are just a perfunctory contingency strategy, but Mei Fang and Lin Youxi heard something else from Xiang Xiaoxia's voice.

Mother Xiang Xiaoxia is trying to find out the true meaning of the three.

If the wolfish ambition of the threesome is exposed too early without shocking the mother's values ​​in advance, the mother may absolutely resist;

But if you keep concealing your true intentions, there is no way to go further on the road of threesomes, and even cause some unnecessary misunderstandings.

Therefore, the answer about this time is both an opportunity and a challenge for the Mei side.

It's just that there are some words that he can't express clearly from his standpoint.

Mei Fang pondered for a while, and then thought: "It's the same as what I said before, although being a lover is also very good, but there will be a little gap... For example, when she was dating Yuanyuan, she didn't know much about it. How do you deal with Youxi, what do you think, Youxi?"

Mei Fang handed over the topic to Lin Youxi who was leaning on her shoulders, and this young lady of the Lin family naturally understood what the official Mei was thinking.

She got up from Mei Fang, and then said:

"Yuanyuan and I have actually expressed our love for Afang very early on, but we didn't want to hurt Afang. The idea at the time was to compete fairly and wait for Afang to make his own choice."

Lin Youxi went on to say, "But after going to high school together later, there will be more opportunities to be alone, especially when Yuanyuan and Afang were writing songs together, the relationship progressed very quickly. Yuanyuan couldn't hold back for a while and confessed, and then , and then Ah Fang..."

"He just agreed, without considering your feelings?"

Xiang Xiaoxia glanced at Mei Fang, and Mei Fang scratched her head in embarrassment, "I was still young at that time, and sometimes it was really inappropriate to think about it... and in that atmosphere, it was actually... Forget it, let's not talk This is it."

So Lin Youxi continued, "In short, although Yuanyuan was indeed with A Fang and had a good time together, she still felt sorry for me, and felt that she violated the agreement of waiting for A Fang to choose. "

"Oh, you children are so innocent. There's nothing fair or unfair about this kind of thing."

Mei Lijun said while driving the car, "Like in our time, it was parents who made decisions, and they got together after a while when they thought it was right. Relationships are things that come first..."

"Driving your car well, and no one asks you, how can the previous era be compared with the present."

"That's it!"

Meiya, who was quiet and obsessed with eating melons, gave her dad a thump in the back, "Drive hard!"

"Okay, okay, I don't say anything."

Mei Lijun was a little aggrieved.

At this time, Lin Youxi also continued, "So I think Yuanyuan broke up with Afang because of guilt, but I am not as kind as Yuanyuan. If Yuanyuan quits voluntarily and gives Afang to me, I will I won’t give up on Fang—but, even so…”

At this moment, Lin Youxi hugged Mei Fang's arm again, and looked up at her lover, "Actually, you still have a lot of affection for Yuanyuan, right?"

"But I have the same feelings for you..."

Mei Fang did not directly respond to Lin Youxi's question, but it was also equivalent to acquiescing that he had no more love for Xia Yuan.

Lin Youxi was not angry because Mei Fang said his feelings for Yuanyuan, but smiled at him, pinched Mei Fang's nose lightly, and then looked at Mei's mother in the front row to complain to Xiaoxia:

"Aunt Xiang, listen! Afang is a philanderer."

"Ah? Well...Although you and Yuanyuan have a good relationship...but, no matter what, your current girlfriend is Youxi, you have to keep a little distance from Yuanyuan, right?"

Mei Fang spread her hands helplessly, "Then I still can't neglect Yuanyuan, you always tell me that."

"Keeping a distance doesn't mean that you should neglect Yuanyuan. You can make so much money, there is always a way, right?"

"Aunt Xiang, I was joking when I said Afang's playful words just now."

Lin Youxi stuck out her tongue with a smile, "Actually... I don't mind that Afang and Yuanyuan are close."

As she spoke, she leaned on Mei Fang's arms and drew circles on his chest, closed her eyes and said softly, "Because, if Yuanyuan didn't let me, I would never have the chance to be with Afang."

"Youxi, don't say that..."

Xiang Xiaoxia was numb by Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan's manipulation.

Both are good boys, Yuanyuan is kind and Youxi is considerate.

Xiang Xiaoxia could tell that they liked Afang since elementary school.

But I never imagined that the simple liking since childhood would last for so many years and become a love that lasts like family affection and cannot be parted.

If she was forced to choose one, she really couldn't bear to make a choice...

And at this time, sister Xiaoya, who had been listening to melons, finally started to exert her strength:

"Speaking of which, since both sisters like my brother, wouldn't it be good to be his wife? My brother has a lot of money, so he won't let the sisters suffer."

"Xiaoya, if you don't say a few words, you are the one who talks more!"

"But I think it's a reasonable opinion..."

Mei Ya took Lin Youxi's arm and asked her, "Sister Youxi, do you hate Sister Yuanyuan?"

"Then how?"

Lin Youxi smiled warmly, "Yuanyuan is as important a family member to me as Afang, and I believe I am the same to Yuanyuan."


"Look, Mom, they don't hate each other, so it's—"

"For grown-ups, children should talk less."


Mei Lijun has been driving seriously, but he will glance at the rearview mirror from time to time;
Xiang Xiaoxia scolded Mei Ya for being ignorant, but after seeing Lin Youxi's response, she couldn't help but mutter in her heart.

In fact, in order to achieve the goal of a threesome, it is also a psychological game between the positions of all parties. It is like a dark forest. Whoever reveals his intention first will be manipulated by the other party.

Mei Youyuan was worried that she would not get the support of her parents, and the parents also speculated about the children's thoughts.

Although the process of this psychological game was extremely long, at least Mei Fang and Lin Youxi sent two key messages by assisting Wang Meiya's question:

Xia Yuan and Mei Fang are completely in love with each other.

Lin Youxi's feelings for Xia Yuan were also extremely deep.

Among the few parents whose positions and interests are least conflicting are the Mei family's parents. What's wrong with having two daughters-in-law for nothing?
It is nothing more than whether one's own moral quality can allow oneself to accept it.

Although I can't hear the parents' thoughts in the current conversation, I haven't heard Xiang Xiaoxia's strong opposition. This is a good start.

At the same time, Xia Yuan was also tortured by her parents. Mei Fang received a message from Yuan Yuan in the car complaining about it. She sent it in a small group of three people.

[My parents began to ask me why I broke up with you!cry cry.jpg]

【Then what do you say?Is it the same as what we said before? 】

[It's a little different... My point is that I sneaked away first to apologize to Youxi, so I gave her the chance back. 】

[Besides that, I did one more thing... that is, it's equivalent to telling you that You Xi has only been with you for a year. Do you think it's okay? 】

Lin Youxi also sent a message here and asked: [That is to say... just let me and Afang fall in love for a year? 】

[Yes, yes! 】

Lin Youxi smiled and sent a message: [You are really afraid that I will occupy A Fang and not let go. 】

[I didn't mean that!Grievance.jpg, I want to give my family some hope, knowing that Afang may return to me]

[But it doesn't matter if you say it, at least there will be room for maneuver in a year. You can tell your family about it, so that Afang won't be stabbed to death by Uncle Xia when he sleeps at night]

[Is my father so fierce!Shocked.jpg]

[There must be, the eyes of killing a person cannot be hidden. 】

Mei Fang also replied to the message here, and then smiled at Lin Youxi.

There is still a long way to go in the psychological game with parents.

However, as long as the separation and reunion of the first stage is successfully returned, the parents will become numb later on.

Mei Fang got off the car and pulled Mei Ya aside.

"Aeromodelling or surrounding areas?"

Maya smiled and said to her brother, "Are you so self-conscious, brother? It's not in vain for your sister. I watched you grow up."

She said and patted her brother's arm, and then showed a meaningful Arnia smile:
"Your sister doesn't want anything this time, brother, you just need to bring me the two sister-in-laws."

As she spoke, Meiya showed a serious expression, stood at attention and saluted her brother:

"Before the success of this great Challenger 3 project, Comrade Maya will swear to the death to defend all the secrets of this project, and will never abandon it!"

"Resby, Comrade Maya!"

Mei Fang also made a gesture of salute to her sister, and the two seemed to be in perfect harmony.

"The relationship between these two brothers and sisters is really good!"

"Who says it's not..."

Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan, who were getting off the bus, looked at each other and smiled.

 Finished coding, continue in the early morning?
(End of this chapter)

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